The Wingham Times, 1897-02-26, Page 4AIt1iM:r1,-fro
- THE \' MMOHAN '['IME►, , FEBRUARY 26, 18K,
Ooim A. Campbell's
P a Tiyqnd Wild Oh i j
a sure cure for
"Well, 1 spell's' from authority, and 1
tell you, you. cannot in conscience
vote for a partisan of the sores' led
settlement or for a candidate who
trimmed with deep, cream lace and
had been carefully preset.\ ed many
years, for it had been the wedding
gown of her mother, who like many
proposes to try it or who supports Scotch belies has the pleasant habit of
party leaders who declare themseIvee laying things by, for future occasions
lin favor of said settlements. Further bliss Jane .MeVitty as briclo'smaid
ton Monseigneur Langevin said ; You wore white dotted nittslin over pink
lure at liberty to separate yourselves silk collar. Mr. Peter Moffatt, bro-
1 from the pope and the bishops. ther of the bride wale best man. After
Ohm are at liberty to prefer other the ceremony, everyone sat down to
leaders to us, know that \ve 0133 re. a sapper, under which the tables must
COLI.):, ! mai.' at liberty to defend the church MI founded smothered groans
1 which is oatraged and the souls of beue•t'h the bountiful loads of
i the children which are threatened. g
4 Y ou are at liberty to remain with -
r 't • ou will nt sit at the the first set in a stance, and from theft waited long enough in all conscience
2 &eve S. of 1'. 0. \\ inght
like prodigal sons do not ask your big kitctlea was never free from Wingham for a fax null, it is now
share of inheritance. The spiritual dancers. The young couple received more than two years since it own -
estate is not for rebellious sons. Go,'' many handsome and valuable pre• menced and what have you to show
ge with our enemies far away from sents. They will begin house keep- for it? I will answer the question
yew mother Ah 1 I cannot believe . ing in Brnssels. This was a good or if you, or if you examine today's
that there should be among you a' !lowly, old fashioned wedding and Globe you you will find an answer;
single Cath. lie able to commit such was thoroughly enjoyed by those on page 3, column 0, you will find
I3lucvale, Feb. 23, 1897.
To the Eli tor of the Advaure,
11I'EtIUt T 1tk:POL T S,
Wingham, l' ebrusry 231h, 1897.
Corrected by P. Leans, Produce Dealer.
Flour por 100 lbs 2 00 to 2 13
Pali Wheat0 74 to 0 75
DEAR SIR, --I think your editorial SPriug Moat 0 74 to 0 75
Osis, now,. , .. 0 17 to 0 18
on the flats mill question is hardly 1 I3arloy 0 •.o to 0 30
fair, you say t;iat Bluevale men want I Pens 0 130 to 0 37
it at Rlueva o and farmers in the ';attar 0 u to 0 11
vicinity of Wingham want it there; Eggs Por dozen 0 12 to 0 13
Wood por card.... 1. 00 to 1 25
you seen' to endeavor to create a f1,tiy ppr ton 7 i0 to S v"0
P (1 0 to 0 23
Potatoes, per babllel,
Tallow, per lb.... 0 3 to 0 3
Dried Apples, por t!) 0 2 to 0 2,j
Chialtens 0 20 to 0 25
040 to 050
0 4to0 5
0 7 to 0 8
Dressed Hogs .... 4 25 to 4 00
19 to 23
I wrong impression here. If you bad
reversed tide and said the nion of
1Vieghain and the farmers in the
vicinity of I3laevale I think it would
think ood things spread upon then'.Ducks
titer supper Mrs. Olver changed her be neater the mark. Now , nn , Geese
COLIN A. CAMPBELL the family and its head, but if yon dress and she and her husband led the farmers in 11118 vicinity have 7 u eys•
in' e i tip J family banquet. 1f you go away till five o'clock f'1 tho morning the for the results from the agitation at
'4 !
J ton
„ � J
1? .NID AY, FE BRIT A.P.,Y 20, 1807
- - -- a crime. Do not forget that the i present. this ad: "Wanted—Working partner
EDITORIAL NOTES. whole land is gazing upon you, and
IT is reported that the Pcst Office think of the consequences of your
divisions in Ontario and Quebec will
be somewhat recons
1 ucted
in all about six divisions less. Among
those to be abolished are the Stratford
and Barrie divisions. The territory
covered by these will be put into
the To -onto and London divisions
respectively. This will mean a
saving in the Post Office Department
of about $50.000. Mr
acts, Again I repeat : You cannot
in conscience vote for apartisan of
the so called settlement, or for a can-
didate who proposes to try it or who enthusiastic, when you have to ad.supports party leaders who declare Travellers Anderson and Dean of veala for outside capital. In this
themselves in favor of said settlements Toronto were in town this week. vicinityit is different as it is only
I reserve that case to myself, and I Mr. S. B. Mclielvie has returned
notify my clergy thereof. Then, home from Toronto whore he l a about four weeks since the first
either remain faithful to the Church I -word was heard of a flax mill hero
to a meeting of the L
t n m I
or be separated therefrom. The f itors of Lo khart & Son & Co.
school question is not a political , -- 'IT lI h
question." The fact that in spite of
these utterances and of the active
influences brought to bear in other
ways by Archbishop Langevin and Mr. J. A. Barnard and W. M. Rob- aecordidgl a day was set to hold a
'loch is said about the Republic his eler v - the Liberal candidate y J
g-' erson are at Niagara Falls attending meeting and that meeting \vasa sue -
and Nicaragua these days. We hear polled no fewer than two hundred the High Cort C. 0. C. F. cess. Sixty-five smarts nese promis-
and eight votes shows that even Mr. Barnard intends visiting Toron- ed, provisional directors elected,
among the I''rench Canadians direct- to during his trip and purchasing a stock canvassers appointed, etc, and
ly under the personal supervision number of bis les for the season , Notice is hereby given that the above.
1 ,
of the Archbishopthere area number I y now w e have considerably over 00 , nntne<7 hal made an assignment of his
, Rev. E.A. Shaw, Belgrave preached shares subscribed, although one•lialf 1 estate fur the general benefit of his
who are not afraid to act in accord a every" eloquent sermon in the ,
ance with • there own conscience, l o q the t(.rritery has not been :;One over creditors to the uJ,ler.ii;ned trustee, and
while there are a still larger number I taking for his text "The Cross of
who, though not willing to act in i chil•st."
open disobedience to the Archbishop, i Mr. John Hay den, of Woodstock is
are not willing to vete according to I
his dictation.
• s els was in town
t fI31ns i o
John J
on Monday accompanied by Capt
Collies of Brussels S. A.
A t; per cent. Permanent Investment
The Eluitabl.. Savings Loan & nuilding Asso-
elation off Toronto, a,0 sellhtt Owes of their now
issue of Permanent Stock uttit00 each. Participants
in full earnings of the Assoeiatinn from which they
aro paying half yearly <Ilv'dsr.d3 at the rate of 0''
per annum, !Manna earnings payable as a bonus
at tie and of cavil ave yearn.
for particulars of security etc., ripply to
A. E. 4111TH, AGSM'.
who understands the flax business,
\\'stn $1,000 to invest. A liberal.
KI 1 township, B C
salrry will bo allowed. Address FAros of r nests, Milton
*two o.
) 75 acres olearectll; ctrl ern a� laps[ gl wate�, Lt� o��coc{
. • ,) .0 < tat nn oxen en
r f ht t 4t flue a fu 1 t r
)tee ) c stn
the vicinityof Wingham were very opportnnity ice dati'g u proRtaUln da.ity bnsues•.
„ Applt to Dtrd A. Iftewart, L,:know, 1I. A: Stewart
St, 7'xmis or A. tJ Ste act, Tunstvater,
P h0(i, 'Wingham, Ont." This
'%•ells; new win •n:1I , poor •Ouse. ar•,ru )ant men,
good stables; two acre bearing orchard, 2 nates from
' tefatm •
farmers in
does s lftl
not seem a
e1e and by the way, the cause of that
first word was some farmers who
Bliss 1 e ere e1 •is er of W.lfc- live between here and Wingham.
Kercher has go ie to Winchester After your first meeting this winter,
She was accompanied as fir as Toron- saying that they would sooner take
to by her brother W. See stools in a mill here than at Wingham
a great deal of the proposed canal
across the little Cent al American
country to connect the Atlantic with
the Pacific. But the country bus
" It reee.bcen famous on another account
Ic is the Chief source of the mahogany
supply of the 'w rkJ. and its great
forests ave eontroled by live Yankees -
These people set our statesmen a
good example in their care to re•
afforest the wintry. For each tree
that is cut down two are planted,
and thus the forests are practically
inexhaustible That is what t hould
be done in Canada. All the timber
necessary to keep our rulers in funds
to niako liberal grants for the care
40or the :leaf, the dumb and the insat.e
and for the *tiding in the education
of the people, should be cut down,
but every year an increasing number
of young trees should be set out, and
proper (are taken of them. If we
had our way, not a rough spot, with
a few inches of soil, if free from
water, would remain nnplanted with
trees.—London Advertiser.
is prepared to 1111 orders for wilt of the best quality
coxs aro well fed. are ]sept scrnpulottely mean
and milk d .vith dr, hands and aro housed fu Clean
*tables. Surely this milk ,mast bo nice to drink
and more wholesome then that front cone wh. carry
each plait • yldenees of filthy premises about them
and aro allowed to feed on the streets and hack yards
of the town.
Ix rmi or JOiI`t igen) or Tat: TOw:rsari'
Methodist Church Sunday evening the creditors are uotitiytl to moot at the
office of J A Morton at \Vin_ham,Ont.. on
MONDAY, the lst day of MARCH,
1897 at ono o'u;ock noon. for the I
appointment of inspectors and the giv-
ing of di-eutwns for the disposal or the
estate- Creditors aro notified to file their
claims verilied as required by the
statute, with the trusted, on or before
the 15th day of .Marcb, 1807, after which.
date ho will proceed to distribute the
estate having regard to the claims only
of which be shall then have received
.7 A Motlxorr Davin DOest Tmov,
Solicitor. Trustee.
Dated at Winghatn, this' 20th day of Feb.1
in town at preeent,
The Seraphatie Band of the S. A.
which was to have giving an enter-
tainment here on Monday evening;
and if you will take a look at the
next Ontario Gazette, I think instead
of seeing an ad. for a working part-
ner with $1,000 to invest you will
see an notice of an application for a
charter. Yun say, just what advan-
tages a mill would have at I3lucvale
you cannot see. I would. ask what
Mr. John Weir sold one of his failed to put an appearance on account• I advantages Das Hensall, Blyth, At•
wood and Brussels that Bluevalc has'
not got or Oranbroolc where the 01111
TURNI3ERRY is three miles or more from the reli-
way. Now let me ask you not to
of last week work the "Dog in the • Manger"
the residence racket fur it will not work in this
and i f'ter case and if you live untilnext August
ycu will see our flax mill in full
I ani yours
horses for a. handsome figure, and of illnes of Capt Pettitt.
deli%e•-ed it in Gerrie last week.
It is- rumored around that one of
our young bachelors is going to
leave the bachelors'list before long. 'el/ On Friday ii
We wont say who but time will tell. few friends gathered
Mr. Gilbert Stephens is on the sick of ' bfr. Win, Haugh
list with an attack of La Grippe. making themselves at home Masters
Miss Maggie Young of Wingham Johnnie Mutton and Willie Linklator
was the guest of her uncle, Mr. Wm.
Robertson last week.
Mr. John Mitchell who has been
were duly installed as ushers who
conducted 11r. and Mrs, Haugh to a
couple of bran new chairs conveni•
visiting friends in this vicinity re• ently placed for their i•eceptinn.• ;�j
turned to his home in Manitoba last Mr. Linklator then briefly explain Af W 1GRAM FEBRUARY- 21Th-
week. ed that they did not consider the
1t. M. DLTPic.
41 nd clesi •
Mrs. James Fox is on the siek list nuptial knot had been securely tied If you have Oatena e
again, under the care of Dr. Mac- and intended to do the ceremony to be cured without risk of losing
The Result of the by-election for donates. We hope she will soon be over again much to the consternation , your money, call on our represent-
able to be around again. of the newly harried couple.
the Provincial Assembly which took The young people of this vicinity Mr. Flastings was then called upon ative in Wingham and he will give
place in Sc. Boniface on Saturday spent a pleasant time at Mr. Robert who reed the following address :__ you a Germicide Iuhal- r apd inedi-
was not unexpected, The stal,istics'lair's on Wednesday evening of To Mr. and Mrs. Haugh,— I eine for the euro of your' disease
are not to baud, but there are, if we
remember aright. between eight
hundred and a thousand electors in
last week, where they indulged in We are here to night to congrat-
the mazy whirl, until the early morn elate you on thehappy consummation
when all dispersed to their homes of your 1 erg cherished hopes and
well pleased with the night,s enjoy- dunes,
the caneiite nee , In erdiparg t'iec- rnont. We sincerely hope that you may
tions from six hundred to seven
13Lli EV�1LL. have a long and prosperous voyage
^n the cceen of life
without asking you one cent in ad-
vance. Give the- .remedy a fair trial
at home and if yoti are successful you
can pay e3 for same, if not no charge
whatever will be made. This remedy
cares where all else fails. You can
hundred cast there votes. In SPIII'
0 ' A rare treat i3 in store for 131ae- May you share each others j0y8 try\,
it without moneyand.without
nil the efforts made by Archbishop
vale. Mr. J. W. Bengough, of Tor- and sorrows, so that you may be
Langevin and his parish priests til onto, so Widely known its the Globe's true lrelpinafee to each other and 1)t re(. I.01 remedy on above liberal
a �
lfl What gives hood's Sars agar lla its great
popularity, Ito constantly increasing
gales, and enables it to accomplish its
wonderful and unequalled cures. The
combination, r roportion and process
used in preparing Hood's Sarsaparilla.
are unknown to other medicines, and
realm hood's Sarsaparilla
Peculiar to itself
11 cures a wide range of diseases because.
of its power nt a blood purifier. It• acts
directly anti positively upon tho blood,
and the blood reaches every nook and
corner of tiro human system. Thus all
the nerves, Lnucelcs, bores and tissues
como under the bencliecnt influence of
The Ono True Blood Purifier. 31 per bottle.
cure Liver 111s; easy to
1"IUOf�'S Pills
TOW:\si1:r ole was r •wawANOSiI IN
-dieter told by virtue of a power ot silo crntained
in a-ce tai.c uert a,:e datwi the LOttt d ty of Decent.
burs 1).1801, which will be pro raced at the time
of vale; there will be sold by Public Auction, by
William 1. Little, Attrtinneer, at
Mei-ARRY's "Dien, L UCKNOW.
Wednesday the 10th of Karel, 1897
1 le
111 bell s Drug Store
have a solid vote cast against the and authorf the book f b'steer1 f t tel mm call at G. p fi
carto'mist, o :C oe { 0 may your atl'1C clear .0 . the
Liberal candidate and the Manitobapoems, "Motley Verses Grave, and rocks a11d'shoal•:, which have made Wingham, Saturday, February 27th.
(site," and Caleb Jenkin's letters, shipwrecks ai''so many on the matri- Iielnen)liei• the date, Those when
will give one of his popular enter- monis' sea. sant by cannot call c sn addre si have the remedytafnments in the Foresters' Hall We hope that you will be pleased
March 5th. Mr. 13engough will ap- to accept this small token of our 3. ," Medical lnhal-
pear under the auspices of the Court affection ; and rest assured ie is but ation Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.
Douglass, C. 0. F. and the hall . a small expression of the esteem in -.--.--.___._.-.... _ _. _ .___ _--- -- .__ _.__. _
should and likely will bo packed to! whieli we hold you; and when the rr �,j��'${�
the doors. ( labors at' the clay are ended and you �� �U �+hl i q 1361{�a
Miss Spence of Brantford is visit- • sit down to rest in those chairs, you Is This \ATT:,a ("N Jan* oARl:ern et TOP aownetnr au'
ing at Mr. ;tlarquis Spence first line !eau have a quiet chat over the good :min Ri 111 Tar COMITY O11 mauls, psalms, .AS
lxeout):t. •'•
school eettletneut, only about fire
hundred VOWS were, we are told,
polled. The day was certainly a
had one, but it may he taken for
granted that every elector at all
within reach of his poll was beset
by the clergy to vote on their side.
It is true that Archbishop Langevin
told the electors that they were free
to vote for any candidate they
chose, but at the same time he
declared that those who did so
would be acting the part of prodigal
sons, and should remain away from
their father's house. He told them,
brei, that he `reserved the case,' mean•
ing probably that judgment on those
who voted against his wishes was
only held in reserve. How strongly
Archbishop Langevin put the ease
oto be best judged front the full
text of the sermon prearthed by hill'
of Morris. i old times that are past and gone, .
Mrs. Thomas Pilkie of Wexford And may the giver of all good watch
was visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm.
over you and protect you in What. T i i r hereby it tee that
Johnt°flit 011,1i Messer last week 111 ever sphere of life you nifty be rallecl u S. u
;intim is creby z t en t int Duthie*
of 1 ho
aws t p o n t ;v lint armer,
Dir. Thomas Stewart will give al to engagelle nd may your )cy
. L has made an /assignment/ lunder
., 1097,
• joys s be chapter 100 and atnendinacts, of all his eatuto,
crc,lits and offsets to WIiitun blesser, of the s lihw
box -social at his house on Wednes- I twiny and your sorrows few is the of Iliuevale In the said c5u ty, nterehant, far the
general beueflt of his creditors.
day evening March 3rd for the bene-: wish of your numerous friends. A meets„ of the creditors of the said Inaoi%cut
fit of' elle Methodist cineol'. i Air. Haugh was so eon11)letely over`• forrthelsaid Assit nee,CIt thelTo iii of Winxhamtin
Ci, *Over onto hundred and fifty peo• come by surprise teat his feelings the said County of Ifuron, o'1 Monday the 8th tiny
pie responded to the invitations sent! would not perinit him to make a of Morelli 00A. ,Dto1re tylia Stolle of two o'clock in
the afternoon, receive a statement ct a1talls to
out by Mrs. Mcf1'at of Morris, to bei reply. A short lite' ary program aptwint rnapertorannd for the ordering of the ct falra
{ o the estate generally
present at the marriage of her only t was then gone throug•Il with which Cretlltorsaro required to file their #lain,, wi!lift?, n
daughter Agnes, to Mr. George Olver was well rendered after which a Afsvnco or its said Sollcltor. \rite tit prood
„ F, il, partiealars thereof reguked by rho said Acta, on »r
on Wednesday evening of last week, sumptuous repast was partaken Off before the day of such tpeetinr.
And notice is further given that after rho tt%'cut\••
Rev. Mr. Anderson, Presbyterian I whieh would have gladdened the Arty da • of Mareh, A. •I). 1897, the Asgl,3neo win
min15ae r of Wroxeter, made thein . of an epicure. The Company then n,ry o, nett tHdrcktes e1titaa tiaioreto,c vied
ta inhg rotten'
otle The bride's ares was e:ceeed• l wended the way homeward by the 6ecn � rho rlaims of which notice shall then hate
in his cathedral at St.Boniface on ' ingly becoming to her, and was made!, light of "Paddy's lantern" well setis- wets or any pare thetreotilSO didtriliable eed for the
Sunday', the fourteenth of February. of good (ltd Country silk, with • fled with the nights performance. itartae°h a petatrso �sbt whose cillo ho shalt not then
Among other deelaratirne made by stripes in changing tints of mauve Mr. Haugh does not mind now how It vAl Solicitoro'tor Assignee u1:8SErt, am harp
the '4rehbitlI op VMS the following : white and other colors. It was often the cermony might be repeated. niece I: Winghlttn this 2134 day of February, 1897.
IIaving pnrchased Messrs. John
Watt & Son's planing factory, I ant
now prepared to supply the needs of
the public in
and everything found in a first-class
Also a supply of Lath and Shingles
on Mind.
Our prices will bo found right.
sot• to
WA'11T & SON
et the hour of two o'clock Pi the afternoon, the
following lands and p,outised that Is 00 ear.
The west h•lf of lot huntn,r twenty, six In the
4nurtsenth0onces+lo-, of ‘Vet Wawannsh is the
+County of Huron, containing b) adweaauron,cnt ono
hundred acres ,taro or less.
Th • far n is well a:tuated on the gravel read load
Mg from Lnekuow to %Vinehalo on' Is about five
n film from L.ultknnw,u,d seven utiles from \wingttam
About elght'i•:a.ti•ea aro <dewe t and la :1 frond state
of cnitir.ttioti,- and ti cans durab'o mantra • f fall
plott!;hiug 14 done thereon. and :he balance is gm -
with mixed timber, pnn.•ipdiy hardwod.
Thi s'iI isa.ttotti clay leant, nroi thefarn, is watertd
by a never failing spring ere:i(. The a are on the
promises a Rant dwoling 114 x89 with kitchen at.
tacked 18 x 24 and a frame barn h•3 x O) with stable
tmderntnti,, ht grind rep -tie, and a small orchard.
TE1IW( 00' HAL :—'Pee per rent of the pt,rohasa
money m) the day of sale r t..1 the baltnctn '.within
this Sat •her a t ,u:• ,:•n
t s t. c fwr A t nit r. <
•tnlan 1
) to
Y t
however, to allow.: Portion of'6hc purchase money
to remain on mortgage at retsuoable fnterest,
Further particulars and <•w.dttfoaa of sale, will be
made knawn on tie da,. of sale, or may
b.s had on application to Lila Anet.irn 'Tr. to r+oo. A.
Skldall, Esq„ J.utictow, nr t. the\'atdure'Sollnitor,
It, \•,tNSTONE,
n and ns' Solicitor, Wingham.
Dated this 17t9 day ot lydbru try, A. D. 1807,
Scott's Emulsion of Cod-
liver Oil with .1-13i-p3phos-
phites brings back the ruddy
glow of life to pale cheeks,
the lips become red, the ears
lose their transparency, the
step is quick and elastic, work
is no longer a burden, exer-
cise is not followed' by ex-
haustion; and it does this be-
cause it furnishes, the body
with a needed food and
changes diseased action to
healthy. With a better sir-
culation and improved nu-
trition, the rest fbllow.
For tale 1tt3o cents and 51,00 by all dtunista,
5C0I"r & HMO', Belleville, Ont. '
.(-(.311ebblug atiithS
\\'eci(ty Globe and TINIt.; $, 1 25
Mail & Ilavire " -1 00
Nut. and ". 1 40
W Arlvtsrtis;r and "'" 1,p0
0 " Equti1' es 0.11(1 "1'(G 1
Family it •r.t1.l & Star ". �''1-+75 f
;j:ttar.i.v Sight and " -2450
Fares .v Fireside and •'-. 4, ' 4
eo. (•u mthly) mid " . • 1 76
D.ti;y GI r, -a mad " .. 0 00
World au•i " • 9, 73
A ews '1....�;�)1 60
(� •
That eoimg lady -of yours would be
pleased iudecd to have •one of
(ell. Betrothal. Rings.
Haven't asked her!.
Well if you don't
some other fel-
low will he,
the lucky
IIAVI: VOL 'r`.s03N ODA *&"*111 LINT: 00'
. l
.—PI<:AZEIS, 7� r�4-,,,/,)
-•-and 00MBINATY
f ,
Call and see our stock of Xmas
'gciods and wedding pt: cents on De'
ember the izt,
Jeweler and optician
to $1
to bu
1 owe.