The Wingham Times, 1896-04-24, Page 8TUE . WIN G H .AM 'TIMES, APRIL '24, 1896, I leas teatime.. to great advantage, and went on .r', >aolt x�. cies I3ellhouec J. P. of Brant. t �veat 1[ ct►tiu * ou the Souris River, about z4- C ONS'r r,i;,—In Winghtiut, April 78th, ford, aged 145, died Fri=day.. Ile wits '° pints frank ii om aces acid «@ miles from the v. ifs [if .M1ir. I`rank c'auetabir of u ! born in Idanehester, England. Y S lar+t: d0u. n„ built mills here but suffered,. . male what by financial reverses. Deceased d twice and by the first wife he Hail'' Sm1Iz z,z, -�In East Wawnnosh, April 10th, the wire, ok Mr. Jumes i lmiell of n daughter, , HELLO! 1 ti WE STiLL LEAD Ill was martry � �y Rigged salt ill our Still(' have a better had a fai:tilv of hires boys and ono girl,ail u L �A WATCHES, fGpj'eal" `CO flt`III most Citl't'i` boys-- G uTTu. d1. of where sn:viva hint, leers, regory r as a hatter of f;iet eve' have the, txt<raat;r.w +aeraaesn, lttatnitaba, M stortrd fur S�in;;h,Mm with the body on April �I, �ain txie ary, fo,m i y nol'ibieat lot of little boys` and Youths'bl 1 h d 013 suits we ever had -bettor styles--, 1ere 4 d night Monday morning "'STFwnit•r In East t,t'awanesh on April ,t 3reg a •1 at Thursday muoreinn and will probably reap m ! ing ani, age years, ,‘0" better h is ---hater made ---and ler you. --better prices Hats end Caps T CLOCKS whenAthetfuneral will taus place, 17, Vary Ann Stewart, wcfe of James Have y011 tree Al'tI13? I,I, s f a. • Stewart, aged 5`t years, S tuo.iths. HEADACHE WAFERS yet If rr r Ct in dozen sorts, and Boots fair the nest Personals, ` •Nsxxislztoreti.n.----In Lower Wingham, on and c'hout wear, Boys' two niece Mr, Wade, of Clinton,is visiting in April t23, Mr. Thou. Netterlield, aged 81 you had you would not suffer (i yenta, months ' headache very long, x* Youths' three pleee Suits, light and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Button, spent last dark, "'.' 50 and t:$1.50; Boys' Fedora Sunday in 'I'eeswater, Suits Norfolk; Styles $1.2.a and toren Hat::,',lac k and t.....n ' .end Fancy Miss Prances lltcKay, of Ripley, is visit,. Straws:, 25e• and .i(•e. ing her cousin, Mrs. A. H. Carr. JEWELERY, ['r 0-0117111 Drug Sdor � � SILVERWARE. ILVER i RE. vl ua `r ) hiss X. fryfogle has returned to town NEW D� a � GOODS, 1 t s> �.�', '^ ° ' after an extended visit to ler parents in The 1)i es's (goods Department is Belmoro. "' Is the right place to go, He LI bright with newness ness and new novel- Argus:Sells Pttre Drugs at bottom 'l� g S. Marys Mr, G. 1 . Robbins, of cr rock s ties g+1 inta smelt. every few days. the Star Photo Co , Wingham and Harris- EYE SIGHT TESTED FREE Energy and determination has put ton, and late proprietor of the St. Marys - ; � StOCI Of I *' the lead with Dress this week. CLEVELAND .!.'^d �.Ji' r 1 pricer. '1'hf;re tire Dress Goods and 0 on Wednesday. Dress Goods, Seine are selected from Mr, bank Iiaraey, wife and child spent the pier: of the best and some taken Sandaty with his father in Morris. DOMINION, 'IGI Oursthe Mitchell dParker, .8�i Se ec selected sort. � over dents them all. Suppose ` you conte 1 GARDEN RDEN CTTY Tubing Ice Bags, Atomizers, K` _F,,c,,,,, dear father, coins home aich We sell only the best e prices and he has the largest i G, PERFECT, RUBBER 0001)3, 41 i nJ Outside the cities. Syringes i:i as they Cail be got. are ,1e :Masters Bennett, i like to an 9 1 t 1 People say our stock. ,drovetoListowel on Wednesday of all kinds, Water Bottles, L� OF CHARGE, us right in lc s Journal, was in town t' c . ` Goods, The right goods at popular Rev, Mr. Mason, of Gorrie, was in town and see yourself. Spte it 1 in Carpets and Lace l me now, for ma has some carpets to beat; Slarays, in fact anything in this line. Call and see him. she's got all the furniture out in the yard, Uilttaills, ' from the front door c=lean out in the street. If you wish to be up-to-date When we advertise a line of ;odds The stove mast come down and be put in in 1896 at a special price, you can rely on it the shed, and the yard must be cleaned of being a bargain. Large assortment some grass, for its time to clean house and of choice patterns. ` the devils to pay, and the front windows need some itew glass. father, dear Saturday for Bargains. father, come home with me now, and bring 50 sot and stiff Hats worth 81 • some bologna and cheese; it's most twelve and $1.25, off style, 25c.; 50 soft and o'clock and there's nothitig to oat—I'm so stiff Hats, 2.`?5, latest style, 81.75; hwaveeak at.trt tllbhee kneacold s. Allscraps anthed sudcihnner ''lll'iand wewe 25 pieces. new Fancy Prints, for 4- c.; have to eat standing up, too, for 'the tables 2 dozen Fancy Parasols worth •n82.25 are all out in the yard; ort, I wish hoose for 81.50; 10 Spring Overcoats for cleaning was through. Father, dear father, Gents worth .58 for a 5.75; 20 lbs. i as come t Turk; saysit that lyo it for only a lazy old No. 1 White sugar for $1; 25 Light i thing, and that she shall put you to work. Coffee Sugar, 81; `20 Fina Blue There is painting to do and paper to bang, Serge. Suits for men for e8.75 worth and windows and Casing to ser ub, for it's . house cleaning time and you've got to come 5; Ribbons, le.; handkerchiefs, 1 home and revel in suds and cold grub. - 21c.; Children's Hose, Sic.; Dress Ex. Trimmings, 3c.; Linen Collars foil ladies, 5e.; Gents' Shirts, 18e.; Getits; LISTOWEL. Liam Collars, 15e.; Cashmere Hose, Lewis Bolton has been appointed 25c.; Lace Curtains, 5e.; Gents' ! town clerk in place of Wm. Bright Ties, 15c. The above prices are iwho has moved his family to Arthur. good for Saturday only, at Re1 v. Hopkins, pastor of the M. 11. MCINDOO'S. Congregational church, has received 3.,. � "„omo r and accepted a cake to a church in i Montreal, ler. Iiopkins has decided A.. DDRTFONAL LOCALS. !on this course in order- to pursue his studies in the Congregational College Alert Fire Company. there. The Alert Fire Co. are making pre- Joseph Bonnett, late of the firm of Of the highest quality and parations fcr holding a concert on May Bonnett & Bowyer, is opening up a wishes the farmers of this stock of hardware in ' 8th. From what we I tarn, the object for j store on Main street thisJacob weekLargo, Wes vicinity to call and see them as 2 Doors South of Post Office, RiDE THE LATEST IMPROVED, WIIvTGJ3AnI, When buying you may as well have the best that is going. J. CLEC e CO., Hardware Merchants Suecessols to J. A. Cline & Co, STAL1 IONS ONT. r� rel 11- u r�l WE LEAD °TITERS FOLLOW. M U NSH,AW, n JI THE OPTICIAN. iI- FARM TO RENT, A 200 acre farm to runt well watered and first-olass buildings. Apply to box 125, Wingbam, Out. FINE TAILORING. SPITING GOODS ANI) FASH- IONS have arrived. You will soon want your new - Suit, and by leaving your order now, we can afford to give you a little more attention than you would expect when the full rush of Spring Trade is o11. QUALITY AND WORKMAN- SHIP UNEQUALLED. We'11 warrant to please you. GEO. CARR, Tailor and Gents' Furnisher. Opposite Chisholm's Drug Store, Wingham, 8 , FOR SALE I J. B. HOGATE, Of Omaha, Nebraska,. has arrived here with SIX STALLIONS Shire Perchons and German Coachers which tbo concert is being gotten up, is a most laudable ane, and dererving the liberal sut•port of every citizen. The underwriters have called upon the town to comply with certain regulations which they have laid down. It ie necessary for us to do so in order that our rating may be kept where it now is. One of these regula=tions is that some of the firemen sleep in the hall near the hose shed. It will be necessary to furnish rooms for these men, The council have _purchased beds, etc,, but the room is :;still void cif those little things necessary -to comfort. It is for the purpose of •raising funds to supplement what the .council has already clone that the concert e being gotten up. The program will •be made up largely from home talent, Beep the date in your mind and a few ;pickles in your pocket for May 8. Jan Old Citizen of Wingham bead. There died in Manitoba on Tuesday morning, April 31st, John Gregory, brother of Mr. Thos. Gregory, of this town. Last summer itfr. Gregory suffered with a diseased bone in the leg and it was found neeessa''.' .,y itis, etodiear advisers to have *ay, amputates Prom the shock of the .peration-Mr. Grego -v newer recovered an -a other complications , ettirg in, re• s^,.iced in his deatk on the alk ve date. Itir. xregory was well known in this a;immonity, having been a. citizen of Wingbat - for over fifteen years. r<Ie was born in `t otshire, England, about 68 years ago. He st=ns to this country with his fattier when qu•fe a young lad and lived in the township of nlonary, preached to a large congre- Icing, York County until 1864, when lgation in the Methodist church Sun. • cseeme to 1Ving+ham ani with his brother day morning and will give a fare- t Thomas, built the mill that stood where Ceres mill now stands, carrying en bud. items for some time under tho firm name of Gregory Bros. Suffering loss by tire, they set about to replace the old building by the one now standing. Before the building 'Was completed, however, ho purchased fe brothers share and completing the Landing carried on basinees to hits own re me. About the year 18450 he sold out to Tto Aloe tend went to 'Winnipeg where he Eklie I ailmas1 L113eraa1 is being silk- you like it. von fined fora year during the time of the ed after during her absence by her ,rak also. Tvoltsrr et SON CO., t~x> Ripebooim. Here he managed to turn met sister, Mrs. Hunt. tutratL'i'oTTONT. shall be pleased to see Mr. Bonnett f they are for sale and if not sold succeed in his new departure. 1 Wallace Street is having quite an I WILL MAKE THE SEASON OF improvement in the re -building of what was formerly kno ivn as Lustig's II896 IN THIS VICINITY old butcher shop, now owned, by Mr. They are now at Prueter. The stand is still to be occupied by S. J. Stevenson as a meat market. It is being built up with a brick front which will correspond with Ioerger's building next door. The Public School Board are con- templating taking down the fence from the front of the school and placing seats tinder the trees which have grown to such proportions as IN= to furnish ample shade. The grounds Po t are quite spacious and wilt have quite a park -like appearance when this is done, They will furnish a nice place for people to go and sit of an evening during the warm wea- ther: Mra. W. G. Hay has moved out of the old family residence, which is to be torn down and re -built on a site nearer the street and built up on a more modern plan. This is earrying out the work begun by the late W. G. Hay last fall. The acre of land i which com=posed the grounds and gardening has been sub -divided into four or five lots. F. W. Hay bas Know What You Chew already built, on one of the lots, a very fine residence on the corner of "yin and Dodd streets. 54 Miss McAllister, the African mis- EXCHANGE HOTEL STABLE And we invite inspection. 1. B. JIJOGATE. Her Majesty's Surrogate C of the County of Mauro t ATTEn oN TUE ESTATE O. ALEXANDER It, LATE OF THE T. 'N OF W INe- GESTLE:1uA1V, DEC r. SED. • Notice is he by given 511 • nant „to 11, S. 0. 18S7, Chap. 110, Se 50, and ncnding Acts, that all persons havbag a Its a net the estate of the said Alexander Fol eie.\ . o led on or about the 25th day of February, A. D., 5e, aro required to send by post prepaid or to h r to the undersigned, Exe. enters of the sal 4 seen, •d, or to their Solicitor at Wingham Y, 0. , n or be e the 24th clay. 51 Apil, A. D., 7X00, tit • r names, a asses and descriptions and a full st (anent of part, lars nt their chums and the nati a of the security ( ny) held by them duly cert ed, and that atter 1 said day, the Executd will proceed to distribute he aslcts of the deaced among the parties esti , d thereto. havi regard only to the claims of whiel ltey shrll the have notice. SAMUEL YI>IUIIILI., 1 E e tors. OROMBIE DALLA8. j vANSTONE, Solicitor for the Executors. Dated this 2811i day of March, A. D.,1808. Nell address in Knoll church on '1 tnirsday evening next, prior to 1 lea 'ing town. Miss McAllister's part. as aro residents of this town. I She L is been staying with thein ! durinv her year's absence froththe foreigl. field. Miss McAllister has writtca t very interesting book, en-' titled "A Lone Woman in Afriea," amine her stay here, Tho work its free from the iniurtoua comet. 1 The more you use of it the better .t • a -�a f I �AT SIM THE BOSS TAILOR.. PCER, T3N-Ta- SITTTTS 4 Are all the rush and we are right in it. We have worked up an enormous busi- ness on merit, and we are still ready:to give our whole attention to this on.e depart- ment and thus GUARANTEE. y, ATISFACTION. $i4 The world is run by specialties in the present age and the man who does not have some specialty and devote his entire energies in that line is behind the age, and may fittingly be called a "back number." Our speciality is iAlLORING �. And we cannot be under bid. Look at this list PANTINGS $2.25 UP. TWEED SUITS $6 UP. SERGE SUITS $19 UP. SLACK WORSTED SUITS $12.50 TO $35. NV EJT" m D -s -`-I`.. Rico .. r.J..J'.�. GEO-. H. IRVIN, IN, OPPOSITE BANK OP HAMILTON. "THE" TAILOR, WINGHA'M, ONT. Ida rrN. 1� SSS C,�il C G t �y r �+r o r w+^ hyS7J . i��s'ti]r. 4E�'C✓li"tc'�✓'<]r�i�a� nfi�'J+i��i d✓sG ssigr``.ga tle� li