The Wingham Times, 1896-04-03, Page 3t V IitNGTO LETTER. WASFLINGTON As A CQNVHIV- TI•ir NATIONAL oAPIPAL R:1t'IUI,y 1 ( COXING Tall Tall bflst;C.t OF T1llil UNIT= HT.1'rl�s FOR OONVIINTIoN'S OV AI,L IZIiDS,SCI(BN- TTh'IC, JWSINI:SS, k:nGo1TrONA14, AND FRATERNAL. PRIT�,P.\RATIONS MAD1 FOR PIII COMING O lRISTLUN ENPIMVoll CONV1:NTIoN x'iii,° WING RAM TIMES, APRIL 3, t8 6. formation as to places of ilitctt.st. It is «111(1 already about 113 many ; trh , r• TItL and Bruce. I CJI,Q1. OP WOMBN'S EYBS, delegations have secured 1u•cc;ltlada» a schedule of convictions ilt thane at the hotels es at the Boston Iluron county for the quarter ending Tlil•. 1tfI:Rll (¢UI,HTION OF PIGMENT convention, and diff convelt«inn is I unveil ff allows a remarkable fins SETTI.rb MANI MAN% still four lllolitllsawlly°. falling off' in offences against the 1 FATE. • I law compared with former years, Headquarters lnty<, already t)cen cul 10 I) a!1 heaciquatt(Is yPut confidence be'l'l; yvftilii, twenty minutes ridil t,Ii Ii, Clenlenr• of in a gig! with blue eyes, and have assigned o tar every State and 7 t:rt•f» y cases being reported by kL you ever notice that men tory of the ever} ; ,. t . niagistrated. always instinctiveel MP tirr('cr. cars from the "I:xcen fv0 gr Walkerton,- . Miele suspicions of the girl with : gni' a ear load of hay the ell'cu day, oval " ghat s(Cn)s to have peen pretty well A fund of VO,000 to pay the ex- WtttCt'('(1, before shipping. Some of poises of the cat}vent}t,n is now I It was unfit, to feed, and hoc! to be being, raised by popularsuhset'iption, !grout nor own eorrespantttnt, all (classes uniting to make the coxn- S4xne time ago one of the Wa,s11- ing meeting a thorough success. 1 tt)11 daily papers published' an article giving an outline of Lilo vagi- : ror over Fitts gear„ Ons conventions which had niet ill gat 01.0 AND yvslt•TIHRe It)sats4v-31 1Yt .r a (If r ntr yrup },as Urea used Por over s. ars by mil}tons of tuvthurs fcrthT.:hilarea while ts. Is. this city during file previous }'cal' The tot 11 number t was a lout Slx t r toy note .vs. It tha chito, 7 tundred i e rebentino sotreua Sire r;mus, rtlla••s Mi pato. cure9 tvhtd col1n, , P almost every and is th h t • • i /WA t. kr S yo tettitn,. ntth rb f .o r, a ua ruuteuy or 1)iarrhat a L, PkUsant to cause in which mankind feels all w nr t9Nin ti H've eeiissta iftnre% r�Itaara, tune }ie interest. $. great many associations urouluul .hie. tie sort, auq tusk for Alta, Whitlow's Slave adopted 'Washington as a per- �aothht ru}t. and folie nq other tciant. illauotlt meeting place for their 1 annual gatherings. Some conve ti CLINTON. y-, ons have only a few scores of Miss M. Washington dislocated her delegates, while others have many shaalder by being thrown from a 1 • thousands. sleigh. Within the last few years there The Stavely Estate still holds the have anet here the most important boards as far as conversation goes. conventions of the Baptist, Unitarian,It has been proposed that the money Presbyterian, Methodist, and Cathobe used to build a public hall to be Ile ehurehee ; the Odd Fellows known as the Stavely Memorial Hall. ' Another proposition is to erect and 34i'asanic':,lld Golden Engle 1')'atei•itl- ites; Medical and Scientific Seek:ties. equip a eoullty hospital, providing In flet, it is (touhLiu l if there is rho count) would co-operate in the 'ever a. week of the year when there "ink. 18 not in the city at convention ill }f r. Thos, Cooper and wife, of session. Some weeks there are a t""'r: have resided in this country dozen or Moon in session at note. r a' :Itu)nt (30 years ; in all that time Just at present lite interest of the i'rov'i,lctice has so highly blessed 'people 13 lail}tei'ii in the approaching theta that• they had never had a convention of the Young People's funeral in the family. 'Their son, Christhin Elideavor Society, which Mr. Wul. Cooper, has been married bids fair to 1)0 the largest convention for about 30 years, and he also 'las of the Society ever nem, nn(1 the had the sauce experience. This is largest convention of any kind ever something unusual as it is remark - held here, excepting the encamp_ able. A ent of thy) i.,. A. R, in i8,):?, when Miss Twine., of the Collegiate, a hundred thuns ulr( veterans mot was called to Buffalo on Saturday, 1 F the drat time since the. war, in owing to the sc;rious illness of a m the federal city. brother, who was laic[ up at that of As soon al it wall decided to hold city. th ClM • here at large nod t!ntia11siastie cool- Toronto, owing to. the illness of her lnittee on preparation began its eldest son John. work. The plans aro now carefully The annual meeting of the South arranged, and the city is eager to Huron Liberal ASsocintion, (Devlin - show its hospita 1ity, loll)` will bo held at "B1•ucefield on Congress has placed at the disposal Saturday, April 4th, at 1 p, m. of the S.)0kety the "Executive 'Oval," sharp, for the election of officers and lying between the White 'loose 'and transaction of other business. The the Monument at ina,gulii-icnt luta- local members and others are ex - tion comprising about, sixty atmos of Petted to address the meeting. • level grtnncl almbst within the heart The many t'r'ends of Arthur Me- . of the city. Here will be erected Rae are pleased to see him out three tents having a seating eaapaacity again, though he sliows the effects of of# ten thousands each. Contracts three Weeks' confinement to the itrve°alre8cly been made for these house with neuralgia) of the stomach. and it is possible that at fourth will ' Liu ving' occaission to clean out the be added. In addition to the tents facile'' at the mill one muorning recent - one of the lairgest halls in the city, ly, his clothes got wet and he took a and thirteen chuiebes, will be used severe cold before he got home brilliant black ones, and will you kindly tell me why?" writes Lilian Bell in April Ladies' Home Journal "r soft' at greatly reduced prices. Mr 1 t 1s tbat the limpid blue eye, Clement raised such a roabout it'transparent and jentle, suggests all that it brought the shipper to town the soft, womanly virtues, and to make a settlement. because he thinks he can see through i On Saturday last at the ripe a of 1+9 years, Jane Ilanmore of, relic of the late Martin Ilanmore of Bra Passed away. She, with her dough tens had been living in Walli;erto for the past three or four years She was one of the prominen women of the centre part of th township in the early days, awl per formed many ;,i kind office for th early settlers. t, cican down into the blue-eyed ge ,girl's suul, that she is the kind of a t girl he fa}}cies she is? I think it is, Bran but some of the greatest frauds I - know are the purry, kitteny giris n with big innocent blue eyes. I3laz- , ing black eyes, and the rich warm t colors which dark-skinned women. o have to wear, suggest energy and - brilliance and no end of intellect, e Men look into such eyes and seem not to be able to see below the sur- face. They have not the pleasure of a long, deep gaze into immeasur- able depths, And so they think her designing and clever, and perhaps (God save the mark!) even intellec- tual, when perhaps she has a wealth of love and devotion and heroism stored up behind that impulsive disposition and those dazzling black j eyes, which would do and dare morel in a minute for some pian she had Set that great heart of hers upon, than your cool -blooded, tranquil blonde would do in forty years. A there question of pigment in the aye has settled many a main's fate in life, and established him with a wife who turned ('nt to he very different from the girl he fondly thought he was getting." Another of our old pioneers of Huron township, passed very un- expectedly out of this world on Mon_ day, in the person of Thomas Scott. The deceased spent over 40 years in Enron and was highly respected. The remains were laid at rest in Pine River cemetery on Wednesday. On Thursday last while Illi'. Jim. Reynolds of Exeter was delivering. [neat with Mr. I). Davis' horse, the 81111881 while left standing' in the mad, took fright and ran away, corning down Alain street at a break in'ek speed a.nd ran into the veran- dah., bending one of the iron posis considerably a and breaking both shafts Of the cart hardly. Luckily the burse escaped unhurt. Rheumatism Cured in a day.—South modem Rheumatic Cure of I�henmatisrn nd Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. is action on the system is remarkable,and ysterious. It removes at once the cruse the disease immediately disappears. The rat dose greatly benefits . 75 cents. Warranteed at Chishom'adrng store. e Uri:Alan Endc.tvor Convention , Ia. �'1u. Cooper 1 as gone to for sirnultaneous meetings, for it is with the altovt; result. He has expected that there will be at least suffered most intensely and is ye'. sixty thousand delegates present, its very weak. This wa; only the well as a very large number of second time he had to lay oft work friends of the society. 1n 1+1 year;. Some months ago a force of one T. L. Fortune, who lots been thousand young 111011 wax scleeted suffering greatly with sciatica, is from the variou3 city branches of the moving around, though wi:h consid- society Is act as ushers. They are (-'t'Itt)IU difficulty. •npw being drilled in their duties, —_-- ._ aT d during the convention will wear Heart Disease 1-teileved 112 30 Uniform caps, having in front the 1`�1Dures.—A11 cases of organic or sym- word `'usher" pathetic heart disease relieved in 30 The music will be in chat'ge of minutes ;lend nuiekly cnrod, by Dr. Ag- ra navy's Cm. Sold tit Cla1.nones Drug Itir. Percy bolter. of this city, who store, Wingham. displayed so much skill in managing No one will dare maintain that the singing at the Clevhlnd and it is better to do injustice than to Boston conventions, A chorus Dear it. -.-Aristotle. of four thousand people will be organized and drilled, but lvhen the Catarrh relieved in 10 to 60 minutes.-- (ataa shnr Convention meets it will be divided t puff of the broath through ' rha f31ow•er supplied watl z h b tri f one thousand singing in each of the Dr. At, 't ) o, c o t et o :� o news Catarrhal Powder, diffuses three Getlts, and the other thousand this Powder over the surface of the nas•tl assisting' at the outside meetings. passages. Painless and delightful to use, it relieves instantly, and permanent!v tures Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds, Head- ache, Sore Throat,'t'ouailitis rind Deaf. ne,.at. (10 cents. At Chisholm's Drug Pilgrimages to Mt, Vernon and other points of interest, will be arranged. and everything possible be done to hake the stay of visitors 'itnie, pleasant, the thoughtfulness of the $en111i1tCt:e going eo far ars to provide 'When ] coxtolny Veonomizes. fans which may be kept as souvenirs. The committee !s also preparing for general distribution a convenient directory giving a vast amount of in - "Will it pay?" should be the first question asked when looking over the old clothes With a view to making over. Time should be con- �.......�,,•. sidered first, and if it can be put to at. better use then let the garment go Leh in Liddle and buy a new one. If three will permit, (then consider whether the Is especially true of 1Tood's Pills, for no Medi- garment will.. look well enouc'Ii caro ever contained so great curative power is when completed to be satis- a0 small space. They are a whole medicine factory. Will it have a shabby, Hoo chest, always ready, a2• ways efficient, always sat. jsfaotory; prevent a cold t1x f�'er, tura all liver ills, made -over look, and if so, will a quantity of new material remove that objection P Then consider the expense of the new goods, make a w figures if necessary, and once eeiding that It is a paying invest- ment, trip, cleanse and make with a arty faith in tbo good results. ---j dies' Rome Journal, pick headache-, jaundice, constipation, etc. 2Ge. 'the only P1118 to take with hood'$ Sarsaparilla. I'a c A Yard Wide. "They ain't no suets thing as a real Christian," said the man with the patched jeans. "Don't you think they ain't" said the man with the soft hat turned up behind. "I knowed one myself." "Huh! What ever did he do? Never miss goin, to meeting? Does Your husband or Son Drink. If your Husband or Son is addicted to the use of Liquor, Morphine or Tobacco, purchase of your druggist a bottle of Hill's Chloride of Gold Tablets. They are guaranteed to cure or rnoney will be refunded. 'Tablets may be given secret- ly in tea or coffee and the free use of stimulants allowAd until voluntarily given up. Price 51.00 per package. 1f your druggist does not keep them, send direct' to The Ohio Chemical Works, Lima, Ohio. Book of particulars and testimonials free, gc "How did your daughter conte to t the Duke a" Oh, I ain't layfu so lunch on t "BY advertising." that as on when it comes time to "Nonsense! Yon cloti't mean to work the roads he went out and did tell file you advertised fur a 11usi:aud 8 real hone;[ <tay's work, jist as if for your dantnhtei?" he was worki11' on his own farm." `No; but I advertised Inv buainots.>' f ,",,'i)h,-aw..•4,,,,,.,qtr",i,,tytt•,n,..,�' y,'�y ,,,,,,, ,,t mtsyi'@•� MBateman's Dro s, that Paregoric, Dat p GOdfre pare oris y'e Cordial many so -celled Soothing Hyss<ps, aura most remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine? Do Yon Know that opium end morphine are stupefying narcotic poisons t -o Ton --Know.- that in most countries druggists are not permitted to bell narcotics poisons? Do You: Know that you should not permit any med1eb a to be given your o).Tht unless you or your physician bow of what it Is composed 7 Do You Know that Castoria Is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a list of its ingredients is published with every bottle? Do Ton `Rue tont eft -torte is the prescription of the famous Dr, Samuel Pitcher, That it has been in use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria is now sold than of ail other remedies for childron combined t Do Yoo Know that the Patent Office Department of the 'United States, and of other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word s"Castor's"and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison offense f Du Y� ow that one of the reasons for granting this government proteotioocras because Castoria had beta[ proven to be absolutely harmless? p.2 Yon Ku�•t7 that 35 average doses of Castoria oro furnished :o; Sar ce ts, or one cent a dose 7 Do Yon Know that when possessed of this crfeet preparation, your chi�.:rea issy be kept %veil, and that you may have unbroken rest, • Well ,these. 'i1zinE:r•aaro worth ltnoring They aro facts. :orattiro of :fes Jt '•'» t,,,{{��yy;; sppsyr r•.4 , ,( c e'h ✓' '_.-.-_.- etln°urrJrerh ;( p, 4,t for rP} t: •+. ''� t 7 0it 4'rY3 Ci" Vr3.J �:�i ti Y `�d'C �'S'�Yao z ,.. \-.7,�r'i<' �.il'.til for Infant* *nd Children. OTHERS , Do You Know t 'eb(3,«�r,�..':is,'i'.�'t+,y' i ."�;yk'a•'v.,.`� But it is done so quickly, and at the same time so neatly, that all are released _with it. Bz in along your Job Workto the TIMES, MES, Ofe.c6 and gee thena do it. :rices rigb.t. ---01' 'InE- RECEIP• S AND EXPENDF- uF E --Or Tan -- ti ON OF1 G H A M FOR THE YEAR RECEIPTS. To Cash on hind last audit. ''fixes col lecte,i for 1894. Taxes collected for 1893. Tuxes collected, non resident.... Poll Taxes from Clerk, 1. I'. for mortgage Lanus Tmativ Proceeds sale of $5000 debentures Proceeds of notes discounted Hall rents. Cemetery lots sold. Tines from Mayor Dent of treigh scales.. County grants. • ([aunty %Val -cis. Licenses Interest from mortg•tres.. Sundries 1895. 54t1J9 :)J 814 23 0921) 0t) 77 42 2 00 885 47 7031 :5 5,291 93 81,14 53 120 00 110 1}i) 27 00 50 25 308 05 151 72 77'9 R2 138 50 13 00 •,563 j592 55 • Total Iteceipts.. , EXPENDITURES. Dv Cas.[ pail for Street repairs r n Street lighting.... $89 12 433 fi5 Street watering 85 ,27 lforhatg., Ivan 00(1 00 Fire and Waterworks.. ' 1009 '23 Hall 178 2G Charity' 818 (19 • T omiiyWaons, 60 if, Comity Wards ib1 77 Ce netery.... 011 76 Property repairs (pound) 11 111 Salaries..., 1062 27 Notes discounted..., •••••• 11600 00 Debentures.... 5000 (10 County rate 620 72 Public School, . , . , . 562'5 00 Coupons.... 35260 00 :Sinking Fund 644 75 Special bonus loan au. , 65:18 00 Taxes exempt and r'efundod.. 2711 49 Printing, postage and stationery.. ...... 190 49 Mitteelianeons 3015 1}i Eaiance on hand130 6 72 Total Expenditure.. ••**“ $38592 55 We, the undersigned Auditors for the Town of Winghain for the year 1895, beg to report that the foreacing is a hill, true and eorreet abstract eetettement of the r,•eelpts and expenditures of the said Town for the year ending the thirty.first clay of December, A. D., 1895. 1t. VANSTONE. 1 Aonrronia. W. O. STUART,' f Dates at IVinghana, this Seth day of January, A. 13., 1806. The Armenians possess the moat ancient of all the state churches in the world. 'I'8er lin r0 a tradition that Tilta(tdells a lid fiatrtltalnint,w, of the twelve aposiles, prenched to them. In authentic history, rye• know that thei'• fine eh Was reunited i by St. Gret»rorv, who ht•UAme biAhnp of Armeniaa til Ca:14:►,•i4, :')2 A, 1). (le founded a entire!' whose pl:tn of Government is I4,i,./.1•pn1, anti whoe(' forms of worship ale like the Greek Church of Greer.. nisei Ritssin. It possesses, it; is said a very pretty lituriry, In the sixteenth year the Jesuits won many converts, and these Catholic Ai tneni:utti have instituted a bep81,8 t; church. Miss Prances E. Willard -nys of them; An ancient nation i.: being slowly hl:t}igghtert'ii :1t the 15'11 of 11onnt A t'ai'nt, fifty thousand victims stretched hut under Owl's sky in the slow circle of a .ear; woolen, pare, devout and comely, suffering two deaths, a. living :ai,rl 8 (-lying death; tittle children ported +.n the bayonets of Mosiena soldiers. blirnert and at:n•vattion the common lot. The i'nrk 18 a savage., %011ie he,, statesmen aro over civilized; he is 8 tyrant, while that' are craven cowards. SALESME.l.4 W ANTT2D trustworthy luno to 1uW,•sent us in the I v aft• ot our Uhnire Surver;y .stook Speen fries clot, I trotted by as. ni,;host ,-tl ,rt or Commission paid 1 Wet kly. Mood) en,pi." ort r, tin 3 c.tr round. tint. I tit ire^ • u".-1 sir.• ter. i+. rr ; r .orrfi.•ro•t n rt ,renes. wit hig psi asaurnd avrkers • .serial indtwement t, beginner,. R•, ire :-Y,.,. •.. !CO' t•nt•ti••ttlarts to ALLEN NURSERY CO., 130CHSsT p N. Y. 1 1•- f Ie, l-' 1:4;'''':- btf ,..4.,..,." ,a bi.vc t Tod•'•M"rl"5 obi it ' +nt all patent on -urt_d f,•.r 610/012 - . i n;T-4. My cane lain the 'mated' ,ti: vie inky orrht, 'ater t ()Mee and no. tac} iitiea to "e^• -i n:; , :,rent- arc ort: u; passe Scutt model. sketch o, 1 torograp}: of invm,t}on, with detc-iption and Stt,tcm• a• rs to:,•• ..•...oze- rlaimod. zul.,2r'o ,•lnrn•� • ;.v ;n .(.• •,:,,, ,':. ,:hair,,, stip pt eeodtabiri,.,,, ;u:•1 rw f e to. prq"centine the }+p.:cat}or, ,,•,s7, :•••r, Oe c•rriar; •fu .:e(ci gibe prrtrsalas O11(,rt•eq. "lvvr• Tota' Gusts" con- tahth g f;:11 In:- r: afar -!:rt Tree. ' Cotanlnnl• cs:lor:s to'sitijred a, �Prtc« y' `p' firrF41 'R NI :4, ^'>, (' ,i 7 e kit (i'nr , : 1.!."g Via ■ Sa`t5 11' Pitro,.4Se 3c�A.NA7.. » :� J. tie. R I. �•. �w aft � ■-, 26 ets., 500:x. and( 51.00 Bonin. Ono cents aose. 1135 soltx art a guarantee by all druggists,. St cures Incipient Ooaenmptioa an is tut beat Clench and croup Ours, ••,. 't• •' b..u1 er Uaue him r. r'.. SUITS1'orSuits bat suit„ bi46i , give votlifort. to the wearer anti satisfy OVERCOATSyour friand5,;rou bad TROUSERS. .hatter try Us. Our' garrnent makers know how to do tll(eir- work ; den'[ think there are'any better and yat we charge 110 more Ulan others• o for inferior work. hundreds of new "a11 and winter samples to choose frothy tt prices about half what you have tb Inv for old ,goods. Work done for parties, urnishing their own cloth. If you think that a'i'weed Suitt•aanot be properly made for t}4 Spot Cash, call nd seg our work. Our terms are cash.. WEI3STEf Co., . Opposite the Maacloni.lInlet+, S:'k;:otltant, Out. GEiNb TfUIN It RA : ',WAY. ' n 11*14(T Milt1t1t1Vre 1-1(U`t Toronto and East (1:'163 n tn. 2:87 p.m.' , 11:20 " 10:07 3:25 p. m. -.via Clinton ! l Palmerston Mixed 7:20 " 10:40 a 8 .1n. + !London and Soul 6:3.5 a.m. 11:10 " 63:211 p.in, 8:00 p.m. ' llinearditre 11:•'4l :t (11, 0:28 a 111. 1;:;7 pin. 11:20 ,t 10:37 '• 6:50 p.1n. 4'