The Wingham Times, 1897-02-26, Page 5wm.....rompumplit...••••.•••rinwnsauip.
Me aster & Co's.
wholesale bankrupt Dry Goods stock amounting
to $194,367.72 was offered for sale last week
in Toronto in quantities to suit the retail
trade. Our buyer was on hand early,
to take advantage of the great bar-
gains that were offer9d.
It required lots of nerve and. plenty of money
to bu.y in sufficiently large quantities to get the
lowest prices and largest discounts. Our buyer
was well fortified with both these requisites, and
bought very largely and gat some startling bar-
gains. The goods will be here this week and
opened up for inspection. on Friday morning the
26th. inst.
Come in the forenoon if possible as we are
always crowded in the afternoon. Further par-
ticulars and price list next week.
--: 0: -
is selling out his
winter goods re-
gardless of cost
Ow is your chalice
to get bargains.
of Crockery. We intend opening this week and will have on exhibition
in a few daes, the finest range of
-MIZE eueleetit,
Talk about money,
Pourele, Sterlipge and Groats
Eagles and Dollars
And rag paper notes,
Men toil and starve,
To gather the stutr,
And after they get it,
They ne'er brave enough,
The atatesmnp and preacher
The lord and the slave
The plowman and ditcher
The crank and the knave
sell strive to get money
In one kind or other
Which suite them the best
Is the Lund they will gather.
°The Eagle and Guinea
May do for the knave
Who lives ors the toil
And sweat of the slave
Por gambling in stocks
Jr cornering wheat
Or anything else
Where there's chances to cheat,
" 'Oe
cheese subject to inspection by the Canadas or 790 lbs., lather common CRIS Frours
buyers, and ti e necessity for a nrwe $3.15 and some very conunort in a
impartial system of inspeetion, tbis
meeting would. strongly urge for the
appointment of an inspector by the
Dominion Government, said inspector
to be available to be called in Incase
of dispute, who weuld decide as to
the quality of the cheese and whose
deeision would be final. We feel
Tbe gold and the paper
May suit t•he Exchequer
The Banker and Broker
For note and whatnot
Fr hoarding and spending
For borrowing and lending
The gold it will sink
And the paper will float.
The gold end rag money
They work hand in band
When cornered ;hey shrink
When boomed they expand
The gold %ill go up
The greenbacks curve down
They flood like the tide
And wane like the moon.
The rag paper dollar
Was never a dollar
And never a dollar
Can rag paper be
Scratch off the name
Or take it from home
It's not worth the toss
Of a crooked bawbee.
Hurah for the dollar
The brightsitter dollar
The working man's dollar
Is the dollar for me
In halves or in quarters
In dimes or in nickles
If made but ufsilver
It's the dollar I'm roe.
Tho bright silver dollar
le always a dollar
A legal boon companion
By land or by sea
Wherever I travel,
The wide world over
All countries will take it ' •
And never say -nay, •
You may freeze it or burn it
Squander or torn it
Sink it like lead
In the the depths of the sea
You may loose it. and tind it
And still it's s• dollar
A good silver dollar ..
Is the driller for me.
Et A. 0. Wi DO I II tn.
were decidedly easier, than they to consult a doctor who after exam
It Should be (lone by a Disinter- Werl laic Friday. Receipts from ining me said, Mr. Moore I ant very
este.d Party. !Buffalo are that the market sold off sorry to tell you that your case is very .
from 10e to 20e per cwt since last serious. so much so that I doubt if
TRE BRANDING OF CHEESE FA VORED— 1 week. Hogs were firmer here, but
LISTOWEL Mom= OffEESE MAK- luOntr wise this market was weak.
ERS—SPEECR BY MR. MC• ' Receipts were 66 cars of stuff, in-
MULLEN, M. .I" I chiding 480 sheep and lambs, and
. • 11,100 hogs. for the week ending
Harriston, Feb. 22. —In response Saturday, total receipts were:— I me. I took neither because I felt
to a cireular that had been issued to Cattle, 2,692; sheep and lambs, 401; i sure I had neither trouble be said, and
all the cheese factories in the Listo. , hogs, 8,909; weigh fees, $100.49. that he did. not understand my case.
: wel dist' let a large and represent- ' Seven cars of cattle went to Buffalo. Two days later I went to Ottawa and
peddling way at 03 to OM, The
Merellanta' Review, says;—"Cana-
dian shippers.of feeding cattle have r
no kick owning on the prices ob-
Mined for their cattle since the ow -
barge was raisedon February 1st, on'
which date the tops of.the feeders
sold at $3.50. The following Mond- j
that such a step is necessary to day, February 8th, they advanced to
proteet the interests of factories, and 53.85, the next week, Feb. lah, tops
also that it would be a protection to sold at $4.87.10 and yesterday at ;
the buyers by placing the blame $3.90 to $t The Canadian ship. ;
where it properly belongs. And that ments of feeding cattle to the west-
a copy of this resolution be forward ern points were destributecl toi-
ed to all the Cheese Boardsin western low:—Ohlo, CAM, Illinois 4 cars,
Ontario, asking their approval and Indiana 7 care, Pennsylvania 3 cars ;
co-operation." and New York 1 ear—Total 43 ears,
The discussion on the motion was Sheep and lambs—f50 cars on sale,
entered. into most thoroughly by which were carried over front yester
nearly all the delegates present, a days demoralized market. Trade
spirit of fairness to buyers and sellers eo-day while a littlemore active, was
being characteristic throughout, and at salt lower prices, best selected :
on being. put to the meeting was 85 to 00 Ib lambs sold at .5,5.10 to
carried almost unanimously. $5.15, and a few fur export sold at
The Secretary, W. D. McLellan, about $5.20, but bulk of geod choice
was instructed to have circulars lambs sambs sold at $1,75 to OH
printed and forwarded to all the Sheep fairly aciive; good handy
factories in western Ontario asking mixed sold at $3.75 to 04 and up to
for their cooperation and support in e4,10 for lots largely weathers; good !
the matter. handy wethers, $4.15 to $4.25 ;
Mr. James McMullen, M. P., was closed dull and easy, with some !
present and gave a very neat and poorer lambs of a poorer quality un-
instructive address. He said the sold. Hogs were slow and about 5e
Dominion Government were willing higher for light grades and mixed I
and anxious to do anything in their Yorkers.
power to assist the cheese industry
in Canada, diet they were fully alive
to the fact that the interests at stake TWO ISICHTLIB TO
were large and should be most care -
hilly guarded, and that anything he That was 4713.,6at r. Moore. Doctor told
could do pertonally would be done
to secure. legislation in the direction
indicated in the motion.
T170 question of branding cheese
with the month in *which it was made
was next taken up, and after a good
deal of diseussion for and against the
following resolution .was put to the.
Cures all roughness of the akin
makes and keeps it soft and
Pleasant to use, being neither oily
nor sticks. Sold by the ounce
r iti 25e. Mottles at.
but instead of going to :the
doctor's I bought some Pink
Pills and returned home and began
using them. Before had finished
my second box there was no room to
doubt that they were helping me. I
kept taking Pink Pills and the malady
which the doctor had failed to suc-
cessfully dingnose was rapidly leav-
ing me. The pain also left my neck
and shoulders and after at couple of
month's treatment.' became strongand
healthy. I am now in my 77th yen,
thanks God that I ani aisle to go
about with feeling of good health.
stall continue the pills occasionally
feeling sure that ror a person of my ago;
they are excellent tonic. After failure
of so melt medical teeatment 1 feel
sure that nothing else than Pink Pills
could have restored me to my present
THE REIllAIIKABLE EXPERIENCE OF ONE 1- Dr. Williams' Pink pills create
new blood build up the nerves and
—kx. neurons TREATED IIDI WITH I thus drive disease Rural the system.
OUT BENEFIT—HE OWES rus RE- In hundreds of cesee they had cared- -
NEWED eeeorn TO FOLLOWING A I after all the medicines had f tiled,.
rillesxo's ADVICE. thus estaMishing the claim teet they
are a marvel among the triumphs of
meeKng, viz :—"That in the opinion
From the Mau; Journal. • ! modern medical science. These
of this meeting it would be in the
! genuine Pink Pills are sold only in
Mr. David Moore is a well known
interests of the cheese trade in1
Canada to have each cheese branded' and much esteemed farmer living te ! boxes, bearing the tall trade enaik'Dr.
with the month and the day of the the county of Carleton some six ; Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Pedple."
month in which- it was made. ;miles from the village of Richmond. Protect your •self from imposition by
The motion on being put was 1 Mr. Moore has been invalid from some • refusing any pill that does .not
carried, 31 factories voting for and. 4 Years, and physicians failed to agree bear the registered trade mark
After tendering a hearty vote of their treatment failed to restore him
thanks to Mr. McMullen for favoring to health. Mr. Moore give e the
, the meeting with his presence and following account of his illness and
1 s'.1 the m • et'i 0. broke upby
.. eventual restoration to heolth. He i
!singing "God Save the Queen." says:—"My.first sickness came on me1.144.4004101,p. : , died en Saturday after -
I when I was 69years of ago. Prior noon ;it tour p'eluck. Deceased had
suffered fur the !wit fuw y ea. s
beck from a. compheaton of diseases.
and his sad death on Saturday -was
not unexpected. His funeral took
piece on Tuesday aftertmen to Ball's
cemetery and was largely attended
there being over 150 vehicles in the
•oct ..s'o I, The Cer• dim Older
around the box.
as to his aihnent. Not only this but
Mr. James AleG en, for many
ears a much iespected resident of
Live stook market
Toronto, Ont., Feb. 23.—Trade
was duller and the' prices of cattle
to that I have always been a strong
healthy man. I had a bad cough and I
was growing weak and in bad health
generally. I went to North . Gower
you can live two months. He said -
my trouble was a. combination .of
asthma and bronchitis and he gave I a
me some medicine and some leaves to
smoke which he said might relieve
of Foresters, of Auburn had etem•ge
of the funeral, the deceased being
t member of that order. Deceased
was unmarried, but lea v s a • widoti -
ed mother, brother and sister tome=
his death.
ative meeting of delegates was held , and 0 to Montreal. Export cattle,
in the town hall here on Friday last1slow buying, prices nominal at from
for tl.e e of discussing t.helwr to 41-c per Th; not many are want -
propriety Of asking.. the Dominion
ed tor a few days. Batchers' cattle
Government to appoint .inspector
—There were some left iu the pens
who could he called in to settle any at the close, .the feeling, being easy
disputes betweee bt) ers and sellers all day; prices ruled from Vic 0 24e
as to the quaint e of cheese offered. mostly with some odd ones touching
Twenty-six factories were represent- 31c lb; not many were bought for
ed by delegates and six either by Buffalo. The local demand was
proxy - or by reeolutions 'of their quiet. Stockers and feeders were
boards, which was estimated to re- quiet and dull, prices off trom 10e e pocket in case I should. die suddenly,
present two-thilds of the business 15e per cwt.; buying fur Buffalo was I did not seem. to be getting .any
done at the Listowel board. not nearly so active. Last merket better nnder the treatment finally and
• The meeting. was unanimous left the clay determined to consult a
doctor nearer home. I was again
examined and the idea that I. had
heart disease was scouted, the doctor
saying there was many a man fol
lowing the plow whose heart was in
the worse shape then mine. I re-
mained under treatment of this doctor
tar a long time, bat • no better.
Then my case was made worse by
an attack of la grip which left be-
hind it a terrible pain in my back
and shoulders. This became so
severe that I could not raise my head
from my pillow without putting my
hand to it and lifting it up. I .doctored
until was trying the sixth doceoe
and. instead of getting better wits
getting worse. The last doctor I had,
advised inc to Wait meal the heat of
summer Was or or when he would
blister um form pains in my neck
and shotilders which he felt sure
would relieve it. I Was on 103' way
to Itichmotid to undergo this blistering
when I met Mr. Geo. Argue, Of North
Gower who told Inc of the wonderful
awe Dr Williatns' Milk Pills had
wrought him and advised me strongly
to try them. I went to Richmond,
consulted one of the most prominent
physicians there. He gave me through
exatajnation and pronounced my
ailment heart trouble, and I was
liable in my present condition to
drop dead at any monent. I decided
to remain in the city for some time
and undergo his treatment. He
wrote a few lines on a piece ot paper
giving my name and place of resi-
dence and trouble to carry in my
their opinien the t a Wet nge is req (tir-
ed the present *stem of market-
ing eittee e, the hulk of which is sold
at the (ewe 0 Board and subject to
inl.s.,etion fly the imyer:4 before be -
mg Iii.tti. 111 tee event of the
.eueee 1,011:4 dis,atisiled with the
that has yet beer shown outside the.cities, and they are as WONDERFUL quality t•f the eietee it was felt that
VALUE as they are BEAUTIFUL GOODS. We shall alio open it would he much more satisfactory
a teeneesele eompetent and
some very fine lines of
day there was an over supply.
Quotations here rule from, 3e O.! 3c
per ib, generally only odd fancy
steers going up to W.te per ite Bulls
weaker: some of these were hard to
sell, prices ruled from 4 -is 3,e per
Ib poor ones are not wanted. Sheep
dull,prices are nominal, at from $3.25
T $4 each. Lambs barely steady,
all sold eventually at from 4:tee. 32e
per Ib. Good grain fed lambs are in
dieinterested peteon available who deniand. Calves dull, pripes are un -
conld be lled In aroitrate be.
tween the parties, end whese dee:Lion
in 1.1,5 matter nint-t be accepted. It
was 0,11111(41 • 1 hat by this means
batesmen 011(1 potiOPS of Newt ies
Ivied(' feel Oat they received justice
•,),* having the quality of the cheese
-Wbich are ose :plon- 1,11Y gold :value and very pretty designs. Intendmg • .preilouneed upet by a competent itild
changed at from $4 Qt'; $0 per head.
Mileh cows and springers all sold,
but there are too many rather poor
cows in; prices rule at troth $18 to
f-,110 each—the latter for choice well
favored springers; some of these are
wanted,> Hogs, offerings fairly
heavy but all sold easily at firmer
Purchasers SWUM NOT PAIL TO CALL AND EXAMINB unbiased. judge,. and also that the quotations. Choice selections of
bacon hogs sold for from, 4ge to 41e
per ib., and there prospcets t'or 4Tle
per lb., weighed cf the ears, next
week. Thick fat hogs are steady at
OM per cwt. Stags 2ie and sows
3e per ib.
East Buffalo, Feb, 23.—Only 3
ears on sale, a trifle weaker; one car
stockers sold at OA, and a bunch of
OUR G'OODS BE,FORI41 BUYING. buyers would in many cases have
, the his me removed from their
shoulders and plead where it prop-
erly belonged.
The f )Ilowinz resolution was
GROCENV lines full and fresh as • usual at
.A. FARQUHARSON'S. dwir,atflta,etdital t‘i.dieswult?fnittlieled dissatisfaction:
that has ttrisen among faetorymen
WINGAAM. as to the method in vogue of selling
Barrie, Ont., Fele 23.—ALout 1.30
a. in. on Monday the 15th inst., Geo.
Crawford, a store -keeper at Oro
Station, was called to his door by
two men, with disguised and betok-
ened faces. Upon opening the door
not waiting to dress himselfe he w •
seized and given terrible • e
fist mid clnb and kicked e .teely
about the lower tines of his body.
Two men, Gee. Perry and WI».
Rayner, brother and brother in-law
respectively of Orawferd's wife, were
arrested en suspicion. They were
remanded until today, :twat:lug the
recovery of Crawford to give evidence
The trial opened -this morning in the
court house. are:Word swore that
his assailants bast blackened laces,
and be suspectied who they were,
because of threats made to hint by
his wife, with whom he had not
not always agreed. Crawford's son
swore that on the night in qaestion
he had seen the two men beating his
father, ant: when they were leaving
he recognized one of them as Perry.
Wall ice Hipson, of Love's livery
stable, swore that the prisoners had
hired a horse aud cutter on the. Sun-
day night and i'ctttrredearly lontbay
morning. 'When they returned their
faces had been blaekened. Rayner
paid for the rig. Detective Beards-
ley spoke of notieing Meek ,narks"'
beneath Perry's eyes on Monday
when he was arresting him. As the
defence offered no -evidence, i his closed
the ease. Magistrate Ross eora,
tnitted both prisoners for .trial.