The Huron Expositor, 1977-02-10, Page 2-.77777.777 by Karl Schuessl.er es0 cott To the editor ea der su How Minty, cups of coffee de you - consume a a week, a month? Five' cups a day, thirty.five a 'week, 1820 a year? Coffee was.Once a morning openetv down break and a follow up after the meals of the day: , Unfortunately coffee is fast becoming ati extreme-lulu!, or for some ,„a tirt ajor • expense in the weekly grocery budget. 'Most_of us-dependowthe satisfaction Of a steathing cup of coffee especially first thing,; to the morning liut we're. being robbed dramatically. , • Atl.„Inany of us, fedi the pressuire of demanding inflation, let'S do Something about it, Why not abriycott? Many small •towns and •cftiet have sfartee,t,heii own boycott and-00,1,4e receiving,very -good response, So let's start`onellere. Next time-we spend-. one'quarter of our „pay cheque on the groeery„stere,let that coffee jar with.thehigh iztlee just sit on the - Shelf. It's easy, to walk right by thinking not, of 110V:.tupoli you will miss'that cup of coffee ~biit how' you're saving yourself some money..Ate-also lid*" you're helping to boycott a toe 'expensive product: -I would really like to 'get this boycott, „ started. but I need Ytitit' helpi Let's put forth "a real effort and alibi 0•Ab small towns • and cities willbe joined to form a province - wide, ',Maybe even' nation wide boycott ' against coffee prices. - I would be g lad to hear frbin, you on, your progress by leaving that jar Sitting! So let's get started. Jud`'y Harrison,' Segorth 527-6366 . Published Since1860, Servitig the'Community First • at SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, every Thursday morning by IvIcLEAN BROS. PUBLISHERS LTD. - ANDREW Y. McLEAN, Publisher SUSAN WHITE, Editor- DAVE ROBB, Advertising Manager • Iylember Canadian CommunitY Newspaper Association OntarioWeekly Nespaper Association and,Audit Bureau of Circulation Subscription. Rates: • Canadafin advance)S11.00 it Year Outside Canada (in advance) $20.00 a Year SINGLE COPIES 25 CENTS EACH Second Class Mail-Registratioa Number 0696 Telephone 527-0240 65AFOR1H,0NTARIO, FEBRUARY 10, 1971 tricky game It's a tricky game, -politics40d our present Tory government hain't been in office for a straight .34 years Without learning how to play 'it well. Karl and the storth- When-you-drive-i Boinholin-and--buy -some- old-.-. ... . , can alwamrely on St. Christopher to get . cheese. He's got great old cheese. Don't • ' you4tirough: And; of course, there's-St, , you see, Pepper? I have two good-reasons --" Anthony, the patron saint, of lost articles. . for, getting .to Bornholm today. . , • Or if things teally get bad and yeti need a "Walk? 'Do you think ' I'm crazy,, rescue ; you can call on aSt. Bernard. But " Pepper? Okay. So what if that's the only . for me, I'll stick with, Pepper...My beloved way you knew how to get around? Animals • -eat Pepper and I will brave the•winds' like you don't know any. better. , ..,..,... together. _ ; ,.. - ' . "You see you watched a certain young ''' Oh, ICS not that Pepper wanted •to go man walk those three MileS to Bornholm down tp. the__Bornholm_post office-zwith-ine-, .,,--. .-twice-this-week?H$htlili . Tyat's-eildurtrout But had my Amen all typed., Ready to put • of you, •So yen thinkl. couldn't do it? That 1 in the Mail :on Friday. And for me that's don't have enough stamina to tramp that .early. That's way before a Monday far in zero Weather.? Listen,•.Pepper,1 have deadlilne. I tnonght'I'd surprise my editor..,: `a car and I'm going to' use it What's a:car. Keep her happy in this unpredictable snow. for? It's times like this, l- need my car., blizzard country. , • . - :>l "yoti say the leaSt I contd.:nave done was "epMe on, Pepper, let's go, " I said, buy a pair, of anOwtirek,' eh? That's enough. '.;You've lazied around this. house, long That's enough ,.motithsOut ,of ydu, I' can .,--7,-,-4..„,,,,.. enough. You gotta face life and all the afford snow tires. I'm not' as tight as you ,..• 'storma:Wt-4 jar curl- and-snooze by -the - --... may, think, I hAve my. teuSond. I've talked'', . hot air register." ' to some of the locals; and, they don't buy ,.• Lee ss face it. I couldn't drag ankoneVlie___ them, either: Just -ene.-;- more winter Out, of' the“house. And anyone in hiS right nuislice and not that much help either. . mind knows,that you should travel' n pairs "You think we're stuck, eh? Can't even • in this kitior of weather. Pepper, I figured,: , get out of my own .driveway? • Was better than iiphodit'. She is seme.body,---;._..... , "Shovel, 'Pepper, shovel._ That's what And, even a Small somebody prodyces its ' - this winter is all about', I've got, to get Out • ' , own _kind of ..heat. And besides,' could • and-Shovel, Oh, no., you.. staY right here in always wrirm,,,,np "my hands in 'her -black the tar. You're. not sneaking out on me. • ,..,.... thick fur:- - -• I' .. s , " ' You wait while"' go out and rearrange a few ' Th• "Stop grumbling, Pepper," I. said, square yards of snow, ' "Things could be.. .a lot....worse, Remember ' "Thought I'd never ...come back,. eh, , what happened to theMeyer's family pet? . Pepper? A whole hour's 'gone by. What ' When he diadkhat dOg,Wound up as a pair difference ,is that to. you? . you just sit • of gauntlet gleVes -- all :nicely skinned and , around and `wait`" your whole life away. tanned fteteaMsteritig, . '''' '' ."HeY, I. see a car crawling dewn ,',,the „ . "14160-.hai4.2any-aftet‘life-designs-on -.--- L1--roa&Jut-w.secondr-111-be-backr-Pwant-,t0-----,--- ,' you, Pepper.-.1 just want you' now -:, alive, ' talk to him. ' ', ., „warm and breathing-and keeping inc ' "Bad news, pepper. The road's blocked. .Company, for the next three miles:'' . We can't get through to tornholm,...There . I loaded up the, car, Shovel. Salt, .Sand: . goes 'My cheese. There" goes My-Amen. Blankets. Candle: . ' "Come on out,'PePer, have, it yout ,way. "Yes, Pepper, I need to take the candle. • 'you wino Go back to' the' house', You lazy Heard it over the radie. Light a candle in cat. Sleep this blizzard qff3nitiOie away your stiowbankgd this and the temperatut& .• while.tny rotifitation for meeting deadlines won't go below. fteeiing. _ ' ' ' , getk .inowed Under. Go, ahead, cat 'nap, .._ "Ok be quiet, Petiper.- HOw:lio I know ' Don't give a darn While I ,spiti,filY yarn and , what I'd -do when the tandle btirtiS out? . . 'try to Save -my good name. You just sit there and no back talk: ., . Yes, Pepper, I have to to to BornliolM.,. P.S. SedutS•nenbur;,1( did get that AMen - - This trip"' is- really ,tieees'saryi I knOW. 1 dOwn to. the' Beinlidlift.'pOSC-Office that • Ifickei If I were A little lb* efficient, I'd. • Friday. Thanlis, to the young man •who. . ...',,write.thesp Amens a feWWeekS in advanee., ' 'eltentes to walk i- ' not ' rideo . thougll' !.13.uttliat's,nont Of your bitOnooilitppeto . ,,, blizzards.But ItieAtileti" itorrriSiayVd all . ' tjli,wilt6 them ObfiriblOitiy„ :L ' mtmelotidatid all Monday in ROAdioltn, S6 "And besides,, I want to id info Itali0 - please, dear editors, I :tried.: really tried . ,,.. There's More' than tone way tp close a hospital. That's what former proVincial health ' minister Frank Miller hai been. telling us. •But the portion of premier •Davis' recentcabinet-shuffie which-took Mr. Miller out of his job at Health, seems • designed to make sure those ways to close: hospitals don't get tested, at least not until after, Ontario's not totally' unexpected: upcoming. Provincial election iS over. The song and 'dance goes something like' this. A government appeal againtra court decision which allowed four Ontario hospitals to stay open, will be heard next week. Now, in, case the government were to lose the appeal and the courts rule that the hospitals, can stay open; former health minister Miller had another acedup his - sleeve. He •had, he's been saying for months now, legislation ready—that would alloW the government to -close the hospitals.' And if the cabinet, did' not agree, he'd resign the heatlh portfolio. - • But that whole mess has been, neatly_avoided by the smart move; of .Mr. Miller to the Natural Resourops rni nistry.,.1whe re his_ talents will be needed at least as badly as they were in Health. • Neither Mr. •Miller or the_ goVernment has to lose face if their appeal is lost and the hospitals stay open. The proposed legigtlation, the ether way to ciose hoSPitals, can sit quietly in limbo. It looks very much like 'a smart pre-electiop ploy. • The-provincial Conservatives will have all sorts of fight -the— •hospital-olosing-Issue in that election. Both opposition parties are • saying -that they'll make the clos ings, an issue. = The Tories can take the wind out'of that by saying "see we're not exactly :committed to closing hosPitals now, ,we've taken Mr. • Miller out of health." ° Having, robbed the" opposition parties of• one potentially eXplosiVe issue, they can go' on to' win their election. They could conceivably win by a much wider margin thatahey did ~ln '1975. Then, witli„young; outspoken and capable Dennis Timbrelf as minister of health, the newly elected- -Progressive . ConservatiVe government can close all the hospitals they'd like to. And that list is probably a lot longer than four. ' Seaforth Community. Hospital, and many other,._t Tall institutions could-- Goderich St. Seaford' Sanday, January 30, 1917 Off .orseo..brin $4.69 each in A private school was opened on the first, of February - by Miss M. E. Wright, proprietor of M.E:Wright's Fancy Store, Main Street, •Seaford-1.. , The Mill Road is the worst drifted this year that it has be hanged, drawn and uartered, and no one would John McMillan, Hullett• farmer, in'a letter to the ever been in the memory of the e oldest resident. even heave`. a Sigh." q editor, provided, figures on his income. Milking 20 A Very interesting debate en the all absorbing The proper style of garb fort,,,e skating, ice hockey cows, and sending the milkto the Kinburn factory, he qUestion of Prohibition is to be held in the hall over the and skiing at present worn by women and girls consists received $595.49 or $29.70 per cow. .... :- • -separate school on Tuesday evening next at eight p•m• -of wool knickers, who' hose, a short mackinaw or • The Perth 'County council decided to introduce -gas • On Wednesday, MesSrs. Charles Wright Jr., and into county buildings. The resolution was carried by the Robert. Wright made a wood cutting recerdin the bush ;.,,,windbreaker, wool scarf and cap. A report of the Seaforth COmMunity Hospital casting vote of the Warden. - - of Mr. W. Morrow at McKillop. In ten ,hours they average price realized was S4_69 per horse. ., "Royal Harry'', which he has had for two years, to Mr. Five horses were sold at an, auction in Mitchell. The Tuckersmith, has dispesed of his well known stock hog onfohoirfthpast, A bylaw was adopted hy-the Perth County council "Hill of Brucefield, and has purchased, a very fine young been Blanshard, killed a' wildcat in his stable. - : Mr. - J.B.Heriderspn, _of the Huron Road,..West, ,, Mr. Jas. Nairn; a farmer on the fourth line • of sawed, split and piled nine cords of short hard wood. si:IT asse Deeember1st, 1926, piavides the following statistics;_____ minor operations, 297. This is a record that has not covering the period from its inception in August 1922 to ie nts admitted, 850; average stay; 9 days; no. 83; no. of deaths,20; niajor operations, 212; d by any hospital pf in the like standing in a bonus of 15c each for every shade tree pig of the improved Yorkshire breed, from Mr. Davis, planted upon' any public highway within the gounty. ' of Wobdstock. province... .. •• FEBRUARY 9, "871 ...„ The firemen were called out Saturday morning, but' • it proved only to be a false alarm. . • ,t • Mr. William Oak of Tuckersmith has a mare. which • • FEBRUARY 8, 1952 King George VI died peacefully in, the early hours of WedneSday morning, at Sandringham. His eldest daughter has been proclaimed Queen, with the title of • • . . costumes were being, prepared or the occasion. , Friday evening of last week, endeavoureetto.poke fun at 'of the Seaforth Collegiate Institute. - -representative, Iris Byerman; pianist,-Matiel Dale. . - The Yorkton (Sask:) Enterprise. dedicated a recent issue to. Th'om'as Thomas H. Garry, who, on January 28111 celebrated his 90th birthday. Mr.-Garry was born in . Tuckersmith, near Kippen, and moved west in 1883. The annual meeting'of thetratees of Seaforth Public Library' -was - held „in the „library____Monday, -eVening.- ' - Reports showed` the' circulation of books in 1951• to be 8,566; 218 adults '''''anc1,-..-.8ci children coMpriSe .the membership. ' '' . '':""`""7 `Tuckersmith' Municipal Council' met in the Town . hockey-match was witnessed by, a group Of enthusiastic Hail, Seaforth-Ofi'Menday, February 4, •at 2-p.m. Wag-0 spectators on the Egmondville open . air arena, above of grader operator were set at 90c a n hour for 1952, and the ' (lath. ' - ' ' ' f., ::- - ' '.: • the salary and.allOwance of the elm:lc-treasurer, Sax Mr. ... Thomas McMillan,.'-M.P.„ left On '.Tuesday collector and relief Officer was increased to117.5 per jail, five charged with vagrancy and one charged with morning tor Ottawa to attend the opening of month. . - • At the inaugural session of the Huron County Council'.. Mr, insanity. - "' , + • _Parliament. ... - Mr. W. Coates; inspector of the County House of -- Mr. Peter Hawthorne of Hallett informs the .. Expositor .that he crows flying across his farm this •-... at which •Reev. H. Johnston of Morris Township was 'Refuge,infornied• the e county council that the average named Warden fOr 1952, a by law was passed weekly expenditure on inmates of the house was 841/2 c. week. Are we going to have an early spring? • ' ' confirming the appointment of Peter Patterson;--8,$c:, P.a.st....H.urpn public: school inspector Robb said :that _ Mr. Frank Cuilmore was kicked in the face by one of . as the new Coanty, Engineer and Road. Senerititenderit. the average-Salary-paid to male teachers in rural areas -. the horses in their barn and suffered a hrtiken nose. of the county was $365.60 and that •paid. to female- • ,C., IvieLaren writes from Perthshire, Scotland; The sixthmeeting of,tbe Thcifty Kippenettes- was opened by singing-"Thre's a , Lonely Little Robin" at teachers averaged $267,11.- ' - ', ' "EverYwhere one turns here there is--Something of th e home of Mrs, 3, Mel, 'A sleigh load of young ;people left Hensall on Friday historical interest, It makes one think that CanadianS The Fireside Farm Forum met Monday night at the to Watch the hockey game between Woodstock and -:are neglecting a few tnings which they might preserve, home of " Mr. anil ,Mrs, William. Jewitt with an Seaforth, Woodstock won 8 to 2. : ' ' such as a log cabin or a beaver dam, to. make our attendance of 25 adults and 17 children of daris ages. The sterna Whichhas been raging since is the country more interesting," . -:' -' The Farm' Forum Gs was -read an the three • worst of the season. All traffic has been at a standstill ':The stoek of the Canadian Pacific Railway, always - questions about "What sets farmprices" were for some days.The- mild winter has taken a andden . considered as' an, index of prosperity In Canada, has discussed at considerable length. There were'seven teachers employed at the school, two city airs',. se_tnere is .hope for Seaforth yet - , Garden Club was held inthe., agricultural room of the r" males and five females, and their salaries were: . . _ : :- '" FEBRUARY 11, 1927 t, Seaforth and District _High School"-on Tuesday, The Principal, $650; 2nd. teacher $450; 3rd, $300; 4th, ,• Toe-,school- for section two of Tuckersmith $275; 50,. $230; 6th. $220; , 7th, $220; making in all noted that the best, sfellerS'Of 1 -e11month were:• Verna, following officers were, elected: President,- Eleanor , McCartney; press secretary; Catherine Campbell; radio .$2,345:-This was $59.38 less than was pa jst.the previous' McGregor, Mildred- VVorkmati, 'Beatrice Dayrnan., arid" ear,, 7 • It .w.as jnoted that diphtheria was very • prevalent among children in Tuckersmith township, • At• a meeting of the Huron- Presbytery in Brussels it Was announced that the stipened to= be ,offered by the congregations of Htillett and liondeaborough to their new minister was $650. • A foundling was 'left on the• doorstep of 'Mrs. Ferguson' at Brussels. . . lohn Stinson of Usborne raisedoff of five acres $150 • worth _sif_hay and $100 worth of Clover sobil, for an average yield of $50 per acte. • , . ' -FEBRUARY ...1962 • .. 'There' Wersix male prisoners confined to the county change. . 'Moved up eight points ,At. belated recognition of the fact Smith- Bros, have sold their service station on #8 As evidence. Of 'the moderation 'of the Canadian' . . . Norma HevenorL • The farm 'of 'the late William Carnochati, Lot 13, Concession 4, was sold , by public auction at ;the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth,.en Saturday last; and was bid in by Mr, Thomas Lane for. , • Mr,- George' -Bills •has sold his blacksniith and -earriage shop business in Egmondville to Mr. Alex Lillie° of Acton, who will, be epen ler business on Monday, Febriiary,21St. On Saturday afternpon„:February 5th, a very exciting • the ExpOsitor that a flock of robins had been sojourning, in his orchard all season'. As a result of -a'severe snow storm, neither the Brussels; nor the Bayfield stagecoaChes rt ached Seaforth. onMonday.:- • . The seeend of a series of ti4se fairs is tO be held in. Seaforth on Monday next. The drama "The Dust of the Earth" Was staged on Tuesday evening in the h'all at Dublin. Miss Mina Rogers who coached,* grownups pf her section-is tO be congratulated. R,J,Deachinan reports frorn 9ttawa: "The, consumer no longer lives. No:one has ever spoken to him. No one has utteted a w'o'rd on his behalf: The consumer might Gown". and Robert McMillan read a paper 'on ;St.. ' Valentine 'prepared by Miss Alice Reid, the president, In the Years -fi nd "themselves facing closure -along — Seaforth; announced that a masquerade carnival was to . died: • . be held the following Monday, weather permitting. It The representative of •-the Wopdstock Sentinel- ., Elizabeth II. Mr. Marshall, owner of the Victoria skating rink, re'ently gave birth to twin colts. Unfortunately both With Clinton and1he other three Who J. Leslie Kerr of Toronto, has been appointed , was said that a number of•handsome and grotesque Review Who accompanied the hockey •players here, on. , Principal of Malvern' Collegiate in 'that city, Mr. Kerr is a son of ' r James Kerr of Seaforth and is a eraduate were—givon , the-ohop-last,-year as quickly as „you can say Goderich A young man in the employ of James McBride of the size of our rink, in his report of the match, in that , The board of management of St. Thomas Church was' Psychiatric -Hospital,, . ,,,... Seaforth lost a finger when the performing horse.with ,paper. We woald remind this jocular reporteriliat it is which he was '''shaking hands" brought itSfood doWit"empowered at the annual meeting:of tbe congregation not so very long ago that the only rink Woodstock could Nonday_eyeaing,to proceetwith the purchaseof.a„new '• crushing: the lad's fingerSon - the .stable ,floor. ' boast Of resembled vify- miieb.-asttiiiip aria organ, if. a suitable one could be obtained at a • It was announced that the last installment of the debt rqtnred an excellent skater to keep his head away front reasonable price. on the Seaforth Public School property h ad been paid. the poSts:. Even at that time Woodstock was putting on The organizational meetings of the' MerryMaiden that g new .age age is'.daininefor the._eountry, andthat, highway -te'-i-Joseph- -Cronin,: who took .possession: -. <ixiinters;IVIt-i-WilliammcNay, of-Tuckersmith; infOrmed ''' irrOSperity is really with us. Monday. , Miss Janet .Cluff and Mr. Scott Cluff were host-s •,,,,, On Tuesday - night When the FiresideFellowship Group- , of FirSt .presbyterian Church held a hex social at' their - home, Mrs, E.A.McMaster,sang a solo "MY.-Alice. Blue