The Wingham Times, 1897-02-12, Page 4THE W INU L AM: IMES, FEBRUARY VI 189T. I TUE Brantford 'Abend* cannot be (too 'fere inpt or energetie in clearings' Oolixt►. Campbell's their skirts of all complicity in the tteIil Cat personation in the recent �f>ta, o T n Wild llel{1' p p ;� p � � � bye-eiectloth, It should have been a sure cure for impossible for the perpetrator to secure bail if he was a man with an O GC�I� T 1 alias. If Liberals gave bail for him the case looks bad for them. They should see now that he is found and is made to pay the penalty of his COLDS, I crime it' ho is guilty. ANI) Sold we should unite in exposing all eases of wrong -doing and aid in bringing then to justice, ,and any individual any journal that would condone such offences by making light of them is guilty of agreat wrong to the country, There is only one standard of morals, applicable alike, both in political and civil life and to use a quotation oft used during a wells known political con.est, we would say, "Let justice be 11000. though the Heavens fall," OTHER VACANT SEATS. Six seats in the Dominion House COLIN A. OAJ`IPBELL, of Cotnluons ttro now vacant, One Wing;ht m only of these was held by a Liberal, --13onaventure, Que.—and it ha been rendered vacant by the lament. able death, in the prime of life, of 13 if;'aary g, of F. 0. EDITORIAL NOTES. Tirix London trial has closed after tvrenty one days hard work and ditto sweat ing. Judgment will be given before the meeting of parliament. T.xis Ontario Legislature met on Wednesday, when F. E. A. Evanturel member for Prescott, was elected Speaker, Mr. Pattulo of Oxford, who succeeded Sir Oliver will move the mistress and it will be seconded by Mr. Auld who succeeds. the late Hon, W . D. Balfour for Essex. Fxoat an unexpected quarter pro- - use to secure the ratification of the arbitration treaty is likely to be brought to bear on the United States .Senate. The promoters of a ' sti eet 1Mt'. Flauvcl. The other five con- stitueneics were held by Conserva- tives, who have been unseated be- cause of corrupt practices. The seats area Macdonald., and Winnipeg in Manitoba; Champlain in Quebec, Colchester, in Nova Scotia; and West Prince, in Prince Edward Island. The general impression is that the Liberals will carry at least four out of five of thoseconstitueneies and may win them all. rail way company the other day found that hostility to the treaty on the part of Senator Morgan and others made it more difficult for them to secure loans of the British capital on advantageous terms. The number of enterprises of all sorts depending on. on British investors is very large mid in the•aggregate their influence Must be enormous. If it can be. trougha.to co-operate with that of the ch cies elan r;�� .'pgpectable jolt nals , • t e Senate is less likely to. gold out `" ""OF all the statements made public before the tariff commission, remarks the Monetary Times, "those made on behalf of the producers of petroleum were among the most complete; • among the fear that attempted to cover the whole ease, they were perhaps the most successful. One argument was that of the G cent duty, only 3 ought to be counted as telling in favor of the industry. Two cents were debited' to the National Policy, which increases the cost of working the oil deposits. There was an apparent frankness about the defencewhich could not fail to gain w ' ,credit. After it has been subjected to eriticisinr its value will be better understood. In the meantime it is only fair :o say that it was marked by ability of a high order." 13I44.T1I Il1r. John Young of London was ill town Saturday. Rev. T. E. Higley has returned from London and St Thome. Editor Holmes r'f the New Era, Clinton, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church on Sun''ay, Holy communion was adnituistor- ed in •Trinity church on Sunday morning, Professor Welsh, of Toronto plhre- nclogist is in town for a week giv• ing lectures and examining cran- iums, On Sunday morning at ten o'clock His Lordship will administer the rite of confirmation to a large class in Trinity Church Blyth. Mr. Elam Livingston has com menced cutting logs in his near milt and large quantities are coming in daily to keep the mill going. Editor Bradwin has returned from Tor onto, A number of our citizens are suffer- ing from la grippe. TURNBERRY A Sleigh load of young people droye over to Mr,. Jno Fitch's last week and spent the evening -in danc- ing; the young young people scent to know where to go when they wish a good time. The social at Mr, 1D. W. Gem -Hill's was not very successful at least fin- aneially. The evening was very unfavorable and hence there was only a small attendance. Mrs. Sand/ Fraser leaves this week for Kent. Her many friends will be soarer to learn of of her departure. Miss Hamilton is the guest of her Chickens Airs Armstrong. {nooks NEWSPAPERS AND POSTAGE. For the past twenty year, or thereabouts the newspapers of Can- ada have enjoyed free transmission through the mails, under the theory that as desseininators of information and vehicles of useful knowledge the State was under an obligation to them. That theory, every newsE &per man will candidly admit is thcrough• ly sound. But abuses have arisen under the well meant law, and ad- vertising sheets and novels and vara ous kinds ()Muck manage to get through the wails along with the real and reputable newspapers of. the country. It is after all a ques- tion whether the reimposition of the postage rate would not be indirectly in the interests df the bona fide press of the country. The postage bill of some of the newspapers would not reach a large sum but it would prove a dampener on the counterfeit con- cerns that swarm the mail bags, and and also discourage the senseless nutiplieation papers with no mission to discharge. Formerly there was a postage rate on newspapers of one lc per lb., but matters having long been adjusted to other conditions, it I The friends of Mr. Will Campbell' 'Wool would be somewhat of a hardship fit J will be sorry to lead: that he is sick A 6 per cent. Permanent Investment the press generally to impose a heavy 1• with Inflsimmation. We elope he — --- rate. The charge might operate as a discouragement to some of the deserving journals, whereas the rate of a quarter of a cent would' ham this week wafting upon Mr. not be severely burdensome while Peter Campbell. it would provide a large reven- On Tuesday evening of this week ne and assist the postal department a large number of friends assembled to become self-sustaining. In the at the home of Mr. William Gemmill United States the newspaperspay that they might show in a small at the rate of lc per ll., but en- joys free postage to points within the limits of the counties in which they are published. Under that sys- tem, papers issued from central points within counties enjoy a tnani- t on MOM - fest advantage over those located i the county b.,rder line. hence a flat rate of say a quarter of a cent, would be fairer both to the govern• ment and press.—Stratford Herald CATTLE SHIPPING. The cattle dealers of Buffalo and vicinity are jubilant over the quaran tine of Canadian cattle which went into effect Feb. 1. The act passed a year ago, requiring all importation of cattle to be held in quarantine 90 days, proved detrimental to the live stock interest of Buffalo. Canadian consignments became very few. A member of the firm of, Waltz, Thighs Swope & 13ensted, said: Last Monday we received 40 cars of hfirned cattle from Canada, the largest shipment that has been received here under the new law. The major part of this shipment was fer stocking puts poses and.20 cars have been .shipped west, to Ohio, something never before heard of. All this goes to show that the stock market of the United States is at present very low. 'American breeders have told me if they could secure cattle Cloy could fatten them with but little expense as they have now on band thousands or bushels of corn going to waste for the want of cattle to feed. At the East Buffalo yards business is brisk as buyers are coming here froth all partsof the 'country and the .rise regulations will not only pro ve a benefit to the shipping and consigners bat to the consumers as well." VICTORY. The bye•eleetions in Ontario on Thursday of last week resulted in a victory for the Government in North Ontario and South Brant, while East Simeoe re-elected Mr, Bennett the Conservative candidate, The Usual outcry is being raised by the vanquished, charging the -victor - Nets party with bribery, intimidation personation and all the rest of the chfdrges known to the caelndar of political crime. Like the steam from a locomotive in a surcharged atmos- phere, these aecusatisns of corruption usually vanish quite, being, after all, nothing more than yap lar. - In the case of South Brant, there does hoar ever seem to be a little more than ordinary, in the charges. A charge of personation has been entered against n. London "character" who was arrested in Brantford •while attempting to pursue his nefarious game and being allowed out on bail, failed to appear when called to answer the charge, a feet that would seem to indicate that the charges against him ere not unfounded. It is by no means in a spirit of boasting nor frotn any feeling of undue assurance in the integrity of all those who may have worked for Mr. Henry in the South Brant election, that we say we hope every charge of corruption in whatever form is fully ventilated and that those guilty of wrottg•doing are severely punished. It hatters not what our political views maybe, if we prize the power brat i�=eited in us through ttrfranehise, if we prize our country's Welfare and would save it from sinking further iinto'the pit of political ehlcanery, it' we believe in the election of oar legislators by the will of the people, rather than by the trickery of a few heelers, then in the middle of it, by which means many more schools will be able to I take advantage of it. Mental arithmetic is also being put on as an examination " subject and more emphasis will in future bo laid upon the three R's. The committee be- lieve thee they have succeeded in forming one. of the best curriculums for these examinations to be found in the province. It will be issued in pamphlet form and given in a comprehensive wayy,. not merely out- lined as heretofore, Mr. George Wrigley has retired troth his position of acting grand secretary of the Patrons of Industry, a position which was practically that of organizer for the party, Until recently Me. Wrigley was the editor of the Canada Farmers' Sun, the patron organ.. He retired from the editorship to become secretary when Mr. Leitch, of Strathroy, was expelled from the prty. The vacant position in all probability, will not be filled until the general meeting of the association, which takes place in Fehuary. MAEME7,' REPO11TS. w'i orrt,r. Wingitani, February llth, 1807. Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. • Flour per 100 lbs 2 00 to 2 1i+ Fall Wheat 'Spring Wheat Oats, new, Barley Peas Prove tate merit vt itooritn 8ttitsnpartlla-.post. rive, perfect, pernuinent Cures, Cures of scrofula ih severest foetus, tike gelate, swelled neck, running sures, ltip disease, sores hl the oyes. Cures of Snit ltheurn, with its intense itching tune burning, scald head, tetter, etc. Cures of Molls, Pimples, and all other erup- tions due to impure blood. Curos of Dyspepsia and.other troubles where tt goad stomach tonic was needed. Cures of lilieuniatisn, where ratlents were= able to work or walk for weeks, Cures uritleS of ell cause H ti Sustain the chlsthe ease. Cures of liervousnese by properly toning and, • feeding the nerves upon pure blood, V Cures of That Tired Feeling by restoring' strength. Send for book of cures by Sarsaparilla To 0. I. Itood & Co., proprietors, Lowell, Utast. are the best atter-dinner Hood's Pills pills, aid digestion, 2611. 074 to 075 074 to 075 017 to 018 020 to 030 030 to 037 Butter,.... .............. 0 10 to 0 11 Eggs per dozen 0 12 to 0 12 Wood per curd.... 1 00 to 1 25 Hay per ton, 7 50 to 8 50 Potatoes, per bushel, ' 0 20 to 0 25 Tallow, per lb 0 3 to 0 3 Dried Apples, per lb 0 2 to 0 2i 020 to 025 040 to 050 0 4to0 5 0 7 to 0 8 ,,,, 4 25 to 4 00 10 to 23 aunt• Miss Maggie McGlynn was visiting Turkeys.,.... at Mr. Finch's last week. Dressed Bogs.. Geese Ilox. En. BLAKE expresses the opinion that it is a complete misap- prehension to think the t the Privy Connell ordered the discontinued schools to be restored, and is farther of the opinion that the Federal Government have no power to deal with the taxes of Manitoba or to allocate any money to Catholic or Separate Settee's. An amicable arrangement on the lines of the pro- posal of the Manitoba Government, he thinks, would be more advanta- geous from every point of view to the Catholie minority than any remedial bill could possibly be. - Mr. J. Walton, Q. C., the legal adviser of the leading Catholic bodies in England, concurs in the opinion given by Mr. Blake. A BAPTIST clergyman in London is reported as having urged upon his hearers last Sunday the Christian duty of snow clearing. So long as .etteh house holder is required by law to-temove the snow from his own front he is quite right in his attitude and appeal. It is very unchristian on, the part of anyone to compel his fellow citizens to go to church through slush and snow whieh at little cost or trouble might have been removed. The ancient Romans were not %cry far wrong when thq affirmed that there Was a close eon- nection between good morals and good mrannots. In fact they are largely identiral and nothing shows Ws hotter than the Way in which ttent5 people pat others to ineonven. health. be 1.et ord to his wonted The OKTo onto,aie ellingsharoan esoftlieiir Asso- ciation issue of Permanent Stook at Sten each. participants in full earnings, of the Association from which they are paying half yearly dividends at the rate of per annum. Balance of earnings payable as a bonus tat the end of each lino years. For particulars of security etc., apply to A. E. sutra, Aos\r, Miss Ellen McDougall is in Wing - SHEEP ESTRAY. NOTICE Wringham is already noted for merchants who sell their goods at scarcely a living profit. Dsygoods are ;tut every day, so also are boots and shoes, crockery- is smashed, and strong constitutions are wrecked by the strife after gold. The constitutional can be rectified by using 1 Gordon.& Co's. little Dandelion Pills for the Liver and Kidneys. Herbal Bitters for Headaches sour Stomach Dyspepsia. Heathfield's Healing 'Balsam for that Bad Cough and pain in the chest. Came into the premises of the undersigned on lot 27concession 9 West wawanosli, on or about 24th of May last, one white swe. The owner may recover Following this up with Gordon & Co's. Creatn of Tartar, Baking - Powder at 20e. per pound, which degree their groat appreciation makes light pastry, and if this don't the same by ;;1, inn satisfactory proof of ownership of himself and family in connection and paying all uxp l lees, make a clean job of it, ask to Ste, the Congregation church. Vara- Wyt. BiSrriAu•ustiea their 10 cent Sponges and 5 cent ous games served as an enjoyment toSoaps,greatest the value offered. i those present and these were varied by songs which were well reeeired FARM of es acres, Kinloss township, Bruce Co , Jas. P. \Vt etc,. The crowning featttl a l.° stables; . ligl7fli# DUNGANNON Mr. Stephen Stoshers has sold his blacksmith and carriage shop to Wm. McNally, of Rosemount, Dufferin county' As he a practical man be will have no trouble in getting his share. Quiet a exeitment was caused in the village on Friday morning by the alarm of fire in Rev. ttJr. Armstrong's dwelling house. It was caused through carelessness in leaving ashes in the back kitchen. If it had not been discovered at the time it was it would have been a serioas affair. The firemen deserve credit, They aro always in time. Miss Susan NeMatlf is spending a while visiting friends in Clinton and Goderich. Mrs Jas Walker is still improving from a severe attack of illness. Mr. Westbrook has moved back to -his farm which has been lately occupied by Mr. Geo. Sunby, Miss Eva Stothers, of Blyth is on7 and extended visit to bee grandmother Mrs. Wm. Mallou .h. 1A. very Peppy and interesting FOR SALE OR REIT. especially the ootnie sono Of lIr. . i,t acres oleared; strea,n of spell a w.,tor, two 4opd r ++ area{t; new windmill!, good house, lades hunk barn, ' ai to les; two acre bearingorchard, 2 miles from 11 1l" a I all I.0 i, n II l\Callen - 't' station. from L t t"•htairn�f i Ititee Ihtlt s 1 t d f he eveninghowever�� . t was fie �opportuuity for rloi�•g a profitable dairy bn ince . presentation. Rev. Mr. Goffin gave a i Apph to bees A. Stewart , i mow, 1I. A. Stewart St. 7aonus or A.0 btceart, Teaswatur. THE RUSTIER DAIRY1 brief address in which he showed the cause, of' the gathering and pre- pared the way for the. presentati, n. Miss Belle Underwood then brought forward a beautiful hanging lamp which was given to Mrs Gemmill and Miss Maria Gemmill gave a pretty shaving ease to Mr. Gemmill while Miss Euphernia McKersie presented the boys -with a erokinole board. Mr. Gemmill who was taken completely by surprise made a brief i reply in which on behalf of himself and family he thanked the friends for their extreme kindness affirming' that what he had dont was accent - pushed through a.sense of duty and not in expectation of any reward of this kind. The follow is the report of the stand ing of the pupils of S. S. No. 2. for the month of' January, bstsad on, regniax attendance and. good con- duct. V Class, Clhesier Harris, Walter Hawkins, Merwin Eagleson, James Stewart, Dave Stewart, Robert Maris, George h�lllntt, IV Class, Willie Elliott, Normae Henning, Tom Wheeler, Gertie Har- ris Agnes Stewart, Rose Stewart, III Class Norman Harris, Laura, I-Iennig, Nettie McNaughton. Ton - event tools place at the residence of '. \icon, Peter McEwan, John Stewart Mr. -iYarnes Martin,_ Whitechureir; Class Earl IiInglems, James Magee, Willie Geoege Magee. Februery Oth, when his fourth II part, Edith Harris, Mary Nie - daughter Maggie was united In marriage to Mr. W. A. Magill a pros. nriony was performed by the Mr. McNabb of Whiteehurchp`he Groom was assisted by his cousin Mr Gibson of Winnipeg, Man., and the bride by her sister Miss Mary L. Martin, of Fargo, N. D.. About one hundred friends and relatives wit. nessed the eeremony and. heartily at Walkerton ott Friday to make wished the principal's a happy and alterations in the curriculum of prosperous married life. There were. studies for uniform promotion exam. many friends and acquaintances pre-. inations. The eommittee Was emu - sent from Hamilton. Manitoba and posed of 1Vessrs. . Campbell, Kin - other points. The bride was present- eardine, Chisholm, Paisley, Nelson, ed with many costly and handsome Cargill, and Clendening Rowland presents, showing the bigh °Merit in Butchart, Walkerton. It was decid- whieh.she was held by her many ed to hold the examinations at the ; friends. end of the term hereafter inatead of boll, Minnie Hooper, Stewart Me - Class Albert Elliott, Eldrid Nie- holl, Mary Wheeler. L. J. 1110LAUCHLIN` Teacher. A joint committee of the East and West BruceTeachers' Association met is prepared to f111 ordure for milk of the best quality Ills cows are well fed, are kept scrupulously clean 1 0151 milkd with dry hands and are housed in C1cnn ttables, Purely this milk must be nice to dri, k and nitre wholesome than that from cows whi carry Edell plain t t•idencss of filthy premises about them and are allowed to feed on thostreets and back yards of the town. FOR SALE. -4 scree of land el excellent onalltb situated in the olddown plot of Winthrop.. Parcel one contain- ing 12 pm es, all clery on which thero are a good frame barn, frame dwelling. house of t.ix rooms with stone cellar, fratne woodshed. frame barn with stab line inalerneath and straw barn, a good hearing Orchard, hard and soft water. Parcel two. contaieg acces of rod land all tinder cultivation and well fenced. Parcel tl•ree, containing 14 acres. acres under eulthation, also well feneed. To be sold separately or altogether. WM. CAmPaEti.,, 1.15 11 Wingliain, Ont. • AUCTI9 SALE FARM LANDS AND CHATTELS The misignee of the estate of Alt molder McDong. offer for sale by publte auction, upon the Monday, the 22nd day of Feb. 1897. at 2 o'clei.M in the afternoon, ' the following lands : 1 South half of fmt No. 39.•Con. 12, East Wawa. with kitchen and woodshed ;"bank bard with stone foundation ; hem stable mid pig pea, Well fenced. About 1i sores hardwood Good orchard. 2 South Irtlf of Let No. 40.,Con. 12, East 11 awe. MO good large hum. Property well timbered and wAl fenced. About ta acres of fall wheat in the ground. All fall plowing done. Tlio lots veld be gold subject to a ree3rVe bid, TelitMd OP :MIX : Ten par cent. on tho day of ssle, and the balat.ca without interest one month thAetthhiteeNr.itrile time and piece there will oleo be sol 1 the folloging goods and chattels: flay ste rising three year* old, Bay Mare rising four yea s old, Bay :Tree 144 oat. os 3o, eIda,r Boir.o1.1v5u igeorrsse eteoz.e7fternowo81 tilt; telt, 4 heifers, 2 Steer calves, 0 Alves,. 15 nhOop. 5 Ara, 1 sow, 3 Steers one year old, 1 hull, 40 hens, ggr, bushel, onto, 200 bushels chepped oats, tens of hay, 3 tons of Clover hay, 10 tome straw, 1 light woos', (aiming mill, 1 Wisner Seed drill,- 1 Brant. ford Mower and Pea Harvester, 1 land roller,. 8 sets pulper, 1 mower. 1 buggy, 1 lumber wagon, 2 sets , bobsleighs, pair Uncial, 1 cutter, double, Maxie SW plough harness, 1 horse porter. roses, Wks, epaileittind other small articles. TERMS OP SALB: All feed to be cash; other article', 88 and tinder, Cali; (Wee thnt stinatet eight month'', credit on approved joint sous, or discount of 0 por cent, per annum. For further partleulara and conditiont of ert apply to J 11.)1Writ end TOR IC towei,L, Npoetetior to the nedettigeed, bided rebrtiary tith, 1897. Mhc�iwE s MR. JOHN MURRAY has opened out a new n-achit. shop, thoroughly equipped with a , New Outfit of Machinry ncluding an Iron Planer, Lathes etc. and is now prepar- ed to do a general line of re- pairing. Engine and Mill Machinery repairing and pipe fitting a specialty. All kinds of shafting, gear- ing, iron and wooden pulleys, brass and iroti castings sup- plied en shortest notice;. JOHN MURRAY. Center Building Button & Fessant Factory. There are thousands of sickly school -girls all over this broad land that are dragging their way through school -life who might enjoy that abundant life which be- longs to youth by simple at - tendon to hygienic laws and a. proper course of treatment with Scott's Emulsion. This• - would make the blood rich, the heart-beat strong; check that tendency to exhaustion and quicken .the appetite by strengthening the digestion. Our book tells more about its, Sent free.