The Huron Expositor, 1976-11-25, Page 38to Keatings Pharmacy on their New Store We are pleased to have been responsible for the installation of heating, plumbing and electrical requirements GEO. A. SILLS SONS Heating, Plumbing and Electrical Supplies and Installations Ph. 527-1620 Seaforth Ontario JQSJTQR NQVEIVIPER15., i10,70H' ; . •••• I r The Staff at Keating's Pharmacy .happy- in the new store are (left) Sandra Ruston, Lois Gooier, Merle HoOver,. Dave Hoover, Lois Hodgert and Pauline Bennett (absent Joan Walker). ( to KEATINGS PHARMACY on the •'Opening of their fine new store. We are pleased to have been. the carpentry and masonry contractors for this project. MOFFATT & WITITf Construction Limited 686 Mornington St. Stratford , Ont. M. co KEATINGS Pharma cy on the completion of their large We are proud to have been chosen new Seaforth Store to lay the flooring in the store 4 .----fifOorne, Floorcpyerin' Phone 527-0420 Egmondville .ovqr0er 26 has ignificcince in Keating: progress. unique significant for the people .The date November 26, has an the business on November 26, Seaforth and joined her father in 1957. at Keatings Pharmacy. And now on November 26, It was on November 26, 1923 that J. E. Keating arrived in 1976, fifty-two years -later Seaforth to take possession of the Keatings Pharmacy is officially drug store that continues to bear opening a new and modern store his name. from which the firm will continue to provide the service which has His daug hter, Merle, Mrs. made the name Keating a D.L.Hoover, who in the meantime had graduated from the Ontario by-word across so much of Huron and Perth Counties. College of Pharmacy returned to 'if 64.1 ,a/ 4/04-oal 4,44/ Add 7 /iid/At /7 / ,VT41 C16 01/ c,'„,/ /•-•?2KG/,/ .f( ef/.641 14t/ Xrd /4_(-0,742. .e&ie , 6 I 9 Many .changes , have occurred in drug store arrangements particularly in recent years. This is the interior of the store as it was in 1918. ShoWn are (left) Elton Umbac, Mrs. Anne Henderson of Seaforth, the former Anne Stewart and Frank Freeman. 4,'P • eau , e,7‘.1 ; Nt/ 1,,,fia or..z. (,4z • k.ce.) let‘%-21 ,-- • , a , Germ (.!"i,,/? l';"772, eJGiZ~c2 21{,eorw, , 0.); on the opening of their modern new store It is our priviledge to provide Keatings.Phonmacy 'with insurance' coverage. D. G, EATON 527-1610 K.J. CARDNO 527-0'490 --(L122-2.-771. e-74.e de. 'Main St. S., Seaforth, Ontario A117" •W /.4,;% "k977, /Z AZOV Le pa / < 74- e..e..er4 a*7/./ Early prescription records which were in use by Lurnsden and Wilson a hundred ,And more years ago, indicate the variety of ailments which druggists of those days were called to treat. Sometimes it is hard to know whether the cure set ,out is for man or beast since the records contain references toOpoth. Reproduced here are examples "from the handwritten prescription records t if 1868, J. S. Keating established Keatings pharmacy in 1923. A former Mayor of Seaforth 114.was active in the community including the 1955 old boys reunion when this picture was taken. He died in 1967. Founder served as mayor Keatings Pharmacy has served• the Seaforth Community for more than half a century. It was in November 1923 that James Edward Keating came to Seaforth to take possession, of a drug business founded . here 50 years earlier. A native of Madoc in Hastings County Mr. Keating enlisted. early in the First War and served overseas for four years in the artillery. Seridttsly' wAnded in action, he spent many tirOnths'in hospitals overseas. He returned to Canada at war's end and entered the Ontario College of Pharmacy. From the time he cattleto Seaforth until his death in January 1967 Mr. Keating took a keen interest in the community and its activities. He was a charter ,member and past ;President of .the Lions Club. a past .president, of the Royal and active in katernat,kifglitiIzatiotis. yeas he was a Seaforth Council anti was` mayor by 049 'and WO, ty