The Wingham Times, 1897-04-09, Page 1ANG VOL. XXVI,---NO, 1313. WTNGIIAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 9,1.89 i 111 ENIZZ,'Iossre„,bam-0,7gomT ,Qopuanbrs. oNs Vooy. rneisss required. ,—TM WE SELL CHEAP MILLINF,1tY.—Now is the time 'to order your Easter fiat or Bonnet. We can show you all the new novel- ties in Color, Material, Shape and .Patterns and we will aim to please you. MEN'S FURNISHINGS --Our Tailoring Department is steadily in- `ereasing and our stnek of men's needs cannot be beaten. Ali the new things in Ties, Cullom and Cuffs, newest shapes in Stiff and Fedora Mts. BOOTS AND SHOES—This stock is the Finest, L•trges t, and Cheapest in Wingltam, a speci .1 line of Men's Plough 13hots reliable goods. See them. OUR DRY COODS, STAPLE AND FANCY is without exception the finest shown today in town and the prices all lean your way. Special prices at the Grocery •counter, Fresh, Pure and Depend- able Goods. Rest 25e, Tea in Wing - ham. Pure, elean Maple Syrup ;.,.._ ]home made at $1. per Imperial gal- . , }i ' Ion, Goods delivered promptly. WE SELL CHEAP. O fi U T I ez BOWLES HEADS WIN iN BUSINESS. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, STRATFORD, ONT. We till heads with practical knowledge The Leading coma erutai school to Can - Ada to -day. Nine beattiful college rooms; excellent teachers; moderate rates; students etiolated to rood positiene enjoys splendid reputation for superior work; enter any time. Write fur par- ticulars, D. M. r..7 ii -ED O • W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. New ,Ads. Wm. Rendall—New Foundry, Miss Boyd —Spring Millinery, Homuth & Bowels—Easter Millinery, W. J. Elliott—Hendee Won in Business. M. H. MoIndoo—Saturday Bargain Day McKinnon & Oo.—Some Figuring For Yourself. D. M. Gordon—Something New This Week Again. -_._.•— . LOCAL NEWS. • SOMETHING NEW '1�E11s \YEEK • AGA1N• . • Change of Bnsinope Ansa. Robinson hes sold his foundr to Wm, Rendell ee Co. of Creetnore, On ltendell is a competent meuhanie hinted; and will be prepared to turn net work in workmanship style. Farmers should read what he leas to say in our advertising col- umns. —On and atter Aprillst tum commiselon n all postotlh'e mono./ orders issued by payable at a:zy office in Canada will be fol Iowa : $2 50 end uncles '2 50 on: to 35 5 00 " " 10 1000" " '20 2000" "" 30 30.00 " " 40 40.00" " .a :0.00 " 't 00 0000" " 70 70,00 " " 80 80 00 " " 00 Rushing the Season Mess MoEwen, of Morris, brought to our office on Tuesday a dozen or more branches clipped from the English Cherry, wild plum, lilac end arab apple trees. The arab and• cherry are in full bloom : the flowers and leaves or the branch of lilac are perfectly formed and t e buds of the others are bursting open. —The Women's Christian Temperance Union of Wingbam was duly re -organized' last Friday afternoon in the Tenrernnce Hall with a good membership when the following officers were elected by ballot :•-- Pres.. Mrs. Chapman; Cor, Seo., Mee. J, Ritchie;; Rec. Sec., Mrs. Paulin; Treas., Mrs. Button, The Exeoutiye Committee for the town of Wingham. will nominate the Superintendents of the —The AlexandrineIt+tnlvxv concert shoved in amendment by Bobbins, sec• various departments Friday ev ening, drew a select audience on Wednesday even- ended by Forbes, that this Council make The dates and place of the regular inset- ! ing and though not large in numbers they no recommendation to the License Com• wore appreciative, Miss Ramsay is pos. miasioners re granting a shop license pre- sessetl of a cnttured contralto voioe wlneh 1 ferring to leave tits same to their jadg- she uses with glee effect. The motto of meet. "nit. Beata" was very sweet as wart also Amendment declared out of order. . the Irish Belied "L•tthleeu llevoureen," t Yeas—Reeve, Deputy -Reeve, heading, i MoKinlay, Robinson and the Mayor, Nays—Robbins, Forbes. Motion Carried, —Tag your dog! —Olean up your yard! -Take your wood off the street. —A, 0. F. Teem -lay night. Only a limited number of ,tickets will be sold for the Cantata, April 27th. —Sixty trained• voices in the Daniel Cantata in the Presbyterian Church April 27th. —We understand there is to be another industry in town, in the shape of another 1 uudry plant, M Last week it was the latest and best in baautifnl seesonable and -stylish Dress Goods. De not fait to .see our Dress Goods before giving Tour order for we lead the trade in ]high class Dress Goods at very xteasonable prices. tr xS W M we desire to call veru special atten- tion to our magnificent display of handsome up-to-date White Goods. 30 4 ti 10 12 15 20 24 28 32 30 00.00 " " 100 40 —A new branch of the Postetlice Dep.trt- ment known as the Railway 1ll:til Nervi,`) Braueh, h La b'soeeeteblieliett by the Post• master•General. All matters pertaining to the Railway Mail service will be under the clireetioe of the Superintendents in- stead of the Inspectors, as formerly. The headquarters of this division will be nt London with Mr, t\I0\Vinuey as Superin- tendent. The new arrangement took effect on April let. $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE phone Co., account, 05 cents; John: Gilles- pie, teaming on streets $3.75; teaming on property, 85 cents, 04 00; Mae Barber,; work on streets, and waterworks. 0x1040: A Rees, stetit.nary, 01.10; Jolla Kerr, re- pairing hall, $3.03; 0 N Griffin, charity order, so; Smith 1t Pethick, supplies for hall, 184.05; McLean Lt So', tirawtnghose to Kinsey fire, 01; M Lemont, work on streets, 80 cents; Gerrow ik Proudfoot, Solicitors' fees, 010; .1 A. Morton, paid for safe $15; Winghaln Electrin Co., 033.30 ; A. It McDonald, charity order, 50 cents; Ynuhillf rent, charity order, $G. It was recotumeuded that the above accounts be paid except W Pattison's Button re Peasant's and Darrow end I'rouclfoot's which were not certified. Moved by Hanson, and Reading, that the report of the Finance Committee be adopted. Moved by Robiosou. seconded by Rob- bins, thee:the account of Garrote ee Proud- fo tt be paid --Carried. Moved by McKinlay, seconded by Read- ing, that thistiouncil request the License C,tturnissione,r not to grant a shop license ings of the Union will be given in the local papers next week. Having eon appointed Gen, Agent of the Provt. > t Sayings Life Assurance Co., I ask tit ` woo ere. thinking of place ing assurance • call o meat my residence on Diagonal st : (n: t to Union Factory) and learn the la = .rmsof assurance. I can offer notnethil • economical, safe in • vestment far your • oney and that will give you grand ra _ for the money in- vested, This is • e strongest com- panies doing bit y. Last year no less a sum +00.00 was the amount of no tied and this year promise greater still, The different forms of pet'.:ies will be fully" explained by applying to J. HALLIDAY, General Agent. N. B.—Will be at house every Saturday, health permitting. 4`95 —Wean is a departmental store? Why it's a pinoe where you can bay everything from a needle to a stick of chewing gum. a remit of beef or le lunch, and pay more for it in the enol than you would if you had gond altnost anywhere else. It is a place where. they advertise bargains, and when rn no of nese to• hen 321. policies Helm, —Mrs. a m, who has been laid up for you go to capture thorn you find they } P -!public that wheel I am not alit of, As o me time with a broken leg, R e 'lire Oast are not ]worth buying, but the obliging, i . L_lis of Turub •rl;v, ti) pd the beam at t a l,ubliu servant he has a. perfect iglu to aoounce clerk shows you s�txetlting—'w 4,000 ib9 ,and one bull under two years' to report is able to be out again good bit better, but of course it costs Moro.' weighed 1580 lbs ; Andrea . 1ttuhe.l of criticize my actions but I hope be will On Thursday McDonald and Burehill it's at place where some of the salespeople 9'urnherry had two steers that went 9t;30., stay as.near the truth as Ms conscience The preemie had excellent variety. mune scope to her versatile powers she being 3:emu:Lees Looals, R, W. l uuciman t•epair,3 all kinds macbinery, Fresh butter and eggs at NOIAnt I.+u Guocah/r. For nobby Gent's Furnishings and the, latest styles go to Geo °arl''. 4.21! Femmes --Butter, highest twice pzid et North land Grocery. For flint class oysters either in bulk or served try McI vru's See Moli:elvie'a pickles before buying, 2 bottles for 23 cents. • 4.2tf Get your bicycles repaired at 11. W. Ituouiuiau's fdaciiiue seep, Vauturia street. Filum—Oranges, lemmas, bananas and cocoanuts, metal) at .\ i£•=1v1t'e. 4 -sit (hood value in. 13ruums and .Brushes at 1VluuuS END U3004tGX. 1Jaar—L.lst o'1.GUO ay, utl 1C 1i.arw9 gold ripQ. 1110 ll/.uer w411 Ue rewarueu ay leaving 14 al Lllu QUeeua 11,./1411. 4-9a Foie saes Coe •—Hasa secuud-hand biuyules a4 it. W. ltuuututau'e ,Iat;ul4ta duulh. 1'40 latest /Laporte! Yuutus, 435 per doz at the At,ar Yuuw atuUtu, i .:aver 1.1�1vuK. ]lou.,l. Tu lasts. -1u Lower \Vulguauu equ•tlly at ease in depicting English, I C d 1'erlus easy, appty to Scotch, Irish or Indian characters. Miss i Bylaw No. 290 --To procure money to 14 -Ju, :u. tti. (xoxueg. Ramsay was ably supported by Messrs. I meet the current expenses for the town 1 d tl eo times 3 ib bop. Jersey ureaui iivaas for 25e at Sullivan and Mu(3ill, who on this oolasiou was tea 1r . made their debut to n Winehan audience. l Moved by Robinson, seconded by Forbes Mr. McGill's singing, "The Ship That Car- that bylaw 299 as read a third time be ries me Hosie" was enthusiastically enchor I now passed—Carried. ed, as was else "'•Phe Bennie B annie Hunks Uoved by FI•tnson, seconded by Reeve of Lcrh Lemons." Mr. Sullivan, whn•te i Gregory that 3450 be placed to the credit voice has keen beard fregeently in the i of the School Board, Presbytel7ien cherry, wsts equally well i question Councillor tMiKinley vindicate i e to a receiver], in "'The Ctrnivel, and 8t+tg in q privilege rest -tense to the hearty enettore "Nene-nee" and to criticize the Press. 1 w,ats0reported o au Irish sent/ •yell s tiri,t for Mr. mill- as speaking against „ g, van's voice. We will be pleased to hear India Famine Fund and then voting for from these gentlemen again, : the Motion. 'That is giving my iguorance b • too much credit altogether, and I hope Bumf"' extra tine lot of cattle w'I's as long as I sit at this board, I will not be shipped troll) here 0u Tuesday for Liver- I guilty of such a low, mean, dirty, con - pool vat St. Johns. A feature to be noted temptable act as the Advance attributed is the early date in the season. Stich . to me et last Council meeting and in the Shipments aro not nsnatly made helm future that he will neither add to nor take May nr .June. Of the 41 head d' fed by from what I have to say or report to the shipped a car of hogs to Collingwood, and Walker and eleKague one car cattle to Toronto. —The choir iu connection with the English church, under the leadership of 111. B. Morden, is practising some very fine anthems for Taster. ( care of the common people, — The fireman are making preparations —The fashion editor of the Tihars stall for theirannual program concert to be given in beingindisposedon ]riday,the evening of the May. A program possessing some novel Millinery Openings, the duty of conjuring features will be represented. language fit to describe :the congregeted 4 —We regret that Mr. S. II. Merles, was beauty, and the beauty that congregated at ttiltioted with paralysis nn Saturday. and each of the millinery shops, was relegate d lay unconscious for two days. Mr. Mories to the sporting editor who had consumed has regainer, consciousness and at latest several quires of paper and lost as many reports he is aontinning to improve% nights sleep in trying to give expression to his impressions in high sounding languago —The Chief has instructed us to say when au an•g.1 of mercy' came to tris relief that all dog taxes m'lst be paid this m•tnth. in the form of a voluminous budget which If you hate a dors he will bo after' you. appears 0 anotherres, pawge ends der three caption, Have your cash ready. Wicall attention. With the aid of C. L. —'The unmet meeting of the Wingbam L, P. be has secured temporary relief from Bicycle Club will be bele Monday evening the nervous strain to which he was subject. next at the office of Mr, Merton. Alt bike ed and is now ou a f"tir way towards com- riders are invited to attend and become piste recovery. With proper attention be members of theCleb, will be able to report the usual defeats our sporting fraternities, provided --All lovers of music should remember adverse score is no larger than usual. that Tuesday April 27th is the date fined for the Daniel Citetata in the Presbyterian • The Wabigeon Country ehurch here ander the management of G. The Ontario Department of Agriculture W. Cline leader of the Presbyterian choir. has lemma another pamphlet giving infor- mation regarding the, country additional. to whist was given in the pamphlet publish- ed in 189(1. The settlement of the Wabi• goon country has been very rapid and continuous, a fact that may be accounted for very largely by the policy pursued by the D c tertment of Agriculture i0 placing do not got enough wages to keep soul and body together, and, as a natural come- quenee, tliey must perforce make up the deficit in some way—or diel It's a place where they occasionally manage to wipe out their debts at 50 or 00 cents on the dollar without the matter coming to the BLOUSES, jig WAISTS, &e. if you cannot see in our window -- An Ohio editor says that hay fever is •displa4 just what you want in style, caused by kissing grass widows. A Mis. quality or price step into the store .and wo wfli take pleasure in show- ing you every line in stock. WE DO NOT LIKE TO sottri editor says 11 is caused bV a Bras widow kissing a fellow by moonlight. An Iowa editor nays it is ceased by the fellow kissing the ]tired girl while elle lit feeding hay to the cow. and an eastern ,Kansas ex- change is of the nnintnn that it is caased by missing the girl and kissing the cow. Sunlay, Arent 18th, is •Ifaster. It can BLO Wore Tynster •i§ altrays the fist Sunday after the ur but seven' dens later, April 25th. first full monn at nr after tite vernal eget. About selling, goods cheaper than 110X or March 21st. which is the beginning 'inanafaaeturers' prices, but we do' et the ecclesi I tiral al, year. ens wnl1 115 Easter again assure you that we will not be un-! came on Ap 1 occur 0n that ,late until 1918, while ]\Larch dersoltl by any boils° in the trade, 22nd is the earliest Hate. It will not occur no Mattel' what pretences they may on this detain the nett century. make. I "Does e.dern College Education educate in the broadest ,,i)est and most liberal sense of VERY DEPARTMENT the term?" is one of the most important in- quiries that could bo set an foot. This dteotiseiOn, tvhicii is to bo taken part in by I, literceZl •ezere rece27 president Gilman of the John Hopkins, President Morton of the Stevens Institnte, epi • ro.- ; Henry Thurston Peck, of Columbia, Bis- �' L��i. � � C Itop Potter flea Milani of the most dieting. tilt/Otte) O. thee 772'( en.:11 i niched men of both the ttntted Staten and Europe. is begun in the April Cosmopolitan lands antiprices ' by aradical iminiry into the educational ayorable tb t7Le problem along; the linea of *Herbert Spen• cer, President Gilmen will follow in te ? gather there i• promised the frankest '�j�'O�", 1 ever made of u •1-r•e- Compltrtkan R, Sls: i ' \\'atvanneit, :f Lipari weighing will allow Rini. 3(110 lbs. A. Clow t4 head at t5910 le. en Councillor Robinson brought up the Morris township (Shur. P'rocln had 11 stead matter of ringing the bell in the case of a false alarm. Moved by Robbins and Robinson that the Fire and Water Committee together with the Mayor and Mover bea Commit- tee to revise the by-law of the Fire and Water Committee. Robbins —Hanson—That the Mayor, Reeve, DeputyReeve, and Conn. Robbins buy direction almost equally searching. Alto - t into n and it *earns s.i nnf , re5o p ssible e p 9020 Ills . •los. Htabh4 4 herrn 1010; au 1 \V. Crtuckuli.tuk0 ]lead at 7i.i0 Me., The consignment was bought by D. Stewart and lifted by W. Dulmttge of Newbridge. On Saturday fl. I'. Hamilton, Omaha. Neb , shipped 151 young cattle to his ranch in the West from this station. Eyer since the removal of the quarantine regulations in the winter the American markets have and Robinson bo a committee to act in been of great value to the Canadian ship- conjunction with a Citizen's Committee pers and breeders. Hundreds of cattle for a suitable celebration for the Jubilee of have been sent west to Consume the l.trge her 1\lajesty—Carried. - - surplus of corn that was lying unused.1 Moved by Hanson and Gregory that the The new arrangement of the tariff under matter of supplying coats fertile firemen bo referred to the Fire and Water Com- mittee with power to act—Carried. Hanson—Robbins—That Property Cotn- mittec'be Instructed to find out who has had road scraper since its coming from Teeawater and ascertain the time it was in use by the parties. Robinson—Forbes—That motion regard- ing R. Marshall, purchaser of power, be rescinded and that Council acCept 94 in Gregory. setttetnent of the slime—Curried. Minutes of last meeting wore read and Council adjourned. approved. The monthly statement of the Treasurer was read and accepted. - Mr. Fessant appeared before the Council —Messrs. John Carr to Sons have asking that the Council extend the time of placed their own delivery horse and payment of the annual installwent of the erasion on. This will relieve Mr. D. boons dile on the first of April. lJ mpbell our reliable mail carrier who On motion of Messrs. Robbins and Han- son the request of M4•. Fessant was granted giving until the first of July for payment of money dee ,annhum from the titerest lne at the due. rate of 0'y�, per A entrimunication was read from the Nurtll loud Laooel,. a -Ott Lpiuure br.tud fix 111catu 51 J\u0LIL 1:\U GltuatRX. the Dingley Bill which e:oes into force in a few days will out off all this trade. Town cotineil. The regular meeting of the Council was held in the Council chamber Monday even- ing with the Mayor iu the chair. Coun- cillors present Angus, McKinlay, Reading, Forbes, Robinson, Robbins, Henson and Brings eaatiugs deeurip.luu et 411,; ) 4.141 u Lee „ thin uteeery 11,J 11411 t\ urns. t.4.1:n1, kroplleter i3 a are ]showing the latest ltuveltle8 in. spi nJ�' rUlllnpe, tt Uly,llnl Unullh at1U a-10.05 u11;Jblht. U'M). tjABti, y.•.Jilf tlpjJustne Queen's Hotel. —1 ur xutlt-01t188 tuuurlug and cheap geu4a' Iarnlslitn38, try 3, ,.nater eL IVV. 1t0i1]eUluve 4110 1Jlauu, lu (Unca 8 U1au1i. Bridge iruu uuu bridge castiugs all 'dues, plow ruerua ruu puh.i repairs at the Utltarto 11•ull tt U1 A►. ,1. ,LL1litIta. iluUB3 TO I1,SN"1•.—.e'reute awetwig on Amer', street apply ie tuns umee ur to rater lnuay, tv ing;naut ur •t inweeercu if. 0. D. M. Gordon gives 5 lbs of hand picked white beans for 25c. aud buys Butter, and dried apples by the ton—pays highest prices, Handsome presents given away every day at D. ill. Gordon's; every article is a household gem, and iudispensible. All are welcome. It pays to get your bilis printed nt the Trams office. A. free notice given with sale bills, church bills, ex., and are read in hundreds of homes. Loss —On Sunday the 4th, inst., one seal skin gauntlet in or near \Vingham. By leaving at this offi,e the finder will be suitably rewarded. The right man in the right place. Give Moalptne a trial for an up-to-date meal at 15 cents. Special arrangement can be made for boast! by the week. o en there a pioneer farm. 'Two townships, City Clerk, Toronto, askutg the en -opera- tion of the diff+rent tnuuitipaltties 40 taitelt up and outer two, Eton and Rugby, secure ,, endmeuts to the law re 'fax Ex - are filling up fast. Near the Government mmptiou —Laid on the table. been laid out, The report of the le tieuutive C l n:nittee Pioneer Farm a town has r ie between fort five and fifty lots sold, and was reed Land received. twenty bullctines erected, inoleding two Angus _efc$inlay-•-That the Executive stores, a post office, an express office, and a Committee be empowered to puruheso a boarding house. The 0. P. It. have tit in safe for the sum of W. a siding and have christened the stirring, The Chairmiit, of the Public Werke little town "Dryden" in honor of the Committee reported that if the Council Minister, to whose efforts the development would furnish the town with a road of this uotwtry is largely due. Building machine he thought it would be of advant- operations will be carried on extensively age to tho town -.Laid oyer till next meet- aurttig the coining summer and steamboat ing, eonnect ion will be established with Manitou The Clerk reported that the 1-011 had mining region. beet, returned. Air. Annie, Superintendent of the Pion- The F ioance Comtnittee reported as ser Z`arm reports the cro son the farm in follows : Jtts. Brock, work on streets, $4 ; 1800 as 'follows : Fall wheat, Dawson's Geo. Beetles do., $5,20 ; 11 Rogers. do . Golden Chaff, 20 to 25 bushels per sore; $4.95; .1 B Fergrvent, salary, 383.33, post - Colorado spring wheat aheut 20, Harrison's age, $2.5O. 385 83; V Vannrm'tt salala beatded about 12; barley, a fair crop: oats, ! l Tiles. poor. The clover to fall wheat sown May 81b, at time of cutting wheat, was in fall b100m, a 101 of two two end a half feet high. The timothy in wheat was also bea+lett out. Tlie clover was cut twice this season, the first crop about two tons and the second one ton per acre. Potatoes ' p9 and e 'trona tt hole per teem . 1 l.lb bus bele 2 p y t say as ' do well bat canna y carrol.s will Mr. W. J. Sco the bakery former has retained baker and is prep a good art•ole br best in fact tat can your patronage. who roc tly purchaaert ow. - by J. Kling, Beckwith as to give his patrons d and cakes—The had. Ile solicits 4•'Ja Consult Your Doctor. If he advises Cod Liver Oil, we recons mend Wampole'a Tasteless Preparation' All you taste is Will Cherry and that in a good. What you get is flesh and strength has done Mr. Carr's delivering for a cures toughs, colds and wasting diseases at number of years. Chisholm'sPrag Store. 3.51 —Mrs. Ritz et New tip act rgr father's, nd her Let r—le of clover set -belonging east two children are i i 1;George Po 1, bet etHague Mr. James Cochrane, of the gravel toad. Wingham on y March 211. The. Mrs. Ritz is thinking• of settling in art scan t - It a will please leave Wiugghntn, it she can secure suitable rt at Smi P k's hardware Store, property. .st Office, lielgrave, A .horse which was being led behind e 0 to Peth m, or at the and save further tronb a buggy by Mr. James Cochrane. tools The Central Restaurant, Mcleenzie`a fright at a passing rig and making a building, has been renovated throughout sudden lunge, pulled it&r. Cochra ne's end every convethienoehas been added for Wing hand against the iron brace of the seat indicting an ugly and painful wound. r w!lo (� Mr, Wm. Wilson, of 7.'urnber y, aroseeci the briney deep in charge of a consignment of hal-see, made by Harry Day, returned on Wednesday. During his stay to the old country, ]kir. Wilson visited the cities of Glasgow Mid Edin- burgh and was also in the Emerald Isle. 4" Personals. 1\fr, John ;John Monody of Teeswater was in town, Ile. Jos, Coed, ase ,try, u; tars. J. W. Halliday is visiting at her Wanes, $Oi 'hos 'Hiss Ttestie Kelley of Myth was visiting friends in town 'this week, Mr. A i'3risbols, wife and three little girls, visited over Sunday in Harriston. Le"tn, Firenaver ;t as a e , y ' mothers in Clifford. i11:anUit1, salnrv. 38 34; John \vflsnn, shelter for chief, 03.10; W Gard 1t: Co„ dog trigs, 31.50: John Dickson, malting Out financial stnttments, 30, pnrtagc 53c., $5.53; C. N. Griffin, charity order, 36; Jno. Coruyn, printing, $14.05 ; W Pattison. �o t o `fire 2.•le deeming awin tto , order, $ + g larft r , 1 c Y • t.41.50; e n•S. Its 2+i x• lin waterworks, teaming e g '-. s - probable that it will he the most ueati unll rd national much for mongols. The fh'st frost that S. G. Brown, printing;, 0* cents, J3ntton 4 e ' Methods With the needs of every.dity life in3j3urt•d tomatoes and other tender vege- Fessant, charity ore er, 31.00; 1) , EfcPher- 1)i; teet i reporter. at the close of the nineteenth century. tattles occurred- on the 14th of September. sou, work on streets, 0180 ; )3eli Tele - t..,.,1 the patrons' comfort, Meals at all hours. Oysters served in any style. Also agent for the Huron Steam Laundry which turne out work equal to any city laundry. Leave orders at my store. .Jlitcs Meitner Proprietor. ` rthe balance 10Ce nts and t 1 —Eggs Weenie I, SVA, n Iters arehead a apples. 'tV s • dried b111 Clt dq of v for clover and timothy teed &:c, 4eo Gr.E.Nom The Cheapest in the County 'rhos. Abraham is prepared to half sol Men's boots and shoes at from 40 to 4$e, Dents a pair. Ladies shoes equally as cheap. The best quality of leather usedl- Terms cash. What enables me to cuts prices so loci is that I have no rent to pay, no debts to settle and I buy my stock for cash. The oldest established shop in town, "Victoria street. 4 -Oa )3010,'. Abt1axr t airs East Wawanosh aft April 3rd the wife of Chas Campbell a atm bteta�l"!� TOAD hlvx LAT%at••--att Tn rnberry on Aril. 9. Mre.:1. R. ink. .osis lint son of lVir a of weeks and da later aged 4 \1Y .,... 8 Lees. iosetet