The Wingham Times, 1896-04-10, Page 3£N(% ,,t444, 4,4 t APIUL 10, 0.1,1.b. Tug BRIGieW teiD",e1. fee. t "li s 4 • ' ; '3 I/ . • t wiere the GODER,1011. Don't look for the fiawe its euu go through life; • - And even when you find them, It is wise end kind to be poutewhat blind, And look for the virtee behind them. 'or the eloudieet night has a hint of light Somewhere in tie ribadowe hiding; It is better by fur to hunt for a star, Than the spots of the sun abiding. The world will never rebut Iteelf .To Alin your whims to the letter; Something must le) wrong your whole life mug, And the sooner yort know it the better, It it; folly to fight with tot, And go under at lest in the wrestle: The visor man shepee Isimselt into God'e plan 'As the water shapes into a vessel, Bogs. We.have never yet seen a nog.pee in which the regular use of some cheap disinfectant would not have paid. An excellent practice is to scatter a little of chloride of lime through the pen twice a week, while a few pails of whitewash, to which a mall quantity of carbons: acid has been added, will materially assist in keeping the pens free from vermin. That veteran hoes. breeder, Theo- dore Louis, recommends the follow- ing. rnbctwt s an aid to digeetion: Take six bushels of charcoal, ono bushel of wood ashes, and six pounds Of salt, mix them well together, then dissolve a pound and a hair. of Sulphate of iron in a. pail of warm water, and mix it with the solids. Place a sine!t quantity in each pen, where the hop can have access:it et any time. Such well-known breeders as Mr. Sanders Spencer and Professor Jas. Long state emphatically thet wheat straw k the only proper straw to use as bedding for young pigs, and we have found by experience that they arc right. It is almost impossible to keep the little fellows' skins look- ing pink and clean .vith any other straw. This may seem an insignifi- cant point, but these little things tell *hen we come to compete in the show ring. The early litters will now be get- ting towards wenning time, and the &leek will tell egairist those destined for the show ring. If you have a supply of sods make use of thenteind whenever you have a chance to do so on Hullett —Thos. Malin Ian, Con, i while they, themselves, at one time Last Saturday three 'young men stance. I advocated Commercial Uttion. named Thomas Babb, "Cogals" Me- Blyth—J. S. afeKinnon. I Leod and Robert Sanders, while out Meg:Mop—Win. Murdie, Settfortiel In 1872 they eharLted the Mae- on the lake setting some fishing. lines, .T. A_ 1ftsetoti, then took the chair Kenzie Government with increasing found the ice breaking up owing to ing es aet tt meta. nit wee, e •.: -• e,e..-:.t writ tiettrast , „ 1 Geo. Reginald Deacon of Stratf‘prit, Pt'esitient A1'nh. 'llsiole of Ill'eY) Snell 'o i.:;''' '.''''"P'."1 l)V (I"' ing ! brother of F. Deacon of the liaitlt of took the enan't and in tt t'll'"°Pen" freu) the '''''" '-''' -1 '''' ' ")ineet °en' :Commerce, Goderich, has sneer:66411- ing addrese expleined whv the meet- servetive In •seoer ti. . se ler tioetetept : ty passed the thud AL D, gxtm. at ing hail not been (sailed earlier in in whieh lee ......4e, es .e.se le -micro esenall university, Montreal, winning the winter. tt had regnired the aro lam he .seesseeele members of the deal prize, the geld medal, greitt effort mule seotel deal their parte Iii aire:.i. e e. n ..leee.. We ate Sure that oru jeickis wifl of courage f,,,, tho delegati.;$ tion the lit ,i,...ii,,e..1 i.4, positiot! .4.ni be pleased at hearing that Dr, to venture out Bluth a dtty as die school tiotrets wiell is briefly Hunter has fio far reeovered as to be this, but 'ft% foil altleffed 'hat the!, noninterreice um ilic. ci.ft of the . around his room, and that his would he tnoett then repeid, in the Fedora! ieoyeraae.ea. fn answer to E , patients from whom the attack can privilege they would have in hear- the profound, gnestlon in thti BrtissoiS , • aro doingequally well. Mrs. J3laek, ing the gentlemen PX1Weivil frUlft Herald, , egesenree he six months who attended the children and was Ottawa. He said that, owing to the i holt, he. said that any man who sent home by the &ewe to rest, is r„,;...,:..L:• :Aato of 0 iritie.s at Ottawa„attetems to run a newspaper Should also eenvaiescant, and gr. and Mrs. where they were working night and ' know that a day and -where it we s necessary for , weans in reality ""ix la4mtl's ialst" ' Price are both around, We =- the killing of the! gra te,late Dr. Hunter, doctors Tay - the regular attendance of every Lib- i bill and it therefore coald not be i lel, a,nci Shannon, . all who in any . and oral in the Howe, it had been laws- reietrodneed. 1 ; Tray aided or assisted doetors or Bible for Dr. Macdonald to get away sersemo A IMO illiNED TILL 7,30, sooner than at this date. The evening session was WO patients, on the satisfactory result. There was a largely attended On motion the Mowing commit- attended. The hall was crowded, a meeting of the Hurons of Goderich tee was appointed to di•aft resole flambe'. uf Indict.; being Present. bicyele club on Monday evening utions. . All', Filet wits 2 The Parliament when the president, D. McGillienthlY, Messrs.. MortonBlair, Armstrong, of Canada is divided into two bodies, opened the proceedings, A report Gardner and AleKinnon. the administrative and the legisle- from the committee on constitution The Treasurer's report was read tive. The ntenitiete of the admin- and by-laws was read and adopted, isteative should be capable, honest and adopted. and reports from the committee on `.111le following officers were unani- 11 and uniform and emblems, and on seleca .. possessed of a policy. The mously chosen for the ensuing year: Liberals bad al ways the same lug permanent club rooms, were President, J, A. Morton, Wing- poli 4Y- The policy of the Conserve- referred back to be presented at • .. ham; 1st Vice -President, R. Duff, tives is a protective polies'. That of next meeting. The president was • Blaevale; Secretary- Treaeurer, W. • the Taborets is a. revenue tariff policy, appointed to C. W. A. meeting on II. Kerr, Brussels. ; which may be dee ned as free trade Friday, and some routine business. limited only by the abselnte needs Loom, CHAIRMEN. coneluded the proceedings. I 'of the country in eereyine on the Llowick—Thomas Gibson, Ford- - '" e At the North-st, E. L. of C. E., on w kb. 1Governinent, Free trade le only meeting last Friday evening, Rev. Turry nber- aTtunes Elliott, Blue- another name (be Recip)eity It e „ , . Jos, Edge presented his report of the •• ie vale. .reciproeity extended.. Commercial proceeding* of the E. L. convention Weoxeter—Alex. Munroe. ilinion was never advocated by the held in St.. Thomas on Monday, Grey—Arch. Hislop, Welton. Liberal party. A few members of Tuesday and Wednesday of last Brussele —G. B. Blair. ;.the parte here and there, may have week. The report was presented in ; l'avored it, but as a party they never Morris—Mr. Smillie, Biota -ale, fine form, and made many regret Wingham—J. A. Cline. ; advocated it. The Conservatives they had not been at the convention. ' r at tllt Li ' I,this qjee c via son ucsti What is W'w% Kik% Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor ether Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and. Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worzas and allays feverishness, Castoria prevents vomiting S'Our Curds cures Diarriacea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach And bowels, giving, healthy and natural sleep. Cas. toria is the Children's Panaceue—the Mother's Irriend. Castoria. Castoris ism; excellent medicine for chit - arm Mothers hare repeatedly told moot its good effect upon their children." DR. G. C. Canoes, Lowell, Mass. • — Costoria is the Ito.4 2 umetly for ehildren of which 111411 acquainted. Dun* the day 18 1101 far distant when mothers fl10ossdt11cre11I interest of their children, ond use Castorirt hi - stead of the various quack nostrums which aro destroying their loved ones, by forwing opium. morphine, soothing S1Crup and other hurtful agents down their throat", thereby sending them to premature graves." Dn. J. F. EirrawsLos, Conway, ark. Castoria. 4 Castoris sowell opted to children that recommend it as superior toanyprescription knowa to ray." It A. Arianan,11L D„ 1115e. Oxford St., Drooltlysx, N. T. " Our physicians in tho children's depart. mut lv.:TJ spoken highly of their experi- ence in their outside pr...ctiee with Castoria, told although Ism only hays furlong our ;siren -al supplies what ia known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of C,r.siorin has won us to look with favor alum it." Nmati'Lloserrai. AND T11%71/ssiatRI nta.ton, Mass. Amax 0. Sarre, Pro., The Centstw Company, TT Idusray Street, New York My. '••••• ;*;...sc i'•11t,..`;:k'q-t-'1.thAA-4.k7te.411 r?'"',•5",^1, exeratees 4444•44411.44,441 Iteals'elaalelieteas'aeleetellee seeeseee eleatieseereete lieeeseaele ;trite end in a tient addrees he showed that the taxes, the public debt, and the the gale which was blowing. They there W115 an undivided responsibil- expenditure, and promised if elected started for land bat in a few min t 1 11 es ity in carrying on the work tun sue- 10 power to reduce these. How have found a strip of water nearly half a eessful close. He was a strong they done it? In 1878, the expendi- mile wide between them and the believer in organizations. Some ture was 23:t- millionl, and only shore ice. Fortunately the break A people regarded him a crank on it, ' once during Slaekenzie e regime it was noticed front the shore and a row • but he did not object to the term it reached 24 millions. The Conserve- boat was quickly hauled out on a • it was taken in the meaning ascribed ; lives have increased the expenditure slegh a.nei !Anne:lel and they 0 to it by the best authorities, viz. An . from 24 to 38 millions. The public I were taken off, but the return trip f Instrument for turning something, :debt was increased from 100 millions was one of danger too, as the boat. • Ile said that every Reformer should to 150 millions from 1874 to 1878 and I had 'a hole made in it by the ice • be ii, crank in this respect and try since then under the Conservative and required steady bailing to keep to turn their Conservative neighbonal administration it has reached 253 it afloat. Alt hands were none the at the coming elections. He paid a millions. The 40 millions increased worse of their experience, but it was turn the little fellows oat. There contribute to the Conservative 'during Mackenzie's regime 32 are generally a few warm, sunny nominee, Mr. Dickinson, as a manlmilfions were expended in paying for mornings in Mara; take edea.ntaee with whom he had a great de ti publie works already contracted for of them. A few minutes exercise business dealings. He had always and begun when he came into found Mtn honorable and straight- power so that he was responsible tor forward, but unfortunately his early only the 8 millions increase. The trainin,s, had been in the wreug average yearly tax from 74 to 78 direction; he was now in bad coin- .was 19 millions or about $4.81 per pany and would sutler the conse- head, ]3y increasing the rate of quenee m the coming contest. Mr. taxation the Conservatives have Morton thanked the delegates for the takeit from the people 75 millions honor they had shown him by elect- more than they would, had they ing him President. He would en- kept the rate tho same as it was in ((mow to get the Executive to work 78. This enormons increase of at onto snit walla spare no labor in revenue was responsible for the coy - forwarding the muse during the ru.ptionsthat existed. As one instance ousting year. take the St, ohne Railway, the President of which subscribed The McKenzie the Liberal nom- $25,000 to Sir Adolph Caron's dee- Nee Sonth Bruce was next tion fund, who boasted he had re - and a chance to root in the gravely spots for a little while keep ewa.y plenty of troubles common to young iigs.—Itrtil tug. ---- ' Pure, Huh Woo 1 is that trite °MP ror nervousness, and Hood's Sarsa peril la is the One True Blow] Purifier and nerve tonic, LIBERALS IN LINE. ENTHUSIASTIC MEETING .—EbECTION OF OFFICERS —J. k. MORTON Tins NEW VICE-PRESIDENT—T. II, FLINT YABMTJTH N. Si. AND DR., M C - DONALD AND Mn. MCKENZIE THE enitoil upOn. lie had just begun to epee k and was refer; mg in comph• mentary terms to the member of East Huron \viten Dr. Macdonald LIBERAL NOMINEE OF BRUCE, PIZ ES. ENT. The annual convention, of' the 'Liberals of Bast Huron, was held in .the Town " Hall, Brussels on Friday April 3rd. The day was extremely stonily but there were pretreat a large 'number of delegates, thus manifesting their zeal in the cause of Liberalism and their determination that nothing wilt bc left undone to swell Dr. Macdonald's majority, larger than anv previously given 131 this riding. The roads were in a terrible state, and this together with the blinding blizzard that blew all day, no doubt kept dozens or fa liners away that would otherwise have been present. Had the day been fine and the roads at all passable the hall would have been filled to its utmost capecity, foe never, iri the history of the country, did th end Thus: 11. Flint, of Nova Scotia, oppeared and vere enthusiastically PPPAIived . l‘i.r. McKenzie then spoke of 'hie -own riding and t he 'many elet»ents be had to light against. lie referred to Mr. Lanrier as a S a it,innin or no ordinary ability and one of whom the liberals of Cenada were proud. Mr. Flint was next called upon and addressed the sleeting. briefly, reserving the most of what he want- ed to say. for the evening meeting. His said that he was from a province that had some experience of eoercion. NoVit S0003, ;It the time of the British North America Act was op- posed to Confederation but had been forced into it by Sir Charles Tupper, and though ultimately Nova Scotia hes been benefited. yet for years — , after Confederation there was a bit - 1 terness throiiirlinut the province tha ci Oral e . ),,:e.,:,,,r,eflw,),1)11,ciim.1.1ait.ie heyxiTs one free will as mirloubtediv it would have ' ted had it N When you take HOW'S PIU. The big, old-fash- 6E0 in time. That feeling had toned, stiaar-eoatea pllis,whieh tear you Mite gradually died out els the young ipleees, ate net In it with itsceee. Easy to take : people- had displace the alder, , and now this sante Man pre- poeee to coerce Manitoba into a system of S,,j»trato t3t.thoola a nil 111118 1 engender- a bittertim-s mid sten that and easy to operate, id true • St' will never die out so long as there of HOotPs PillS, which are up to 'date tnevety resp.ect. es 1.5 one Sept veto Selmol : So long Sate. etetaut stud sure. Ml as there is it DotiliniOli of Canada. a the government with Mr. Laurier. Basis Of Good Society, y W. . TdruggIsts, elle, C. I. Itood & Co., Lowell, Mass. pr. litaedonald described the con- (colcrrsur,D oN• ANOTHER, ?AG.) nevtells, in the -.November 'Century. 'The ottlY Ping tri take With Mood's Sarsaparilla. 00 eeived it and would do so again, We possess a great and gloriouil country abounding in agrieultural, mineral and forest weal Weountry possessing marvellous opportunities of growth and expansion. Possessed of. these advantages why has it not increased in population? There must be a cause and the existing government was responsible for it to a great extent. Since they had come into power there had been no great acts of legislation passed but on the other hand they had passed the iniquitos Gerrymander act and the Franchise act ; an act that haa wet the eountry from gto 2 millions of dollers ; money that was simply wasted. The coming elections will take place on lists 2 years old ; lists a dangerous incident. The local editor of a prominent oity paper wits recently ill for a day or two• and the telegraph editor was put on his desk. The man had become so used to writing flashy telegrams that ended. up with "trouble is expected" that he absent Rhetonstsmi Cured it: a day.—Sonth mindedly made the addition to a American Biteatuatie Cure of Rheumatism rt, and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 ri.ays. ;Asa- , 14151e'* tar ut up ob But it is done so quickly, and at the same time so neatly, that all are pleased with. it. Bring along your Job Work to the TIMES Office and see them do it. PLices right. -41"wv•A 0:•.•••=rionvenwra.....r.m....r.rs, • _ fbr work. its action on the svatem is rem mysterious. It removes at mum the cause f .? ... wedding notice. He is DOW looking arkable-aud Wash white flannels in cold water of the disease immediately disappears. The with suds made of white soap, first twee greatly henefits. 75 cants. they will not shrink much nor rl laookd Warranteerl at Ohishom'sdrUg store. yellow. - NILE. Last Swam h fternoon March GOOD ADVICE. I2.9th Mr. Robert Mefilwain read in ABOUT DYSPEPSIA. the S. S. the report of the same fol. - the past 3 months and is very grati- --eu re it with Burdook Blood Bitters, lying to alt interested in the work of The best advice about dyspepsia is) and as surely as you follow tbo advice strueting the children. A few items and take the medioine the cure will are appended. .Average attendence. Scholars 90: Officere, 5: Teachers, follow in every cause. i Mr Wm. Day, of Fort William, Ont. 11: Visitors, 8: Total, 114, making says in speaking of B. B. B. :—Two the best average in the history of Caveats and Tr, de -Marx% obtained, And alt patent business conducted fir 1/1110V.P. T1, FRES. My. office Is in Mc imesedi .to inityet the Patent0f5ce, and my faciiives for seer nag patents are unsurpassed Send model, sketch or sotograph of invention, with doscription and statmeat as to advantages darned. .a"4.2irn (lump, da art, rte pea, niailradort 418‘0 patentability, and rtv fee for prosecuting the application xot ao caned for rostt the patent is allowed. "Irwc.,low.s. Gums,' con- taining full infermaticl.4 'tut five. Alt Commas rations Vonsidered as Strictly Coutidentlal. FRANKLIN H. HOUGH 1125 W Street* WALSIEINCITON. Iris, C. years ago my wife was very ill with the school. Nutuber of scripture armud Lmi at inir, dyspepsia. No remedy that abe could find gave any relief; finally she tried verses recited 306, 'Collection $15 Burdook Blood Bitters, and atter taking Number signing the pledge 95. now more than two years ago and she 1 - — six bottles was entirely cured. That is 1 — .. h badreturn of the reeled • I also ' Ordinary eticking plaster makes a have had occasion to use B. B. B. and 1 good remedy for corns, as it keeps. amulet sneak too= highly in its favor. theni soft and prevents the rubbing. I always recommend '.t to my friends I and in every case with good results. I When you shut your closet door Hoping this may be of use to you, I am,' lock it with a promise. W/LLAM DAY. ! Prayer is not prayer till it becomes Yours very truly, communion with God. H.Ird.heartedness inakes no ' justiee is the constant desire and prayers that God can answer. effort to render to every man his that contain hundreds of names of dues.—Justicien, persons, who are dead or gone from We Enjoy Likeness in Earth Other. the country, and that prevent What we truly . enjoy in emit g 3 our friencts,yon had stu pr sett us in the eli""r"COATS garment le all era their rights. During the short society. There is no rest saeg.(x) on trolled by us. Hitches?: &earl` or Commission paid C'6 sato ot our choice Amory week Iv, Stead v ter Mtn mein the year roun. Ont. Specialties con- knoW hoW todotheiv , better try Us. OW r TROUSERS period the Liberals had been in the common ground If 1 meet a tithe' . 1 t• ' .Le mu. us t e territory ; experience not tierce. 10T1 different sae ; la* mMititireri workerS • special it th now er, they plaeed on the statute 111911 of different tradie ) to beginners. Wtito ot once i • ' wth'ent books the act, conapelline. an univer- " l'ff ELL1072 BROS., of the Win:sham, Brickvard, have lots of BRICK tuba, DRAIN l'ff.,11:1 on hand. It is said that other parties ars ife,ling at reducortA prices, but we cannot be undelsold,„ and our brick and tile am as goo& as any wade tho provinces We-, can sell by the car !oad or 10,0(10 12,001) tile fully as low as eau be pur.,. chased att,r WhEiria. Wo ve uls0 a great • quiantitvot all kinds ill lurcher for sale. •T. e E. ELLIOPT, Witagisatra. May 16. lbu5. Pier Suits that suit,- ALESIYIEN WANTED 'SUITS, thousands of young men, %ho hare other is likeness, not unlikenes. That give comfort to tbere • wParet and satisfy" d Pushing, trustworthy men to re e t Since come of age, from exercising le what makes the pleasure of religion, event race, different Ir particulars to A esst we charge 1 nt‘ortIlni;k:r;aerdteol tat I) n'nt. othersbteht tlleIf dal polling day, the controverted! language. 1 am pleased with him for ALLEN NIJRSERY CO.,tan do for inferior work. Hundreds of )36W eicetion act, an act establishing the a moment, as 1 should be with a FIOCHrStr'R, 19. Y. Supreme Court, the Insolveney. Act, j fairy or an amiable goblin : but he -- (-IRANI) 'MUNK RAILWAY. an act establishing the Independentel presently bores me, when the stir- -- of Parliament, an act forming the j prise of' him is over, 1 find that we 3)31* '0' 1110 AiiittV1` ri )lit Auditor General's Department and have no common ground. The per- Toronto avid East 11:23 !tall. ikili p.. a. levee " leen - the original acts relating te the ! petual yearning of enr hearts is for 325 p. in...via Clinton Canadian Pacific Railway. A , intelligent response, and this eau P thnersten Mixed 7;20 " 10:40 a.m. powerful spec& was brought to a ' Milt only from our equals, from a temeen mut Smith 05' A.M. nail 4' close by the men who are at the head eqUality.--Profn "Equality as the .. 3;35 p.M. 8:00 p.m. • ft ' :20 M. R:9.3 a.m. 3:11 p M. fleet " 1U:01 " 6:50 pane full and winter Rumples to choose from, Int praces about half What you have to pav for old goods. Workdone for parties furnishing their own cloth. If you think that t Tweed Suit cannot I be properly made for $4 Spot Cosh, call end eeeetur work. Our terms are casks WEBSTER & C opp,,AitAvt.tm:cornunt).c1 Block,