The Wingham Times, 1897-02-05, Page 400/111 A. Campbell's
esereselApropos the eelebretien of the
Quells diajubilee be Bobeay-
gem. Independent says ;--;"Victoria
Alpo! Tit 'and Wild bas held. the position of Queen in
• Britain, fa nearly sixty years,and an
a sure cure for effort is being made to have a cele-
bration of the sixtieth year of her
reign. No sound reason has yet been
assigned why such a celebration
should take place. The only argn--
CO LDS, trent used is that Vietoria has been
a good Queen. then th yo. 5,9mlder the adyi§gbility
tion that s.
mut has little force htlt thOt".°111•": of' building a, Him miii. it a
ho bee beenflax'
mill is started it will be a great ben
• not hny means unanimously efit to the village and the surroand-
admitted. What is unanimously ing country.
acor5. ot 0. IVIagtit
' admitted is that she had not been a s
Mr. Irrydone of Clinton spent Sun.
bad Queen, but no woman placed in day with his sister Afrs. Will Max -
her position ofcomrnanding influence vvell of the Bluevale road.
1 could have made less of the position Court Douglas, Canadian Order
in the advancement of human rights , of Foresters is making arrangements
or in the rem dying. 0 human wrongs
The Bluevale Cheese and Butter
Company held a meeting in the For-
eeters' Hall on Thursday afternoon
of last week. The company re -in -
gaged 1fr, Win. Messer to be their
salesman, for '97, let the milk rotttes
and completed arrangements for
patting a first Wass apparatus for
butter -making into the factory early
in the pring.
A meeting of farmers and every
one else interested, will be held in
the Foresters' Rail, here, on Friday
EDIToRIALNOTES.I wealth. Whenever she could lay
, The only characteristic which has in
ritIDAY, ABI t 1897 , a marked manner distinguished Vie-
of.1 I da is her esi. to accurnuI t c
her hands on geld the grabbed it,
PARIAAMENT has been called to , until at the present day she lias
ineet Mb,rcli the 11th. I accumul tted no less than $175.000,-
THarbitwation treaV has been 000, which are entirely at her own
disposal. Observed the figuress: they
ordered favmably reported to the are one hundred and seventy-five
United States Senate by the Foreign millions of dollars!
Relations Committee after being , "Is it possible for any individual
amended. The vote was six tofour. to render such service to the people
as to entitle him or her to take 175
THE annual meeting of the South mittens of doilars out of the peoples'
Huron Reform Association, as eon- earnings ?
stituted for Provincial purposes, will “Before any steps are taken to
be held at Coxworth's hotel, Hensel', ceiebrated the sixtieth year of
on Saturday, February 6th, at 1. Victoria's reigneit would be well to
o'clock p. m.
,,give the foregoing question at least
;a passing consideration."
We are not prepared to say how
much truth them is in the statmettt
regarding he Queen'swealth but we
do not think that she shows that
SIR Herbert Murray, Governor a
Newfoundland, will leave St. John's
on February a for Halifax. It Js
stated that he is coming to Ottawa
to dismiss another proposal for colt -
THE Chinese are a source of sotne
income to the Dominion amd to
1 ritish Columbia. Every celestial,
before he is permittedqo =lan& em our
shores, is required to iay a poll tax
,-,--sessosesesseeses—, Ided a revenue
a t ear tinse
of8§,000, all of what:lir Vz-Qeeted
for an entertainment in the near
Mr. R. N. 'Duff was in Atwood on
Monday visiting the fax mill,
Miss Jamieson of the Post Office
is visiting. at her home near Ford-
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Powell of Turn -
berry gave a very enjoyable dance
to about fifty young people on Fri-
day night which was much appreci-
Mrs. John McDonald, daughter of
John Gardnier, went to Lucknow on
Monday, to join her husband who
has secured a situation there.
Mrs. Will Maxwell is able to drive
out again after her recent illness.
The recent snow storms blocked
up the roads to a great extent.
Mr.. Geo. Reid's wood bee on
Wetinf,sday, last was a success, and
in the evening the b d girls all
liberality in dispensing favors upon •oineyd n and trippe.'OA fan -
deserving causethat her position
tastic until the early .urs of morn-
should warrant. Her gifts rarely (mg*
exceed the bounds of sentiment andGoodfellow has rented part of
her goodness consists largelyl
in her Penttand's dwelling house where
' . •
exercising sufficient judgmhe intends to reside shortly.
ent- not
to interfere with the wishes of Tier
subjects as expressed through their
representatives. No doubt Her
hiajesty has, like all human creatures
Miss Godfrey has gone to Goder-
'Soh to work in the knitting factory,
Miss Maggie Mallough and Miss
C_lharlotte Wigging attended the C. E.
made mistakes during her aolos. (Convention in Wingham, on Monday
in British Columbia. 1.1,Edee"17k1 pilgrimage. She may have been • 4the 18th. They report a large at -
statute British Columbia is ent•• -;inious abont th iteridance and a good thee.
to one-fourth of the :imountteollected
on Chinese arrivals in thee earovince,
the total amount therefore, payable
to the provincial Govertatteet heing
— —
• ;
A. draft of reform demands has at
last been presented to :the Sultan
abeough:the President of the Ambas-
•- Mreaend- Mr. 'Watson of Forest,.
lucre but shourcr1W-eelebeetien • •
her diamond jubilee take. See,kortil an extended visit to her moth-
practical form should. it be marked „.1hompson of this place.
by the establishing of public hospieses :Mr. George has has rented fifty
for the allevating of suffering among acres near Belgraits,„ He intends
the poor in great centres; by the moving this week.
15 care were stockers and feeders;
valiseii were about 25e lower: good,
choice stock steers, $3.40 ES
tight stockers, $2,70 to U5;$feed-
ers, good to best, $3.60 to $3.75
Hogs closed lower for Yorkers
and pigs; °there steady; 13 cars
beld over tmsold, sheep and. latubs
eloeed steady or sheep ; weak, and
10e to 15e lower for lambs; the bulk
were sold.
Montreal Feb, 1.—Offerings at
cattle market to -day, 05 cattle, 25
calves and 250 sheep and iambs;
demand fair; slightly lower for first-
class stock beef; prices, firstclass beet',
fo ; fair 2.1c to 3 common
and infehor j'n1 c to 2c; a
carload of fat cows, i(rage about
1,200 pounds each, sold at 030 each ;
calves, $2 to $8 each, sheep, in Iota,
Be per Th.; lambs, 4e to Vic. Fat
hogs (small), 41e to 4..1c heavy, 31e
to 3/c,
endowing and establishing of pieties We are sorry to .say that Mrs.
of refuge and reform for faltlen
sOvawford is indisposed at present
humanity; by the adjustment
.congestion of the lungs. We hope to
: .of
differences between labor andeapital; hear of her speedy recovery.
by the granting to the laboring Mr. John Mollough, formerly of
West Wawanosh, who moved to
classes kfaCh redress as will place (our
dorial Conference, andle, semi nth- Lucknow some wears ago, p2ssed to
sh the prog
idea of the :;.cherne ()ratite powersocial life abreast wit ' his eternal borne on Monday 25th.
that has been made in scientilie
shae been given out. The .provinces,
Asiatic awell as European, are to
enterprise; then by all means let us The decease had only been sick a
s .
have some sn.t of Elective Councils
have a grand and glorious julgiee short time: Death being caused by -with admivistretive govereoment. A one in which all classes can jjoin a fall. His remains were interred in
Inanely. But on the:other hand, if the Dungannon cemetery, followed
council of State composed of men] hers the cefehration is to take ;the . bye large crowd efsorrowing friends
representing. the provinces and mem-Annual meeting of the West
form of a paste board triumph !.The
bets appointed by the Suiten, to sit Huron Insurance Company was
at the expense of those .whe
for stated animal periods at Constan- t
inple. This Council will levea the prgly attended on Wednesday.
have to earn their bread by oe
• veiin the appointment of Uinieters sweat of their brow ; if the people! eivs stook Market*.
are to be taxed, as it was proposed I
awl the Regulations of finarce. The East Buffalo, N Y., Feb.1.--Cattl
in Toronto, for the purpose of havieg.
!Suites is to govern through •kis min- a ,ittle ---eoe ea I'S through ;130 cars on sa
a big jamboree and bringing
inters and not through hie palace ) 4 e
funetioNaries. The Administration cheap notoriety and perhaps empty
for all but- good to prime natio
titles to the promoters, then we are
. of Justice is also to be reformed. -steers: the receipts included 25 eat
of the opioion that we can•easily die- • 1 b ,of mixed Canada cattle the first 1
flPflSd •
P ) a 1GE ON NEWSPA.PillitS• I
„sTlie Canadian Press Assotion,
(meets to -day in the Board of V."rade
;Building Toronto. One of the eines- W. Thainpson of Teeswater Er?, ,$4.70; butchers'
ions 1ikey tcome before the Asci- 1% / In town on Tuesday. $4.10; .fair to choice fat heifer
tok s( IS '
Mrs. R. J. Evans, of Teeswator 0.50 $4.15; do. cows, $2.25 $3.
sation for discussioa is that of the was visiting friends is townthis etocieers and feedors dull and low
.postage on newspapers. We deer week. .• good, StKkCrS $3 (11.1 $3.25 •feeders
,frous smarty of our esteemed content:-
porauies in the views we take sm dues
matter, We do not Bee why. the
Gs/vela/anent should undertake to die,
tributeffeee of charge the output of
she pulling office any more than
t sreild the output of a earner'
groeerse, Each alike is a matter (e
b,usOsess •eaterprise; the proprietor of
of a newspaper is in the business for
the money began get out of it, the
some ist,ho grocer. Many of thee°.
called newspepers are HO longer
edaeatore or pleuiders of publie
Meny of them are little other
then "The old woman and her cup
of tui' i» a Modernized form, while
ethos revel in detail accounts of
erine unlit for human eye to Oee.
The carrying of sob papers throngh
the melt free of charge has been for
arrive here Since the quarantin
restrictions of 1880, which were th
• liday removed ; heavy steers,
WROXETER • 1$4.7.5 ES $4.85 good to choice, $4.6
Wingham, February 4th, 1897.
Oorrected by P. Leses, Produce Metier.
Incur per 100 Ib s 2 10 to 2 15
0 74 to 0 75
Spring Wheat 0 74 to 0 75
0AtS, new, 0 17 to 0 18
Barley 0 20 to 0 30
Peas 0 37 to 0 38
Butter • • 0 10 to 0 11
Eggs per dozen 0 12 to 0 12
Wood per cord.... 1 00 to 1 25
Da; per ton, 7 50 to 8 50
Potatoes, per bushel, 0 20 to 0 25
Tallow, per lb 0 3 to 0 3
0 2 to 0 2i
0 20 to 0 25
0 40 to 0 50
0 4 to 0 5
Turkeys.. . 0 7 to 0 8
Dressed Hogs 4 25 to 4 GO
Wool 19 to 23
Fall Wheat
Dried Apples, per lb
Geese '
A 6 per cent. Permanent Investment
The Equitable Savings Loan it Building ASSo-
elation of Toronto, are selling shares of their new
issue M Permanent Stook at $100 each. Participants
in full earnings of the Association from which they
are paying half yearly dividends at the rate of OX
per annum, Balance of earnings payable as a ht. n As
at t. end of eaeli fire years,
For particulars of security etc., apply to
A. ji. SMITH, Aorxr.
Came ittfo the premises of the undersigned sn lot
27, concession 3, West Wawanosh, an sr about 24th
Of May last, one white ewe. The owner may recover
the sante by ghing satisfactory proof of ownershir
and paying all expanses.
Wm, Baointr,
St. Augustine.
Being lot 19, an
et half of 18 town-
ship of Turnberr vo and a quarter
miles from Wing 84, and containing 150
acres, 110 acres lear: , iri a good, state
of cultivation ood nk ham, frame
house, two ood wel For further
particular ipply to
MUM) 277, Winaham.
FoR_tAig_oR ENT.
of 90 acres, kinless to wigrigraTes C5.;
75 acres cleared; ettcam of spring water, two good
wells; new wind -mill, good house, largo bank barn,
good *tables; two acre hearing orchard, 2 mild (roll
whitechuteh station. 4 frem imeknow; an excellent
opportunity for doing a profitable dairy business*
Apply to Mrs. A. Stewart, Lu -know, LL A. Stewart
St. 'Thomas or A. G. Stewart, Teeswater.
ia prepared to fill orders far milk of tile best quality
His cows are well fed, are kept scrupulously 'plea»
and milked with dr 3 hands and aro housed in Olean
gfables. Surely this milk must be nice to drink
Dud mere wholesome than that from cows we carry
such plain evidences of filthy promisee about them
and aro allowed to feed on the streets and hack yards
of the town,
24 sem of land of excellent quality, situated
the old town plot,of Winahani. Parcel one contain.
int: is acres. ttll clear. on which there are 41 good
frame barn, frame dwelling house oft ix rooms with
stone cellar, frame woodshed. frame barn with Stab
liuo underneath and straw •barn, a 1.700l bearing
orchard, hard and soft water.
Pureel two. cort'.fu O '.045 01 glod land all
niftier cultivation and well fenced.
Parcel three. containing 5} acres, 3. acres. under
cultivation, also well fenced. To be Hold separately
or a ogether.
WM. C MPME.7.h.
145 tt •Wmgham,
_I L
Our Curlers defeated Brussels by $.6..30 Eep $3,60; good buteh'ers bulls,
two shc,ts on the Wessels rick on $3.25 E,S $3.50; exports, $3.65 Ee
Monday. • - ,$3.90; mos, ;4.40. @ $7.25. Hogs
Mrs Wnellerron is visiting friends -2,24 ems.- through; 110 cars on Sale;
in Mount Forest this week. - • outtrket fairly active ; yorkers, $3.70
Messrs Hamilton and Saunderson ::®1113.75; a few early, $3.80 light,
stripped a ear load of cattleto Toron. V.7.5 Of $3,80 ; but generally sold at
to this week. .inside prices later ; Mixed packers,
1(1.. J. A, Barnard had great sue- . $3.60 @* 3.; mediums, $3.60;
eess with his poultry at the Seaforth heavv grades, $3.55 ES- 53.60; pigs
'show, bringing home a large -num- $3.70 ES$3g321; toughs, $3 0,) $3.15
hero( prizes. stags, $2,20 ® $2. 75, Shoop and
A Flemming of GOWCIIS Kcnt & ars through, 80 ears on
Co., R, Ritchie of Eby, Blain & Co., sale; market easy; best native lambs
J. Yates' of Christie, Brown & Co.. $5,15 (6 ;$5..i20'; good t&choie5 $4,90
all Pf Toronto, and T. Scott of J.Mc- 06 $5,15; common to fdi 54.50 ft,
Istuelilin & Co, of Owen Soend, $4.801 mixed sheep, good le .ehoice
Wort in town this Week. ,53.50 Ee $3.80; common to fair,
Mies MarteMiller is visiting in $2.00 tEs $3,40; yearlings,, ands
God,eriefe . wethers, $4, ('3 $1,25; export -arsaparifia'
Mrs. ta, and aaughter demand.
People often wonder why their nerves arc
NO weak; why they get tired so easily;
Why they start at every slight but
sudden' sound; why they do not sleep
Inaturelly; why they have frequent
keedsiches, indigestion and nervous.
The explanation is simple. It to found ti
Unit impure *blood Which hi conttn4
tinily feeding the nerves salon eause
!notelet of the elements of otemeth Ana.
Vigor. In such conditicin opiate Ind
sierra compound st simply deaden And
do not eure. Ifood'i Sarsaparilla feeds"
the morass pure, rich, red blood; give*
•natural sleep, Pexteet digestion; is the
true remedy fOr olli piteous troubles.
rs er. .
the past yMi ears a heavy dram the hato3 returned front Goderich. i Closin4. pOrt:—Battid closIthg 000 rus blood Purifie#1 per bottle
ed easy Propired Only by C. 1. /1mM * CC., Leek% illatta,'•
rev( Me, end art UnMitigated curse W. S. AteXercher, was in (oder - alt soli. 'TCanada
jie receipts .of .
tla tile SIOltiltr)', ieh title week attending Cottrt. cattle *ere eboitt 25 ears of which 1•100dist plii• ".
,, ..., . 'roc coy to opwste, sekt, •
. ..
•=2m"*" --
Will start Saturday morning a
Money Raising Sale
that will sink into insignificance any offer ever made in the
POP, 60 11A.TY'S
we will banish all lde st of profit, we must have
Your choice ot any OVERCOAT
4at the BIG
for down to .1.1r7eo
Special line of Dresden Front, Shirts for the holiday trade..
Your choice of any Short Pants Suits 2 2
-c;=f-'-- in the BIG
for ER5 down to 85c.f
(s.zes _roue 3 to 16 yrs.)
Cash Alone Captures These Bargains,
Your choice of men's suits from $9 down to $3.75,
. wearing pants 75c. to $3 all wool goods
Our Gents' Furnishing department is complete, Neck -T ie
Braces, Gloves, Hats, Caps, Socks, Boys' Long
Stockings, Collars, Cuffs and everything
that is kept in a first-class gents' store.
In our Ordered Clothing we lead—po different patterns
to choose from, suits from $9 up to $35, must fit or no sale.
Macdonald Block,
1.) "
8 "„ If
5 14 . 44 44
4 (1 4, (.4
Mantle Goods
Ready Made Mantles
Shoes •
12 Storm Collars'
8 Fur Sets
and will continue until the whole stock is cleared out.
We are highly gratified at the success attending our efforts in this dire.
)fl; the great consuming mass of this country are not slow to distinguish
etwcen a fake and a genuine sale, prices tell every time. Another ecrisign
ent to hand of goods bought for less than
on the = 1$
e would ask as a favor from our eustomers, at least all who can make it
nveniesit, to do their shopping early in the'day, in this way we can serve
u better in the afternoon, we are so much crowded that we are plot alte
to give you that attention we would like.
pieces Dress Goods were 15 now 5
ti it <I I' 25 " 10
41. 35 " 20
". 60- " 45
" 10 U4
50e ()lithe $1
50c ,‘ it. 51
50,0 ""51
tt 51
• 50e " 41 $1'
50o " " 51
. 50e ". :" $1
tr,'Handkerchiefs At less than
cost and a great many. , more
articles We have no room to.
mention. Everything goes all .
along"the line. Call early 'add -
get very special bargains.
. ,
• • . . .
• • WINGItAli
from how nag
• Janut,Iiiy.lst,1189$ for -$11., 25.