The Huron Expositor, 1976-08-26, Page 514pert Cleaning
And Pressing:
Bring in your clothes now and start
the school year with clean clothes
Flannery Cleciners
527-0250 Seaforth
It ays to become all) customer!
% '
- ..
Electricity Poweis Your Life
Don't Get Your
Wires Crossed!
The way to get
'The most power from
the least amount ,
of energy is to be
sure your wiring
system is in ,super
shape. That not
only makes sense,
it makes for good
Do your port.
fix It up!
BANK 20 .1 It
h qrvest
Vincent Lane
Harvesting of oats, barley and
wheat has been completed here.
.Reports are for the Most Art yerY
good especially on the early •
seeding. Beaus are7::•44(weloping
fast and tool promiSing.=Clorn also-
is maturing fast. If the weather is
favourable there should be an
early wind up in this area.
1(.9pg• fplimi.m.i
• • -•
fr For ofreo.goilmote goo!..:=09% .at.
qur :newest )3.4f14)* Ofrisifrefils.
A... Ph, SZA,41.72 R. 'cool( Prop.. 'P*VV,14.#r • /41•0. ot rpof,„Hoos, 1)104! 00!;:... • .
showed up with four con-Mines Friday afternoon
in what must have been record time. M r. Ryan
frtim.the hospital on the weekend.
to take the crop off
was expected home
Every week more and more
people discover what mighty jobs
are accomplished by _low cost
Huron Expositor Want Ads. Dial
Moylans have, reunion
Two sisters graduate
- Teresa. 'Margaret Miller,
daughter of Russell and Margaret
Miller, R.R.#2, Staffa, graduated
June 18, 1976 from Fanshawe
College, London, with, a diploma
from the Legal . Secretarial
program. She received her
4 elementary schooling in Hibbert
Township, and is a graduate of
• . Mitchell District High sch661.
TereSa employed with a law
firm in London.'
Lee Meredith Miller, daughter
of Russell and Margaret Miller,,
R,R.#2, Staffa, graduated from
Fanshawe College School of
Nursing, Woodstock Campus.
She received her elementary
schooling at, S.S.#2, Hibbert, •and
is a graduateof Mitchell District
k High. school: Lee has accepted a
position at St. Anthony Hospital,
Rockford, Illinois.
her parents Mr. and Mrs, Leo
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McQuaid
visited his parenti Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. E. McQuaid last week and
attended the Durst-Reynolds
wedding in Seaforth Saturday.
== Jas lvlailloux
3 pronto visited Mt. Mrs.
Vine Lang,over the weekend.
Staffa WI
parlor .
Mrs. John T emplemati
A tour of "the dairy barns on the
farm of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mahon
and family was the highlight of
the Aviculture 'and . Canadian
Industries meeting of 'the Staffa
Women' sIngiftite onvened
Mss, LloydNifle.t;a
Hamilton on Wedn6 evpnrg,
August 18. ,
The circular milking parlor was,
something quite different and
new to most of the triernbet.S.
Following ,the tour the fifteen
members returned to the home of
Mrs. Lloyd Miller for the business
meeting. , •
Mrs. ..Douglas presided and
opened with a poem "" Here and
There'. Correspondence was
dealt with and articles were
handed in for ,the. Institute's
display at Mitchell Fair.
Roll call wasanswered by "a,
pollution control' Which I use.,"
The motto - Werk. MakeS the ,•
wheel's go round biiOttii greases -
the axles had been prepared by
Mrs. Ross McPhail and, was
presented by Mrs. Charles
Douglas. .
Mrs. John Miller gave a
detailed report of the district"
executives meeting and chose
"Cromarty" for her two Minute"
talk on a town or village in Perth
Mrs,Frank Hamilton conducted
a contest. HOstesses for the
evening were Mrs. Cameron
Vivian; Mrs. RObert McCaughey
and Mrs. Bob Parsons.
LENDING A HELPING HAND — Frank Ryan of R.R.1, Dublin Was
recently hospitalized leaving fifty acres of mixed grain unharvested.
His neighbours, Tom Murray, :AM Flanagan, Russell Smith.,.. Ray
Murray and his brtither Zack, cicided to lend a helping han'd and
St. Columban
Correspon dent
V. J. Lane
The Moylan family celebrated a
family .reunion at the home of
Donald and Rita IVI-Oylakt and
family Sunday August 22. .Fr.
Frank Maylan S,F,„,M. celebrated.-
mass at 2:30 for the,guests.
They Were Mr. and Mrs. J.P.
Moylan and Mr. and MrS. Ken
Moylan; Waterloo.,.=Mr.-andMrs.
Maurice Dalton Stratford, Mr.
Mrs. Ray Robinet, Ronnie, Mich-
elle, John and Paul, Tecumseh,
44, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert
Maloney, Seaforth, Mrs. Mary
' Moylan, Gord, Catherine., .Sistq,,
Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Murphy,
Karen and Kevin, Tom McQuaid .
S.F.M. Rev. P. Oostveen, Msgr.
J. White.
Rev. Fr. Frank Moylan S.F-.M.
who was spending a months
holidays here left Monday to
resume his duties in Santa
Father McQuaid left his parish
in St. Lucia, west Indies August
22nd attended the Eucharistic
Congress before
returning to Canada for three
months holidais here.
Mr. Don Melady has returned
from Quebec after completing a
six weeks coarse ittfrench.
Mr, and Mrsjeci Smith and
Tom, Mrs. Martin Percelle,
Mrs. Blanche Reynolds, spent
Wednesday with Mrs. Mary
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Coyne,
MIerael spent the week with
relatives here. •
Sister Aileen Nagie a former
teacher here, spent a week• end
with relatives.
Mrs. Gerard Marchand, Wind-
sor is spending a few days with
. and Mrs. Gerry Eckert; Shanxi, family Acton, spent- a week end ,
David, Sean and Denise, Owen with her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Sound, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Albert Cronin.. •
Malloy, Patrick, Jennifer and Miss Nellie,Doyle , London is
Kate, Peterborough, Mr. and visiting her brothers here.
Mrs. Jim Newcombe, Dalton, Sistet Viola Feeney is visiting see round • Kim and Jonathon. Georgetown, her sister, Mrs. Mary Eckert.. s
4 . On Personal Chequing Accounts:with a $200 minimum balance.
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the batik where people make the difference