The Wingham Times, 1896-06-19, Page 7THE "W TNGHANI TIMES, JUNE 19, 1806.
The Town's Leading. Merchant Laid lip
Rheumatism in various forms is one of
'ire most conimou diseases there I.
4It arises generally front impure blood.
!land a broken down system, In tbo
(ternal organs dangerous, and in the
limbs it Is painful ; iu most of the in-
'Vieart usually fatal.
The experience of Mr. S, Mann, the
]well known general merchant of Stitte-
vi11e, is interesting :
" Last winter I was, badly afflicted
ith rheumatism. I decided to try
IDr. Chase's Pills. To my surprise. I
of immediate relief, and before I bad
used one box my affliction was gone.
" I was also troubled with bilious-
ness for years, and at intervals of three
,or four weeks would be laid up with a
severe headache and sick stomach. Since
wising Chase's Pills I have not had an
attack of either.
` " I may add that Dr. Chase's Oint-
lnont for piles and skin diseases in just
las effective as 1?r. Chase's Pills for blood
troubles. I have a clerk who suffered
`terribly from bleeding piles. Flo tried
Chase's Ointment and in a few days was
Completely cured."
; All dealers and Edmanson, Bates & Co.,
manufacturers, Toronto. 25e.
/Chase's Linseed and Turpentine for
Colds, bronchitis and consumption. Sure
Cure, 25 cents. •
tse tee, ?l
aR ,•
./V V''nMLSc'lPM1sMV••V\•fYahA a. r•..Y•..+
n11 .1 IVE LaLS f 0
L r n's
Berlin, Ont., Juno 10. --The fact
that the judges of this country are
determined to stamp out such out-
rages in Canada as tar and feathers
was clearly shown yesterday at the
trial of the two men, Hamacher and
liatzemeir, accused of assaulting
Mrs. Koehler recently at Shingle -
town, near here, when Judge La-
cobrse sentenced them each to three
years in the penitentiary, exactly the
same sentence imposed on two of the
Wingham whitecaps some weeks
ago. The men wore astonished itt
the severity of the sentence, and one
of them--Katzemoir—who is only
twenty years old, broke completely
down and cried. Tho court -room
was crowded at the time, many
friends of both sides being present.
Everybody was surprised at the
verdict, which was the severest the
law allows in a case of assault as
occasioning actual bodily harm.
The judge's strong arraignment,
however, prepared the prisoners for
what was coming.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria,
Mrs. Finlay Convicted.
Own Sound, Ont.. June 11.—The
trial of the second indictment against
Helen R. Findlay was concluded
last night. Readers are familiar
with the facts in connection with the
trial at last December sessions of
Miss Findlay on the eharge of hav-
ing caused the death- of one George
E. Green, a Barnardo boy, when the
jury disagreed, after having been
out four hours. Large numbers of
, witnesses and friends crooded the
court -room to -day. The indictment
contained ten counts. Owing to the
issue of being confined to the actual
cases of assault and wounding, to
which there were witnesses, a. vast
amount of testimony used at the first
trial was not required. No medical
evidence was heard. The address on
behalf of the defence and the Crown
are being referred to in flattering
I terms. The judge's charge was con-
; sidered impartial, but leaned rather
against the prisoner. After an
absence of fifty-six minutes, the jury
1 returned with a verdict of "Guilty"
of common assault. His Honor then
sentenced her to one year in the
Mercer Reformatory.
.Tohn and Robert Metcalf made Il,
flying visit to friends in Stanley last
Mrs. A. W. Lincoln, who had a
severe attack of whooping cough is
getting better.
Mrs, George McKay, who was
very ill for a few days is improving.
Messrs. McKay and Mutton are
doing a rushing business in lime.
ltev.., Geo. Jackson was elected
president of the London Confer -
18 cents per lb.. is paid for wool in
Exeter and a large quantity has been
His Lordship the Bishop cif Huron
appointed the Rev. F. G. Newton, of
Strathroy, as rector of Exeter parish
but the people of Strathroy have de -
The two. George's aro hustlers. cided not to let Rev. Newton leave
Our school and School section No, the parish.
5 intend holding a union picnic on Mr John Mclnnes, who for ntany
the 19th of June, in Peter Ilasttng's years has conducted a successful flour
-bush, where a good tiinc is expected, and feed store in town, has (eeided
as they are getting up asplendid to retire from the business:arena.
programme. While driving in Usberne near
itlr• Robt. Muir and wife left for •Quinton's swamp Wednesday. Messrs
Paisley last Saturday for a visit to Jas. Grieve and Frank Wood noticed
their friends. what they supposed to be a black
E. L. Dickinson, the Conservative dog crossing a field, but on getting
candidate for East Huron fired one • to the animal discovered it was a
of his political bomb shells here in huge bear. They watched bruin
our school house last Tuesday night, cross the field and then disappear in
but it did not make much of a report • the woods.
as it was only loaded with that old There died at the family residence
thread bare tale, the National Polley of Mr. Win. Howard, Exeter, on Mon -
and its protection. After Mr. Dickin- day last, G. T. R. conductor Case
son had delivered a lengthy address, Miners, of Sarnia, The circumstances
Mr. Hyslop, the representative of Dr. connected with his death are extreme -
Macdonald, held the audience spell ly. sad and his wife and fancily are
bound while he ably addressed thein almost prostrate with grief. De -
on some of the evils existing in the ceased had not been enjoying the
present Government. The scandals, the best of health for some tune and
the growth of the national debt and consequently applied for a leave of
the extravagance of the Govern- absence. This was granted him and
ment. After which Mr. Leitch in he immediately came up here to bet -
his own way tried to polish thingsup ter his condition. The change was
again, but his discourse was without an apparent beneficial one and he
substance or weight and seemed to seemed to regain creditably, until a
effect the audience as much as pour-' few days previous to his death, when
ing water on a duck's back. During he took a sudden change for the
Mr,.Hyslops address he referred. to ' worse and it was then the gravity of
the buying of butter by the Govern- ;the situation was unmistakeable. His
ment and secutiing cold storage for ease was one of a peculiar type and
its shipment and the inferior price one which baffled the skill of all the
they got, where on the same market, physicians who attended him. He
Mr. Ballantyne was able to secure was in the service of the G. T. R. for
nearly a half cent more per pound. 33 years and was one of the most
He was called to account for this by popular conductors on the road. He
Mr: Barron, the chairman. on the was employed on the Lehigh express
grounds that he had never known of and many patrons of the G. T. R.
Mr. Baliantyne's factory, but Mr. will miss his genial face. He was a
Hylop made his points clear and former resident of Usborne where
showed that he thoroughly under- two of his brothers now reside. He
stood what he was speaking about. leaves to mourn his demise a wife
Although Mr. Barton does a little in and five children. The funeral took
the cheese business, he don't know place Wednesday for the Elimville
everything. Live and learn. The • cemetery and was largely attended.
meeting closed with cheers for the
Queen and the candidates. . • THE MOST DANGEROUS
Catarrh Cured for 25 Cents.
Neglect cold in the head and you will
surely have catarrh. Neglect nasal
catarrh and you will surely induce pul-
monary diseases or catarrh of the
stomach with its disgusting attendants,
; foul breath, hawking, spitting, blowing,
• etc. Stop it by using Dr. Ukase's
Catarrh Cure, 25 cents a box cures. A.
perfect blower enclosed with each box.
Is always worth considering.
We are not afraid of any ex-
pert judgment upon our
The better the judge the
higher the appreciation of its
merits. For quality and new- His Face was a mass
ness we cannot be beaten. Blotches.
On Thursday evening of last week
a horse owned by Jellies Beattie was
sent to Stratford in charge of a
driver, with a couple of travellers.
Next day the driver started back
home and got within - a mile of Clin-
ton when the horse dropped on the
road and died, apparently from
We are bound to please in every
particular of our business and es-
pecially in the matter of high quality
of Window Shades. We sell the
best. Don't buy cheap truck. A
Good Roller and Spring is the cheap-
est in the enol.
We have a large stock of Hammocks
whieh are selling fast. Try one
before they arc all gone.
We sell more Croquet Sets than
other firms and consequently we can
afford to run theta off at smaller
advance on eo°t.
Call and n',' •' • toel:.
ROSS,`t .w i. n• 'h,
But now his skin is clear as
Scott's Sarsaparilla his Salvation.
a.ortioultural Notes.
Berry growing, like market
gardening, requires the lrn'atent con-
centration of good soil labour and
It pays to thin the fruit of over-
burdened trees, It Lcpuires patience
to do this, pick the ripe fruit and
what is left on the trees will be
enough to make it an object enough
to attend to.
Now that the producers of fruit are
pecoming numerous and their pro-
ducts large, it seem proper to make
a• suggestion as- to the best manner
of marketing a crop.. A common
error is to sell and ship at the time
of gathering, This mistake is often
unavoidable in many cases, for the
good reason that grocers having no
place to store their fruit are forced to
dispose of it hastily and carelessly,
and consequently in many cases un-
profitably. The ordinary farm
buildings cannot be utilized; berme
it is advisable to have on every
fruit farm of any extent, a building
suitable for storing temporarily at
least. If the product can be .held
back for a month or even a fortnight
until the glut of the market has
passed, good~ prices may be then
realized. The additional prices
received in consequence of pursuing
this course will in one season partly
or nearly pay for the building. A
medium sized structure may be
erected at first and additions mane
to it as necessity requires. Fruit -
retarding and cold -storage houses
are expensive to build and maintain,
but in a locality where there are
several fruit growers, a company
may be formed and a building con-
structed. An ordinary cold air
house can be constructed at small
expense, and once employed will be
considered indespensible.
If we look into some of the various
seed catalogues we might come to
eotne to the conclusion that size is a
very important feature of a good
tomato. A few of our seedsmen,
at any rate, seem to delight .in slim-
ing us "big tomatoes." Large size,
however is a matter of minor impor-
tance. A tomato, like a potato, to
lie most desirable, can easily be too
large. If we want big chunks, we
may plant Ponderosa, Buckeye
State, etc. 'These sorts are very
good in other respects, too but if
1 WOMAN, they were a little smaller would be
The July Number of the Delin- just as desirable,and possibly more so.
Bator, is called the Summer TO SOCIETY Is SHE WHO Is MARRIED Mostly any one would, prefer an im-
Num:ber, I AND INDIFFERENT TO DOMESTIC provement in any one of the follow-
points, namely, smoothness,
And is remarkable on account of solidity, flavor, color or keeping
several new departures. First and "It is unfortunate that; we have gnality, to a mere increase in size.
Our standard varieties now arc fully
large enough.-^
On Wednesday last North street
foremost is the addition of two sup- in this life of ours, which seems so
erb colored plates—ane devoted to full to some of us, so many women
Ladies', Misses' and Children's fash- who can find nothing for their hands
ions, and one to Millinery and its to do " writes Edward WT. Bok in
The Hanover Post buildings wet.
totally destroyer) by tire, started 135
lightning. on Saturday of last week4
The pl:int, ineluding a fine Ttewi
steam legating Preis, type and stock
pipe., ape., was eon-p'ert•te titsrroved.:
The 111.4 clew"t.yed itn nntinirhed'
brick hloek. also utv•ttrf ,Ttibu 9titr
ehell, of the Post. 1'hr: loss on the
builkhlg and plant is $11,509 with as
in' uranc,t of $1.100. The lo -s to
Disney Devlin c . 0., the contrnetors
of the new building, will I c x•1,000,
with no i'sn'anc'e.
Kidney Pills first proved to the people.
that Kidney disease is curable. Being th
original Kidney remedy in pill form, the
cures they have made, and the fame theyhave attained Have opened the way for at
ho,;t of imitations and substitutes,. but
those who rave been cured of
Complaints through the use of this won-
derful medicine, those whose lame hack la
now free from pain, those who now have
no headaches, those who have escaped.
from the death grip of Diabetes and
Bright's disease by the use of Doan't1
are the ones whose opinion is valuable.
When scores of such people come forward
and tell publicly that Doan's Kidney Pith
cored them after other means failed, it is
evident that the only
for Kidney Disease, Bladder and Urinary
difficulties, Lame Back, and the number.
less results of disordered Kidneys is D09.11%,Kidney Pills. I3e sure to get Doareit.
Price fifty cents per box. For sale br
accessories. The regular Millinery June Ladies' Home Journal, discuss- church, Goderich, was the scene of a
Department is also materially enlarg •ing "Women and Card -Parties." "I pretty wedding which attracted the
ed and improved. The magazine do not mean those whom we attendance of several hundreds of ___
has beer, given a handsome new call the wealthy and the leisure
the fair sex and nota few of the other
cover its make-up is changed and it l to damage4to our d '1't 1 tl happy
, c asses. The greater side. le principals in u h pp
is printed on finer paper than hither- womanhood do not arise front these event were Mr. St. George Price. the
to. Another innovation is the first classes. The womau most dangerous well known merchant, and Miss
half of a love story by Julia Magrud- to modern society is she who is mar Georgie Martin, daughter of 51r. J.'
er. In addition to a complete illus- ried, and yet is indsfferent to domes- C. Martin, formerly of the Colborne
trated resume of the seasons fashions tic ties; who lives in boarding-house hotel.
and this umber is one making or hotel, and who is constantly on , ,
special appeal to young mothers, Dr. the lookout for something to occupy Phe G. T. R. lumber docks, G od-
A. R. Setoeder discussing the care her attention. And a woman in this -each are filling up, and when the
of the Baby's Health in Summer, ' new saw mill gets to work there will
condition generally finds the very
Eleanor Brewn giving a delightful thing she shouldn't. Instead of fill- be some lively hustling on the boards.:
description of a baby's first Recep-ing up her life with something The smoke stack was put up on i
tion Party*, and an illustrated article worthy of her womanhood she drags
bevotcd to Infantile Attire. it out through a succession of such
enj )y meets as these "progressive
BRUSSELS. . card.parties." As she cannot play
alone she seeks company, and, un -
day and Tuesday, July the 13th and fortunately, it is never difficult for a
14th.woman of this sort to find companions
Geo. Halliday has leased the resi- of her own kind. She is one of the
dence of Jos. Ballantyne, Flora st. types of women who have made these
and will move there. card -parties what they are to -day
The well-bred wo-
Brussels races will be held on Mon
Owing to tate resignation of T. A. among women,
a year Ii an tin
lii s O'Connor has been man•, the woman of intelligence who
Nothing blights existence like the
knowledge that our appearance is re-
pellant to those with whom we come in
contact, nor is there any relief like that
of feeling that the disfiguring causes have
been removed. Says kr. William Alger :
My face on one side was a mass of
blotches some of which were constantly
appointed organist of St. John's the see manelative fitness of that believesthatiGod
Principal Cavan, of Knox College, gave her something to do in this
Toronto, occupied the pulpit at both world; the woman with nice pre-
services at Melville church last Sun- ceptions; the woman who is whole. -
day some in every sense; the woman
While W. F.Vanstone was harrow- whom it is good for another woman
ing his garden on Tueeday afternoon to know, who says something of
value when she speaks, who lifts her-
self mentally and spiritually above
others, whom mothers like their
daughters to know and their sons to
talk with—believe ine, my frier„
w11en'1 say all this, I say it in kind-
ness ---such women do not play eards
during the daytime; they leave that
sort of thing to others. They find
Wednesday and on Thursday the I
second carload of machiney was
expected from Brantford, so that
work will begin shortly.
full of matter. I run a bake shop doing he left hold of the lines to remove
my own work, u my ac 1 • some. obstacle and the team, belong-
customers drifted away. nen I bided x • ,
l but face rot so bad that
man and ,r•rat to a doctor, Ile said my ing to Wm. Deubow, bolted. A
blood was in a horrible condition. 1 sold stump threw the hal'l'ow on the
my business and moved to the city where horses, which got badly scratched
and after taking. five battles my skill is as .1 t a meeting of the teachers of St.
Scott's Thefirsar111a was recommended
m ch c o but no bents were broken.
first bottle dict rale much good
clear a, !possible, and nota sign of my ,john's Sunday School on Monday
rcvlons clishgulement. I -ray t>t•c'tttne' the rector appointed
"ott s 1
Sarsapnrilla is the best binoct ntedioine Dennissuperintendent. W. Man- something else to do—something
going and am speaking from experience. en 1
1 Ito 1pleS, blotchesboils ulcers and all thg
in g and George Watt were elected worthier of them, something better, 1
diseases arisln
• „iY from vital exhaustion librarian and assistant librarian, re, more elevating, enlightening, and 1
and impure blood. are radically cured by teCtively G S Rogers, StlevTreas, better fitted to tlulLljliy thein for their ;
Scott's Sarsaparilla
iii s concentrated eon- , ' .
1 '11' s e)'('ortuhor, organist. The positions in /licit homes, atie their i
{{.a' i of the fittest medicines ever and
; hs ,
known. Your druggist bas it at $1. But rector also appointed Me. Rogers to duties toward their hasband and
get Scott's. The kind that cures. net as assistant superintendent. children."
T1i 1iidAIn a L sand EXTx2Ii3Airarkable yuso,tand wfor on•
dead!. in7 its onnlck action to renove distress.
P.AIj —KILLLd6 ra a ",n,v1 Curo feu lyom
7rllrottt, Q;O n ttX.
ct. hill-, 11:,iut••'temn. 1114 watery'. trulnii,i,
4 aotee,,. 11ydFn11Loo i1Complutuw.
PAIN -KILLER iri'tYb• $i*'aCvk' Tena,
TYty` +,nm,ri rot ttl•ia>+
iotrttlwsv. Rick Iennian't1O, Valli In the
Xtrtetc, od Side, 'Meg, mnitinir+mot Olen.'.aGatt.
JL AIN- ULLER It➢:thid'a:V17!'ii iVe`
to oil earl ofS ain,is, htsn _rs;(weretSPEEDY 1,:
rets PUP, etge. y
PAIN -I :UL.I.ER ie thn 721.41"10M
L:'naR t
7l ,•t•liautr, 1tarmor, Piaui/1 14,11104'. n'•
tut• 11 r..:It,•1 wanting a moll tee. !re a Iwnt1 et 14.41.11,
and SACS To r?F. 111tera1411b' Or exf.'r hCUY Willi
opt Minty art pilot.
/ 1'Irlettr p.1Viiill'Itttoldsle bottle-.
Vinev ti 4:1 iiarrraa, 50 Cps re
The modern stand-
ard Family Medi-
cine: Cures the
COMM() n -day
ills of humanity.
Letters Come.
req04-- , • ,••._ „ Letters come day -
n by day telling us
B.B'I] that this person has
0 J been cured 'dys-
CARES pofepBsic,ad that Bloodperson
u( , and
another of Head-
ache, still another
of Biliousness, and yet others of
various complaints of the Stomach,
Liver, Bowels or Blood, all through
the intelligent use of Burdock Blood
• It is the voice of the people recog-
nizing the fact that Burdock Blood
Bitters cures all diseases of the
Stomach, Liver, Bowels and Blood.
Mr. T. G. Ludlow, 334 Colborne Street,
Brantford, Ont., says : During seven ',
years prior to 1886, my wife was sick alt
the time with violent headaches. Her
head was so hot that it felt like burning
up. She was weak, run down, and so
feeble that she; could hardly do anything,
and so nervous that the least noise startled .
her. Night or day she could not rest and
life was a misery to her. I tried all kinds
of medicines and treatment for her but
she steadily grew worse until I bought
six bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters from
C. Stork & Sots, of Brampton, Ont., for
which 1 paid $5.00, and it was the best
investment I ever made in my life. Mrs.
Ludlow took four out of the six bottles—
there was no need of the outer two, for
those four bottles made her a strong,
healthy woman, and removrd every ail..
meat from which she had suffered, and
she enjoyed the most vigorous h.aith.
That five dollars saved me lots of money
1 in medicine and attendance tlu'rrater,,
and better that/ that it inado home a.
e,,ntfort to pie.