The Wingham Times, 1896-06-19, Page 4TUE WINGHAM TIMES, JUNE 19, 18913.
faetur'rs in one o° the leading in-
dustries of Canada (the manufacture
of furniture), we taste this opportun-
ity of assuring you that we believe
that you. are so itnhaed. with the
spirit of justice and fair play that
• AND — manufactu ers in any branch of
industry need have no fear that they
[will be treated unfairly in any re -
la djustment of the tariff' which may
' be made by any Government of
which you are .the head. We rea-
lize that the necessity for a large
revenue to meet our Heavy annual
obligations demands such a rate of
taxation as must afford to nlanufact-
urera as very reasonable protection
for an indefinite time."
Anyone who is at all fair and un-
biased in his. judgment must admit
that the substance of the circular
given by the Furniture and Uphol-
sters' Journal is altogether different
froth the statements which were
made by our opponents on the street
and from the platform. The im-
pression was abroad that it was it
local politican who visited all the
factories and that the circular he
produced for the signature of the
manufacturers contained promises
that were at variance with a revenue
tariff policy,that,in short the Liberals
were insincere in what they were
advocating and that while a portion
of the Liberals were advocating
tariff for revenue, another portion
wore advocating an opposite policy.
There was nothing in the circular
that would warrant such statements.
They were wholly unjustiable and
were made for the purpose of gaining
a little political capital. We do not
think, nor do we wish to convey the
impression that Messrs. Button &
Fessant circulated any false report.
These gentlemen have a reputation
for fairness that would at once give
the lie to such an assertion; but what
we say is, that aver -zealous partisans
The letter which appeared in the have contorted facts beyond recogni-
Advance of last week was a fair tion. This and the Gregory letter
Opp. Brunswick Mouse.
Wingham, - - Ont
alittingljam films
1! itIDAY J i" N E 19, 1890.
"Rally for Macdonald" is
the watchword for Monday
bight, when the Liberal
party will hold the last
meeting of the campaign,
in t1ie. Opera House at
Wingham. Loads of peo-
ple are conning from Brus-
sels, Gorrie, Wroxeter and
all the villages of the rid-
ing. Come early and get
a seat. Front seats reserv-
ed for the ladies.
are not the only pieces of chican ery that
sainple of the crookedness of some' have been resorted to during . the
of ythe Conservative heelers. He is a campaign. We have evidence of
mean man who will anonymously more contemptible pieces of trickery
make charges ado t Another, than these. If the principles of the
doubly mean and.lnetipra?ssfblp coc_
1party cannot be successfully advocat
at resorting to low devices
teni fit}sale is the one hypo i9 not only i �.1 .aa. than - it looks pretty bad for
:hsihaiiiea to fatilple ilii bwr. elf ar'ges
Read the Toronto Daily ]Mail's Opinion. of Rim.
Five Years Ago.
When the .3fail was an independent paper, the "London Times of Canada" this was
its estimate of Sir Charles:
"Of the system which Mr. 111 .ko deplores, Sir Charles Tapper has notoriously been
the chief agent; all that is worst in it and has tended most to debase the national
character is familiarly connected with his name, which may be said to be a household
word of corruption. Nor has he, like his hate chief, succeeded in convincing the people
that except when he is doing the dirty work of a political party his hands are clean; or
that, if he governed the nation, its honor, while it might bo in danger from such expos.
ures as that of the Pacific Railway se, ndal, would be secure against a deeper stain.
His name at this moment is unpleasantly connected with a suspicious commercial affair
in England, and if the sentence of the arbitrators in the Onderdonk contract case next
month should be against the Dominion, another sinister transaction will be recalled to
mind. . It is too evident what sort of scheme would be opened by his accession
to power, Ile is the Prince of Political Cracksmen, no doubt, but we cannot afford to
purchase ability even of so rare a kind at such a price as that of continued and increased
demoralization. . The appointriignt of such a man as the head of the State
would be not merely the inauguration of violence and corruption unredeemed by any
true wisdom or statesmanship; it would 'be a signal for a disruption of the community
and for a moral civil war."—!he .iliail dune 90e,1591.
so much in the general interest is in
that of some particular person or
company that has managed to get
the ear of the Finance Minister.
Last week we asked the Ad vane
to point out to its readers the advan-
tage that would accrue to Canada by
having a fast line of ships between
Canadian ports and England.—Did
it do so? It couldn't. Again, be-
cause it had been harping about the
bonusing law, we asked it to let its
readers know its views on this haw,
(that is provided they had ans views
themselves.) - Did they do so? Not
at all. The reader may draw the
In Messrs. Button and Fessant's
letter in this week's Advance, they
do not state that Mr. Rogers was
sent out by the LIBERAL PARTY.
These gentlemen say that he made
pledges to them, in the course of
conversation, that a Liberal Govern-
ment under Mr. Laurier would not
pass any legislation that would be
injurious to the manufacturers of
Canada. There is nothing in this
statement contrary to anything
advocated by the Liberal party : ffiA•
revenue tariff ought to and will Eggs per dozen
afford sufficient protection for manu- Wood
Mr. Peter Fisher, who went to Guelph to
attend the funeral of his, Mr.
Wright, is enable to return on account of
—A slink coon engaged a horse from
Beattie Bros. on Tuesday morning to go
to Wroxeter. Failing to return Tuesday
night they made enquiries at Wroxeter and
found that after taking dinner at the hotel,
he had left for Brussels where he had his
s :pper.. The last trace of him that can be
found is at Walton where he was seen to
pass through. All the towns have been
.wired to be on the look out for him.
Tupperism in Canada is unpopu-
lar. It is in the heart of the people
to have a washday in which the
Government of this country will be
cleansed. It cannot lie cleansed
with Tupper left in or with the in -
influence of the present Government
clique undestroyed.—Star.
Wingham, June 11, 1890.
Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer.
Flour per 100 lbs.. ........ 1 $0 to 1 90
Fall Wheat 0 65 to 0 66
Spring Wheat 0 65 to 0 66
Oats, 0 20 to 0 20
Barley 0 30 to 0 35
Peas 0 42 to 0 43
Butter .... 0 10 to 0 11
0 08 to 0 08
per cord.... 1 25 to 1 50
Hay per ton.......... 8 00 to 8 50
010 to 015
Tallow, per lb 0, 5 to 0 5
04? to 005
020 to 0'25
their p. ineiple�. Potatoes, per bushel
against a fellow citizen, but borrows I
the geed name of a friend and uses ! `- -, •
it to cover his cowardice. Such a S . Onfecontem. publishes few cor-
fellory rcas he who wrote the letter i rect statements in this week's issue,
referred to, using the signature of i the sayings of public men. Here
Air. Gregory as a shield. Of course' are a few, the truthfulness 'of which
no one supposes that Mr. Gregory e can be vouched for by every honest
ivrote the letter, nor that he knew Canr dia.n :
excepting in a general way, what Thomas Gibson—"The dreadful
the letter contained, and Mr. tire gerrymander:'
gory has taken the hest -way avail-," t3ir Oliver Mowat—"The P. P. A.
able, to make reparation to Mr. Cline: is bed. for the country."
by giving him a publie apology.
in Mr for shier, Liberal—"This Bill
this he has shown his sense. ._
goodis a mockery:
The only thine to be regretted is Mr. Langlier—"This Bill does not
that Mr, Greg,ory should have allow-'
give a cent for these schools."
ed his name to he used by an un ==1 Isis Bill is simply a mockery:
principled person, who jumped at lir. Lauirier—`'It is a faint and
conclusions without having ahade ' half-hearted measure."
any attempt to ascertain the facts .
of the ease. THE OPEN LETTER.
'•The Advance is at all tithes ready Dried fipples, per .lb
to prove what it says and if the
Mate will point out which statements
it considers false and which are in-
tended to convey a wrong impression,
we shall indeed be happy to give
ample proof of all our statements.'•
We are -always delighted to Bestow
happiness upon another, and if an
opportunity to prove statements
which we deem false, gees such a
feeling of happiness to our cotem.
its cup shall indeed run over. There
was a list in last week's TI\IEti, and
there are the planks which the
advance publishes as Dr. Macdonald's
platform in this week's issue. All of
which we respectfully submit for
"ample proof."
This week we are treated to a re-
The Advance is getting quite a a hash of Dr. Macdonald's platform as
Last week we referred to a rumor
whish was being diligently circu-
lated through the eonstitueney for
the purpose of injuring the Liberal
intetest-s. We regarded the rumor
!is nothing More or less than a cam-
paign canard and up�nn further in-
vestigation our previous conceptions
have. been fully sustained. We have
asee_rtained that a Mr. limners, a
furniture dealer of Toronto, was in
' town and interviewed Messrs. Button
Feesant, blot these gentlemen do
not affirm that Reatar•s was a Liberal
or that he had any authority from
the Liberal patty in any way to
make premises of sedate seetteaatnres.
if the pater thiel this man ear -
around is the one which
the Canadian diahn &hirnitu e and Ill
,Iltolett rs c :'tial seys wee carried
'wound, then it is evidently sl ern of
trot mystery and underhandine s
which laical eamaaign orators tried
to m:skc appear that it contained. It
wss entirely above board and has
oboe appeared in the Glebe. The
jikakrnal in speaking of this eircuhtr
=hat the substance of it is con -
In the following paragraph:
"Bpeoking for ourselves as D383111.•
reputation for "open letters," bearing ! constructed by the Conservative
the signature of persons who did not . party. We give below some of the
write them. We have already re- planks:
Canada to . meri . ..'
hear . Mac-
,� n. = i Mi t d egerz . end again . ,child advocate this
this week. it crones out with a letter b "I taxed breakfast table."'
addressed to the TIMES and signed The Doctor showed conclusively
by the Advatee. The editcr of ;he at Brussels that the breakfast was
Advenee must indeed be shallow if a already
fc'ra•ed to the letter of last week, 1 C d fortl c'tn"
„g g . Did ever anyone
ice supposes that he can gull all his 6
read;ler, !Mt) the believe that he is C•hnada to rind employment.
"Canadians to be forced to leave
taxed, excepting tea and
the :rather et' that sage production. = See Dr. Macdonald's answer to
Every ants if he has a mind of Dickinson at Brussels.
his own. has a lit
style as "\o assistance CO build railways."
dastinat from that of every one Never advocated that at any time.
case, as his faaee is distinct from any "Luxuries free. necessaries taxed."
otuhe'a man's face; and anyone can "Free Trade."
see by the niest superficial eompar- j "Give tee U. S. grain free entry
is n that the e of lad, laa„ lett 1 as into Canada.
wholly and complete-ly different from "Give their S. beef and'park free
the many rabid equibs which have entry into Canada in order to make
tilled the columns of the Advance for Canada a cheap c snntry to live in."
nheIath s est It tett r tLhre ill Iet!,,um, The falsity of these statements
the Atic:aa`ee t'++ i Isu.uie to `; to are SJ glaring that they need no cen4-
ito iee when it lute nnewed its I` ment. If the editor of the Advanee bad
t ll:1nne to be used lay ev. ry Team g listened at Ittu eels he would have
Dice and Harry who p: sses. es no t titer ; known that the Deeter's whole aargu-
qunlilleatiryn then that ef being a anent was direetuy contrary to these.
machine Isolitiefan. Is this the thigh ideal of fairness and
ltoneetF the Advance possesses?
I) l see ee the awkward and
oes le
I'rinheipai Grant : 'l'here ie searee- absurd position he places himself in
Iva page of our tariff from whieh by allowing such statements a
these to be published along stile an
open letter which seeks to make the
Advance pose as a1 purist.
iilustratitns could not be drawn to
show that our tariff discourages in-
dus°rr, or that it is constructed not
Duck's 040 to 060
Geese 0 5 to 0 5
Turkeys...... 0 7 to 0 8
Dressed Hogs 4 75 to 4 80
Wool . 19 to 23
Special Bargains for the month of
June in all kinds of Boors, SUoES,
TSICxxs and 1=.r.Isss.
The Red Front Shoe Store,
See our Bargain Tables at 2.5c., 50e.,.1 5c. and
1t eo.
-� e✓1^i-t i�1 T-�- ra cif
Ji a_
Beach Puffs, El
Strawberry 3"-LiTarts RI
s t -
Marshmallow ,
P Tarts,
0y Lemon Biscuits, Fr
`` Sultana Biscuits 4.g
Biscuits, a
Li Wine Biscuits, �i
Ginger Snaps,
Cream Sodas.
Wingham, - Ont.
- 01T1-1MG-
- AT TIIE---
Buy your Clothing from John Ruettel &
HOUSE IN WINGlIA�;. Already our busi-
ness has doubled since the inhabitants of
Wingham and surrounding country have found out that
money can be saved by buying Clothing and Gents' Fur-
nishings from John Ruettel & Sons. Rich and poor, we
treat all alike. One man's money is as good as anothers.
If you want to save money and be well pleased with a
first-class fit, good work and cheap, John Ruettel & Sons,
Wingham, is the place to buy your
We defy competition. Our prices are the lowest anywhere. We give
no credit, hence we can sell you cheap. See our Boys' Summer
Coats for 5o Cts.; Our Men's $5 Suits are Worth $8; Our
Black Worsteds Suits for $15, made up to order cannot be
beat for $20 anywhere else. We keep nothing but the most
fashionable goods.
If you want the latest style in Hats, at John Ruettel &
Sons is the place to get them. If you want a Nobby
Necktie the place to get it is at John Ruettel & Sons. '
Shirts, we get manufactured to our own order. They fit,
and are made ofthebestmaterialandarecheap. If you have
money come to John Ruettel & Sons and buy your Cloth-
ing and Gents' Furnishing. Money will do wonders.
Money saved is money gained and at John Ruettel & Sons,
Wingham, you can save it..
Macdonald Block. WINGHAM.
Strawberries Isere.
As these Berries are grown only-
► few miles outof town, you can de-
pend on getting them fresh. Berries
picked this morning and you have
them this afternoon by leaving your
order with
3E311.3-3ElLalalEINI c
A Shoe business.
By keeping just what you want in perfect fitting, well made,
stylish and reliable Boots and Shoes and selling the sante at
the lowest possible prices.
We commence on Saturday a series of bargains in all
classes of
We have made. preparations for a big month's business.
Don't spend a dollar on Shoes until you see what we have
to offer you. It will cost you nothing to inspect our stock.
BARGAIN TABLES AT 25c., 50c., 85c. and $l.
The Shoe Stoma, Red A, Ofltt-