The Wingham Times, 1897-02-26, Page 81 TILE \VINUIIAM TIMES FEBRUARY 26, 1897. aa. bout cf school; teaching theta by WESTERN BUTTER .Aatili T'�L5L7aX 1iCCUSEp. ,out t-tai'ard pictures and more es. CHEESBASSOCIATION MM t P . t: z t::i r; � � fi 11 'pecsae- hr stories taken falai the ;Old and \t��Y '1,estaln('nti In the svesoett, t'u:�vl::�Tlo\ .tlan.l\CI•:I, Fait Jafierlaeon, die subject, How to teeter �I tint:}td :SLEETING AT garr i.t'}I spirit ;a of Liberality in Sunday.lien eel: xII}tor, S.ATJADAY'S. MARVELS. RVELS schot•Is. Rev. T. A. Fisher °b erV- _.._-•- ed that tlul req ' (uired a tribute of The 1Vest; rn Butter and Cheese roGTWEAlt FOR k:VFRToyI;' I'1i1'I's'WO, time and substsnee as a test of Aesoeiation will hoist local ec oven• TII . r Tr3or,:asa» CLAMSom-aamt.. Missionary eolleetions tions at Milverton, on Wednesday once a month should be encouraged, March 3rd; and at fort Elgin That's 1%Lr•cosne and the attendance of the children day March the 9th Addresses •11 Ladies' os-bio•.d anti dark tau Oxford,1* v shoes button and laced orth from $1 50 to $2 for $1 .s Ladies' tine 1)oagola Iiid. Axford I 1♦ , Shia+, plain wvl�nut�r�itp,tura vi:aability of interesting the parents 111 ai; Hebert Robertson, I-ention; sworn out upon erroneous informa- suleH, ret;ntttrtt.wu,e-for•• 01 lend that the funds for the maintain- Jatnes A, (xray, ListovteI• S. R. Lee tion be desired to withdraw the Children's Button Bouts, Oxford, ence of the Sabbath School should Molesworth; J. Wheaton, Secretary Tan and Ulack. spring heel 50 pairs Men's Shoes, reg $.250 for $1 45 ,WITS FOR MEN. If Uwe is :: man is town who,s Likely to want a snit this spring, "he should order now." !totter call and see for yourself. Fresh spring `Weeds and a large oto:•', of ready.tuud' to pi,k from at special prices. MIMING 911ATS. We cordially invitey',u "Gentlemen" to visit our store and inspect this sec- tion of our stock in particular. t'tt.iu;i; AGrt•ISS'i' Lt+N naNER.S AT BBR.t\TFOttD w•IT11I)tiAw';r--('O S}:RV:iTIVI.:s 811: TIIEY WERE :tune KEN, The charges of personation made against Messrs. Cooper, Gorman. and 1''itzbcnry, of London, have been unconditionly withdrawn. Mr. .A, 1) • * WI Watts acting on behalf of the local should be aroused to giving to one a delivered by A. I'..r[cLareta, M. Conservatives. today informed Mr. special objee.t. flow to raise Sttn• P. Stratford, President of the Associ• J. T. Hewitt, that they had no ()via day School fund, was opened by W. niton; J. S. Pearce: London; Prof dente against the three gentlemen y[. Robertson, who spoke of the ad• Dean, O. A. C., Guelph; Inspector named, ,►nd that the infi)rtnation was SA T Uf M ---HAP IAIN BAY. .10 pieces new fancy Dress Goods Me fur.... 10 pieces Dress Goods, regular, 50 and 00, for.. 5 pieces Pitney Tweed regular ado Saturday .6 pieces Cottonade, regular 28e Saturday 30 pieces Heavy Co.ton, regular for 20 pieces lovely Embroidery regn- larl3tzc for 20 pair Long Waist Corsets, reeu- lar GOe for 40 pair lacing Kid Gloves, regu- lar $1.23 for.... ...... 20 dozen Gents' Collars regular 20 Saturday 20 pio.ces fancy Ribbon, regular 10 Saturday 50 pieces fancy and plain Gimp worth from 15 to 3ie, Saturday your choice of the lot for 45e 350 10c 23e 50 96 40c 90o 106 40 come from the church. The use and of the Association, and others. The :those of lesson helps, by Rev. A. E.addresses and discussion will bo Stewart., proved a lively discussion along the line of improvement in our The general opinion being that dairy products. Prominent dairv- while less( n helps were useful in ai way, t,her should not be brought in- to the church, where tate bible My should be used. The whale assembly then resolved itself into at, large bible class, and the Sabbath lesson for the next Sunday. The first Christaiu Ma- tyr, was admir- ably conducted by the Rev. L. A. Mason. Reports were then read by the Secretary, from the various Sun- day Schools. There are 22 in the 1 insisted on his tom lyin he sent in Union, 18 of which had reported. in addition. to e. batter-makersp g Amongst many interesting items we meeting, to be held at the Dairy , his resignation. g School Guel 1' ' on Friday, March 5th pGen. I3ailington Booth, when might mention that the Gerrie , aeon stated that the action. of Methodist School has raised the under the auspices of the Provincial largest amount for its support viz. Dairy School and the Eastern and :Major Marshall was a vindication of Western Association; the Western ; the course he took a year ago. He a33; and Redgrave contributed the �`ssoeiation in conjunction with the said: "Marshall was sent here as an lergest sum for missionary purposes, Western Dairy School, will hold a, . embodiment of Englislaism for the viz. k25, Wroxeter was decided meeting ' similar meeting in the Dairy settee' • purpose of more rigidly applying next upon as the next plaice of meeting Stcathroy, on Friday March 12th, Salvation Army discipline than I and the Rev. Anderson as }:resident This meeting • will be specially fee thought it wise to do. He failed, In the evening session addresses were was recalled, and the result was an given by the Rev. C. R. Dunne M. A. the cheese and butter -makers, west immediate a dification of several �y �� Rev. J. W. Coffin and the Rev. T of Landon. Their tivill be an after- Coixle and secure noon and evening session:. The well-known army ideas in connection W. Cosens, all of undeniable ability, afternoon session will be devoted to with American institutions and after which the questiondrawer was addresses and diseassioas on prat- alliliation with the churches." taken up by Rev. A. N. Dobson, gond amongst otter questions prepared Beal cheese and butter making, and charge. Left the Army. Major T. C. Marshall, former pri- men in the localities mentioned will vate secretary to Gen. Booth, and take part in the discussion. intimate friend of the Booth family, One or two meetings will be ar- and until ono week ago the editor of ranged for later on, in districts where the War Cry, has left the Salvation butter making is inatle a speciality. Army, for the same reason, it is said, These local conventions ate only that Commander Bel tington Booth held in places where local dairymen did a year ago. Marshall was one make application for them ; the of the bitterest critics of Ballington Association paying the expenses cf Booth's action. A short time ago he the speakers, and the local authori- was ordered to farewell and go to ties paying the expenses for advcr- . England, but he has refused to obey rising etc. ' and when Commander. Booth -Tucker BANKRUPT SnE ----.-COMMENCING- 5atur 9 Feb. 27 - - OF --- Ready Made Clothing, Hats and Caps, Gents' Furnishings, and Tweeds will be sole at about half price the evening session to topics of n1asexr,tr:D• was what should be the attitude of �' p • gen- e)rvrrt=Itilorrni�-1n Morris on Wed- `' Sunday Schools toward dancing. Mr. eral interest to makers and patrons. nesday, l<ith i�,Ft. Mr, Georgenor Olver, of Special prices all over the house on Dobson giving, it 'as his opinion that This will be an excellent opportunity Brussels, to Mies. Agnel; • Moffatt, of Ruettel's Saturday and every night from 7 until 0 promiscuous dancing should be dis- for the Western makers to visit the 114orris. at s couraged; and the proceeding of the new Dairy School at Strathroy. atn i, ��'61ai;d `day of which we have only been I During the past three weeks the , _ I able to give et brief and imperfect Secretary of the Association has ad- Are You BELGRAVE. 1 summary, were brought to a close dressed meetings at white Oak, C, McClelland, sr 15 in Godeaiclt1by singing the by mn,God be with I Lynden, Thainesford, - Mapleton, • RUPTURED 9 ' you till we meet fi ain, and the Gladstone, and Appin. The impor-' °,s this week as auditor on the county y g books. He is well qualified for the benediction, pronounced by Rev. C. thrice of keeping up the quality of R. Gunne after which all retired to ourdairy products, and the duties of If so it is your advantage to poeition. henry Edwards returned from' apparently g the patrons in properly caring for 1 call on Gordon & Co.'s Drug 1 their homes, a U entl gratifled �' Creditan last Tuesday after a fort -i with the pleasant and profitable time ithe milk, arid providing only such , Wingham. They night's visit among friends there. they had spent together, and the'. food for their cows as will Store, pt:pee.;y Samuel Walsh is again in this I cordial feeling and the generous only the best qualityv of milk , •eere vicinity with his 'steamer and grain • hospitality of which they had been 1 discussed thoroughly at those meet- are the `agentthe celebrated Wetmore for for crusher. the recipients. ings. At several places resolutions were passed condemning the feeding Truss. a visit to Blyth on Saturday after- IN A PIGGY RY .of turnips and such foods as will taint the milk of.cows whose milk is WTHE noon. Remains of Two r rencbmen' supplied to the factories. Several HE Mr. L. Geddes gave a part, to Discovered. •a few of his friends Inst friday even- I factories last season lost from one to ` ` '�E �yt�OYOU� IS : Ing. EVIIENCEs or INCENDIARISM AN» i two cents per ib on their cheese 1. Because it is dangerous to be a because of the turnip flavor, moment without one. Sidney ]tastier lige purchased a )tlLtantsr, AT PORT E RT}IrTR. Dairymen are urged to remit the' 2• It will never rust and is conse- team is horses to take to his farm back in Michigan. Port Arthur, Feb- 23.—Govern- membership fee, (50 cents,) at an quently durable. early date, to the secretary of the 8. A person wearing a Wetmore does tienry C. Owe is intends going out ment Detective Campau, of Windsor, Annualtion, and insure getting the .not find it a bother. to the Northwest Shortly also H. Me- o i1: sec to investigates mystery- Annual Reports. Lean. ons case: cf what is supposed to be '4. We will guarantee to hold in Mc Messrs Wutson stud Wheeler paid .[IOWICIi. On Tuesday last the annual con- vection Of the IioWiek Sunday School Union, was held in the Ford- evicla Methodist church: The morn was fair, the sleighing good and as to wards the hour appc/inted for the meeting, sleighs and cutters well loaded entered the town, and having discharged their load c,f living freight the visitors mingled with the towns- people in wending their way toward the church mutual enquiries were given, exchanged and oft repeated, the air seemed redolent with friend- ship. The program consisted of murder and incendiarism. The Young r'enton'a Death. s position any reducible rupture. authorities at fort Arthur, asked Shelburne, Ont., Feb. 23.—Another ` 5. This truss cannot possibly move the Attorney -General's department to stage in the elucidation of the myst- and Detectiveu was deputed Fenton, the Melanethon farmer, who after adjustment, send a mars who could speak French ery surrounding the death of young 6 Some of our townspeople can to make an investigastig;atian. it was thought, had perished in an - Rene Dubin and Fred Currier, nit attempt, to rescue his stock on the 7. testify to its merits. Satisfaction guaranteed or money tives of France, formed a partnership occasionof the aurning of his premises refunded. in the business of stock- raising and was reached this morning. This e t,O-R '�OIT & CO. gardening;, and seemed to prosper.' fire was one of a series which have 'L'a ��t They were located on the Ontario occurred in the locality during the ___._._.___ — Niue read, about two miles past as t few years, and on charges of I oft 1t gn=u The 1 urines was first raising which residents of 1lelaretthon r, established by .T. P. Donnelly as -a are now in Orangeville jail awaiting dlau5idki ZHU?. Piggery. and Corrier and Dabin, trial. The jury was out half' al, looked after the stock for him. They hour, when they brought in the bought Mr. I)olinelly's business some following verdict: -"That the deceas- morninn afternecNn and evening time ago, paying in installments. ed Edward Fenton saute to his death seesion , presided over 1,y the Rev. A Me't „t,tba•e and D. IIerbert, on by being accidentally burned in a A. B. Djbbson, Presbyterian minister, their way to the bush to chop wood • building which we have every reason 111r. Wm. Walters acting as seete-- dtscoveu-d the piggery aid rest- to believe was feloniously set on fire taro. In the morning after the dense at i=oal, of• swouldcring ruins by some perso:t or pereone unkitownt devotional ser :ieQs an address was given by the Rev. T. W. Cosens. The fit;.. =1ddre a; was given by Mr. 1'. lictnpinetall, on the Ntodcl superin tendent }tad his work. The venerable appearance c;f the speaker and his long experience and devotion to the Sunday School, eeemed to give weight to hitt uttcrotices as he clew They repotted to the police at Port This concluded the proceedings of Arthur, mid a party rearclied the : the Fenton inquest, an inquiry that New Outfit of M aehirir y ruins, Ctidi;ag the retnains of Dabin has been of inestimable service to where his ltottse once stood. Corrier's the Crowii, and in its own peculiar bones were found in the cellar under way has elicited information that ncluding an Iron Planer, the pigg'ry• will later ern bring big results, in general line of re - to do a edLathes etc. and is flow prepar- , From the remarkable eireumstan- running to earth and landing in jail ces surrounding the death of these a ninnber'talore of the gang of cote. two men, and the burning of build- spirators who halve become so not- pairing;. Engine. and Mill cribed the model superintendent as ing, it u•as the openly expressed erious. It is understood that no Machinery repairing and pipe being in every sense a loan, a good opinion in Port Arthur that it was a arrests are to be made nt present, fitting a specialty. man, n)uSt like Christ, able to •pray case of hlnrde" with incendiaristtl but itis Certain that +the evidence All kinds of shafting, gt_al- in public., skilled in the tnanagettlent adduct to (;over the greater crime. wilt result in placing at least four of children and teachers, the latter When the remains of Dabin were teen behind prison bars. tt)g,,tron and wooden pulleys, of whom might change their class or discovered a mule belonging to the- brass and iron castings sup - remove em if exl.edic1it, able to glen wag found harnessed and aitch- A tott the las` meeting of the Brant lied on shortest notice. teach any class, and a thorough ed to a sleigh, standing in a clump Council a motion was put through di- p cbriatian. The: management of an of bushes. Corrier had his clothes resting; the peeve to procure legal t n advance as try whether the late council 1 Infant Class was given by W. [3, air when ltd, met his death, evidenced Swale, M. D., who emphasized the - by the fact that on one foot is found hall the right purchase ltoatl Aim cis Importance of punctuality; treating an over shoe, charred black,. and tate' and whether this council has any Center Building Button & Feseant Oh= In a friendly* manner, in and buckle. right to pay for thcm. Factory. E MR. JOHN MURRAY has opened out a new machine shop, thoroughly equipped with a JOHN M tl'REAl!'•. Bargain -3 ormick Pridha o old stand, nerds of C%u en':; Hotel. uw;aeuwurz,iurrnmmmrxmminuIMr„•nmr T•=• � ,..�,a.• III 1. LIG,,yd:: irate • is ' sap; e IMAM a ► '`was <r:FlI1. *s: 11,44i4411, Il�'jt� �y�iti 11' i1, CLEJ, L ALE STILL 0ONTINUES and will contintre until the whute stock is cleared out. We are highly gratified at the snecers HI'ei:dirg our efforts in this direct- ion; the great consuming inaays of this country are not slow to distinguish between a fake and a genuine sale, pri('('s tel every time. Another ccnsign went to hand Of goods bought for it -s then (cor'”! ''r' 2E1.4C3,4100 We would ask as a favor from uur castuin ls, itt least all who can make it - convenient, to do their shopping early in the day, in this way we can serve you better in the afternoon, we (n•e so 11)11011 crowded that we are not able to give ; on that attention We would like. 15 pteces Dress Goods were 1 5 now 5 , 1p " 11 11' ' 1 Eandkerchiefs at less than 15 " crs;t ,nd a great many more a-"-CT^s we have no roomto nt!'1:tion. Everything goes all 1al al the lisle. Call early at7. getv.-ry special bargains. 8 " 5 .1 4 11 Tweeds Mantle Goods Ready Made Mantles Shoes 12 Storm Collars 8 Fur Sets ,1 11 11 •11 ,N t1 It 11 25 " 10 1, 35 " at) .1 t;J 1• Ni) " Ct) " to 50e on the 61 ,tle " 11 : 1 50)e " " 50e " ;l 500 " " tel 500 " "1 50c " " G-ISZC i , ..•` MACDONALD BLOCK. WINGI[AI,f