The Wingham Times, 1897-04-09, Page 3griti
Tell the Troth flirt l othitbg got
HONEST the Truth..
HOZ EST ` ESTa t.11' tfe'-:E din
tom Canadian Are Positive
Proof of the Suess of His
What People 'tN1:ct £rive Blaen
Cured by trio leuilyun :3er131e41irJ
Have to say About Them,
Mr.'1'hntnas Shaw, Merton Out. testis.,
"I tsut troubled with 411b.peu,titt anti
net ewes! ees for twelli y , estr, J I. fled
,everything that 5ta> Advt. rtiwett and 4:013 -
many (ioetx,ttr 1t ho tit nit. set
good. d begun tieing Jlantanl'a
Sill 0t11'e aud Nerve (Jurela:l•3 t,ty /tare
Droved the best thine' that 1 have ever
used. T um feeling betltt•r than 1 Ii,ive
before in years.
Mnape' b J(heun(1(1 rn (.Aire t~4'Ideel
fella to lelieve in unto to Olive Iruure land
cures in a ft4w tinyt. Price ;,tt.
]111un) ull's 1.)) snot- ()ore pa-oilvrly
•Cures all forma or tali!.,,.$! lee met ni.,ttl-
aleh trouble. Pri, _:;
nnyI,e'eC'olit 0u10 prer'outta 114041.
11114 141.1. hart 1)( 011146 Up h t•rsl.i 111 14 feta
Iran:s Pr rw+, eat:.
lklnayou's Uough Cure biu1.N nought.,
night 81,11, eats, alio) a, unit speeds
ly heals the lungs, Pi it( ',,:.
Aillun)'on'r; Kidney (lure ttpett)ily nu roe.
pares in the back, bills 4,r ro ic4 ,rail i1f
forms or kidney d i:W.1S t. L'111410 23 :.
44uny'on'rs llerrda* i... ()tlr.- t.to3.,: ht.tot
ache a three min trii s. Prire3:,*•.
f1)Un)of'e i''ilr) : )inttitt•I,i, p rlliin•IY
cures all forms of pleat Po ice, ,y:)::.
111•44ny'on's l,lyud Uu rt On re er.t*ltt•ntes till
impurities of the bond. 1'rirr,+_tliYt.
Mot) en's 1.Pe tratltl i1,Nn,4',h✓N are a •
bum) to all women.
111un)on's Ass nIrl tire„ -(311* 4*-ileve in
;1 irtinetcs EH nib. Pelee.
Mutt), n's (`t(ttmt h Ii' Yue+1s, i4 ,:ewer
' fail. The (intarrfl Our.. pi iv..
erad ,ate$ the diil eee r-eit, Et,,, . ^t.•trl,
VIE] the Catarrh ',"Ni,k•i,--pl•rre 3i .— r
eleent-'e1InrI hell 111P 3ulrti. t
Mtinyoc'H Nerve Cure is a n„ *Yl"rt'uf
nerve ionic. Pricy, „:,r•.
Munyon's 1'italizl+r r-1l4:res l„-7, rigor
Price 131.
A separate cure for ettel4 disease. At it
all.druggists, ruostly Lr5r'. n yi..).
(Personal letters to (:'rut. 11uny,tn, 11 t
Inbert St, Toronto, Nuswer; ri with •,
free rneriLa1 advice for env d':t,•v,,:4•.
tl,k t . `.LIES, APRIL J., L&W ,.
ST.OL N froze EXCHANGES 1 Si °ty years. Aga Monday, 'Ilii' and
iirr nit as i1tan;Icl (:f Irail eritin
13a,refte ed I,tobberr•• sere made matt and is it`4•, 11Ir.
Ilona: le at tnau N•:IO l+,{. lett 3a geed
ii-e:tl of fife, awl iltieigIt ileo rupia
81 +,4alr'o 41f egc is t+iiff little ntel
he:~t'11;”- le the eebeldiolr 4.f ;3? 11r.
Hume took t. very 1+t'ottaatlent
)111 pate.
Farmers eomineneed seeding last,
week in elle neighborhood of Iltlulil-
rt tial,
Tete le 'limey Organ Face
'etld;luleyeee hrtve organized a b
.tiles Lura Brawn of Clinton a
11r, lelutrles t11c'Pa,ggart of Aylir
Were (,Harriet! }list week.
A . Made 1)e1unging tt) W Satish.
.(•f h'oi•t1i leastllupe gave birth
,(Lir• 'e cults, Feb. 21.
.Jul Ied.\able from 13elgreve, at
(brother ,t'r'eat Plast 1 Vawanosh, b.
))ought the Sty tal'ln in 1it111ett.ft
The heed4cr:t ef'Oatt:etlte aro :4t3otit
nti ;
to pea/elite ;hti •f t)et11'it.at4•+tt, l.() oblige,
1(# ;ill J0;1,14011'6 tt3 ta4ka, ma 4{e.;attar iel'ti
tor'*t1',,, 331;,1+ 4Hr ;4(i(xi11,44o att4d)12•liti(:e-
ship, :1,ed*d thee a.i! 3tertr(•r' a tr,ils
u1, ' t,ii welter the ittep( e•Ih4u of the )11'u-
Ni, Fred Bethune of Seaforth h
returned home from 'Toronto, whe
he was attending the medical sehuu
Tile dog p )loaner is gettit.g
wurlc c3n.t,11 inure hi 13t•u3sulia.
llugg dust a ha,ltlsolne Clog Oil Tan
di:y, from pulent,
Old' this ,hurt the ice extends fur
or 7 mime, atlld it is not likely tits
nee:leadutr will eotiit ence befut
4%1ay.-•-.(iuderieli Star, •
Clinton bowlers lire on the ale
getting their lawn in order int reale
it/tercet. will be taken iii this populi
genie 0teriti•b the coming Summer,
Hey. D. ilullantyne is rctirilt
from tri*) et,LLLursltip of the :;iota
1','4 iigtfieiaiu, mid. also Air. Frazer u
the a11e1t ,L't:onl the Presbyteria
silt -ie! iteal tit title! i'tltt::tlt.'1.kl,.it.{+utero
rltdt t. 4441. 4:'t5{+ i i) .1i+ i1, a1 i 1. tilt' the
11 tai" 4 pert e.e, i71.:llit tone 3tit,u. and
eu.4. 'tt** 4"t•11•wlt.e tut• ,1Zl14 (fl.ertr.e.e,
,.D ,u. ,a ty t cit tr-.>r•k '1 Ali. 1''•4rlte;
t34l•( 9t I1a :4t1 4te..,:i41,'l3l tic...t nil: 11G
as 11 4 tit .4411)114"4:41 14 ire of r...;• :,;'ill of aur
I( "t<'. 1dYt t4'a St't,rI4.1II r.4 ,Istlites
3,;•41'46., t+it! '4t• 14.4,44, 1., .j!'1'1, :Intl
to•4tidt;:• {.15•,Itl,r,t',' 44 li11;14 tit i tlt, 1111 the
l,t girt. tit:a•4:t1 I,i' twl,'nl li •'1• ut, oti 'nig
^ 14t744 1•i tl1t; tiiV, catl$t4lg 4 (4;lltlrld
''«•+4t,4d. Ile' li now *143 4t fail' way
to recovery, anti hope is held for hint
ti regaining his bight.
.0 'PA`s Kincardine Review says:—
i'he hv'fer , the ex')lo'io,l of
w±llt,y crieetd the de:Itn of' 1Cenne)h
rt D[CDatr3l3id, or Bruce, was said to
tt ha 4 beets repaired only a few clays
le before, The boiler WWI repaired b1•
Hunter Brot. of Kincardine, and
,,, they found that in packing the safe -
u ty vale nn the dome the "expert"
had put on two plies of heavy rub -
,r bel; leaving only a_ 1• ineh_ hole
Instead of a 3 inch hole for the steatn
to escape. NI) malt could eacre pre-
•, vented an explosion-, under' the
On Saetarelay March 27th, .11i
fuhu elullieen, one of IIltrrietut,,
elites ai.d .Let known citizens, pace
away after.t...tiedious illness of cutin
Mr; George Leet has rented a lift)
acre 'farm bow (ice, Parker Suu
hitt°, fur geteeirrg purposes. Ice it
ends buvitlg a number of cattle au(
Catteniti - them for the fall market
The National hotel propert,y Si
larys, passes from the hands of it
resent proprietor, Mr. W. Denuee
u its purchasers Messrs. Whe}ihau
1irue: A new post office may be
react! un the site.
cireanstandes that have jtrdt come to
Y Rev. Iir. Ramsay, of Mount Forest,
has aeeepted the call extended to
hue by Knox church, Ottawa. The
. furmer pastor of this eona'regatioi
ens Rev. M::'. Ballantyne, who resign-
( ed the pastorate to accept a profLssor-
, chip in Knox College, Toronto, Rev.
Mr I,',runsay, the new pastor, is a
• forinen FIuron boy, being a native of
Exeter, and for several years was
the esteemed pastor of -Londesboro
and Mullett congregations, which
charges he resigned a few years ago
to accept a call from the congrega-
tion which he now leaaves, for
01 to wa.
A. Trick Ti; at leallect
The dishonest elan i.s petty sure b
tab over -ranch 11ITI >clf stoner or Inter g
in the following• t torr' iron rowed t
from an exchange:
In a hotel in Iierl'n them Wag ai t
night watchman,whe did roc. take
kindly to the system 33411,},14'41n few ayears ago. recoiling- Ilial t,4 goLi
throug the hotel at cat thin boars end
ateneh a set of electric buttons. 4,
After leech thought he rigged up 11
an automatic arrangement 043 sever-
al of the br,ttans, so tint they
♦you'd report att•:artaie hour&
Soon the mitten system got so one th
of order that the management abolish (0
ed it, and a pedometer was given to c0
the watchman, which would register m
oven step he took.
All went Well the first two eights:
but on the third morning th.' old. I1
Man wail nl}ssing. On Itenl'ch bring th
-made he was fi)und.sound Asleep in dt
the engine room, with the pe(irtnleter A
so attached to the piston rod 44' the is
engine that with (}vel V strike it
registered a step. l't had been'
travelling all night, and when taken J
off it registered two hundred and
twelve miles. ev
That Flood's Sarsaprit}n euriliee the Ili
the blood and relieves n vast, amount of fa
sufl'erinsris rot at theory but 44 well-
know}t feet.
1):.1 Yo Ball ...Al the lie:anenton tireug, tit gr!'e41en3 111 the 0rangevll,d
aul, hit,, taken to writing' poetry,
vhieh Ile ballets or the -unfortunate
4adcrs of the "fisc!'. Itis ehar.rc-
er is bad but his poetry is worse.
The special collection taken up to
le Presbyterian church, Seaiurtii
n a rec lit Sunday, in aid of tee.
)reign mission fund, amounted to
vereighty dollars, and for the
ohne mission over nine dollars.
The inspectors of the Carrick
'Jnatluial Company have secured
c services of an expert aceountni,t
go over the books of the iusolvc.,t
rnulyfur the past six and mike
on tits.
011 Tuesday afternoon, at /t,11.1. )r
Gilt took place at the Lynn fat in
ttst Williams, the oceassion • beingI
e lnaeriage of Miss Ella, youngest
tughter or the Late James Me•
rthur, to Dr. Thompson of (;ruder-
A painful accident happened to
ounce the six year old son of Rev.
• McLeod, Ripley, on Tuesday
ening. He was playing in the
use, and had climed upon the
Me from which he felt and broke
s arm. Ice is pro-gressi:.ig
On Friday March 20th there
sse(1 away an estimable young
in the .person of' Miss Emma
MCKenzie. aged 36 years. The
ceased was formerly of Kincardine
vin. left there about fifteen year-!
0, going to Detroit where site re•
ained up to her death.
The secretary of the ,Walkerton
igh School Board, received from
o Felacation Departement
A deliberate and premeditate
attempt at suicide was made by
raw -teen tear old Harpui•hey boy o
Wednesday, The )•cellar lad earn
dew 1u n town and pure!„(sed it box of
"Sure death to li'rrts,” and a(.luantity
of figs, which he mixed up and then
ate a sufficient quantity to cause
death. Before the peisnn had had
tirne to do its work, however, he
seemed to repent of his rash act and
c(lrtfesssed what he had da,t,e to seine
Of Atte neighbors, who immediately
apprlie,t emetics. He - was then.
brought to a doctor's office, and the
, stomach -pante used, thus saving hi,
life.—Seaforth Expositor.
Remarking that it do=erl't seem to
he generally known that every man
who serves on a enroner's jury is
now entitled. to payment for his
services, .the Hamilton II )told says
that some coroners, even are not
aware of the fact. "By a.n act passed
by the Legiilaiure last year every
jur Iran is entii'led to fifr•y cents a
day when the inquest does not last
linger than four units 4411 any day,
and if it exceeds four /tout's he is
entitled to a dollar a. dee. In addi-
tion he is allowed ten cents a mile
tu;leage. The act came into force
nearly a year ago, but many men
who have served on coroners' juries
since then have failed t t take advant-
age of their rights.
of So Crrazy as Tie adeemed.
At. Bloomingdale Asylum they
lixvo among the ass(inlbled lunatics
many who are not to violent or too
mischievous to be allowed to ream
about the grounds. Recently the
superintendent has given oecupatiiotl
to some of these trusties, by utilia.
• Ng them in tarrying o11 the improve
meats about the abylutn grounds.
Solite of thein flail been set to trundl-
ing .bricks in wheelbarrows.
11, few days ago a gray -bearded
mala was noticed by one of the at-
teedants, promenading solemnly
t13r('ugh a side path, pntshi"ii ' before
a wheelbarrow tul'llecl upside'- down
Here you, cried the attendant,
hold + n,
Well, he said what is it?
What at'eyoL4 doing with that
Friend, replied the crazy man,
with a patient courtesy, if you Jlad
IN itched life carefully you would
have seen what 1 was doing with the
wheelbarrow. I was pushing it
friend, I will now push it surae inure,
ilo started on.
Hold on a minute, protested the
attendant. Don't you know that it,
foolish to push a wheelbarrow is
wrong side up,
Foolish? sasd the lunatic, • Nut on
your life is it foolish,. I ate not so
erazy as I look, friend. Yesterday
I kept my wheelbairrow right side
up, and a pie -faced Irishman filled it
full of brick. }+ know bettcrnow.
Among the Poultry
Eggs at a. cent apiece will pay.
With early broilers sex cuts no
• to
Dark feathers usually cover dark
Usually fist fowls are uncertain
Lazy hens lay on fat, but bt;sy
hens lay eggg•
Dry -picked petitti'y generally
brings tho best price.
coal'oil applied to the roosts will
kill all kinds or'parasites.
IIens often fail to lay in winter
because th, y are too fat.
Hens that are laying regularly
should have a little extra feel.
Early Matched chickens fthuuld not
get chilled this month; or brood dis-
d eases will be the result.
!tI Milk, fresh or sour, buttermilk,
n skilnlned milk, mixed with heal,
e makes a ;c,41d feed for poultry.
Goldthrope's sawmill at Hayfield. Pa
leas been busily envleed for sc''eral it
weeks in the manufacture of rollers NI
for the British markets. Heron cle
{County cont( ibntect illalt)' thousands ha
of mania rollers' every season to ag
British markets. In that c'luntry 111
the roller's are aad principally in
the printing of wall paper, the de- I-1
signs being engraved on the roller, th
usrt ss
Ia emised by torpid liver, which prevents diges-
tion and permits food to ferment and putrlfy in
t10 stomach. Then follow dizziness,iness, headache,
lasornina, nerVonat)3g3, and, r li
if not relieved, bilious fever
or blood poisoning. Ii0od's
.,,..• Ellis stimulate tiro stomach,
zonae the liver, euro headache,dt%ztnesb, +0n.
ay'oatItboYsspa1Ulm onlrills ttkewith Iid'Sa druggists,
her day, a. diploma framed in oala
in recognition of the assistance reit-'
dared to the department in gettiir.t
up an Exhibit for the Chicago
11 Joseph u '
l . ryas ex - Reeve ,
,Evans, I eoc o f
Iiillo and
c p, a ad one of the oldest an 1
est respected residents departed
1'Vorlcl4 Pair.
• >e ., , ,
this 1tf., a few days ago. Mr. I.v.r ir,
had been in poor health for the p;14%
few years, but prcviouti to that l
he was ft strong and vigorous t11an.
He was a a native of Ireland, and it
llontalt Catholic in religion, and 111
polities a staunch Conservative.
A Banker's Experience.
"I tried a bottle of DI. C'hnre'c Syrup
of Linseed and'l''irpentinr for a trouble
13ff,tntinn of the 3hrout:" writes Mana-
der Pnortni Bewailt of the Standard
}t4nk ill' 14 tlelnturn •r>von 4,4+ '1'oronto4
Lt ;novel efi'a4st}t'4'. 1 Pr.!' t'.1 the remedy
N' 13444331). r4linpl8 1ev 1 •4: .+acro:;•!} good
it his h'*hert,t h4Pn -'11 34. flit to consult
N'ih(+tttr hI Trott 4104 .,r gltl; n.(tUre. dere"
atter. 1 ter ba .up ocvn f,trnily
afraid 1 3*3' l'hed rattier a.
tong sermon, demean," solid the min.
inter, who was anxious ll4r a word of
Crnilnion(14ltion. • •
"011 11n,pllrsott," r(llllie,1 the honest
Ivan; "it 13Ver'lged 1313 bell"
"Ilow so i)"
11; may have been a truce long,
1)Itt when it wsg tli'il ln•l' very broad
nor eery -deep."
The be-lt.a4:d most natural feed
far the pirlltry house is dry earth,
kept clean and dry.
"We will not discharge you," said
the manager. "We shall allow you
to tender your resignation."
"'Tendering it will not make it
any less tough," said the young main
who was getting laid off until better
The Order—It's wonderful; old
man, what love will enable a fellow
to see in a gill that he never saw
before. •
Tee O.11oaker—.v.)dtithe 13.1t it's
equally wonderful what it won't let
him see that he'll see later.
"Is Sei'ymser progressive?"
"1'rog•ressive? 1Vh)*, that fellow
can tell when his wife is going to
slake mince pie. IIe always has the
nightmare the might before."
1i The Stomach is Not Right.
Is there N'4att.ea1' Is there Constipation P
Is the Te ntcutr Coated P Are lrotz light
Headed P Do you have Siek Heath
,Any and all of these denOt• Stoneete olid •
Liver disorder.
13r. Agnew`s Liver pills act golokly
and w1cure metto
d bborn and
chronic) CAB'S. 1Vo unpleasantness. No,
Griping. These little pills aro little I
wonder workers and ere far famed. 40
In a vial for 20 ora. Sold at Chieholtn's 1
Drug Stora.
•11 Ill..I'.y IIl41U114:IIIIIIIII'11111'll.'lllYilllll ll'll lU- 7.,
v'• etelobiePreparatjonfor As- .
ti3 «i;i:lilat111n t1 n: ,t, 77 t r, SIGNATURE
i 1• $ 5;y tliil. + . lata LCtus r.d.L'.o el.;1 4. \ '
' • 4'1' prn'.ft"i,1. iY✓WO .Ci^p. 'q't 1'1'
Promotes Di gestion,Clieerful-
rti.:'ss awl liest.COlitains neither
£SII luuT. Morphine nor Mineral.
k •OT itaA.Te C) 4()TXa`''..
raycfOkl-rir 'fl.?EZP.1 C 4
.tib-.A/Psem a.: -
4713E Sea R
X3F;,d' -
I't torten sr.,!:.
,3r'arr 3esd
4e -tad 31:910.
t:dery.' 1 ike)27:
Der,ec: peiztcdy for Constip--
iio'n,. $our Storaach,ZJiarrtloea,
,::0ss ondLos 3 Or SLEEP
FacSrrrule Signature of
NEW YO11 {.
-..,_.0 r.` -_-
Oastoria is put up in ono -size bottles only, It
is not sold in bulk. Don't allose' anyone to sell
yen anything else on the plea or promise that it
is "just as good" and "*333 answer every pur-
pose," s," Bee that you got C-A->;-T-0-R-IAA,
Tho foo•
ie ea
e e ivory
4o vY s J r ,r tar apo:.
#:. •;`' i' ; ..',;F, A. .•., ..f, .-ii" 4.P.: -.%a i•^ -_iJr`vt""ki J +- :t.6.. .C'•s ,
t tar L
• • T. ,,,
We do neat work in the Job Printing business and 'at g
prices as low as the lowest, If you are in need of any-
thtng such as 42
Or anything in the line of Printing, call or write to th
old reliable TIMES Office, Wingham.
1 will give Fifty Dollars to any person who will bring me
Watch or CIock I cannot repair and make to run as well as,
or better than ever.
Josephine• St., \'Vin, h:w
Opposite 1lacdonAld Block,
e"rrro trrrrTYttrtTrrrtrrr rrrvrt Tru/T.
[The D. di, L
Is invaluable, if you are run
:down, as it is a (;odd as well as a
4. a medicine.
I. The b. & 1.. Emulsion
Win build you up if your general health 15
Tho D. & L. Emulsion 1
EIs the bast and "test palatable preparation of
Cod Liver O
with the most l
Cate stomachs.
i The 0. & L
Is prescribed by the leading physicians of
The .deL.Em
Is a tnarveilous flesh producer and will give •
you an appetite. 4
80e. & 7$1 per Bottle
' 17o euro you get 1 DAVIS & f AWRENOE c0,r i,'10.
iltegenulus tedNYRS1tt.
1" t11j1.u-u1ulllil11_t111 , uL((UJ. ).1J•1. 41
Break tip a Coil hi Thi
ny 4)51NG
xhc Otrtek Caro for Com` :I4 . a
cin. i
Ai s. Jo Rr4i h )t•trrc,
tr,S..aa t:i.l,rro. ,
'til I4*4 ,.-
• itot fru .l x
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jdn112A,l r\.1, I ,
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. , U ;tet'
13. c1 n
+ t r ,t vt
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.14 s
.t4tilu r..
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Ms test na
P l *i M1
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Ym4,444 It -1 n1Y,, •' ',