The Wingham Times, 1897-01-29, Page 5Time. WINUI.JAM TIMES, JANUARY 29, 1897.
We spent hat week with the manufacturers'
and wholesale 7eople and WED attended
the pre
held ma Toronto, the result is that we, procured some goods away be-
i.ow ite;ular prices and in many cases below the cost of production.
eS They shave been Corning in every day during this week and on Friday
wonting everything will be eOmpleteisncl we will open what We are
going to nail
1 A Trade Sale or,
an Exlensve Scale
On a scale that will make February sales of past years sink into insig•
nifieanee. February is usually looked upon as a dull month, but we
intend nraki�eg it one of the biggest of the weigh year. We paid spot
cash for every dollar's worth we bought and we will ?:ell only on the
same basis, +ea'edit is played out and shrewd and intelligent buyers are
rapidly finding it to their advantage. It isa true old saying, "Talk
is Cheap," it is easy enough to maks etafms, very extravagant ones if
a person sees 1tt, but harder to substantiate then. We tell the plain
truth about our store in :1. plain way. There's never a promise made
in our "ads" which we cannot more than fulfill, never a price quoted
we are not prepared to offer. Take this one if you will, bring 'it to
the store and see if we cannot show you every article advertised and
at the prices quoted be'ow.
3 pieces Dress Goods, union, colored Cashmere, worth 25e, Trade Sale
price 15e.
5 pieces Dress Goods, in heavy, Tweed effects, worth 30c. Trade
Sale price 18c.
5 pieces all wool Henrietta 41 inches wide, good colors, 50c. Trade
Sale price 39c.
125 Remnants of Dress floods in all colors, from 2 yards to 41 inch
ends, atprices chat will clear. them out:in a few:,days.
Black Mantle cloths; fashionable gocds in rough make, worth $1.25 a
yard, Trade Sale price 85e,
4 pieces Cottonede, extra value in small stripes, worth iGc. a yard
Trade Sale price 10ae.
Shirting, correct for aprons, or boys wear, cheap at 8c. Trade Sale
( price 5c.
Gingham in new patterns, good effects, very special 5c.
Factory Cotton, excellent range, at 21, 3 , 5 and 8e a yard.
See our white Cotton at 5c.
Flannelettes in pink and blue stripes, worth 8e. Trade Sale price 6c.
O)mforters, fancy colored coverings and good wool lining, worth $1.25
Trade Sale price 90e,
Men's Red Handkerchiefs regular 10e., Trade, Sale price 5c.
Prints, new line, just opened, regular price 121c. Trade Sale price 81e
Table Linen half bleached, good pattern worth 35c. Trade ,Sale price
Clothing, Boy's Overcoats, heavy tweed, worth $3.25 in fact they are
cheap at that piles but Trade Sale Price $2.25.
Frieze, Overcoats either Boy's or Mien's at interesting prices.
Men's Braces, elastic ends, regular 20e Trade Sale Price 5c.
Men's Heavy Ribbed Guernsey Shirts regula'r:price 50 and GO T-ade
Sale Price 40c. , .
Men's White Shirts sizes 141 to 16•.',, soft body, well laundred, sure to
give satisfaction, regular price. $1.00 'Trade Sale Price, 75e.
Ladies' Vests, heavy wool, ;t cold. excluder, regular price 50e and GOe.
Trade Sale Price 40e.
'Women's polished calf, foxed boots, flannel lined, a wonderful pair of
boots for • only 50e.
If you are making a patch work quilt, we have
something that will be of use to you, print
by the pound, and won't cost you
• much either, ' - •
•otwithstanding bad roads and bad weather
this sale will continue and prove a boon
to thrifty y buyers. Corrie expecting extra
value for your money and you will
riot be disappointed.
ywO. ' 1.
Ttf we told you. 'that your
is by was starving, that it
actually didn't gat enough
to teat, you might rresent it,
Acid yet there are tthousands
of babies who never get the
fat tthey should in their food
or mho are not ableto digest
the fat that they do get. Fat
is a tnecessity to youar baby,
It is baby life anill baby
beauty, A few dllops of
Scott's .Emulsion for ail little
ones one, two and ,three
years of •age is better than
cream for them. They
thrive aged grow on it.
SCOTT 4 OWNE, Boltevtlle. Oat.
WIngham is already noted for
tnet•cllants who sell their goods at
scarcely a living profit. Drygoods
are cut every day, so also arc boots
sand shoes, crockery is smashed, and
strong constitutions are wrecked by
the strife after gold.
The constitutional can be rectified
by using
Gordan & Co's. little Dandelion
;'i!fs for the Liner and
Herbal Bitters for Headaches
sour Stomach Dyspepsia.
Heathfield's Dealing Salscm foy
that Bad Cough and pain
in the„chest.
Following this up with Gordon &
C'o's. Cream of Tartar, Baking
Powder at 20c. per pound, which
inatkes light pastry, and if this don't
make a clean job of it, ask to see
their 10 cent Sponges and 5 cent
Soaps, the greatest ealue offered.
has opened out a new machine
shop, tiioroughly equipped.
with a
New Outfit of Machinry
ncluding an Iron Planer,
Lathes etc. and is now prepar
ed .to do a general line of re-
pairing;' Engine and Mill
Machines r repairing and pipe
fitting a specialty.
All kinds of shafting, gear-
iron and wooden pulleys, ..
brass and iron castings sup-
plied on shortest note cc.
Center Building Button & FessaRt
'axnruo to 'advt.
t^Ax:tli:TrisYS AND RUSSIAN nEl.R,
Well authenticated reports from
India allow the condition of the
famine strn'la:en districts to be simply
appalling. It is estinrated that six
millions of British subjects, aro on
the verge of starvation. Already
the famine 13,claimed thousands i f
victims. Thecase of India's famish-
ing millions appeals to the sympa• • local butchers was only limited at
thies of the whole world. The from 2 c e 3c per lb for median,
appeal is being heeded. The people to good: cattle. Several lots of poorer
of England are eagerly engaged in cattle were disposed of at 2e and
the work of relief, and British people
in all quarters of the world are send-
ing succor to their fellow subjects in
the Indian Empire. Even the people
of Russia have joined in the relief
•`"'. r.�"",1+ v LoRi'fi Moser te. �....,., ...i..
Toronto, Jan. 2(1 ----Receipts to day
were heavy for the time of the year, 1'= " '
s in --3061
sheep and lambs, 1,000 hogs. Total j�
there being 49 carload (� F}� g 10t�
receipts for last week : Cattle, 2,;;9-l; F' , j�
sheep and lambs, 1,52 ; hogs, °3,t )(►. '�ILelne,nt+, r 1117~, ;+{v, tie11' it.
( svurk ('
Export cattle 'somewhat t1 let. ;t 1, stet, p quieter;
prices a little weaker, from lisle tt {� + 'r t• .
4e per lb. Butchers' Cattle -There (4r s a y �-�.7
was no buying for Montreal worth gi,��„�
talking about, and th i
i l+f
6 0 , a demand front I (:1
21e per lb. Bulls -About, a dozen
bead, licked up for export, at prices
ranging from 2I,Ic 017:11 -Ac per lb, and
better ones would bring 31c per Ib.
Good useful feeding bulls sold for
movement, and are giving money 2.0 per lb. Stock bulls rule from
and food. Canada surely Lvi11 not 2e e 21e per lb. Stockers and
neglect to perform her past in this feeders -There is a good demand
great humane work. The Montreal for nice quality steers to fill vacancies
Star newspaper has inaugurated a
Ca:adieu fund --the first to be start-
ed in the Dominion -and its publish-
er has headed the list with :t sub-
scription of live hundred dollars. aging from 950 to 1,000 lbs, sell for
The lion Wilf'ri,1 Laurier, Premier 21c per ib. Cullman 900 Ib s:oekerb
of Canada, has written to the Star, are quoted at froth 2c («, 2, c per 1b.
expressing his heart approval of the Sheep and lambs --Lambs firm; good
relief movement and contributing to grain -fed ones selling at from 4, e (t
the fund a handsome cheque. `Thi die per ib. Shipping sheep steady,
appeal fur assistance is meeting with att31c per ib; bucks, 21e per lb;
at hearty response in all parts of the butchers' sheep dull, at $i3 3 50
country and among all classes• per head. Hugs firm u' otlerfngs
All the Protestant clergvnlen of light; choice seleetiotis sell frons 4Ic
Montreal have lvritton a juit,t si 4%, a per ib. Thiel:, fat hogs erre
meorial to the Star supporting the steady, $4.60 peer• cwt.
ul(,mvenrent. 1 Last Buffalo, N. Y., Jan: 26.•-
Every subscription to the Famine Cattle -6 cats on sale; rnarltet quiet
Fund sent to the Montreal Star no at yesterd:lys's Close, To•days Buf
!natter how small it may be, will be fads Mercantile Movie~, devoted to
publicly arknow!edged, live stuck trade at East Buffalo, has
` this to say :-"With the prospect of
a number of stockers and feeder
W. S+,utituurt, of I''art;r, who ba, cattle coming from Canada after the
been committed to ttudericit on a first of.February, it will be well for\
charge of having stolen goods in his Canadian shippers to carefully winch
possession, was before the county , the markets and to consider the
Jialge on Saturday to answer to the
charge. The prisoner admitted his
guilt, asked for mer .y, and was re-
manded till the rsday. on which d;'y
he was sentenced to the central for
six months with hard tabor.
in the distillery byres. Prises paid
to -day ruled from $2.00 $3.20 per
cwt., the latter fi.,ure for some aver-
aging 1,050 lbs. Good steers aver-
'People often wonder why their nerves ar(
so weak; why they get tired so easily;
why they start at every slight but
sudden sound; why they do not sleep
naturally; why they have frequent
headaches, indigestion and nervous
The explanation is simple. It is found in
that impure blood which is contin-
ually feeding the nerves upon refuse
instead of the elements of strength and
vigor. In such condition opiate and
nerve compounds simply deaden and
do not cure. Hood's Sarsaparilla feeds
the nerves pure, rich, red blood; gives
natural sleep, perfect digestion, is the
true'remedy for an nervous troubles.
effect of increased supplies to this
market from their section, added to
the usual supplies from Michigan and
other states that are being shipped
`_fere every week. Prices of feeding
cattle at present are very high, coin -
pared with the values of fat cattle -
the result et a short supply nea rly
all the yearuf jest the right kind
that the buyers wanted, and choice
kinds of Cccvlers showing good breed
inn and in fairly good flesh aro sell-
ing; around $8.76 (' $1 and down to
;3.50 for good quality stock, 11,ti1(, the .Just"tee of the Peace to the ,mail
fair to choice stock steers sell al! the' contract in question his only plea
way from $3.15 @ $1.60, but with being that he didn't mean Hey harm.
heavier supplies no doubt these Pickering is only about twenty
values, whieh are. extreme, would tulles from the city of Toronto; it is
have to be shaded to :ell them. on the main line of the Grand Trunk
' Avoid sending in light, runty steers east, and presumably the laws that
and bight heifers, particularly, unless govern the rest of the province are
'they can be huught at very low also in force there. Yet we find,
prices, as the heavy decline will be that a forgery has been smothered
upon this class c.f stock cattle. If tip, or ignored -not an ordinary
Canadian shippers will ship models forgery either, but the forgery of.
ately and the right kind of stock, the name of a Justice of the Peace,
the market cat be held at present in his capacity as such, to a Govern -
values." Sheep and lambs -13 cars trent mail contract, which thereby
pill costs 25e., (1• (•.. Its hilt rinds
does it well, er pet ;;e„ •
Jt 1(aCCI IIIUIII \ Lack,
,Ga ,,..+r,. Rl
tr a
�+ Anyth7,7r('l:eV,' t'('C(+ ,1
f J t, nr i c'rclj'jI
`a111es w'itl, i+ the same guar -1'j
tialllh•f'. n't, Wait }(,til' tt•ade,r,F1111
Y 1.011. 1,0111r,i.ent trail(' and with,, JI -
1Jtt), o u colatltlel.c,,. �l
1 t., e Ri' e ,1
r ,f►Stial.11il S DRUG STORE�I
x x x x x
Change Property.
Dan 11IeU',rnliek, the woad -known
host of the Hui on Iiotel, has sal
out that business to Mr. F,. R. Swans,
of Bttvtield, 11 ho took possession ole
Wednesday last. Ed, i; anythine.
but a stranger hereabouts, and 11 1
no doubt keep rip the good reputation
of the Huron. -W. L. Horton has
sold out his liquor business on West
street to Walter Satins, t•r the Union
Hotel. Mr. Horton has =ung h4.d
the reputation of keeping the neatt st
and handsomest store or this kind
west of Toronto, and it is nut likely
to suffer at the hands I,t' his suece.;-
T1 ePiekering i'osi oa4iee.
Apparently a ver\•:•tr,muo state of
affairs has existed at Pickering.
The charge is mote that Bosttnaste,•
Logan forged the name of • a Justice
of the Peace to a mail Cut.traet some -
half dozen years ago, that knowlellg
of this was conveyed to the Crown
authorities, soul that evidence of i
was submitted to Post Ofiiice Inspec-
tor Sweetnain in a111 11,'. 4tigatio+,
hold by him some tine ago. 1t
appears also that P„-tulalster Lupo
admits that 1 e forged the name of
Ton sale, lambs all t.f 10c lower, ex- became a bogus instrument. Not
sept for best wethers, which are only has the man so far escaped the
-.sivadly; good to choice lambs, 65 e penalty of his act, but the kost
55.25; one lot sold up to :5.30 ; only office Inspector appears to have eon- .
a light supply of sheep on sale;
selected handy wethers, $4 ® $4.25;
rs the One True Blood Purifier. $1 per botUe. mixed sheep, fair to prime, $3.50 ®
Prepared,''only by C. I. treod & Co., Lowell, Mass. $3.90. Hogs -35 cars on sale;
. cure Liver Ills; easy to about 5e lower than yesterday's
Hood's Pills cure
easy to operate. 25e. close for York weights, and steady
for packer's grades; pigs, $3.75 @
- ,. __._-__ $3.80; light Yorkers, $13.70: medi-
ums, $2 65; heavy ends, $3 60, and
a few selected at $3.65. horses -800
- head on sale yesterday ; over sup -
4 , plied; values off about $10 por head,
land and school supplies of all kinds,
thing that is required
and even at decline all were not
from a slate pencil up; every sold; heavy to draft, common to
by. school children. choice, $35 ® $115; matched teams,
averaging sales, $70 es $200; a few
up to $215; drivers, $25 G $125.
Without a doubt we ave e nes s oc o
Fancy Goods we have ever opened out.
Ingenious Toys for children.
• "Dandy" and "Stunning" " resents for theyouths Mrs. S. Young and ertsorNoble of
y � p \Yinghatn, and Mrs, Robertson, of
. and maidens. Marnoch, spent a few days with
Beautiful and Costly (or inexpensive if desirable) Sou-
blre. J. IV. Gibson.
'viueirs for the gents and ladies. + seldays mill is very busy
g these days eutting maple rollers.
Bibles and Good Books 'tor the aged. l 1e 7inthm isholding a series of
servicees in rho church at Ebenezer.
firmed hint in his office, thus deolar-..
ing the offence to be a. trifling thing.
In view of this, it is not surprising
that one villains should have amazed
Colonel Lazier yesterday when giving •
evidence, by saying that he saw wrong in the Postmaster's
action, and thagt he "would do the.
same thing himself."
It is abundantly clear that the
Pickering conception of right and
wrong is hazy in the extreme. Con-
doned or ignored, by the guardians,
of law, morality and the postal
regulations, why should not forgery
be accepted as respectable and Law-
ful by other residents of the locality?
Why should they not proceed to do
the same thing themselves? They
have as yet received no warning as
to how forgery is regarded outside
of Pickering.
Not only the supremacy of law,
but the discipline of the postal corps,
and the integrity of publio office are
concerned in this case, Colonel:
Lazier was nut appointed a moment
too soon to hold an inquiry into `the
whole matter, for the post office of a
small town is its head, and throligh
it all the blood passes daily. The
heart requires to be healthy a,nd
clean. --Star.
Fancy Cards galore.
Stacks of Books and an abundance of ev
Celluloid" Goods; Toilet Sets; Albums,
1Vtagaxines, Books and Stationery.
1. .
,,InSaturday while John ILtwksha w
erything t
was stab ing hiss ho ses, he met with
Pictures, an accident which aright bare cost
Fine Cos, Saucers and Plates, ` each.. ha
.Apllcture of.the' Public, School on it.
'eaet>r'>� fine selection ` of dolls, all sizes.
*aft, behli i f! jukt hem.
hint his life. As one of animals was
goings into the bort spat! a , strap
ving a t caught, causing the horse to jerk
back soddenly, knooking Mr. Iiawk-
1 sh3tvr against the wall rendering l,itn
-insensible in wl'teh 'eonditien he
} was found sometime afterwards by inse canr$rd by a llflttotft' of the
I Mr. itarrey 2►.tr, Ilawkshaw, has ,rowels. The ftincral wAC t-r"y*'1afatgabc""
Isrnce been contined•tohis rosin, hav-ily attended. The renir+lns bele itt-
Ing sustatir.ed severe bruises. terred in the Kiecordiut cemetery
The wife of Rev. John :1leFstrlane
of Pine River Presbyterian church,
11ie.1 on Monday after a short itlnee a
of a weak or tett days, tier death be.
a }ir; - •
The 1`ol.rrinr Book Stole.