The Wingham Times, 1897-02-05, Page 3MUNYON Public ,Benefactor His Gree 'scoveries HLsult in the ertnent Cure of Thousands of Sufferers. TUE %Y..N (IIAM '. '.I.M: s FEBRuAwit�, 1$tj i Oar Cheese Industry in Den ger. Many of our. people have indulged. in the belief that the position of Oen- edit, and that of this•pt•ovinco in par - denier, in the matter of cheese is absolutely secure. They have heard of the phenomenal progress shade by this industry. They hart been told that this province alone Sent to. Great Britain last year more than one half the Cheese imported by -•-the Mother RLAii WHAT THEY SAY• country, and they have comforted themselves with the delusion that a. 11 You Are Ailing, Ask Your Drug- ilosition se well established eould not gist for Munyon's Guide b4Toallesueh the report of the West - to Health, Buy a tae. �A t s� Remedy ern Dairymen's Convention must $Vlunyan Remedy have COiile as as painful surprise. and Thes:lear and forcible statement of Inspector Millar, regarding the abso- lutely filthy eondition of many fac- tories; the almost alarming words of warning from President McLaren regarclmg the need fur improvement; and the still more serious assertion by lion. Air. 13allentyne that retro- gression has began, cannot be taken too seriously. The gentlemen named are not alarmists. They are eminent- ly hardheaded business men, and when they tell us that our chief in dustry is in danger there can be no doubt that the danger is read and that instant Media res a? -'e necessary to avert the threatened rain. CURE YOURSELF. Mr, IL 13. Taylor, Toronto's well-known draper, in business at 'Toronto says: "I was troubled with pains in my kidneys superiaduoed by a Budde• chill while in the water. I began using Munyon's Kidney Cure and as 1 took the medicine the plain got less each .day. It is certain. ly a great medicine, Mueyon.s Rheumatism Cure seldom falls to zelieve in one to three hours and cures in a few days. Price 23o. Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure punitively cures all forms of indigestion and stom- ach trouble. Price lou. Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneu- monia and blanks up n cold in a few boars, Price, 25e. Muuyon's Cough Cure stops coughs, night sweats, allays soreness, and speedi• ly heals•the lungs. Price, 23c. D9unyon's Kidney Cure speedily cures. pains in the back, loins or;,'ruius and all forms of kidney disease. Price 23s:. Munyon's Headache Ours stops head. stoke in three minutes. Price tres. Munyon's Pilo•Ointment p sitively cures all forms of piles. Price, Tic. Munyou's Blood Cure eradicates all impurities of the blood. Price, 23c. Munyon's Female Remedies are u boon to all womep. Munyon's Asthma Remedies relieve in 3 minutes and euro permausntly. Pride, $i. Munyon's Catarrh Remedies never fail. The Catarrh Cure -price 230.- erad'cntes the disease from the system, and the Catarrh 'Tablets --price 25e.-- cles►use and heal the parts. Munyoc's Nerve Cure is a wonderful nerve tonic. Price, •25e. efunyon's Vitalizer restores lost vigor Price R. A separate cure for each disease. At all druggists, mostly 25c• a yin). ( Personal lettere to Prof. \luuyon, 11 ••&..13 Albert St., Toronto, answered with free medial advice for any disease.. A Canadian Plybrid. 1Vhiie hunting: near Mt. Ilrydges, .Alex. Minton and Wiltiatn Weir, two London hunters, started a small Does Your :Husband of bon Drink. If your Husband or Son is addicted to the use of Liquor. Morphine or Tobacco, p,tlrchese of your druggist a bottle of stilt's Chloride of Goll Tablets. They ars guaranteed to cure or money will be refunded. Tablets may be given secret iv in tea or copse and the free use of stimulants allowed until voluntarily given up, Price $1.00 per package. If your druggist cloy; not keep there. send direct t•, the Ohio Chem 'cal Works, Lima, Obi '. Book of partiee.:. rs and tastimouials free Turnips in Cheese. One of the subjects most earnestly (Fscussed at the convention of the Western Dairymen was the possibili- ty of feeding turnips to milch cows without giving an offensive flavor to cheese or butter. The cheesemakers and buyers, without exception, condenlr ed the feeding of turnips, but at least two of the milk producers in the audience positively asserted that they had used these roots without evil results. One of the two, Robt. Macfarlane, who lives near Warner said he had fed turnips for years; that there was no offensive odour in his butter as a result of this, and thit•he avoided the c•dor•by always feeding just before greyish animal which, after a hotmilking. chase they bagged. At first they' The other,. tt,; Norfolk. Coun•t;a' farmer, ettitl 'he and his father before him had fed turnips far 20 years, that these had been fed without re- gard,to time of' Milking, and that the odours worn avoided by the •manner in which the food was prepared. He said he pulped his turnips in the miming; mixed them with ensilage cores -eat hay and straw, added water and salt, and .then fed the prepration that night and the next morning. • "The,prcof of my -statement that there s ne *offensive odor is found in the feet than I sell my milk in town and I could not do that if there were anything objectionable about the milk," he said. Speaking of mangoia the same gentleman said one objection to them was that, standidg high in thegrounai while growing, they were injurion3- ly affected by early frost. Still, nothwithstanding what. Mr. Macfarlane and the Norfolk County farmer have said, the Sun's advice is to maintain an absolute divorce between milch cows an turnips. Use inangols or better still, sugar beets, instead. -'-Weekly Sun. took the animal for a grey PClulrrel, but on eloso examination they were puzzleil by the odd markings and general appearance of tie skin ; so Much so that thy tool: it to a taxi - demist for identification. He pro- nounced it for a fox -squirrel hybrid. .the animal showed its. vulpine pecu- liarities by the dull`red streak on its bushy•tail. the shaggy grey hide, the erect cars and the -general con tour of.the head. The. trophy will be stuffed and mounted. Wit. lirydges hunters had been in pursuit of the animal for several months' and are much chagrined at the success of tate Londoners. • • .Aahtng Joints Announce the presesde a of rheumatism which' causes untold suffering. Rheu- matism is clue to lana acid in the blood. It cannot be cured by liniments or other outward applications. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the blond, removes the cause of rheumatism and perman. entlycares 'this disease. `Phis is the testimony of thousands of people who once suffered the pains of rheumatism but who have actually beeu cured by .taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. Its great power to act upon the blood and remove every impurity .is the secret of the wquderful cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Burglars entered the window of 'the bar of the American hotel. Brussels on Saturday night and Made off with the cash box contain- ing nearly $30, which belonged to societies of which llir. ICtenig is treasurer. Liver Ilis The Toronto Daily Newts 4t dais. paper for $1 tt year. The only fai•irtera daily in Canada,. !Why pay. more for another Ttirontu dally? Special .articles on farming every da) ; a veterinary surgeon on tho'stafl to•givc advice to renders; an expert agrieultural editor, the beat market reports of any daily in Canada, Why take a metropolitan weekly when you can get a daily at the same price? No farnier should be without The Toronto Daily News D,.. J. D. It.nthcrforrl, dean of the at the price of $1. a year when sub• Detroit MedicalCollege,a! tad a former scribing for Tne News ' subscribe resfctent of St. U-431°"4"I"'.Belfast, through the office of this paper, and in this county, pa-,;rsl away very insure prompt • appiiaation • and regularity. Times and News $1.50. Something I,fke A Dog. A fat old gentlemen was bitten in the calf of the leg • by a dog. IIe at for the night he Marl an attack of ODDS rushed to the justice of the heart failure, and before the peace aid laid a complaint against a physicians could be summoned Ise main in the neighborhood whom he dead de.pnt-ted this life. supposed to be the owner of the offending cur. The following was the defence offered at tato trial "1. By testimony in favor of the general good character of my dog I shall prove that nothing could make hint so forgetful of his caning dignity as to bite a calf, "2. Ile is blind and cannot see to bite. "3. Even if he can see to bite, it would be utterly impossible for hint to go out of his way to do so on account of his severe lameness. "4. Granting his eyes and legs to be good, he has no teeth, "5. My dog is always muzzled and chained in the yard. "6, I1iy dog died six weeks ago. I never had a dog.". Mr.. ol,n T. '1V"en, formerly of Ilensall,. but now Principal - ui' the i Keewatin ?labile sehnol, in writing 1 from that platen on :3rd Inst., says;1 ,1s I write, the thermometer is •Ili ! (legless .belaw zero, but as .1. talo I near a stove and as good brlrtk• fire on,.I do not feel so badly!' But, notwithstanding the cold, illr. Wren is well and is tit have with the cough Like n11 others in that 1•eglt,n he is interested in gold mines. snddetlly et lois home in 1)ostroit, late; Monday eveniin; id' hast week. lie was ail lus usual health r nring the day and;tttd,nded his classes in in his college. Soon after he retired 0, S. Doan, of Clinton, says not to go on suffering as he did for years with 'raha :a - Salt Rheum, when a few doses ut Dr. oteile Chase's Ointment will cure you. • *Aston( Y� Dr. Chase's Ointment cured Hiram Frey, of Norwood, after suffering ten years with Eczema of the leg. Chase's Ointment ah'o cured his little girl of Eczema on her face. Mr. Arehibald Ilyslup, of fl-i'ey, county councillor lir the Grey, \tot•- ris and Brussels division, left home on Tuesday morning with a • teaitt of horses and sleigh, intending to drive to Seaforth to take the train for Goderieh. When he got ;.o Walton he found he -could not get his team any farther un account • of of the blocked state of the roads, so he set out and walked to Seafurth. In some places he has to go through the fields, as the mountains of snow on the road were so Itiglt he could not get over them. c ST ()VI. IA For 7a,faut ,ani. Chi • ?i: Ira )301. The annual meeting of Ethel cheese factory was hell on Wednes- day afternoon. The following facts are gleaned from the annual report Chief Gill, Exeter, on Tuesday re- presented at that meeting : Total turned from Detroit with Wm Meeker, (hill; received, 1,4 21,(173 pounds; of Zurich, in charge. He ;as arrest- ed in Detroit at the Inst ee of the amountveceived, 10,723,.15 ;average , for passing pounds milk to pound of cheese, to, for, -650 111.0978 ; average price per pound is now thief eheese8.37, paid to patrons,$8513.- a preliminary + 20; R. Barr, making cheese,$1,1 ir? - rates 1 ter magistrates, 84haulitig milt:, ;$740.01: ; J. Ks e .on Friday, the ' Baker, 1,932 boxes, $ 1:e,8.,';-- 1 R. :on of the roads Dilworth, salesmany429.75 ; J. endance of outside Krauter, secretary;' 825; II. Cun- at time... The note ningi - tro Siire, $25 , insurance, $25; auditor's salary, $5 ; cash in Standard bank, 81,91. Molsons Bank, of 14;7..it i t claimed, a forge upon that institution. the cells .awaiting trial before the 1' which will take pl. i►npassabte condi preventing the a witnesses before 1 -ears the •Siguattrrn t -3ohn 13eekei• Jacob Becker and Robt., McKinley,. of Ilay township. The latest proposition made t� the Government to commemorate the sixtieth year of Her Majesty's' reign is the creation of a new province in the west, to be known as the Pro- vince of Victoria. This is an under- starding with Greenway that Man- itoba is to be enlarged, 'and this in - involves a considerable change in the map of the west, to which Sifton is itvoraide. The prepasat is to at •h part of Assiniboia and Sask ate ,van, east of the 105th degree of gitude, to Manitoba, together wi the'district of Keewatin. Alber- 'ta ith Athabasca and the remain- der 'f S.askatehewan, Assiniboia wilt th be given Provincial autonomy as a Prevince of Victoria. This - se to is said to fit in with plans wl h tblina en rtafn for the government of the A, For Over Fifty Years, AN Orsi? ANYI wi:Lr-7`atan hr�icilY. ' Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has' been used for over fifty years by, mil- lions of mothers kr their children white twill -One. with perfeetsuccess, It soetires the child, softens the gums. allays all pain, cures wind coke, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste, Sold by tlruoieta in every pYTivent •li'e oasts a 9 World. nrt ok th Fr' < eni:nt,� lastearn bel ing to Thomas Tomlinson, near Ki ardine, were totally destroyed b 're. .His two young sons- were do a the chores in the evening. One of Ahem left the lantern standing in ,hot oat bill and nailst' also )titre left thegranary door'open, for a Bolt e, estate in;'begatt bitten„ the oats and eventually threw the lantern over on the floor. The boys bravely got to work and managed to save alt the battle acid iniplentents. They har- nessed'tl►e catty liorso left, for their V father was aav a z.wat1 tint" team, r bottle. its value is fttoalu,dale. Be sure ( hitehed.,hiin td the separator on •I. and ask for MrsVllinglnw's Soothing 'har,t floor one of town steadic .aIle no other ltintl d take u an Sr, Syrup, 11:111{N1,`!iR'ryN'11111;,UR,: u- .. Siiltilddlinq1heTood. "fli rt"', :' : • 11iig the Sim:ads L : i , f Promotes Digestion,Checrful- ness andRest.Contains neither oxruln,Norphine nor Mineral• OTN COTac. .23un io .5..J- RodteUaSala - slnrre Seeds roust r .B urban 7k. crL . iffr..aJ•ud - Cord Sugar . fsgorecrynano Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms,Convulsions,i'everish- ness and Loss 01 SLEEP. TacSimile Signature ok NSW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. 5E13 THAT THE FAC--$1MLLE SIGNATURE -----QF•----- IS ON THE OF EVERY 130T'1'.LE OT' Oastorfa is put np is ons -sea bottles only. It is not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone to coli you anything else on the Flea or promise that It is "just as good" and "will answer every pur- pose," .1 *-• See that you get 0 -A -S -T -0 -R -I -A. The fao- ntnt:la eignatnro of P"""�`�� is on 4���� ovary wragp:. Orftieali --, the work of the ::*20 ._Isla► s J � y. • FOREST CITY BUSINESS AND. SHORTHAND COLLEGE) London, Out, is far superior to that of the ordinary business school. Patronize of known merit, and your success is. assured. College re -opened 1th, 1897. Catalogues free. Y. M. C. A. Building- J. W. WESTERVDLT, ?man al. ATARRH - Mrs. Condi, of London, Ont., Cured for 25 Cents Doctors Could Seip, but Couldn't Cure - Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure Released the Prisoner, and To -day She is as Well as Ever --She Says It is a Great Remedy "Yes, I am Mrs. Dobai]," said a comely, pleaslp t-facecl.wontan at her home on Horton street `fo a News reporter to•day, "and T will very gladly tell you what you want to know. Abouti three years ago my husband was very in, and I had frequently occstsfon to rise in the night and go for a doctor or to the druggist. In my !limy I often neglected to properly clothe myself, and contracted several Meavy colds, which turned at last to chronic catarrh. I trim octors, who helped mc, but did not cure n , and several special catarrh medicines. I was tiered but not cured. I was suffering intolera when Mr, Sluff recommended me , to: try SE'S CATARRH CURE, and it began at olicc t elp, and in about twb months bad entirel red me. I cannot speak too highly of this markable medicine, and cheerfully recomni d it to alt sufferers from catarrh." 'The blo r included is agreat help to sufferers. • r, d a _ }i'' n<• alt �h b .,� 10 10' YY i} } , n ��i uq •A •t i• - Ije}fb1S !CChid;`tttil_fi;._t m:Lkit}tr1�1,�1Ile %a'- t•1. )r b � ''`' :fl, ,, rn ..y. Y., .- R"M � • elif}1tdR 266'a-41.,E� tilt ,ass d s o sl bee, tl11tts, eonstl r .m 'F1i}li}e. adisailssing ''• lt'r'tV „Ileneet• saved.; .abfe}o a war '%h *.1k1► blliolidi , y p. P . #,, patien, sour statutes, indigestion are PromPtty' life the other - evenu�;. 1!�`rt. 1 ?PVT' •tit .Haat th i• ,l.e's hair was scotch Yyy.l; ?mired bIr "tt f' Il Tkey do their work Brown informed us -fink ' he ant "ib ed., ]air: +c' tl yo + E`:/" s c t i s tarsi+.. liar. Cock a 4,,OfsDashanss's ►etre~ sthe• , tte$800 " , n � t► s .. �1: + ,n I1'i't t *iiifc melt to drive between (. Insured ' eace lkert • andw i. ltlq111180 on contet t -and t 0 , t a '8a"r li it , a tarn. ld •f: � � :" : at a his companion 3 ys tri go the dig- ease 6'gY1 ttiorought>r. � 4? ; I,ia Ki •t '�` Best titter dinner puts. titinr. i telt atP-to Inas a t'teir` own , ;�leuriil ' tx"-ifA. iy�i s . , + los ` iia put. i� _ t•' t�tipar .�►..iY ' Eu,:-l0fq 1 . at"'� Break Up a Cold in Time • sr USING ECTOOAL p�YHYip �. The Quick Caro for C011Or i, Cotes, Ct1Oitr.� ],t ttc>'N= ; nTA HOliltsfi•."'•P S'S, eito.' • y. - i �: a r In t . ns ns TZ rRs. .I: , J. aEQlSuratreS#:15tti,'i•ni„to;tvtrce •j�' ' .r . •p,' or , hn n rrr,^•�(,'A a' itr• my rldyfoit of eI. W ,:n• ri•fa' , tl F Il r ,.,4.,t o1yrj�•l.ossa K!>..�1..��tt1 doh, M 1hh dfh.I 10$6, veFA o .-5ign ti• riei. mud•y, 7t•t`&tit r r oikt rnh,t ruaatie' •r nnt,,i,5.tniq.oeh rttxnaong. Ii, it • 11A.o' e • of Liold 1:+, 14.1•A$.:0.., w hr!+r '.ria•!"•*edt' "'t It1'Py.ir-i.fatal' lha Iry ,t itnR atn,l 1 a t,,th,ttyllty cuts• uat,CiattlNava 15, .01ot1 • li hrg,t 3%tat 'w, " f Cb, ... I '.� t:.1�`i'1 14 i.:�`v .t;`.GYt•L"t)„ !.*i�, �.• ,,,lItuf,�lc:turv,,a".1itfr-ca ' . is c•ol ler. e Janual ti - ilvti" VitiR �'i 0 AZJJWi. i ..]t`�if `'"%ill • Wt,•do neat work in the Job Printing business and at prices as low as the lowest. If you are in need i.f any- c,1 thing such as LETER HEADS, N ESTI: HEADS, BILL HEADS, 'ti � ENVELOPS, POSTERS, DoDODGERS,Iia • I.1.rSS CARDS, Or anything in the line of Printing, call or write to the old reliable TIMES Office, Wingham. • elifi s esis 's a $ 5 R E .4a. wl :are '!:11?i: . +.'. ..-r. :. . f r,+t! .o f' +'d.a.ic!'j1.11to: 4.. ,,. %f � , .. 1.! y i e .Fifty Dol�lars,te ainy person'. i i' .will 'br. fi ,r. .\'stela'orCidc:k l•'Cilili t:r6paitlr.and ittiAke to 'run as waft x�,: ''iliali tt'el. s f . : • !e 1 , , ,, ^,, or bettdr ` • • rag. • ' r+ ' • 3oiscpl tt .ti, t . ‘ in ; l' lar.. .y ..;• •r. - ;.1; a'.•. • • :,. .t. ;,,:y , ., Opposite 114aca aita1id t3lock.