The Wingham Times, 1897-02-05, Page 1-�! a � 19ING1-1A31 TIME TOL. X.X. V . ---N O. 1305. V e, WE SELL CHF Pier These days we are going through stocks, our intention being to have them as clean as is possible for Spring impor- tations, which are all bought, and in a short time will begin to arrive, and in order to make quick selling, profits are ignor- ed altogether and everything leads your way. Here are a few prices: • CHILDREN'S BUTTON FELT OVERSHOES aleup'z s to No. 1O --50e. . .. , MISSES' BUTTON FELT OVERSHOES Sizes II. to 2,-50e, LADIES' BUTTON FELT OVERSHOES Sizes 3 td BOOTS and SHOES Wetv,ill save you from ' 10 TO 50 PER CENT. on every pair, lower than any other house in the trade. W OBTAIN, $)EPE314.1ZDA.li;LE GOOD. FUR C }.PES AND COATS Astrachan Capes 27 to 30 in. Deep, Full, Skirt, Rich Long Curl. $1.6.50 and $ 18,50. Astrachan Coats, Rich, }aright Curl, Satin Lined, FF'uil Sleeves, for $25 worth 1:35. • LA ' a limited number of UP-TO-DATE tine finish and well made garment, for $3.70. WINOHAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 5, 1897. Marriage Licenses Issued by PRANK PATERSON. NO 23, Vic- toria i treet,Wingham, Qat, No witnesses required. WiNTE ,' i ERM,MON. JAN.4. Tfi�E /4.2, CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, STRATFORD, ONT. Canadii s popular cort:norelal sohooh None bet- ter in the Ponoinlon. Our coin's at study are bristling with good business pointe. Experienced teachers ht evetydeparttnent • ex.studente of other. business cell•gee now in attendance; moderato nates ; board low. A go-ahead school turning oiit wide -awoke young men and women ; graduates al• wave successtu Businaas is reviving ;and many brIitht young persons will be needed next tail. Now is the time to be prepared,.e;nd this is the school in whteh to get your preparation. Beautiful 'litho. graphed catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. The City Rastaarag KEEPS ONLY THE BEST IN ORANGES, BANANAS, LESIONS, • FIGS. VEGETA�BLES OF ALL KINGS OYSTERS SERVED lettMi. TRY OUR CIDER. W. A. JOHNS, CITY ItEsTAURAIM We have the best Tea, Black and Japan for 25c. that was ever offered ill Wingham. This is a broad. assertion, but we mean it. Try a pound. Everything in Groceries fresh, pure and eheap, Goods de. livered promptly. WE S1;LL CHEAP. 80�UT� ,' BOWLS --Geo. J. Orr, who lives with his broth- ers on the 8th eotieseleion of 1Cintoss, fell dawn the stairway in' the Kent Block as be was coning from Dr. Towler'a. office on Wednesday evening and struck hia bead against the door casing with such force as to cause concussion of the brain. Dr. Towler, who eves in his office and who heard the fall, was on hand almost instant. ly.nn#orturate-atnan.exvatesaar iYe iiltneCteee,bell's drug stoiT i n t ti 11&Q kli rimmed tg Giiti::{lkt?t:gi`ak'l`otel. His tt lrroth,pteevua tietrt=-fer aiic`T urri ertty tteesat evetrgh+tl ta.piglet. Thursday morn- `I ing the patient lied regained cenrigiousnc5 , People who were in town W. G, Hingston, Holland, Man ; lb 11 Hingetot, Cypress River, Man.; E Raatall, Goderich ; Adam Smith, Ripley ; James Perkins, Gerrie : Dr. female, Wroxeter; B. Cook, Fordwich; Adam Black, Tees - water; D. Wilson, Fordwich; I:Iy. Perkins, R Ross, W J Green, R. Mutch, Gorrie; J. Donaghy, Fordwich; W It Mooney, Bras. eels; David McConnell, Gladstone, Man.; Thos. McConnell, Lucknow; Mayor Little, of London: It Peterson, wife and child, Neepawa; John Gentle, Kincardine ; John Hamilton, Neil McDonald and the Misses McIntosh, Walkerton. —Mr. Walter• Taylor last week exhibited eight birds et the Seaforth Poultry Show and succeeded in carrying off eight prizes which speaks exceedingly well for Mr. Taylor as the competition was very close, there being a large entry. Wm. Jervis, of O. A. C., of Guelph, was the dodge. Mr, Taylor took first prize for hia White Leg- horn pullett, and first for Brown Leghorn cockerel amongst others scoring respective- ly 95 end 02e which would have entitled these birds to a prize at the recent Ontan<e Poultry Show at Guelph lasb m;,nth, svltich was the largest show eyer geld in Canada, and where the same!judete officiated. These birds are not seen at bur Wingham Fall Show as Mr. Taylor ceeisiders 80 end 20 cent prizes an limit to breeders and Sir;(;}, Sch▪ ool B a d. Special meeting of the Salvo! Board was LOCAL NEWS. held in council room on Friday, Jan. 29. —Ohl Have you not lead the grip yet this year? =Court Huron A. O. T'., will :meet os Tuesday night. ---Mrs. Perrie has been suffering from an ataack of pnoumonia.e es—Alderman Hanson, who has had an attack of pleurisy, is able to be around again. —Those who are in the habit of throw- ing ashes on the street may have the chief cell on them soon. •--A sleigh load of young people drove over from Blyth to hear the Temperance lecture itx the Town Hall Friday night. • —Mie Annie Stewart is suffering from a severe attack of infiernation of the lungs., We are pleased to lcnow that she is improving. —gingham. Turf Club will giye two stake races at their meeting on July 21.22; for 3 min. trotteijs. $500 and one for 2.40 pacers 5500. ' —Two loads of fig people drove over from Lacknow on Tuesday night to parti- cipate in the amusement at the skating rink and to enjoy a sleighride. —The DUES is a.good meeiuni through which to advertise. Two insertions "sheep for sale" and they were sold. It pays to advertise through the best medium only. Try it. —A meeting of the creditors of Alex. McDougall was held on Tuesday in the office of E. L. Dickinson. when Jesse Smith was appointed Assignee in place of Geo. H. Davide. Partners complain of some of the pitch hetes on the road inside the corpora- tion. The Street Committee is specula- ting whether or not similar eomplainta have been entered with the township authorities. --The Chief la'd information against 13. Beattie, A.H. Carr, Frank Caesar and H. O. Cell, clogging thein with furious di iving on front street. They acknowledg. ed the om•n and m Tde a deposit of $3.20 each. Next? =The piston rod workedloose nn the i • Laundry ednes- engine at the Huron nu a y V on 1 day morning and caused a little commo- tion for a time, but the forethought of foreman Shilton who turned off steam saved the engine from serious damage:Nee'' Considerable interest is being taken in Mr. Buchanan's meetings iii the hall over D. Bell's music room. The hall is crowd- ed every evening and the addresses are creating a gond deal of talk among those who have heard the gentleman speak. ---Judgment has been given to the care, Ruettel vs. Ritchie in fewer of the plaintiff Ruettel. Thin case ie one of peculiar in- terest arising out of a lees subtitled by Ruettel in having coeds damaged by water oeueed by a defective pipe which carries the waterfrom the roof of the building in which Ritehte occupies the second flat and Ruettel the first. --After giving a report r f the erogeess tirade by the Gore Manse Fire Insurance Company, the Guelph Mercury pays a high tribute to a former resident of this t—"Mr. ltob . wordst in the few nl Cunningham, of this place is the r, p ween. tative of the old Company for the district between Guelph and Lake t1uron, an 1 we have reason to believe that lint efforte have contributed largely torw*rdr it high stand. ing and popularity." All the rrtembers present. A cornmanieatiou was received from Miss Sutherland tendering her resignation as teacher. Moved by C. N. Griffin,. seconded leyClhee. Barber, that the communication be renewed and fyled and the resignation accepted—Carried. Moved by Thos. Abraham, seconded by Win. Moore, that Miss Nellie Gray, of Clinton be engaged to fill the vacancy— Carried. A. communication from the Norwich Board of Education was referred to the Principal to report at next meeting, :electing then adjourned. SP▪ ORTS. Seaforth fioekey Club beat Goderich by a score of 7 to 1 on the Seaforth rink on Thursday last. Goderich and Wingham might shake, being in the same class. The Harriston Hockey Club will play the Vingham Club on Monday evening; next on the rink. The contest in Harris - tot on Friday evening last between these two clubs resulted in a victory for Harris - ton of 3 to 2. Two rinks of the Seaforth Curling club went to Stratford on Wednesday, to com- pete in their series for the Ontario tankard. Seaforth were pitted against Berlin and won by 0 shots. Stratford defeated Preston and then Seaforth defeated Stratford. This makes Seaforth curlers winners in the group and they are now eligible to go to Toronto to compete in the finals for the tankard. Personals Mies Torrance, of Clifford, was visiting in town. --Tho Newbury Jour•uel says :••-•',Tudg. went has been given in the Sparlitige v4. Dobbyn case, in favor oe Dobbyn, Wide ease was the occasion for great dee! o talk, being somewhat peculiar. Over a year M . ago , r Sparling, of Winglratrr, purr chased two carloads of baled hay from Alex Dobbyn, to be delivered a certain day. The day came, and the hay watt brought in and $cane put into the cars, but as it wag raluitag Sperling contented that the hay was spelled. 1,ast raft iioueyn "au d fai' the payment of fry. The case was tried in Winglzam and witnecsett were called from here, Only last week j'unonIeut was given, Sperling losing. Tho Outs will amount to quite asurn. The G. T. It. him a bill for damage of about 650 for them that is on the switch loaded. Some of the hay is in the station yard, and some in the station, where it has been lying fpr nearly a year. Sudden Death. 'UThe . circumstances surrounding the death of Miss Florence Bahner wltigh oc- curred here on Saturday last, render it particularity sad. Miss Bahner was ani young lady of tamable bright and cheery disposition and had made for her- self many warm friends in 1Vtnghatn. Her death at the early age of 25 years, will be a terrible shock to her immediate role- tives. Deceased camp to town a little more than a month ago and was gtaying with her cousin, Mrs. G. M. Duffield., She had been indisposed eeea short ' tints but was thought to be alrgast well agsin when on Friday she war ilEzed with a severe attack of infiamation and on Satttrttay size reseed away. /Ter mother who live' at. PineGroye near Wo dbridge was telegraph= ed for and arrives Friday night eta per brothel came from Toronto Saturasy, toe late to see her alive. Service was holdat the home of G. M. Duffield on Sunday evening by Rev. Wm, Lowe, rector of 1St,, Paul's church. The body was Waletin. w44dhridee, eor burial ea 4114 inerniail train tilnu y S. Dalton and A. Dickson were in God- erieh lasb week, Walter Buchanan, of Gaderich, are in town this week. Miss Staples, of Gerrie, was the guest of Mrs. S. G. I3rown. Miss Lottie McKenzie returned on Sat- urday from New York. Miss Jennie Duffield returned from London on WVednesday. Mise ..inoy, of Blyth, was the guest of Mies Parker this week. Mr. Peter McKay, of CrosltI1. is visiting s friends in town this week, • Miss Sadie I+lmigh, of WIC .�,,�', visited friends in town this week. Mr. Donald Patterson, County Council- lor, was in town ou Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. Ben Gerry, of Brusse's, were visiting in town this week. Messrs. McLaughlin and Dane, of Gorrie, were in town Wednesday; �` Miss Lizzie Gracoy, of Gananolue, is staying with her uncle, S. Gracey. We are pleased to see Mr. Alex. Simi). son who has recently returnee iron Chide. go. 'Mis4Minnie 11teLoren hat returned after a two months' visit with friends in Strat- ford. Mfr. Walter Hutchinson. of I3elmore, is spending t. few days with his brother, Ti. A. Hutelti.son.:' Mr. John Stewart left this tveek to take a six months' co irso in ti e Stratford Businaas College, 1'n 1 Currie n i alga, Mrs. .( ie n t Mr, Jas. LI �u t d t 1John Wilson, l eft o nMotley Motley for oe a two wart'sdriving trip. TeeTety intend to Visi t Mitchell,Exeter and toodeE ek. They Will report on the pitch holes later. School Ranee.. $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE 8';'t and whoa 513 per ton they got eiee en stock, The speaker said that the best soil for producing flax is the clay soil. Black mucky soil did not produce a good fibre, ro He sowed £t bushels seed on H acres vlizcIi yieldedhint an average of 2&1 tone per acre, The coat of'pulling ran from $4 to $5 per acre. Flax should be sown early in order to get the best results. Ile thought that a ilanitiey nj ggnlpanies should unite eatd bullci au 4;! mill, Thy"e Wee 13t4ne.e, in it. There was only one 013. mill in Ctttario, there should be others. The Atwaod Company )tad rented ground and sowed flax but they found it rnorR satisfactory to get fanners to take 'took and grow the flax. They do not Make a habit of buying flax from persona outside ' the company though they had bought some from outsiders on a few occa- sions but die} not think it wise to do so. 'The chairman thought it would be more business like end satisfactory to pay fill .price for the flax when delivered at the Mill and the shareholders to take the entire risk nue whatever profits were to be had. On thee basis lie would suberibe for 20 Ogres stock. The stook book was then opened for subecribers. Town Council. The regular monthly meeting of the Town Connell was held on Monday even- itlg last. lifenzbers present: Mayor, Reeve and Deputy-11eevp, Councillors McKinlay, .%line, i!orbca, Hanson, Robinson, Read- lrlg, and Ttobbins.j eid.'014:vilrop:ji:ovt:itfinosf fast meeting were read h:ince Committee reported as nna, coal oil fpr ht.11, 60c; 4>Roletifr ce $en, relief ot`'lar, $3.60; Wing. heMBlectrie xti9ti Co., lights for January, tkig,,Tal. Geo, Hughes, shovelling snow off 1itt et, flea J. Nicholl, rel of order, 75e. ; E 4ituneene, printing, 54.75 ; S. G. Own, Opting, 5.2.38 ; Chas. Barber, plotting alto}v off walks, 56, and searching fpr irot'tEt3kes, 5t ; Bell Tl'elerhone Co., ex - The fellawtng Is the result of the regi{ oftµ ,} w yiee, Se 65 ; Munteipal World, lar weekly written examinations held irn [apt tel,, pftsesatneut roll, 111.f1G ; John T fine o ' bli to e of the P c +Sahoo n the firer department n 1 't, lis.4h R. ..rl. tt, 4. r. .. � 1 � n 3 b� o , daring the month r class w The anis. *ucittiMr 's fe"';445",_ W () Stu4tt, Audi= jests. for the maim Primary class were: Physiea tor'. fees, 6l5; len: Robertson, Deputy. licienee, Literature, Arithmetic and Geam• Returning Officer, 10: tr. B. Ferguson, 'try: For the Leaving class, Geography regular fee local improvertte.:t debenture, Arithmetic, Geometry and Literature. The $3. J W. Bone, relief order, 52.80; John star indicates that such pupi[ was absent Wilson, night shelter for chief, 53.10. On from one or more of such examinations motion the report was adopted'. The examinations are always held on The Auditors report was then read. Friday forenoon, and parents are earnestly Moves[ by Robinson, seconded by Johns requested to see that pupils attend, that the auditor's repelt be laid over till Marks obtainable 600. the next meeting of the Council for further riaMABY L1iSVZxo, b consideration—Carried. If Morton 543 3 Cumming' f;:,5 The Pnblio Works Committee then re - 13 Ross 4F3 1 Reading458 1ported asking that the Chairman of the F Forster 428 T, i)IcC.uire 441 said committee be empowered to have N Beelcett 400 .1 Stewart 433 si.lewallts cleared and that the chairman 0 Welsh 307 n'1: Forbes 405' A Stewart 502 0 Moore 392 I be empowered to make small axpeu$iture J McKinley 295 S Gordon 374 3521for repairs on sidewalks, and also the *C lroas 288 *A Gray 37<; f throwing of ashes and other rubbish on *F Clegg 261 **H Ansley 332 � the streets be prohibited. It was also *Jf. Ilegg Oh 154 *F Rush 3q5 ; stated that snow and ice was continuously *L k3radnock 253 *P Gifford 816 !falling off the Mason block and that A Mainprize '344 *N Murray 800 measures should be taken to liars the roof *G Hiecocks 229 *V Htscocks `116 i of the said block cleared so as not to eu- T M.cGillivaryl8ti *N Ross 210 danger life. J Pearn 177 **A Park 146 1lloyed by Ransonseconded by Robin - **M Ross 158 *A Ellis 142 son, that the Council empower the Com• *A Rados 155 **.I Gannett 114 mitt's to expend 510 on sidewalks—Car- ried. Moved by }Larson, seconded by Gregory that Mr. Mason be rotified in regard to . snow end ice falling off his building and that he be instructed to have the same cleared, as it was endangering life. Acommunication was read from Tem- perance lecturer, re hall rent for 6 nights at eb per night, asking that the Council give him a. rebate of 115. *W Kerr 181 **F McGuire 121 The Flax Mill The second meeting of farmers and others interested in starting a flax mill in Wingham was held in the Council clam. ber Tuesday afternoon. About 75 persons were present. On motion Geo. McKenzie The Reeve spoke in regard to some re - was eieeted chairman and S. G. Brown pairs needed at the power house re broken Secretary of the meeting. After a few in. cylinder bead. troduotory remarks the chairman introduc- Moved by Reading and Johns that the ed Mr. ItioBain of Atwood, President Fire Water and Light Committee be em - of the flax company of that place which is contposed of fanners of that district. Mr. 19Icliain explained the cause which lead to the formation of the company at Atwood. After they had decided to form a company. a committeeof 7 members was appointed to canvas for farmers to take stock. Shares were placed at 525 each and no one person was allowed to possess more than 4 shares. After a sufficient nailb er of shares had been subscribed they got a *hatter which called for a capital of $5e00, though that amount was not repuired. The cost of obtaining the charter and gutting properly organized amounted in all to about $130. Had they not suffered a loss from fire, early in the history of the Company, the share- holders would not have been called upon to pay morn than 70 or 75% of the subscribed stook. They own now a mill 38 x 56 ; barn 44 x 9'3 ; engine room with brick veneering 24 x 25; weight scales and seed room. The total cost of which amountedtoabout $5000. They employ it team for the season to do all their teaming. Their foreman is em• ployed from about the middle of ,July until all the flax is disposed of which will be some time in March this year. They have also a paid eecretaty-treasurer^ He thought a mill was a gold thing for a community There would be paid out this year in wages about 54000 in all which was algood thing for wage earners. The plan followed by his company was to pay one half the value of the that down when it was delivered at the mill and the balance after the solo had been made. The profits for sherehelders was arranged on a shifting basis depending an the amount paid per ton for flax. When flax was worth $10 per ton stock holders got powered to have such repairs as needed re pumps and cylinders done at once.—Car- ried. bIoved by Angus, seconded by McKinlay that the Council grant a rebate of e5 to Temperance lecturer—Carried. The Finance Committee reported a balance of 1180 due the Mechanic's Insti- tute. Moved by Robbins, seconded by Robinson that the amount of < 8 0 b e paid the Institute in settlement of all claims against the Council --Carried. Moved by Reading, seconded by Johns that the following be a court of Revision for the year 1826: Reeve, Deputy -Reeve, MnHinlay, Hanson and Reading. Moved by Robbins secondee by Forbes, in amendment that the Reeve, Johns, Reading, Robinson enol Hanson be a court of Revision—Motion earned. The report of Finance Committee re salt blockewas read. Roved byitobbin., second- ed by Forbes, that the clerk write Mr. Spelling re $empiianee with report salting him to furnish the Council with e. statutory declaration of the time the block was in operation and the produot thereoff, said declaration to be given within 15 days after notification• --•Carried, Bylaw 296 to appoint officers and set salaries for 1897 was read a third time and passad. Moved by Iiansoe:, seconded by Robin- son that the chief occupy the hall for shelter.instead of Mr. Wilson's ofriee- - M lost. c st. Alined by Aligns, secondedby McKinlay, that the Clerk be instructed to haws cards printed with names of the committees— tarried. The Council then adjourned, GREAT REDUCTION SALE On Saturday Morning Jany x6th, we commence the GREATEST CUT PRICE SALE ever witnessed ill Wingham. Our stock of over $8,0oo must be reduced one halt and in order to do it, all profits be completely wiped out and many lines will be cut much below cost as the stock is all new and bought for cash. This great sale affords the best op- portunity for securing UNEQUALLED BARGAINS Please do not confound this GREAT AND GENUINE SALE with the numberless shams so t often met with. Cash or 'Tr�i�Ie d `n _ url..g the pro- gress of this great slaughter sale. D. M. GORDON. lite Importer. Business Locals. Lettuce, Home grown, at Farquharson.. French Sardines, 10 cents per tin at Noartt Lav Gvocraty. For first class oysters either in bulk or served try McKee vtr: s Camelea, self raising pancake flour for dyspeptics at Nonrn ENn Gnoceluv. Box Stove and Coal Stove for sale. Have been replaced by furnace, Enquire at this ofiiee. Our motto : Good Goods at close prices for cash. Norm Gaocsay. The latest Imperial Photos, $5 per doz at the Star Photo Studio, Beaver Block. —For' first-class tailoring end cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co. Remember the place, in Queen's block. Roll butter 11 cents per Ib. this tvoelt. Fresh eggs always on hand. Norvir Exn Gnocieve. The right man in the right place. Give McAlpine a trial for an up-to-date meal at 15 cents. Special =anemone can be made or board by the week. It pays to get your bills p»Mted at the Tines of5ee. A free notice given with sale bills, church bills, &c., and are read in hundreds of homes. tVAxrz n— Butter, (12c) Dried Apples (3c) a uantity. 29 b Geo. E. lento.The Cen rel Restaurant, MclCenzie's building, has been renovated throughout and every convenience has been added for the patrons' comfort. Meals at all hours. Oysters served in any style. Also agent for the Huron Steam Laundry which turns out work equal to any city laundry. Leave orders at my store. Janine McAtrisr: Proprietor. Lose—A collie pup, half grown, black with tan front peeve. Was last seen on the Bluevale road following a rig towards Wingham Anyone knowing of his where- abouts will oblige by reporting at this office. The New Liberal Cabinet. We have just r'ccived a sample copy of a most excellenteand life.like photoengrav- ing done in three colors of the new Liberal Cabinet. The Globe Printing Co. have secured the exclusive control of the picture. It is 21 x 28 inches, and' was arranged from astral photographs by the well-kuowtt Canadian artist, J. D. Helly, and is prepared by the Toronto Litltograpkt" Co., which bespeaks perfect work. We have made arrangements with bifid Glebe Printing Co. to supply it with a, three month's trial trip of the Weekly G1rette and Wingham TDMES for 40 meets itr Moho'. DADr and DAMS r 0 one year and photo E ntti lug at 51.50. This is without &Mlle Greatest value 'ger offered. The pieta one that every one should hero. Call at office and see it before renewing sulr>t. tions. 22 -lo