The Wingham Times, 1897-02-05, Page 5X
It will pay you
and buy what you need at
Our Greato o e e o 0
rather than let the chance slip by to supply your needs at a quarter or a
third less than regular prices. Money costs 6 per cent., our prices
save you three or four tunes 6 per cent., as a matter of business
wouldn't it be good policy to borrow money if necessary, in
order to take advantage of this exceptional opportunity
to buy cheap, Read the list of prices. The range
of bargains covers every department in the store
Whether it's a new Dress or a pair of
Boots, a Hat or Cap, Groceries or
whatever you want, you can buy
it at this Great Sale at a
Money Saving Price. ,
Morse's Mottled Soap, regular price 5e., Trade Sale price three bars for 10e
Special line Laundry Soap 7 bars for 10c.
Clothes Pins, that will give satisfaction and won't break on a frosty,morr_-
ing, 5 dozen for 5c.
Brooms, not the best in the world but a fair broom, 3 for 25c.
Corn Starch that's good, we guarantee the quality 5c per package. •
Scrubbing Brushes, extra large and strong, regular price 10e. Trade Sale
price 5c.
Tin Pure Baking Powder, regular price 10c. Trade Sale price 5c.
15 dozen White Dinner Plates. regular price 81 per dozen, Trade Sale
price 75c. a dozen.
10 dozen White Bowls, large and small sizes, prices were 12.1c to. 20c. each
Trade Sale Price 10e.
8 dozen Vegetable Dishes, square and round, all sizes, regular price 18, 20
and 25c. each, Trade Sale Price 12.4e.
Glass Sugar Bowls, Butter Dishes, Cream Pitchers, regular price 121f and 15
cents Trade Sale price 5c.
Week Tia Specials is Men's 'Boots
1 A Heavy Laced Boot, well made, sewed so it cannot rip,
pair, Trade Sale Price 98c. a p;dr.
2 A Finer make of Bouts, laced, heavy sk'le, light -upper,
worth $1.40 a pair, Trade Sale price 1.
A line of heavy Algoma Rubbers $1.10,
worth 41.25 a
slate to
This is essentially a Dry Goods Store, but you see we
keep nearly everything, we save you the trouble of walking
around town to make your purchases. Dissect this "ad," as
A'•- you will scrutinize it item by item, compare prices, qualities or 1
brands, take every possible means to find out whether the
prices are right and the more careful you are the more certain
we shall be of your patronage.
Alifeliritalion Co.,
and school sup lies of all kj
thin that is re
Without a do
Fancy Goo
'ingenious Toy
"`Dandy" and
ds, from a slate pencil up; eyery,
fired by school children.
e have the finest stock of
e have ever opened out/.
or children.
nning" presents for the youths
Beautiful and ostl (or inexpensive if desirable) > Sou-
vineirs f► the g is and ladies. ,
Bibles and %ood Btpo
Fancy 0 ds galore.
Stacks o : ooks and an a
Cellulb•: Goods,Toilet
M azines, Books and,
Fine +ups, Saucers ariar
icture of the
for the' aged.
undane ; of ever'ythi',g,
AlbUnid, PYe.,cur@ ,
each ha'iing a
on it.
all stmt, 'I he
An • ttra fine E jO.ioh of Dot'
are beautiti>l, just IF jee"'tI . i.
Titb &rtiFtt ar Boole Store.
Scott's Emulsion is Cod.
liver Oil prepared as a•pod.
At the same time, it is a
blood maker, a nerve tonic
and an up -builder. But
principally it is a food for
tired and weak digestions;
for those who are not getting
the fat they should from
their ordinary food; for chil-
dren whom nothing seemsinept of the committees,
to nourish; for all who arc The council then appointed the
fat -starved and thin,
following as the Striking Committee
to name Standing committees for the
It is pleasant to take; at year: Messrs. dolt, Miller, McEwan
least, it is not unpleasant. Rollins and Torrance.
Children like it and ask for
Sothe kind alle uothers trists y to equve a al good ust as enougood"h forind'you to
pointment of the standing committees 'toe,
for the year. It was finally decided . Request of Col, Wilson and Major'
that Messrs, IIolt, Cook, 1104wsn, Vareoe that the Bounty pay volun•
Torrance and Dr, Rollins be a cont. teers while in camp during 1897, 25 ;
mittee to revise and amend the by. cents per day, was referred to the,
law so as to render it suitable to the executive committee,
present status of the council. Communication from Clinton Col -
The council then adjourned till 10 legiate Institute, asking for a settle. i
o'clock on Wednesday, ment of arrears, was referred to the
SECO:n OAT—WWEDNESDA'k executive committee, and annual
Council resumed. Bylaw No. 6 statements from the collegiates of
of 1891, was repealed and a new by. Clinton and Seaforth went to the
law passed, regulating the appoint- same committee,
A letter from 1). E. Munro, of
Auburn, asking a grant of 630 to-
wards the erection of a lockup was
also sent to the executive.
A request that the village of Hen-
sel' be made a centre for holding
The Council then adjourned till 3 Entrance and Public School Leaving
p. in., at which hour they resumed, examinations was referred to the
and the Striking committee then re-
ported the following Standing com-
EXECUTIVE.—Holt, Mooney Hy-
slop, McEwan and Cook.
SPECIAL.—Holt, Mooney , Hyslop,
McEwan and Cook.
FINANCE. --Rollins, Miller Tor-
rance, Stewart and J. B. McLean.EDUCATION.—Rollins, Miller, Tor-
rance, Stewart and J. B. McLean.
Roan and BRIDGE.—Patterson,
Hays, Hobert McLean, McInnis and
EQUI'ZATION.—The whole Coun-
ei 1.
WAnDEN's.—McEWan, Cook, Rol-
lins and Holt.
II o u s E of REFUGE.—Torrance
We have been seiling Tens,
ses long enough to gain ex-
perience and we feel that we
know just how to do it. We
have all the latest improved
Trusses. We insure a per -
feet fit and guarantee sati:it ea.
tion and we also give instruc-
tion for self measurement.
ONLY, NOTun9t rOR ES..
executive committee, I wire be placed on the free list, and
Dr. Shaw's report on House of recommended agreement with the
Refuge was sent to House of Refuge) petition of the Lantbton council, and
committee. that the warden and clerk petition
Moved by Mr. Cook, seconded by I the Senate and the house of Com -
Mr. Patterson, that in the future all ' mons in accordance therewith.
N T I E orders for pay luents of contracts 1 The executive committee reported
issued by the county commissionerno action on tits application of mss-
' be certified to by a member of this mss -!ter or matron of the House of Refuge
council instead of the reeve as form. for an increase of salary,
erly, sent to road and bridge com- I `That a grant of 15 be made to
mittee.each public library.
Moved by Mr. McEwan, seconded I That in reference to the claim of
by Mr. Torrance, that the usual the Seaforth Collegiate Institute, for
grant of $300 be made to Agricult- !arrears, $228.75 be paid in full of all
ural and Horticultural societies hold claims.
ing exhibitions in 1897, executive j That in application of Col. Wilson
committee. ! for a grant of 25e a day to volun-
The council then adjourned to teers no action be taken.
Gordon & Co's. little Dandelion Mooney and Hyslop. 'meet at 10 a. m. on Friday. I Tliat $25: be granted to each Far.
FRIDAY. liners' Institute.
Pills for the liner and After the report of the nominatingcommittee had been received, a corn Council resumed at 10 m. all `that on application of D. E. ]run-
munication was read from the Co. of members present.
Lambton, asking co-operation in Minutes read and approved. alockup no b.etion be taken.
Herbal Bitters for Headaches gThat $20 be granted to each Agri
the Dominion Govern- A letter from Wm. Coats, seers•
rnent to place railway companies on tary of the clerk's association, askingcultural and Horticultural society
sour Stomach Dyspepsia. holding exhibitions.
thc,same level with other proprietors that certain expenses be met by the r
Heathfield's Healing Balsam for of land under the Ontario Drainage i county was referred to executive 1 that in reference to the claim of i .
that Bad Cough andpain Act. Special Co ttee. ! committee. J John T. Dickson, for monies alleged
g From COnnty: ontenac, asking t Tho report of finance committee to be over paid, that it lay over till
in tale chest. the counellF'�•to ` a resolution re. was read passed through committee I June session, and that the Treasurer
tariff rates on certain articles. and instructed to request payment of
Following this up with Gordon & Special Committee. Report of executive committee was 181,352.67, monies for 1896 and re-
Co's. Cream of Tartar, Baking A request from D. French, keeper read. and adopted with the ex2eption port at June meeting.
Powder at 20e, per pound, which of the House of Refuge, for increase• of clauses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. That as only one tender for coun-
makes light pastry, and if this don't of salary as keeper and matron of the •The council then adjourned to ty printing had been received, and
make a clean job of it, ask to see House of Refuge, Sent to the ex- meet at 9 o'clock that being much higher than had
their 10 cent Sponges and 5 cent ecutive committee.
Soaps, the greatest value offered. A large number of accounts, in-
Wingham is already noted for
merchants who sell their goods at
scarcely a living profit. Drygoods
are cut every day, so also are boots
and shoos, crockery is smashed, and
strong constitutions are wrecked by
the strife after gold.
The constitutional can be rectified
by using
roe of Auburn, fol a grant towards
eluding those of the recent elections
and the House of Refuge, were sent
to the finance committee.
been received in former years, we
2 o'clock p. m. recommend it not to be accepted,
The executive report was again and the county printing be done by..
taken up, and thea following agreed lir. Keit Brussels, provided he
to Th.. $30 be granted to Man- agrees to do do it at the same price
IA tender for county printing .was' cheater leckup, and .8225 be paid to satisfactbr'y to this committee, and
sent to the executive committee. Clinton Collegiate Institute for ar- that in'the event of no satisfactory
I Gaoler's report was read and sent rears claimed for 1892 and '93. The arrauget�ta nts being made that it be
to the county property committeW. report was then finally passed, left to the warden's committee to
Treasurer's report read and sent Report of County property com-deal with.
i with financial statement is finance mittee was read, and after a slight I That the claim of the Clinton'
M R. JOHN MURRAY i cemmi ttce.
has opened out a new machine! County Commis tioner'creport read
shop, thoroughly equipped , anis sent to road and bridge com-
with a Reports of Inspectors Tom and
Robb were sent to education coin -
New Outfit of Machini'y mittee, •and that of inspector of the
House of Refage to the finance com-
ncl uding an Iron Planer, ruittee,
Lathes etc. and is now prepar-1 Report of inearithee on county
ed to do a general line of re- buildings was read and referred. to ' Finance committee's ieport was That the county contntissiuner be
I the county property committee. read, passed in committee and adopt- plata on the pay list at the same
pairing. Enbiile and Mill ed in'courcil. rate as the members during the ses-
A motion of McEwen and Stewart
Machinery repairing and pipe, thus a grant of Sly be made to each The -report of educat{ou commit- sion of the council and that the In -
fitting a specialty. public library was sent to the execu- tee was presented, read, and after spector. of the House of Refuge be
All kinds of shafting, gear- I tive committee. passing through Committee adopted also placed on the list at the same
t Chas McLennan of Belgrave, wag in open council. rate as a member while attending•
ing, iron and wooden pulleys, 'The special committee report was meetings. That the county eierlt:
t appointed auditor OR motion of Pe P°
brass and iron CaStllla5 sup-liesats. Ilyslop and J. R, McLean, read, went through Committee and attend all meetings of committees:
!ted on shortest noti ce. i passed in council. f which may be 'held outside of Goatee-
Anil Nfxr;,t Sturdy, of Goderien
J'Towr;,'etp, by the warden. The report of road and bridge ! jell, and that be be paid at the same
JOHN MURRAY. (qv:A by Messrs Hnl`a stud Robert committee, have been read, and pass -1 rate as members of the committee.
1 eat,. ,n that John. Bright
Acheson, James ed through committee, and after a 1 That the usual grant of $25 be
Center Building Button Si; Fcsaant eco+.r,.rind W. L. Brl itt be trustees few 'verbal amendments .adopted in made to each Teachers'lnctitn .
Factory. I That no action be taken o❑ tl�c�
i;.. their respective Collegiate had- Council.
Report of House of Refuge commit- motion of McEwen and Snell, re
(tutus. tee was read, and after i>tserting the boundary line grants, that the :.;lute
HURON COUNTY COUN da,, — '• Moveg l' °nlier, by Messrs. words "and inspector's report" after course bo followed with the murtiei-
r;tWeli n41� Miller, that Mr. Me- .p p
1lasr MEETING FOR 1897 Donald IW trustee for Goderich, R, the words "physician's report," was pal clerks petition, and that $1O ho
JOHN cos adopted. granted in accordance with the
bF 60D1;RICH Tri}�*N9IIIP IMiordfe for Clinton and G. E. Cres Moved byP. Holt,seoonded byJ. motion of R. McLean and Dr. Rollin.
ELgc�:Eb WARD- welter for Seaforth. The amend-
tient carried. B. McLean, to Mr. Coats, inspector of Education committee reported that
fix• of the House Refuge, be placed ort the Messrs. Robb and Tom appeared be -
P. Holt and W, Lane were apt g �
pointed auditors of tie criminal pay list while in attendance at the fore the committee and regnested
The first 'session of the County p r nest of the Outwit Sent to execu- that 600 copies of the course of study
Council, under the r•eR Act was justice accounts, and Goo. Baird, of ti�1 be printed in pamphlet form for the
opened on Tuesday 'afternoon last Stanley, and A. J. Moore, B. A., °f Moved bylir. Stewart seconded Ase of the schools, and recon for
the following me Godrich, on the board of county ex-
g ,tubers composing by Patterson, tont the various took- � that the application be granted.
the body : aminers. u keepers in the count bepaid 10 That the petition of the village oft
P. Holt ar " Mored by Mr. Hyslop, seconded by P P Y =
.d. Robert McLean, Dis- Mr. Holt, that the cleric procure k ou the certiflicate of the reeve or of llensall requesting that the ♦ilktge
Wet No.1 John CoxEand Jamescoup councillor of the division that be made a centre of high School;
Snell, <b t�.l G«i; McEwen and Jas. copy of the Ontario Statutes for each Tach loeku has been ro rl kept. t entrance examination be granted.
T',,e ff..x , No. 3 ; T. W. Rollins and member of this council, the came to p p is y The report of inspectors Tom and;
be the property of the count Sent to etcecative committee.
. 8. alis No. 4; T. E. 11ayo3 and y-- A motion that the usual grant be' Robb had been examined and passed.
/1..13. McLean, No. re Arch. Iiy9lot► On motion of Messrs Hays and made to teachers Institutes was sent; and that they be printed in the mina.
Henry Mooney,'No. 6; D. Pater- to the executive committee. Utes with the a <eeption of the vii
son and Alex Stewart, No. 7; B. S. meet the council adjourned to
Tlie council adjourned till 8 P. n!, to the schools.
Cook and Robert Mil..., No. o. 8. Inset at 2 p. m. Thursday. at which tithe it resumed, and after I County Property reported that the -
Mr. John •C•►x .was • unanimously THURSDAY. Council
the supplementary reports jail had been examined And found
elected Warden. He 'MIS duly Council met pursuant to Adjourn• the first session of the county touncit clean and in good order; that Gaoler.
sworn in by'Ilis Honor Judge Dovle ment, members all present, closed, 'Dickson was well pleased ti;ith the
and briefly thanked the council for Minutes of Wednesday read and 'incandescent light, and that, one
the honor done him, and atkel their adopted: • SUMIltERY OF COMM I'M REPORTS, more light bo placed in each of they
cordial suppol t in•lli: nolle: , . Letter read from P. McEwen, ask- Special committee reported that no corridors, and that the flboning.of.the`
The flrst.ditliculty in Rallying the ing to be, allowed to `use Maitland action be taken on the resolution of turnkey's room, ordered at the -JUDO.
old.regulations to the now and s'imil-abridge as support for a salt, pipe, the county council of Frontenac, ask- session be attended to at once.
ter body was experienced lithe, ap. •was sent to road and bridge commit- ing that crude coal oil and fence. (covTtNlzlaD xsxr vvltEt:>)
alteration the committee rose, when i Collegiate Institute be left till June
Dr. Rollins moved, seconded by H. session.
%looney, that all repairs and furnish- ( That regarding payments to be
ings ordered to be done by the,made to the Collegiate Institutes
county property committee be attend- I recommended that the chairman of
ed to by the warden and clerk and this committee examine statement of .
the members of this council for Div, i of figures submitted and that the
No. 1. !matter be dealt with at the June
The report was then adopted Rs{ session.
amended. , SECOND REPORT.