The Wingham Times, 1896-09-25, Page 5er) THE WINUHAII TIMES, s vi'Prirr M•I'l ER , 4-4 O. - 49 • MIti iC SPICES CAR GOOD SPICES. Good Spices you must have or your pickles, (f&e., will not turn out as satis- factorily as you expected. We have only ono kind. The following are exact- ly what their Dames imply : JAMAICA GINGER, whole and powdered. • MUSTARD SEED and MUSTARD , AM/81'10E, whole and powaered. CINNA MON. whole and powdered, PEPPER, white. Week and red. 011ILIEs, TURMERIC, CURRIE, OARL1O, At LM'S NW STORE WLB, ONT. THIS IS A c? -0 .0 !ftiCiJ. tiM/Z1 q:/%4 ' 04.1.•11...0.410.1.11.111. fta• An old Greek water clock was . a most ingeni,us affair, but was unreliable and far from a handsome ar- 03 tico fcle. What a change in 2,000 years. we offer you reliable factory . clocks for EelpCOC/Ps WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEW.ELRY and SILVERWARE In the same proportion. WATCH ' REPAIRING. CIO 1,1C A SPECIALTY •ff !lays aside every apple of even and :moderate proportions. Mrs. Mathew H. Elliott was ing last week at Mr, George John- son's, of the first line of Morris, Master Geo. Oraviley who has been rusticating with1r. William Currie for the past two years, went to Toronto Fair, George differs i from the eat, for the cat came back. The Farmer's Club met on Tues- day Sept. 16th, We have not heard , what subject was under discussion. The peacefulness and quietness which the 12th concession has so long enjoyed, was broken the other evening about dusk by the distant rattling ot' a waggon, as it drew nearer it took the form of a light , waggon containing a man decidedly !under the influence of liquor. Be- sides trying to sit on the seat, he was endeavoring to speed his horse which necessitated the dexterous use of a largo gad. Wheelmen sl-ould keep their optics skinned while passing through the swamp below the salt well, it is as full of holes as the aforesaid party was of spirits. Mr George McKay who has been working for Mr. Wm. Currie this summer, has departed for his home near Whitechurch. Miss Mary Barker who has spent the summer on the 12th concession left on Tuesday for her home near Britton. M Mrs. Irwin Elliott of Elma is visit- ing at r. Mat. H. Elliott at present. Mr. John Elliott, wife, and family took in the Fair at Goclerieh on Wednesday. Mr. Andrew McDougal is laid up at present with billious fever. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Anderson spent Monday in Bluevale. Miss Elsie Robertson, of Tacoma, Wash., was home on Tuesday to attend the wedding of her sister. Mr. John Menzie is laid up with sore face., „ek -‘• VOne of the prettiest .weddings that ea - has taken place in these parts for I\low some time occurred at the home of Mr. Adam Robertsonipu Wednesday 23rd. Sept., when 11i sister, Bella, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. John. A. Menzies, of the 10th of E.,st Wawanosh. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. T. Hall, Belgrave, in the pre- sence of a host of invited guests and friends.Vr he;tride,400ked,hapsisnae. in a neat and becoming costume of cream cashmere with lemon -chiffon and silver trimmings and wearing a beautiful wreath of white flowers. She carried in her hand a bible and was attended by Miss Lizzie Menzies sister of the groom, who was, attired is dress of Nile green withhite tulle and silver trimmings. She wore JEWELLER and OPTICIAN. a wreath of pansies and carried in ' , • , her hand a lovely bouquet. The EAST WAWANOSH. groom was ably supported by Mr. Adam .Robertson. As the bridal Mr. and Mrs. James Elliott have party filed into the room the wed - returned from a pleasant visitl, th9 ding march was played by Miss Industrial Fair. Speirs, niece of the bride. After the 311r. Simon Howlettkad the mis- ceremony the eompany sat down to fortune to be throwali ru his buggy tables most beautifullyaid and ar- • one night recently. Had it net -been tistically decorated. The presents . for the eourage of his wife matters were useful, numerous and costly, might have ended mueb more serious inelu.ding a cheque for a large • than they did. amount from her brother in Wash- - Mr. Thomas MeClymont took in the:London Fair last week. 311r, Christopher Skinn has com- pleted his job en the school ground at Ne, • Ls, Robert Currie was among • the visitors at the Toronto Fair. Mr,: Hodgson, barber of Winghani is at home pick at :present: We • wiShhilfl a speedy recovery. •• • M's Rintoul end Gerrie shipped a carload of horses Tait week. Thesalt well has closed again, no doubt to give Will a chance to get his ploeting done. The Many friends of Mr and Mrs. • • J. J. Elliottof Clifford, will be pleased to learn that they have been blessed with an addition to the family ; a boy this time. Me John Elliott is opening the drain for about 20 rod from the corner at the schoolhouse. Threshing is now the order of the day. • Master Garfield Wray who has been residing with his uncle' Mr. Daley of the gravel road ft.r the ,,past two years, left on Wednesday for his hone in tendon. Garfield will be greatly missed by his ninny friends and schoolmates. Owing.to the frequent WITS and fine Weather the fall wheat is look- ing well. • It only requires half an eye to tell that it will soon be sbOW tune. to lie hanged an October let at m say.. The fine animals get an extra pinch *in be sent to tho Kinootoa ride long the road •ho Walked Old each meal, while the apple picker, Oratory for Moo • lia0sC Of the &tame. Sarnio Obser*Oe, Eyes tested free. MUNSHAW CONSTANCE. The many friends of Mr. George. Stevenson aro pleased to see him around again having received a kiek from a horse. --7- ratAl...tratiltrelaUWIL 1....'il+14135UWintrtnnetireigaraireVtaze 4,11 BIG SAGR' FIGE SALE In a bottle of Rood's Ram- h corn cutting is the order of the parillA than In any other preparation. More skill is required, more care taken, more • day, expeu le Incurred in its manufacture. ,111 miss Mary s, Harrison, ofSeaforth, It cnit$ the proprietor and the dealer L' is visiting her brother, Thomas, this more bat ft costa the consumer leas, • gets more doses. for his money. More curative power 14 secured by its peculiar week, Miss May Sperling of McKillop i▪ s combination, proportion and process, visiting her uncle, Mr. George Hall, alaoh make it peculiar to Itself. at present. More people are employed and more vale oc. in ]Pall wheat is lookIncr eludedits Laboratory than any other. well in this Moro wonderful cures effeeted awl more vicinity. i* • Uomoials received than by any other. Mr. Chistopher Dale bas erected a More !,g;",tiVieli.lclily.edirillictIr'4,1=. year by year new wind -mill on his farm whiM eh ore people ar taxing nood's Sarsaparilla today than gn;y other. and more are will be of great convenience to himtMore might be taking today than ever bofore. 111:•lettlftV'yoil=ulrealta as he is the largest cattle feeder and land owner in the township of WI - Hullett. OB4NGEHILL. The farmerkof this vicinity have all threshed 1)).nd are more than pleased with the yield of their grain. What is needed to add to their pleas -in per bottle. The One True Blood Purifier. ure is better prices. Sarsaparilla tit •LT 12144S TIILN OOT 141101.0.441.4.1616.0.1,......111.1.411411.1.1.1111M00 STOOK MUST BE .1REDIJOED. tiHas bought T Leslie's Merchant Tailoring Business at a sacrifice and has removed to his o Id stand opposite the Queen's hotel. This is a genuine sale of first-class goods, no cheap goods got up for advertising purposes.The largest stock of woolens in town to choose from. Give us Fi call. The prices will interest you. ltH Also a full liac; Qf Men's Furnishings at low price. ffr cure all Liver Ills and . Hood's Pills Bich Headache. 25 cents. ia Nearly all our young mep n withj,e„ 1.= illiliN00.411:MINNOMPLOMPEINN. 9, the last year or so have taken to •' , The few Ltve stock marheta, themselves helpmates. • fil ! who remain single if outward ap- ! Mnntrettl, Sept. 21. -Dullness was i T. Leslie's Old Stand. pearances count l'or anything will the prevailing feature in the live soon enter the ranks of their . more stcck here this morning, and cattle fortunate brethren. : Even some who : disposed of, although in some cases once tasted the sweets of married of choice quality, were mainly for life and for years have been out in :local consumption. Sheep and lambs the cold have again volunteered. to I'were not as numerous as usual. re-enter and then we hope will pur- I The arrivals and prices were as F.4.ie the even tenor of their way. I follows :-650 cattle, at 1.?,e 6 6.1c Our cattle king, Alex. Montgom; per 11)., live weight; 600 lambs and ery has again bought a handsome :sheep, at 21e @ 3e, live weight, for lot of stockers and bas high hopes ' sheep, and $1.50 ® $3 each for lambs that the cattle trade will boom next 100 calves at $3 6 $7 according to year. • . size and quality. Mr. Samuel Howard, formerly of , . East Buffalo, Sept. 21. -Cattle - this place, who has been prosecuting : Receipts, 155 cars, against 275 cars the lumber business in Muskoka for , a week ago. The market opened two or three years, and a fair .dam.! slow and the trade was draggy sel of that district whom he has! throughout ., choice fat smooth steers made his partner lately, visited bis $4.50 @ $4.G0; fair to good steers, mother who resided here and re- i $3.50 6 $3.70 ; fair lots half -fat ceived a rousing welcome in the I heifers, $2.50 @ $3 ; smooth fat cows shape of a charivari. As Mr. How-; $3.10 6 $3.60; common ukl cows, ward was one of our most highly : $2 @ $2.25. Hogs --Receipts, •100 respected citizens and one who has cars, market fairly active ,• Yorkers still a warm. part in our affee- good to choice, $3.45 6 3.50;$ tions, the young men who disgraced ' rough, common to good, $2.75 (ii.), themselves by their words, and deeds 2,90:$pigs, eommon to fair, $26 e3. on that memorial night, might Sheep and lambs -Receipt, .12 cars; better have.. been listening to the market, active, lambs geed to choice wholesome conned of their mothers !?)4.75 @ $4.90 ; culls and cominon, thannistarliing the peaceful slum- $3 25 6 $4.i!; Canada la tubs, good ben of our citizens by their midnight to choice, $'1.110 (Le '5.20;;',sheep good orgies.. I: to choice handy weight wethers, ;13.65 at $3.85 ; culls and cummon, Cattle elosee i'VALE. .50 . BLU Misr Kate Kin has gone to Con-! $1 0 ,i c' nill and 10c ®20e cord where she wi I joid her sisters 1below early q (iota tius ofor neavy Miss Lizzie and , A iss Susan King. and shipping steers; three cars of Master Charlie Snyder of Shayton, heavy cattle nut Suit'. Hogs closed Michigan who has Spent the summer steady to Str011g, with a good clear'. with his grand parents here returned once; pigs, $3.35 @ $3.30, a few home on Wednesday accompanied Yorkers sold at $3.55 at the close. by his Aunt Miss Susie Collie. • Sheep and lambs -Supply light, all Miss Mary Scott is visiting in Sea. forth.• sold, but 42 cars on sale, ineiuding 15 cars °amides; market quiet but Mr. Geo. E. King or Winghani . strong, at an advance of fully 25c was visting his uncle dr. John King on good lambs, and 10c, on sheep, al - who has bit ill during the u ' USG ! though sheep moved slowly, and the week. - ., ! market for them was a profitable Mrs. Robert, Duncan is, visiting her • one; some .bucky Canadian lambs daughter in Woodstovk. ' sold at $4.25 ; good to extra, $1.90 Miss Annie ThoinOom of Brussels . ; @ $5.30. Sheep, $3.25 @ $3.75; all w spent Sunday Herhert.w, - ---ith - AggP sold and closed firm. miss Tilly Moss daughter of the I Rev. Mr. MOSS WAS successful in 1. Cablegrams have been received -themurder of Mr. Mrs ington, G. S", We extend to Mr. and passin e•lthe jan:or Leaving examin- ,dlg . 'Menzies our heartiest congrata• eynhart, missionary to Thibet, and ation, id has returned to the God- ' ericlaligh School td. study for athe abducthnof his wife, formerl y third class eertilicate.I Miss Susie Carson, 14,1..D., of London, A merchant of Dunnville requir. ' Ont. The last word received from Mr. ing a cuttersadvertised to meet it) Reynhart was dated ai Kumbum, in Beams at the Rossin 'House Toront,,, I January. The country was then in the first fei,v dove of tbe Exhibition. the hand of the rebels, who were About twenty persons applied and ravaging it. Mrs. lislyilliart.s Medi - Mr Win. Ovey ,jr. or 0 is Village was, cal skill would cause the ' rebels to eho.,cn, and be Will receive an excel- preserve her life. lent . salary lotions. j!'01\ 'MICH. • A Strome has purchased J. Dona. gby's lot, north of the railroad and has moved the old Manse to it, which he intends to renofite. The Epworth League intend hold- ing their prayer meetings on Friday night during October, instead of Sunday night as formerly. Albert Wilson, the Warwick .The Ilewick. Fair will be held murderer, who escaped from the here on Saturday,*Qct. 8rd: Jt is Toronto asylum a week ago last always a decided suecess here. The Saturday, am Who was captured at directors are enlarging the palace his home, near A.rkonit, and brought and are doing all they can to make to the eimiity jtU hereon Saturday is the fair more successful than ever. being taken hack by Mr. Geo. Scott, J. Donaghy's new block is com- one of the keepers of that institution, pleted. Dr. A. M. Spence has taken who arrived Saturday night from possession of one part for a drug Toronto. Wilson left Sunday store and A. McCurdy, hardware moruing,quite contented to return to merchant, is moving into the other. the asylum, and while in eon - The Ladies' Aid of the •Presby- venation said he ran away because terian Church will give a tea and he wanted to see his folks at home. entertainment on the night of the He arrived at his home on Wednes- fair. day. Sept. 16th, and remained there Harvest thanksgiving services until Saturday, when be was brought will be held in Trinity church on here by the local police. During his Sunday next The. pastor will trip from Toronto and his stay at hio preach servieo_at 10.30 a, m. any precaution • to keep out of the house Wilson said he did not take The Governor-General Ina Wen ra- people's sight; lirotn Toronto to commended to commute the capital Arkona he took the country reaclo, sentence ea the boy Itearnay, sentenead with the exception of Ala OCe&SiOhaJ GEO. CARR, Wingham. LT Se1- LTY.L. 6 ta•-0-....,-9-051-4-9MTP-Y141--iFtaihtre..!,04-allat-aarTrALFeat.-Y1 ,..t•••••• conditions In some conditions the gain from the use of Scolt's Emulsion of cod -1.1`, -la ter is rapid. For this reason ed, we put up a 5oc. size, whichhip is enough for an. ordinary aat cough or cold or useful as at„es' trial for babies and children. al: In other conditions gain ted must be slow, sometimesthe almost imperceptible,health'he can't be built up in a day. For this Scott's Emulsiong must•be taken as mourish- rrient;food rather than .rnedicin.e, food prepared for tired and weak digestions. Fo" now., chimtst., 50e. and $i. " 1 r. :3„,toaX" Ayr .r.21401E4) )1;11 447 MA 11, 1144 lie 104W f„; • .. • •1 4i/INIGTIONNOWIRM/10/0/MaillifrMaden11111111:11/IMIN.0411';;;;"1; • /./ ;/,Y.,•?/' -•• 4-e• ; G-_ 1EdIftLEE ON AND AFTER WILL SHOW THE PEOPLE OF IN AM AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY WHAT A CLEARING SALE MEANS No Sham or make beleive, no goods 'harked up to make a big cut. TT -1P =1\1" IP H in many cases going into the middle. :Next week we will quote prices that will astonish you. Call'and see us and get prices. MACDONALD BLOCK. G. McINTYRE, WINGHAM. -1'171rLERWVAP/A111 fa.2. Ny,,,.7.,44 7 rh,cg r1W.PPY A.L, P:•IIMANENT awry ei Cicits, Sprains. [Severe Ifni 1.1%. 4.!taNr T,rc 7 a ti wdl triad an tructed friend of Um SV'...er.at• Encnt0.7. rinteter, Mailer. find In 1t fivf.nte:g Incellieine %dyer; at hand, ',t141:(!t uy e'rultor externally fwlak ct.etY 1,0 ;an lir neitnitens. Take new% Int inoperable i.rEtear liel4erer3e1erecue.. 'outback,. VERY LARGE 130TTIM, 50 CENTS DUA1N Kidney PHs u.Remern!,ter.. DO Kidney PWs ARE THE BEST Sold at Chisholm's Drug Store.