The Huron Expositor, 1976-08-05, Page 18Rules &Regulations
1. Society reserves right to award monies not taken up in one
section to other classes, providing entries merit prizes.
2. Articles for competition in indoor departments to be' in
shawroom before 12 o'clock noon on the first day of th‘e,exhbition,
Sept. 16 and properly located in their own departments, and a
stock and eggs to be on the grounds by 11:30 o'clock a.m. of tile
second day,Septenber 17, except entries in Class J which must be
in by 11 eeldck.
3. Payments of ,$2.00 will constitute a yearly membership and
will entitle the member so paying to compete in any or all of the
regular departments. A membership permits one free pass to the
grounds, and can be used either Thursday evening or Friday but
only once.
Additional passes will be allowed as follows (not more than
three passes per paid up member):
Horses (not race), each 2 animals over 2 - I pass
• Cattle, each 4 Animala over 4 • 1 pass
Swine, each 8 animals over 8 - 1 pass
4• Entries to be in the hands of the secretary not later than
September 14. An additional fee of SO c will be charged for late
entries on Thursday; $1.00 will be charged for late entries on Friday.
Late entires for indoor exhibits will be those after 11:30 o'clock
a.m. on September 16.
Address all entries to Mrs. Kathleen Cuthill, Seaforth,
Judging of all claSses both indoors and outdoors will commence
sharp at II o'clock noon, both days. Classes of livestock will be
called as they appear in the book and animals must be in the ring
within five minutes after their class is called.
5. ENTRY FEE: 15% from all winnings from $5.00 up. Breed
shows are exceptions to this rule. Membership only deducted up to
$5.00. 15% deducted over $5.00.
6. All parties having paid their subscriptions: and only such ivill
be entitled to compete.
7. No exhibitor will be allowed privilege of striking out entires
Made and placing other articles in their place and no competitor will
be entitled to more than one prize in any one section of a class in
indoor department, or. more than 2 prizes in any section of a class in
' 8. Prize winners to the amount of 55.00 or over are required to
leave. membership fee for 1977
9. Payment will be made by cheque before December I.
Che,ques.must be cashed by March 1 following or revert to Society. '
<10:. All stock and articles exhibited must be bona fide property of
the exhibitomand all graMs, seeds, fruits,. flowers and vegetables
exhibited must Wave been produced on farm or garden of exhibitor;
any person infringing on these 'rules shall forfeit prize money.
11. Judges will be particularly requested to hayed regard to merit
in all stock and articles exhibited for competition and to withhold
any premiums if they consider the stock or article undeserving, and
tnat a first or second prize be not given to a third class• animal, or in
sweepstakes if they consider the 'competition not sufficient.
12. Any exhibitor or attendant who is guilty of creating "a ,
disturbance, whether ,by, openly criticizing the judge or using
Obscene language to any judge or officer, shall forfeit the right to
any premium and may be suspended by Society from.exhibiting.
Vehicles parked ih no parking area shall be towed astay at the
owner's expense, • •
' 13. No two persons will be allowed to show on one ticket.
14. Any members showing cattle shall give his or her animal a
Name, and any member exhibiting an animal in more classes than
one (except for special' or group prizes) shall forfeit all prizes
awarded should any betaken: No prize badges or medals allowed on.
animals in ring and no prize tickets or medals allowed on pens until
after such animals are judged.
IS. Livestock • parade at 4. p.m, Each exhibitor's herd must he
represented or prize money may be withheld.
16. No person allowed in ring, except nidges or managers, and no
person allowed to speak to the judges while on duty except
appointed officgrs.
17. No member, being an exhibitor in any class, shall act as judge
or be present or accompany 01,..ejtoes while that particular class is
being judged.,
18, No articles to be removed from showroom before 5 p.m. on
second day of fair. Exhibition hall shall be cleared, of persons at 5
p.m..; of that day, and none will again be admitted except those
holding passes and entitled to remove. goods on exhibition.
19. While officers and directors of this Society will use every
available means to prevent accidents in and about the' grounds, it
must be strictly understood that all persons going into or upon .the
grounds must personally assume all risks of accident or injury from
accidents 'from any cause whatsoever.
20. While Directors will take every possible precaution under the
circumstances to -secure safety `for exhibitors, the owners
'themselves must take the risk of exhibiting, and should any article
be accidentally injured, los,f,or stolen, the DirectorreIZ'ill give, all
assistance in their power towards recovery. but will not make any
payment for the value thereof.• - •
21. In ease of bad or unfavorable weather or other reasons causing
the receipts to fall short of paying the expenses and all prizes in full,
a proportionate amount, exclusive of membership. will be deducted
from such prizes to enable the directors to balance the accounts
without loss to the Society. The Directors feel that this'pourse is the
most equitable and fair that can be adopted and any deduction Will
tall proportionatelt• on all those participating. ,in the amounts
collected and not leave the whole sum to be a debt to bear heayily
the Society and thus impair its usefulness.
22. Decision. of the judges is final.
23. Directors are mit responsible for articles, left in the Round
House after 6 p.m., Sept. 17, •
In case of error or omission, in the P rite List the Directors will
have the power to Correct the same. •
POINT SYSTEM In all classes except Ladies:
1st, 10; 2nd. 9; 3rd 8; `4th 7: 5th 6th '5; 7th 4 .: 8th 3;
9th 2 and 10th 1. .
LIGHT HORSES - Section A-5
,,,, ,Commitree, Everett Storey; Norma Riley, Hargey•Hoggart, Judge Nelson
Bilyea, 'Granton.
Entry Fee - 15% from dB winnings from $5.00 up. ._... .. 1. Carriage team in-harness - ' 20 12
2. Road team in harness • 20 12
.4. Single Carriage horse 10, 6
. .4-Single roadster 10 6
5. Gentlemen's Road race, must race horse
"' Shown in class 4 . 15 12
6. Children's Bridal Couple. Under 16 Years
driving harness pony in,buggy... ..... •.... 10
7. Registered Hackney pony on line ' 7
• . 8. Single Harness pony, 11 hands & under. 10
9. Single harness pony, II hands - over' .. , , 10
10. Single Hackney pony. II hands & over.... ' 10
11,Team of harness ponies, '11 hands - under -20
12.4 Team of Hackney pontes, 11 hands'- over. 20
Committee • Stanley Jackson, Oliver Anderson.
All cattle being exhibited at the Fair will require 'a negatIve test for
Brucellosis conducted within 60 days of' the opening' day of the FAIR,
1) Bulls under 8 months of age
2) Steers
It, is the res4n4bility of the exhibitors to Contact.the Health of Animals
Branch office serving this area, at least 3 weeks prior to the
commencement of the Fair. The test ;will be. conducted by an officer of the
Branch, free of-charge.
Sec. B-1 Shorthorn'-
Sec. B-2 Hereford
Sec. B-3 -Charolais
Prize money paid in each of the Sections will be:
$45; $35; $25; $23; $20; $15;'$13; $10; $8; $6,
In order-for our Society to be eligible for the 50% Federal prize
money grant, there MUST be three exhibitors in eachobreed or groups of
breeds. If there are. not three, exhibitors the Society will pay, 50% of the
prize money offered,
, •
5 `3
8 4
8 6 4
5 3' 2
8 6 4
8 6 4
8 6 4
12 ' 10
12 10 5
CommIttee-011ver Pryee, Wm, Dale,- Warden Haney "
Section A-2 Clydesdale
Section A-3' Percheron
Section A-4 Belgian
C 1.Brood mare with foal by side 6 5 4 3 2
2. Foal of 1973 6' 5 4 3 2
3. Filly or gelding, 3 years old •• 6 5 4 3 2
4. Filly or gelding, 2 years old 6 5 4 3 ' 2
5. 'Filly orgelding, 1 year old 6 $ 4 3 2
6. $100.00 Special.; '$5.00 entry fee; otte entry from each exhibitor .-
$15; $13; $12; $11; $10; $9; $8; $8; $7; $7."
7. Township Special: For best '3 horses 'from any municipality.
not necessarily owned by one exhibitor - $12; $9; $6; $3.•
8. Best handled colt led by boy or girl 17 years and under $5; $3; $2.
9. Best heavy horse on grounds - Badge,
10. Light draught team in harness 35 '30. 25 20
i1. Percheron team in harness 35 30 25 20
12. Belgian Team 'in Harness 35 30 25 20
13. Cylde team in .harness 35 30 25 20
14, Commercial 'team in harness 35 30 25 20
15, Single commercial horse in harness 15 10 8 5
16. Four-horse tandem hitch $10:00 per entry
17. Unicorn Hitch ' $15.00 per entry
In classes iI, 12, 13, 14 if there are more than 5 entries in a class the
class may be split to light and heavy .at the discretion of the committee
• with full prize money paid.
(Breed Competition)
Class Date of Birth
1. Bull May I, 1975 - Dec. 31, 1975
2. Bull Jan..1, 1975 - April 30. 1975
3. Bull- 1974
4. Female 1975
5. Female (with calf or showing evidence of being in calf) 1974
(calf not to be considered in the placing of the class)*
6, Female with her 1976; calf of foot - Calf born on or after Jan.. 1, 1976.
The calf may be-of either sex. The cow and her calf are to be judged
as a "unit" in this class or if shown in the "group" they cannot be
shown individually. ,
The placing of the cow 'and calf units is left to the discretion of the
judges, Wit .a4,a guideline points should be allocated to each
animal on a 50.50 basis if the calf is nearing weaning age.
7. BREEDERS HERD (Bred and Owned by exhibitor)
The registration certificate for each respective animal must show the
exhibitor as "breeder" and as "owner" - in, both cases either as an
individual nr in partnership. In other words, the exhibitor may be a "joint
owner" of an animal and/or the "joint breeder" of an animal.
Therefore the animals must be:
1. Owned and bred by the' exhibitor. or
2, JOintly owned and bred by the exhibitor, or .
3. Owned and jointly bred by the exhibitor, or
4. Jointly owned and jointly bred by the exhibitor. •
All breeding class entries including the female with colt at toot class
must have been performance tested under an officially recognized Beef
-Cattle Testing Program. Animals not old enough to have completed test
will be eligible for showing provided that 'evidence-is available to show
that they have been enrolled in an officially recognized "Beef Cattle
Testing Program."
Note: For the purposes of the Beef CWtle Classifications one entry
shall be inter* ted is follows:
All registered beef cattle of one breed. whether owned by one person
or more than one person (individually or jointly) which are maintained on •
one farm or breedint unit are considered to be the production of one farm
or breeding unit.
Seaforth Agricultural Society authorizes twirentries per class in a
maximum of two classes:In. Section B.
Perth Huron -Shorthorn Club will present Rosettes to'the exhibitors
of the Champion Shorthorn' male of the Show, and to the Champion
Shorthorn female of the Shoal, donated by Past President Frank Falconer.
Fall Fair Dates
Sept. 3 - 4
Brussels Sept. 21 &.22
Exeter Sept. 24 & 25
Kirkton Sept. 10 & 11
SEPT. 16 & 17
Sept. 3 - 6
Sept. 22 • 26 Stratford,.
Oct. 9' Teeswiter
Thur. Night Sept. i-"6
See Merchants' Displays!
Griod Program!
Entry Fee - $1.00 perslass
Jr. Classes (3.6,9,14 el.5) No entry fee.
Jr. age 16 & under as of January 1/76
Every contestant must pay a $2,00 membership fee.
.fudging at 11:00 sharp.
Prize Money - 510.00, 7.00, 5.00, 3100
I . Showmanship at Halter
Trophy donated by Doug. & Norma Riley, Reg.Quarter Horses
2. Trail Classes
3. Pony saddle class
4. 'Equitation - English Tack
Trophy donated by Seaforth Jr. Frmers
• . Flag Race
6. Junior Potato race
Trophy-donated by Seaforth Freeze-King
7. Western Pleasure
Trophy donated by Hoggart. Transport
8. Parade Class •
lunior Barrel Crawl. Through
• Vole Bending
rophy donated by G. & J. Sholdice, Reg. Quarter Horses
11, Musical Bags
12. Cc •aurne Class
13. Novelty Game - Ring Spearing
14.,'Po., Race -,II to 14 hands'
• 15 5••ny Race under 11 hands
BEEF CATTLE Section 13"
A group of 4 animals. Both sexes- to be represented.
Each animal in the gfoup must have been exhibited in one of the
above classes.
Entries must Meet with the requirements set out in GENERAL
All entries must be owned by and registered in the flame of the