The Wingham Times, 1897-04-02, Page 8H. M0IOO SPECIAL ALL APRIL Spring Trade enthusiasm is at the top notch, newest of , everything and variety enough to meet the needs of everybody.. We are going past SUUeCQSS one better. Prices are growing smaller all along the line in things for the home and to wear!; now and this great two price ) April chance will be your op-� • pot trinity of testing this store as the very best place to spend 1 your money. THE WINGJIAM. TINES APRIL 1807,. "Tile friendships of the world are oft 1. Confederacies of vice, or league of pleasure, Ours has Feverest virtue for its basis, .pnd shell a iiienaship ends not but withlife." Signed on behalf of the Lodge, (Join F. Geoves, Secretary. w J. Rims, N. G., `Gingham March 0001 1897. Dir. Brockenshire replied in suitable terms expressing his gratitude for the kindly feeling that had been expressed to- wards hien in the address that had been read, and the jewel that had been present. ed to Win. Short speeches were also delis-. erect by Bros J. Elder, T. J. Elliott, W. Hough aid R IdeMath. DN SMI SMUOYt 10 pioeos Tweed Dress Goods, regular 25o Saturday 10c. t2 20 pieces French, Fency Light all wool 50o, Saturday 350.. 20 pieces Fancy Two Toned reg- ular toe. Saturday 50e. 10 pieties Fancy Blouse Silk reg- ular 50a. Saturday 35c. 10 pieces Linen Toweling regular 7c. Saturday 50. 30 pieces heavy Cotton, regular 7u. Saturday 5o. 4 pieces Table Linen regular 50c. Saturday 350. G pieces all -wool Tweed regular 50c. Saturday 35c. 10 dozen Napkins, large size reg- ular $135, Saturday $1.10. 0 dozen ladies' Parasols,i;G'loria Silk Saturday $1 10. 10 dozen ladies and gents' Kid Gloves regular $1.25 Saturday $1. 20 Boys' two piece Suits regular $3.50 Saturd»y $2.50. 30 pieces Carpet at special price:,; 20 Boys' 3 piece Suits regular $1.50 Saturday $350 f 50 pair Leae Curtains at Bargain Prices. SATURDAY. faction in this township, as there is considerable fdisssatisf dice abouts the wthe way some been used, Word has been received here from Dakota, that Mr. John Ruddy form- erly of this place has went to ted Dakota Gide. Mr. Ruddy about eighteen months ago to live with his daughters tti ho are all out there. WEST WAWANOSII. News Notes. Mr. Samuel Moore was killed at a railway grossing near York Station. A Cor mgr's jury returned a verdict of accidental death. The huge steel untie' of the bridge that will take the place 0f the railway suspension bridge at Niagara were plau- ed in position. Council met =circling to adjourn- ment. Members all present, Reeve 1 in the chair.. The Treasurer's statement for the month of I+ebrulu'y was received and filed, showing balance on hand of $525.84, James Leddy was paid $5.60 for gravel ete. The following officers were eleetod for the. current year: Vence Viewers is said that at the approaching con- vocation of Queens niv r A will bemade an L.L. D.Guice, Jamey A'1cDean, 'Thomas eta in the cells at the Brantford Station, using his coat for n noose. Pound Keepers -Thomas Nichol - At Comber a boy named David Wes- son, Peter McCann, W. .I. Jackson, ley was shut and seriously wounded by a 1 Geor a Anderson, Thomas, Anderson g companion who was shooting sparrows. 1 and Wm. Humphrey. At a fres-will offering at Broadway Pathmasters-J. II. Pentland, C. 1vlethodiet 'Tabernacle Toronto $2W0 Gervin, jr;D, McPhee, J. Windmill, was raised to pay otf the indebtedness Thomas Lollard, Sam Searles. S. Ion the church. Clark, James Elliott, James Nevins, tobuilda Mills, Jose Premier Greenway celebrated his 59th PhCagan, 'Thomas Nicholson; Wrn. birthday last'Thursstay. Milligan, George Wilson, James Governor Adams h as signed the bill Redmond, D. Smylie, Angus Me - abolishing capital punishment in Colo - it ' University sity Lady George Rutledge, Edward A[c- berdeen James Scott, of Dundas, hanged him- White, John Gordon, Malcolm Mc - f ii Police Donald Chane of BUSii2S1 Oshawa proposes hospital to James Smith, Win. Robertson, Alex. celebrate jubilee year. Rose, D Phalen John M'll , Joseph Having purchased from D. E. McDonald his Butchering Business, I and now in a position to supply the public with SPE(;BAL SHOE SALE, 50 Fair ladies' line Kid Shoes, reauhir $2, Saturday- $1.4i. 20 pair Men='s fine Shoes, regular $2.50 Saturday $1.75. 50 pair children', Black and Tan regular $1.10 Saturday 75c. Special reduction on men's order- ;10 clothing, Cloth and Wt rated ) Su te incl Dougal, Smith, James Finnigan redo. Moss, AI. Staffol•d,Stephen Medd The building season is expected to be R. Phalen, Thomas Radcliffe, John Fowler, Campbell,er8 candidate s, Ii er. FoWm. Mr. Kenneth McKenzie, sen., of -Burn- BowI,. Fo John Redmond, E. side, is in the held as indepen 1 dd t for Macdonald constitu- McGuire, F. Plowman, W. A. Har - Thomas Shite, E. _deRoberts, Thos. Taylor, A. Glasgow, Peter Walsh, I -MOULDINGS, James Anderson, S. `Thompson, Jas• can. have them on short notice and at lowest possible prices. I have ,.iso added a number of new mach- ines which will enable me to do work cheaper and better than ever. S. BENNETT very busy one CanadaCollars Ties. Tweeds, also gents new Spring Hats. Shirts, S at money saving prices at M. H. . e in QOttawl t, c den t Lilo. John rlsL , enoy, on Thomas Woods, George Ward, It is thought that the decieioa of the Supreme Court in the West Prince election case will have an important whtring on theeich judguuont was reserved,oondn case, in Mrs. A. Corbett of St. Mary's was run Both legs were severed from the b dy. She isnot likely to recover. The inquest on the body or George Frost tilled on': Friday last near Princeton brought out the fact that he bad been shot through the heart. Epbram Convey was commtited for trial on a charge of having murdered hits. Senator Cos moved the address in reply to the speech in the Senate, ma kiug an interesting speech on the questions affecting the progress of the country: Hon, Edwar'l Blake opened the debate on the question of the financial relation between Ireland and Groat Britain by introducing a motion for the relief of the taxpayers of Ireland in the British House or Commons. CHOICE MEATS at lowest prices and earn- estly 'solicit a share of the patronage of this commun- ity. We will always keep on band the best meats that can be got for money D. J.. GEDDES, McDonald's old stand. �� j i^' rAvo�1= C.s�i'ozz''G�t'«:>3 al %pring Sultingswa 0_0_0_0-0-o-0-0 We are prepared to give you something nobby in Spring and Summer Suitings and of excellent Value. We turn out only First-class Work. 16, :zWE WANT YOUR TRADE. del r C�"Give us a call before purchasing, W. T. SULLIVAN.. J pp Irvin's old Stand. insiut aci.M'M`ir21-70i .5l a-9iss --0-2' VMMa-W'rARIN" EEOP " E1-,Ei , (i tit• ' ,� 10 THE PUBLIC Money Lost The 1Vingham Planing Mills are now running again in full blast - Parties wishing to have Lumber Dressed or anything in the planing mill business such as- -SASII, -DOORS, -11LINDs, -CASINGS, MAIN STREET, WINGHAM Every day you do shopping unless you deal at the CHEAP CASH STORE ADDETIONA.L Lv4JAL S. Personals. Miss Mattis Wade has gone on a visit to Toronto and Richmond Hill, Miss Millie Hugel of Belmore is spend- ing a couple of weeks in town. 11 Ir. and Mrs, T. H. Ross and Miss Nellie were in Bruoefield this week. Messrs. Geo. Shaw and J. E. Sweets were in txoderich this week. Messrs. Frazer, Cpnsins, and James, of Teeswater were in town this week. Miss Harrison, ot Walkerton, and Miss Nixon, of Teeswater, are th; guests of Miss Ritchie. Mrs. R. A. Huthison is attending the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Thos. Dewar of Wellesley. Miss Murdoch, of Lucknow, and Miss Stewart of Pontypool are visiting at Wm. Robertson's. Mrs. Larsen, who has been staying with her sister, tars. Jas. glcKelvie, returned to her home on Tuesday. Mrs. Rose and daughter, Ida, who have been the guests of Mrs, Walter Green, returned to there home in Hibbert on Wednesday. Edwards, D. Rutherford, Thomas Somerville, John Rutherford, James Ddrnin, R. Woods, D. Donovan. W. Woods, John Barber, Cor. Smith, W. W. Scott, Win, O'Niel, Con. Gaynor, Neil Campbell, Thomas Todd, Jas. Grant, jr., Wm. Webb, James Atch- eson, Ben Naylor, Thomas Lott, Jets. Laidlaw, Wm. Callaghan, G. Greer, ,Smeltzer, John Sheriff, Wm. ale- Qnillan, fled McDonald, D. Archer, Henry Patterson, John Smith, .James Patterson, R. Thompson, ' t1 . Pat- BLYTH Mrs. P. Moore of Stratford, is visiting under the parental roof, her father Mr. James Coliton is seriously I were offered for sale about 3.22u indisposed at present. cattle, 100 call es and 40 sheep and Miss Millie Bell left here on Tues -i a dozen spring lamb;. Trade was day for Zurich to take charge of the I slow on account of the high prices millinery department in a -dry goods asked by the drovers. 3r Good stock store of that place. I On Thursday last Mr. William Crittendon, sr„ while working in Livingstone's factory met with an accident by getting struck on the head with a block of wood which is of a rather serious nature. It is to be hoped it is not as serious as first an ticipated. On Monday Messrs Geo. Irons and Albert Sellers left here to work in the Clinton fax mill. On Thursday our flax mill closed, down having got through their I steady, about all sal, one load of season's work. Canada butchers' steers, „ of 1,332 Terson, Peter Chark, Geo. Smith and Geo. horn. • Council adjourned to meet on Thursday, May 2,7 as a Court of call on Gordon & Co.'s Drug Revision and for general business. Store,Wingham. They Wm. S. McCnosPIa, -Clerk. are the agents for the celebrated Wetmore Montreal, Clue., 111arch 29. -At the Where your cash will buy your goods at Cash Prices and this enables us in turn to give you goods at less than • Successor to WATT & SON • Are You _ RUPTURED If so it is your advantage to 1 i 1, NE HALE the ordinary profit. We are still clearing out our old stock at clearing prices. In our new goods we are showing many specialities not found in other stocks. We give you quotations next week as a guarantee of our good faith. Gr_ M oI+ _ �-Y-_--� e.; MACDONALD BLOCK. • WINGFIAI�I . •�"�7ty-,ai:,,='�Tua:.L�u�i,1t,-,u�ii.�L.�"a�'.1t �'iia�iailf��ra�'-i�5���,�^��Z"i��t:+�:�"-��C�r't RIS MILLINERY LlJ t . MISS BOYI) wishes to inform the people o Wing - ham vicinity that her Millinery Department will be Live Stools Markets cattle market here to -day, there Truss, WHY THE WETMORE IS THE ONE FOR YOU 1.. Because it is dangerous to be a moment without one. sold at 4c; fait' 3c; to - -c: common 2.It will never rust and is conse- 1 2?:c to 3e; milkmen's strippers,at 2:. cquently durable. to 3,c yearlings, 41c to Sic lanibs 3 A person wearing a Wetmcre does spring, 3c at 5e each; fat hogs, 5e. not find it a bother. . East Buffalo, N. Y., March 29th -- ,l We will guarantee to hold in Cattle -156 cars on sale, including position any reducible rupture. 26 cars; opened steady to strong on 5. This truss cannot possibly move good finish cattle. 1,375 to 1,415 after adjustment, pounds, sold at $5.25; good to choice 6 Some of our townspeople can $5.10; good fat plain, 1,380 to 1,400 testify to its merits. pouuds.. $4.75 to $4.90 medium 7 Satisfaetion guaranteed or money weight $4. to $4.25; and tip to 12 refunded. cwt., $4.40 to • $x,85; market sold Address and Presentation. The members of Maitland Lodge No 119 1. O. O. 1. met in their lodge room on Tuesday evening for the purpose of giving a farewell meeting to one of their number, Bro, W. F. Brockenshire who is about to remoye to London. Soon after assembling Bro, Robertson was voted to the chair, who read the following address, and presented Mr. Brockenshire with a handsome P. C. P's jewel. To W. I', Brookeushire, 1', C. and P. C. P. Di3.cu Sin AND Bnornt.n,-We, the mem- hers of the Maitland Lodge No.110, andof the Minerva Encampment No, 47 I. 0. O. F. desire to convey to you our sincere re. gret Kt your removal from amongst us During your stay with us you have made Imlay friends, and we have spent many )tigers pieeeently together as brothers violin the prceincte Of the lodge room upon ,lvhicili we will in after years look back with feelings of pleasure and regret, and while xvd alt must regret that exigencies of the halitan life compel a severance of the inti - fleecy 1 h heretofore prevailed yet and aLl. V L'- i pen for inspection on FRIDAY and SATURDAY, �L'- • 2nd and 3rd r` ifs H Spring Stock has never been surpassed in4 -Her new pring r, Variety, Novelty and Style On Monday evening text a public meeting of the ratepayers and farm- ers is called for in Industry hall to consider the advisability of establish- ing canning factory in our midst. Mr. Moore -of Perth is to address the meeting. Our band is practising over J. W. pounds sold at $4.65; Canada, cows and heifers $3, bulls steady. caek- ers and feeders -25 cars on sa from Canada and 17 native, all sold early at about 10 to 15 c higher than last Monday. Bulk of Canadas were good feeders and those of 915 and upwards, brought $4. A load Bell's Harness Emporium. of 864 pounds choice grade also bringing that price; general sales of 7IARNOCII: less desirable cattle of the feeder kind, sold at $3 70 to $3.90; stockers Mr. James Pervis who has resided sold at $3.45 to $3.80. Mills cows in this neighborhood for the past two and springers -- 20 cars on sale. years, having sold his farm had tin Values were 3 to $4 per head lower auction sale last week. Prices real- Calves -280 head: opened Lteady ized, were very good. Mr. Purvis and'closed weak. Sheep and lambs and family started for Manitoba on 60 cars on sale, lambs 10:r to 15e Tuesday, we wish him success in his higher, tops selling generally at $6'20 new home. with a few fancy at $6.30. Good to Thomas Jamieson has bought the choice 75 to 80 pound lots $6 to $615 Purvis farm. Part of this farm has and light butchers,' $5.25 to $5.35; been sold for the third time during lambs in good supply at $5 to $5.25 which tae ere , the past ten years, and has been and a deck of fall clipped, $5:50. the remembrance of friendshipsthus coming down in price each time, but flogs •--705 cars on sale. Yorkers formed, must be more lasting the winters we hope we have got to the bottom were $4.271, to $4.30; later dropped erlbrtry and we shall ever retain kindly re of hard times, and with an honest and off at 5e to 10c; general sales being eolleetaons of you. Deur titer. G. and P. C. p's jewel be economical Government,. there are at $4.25 and later at $4.20' pigs or ever:a lxouiento to you of the esteem with ) better tithes in store for the tillers of choice weight, $5 to $4.17i•, the w `lt your brethren regarded you and the sell. heavy weight grades of which not sofa rs a gentle reminder of the friends The new law in regard to the tax over 10 cars are here, Aoki A *4,3t) MI ham, and whose kindest •ttrisliee for ity go with youdoes not see- I to gide touch gads., to $4.35. keeteprosper. GORDON & CO. L'R M9C91NE HOI MR. has open shop, th New Out ncluding • OHN MURRAY l out a new machine roughly equipped CHINA with a t of Machilry 'tiff X1,11 are cordially invited to come and jtidge. • [rr hit D. �,1 I'� �._ ...�-•.... -�.. - • -••••-•-1-•-•-•- Lr :(J Sr..�S�'.�7r_'��.srrr_�'��r� ��i✓',7 tr�rr7;.?��fffet�.�:',r;�'ir 7�.5r.�'.,��..:•ir._7r ••t DEPARTMENTAL STORES -- ARE NOT IN IT when you want something choice in the line of TOILET SETS We have a very fine lot of this line for you to choose frons just now and we are letting them go at prices that have KNOCKED OUT. anything we have yet seen or heard of N.A. FARQIJHARSON'S. HOUSE, FOR n Iron Planer, Lathes etc. sand is now prepar- ed to do a gejleral line of re- pairing. Eiigine and Mill Machinery rel Tiring and pipe fitting a specialty. All kinds of ;shafting, gear- ing, iron and wooden pulleys, brass and iron castings sup- plied on shortest. notice. JOHN jmURRAY. Center Building Da ton & p'essanb Factory. SPRING SUITS Made in the LATEST STYLES Go tom WEBSTER'S WINGHAM WOOD'PH0fE7E'IiODDIN1 . *he Great English Remedy. SrxPackages Guaranteed to promptlyand permanently euro all forms of Nerve* 1Vcaknccs, Emissleas,Sperne. atorrtica, Impotcncyand all ei1e is of Abuse or Emcesses, Mental Worry, csrcessive arse Before and Af ter. of Tobacco, Opium or Stimu- lants. ' lants, ichicli coon toad to in. ;snuffy, Insanity. Consumption and an early grate. Has been prescribed over 35ycars ht thousands of eases; Is the only Reliable and honest Medicine known. Askdrugglatfor wood's Phosphedinet It he oaersaome worthless medicine in place ot this, inclose price In letter, and we will send by return mall. Price, one package, $1; six. 58, One wilt please, atm sae care. Pamphlets free to any Address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. Sold in Wingham and everywhere. QUEEN'S BLOCK, VirINGIIAM in Canada by all responsible dl'uggister'