The Wingham Times, 1897-02-05, Page 8• THE W INUI LAM TIMES, I4T BRUAILIY 5, 1897. A`I'ORDA BARGAIN DAY. �_SPHCIAL_�.lJ From 7 to 9 eaoh evening we will sell everything at Saturday prices, this gives every person a great op- portunity to hay cheap S-A,TURUA.. . Bargainb are all they're elaime.1 to be here -the best prices in all departments and priors out to the quick -Saturday then will be a big benetit. 40 inch black Brilliant, Lustre worth ';Oct Saturday 40 inch black Sicilians worth 500. Saturday 42 inch Mack Cash in ere, regular 60 Saturday 250 yards fancy Silks, regular 500. for,... 64 inch heavy Table Linen regular 60c. Saturday 36 inch heavy Cotton, regular lo. Saturday 3 pieces heavy Feather Ticking regular 18e. Saturday 4 pieces extra good 'fowling reg- ular 8e. Saturday -6 pieces heavy Shaker Flannel 8c. Saturday -4 pieces heavy all wool Treed, regular 500. Saturday.... 6 dozen lilies' heat Cashmere Hose 33c. Saturday 10 dozen ladies' extra fine cashmere Gloves, 30e. Saturday . , . . 10 pair extra fine Lace Curtains regular 51.75 for...... 10 dozen heavy hraces 25c, Satur- day 2 for. 15 dozen gents' linen collars 20c. Saturday two for 50 pair gents' tine Shoes regular 142.50, Saturday 50 pair ladies tine kid Shoes, regu- lar 51.85 for. 30 heavy Ureters all wool, regular $ 406 48 for 4 mea's Fur Coats regular 523 fur 517 4 Ladies Fur Coats, e> try fine' regular 832.50 for 525.00 4Ladies Fine Fur Capes, regular 12.50 $17 for 1 Box Ribbons, regular 3c for.... lc 1 Box Hairpins, wire pins, and needles reg. 5c for 2 for........ 50. 50c BIack Japan and Green Tea for 38c. Great bargains in Carpets, as we have a lot of short ends, will clear about half, 70 inch. The above prices will be gond from 7 until 9o'c;ock eaoh evening at M. H. M0INDOO'S 33o. -0, 48c. 35c. 350, 50. 12is' 5c. 50. 35c. 25c. 19e. $1.05 25a. KINTAIG, S. Mr. A. Johnson of the 10th eon, of Ashfield had the misfortune to lose his barn together with all his stock feed and ]mple ents by lire last Sat- urday night,, he fire is supposed to be the work of incendiary and suspielon points to a neighbor as the guilty party. Miss, Lena McNurehy of this VU. lage left this week for London to purl sue a catU se of study in music, 250. 51.48 $1.35 . GLENA.NNAN. Miss.t.'Aggie. Eadie is at present attending the Normal School at Ot- tawa to obtained her second class certificate. We wish her success. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harkness drove to Mount Forest last Saturday to visit friends. Gilbert. Stevens who has been under the weather for a few days with a severe cold is going ab again. Death has again vidr viein- ity and carried one of em' old pioneer's off in the person of Samuel Taylor, at the ripe old age of about 89 years Mr, Taylor was about one of the first settlers in the township to leaves be- hind him a wife two daughters and one son who have the heart -felt sympathy of the community. A number -of our young people of the nineth drove to Belmore last Wednesday night to the Literary and had a very enjoyable time. Mr. John Fortune jr. of the nineth concession is confined to the house With a severe cold we hope he will soon be able to get out again. TURNBERRY. The recent storm caused a small attendance at the schools for a few `days. The funeral ot the late Mr. Taylor took place last Sunday. The inter- ment was made on the sixth concess- ion. Mr. Will Hay, and bis mother of Shakespeare are visiting at Mr. Fraser's. Quite a number of farmers are displeased with the way the Blue - vale cheese factory is to be. managed next season owing the fact that the whey is to be returned in the cons. A LEGACY OF DISEASE. friends last week. lirs. Morton and Wightman are VETERANS OF THE WAR REPAID very ill at present. IN SUPP RING AND + lfiss L, M. Johnston, of S. S. No. 8 DISEASE. I was the guest of Miss Irwin over VOA OV 1R TWENTY TEARS lilt, JOHN Sunday. I MISS Laphelnia Deacon has return- SIIRRUtAN SOUODUT RELIEF FROtit ! ed from a visit at Donnybrook. 'Mg TORTURES OF t:Sl'1.AntA- A pleasant time was spent at the TOB' ItliltUlLf TISlI. i residence of Mr. R. W. Irwin, on Friday, 29th Inst, when upwards of Frani the FrAeootl Journal. ; seventy invited guests, partook of There is no mask in the township ' the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. of Edwardsburg who is better known than Mr. John Sherman, IIs is one Irwin, � he spacious rooms were of the mCanadians, who at the ; illumined and thrown open for the outbreak of the American rebellion, enjoyment'lock of the guests, and t oysterss joined in the army of the North, and ; and other delicacte wting as served which to the exposures and hardships which was clone ample justice to by all. he endured during that trying and , This being over, the remainder perilous time, does he owe to long { of the evening was spent years of suffering which he has since ; m social chat, music and games undergone. The writs remembers until the "wee sma' oors." when all seeing Mr. Sherman a few years ago adjourned to their homes, feeling when he was so erippred with ,rheu- that the hours together had been matisin that it was impossible for pleasantly and prpfitably spent. him to walk, and having heard of cure The following is the report for S. being effected, determined to investi- S. No. 9 East Wawanosh, for the gate the matter for himself. When month of January, The names are the reporter called at the home of arranged in order of merit aseer- Mr. Sherman's house, he found. him I tained by a system of daily marking in the back yard handling an axe deductions being made for bad con like a young man, and he found duct, lateness, ete. him also willing to relate his trying experience. "I have suffered with rheumatism for over twenty years," said Mr. Sherman, "and I have d•rc- tored with fou • different doet.rs, and yet I kept getting worse and worse ane worse. I was bent double with the pain in my back, and both legs were so drawn up that I was unable to straighten them, and for four months when 1 wanted to for, about I had to do so on my hands and knees. I tried many remedies but got no benefit and I had given up all hopeof being able to walk again. One of fmt. sons tried to pur- suede me to use'lla. Williams' fink Pills, but I refused te•�take any more medicine. At last One day ray son brought home three boxes of the pills, and after they had been in the house for over two weeks, I at last consented to take them, but not be- cause I thought they would do me any good. Before they were gone however, I could feel that my back was getting stronger and I could ADDITIONAL LOCALS. An Agricultural Bally. If our readers want to subscribe for the only fanners' daily in Canada, they can do so through this office. The Toronto Daily, News is only 51 a year, and it is a waste to subscribe for other dailies at a higher price The News, besides being only 51 a year. has the best market reports published in the country. When subscribing , as every- one is doing so, subscribe tbrougfithis office, and insure prompt delivery and accuracy. Trues and News, 51.50 Church Notes. Rev. Mr. Perrie was in Orangevillle last Sunday, his place was filled here by Bev. _Hamilton, who was inducted during the sresent week at Havelock. The members of the 1. 1'. S. C. E., in :connection with the Presbyterian church, .are making preparations to have a Scotch evening some time in the near future. Particulars as to bill -of -fare later. On Thursday evening, Feb. 18, the Rev. J. W. Pedley, Ti. A., of London, will .deliver a lecture in the Congregational .church of this place, entitled "Exploded Notions," This is certainly a fertile sub- ject and the lecture will undoubtedly be one of great interest. Watch for further announcement. A. very enjoyable time was spent by the Presbyterian Sabbath School on Tuesday evening, it being the occasion of their regi. lar annual gathering. This year on account of the bad roads and the difficulty in securing teams it was thonght beat to abandon the former custom of giving the children a drive. Tea was served in the ;basement and a short program °oneiating iaddrosaes by the teachers, readings, recitations and singing was given. The lectri a in the Methodist church on Monday eyeniug was very fairly attended. Dr. Macdonald wait voted to the chair. The lecturer, the Rev. T. E. Scott, E. A., of St. Thomas, took for bis ideal "States- man in a State of Nature." David Crock- ett, whose name is proverbial in American history for his indomitable will and un- ewerving adherence to what he eonsidered his path of duty. The speaker traded the life of Crochett from his lintnble birth in the little log saloon, in the backwoods of the Neta* England States to his heroic death during the Texan War of Independ- ence. The surroonndings of hie youth were anything but favorable and it was only through an unconquerable determina- tion to raise himself above his surround. fogs that he was able to snake for himself a name. 'The speaker drew a distinction betiteert the politician and tlia statesman.. %lingfieWbuo must be patriotic, free from thlatatiholp, anal thoroughly in touch with An appeal was made against pelladt system and against the Il ow gambling and ]Sabbath A very enjoyable time was spent I straighten. It required no further at the home of Mr, Paul Powell last !persuasion to get me to take the pails Friday evening, it being the celebra- and from that time on I began to get tion of the nharrige of Mr and Mrs, better, until now with the aid. of a George McDonald of Biuevale. The light cane, I can walk alt over the chief amusemenst of the evening'were farm, get in and out of the baggy, games and dancing and after all were ! and do most of the chores round the satisfied they dispersed to their sever- i house and barns. I feel twenty years al homes. 1 younger, and I consider Dr. Wil - The sale of Mr. Douglas Fraser liams' Pink Pills the best remedy in which took place last Friday after- the whole world for rheumatism. I noon passed off very satisfactorily. began them only to please my son, Mr. John and Jas. T. Wylie and and it was the most agreeable sur- Mr..6+. E. Wilson were visiting friends prise to me when I found my legs in Blyth this week Mr. MacPherson attended a meet- ing of the Board of Health last week in 13tuevale. BLYTH On Sunday the anniversary services of St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church was held, Rev. N. McKay, of Wood- stock, was the preacher for the occas- ion. The reverend gentleman preach- ed two excellent discourses to large congregations, On the following Monday evening the Rev. gentleman gave a lecture entitled, " How to make the most of one's self," to a large audience, which was very inter- esting and edifying. Large quantites of saw logs are coming in these days to Ellin Living - stone's new factory and mills. On Monday ]Horning the school children assembled for the first in our new public school. On Sunday morning, Feb 14, His Lordship the 13ishop of Huron, will adminster the rite of confirmation in Trinity Church, Blyth at 10, a. m. In the evening His Lordship will preach the anniversary sermon. We are pleased to see Mr, J. N. Creighton, who has been suffering with an attack of pleurisy, able to be out again. Owing to asevere snow storm on Tuesday last, our monthly Horse and Cattle Pair did not come off. Mr. Geo. Bently, of Manitoba, who has been visiting relatives in town left for New York on Monday, Mr, Kennedy and family of Bel - grave, have moved in town for the purpose of working for E. Living- stone. III sr., Janet Rintoul,George Coul- ter, Florence Shell, Mabel Shell, Willie Deacon, Maggie McDougall, Roy Mason, Minnie Abram. III jr.. Alberta. Rintohil, Leslie Deacon, II sr., Frank Mills, Frank Shoe - bottom, Alfred Hodgson. II jr., Joe Dobson, Willie Elliott, Roy Deacon. II part, Albert Salisbury, A Her- bert Shrill, Bela McDougall, I part, David Johnston, Alex Rin- toul, Raymond Elliott, Roy Ander- son. Lours B. DuEF, Teacher. wrv9 ektt'bb tis etteis Weekly Globe ant Tun e $ 1 •>b " Mail & Empire " 1 00 " Sun and " 1 40 " Advertiser and " 1 40 " Witness and tt 1 GO 1 75 2 50 1 40 1 75 0 00 :i 73 1 50 Family Herald Se Star " Saturday Night and " Farm do Fireside and '" Farming (monthly) and " Daily Globe and " ++ World and " News 1:1h isliassaiteesist PL&NING r Having pureha hrK Messrll. John Watt & Son's plalning factory,, I ani now prepared to supply the needs of the public in MATCHED AND DRESSED LUMBER, SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS and everything found in a first-class factory. I Also a supply of LathandShtngles on hand. Oar pricey will be found right. S. BENNETT, Successor to WATT Aft SON. ANE STORE CULRCS.. A Syndicate in Detroit are trying negotiate for a lot of land fur a town site we need something in that Inc as we are about six ]Hiles from 'any- where. Mr Will Muckenhern ]act week organized a party of the young people on the 2nd and 4th a short time ago and drove to Ambleside where they spent the evening at Mr W. MueKenhet•ns Sr 'tripping the light fantistie, We did not get quite Snowed in last week but levity was at a discount for afew days. Mr. J. N. Pickell sold a pair of steers, lean ones, 22 months old which tipped the beam at 2,222 lbs. Mr. J: McRae has dispose of his fat cattle to Mr. J. Gillespie of White- church. Mrs. Pinkerton and Daughter of limber and my back gaining new i the Durham line are visiting at Mr. strength. I can cheerfully reeom- lir J. Welwood this week. mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to all the suffering rheumatics of the world. An analysis shows that Dr. Wil- Iiams Pink Pills contain, in a, conden- sed form all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore the shattered nerves. They are an unfailing specific for locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after affects of la grippe, palpitation of the heart nervous prostration, all diseases depending on the vitiated humors of the blood, such as scrofula chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females, such as suppressions irregularities and all forms of weak- ness. They build up the blood, and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In men they effect a radical cure, in all eases arising from mental worry,over work or excess of whatever nature. Mr. Charley Ager is stopping at Mr. R. Marshals at present. Master Dave McKay of the TIMES spent Sunday on the 2nd at bis parents! are• --read-- We have been rein iielling cleaning and painting this past week or so, but we have thins in shape for business once bore. We will in future in in a much better position to look after your wants and make you comfortable when you call on us. I think all who have favored with their trade in the past will bear me out in saying that they have been satisfactorily attended to, and henceforth we hope to do better than ever. Our stock of Ft4CP JE‹ rt.Y, Y'' ►. '0 HIi TAL is complete in every particular and we arc ready to receive. your orders. Thanking you for past favors, I an Yours truly, N. A. FARQUHARSON'S. - WINGHAM. CHINA HOUSE, tiAt"I510Nf5 MARBLE WOPKS WINGHAM l\spiek !_.. LPL NNDOET OUR ?RICES :EFORE ORDERING I�� este * EAST WAWANOSH. Mr. James Keith of Blinn, was visiting in this vicinity on Thursday. The creditors of Mr. James Elliott held their sale on Thursday. The prices owing to se"ions cause were no good, erj x�1Wereo'�r i'Ve are pleased to be able to state that Master Garfteld. Shoebottoni who received tin ugly kick from a colt is almost r•ecoveredA Matthew IDI!iott was in Seaforth last Week delivering a horse. Little Maggie Shelli, daughter of James Sheiil, is ill at present,through. • !Some affectation of the th .lout, Mr. Andrew Freeborn, father of Mas Switzer of hayfield is at pre, 'Dr. Freeborn, of Clinton was it mem. I seat the guest of her cousin Miss ber of Bruce County Connell in 1867. Menzies., Of the old guard of that time there Mr. Walter °oultes is renewing is but two members in the present:i acquaintances on the 10th. Cout'eIl and lir. Freeborn is one of I Mr. hid Mrs, James Covran, of them. : Blyth, were the guests of the 10th line CENT AKE _. Opposite he ICU IIIA • QUARE arra is first el ss Bread and Cak-- of thei varied kinds equa to an city. Puff P stry xtra fine. WEB ' I ►" G CAKES :AN1?a- ORN : MENTIN• that canno be excelled outside of any c ty, and done so rens• a y that it will al ass .pay you to h ve it one at the CEN RA BA11EEY• All ord rs erotn + ly att tided tel. I am •nstantly +eking and or - name ting W. Rig Cakes whicl proves ou . . 'efficiency. The entral Baker ` Tas a far tad wide lip tatatio As a first- class baker. eturning thanks `to + y num- ers customers' for ths'r past pa ronage and hope for con - ti ante of the same. I am J. NICHOLL WJ'i II[AIIM, ONT. III %�'''r".':afalaalNlllrulq/In/A!/1mI11/N!dr � 1y l�1h/Mlrip»u4I1/INUJhYipllitl�ArlAdIpIIXHilliluuuuullalgp >iy.;� o %moi u` r 1, :ti'4;''"l,.1.6 l tit x' 773, a :glass/sex, ki,. '' r.'8[71 ..1' •air �iij} M, y �..... A...t Has st passed into stoz!- fov the Fal rade INT FLANK$.7H1RTINGS, GREY CO TONr„ 2-4 and 9 1-4 Twilled an 1iSea ings, Fall Print and Dre aoo-i:''`, Blankets and Fall Tweeds, isa in Beady•Made Clothing and ~ :aFsats A Clearing lot of U\ :i L ka.C1 TAPESTRY CAR PETS. See t m if in ne»' .,c t (7w1r17ic-t, before purchasing BOOTS, 'HOES ....: !';'. iIER.S.---Some very new and nobby • , ods. Also at of SOFT ;i :.. ';' IrEL1' HATS from 25c. and p. A at' of CHOICE Ti mu -J. Cagy 1]I 'seeding on hand. •