The Wingham Times, 1896-09-25, Page 3GROOOi P44..A.N a1 :D,#'VTI,C RI Ole rri. THE QItINOC7iIvk,'(Z, •Coapt, Scott, f the bark Sylvia, now in this port, tells !of a remark- able oecurreneo he witnessed a few weeks ago near the mouth of the 4.40rincieo River.. We ~were bound for Ilio de •18ncirc," he said, "and were :about a mile front the a touch of the OXineeoRliver when my attention YAS eaitecl to a singular ,disturbance in the, sea mete shove ;It looked lil.e a THE WINWL&M TIMES, SEPTEMBER PTEMBER 23, 1895. ocTOrUa, G10T A I;1* AVEN Q71' II li OWN. JI'attl9ni11�,^ I QliltVY. THOUGHT WO COULD NEVER =TSB To fatten poultry it is. best to con, atr¢fr Irlsrn ox fine theta is coops side by neuanisr r4zt xavrrio fates= IIIc ; p's arranged sox. ; side along the shelves in a room kept for the purpose. It will be ticeea- Remorsci for having whipped his i sary to have the coups exposed et son to death many years ago and the i the back so that they may be Mean - firm belief that he will never inhabit ; ed at least once a day, and intmedi- the celestial regions have caused l ate,ly after the feeding. • The coops Newton (filkisvn,a farmer laving a should be'litterecl with clean, dry few miles from, tilansaeld, 0., to sawdust. Hard wood sawdust is the build for himself a "heaven " in + best, but chaff is excellent. The which he saya his spirit will live af- ! lower part of the back of the coops ter his dcaGh :is open for two !Aches, so teat at great fountain of spray whrch Newton—or "Newt," as Gor:ntry csmall serapesoat the deoppImay be used to rake ng•s on to a tray or moved from one pl;a.ee'to another, I folk call hitn—is about seventy years coat nustlDatt, Three weeks' !had never secs tteything 1'tk,e it. old. He has lived on his little farm fu. i ul1 'eedinns of oatmeal, scalded -and there being no storm and no of forty acres a long time. Thirty with eeclud Intik and fed warm and. sunken reeks along that part of the years ago he accused his son Of hav- ,eoa,st 1 was at a leas to account for in stolen sonic trivial article. The thick, iS the host food for fattening. ' g ' The drink should be sweetntilk. _the phenomenon. Lowering a boat, !boy denied U. "Newt" thrashed took two sailors and we rowed to 1 him so severely in an effort ;KESS AGE 000 1!I)C. vitiate ash, rt distance of it before 1 to make the boy admit his guilt we could form any -idea of what,that the boy died: •eau*ted the elond of spray. Atter "Newt's" son was buried it A large octopus and a mammont I was discovered that he had not stolen :crocodile were fighting. The octopus i the article. The father's remorse bad evidently oeeupied some deep I and grief unbalanced his mind. roving tet true 'ti.onesty and true philanthropnyl stilt exist. if any wan, who is weak, nervous and bebilitated, or who is suffering fioni any 6e various troubles result'! water near the river, while tine I Secretly one night he went 'to the youthful folly,excflsses aroverwor will k, will crocodile had been borne into the graveyard where the boy had been tanto heart and write to me, I will send acean by the current The octopus + buried and removed the metallic cas- tad thrown one of his tentacles' ket to his home. around the saurian, ,and the latter's i For seventeen years he kept the thick hide bad prevented the cups' casket under his bed. By aeeide,It from obtaining their usual hold. it was found. The township authori- 'The crocodile with a powerful effort ties took the casket away and put it ad freed himself, and. in turn at- I again in the place from which it had - acked the octopus. The long tena- I been taken. isles -of the oetopus would be thrown; A few days later the grave was into the air and entwine themselves again empty. A second time the around the croeodilea, which authorities took itaway from"Newt" .lashed the sea into :f ry with the and again the crazed ferrner brought powerful strokes of ;this tall. As we it back to his house and placed it un - watched, several ul` rthe arms were der the bed. This was repeated sev- cut off as if by a cleaver by the tail eral times, and finally the authori- 'afehe crocodile, but' the tail of the ties placed a guard day and night octopus- threw out others to take over the grave. their places. F inallles, actor we bad Several years ago "Newt" begau watched the fight fur ;hall' an hour, to build his heaven. He is a well - with honers seemingly about even educated man and a good. botanist. the octopus made the mistake of try- His farm was admirably adapted for 'trig to gather the crocodile in and the work of a landseape gardener, strike him with his beak. and "Newt" soon transformed his This put the fish at the mercy of place into a beautiful park. the reptile. He opened his ponder- , The house is built on the summit ousjaws and closed them upon the of a hill. Through the hollow below head of 'the octopus, and in a few flows a clear, sparkling brook, shad - minutes the crocodile had succeeded ed by tall sycamores. There are in killing his enemy, duel getting to several natural springs m the vicini- the beach. We returned to the ship ty and the soil is remarkably suit - and ;procured guns, but when we • able for flowers and shrubs. ren,elserl the land We could find no From the house to the brook is a trace of the Crocodile, he evidently broad flight of steps, on some of havi-ta:' made his way item •the river ; which crosses are carved. again.. The octopus was fixating on : In the little valley stand several top of the pecan, and was the largest dead trees. From the springs on I ever- eatv." 1 the hill, wafter flows through pipes to i the trees, snaking beantiful fountains _ _` i and keeping moist the soil around. Soddenly ±attao.ed. ,, In summer time the little ,valley is �j• Children t, re rrftrn attaaolt'es<isilooenly carpeted with beautiful plants and be reiniaal and dangerous Cntic,Oraanps, flowering shrubs. "Newt" knows Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, the botanical names of all his speci- Chnlera Infontum, etc. Dr. i+'owler's Esarxcttnf Wild Strawberry is a prompt hens and the families and orders to and sure,.ure which :should always be which they belong, as well as any kept in the house. follower of Linnaeus. He paints ,_.__--_,_, !flowers very well, that is, as botanists New Military Regulatio;as. i paint. The children for miles around are 13y order of the commanding are afraid of "Newt." Once he officer of the militia the designation caught a youngster cutting a fishing o; the staff officer commanding pole in his Paradise The yougster military districts is changed from was threshed, and since then children "Deputy Adjutant -General" to 'have kept away from the ground. District Officer Commanding." The • "Newt" has selected the spot where l;nation of brigade Major" is also he is to be buried. It is marked Yetanged to "District Steil' officer." • now by a big around ,of earth and a An important. addition has been stake. Made to the regulations respecting , brevet rank. The following service f entitles to brevet of a step of rank: l Make the Blest of Yourself. Three year's service :with sub- 1 It is the duty of every rasa to matte the stantive rank of lieutenant; graduate ; most of hintaali. Whatever his capacities of R. M.. C. on appointment to sub-; may be, he is sure to find soma place where stantive rank of lieutenant in the , he can bo usefu! to himself and to others. but he eanuot roach bis liigitest usofuhress militia; an appointment to substantive • without good health and ho cannot have rank of. lieutenant after four Years good health without pure blood. The stbstnntive scrviee in another unit, ! brood ciru❑lates to every organ and tissue, and holding first class long course `and ashen it is. pare, rich wed heaIt y it "A." certificate; on rr'orllotion l oarriec health to btte entire systetit, but if grade, p it is fnipnre it scatters disease wherever it substantive rank of eamptain and i flows. hood's Sarsaparilla is the one true - not less than 12 years, substantive ' blood purifier. It cures salt Alcorn, soro- service; after three years, Serviee ' fatecause, catarrhthose d, diseayspses hepsia wavendttherhir euortnaigittn sin rn ' be with substantive rank of major and rot less than 15 years, substantive 1 the blood. service. Twelve years' service, with substantive rank of lleatonent, WROXu'L'E1t. entitles to brevet rank of major and • (rnbunded for tact issue.) 16 years substantive rank of captain Mr. R. Miller and wife, and Mr. entitles to breret lieut.•colonei.R., lbs and wire, who have been on ., en'n'... ~~tr' " `�- °=`"171 • .a tour to Old Scotland, are home s- Biiiousnesstrain. istiss Smale, after a pleasant boll- s is caused by torpid liver, which provents dtges. day at hone, has returned to Ladies' don and permits food to ferment and putrtfy in College, Hamilton. elite stomach. Then fottovr dizziness, headache, Mrs. Leonard, of Stonewall, is 00 Ws/Mina, nervousness, And, IL Sot relieved, bilious fever illS ' or blood poisoning. Iteed's Ville stintttlate the stomaoh, '11( louse the tiVor, caro headaotaa, disztness, oo12. , stipatton, etc. 25 cents. Sate by Wm may 'UI* to take w4tU1 Boort'$ saperllle. visiting friends in town. Mrs. Robt. Gibson has gone on a trip to Iowa. Mr. C. W. Andrews pair) a flying visit to Bohner() on Wednesday. (r, A. W. Andrews, and vrifs ofi the G. T. R. Junction, were the guests of Mr. C. W. Andrews of the a (111414++" C. P. R;, last weak. him confidentially and fres of claarge the plan pursued by which I was restor- ed to perfect health and.manhoo,i, after years of suffering from Nervous Debility Loss of Vigor and Organic Weakness. 1 have nothing to sell and therefore want no money, but as I know through my own experience hew to sympathize with such sufferers.' acn glad to be able to assist any fellow -being to a cure. 1 arta web aware of the- prevalence) of quackery, fort thyself wit deceived and Imposed upon until 1 nearly lost faith is mankind, but I rejoice to say that I out now perfectly well acrd happy once more and am desirous therefore to' tuake this certain means of our° known to all. ff you will write to me you can rely npon beim cured and the proud satisfaction of having been of great service to onein need will be or sufficient reward for my trouble. Absolute sscreuy„assured. Sand •)e. silver to on"er postage and address, lvtr. Geo. G. Strong, North Rockwood, Mscit. THE A.LGO 'QUIN PARK, ' SIM" be eontinaecl, "was at a point where one of the lumber kings lads Iaid out a town. Ile bas put up a number of houses, costing About ;$300 or $100 apiece, which he rents to his employees at from $15 to $20 a month. He Also runs a store, and until a short time awn derived a big profit from the sale or the provisions. A number of pedlars tried to sell goods to the men, bud es the mag- nate controlled all the land they were quickly driven ort One enter- ptisl„ fellew, howev0, round out that the Government to ervefl a cer- tain amount of l..ud along the river bunk, and on this he 'squatted' with- in a short distance of the town. He put up a small tent, stoked it to the roof with provisions and groceries: and is doing a brisk business at cut rates,” l,tr. South worth is of the opinion that there is a great alma re ahead of the park. While there he learned • that Paul Smith, the celebrated hotel man of the Adirondack Mountains, has intitnated that he wilt erect a hotel there if circumstances are fav- orable, The park abounds with game of all kinds, and the park game wardens have been doing good work in keeping oft polrtchers. "Ac- cording to the the ";r' llway men," said Mr. Southworth ta11 lumber- men are born trappers and bunt in season and out, but3since eche park has been set apart/the gams laws meet with a titter observance. Another goodhing which the rangers have taieeoluplished, conclud- ed Mr. Southworth, "is the driving away of whiekey pedlars, who used to give a great deal of trouble to the foremen on road construction." Purify your blood with Hood's Sar- saparilla, wnieh will give you an appi. Lite, tone your stomach and strengthen your nerves. { Peter 'Watson has sold his fine i 100 acre farm on the llith of Grey to his suit -in-law, tattles Sholdice, for $5,000. Mr. Watson retains posses- sion until next sprite,. THE PROGRESS .01. THE P1IOVINCIAL' PLAYGROUND—THE TIMBER LIMITS —A LAND OF LAKES AND STREAMS. Mr. Thos. Southworth, Clerk of Forestry, .Crown Lands :Department, returned to theecity yesterday having spent about a week's tirne in the Algonquin Governnlent'Park, The •only comfortable: way,; of reaehi lig the park is over the - tttawa, Arra prior & Parry Sound/Railway, and it was this route that gr. Southworth took. Ile said ,to a Galobe repo:oter last evening that from a tourist's :point of view it was `almost una.p- •proitchable. The railroad for its greater length, ran aloTrg the banks of rivers pr skirted the shores of lakes. The Madawaska River is spanned no less• than eight times. The timber there, of course, engaged the e•reater part of Mr. Southworch's attention. Although ' forest fires have occurred this season in close visirtity to. . -the park, the timber limits within the ,boundaries of the park have escaped alined untouch- ed. Pine of the best quhlity grows there it) great quantities.; Nearly all the timber out there is 'exported in deals to Great Britain. One saw milt is in -the course of erection, which will have a daily capacity of 60,000 feet, and be understood .that its total output for the season had been contraetea for. t "One living in the city," said Mr. Southworth, "has no idea of the niag-" riitude of the park. 'Down here you naturally associate a. park, with flower beds, gravel walks and exten- sive lawns and shade trees, but the Algonquin Park is. a different thing. Some 42 miles wide by 46 miles long, it is one immense tract of forest land,., dotted with lakes, which eonneeted by ri1ere end streams, provide the only 'Deana of travel. It is estimate4ethat 25 per ?cent. of the whole area•is ` water. rro go any- where in it save by canoe •is ,Ififpos- sible, for the undergrowth is so lux- uriant that even in the ,;!.'inter tune, when the snow is deep, the axe has to be brought into use before a to- boggan earl be hauled through." When asked as to whether the lumbermen were not denuding the land ofall its titllbet he said that theyawere only taking off the pine that at the rate they were cutting now it would be *oast a century before the vrholo of it .was got ower. "Of coarse the railrkiad will help the lumbermen a great deal," he said, "Heretofore they have had to drivo the logs down the Madawaska! River, but it is expected that the road will 1 be prepared to handle 11Ilnber in I CIN1AMON COATED Dr. ? gnenr'z .t,irer'PillA are coated like a °innnx».on ciror, eery small and delightful to take. One P111 m door+, 40 In n •vial for 19 cents., TheirPo•n't`^.-`ty 1e n, :mighty whirl- wind eweepr.arr, competitors before it 11::e chaff. No pain, no griping, no inconvenience. Small in faze and pleasant to the taste. Most pleasant after effects. 40 doses in a vial. 10 cents at all druggists. WANTED - A)\EA,.1V: to seri Canada, grown Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Roses, Bulbs and Bulbous Plants, Grape vines, Small Fruits, Seed Potatoes, oto, We catalogue only the highest and most popular varieties that succeed in the coldest climates, New stearin now commencing.; complete outfit free, salary and expenses paid from start for full time, or liberal commission for part time, Apply now, addressing nearest office, and got oholos of territory. LUKE nROTTIERS COMPANY. International Nurseries, Culcaa., 111., Or 1110aTAFA1., Que. SPECIAL. GUNS, RIFLES, AMMUNITION. CUTLERY,� SIL�JERWAR, BELTING and FITTINGS, MACHINE OILS, PORTLAND CEMENT, CALCE MINE PLASTER, WHITE LEAD and OILS, BUILD' tS MARI) WARE, LEMON V4 LL Y COAL, ALL WISi Oil SPICOME. ILE04 Hardware Merchants another vreek. One funny thing Tlflllteeeitlers to J. A.;plias k Ce. c• o..." hat is ei°t -.. �'!'L rq; ,, i. .y.4.. eairtorin, b Dr. Samuel Pitcher's proscription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opiums Morphine nor otlior Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute, for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing* Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Ca storia destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Oi storia prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cadres Diarrhoea and. Windt Colic. Casltoria relieves teething troubles, dares constipation and flatulency. Castoria.assLi ailates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cam toria is the Children's Panacea --the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castotia Is an excellent medtelno for chit. then. Mothers have repeatedly told me cf its good effect upon their children." Da. Q. Ct. 0 coos, I owe -14, Mace. " Castorla IS tho hast remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the dpy isnot far distant when mothers wilt con,riderthe real interest of their obitdren, and neo Smtorla in- stead of tbovarious quack nostrum which are destroying their loved ones, byforeingopitun, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their threats, thareity sorytavg thein to premature grava4." r)a. J. Pa. Dinscaatoz, Weaway. Ark. Castaria, Costorta is so well adapted to children that I reoommond it as superior to anypresasortption known to mo." B. A, Aromas, X. D., 111 Eo. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N, Y. "Oar physicians rn the ekildran'a depart! tient have spoken Yrir,ldy of their experi> • Imes in their aetet a pracbiee with Castoria,, and although we an* baso aa,oag our. medical supplies wbeb is known aa regular • products, yet we am. *awe to wadies& that the, merits of Caatorara leas won res to look with_ favor upon it." inmate Ee '5Tu. A120 Rtaeltfiatare Doges, M2srf: .tau ear G. Sawn, .Pres., °gym go itaxaz' 63oia srnr, TT Xtasuay Siaeai, New reek?* °WL` ear rk.'"v} S. We 'sell everything required for a complete school outfit. TEXT BOOKS, in every branch, COPY BOOKS, PENCILS. PENS, RUBBERS and SLATES. SCRIBBLING BOOKS C ` ' � A patent BOOK C ,VER given away with. every school book purchased from us, CALL AT THE POPULAR BOOK STORE ALEX. ROSS. r t> We do neat work in the Job Printing business and at prices as low as the lowest. If you are in need of any- thing such as LuTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, ENVELOPS, POSTERS, DODGERS, B3:sINESS CARDS, ;d6 Or anything in the line of Printing, call of write to the olcl reliable TIMES Office, Wingham. X50 D. I will give Fifty Dollars to any person who will bring me a Watch or Clock I .cannot repair and make to run as well as, or better than ever. HALSEY PARK, 'Opposite Macdonald Block, Josephine St., Wingham