The Wingham Times, 1896-09-25, Page 8TUE WI N U UAM 31,1 . t'S,r SEPTEMBER 25, 1896•
tun ! inks
',ItIDAY, Si P Jima e k3, es, 1800.
Prcabytery of 11Iait13a,nd.
et at IN ingham Sept. i,atb, with
a fair attendance of members. Rev.
G. Ballantyne, Moderator, in the
chair. The minutes or last regular
and two special meetings n ere , us
Minutes of Assembly were distrib- There are very few men who have
travelled over Ontario more than
Mr. D. McCorvio, of Clinton and yet
there are important place in the Pro,
vines) that be knows very little about.
A native . f Toronto, he only visited
it encs inside of forty yeers, and
this was last summer. however, he
knows nearly every inch of .territory
in Western Ontario and if driving
could pretty nearly tell his loction
with his eyes shut,
The accident to Marlins by which
his leg was broken while engaged in
playing a game or base ball, was
followed by a similar one " on last
Friday evening, This time the vic-
tim. ens Jno. I•Iolderness, a young
man of eighteen years of age, The
leg was broken just above the ankle
and is pronounced a bad break,
The manly sport of base ball seems
to be followed by danger to the
limbs.—Walkerton Telescope.
Next meeting at Wingb:zln, Nov.
117th at 11,30 a. nn.
JoitN 11IAeNeesa, °leak
Lucknow, Sept. 18th, 1896.
Elders commissions were received
To Tlw South Pale. in favor of Messrs. Thomas Stracbnn,
The statement that Ur..Nanaen is islussels, James Steel, Pine River,
about to attempt explorations in the Jelin MacKinnon, Lueknow, A.
region of the eolith pole will direct Turnbull, Walton, John Gordon, ;~t,
public attention to that coin p..1 ea Live- Helens, i4 ilIlani Al. t linen, a.
ly neglected field c:f reaear'ehi. in side, Peter Crear, Molesworth, James
this matter discovery seems to have Wylie, Wroxeter, James llacix.ea
followed the lines of greatest curios- Calvin church, East Wawanosh,
ley and to have revealed a fair i lett John Cameron, IIuron church. Rik
S. of the conditions surrounding the ley, Hugh Chambers, Ashfield. lteva.
north pole, while leaviug the come, Givens, Methodist church and A.
tions in the circle ,till ma Miller and E. MacQueen, 1 resbyteri.
known. The people of the southern an church, being present were hash -
hemisphere, in New Zealand, Austra- ed to sit as corresponding members.
Iia and the African and Atueriean A committee consisting of Messrs.
continents, have shown Little or no A. MaeNabb, J. Malcolm and D.
curiosity regarding the di,trtnt ice: Perrie, ministers, and Messrs. Wea.
• cap, Perhaps if the cuntiett thee of MacLennan han and John Gordon, Tees-
. i;at id. had ninde it possible sur the water, elders was appointed to ex,
Aatural grading of human tribes, as amine Mr. Finlay MacInnes with a
in the northern hemisphere, to ex.• jvieW to enter upon preparations for
tend beyond the regions inIcabitablc the ministry. The eo')inlittee re-
• to civilized man, curiosity to know ported very favourably of lir. \iae-
the great beyond would be more Innes' Christian knowledge, experi-
een, But the great ocean barrier enee and motives in entering upon
as prevented the gradual encroach- the ministry and he was accordingly
eats of savage tribes into the ordered to be certified to the Senate
egion of perpetual ice around the of Montreal Presbyterian College as
outhern pole. Dr. Nansen, yr ho a suitable candidatefor the ministry.
njoys the distinction of having lire hector• MacKay, of Ripley,
cached the furthest point ever student in McGill College, Montreal,
attained by an artie explorer, and was ordered to be certified to the
laving effectually di:pelltd the Senate of the Presbyterian College,
theory of an artie continent, warm Montreal,
or cold, will find a new field to con- The resignation of Mr. Hartley
quer in the southern polar region. or his pastol•ial eharge was taken up
He left the Pram in latitude 84, for consideration. Mr. .A. MacKay
and made his way northward, sledge certified that the congregations of
journey, to within 250 miles of t he Bluovalo and Eadies had been called
pole. The highest latitude reached to appear for their interests. Coin -
in the southern hemisphere was 78 . missioners from Eadies' church,
degrees. That watts re ordod in the Messrs. Francis Lewis, Hugh Mac -
voyage of Sir James Ross in 1813, Dougal and Thos Aitken and from
when be sailed for more than 900 Bluevale, itifessi's. Arthur ilurphy,
miles along the border of the great " and Peter Campbell were beard and
ice cap, never reaching nearer than testilied of their appreciation of lir
six degrees from the currespontfin;; Ilartley's christian character and
latitude in the north, wh.•re Die ministerial work. lir. Bartley ad
Nansen left the Frain. That the ! tiered to his resignation after some
record made by Sir James Ross' inetnber•s of Presbytery had spoken
should remain unbroken for morel he following resolution was unarilin-
than 50 years is proof of the dearth , ioasly carried. It was moved by
of human curiosity in that direction.; Air. A. MacKay seconded by dr. R.
The name and reputation of Dr.: MacLeod :—i'Iri accepting the rtsi:;-
- ansen may make � a Change, and: nation of Rev. A. Y. Harley as
send explorers on sledges across the, pastor of' 13luevale and Eadies con -
ice barrier that Sir .lames Ross mese- gregations whets:: be has faithfully
ly skirted with his ships. The worth labored for the past fourteen Sears
of these eepeditiens has been often ! we as a Presbytery desire to record
galled in question, and scientists can our affection and esteem for Mr.
"bold out bat little to justify their Hartley as a co -presbyter and as
great risks and terrible hardships. a minister of the Gospel. We nek-
But it is not always wise to gnestien nowledge with gratitude his wtte
the wisdom of acquiring knowledge, ; counsel and good work in the Pres-
ttheug•h no immediate utility pity be bytery, his reverence fur God '.
in sight. An o,'erinastering e'tri- word, his faithful exposition of it
osity has been 'he moving illi:uence and his earnest preachings of the
in inany of the inust important tiis- Gospel. We admire his kind, genial
ioveries of science. Onee the ae• and manly disposition, approving
;knowledge is obtained there is a things that are excellent and ir,itlly
chance for the utilitarian tr, t: ' ^ ad- rebuking. the eyil, disdainin;r what is
vantage-ofit. Although Dr. Nansen mean and adhorring all that is
and the other famous explorers may opposed to God's Truth, his ability
jbe moved entirely by a simple to disern things that differ and his
!desire to see and know, others may faithfulness in warning of existing
devote the knowledge they asteo,e and menacing dangers in church
to many uses now uliturt;5een. life and work.
i With sorrow We accept his resin.
!nation to take effect at an early date
XV' FACTOR WC'' H tS'.H c. DO:I-'praying that, God may open up for
TORS. • bun a sphere of usefulness and richly
aha. uonitovm, 3,u, x., i is„i 17 :. Qtrg.„ seri: Its; bless himself and fancily wherever'
sN tauausT T6 it v it. nhis lot, may be east,tM
amanita. PoWD60. Mr. Ross, of Brussels, was appoint..
'When a member of the medictrl t,•••,. I ed interim moderator of the session '
fession, hedged in a3 be is l,v a lase. i of Bluevale and ladies and inet.ruct-
• #measure of conservatism, expresers an elf to declare the charge vaunt.
opinion or: proprietary Medicine it 1 TlliS Presbytery unanirmously print
a good deal, Dr Gudbout the p,rt,i+t: ” i the I'1 isonel's' Aid Association Ill Fr
of the House or (1,,, n•sn�, ')r
Beaute, Que., sneaks of highest terms of alibi re Dominion Reform:ittn'y
Dr. Agnew'aCatarrbal Powder, not alone for young men to be presented to that
as 3,x professional maul, ltNowing the Hrrlorabte Sir' 3 ver,ivZUWat xi,lnister
attire of the remedy, but from perannal' Of Justice, Ottawa and to the Dom- I
experience. He has used the medicine
for 'catarrh, and freely feta the uut,.iu daft) I Government. Resolved that !
know of the remarkable, speer aid i under the eircuni,tanees of the ease, I
effeetive nature of the tut'tiieine ie nil i in our judgment it would Le z3,. wise
Cases of the kind. One pair of the pow -
policy to &append, further 80000 with
der 3,.i es Feller in ten m nutee.-- S d t
+Cliyisholm`s Drug Store. iIr-geed to the prupo.�ed reforntarul;v
I uriril a ennimtssion of coilhputent'
I Row soma, altlria0A:c KW:MY OU1110
PAIN AND 8112 45 i'i I8UDS (W OLS*
i xr,ES8.
was ehPuuit:leti in the !oral press a
1 f'' i :'a a;44, t,i3t one of Toronto's oest
Ituown alive•:mass was leaving for a
lendtn„ Uinto l ~lutea Hospital, there to
undergo 1,8 operation for a hard torula-
, tion ui 1h<, hitlue, li. Everyone will trop°
1 that tree eligtertir.ent Will be suecee.sful.
But id net prevention better than cure,
land where tin• brat symptoms of kidney
!disease assert thein.sehos let that won-
derful epet•iti:c, Smith American. Kidney
. Cure be taken, and the trouble is speed-
ily banished. What is jest as enuour-
i aging is that where the xiiseaao has tak-
en hold of the system, even in extreme
l eases, miter and euro is nitiekly secured
by the -mot this medicine, --Sold at
. Ohisholai's Drug Store,
Euron and Bruce.
Death entered the lime of Mr.
Jas. Dewar, Mildmay, on Tuesday,
ween his wile suddetuyexpired, Mr.
Dewar's many friends in town ex-
tend their sympathy to hire ulid his
In the September number of
• Farming appears a half -tone engrav-
ing of Mr. Jas. Tolton, who was the
Patron candidate in East Bruce at
the late Dominion election. Mr. Tol-
ton is president of the Dominion
Sheep Breeders' Association.
Weduesday morning a very
pretty wedding was celebrated in
(TIifford when Mr. Henry Wendt,
formerly of Mildmay and Miss Kate
Crandal of that town were united in
marriage. The happy young couple
left on the noon train for 3,t honey
moon trip to Chicago.
1V1iile visiting in the northern
part of the county this week, Cutts.
Abbott met with a serious aeektent,
Ho was riding a bike and when
coasting, the wheel ran into a hole,
throwing the rider to the ground
with such force as to peal the skin
off his face. He wasotherwise injur-
Mr. Esson, of Layfield., has in his
possession what is perhaps the oldest
• paper in Huron.. It is called "The
General Evening Post," alit! hears
the date of 'London, Englatrd, March
lath, 1,7982 One very-interestin •
item 1'eii.r's to the notice given in the
House of Commons by M3•. Wilber-
force, pricy to making his celebrated
motion to abolish the slave trade.
•Oa Monday Gideon Schneider had
the misfzertune to fracture his anile.
I to was engaged plowing at George
Hahn's and in turning at the end of
a land accidently stepped into a hole
and bent ids ankle causing a set ere
fracture. The fracture was reduced
and the young man is doing as nice-
ly as can be expected.
A Woman's lle]..rt.
lin women is followed Iv
3if tho heart 41141 nerves
lin women is followed h4' various nervous
disorders, mien au hysteria. Moto ti.o.olin
Neuralgia, Sleeplessness, Palpitation and
.fates and A.liea in various parts of the
body. In dung cases strengthen the
heart autl tinild up the nervous s„tern
the use of Alilburn's Heart and' ;,.rte
.lir. Will. lfoKenzfe, who li;o own
ed and managed the Angio -Ansel lean
hotel, in Gorrie for over a year has
sold out to Mr. \V. IL McBride, of
Gingham. Darling. his residence in
(,Writs, Fitily and his amiable \t ife
made many friends . who will be
pleased to hear of their future suc-
cess. We wit it .\Ir, McBride sueress
in his new 'cloture: ----Gorrie Vitiate.
On Monday, Richard Cain, a boy
being around eloderieh for :some
months, was foiled guilty of stealing
lee cream It'oni a storeon the Square,
filler having agreed to take
Cain, the P. M. Iraind the
to hint.. • Heil it test mean
tjsrs;enf)ir)n of Stiller, the 'le-
'uulti hire licca sem; to the
M. itu'itk, t:tt•titt'd ft piece
is 6e.'1 Jif Jr,l t within the
833 Bulli,;' tit' suwed it all
I;nl whuif t breshed bad by
urehntitlt '►0O bushels. On
hent thl;uugh the fanning
ever the tete ;iii evaporat.
t .. 15 1)nshele. In other
l: r hit.shele of oats be had
els of' chant; and be has cane
'..t fasistiSer don't t p y
in British Columbia rheumatism is
ves evalent, and very hard to euro
owindampness of atmosphere. Mr.
W.F. Beggs, the well-known fruiter of
Vancouver, 13. C., says:—"I suffered in-
tense pain for four years from rheum-
atienl of the ankles and feet. 1 dostorea
with overyoue,even employing a Toronto
specialist to treat me but could not get
cured, and had almost given up in die -
pair. A. friend toid me how South
American Rheumatic Cure had auted in
his case and advised me to try it, The
first bottle gave me immediate relief,
and I am now on my second bottle and
almost entirely oared. I consider it the
only cure for rheumntisun.—•Staid at
Cbisholm's Drug Store.
Word was received in Exeter
by telegraph Tuesday, of the ' death
in Manitoba of Hugh Brown of
Exeter north. Mr. Brown has gone
west on the Farm Laborers' excur-
sion and intending to return at the
close of the harvest season. No in-
telligeneo has been received as to
en use of death, but it is likely in-
' fianmtioe of surae sort carried him
off. He was astrong healthy man
in the prime of life, rand his sudden
demise is a surprise to all and has
east a gloom over the community.
He.leavee a wife and grown up ram-
ily to survive him.
Mr, JamesMurray, the obliging
baggage master at Grand Trunk 1
Railway station in Seatforth, bad a
• very unpleasant experience on
Friday last. A couple of .cars had
beets cut off the regular train and
went: being run into the siding. M3'.
I Murray went in between to couple
• them when the draw " bars ran Lip
past each other allowing the eats to
9 conte Closely together. Mr. Murray
got between them injuring his
I breast and back. Fortunately how-
, ever;no buries were broken, and
: further than a very severe squeeze
• no injury resulted. He was laid up
for several days, but is now getting
all rigit again, and will we. hope
be none the worse for his mishap..
! He escaped very fortunately as tel•
; der the circumstances he might halve
Ibeen much more seriously injtfred.
The new Canadian Minister of
trade and Commerce is on `the look-
ont for suggestions as to possible new
` directions for business. We notice
that 17r. J. M. Sinclair, representing
the Austt• to Agricultural Depart-
ment. in Great Britain, writes the
Minister of Agriculture as follows :
"So far I ant well satisfied with the
prospects of opening up a new
avenue of trade to Glasgow, as I find
many of the best merchants anxious
to do hthsi,hestt.iu oar precincts. As
Glasgow is the best distributing`
centre toe the whole of Scotland, I
intend devoting special attention to
that market, aloft: especially slime
re1'eiving encouragement from some
of the largest firths of that city. Cold
st' 31't s rtt'e be%n corhstt noted and will'
be ready to rCOeive next season's
M hip)nt'nt,.,,
atlnkMif, 9i)w « L, •.• .e'
,k•,� V0US, Si1Bpt!-ist these Si 310 Piea
sine Li :tett: for i•.tr till 544 La.; l•tr '' y
•. system pet rizlit by ;a
Indian Woman's Palm
It is the unfailing remedy for all
debilitated, dyspeptic, despo .c!ent
wotttert acid girls. Nl ?,et -Jena
NIP steer blood and iInpr 4v&.4 the
40. completion. Si. All drttt;gixts,
1:1:BArrr FAa Atnlzvhl zrno)i
Toronto 8314 East 0:04 tt.M. 1318 pant
11:20 •+ 10:07
31:15 p. Xn,-.via Clinton
7:x0 11
London and South 0:30 a.m.
3:15 i.iu.
11:10 a.m.
1:18 it in,
10:07 ”
.Palmerston Mixed
. ,.o4aoaa aara...r Janna"..
10:40 eau
11:10 "
8:00 p.m,
0:04 man,
11:330 "
0:54° pan,
Capital, .$1,250,000. Rest, 1050,000
President+•30135 STUART.
Vice-President—A. 0. Ittaaar,
Dili iCr0Itn
Jona Paoaroa, tiro, itesocr, ht'sc otaaoa, M 1', A. '1
WOOD, A. 13. Las (Toronto).
Cashier—J. TURNBULL.
Savir3gs dlanl;—hours, loto 3; Saturdays, 10
1. Deposits of 51 and upwards received and interest
Special Deposits also received at currant
rates or ic.stest.
Drafts ouvreatBritain and the United States
bought and sold
E. L1. DICKINSON, Solicitor.
I?4GLUDIN0 Books, Pamphlets, Pesters, B i
1 heads, Circulars, oto., &o., oxec:tted in the best
style of the art, at Moderate prices, and on short
notice. ripply or address
S. 0 9BOWN,
area Oiiice, RTinuhanl.
We are pleased to announce that any Rooks or
Magazines lett with 149 t01• ilhtding, will have cur
prompt attention. PrlCeefor Binding in any style
will be given on application 0 the Trans Oltice,
Money to Loan on Notes
ihx teB Discounted
Money adea0oed on iiort:;a;ros at 61 pct oentwith
privilege of !wing at the end of any year, Note
and accounts collected.
Ronr. 8 e11.1) .141.
Beaver Meek Whtt°ham, nut.
M Wc-1
to Subscribe for the
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Ad vertiseulunts of Lost, 4'ouud, liyr,y cu, in8911080,
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•13890130, et aaorth.
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These arias will be en ietly adh,.ru1 330
Special rates for larger ad1ertie001e;ite, or fo
longer minutia.
Aui'erttbe1tfl,ta Dad local nottccs ,without opeelf
directions, will „a Inserted tut forbid laic charvd
uoeordiugiy, 1r:..•suury advurtieu3inuttk urns 0
paid III awl once
Utheawestor by W e 1cr vad;.y noon,s 303cmoot appear
that week
5. 0. BROWN,
408 Nunl,laaaOA
D11, i1t MAtwu1'ALD,
✓" CENTI(k: STit1Ltal
13AtiltisTLlc, sul.1CrrOit, l3,u.,
.,8MIpuily ,119 o,tlow
itterest�00111149e1e,1011[1110a, Nert,,u;ts,town
au4 tarn, propurt; 331480113, 011094m
ON'Frt11;--.Eoatur Bieck WI:4031.11.1
J. A. 11011TOS,
1,A141i1bTLk., .Cu.,
Wlog hsu. tint.
a L, L1Util\a4,
IS�s tti.l ,'1L1t, ETC.
SOLICITOR TO DANA Ul•' :i.1n1I17'U:7 11101g1i TO
Office—Moyer a:urk 11 Mahan'
f$Aitlt1811Szt, ouL1011Ut(, CUsykY.13C5F, &o
0,n'.—earner 1, •tu,,t„uand St. :tie.,ue' streets
opposite Colburn,. Hotel.
j )5NrrSTHy.-J. S. J L:IU3JE, L. 0, 6., 8.1NGUAL
.::. Is iia3utuut0ring flrst•elasu sets of
r teeth es eheap ne they ono be made
ass? i is ti,: L,0i111)1011, T1':trt t3.tracted
absolutely ),1Wuut pain., by his new
process, guarantecu pc/,c. try sate.
OF1'10E: ill the heaver Bloch, upllo,tte the
Brunawiuk ileus,.,
!ARTHUR J. fitu'IN, D. D. C•,D_ b--�
Doctor 01 Dentai Surgery of the Pon
I Dental Coiloge. nsylvan
Nott—alit r,>11,1311113 31'el'y 1V13113 W4day,
for the small sum of
25 !3,y Nr
a:.,1 td 1 of ..�...:.,�.9i
The TIMES is an up-to-
date paper, all printed
at home.
V P. i. C. E.—Meeting in basarnent of
Presbyterial: church every Frl'�1ay evening,
Snbject for Snaeinho1 25tlrt Lessons
from David's o l)3, uaa life and
.f.1. ---M r'..1. 1. Stewart,
EPWC/311,111 LEAGUE—Meeting every
Thursday uvl•ning in the Methodist thumb.
Sahject for Oct. Ist, .'Books and Residing.
—Prov. iii 13-17 ; 1 ; Tim. iv. 13 --Dr,
• B. Y. P. U.—Meeting every Tuesday
evening in the Baptist church.
Li1:NEBAJ, fvt,tfI3ANOE A0r.AT
1. DEANS, Jit., W4N0n4t,,
LICENS19D AUCTro j.;j t FOR T1113 UUUleTY
Salsa attended in any part of the 0o, Charge
JOFIN C11ItX1l1',, WlaranAnt,
3,13,3 .51.0 A1'C13O3VEEIt
Sales of Peri: Stork end Faun Implements a
Ml orders left at the funs 033100 promptly attend
ed to. Terns reasonable.
gcy 'rte , •� _-
WEfrnn You a3:T 12 suir4% Aka 1 IlAxlt COT
ANL $1,.
,Broca;3,e 14gn.',.) 'lo ia1,
WINO 14.1t - - Chir' TtIO
limey fur PAHA, n ) est 1 r,y,
Want L A
ti n dear OC 3401033 slnlpl•
Prefect syour ideaeot opt play bring
to Patent?
Write JOHN 'tFaDDER11 13 i g You t dit .
& CO. Patent A
nays, �a Lfngto0 D. o„ ter their SLOW row
Gets can utak
For T Alty.Sjz 'Years d ventten.,�aa ,t,
INC p� !'Dort Ylsltland, No, 2l1, Canadian
cs '9r Fs-'"-OrdNr N•uresasn,r,retsthos0ebad
ria..., 'ridityisttuiiq u3, every mouth, In Ore•
kwy'• svec i. 111.11111 1,04:thrum WrleelBE, W. C3,.
Duty, O. It, 1t, 3,t.. r01e340. It. S.
ieut' i,ttltt let 'f'ditIgluA THE by Colin HE 11 •
A Telesepp K, .' C;.itispl.l [, S T FRIEND
1.4n4itiiae:`IiIC1 1l4 t taatA6A.
4a tlawp C;atrtrJrniA
No, 33wa
9, tt
Or r .""'the Met ru.l thi133rd Ito8dnl' in
+r.', A.*fo , la tine so.3 t 1Vo1le4Vt 1(911, Slatting�
' ioarYctir ttele;.wr ,3. Itatint, oast. It, Fy
**teem, weir:,torr,