The Wingham Times, 1894-12-28, Page 8XMAS. 1894 RISTMAS IFT t IIVOZ211 WINDOWS, ebena'a greatest rind cheapest store 'rt11 ' i.�'r (.» �. 4 "..'i�1.L E ., DECEMBER 28, 1894.. that to tceure filch elt'etiuns, iia order they may bonus vertairr woi'ksin town. We siraecreiy hope that sueh concil- iates onchixates wilt be left at home. Bonusing days are past, and any establish» mon that cannot be carried on with- out the citizens' hard earned money had better shut down,—The date for receiving applications for the posi- tion of science master in our High School expired on• the 24th, but we have not heard as vet who the for- tunate individual is. We know the MUSICAL EXCELLENCE, board and Principal Macliurcbie ARTISTIC DESIGN. have been doing their best to obtain the best anon available. --The Chris-:DifliABLE CONSTRUOTION, tiara Endeavor societies of the town Catalogue sent free on appli- held a union prayer meeting in cation.. Guthrie Presbyterian church,. at 7 It all kinds of Holiday Uoods-al- f o'eloek ase 01 ri t �Tl MORII+ J FtIL.D - ROGERS -CO everything imaginable, suitable Jody and, everybody ---at unmet Tow prices. We make special pri educe purebaaipg Tars week. er shopping now ---avoid the rus a, antihurry that the next week to bring --at tbis great beadquart oli!day Goods. CLOAKS. for was a goad train out and the meeting ZISTOWEL. ses was ver)- inspiring.—Mr. W, Mont- HALSEY PARK, Agent, Wixornar, Do golnery, our enterprising merchant h- tailor, was united in the bonds of interest that you have always shown arsis matrimony, on Tuesday last at 10 a, towards us, in the pursuit of our • m., to Miss Lena Taylor, slaughter of studies, the cheerful assistance you Bir. Taylor, of the firm of Torrance have at all times been willing to & Taylor, tindertal ers, ete. 1211 render and the energy and enthu- Ie Most astonishing . December off 'cryr can have a new Cloak for X lion't have to wait until next year. e cutting the prices d-e•e-p and tiler i;' owl eholoe for early buyers -choice nod at wholesale prize, DRESS GOODS. Simply untouchable, never such Dr foods at ouch prices -highest styl est art, newest weaves -all at gees aced prices. GLOVES. f you wish to' make a holiday p t of a pair of . Gloves -if you do ow "her" size, or the color she'd Ilk i1 hey can be exchanged for any oth ize. en Henry acted as groomsman, while siasm with "which you have entered mos, hiss Taylor, of the bride,x?r We sisterI - - into your 1vor•lc and endeavored to e's for" ed the duties of bridesmaid. infuse into your pupils. Kindly ac - of The presents were numerous and eept this Album, wltieh we now,pre- costly. Mr,. Montgomery is an enter- sent you with. Were the gift muck prising, ehristian young nran and : more costly we feel that you would highly esteemed. We wish hila and be worthy of it, but it is not given to his bride long life and happiness.--- ! you as a reward for service rendered, • lin the Royal hotel,. on Saturda even- ' . Y affection for you, and we would like • ing, between a young man from, tlae you to be cheered with this thought rets- country and one livingin town. One b rat 3 that ourselves better from e___ • of these young men thought he was having had you as our teacher; and er a second edition of Corbett and i' as you go away to pursue your roamed the streets all day like a studies far farther usefulness in life, Goliath in quest of this other young' our earnest wish is that your efforts he man, who, by the way, is -not given may be successful, and if it is not Line to fighting, but all the same is quite our privilege ever to meet you here proficient in the manly. art. When again, we trust that we unwell meet ens es, tly , I,uite "t pugilistic contest took place but as an indication of our love and HANDKERCHIEFS. Otyr show is the greatest outside t city; with hundreds of elegant Lin.. %Silk, and Lace Handkerchiefs to mo vu$ make t",e price clo that.. a . FOR MEN. fr, qualities always -in Ha ar. Underwear, Silk Muffle tiers,. Socks. Collars and Cuffs ed Clothing or Ready, -made. - FURS. rices this week lower than the to ramie --always and only on the highe rade of reliable Furs, every sort e+f F .-arment offered now at prices that ar peerless for perfeut goods: Price redue tion begins now --not Christmas eve no net, year --but crow, by struck once or twice by the would- t again in that happy* land where there tb, be pugilist, he became aroused and will be no more parting. rs, dealt his assailant a number of blows, Signed on behalf of the scholars which soon•rade lois phiz unrecoeniz- of S S '.T. e I'ast w.-...anosl m- st ur able. Now he's sorry that he spoke, '' I.AUTH1;�1IA DEACON, • as he will be scarcely able to .recog- 1IABE1, liasoN. nize the hole in his countenance in ! order to demolish his Christmas tui- Bi+.;LMORE. e key-.— Another encounter took place ' At the aunaat meeting of the 0. int,stablisbinent, but was B. No. 11, the following officers the same r for the light weight championship, •• were elected for the ensuing year : and one round decided the contest. t BB M., John Mulvey ; .D. M., 1). H. eonspieuously absent at such tinges. J, A. Fleming; Chap., J. Hall; M. 11. WINDOWS. ItARRISTO`d•. The town presents„ a. rather de /tad appearance since: the schools :tosed. The whining school boy,. with his satehel and shining morning face,; creeping like a snail, unwi1l- fngly to school, is not seen on the streets, Most of the students are �vaylrorne to lay in: a reserve of Menfial energy for the coming term. iss Kate McCready is visiting ',i sister in Forest, near Sarnia. .Silas Edith Alexander is visiting fiends in Oshawa.—Mrs. Alexander *visiting friends under the parental roof in EIrna lttr. Sam, McCready, sou ;of our esteemed P M.,. -4s home fY olfr :attending Toronto University. iErit, is +a•elever young Haan and will tto doubt give a good account of hint.-. zeif •- ..Mr. Schmidt, classical and iglish: Master in our High School,is on his Holiday tour via Stratford nd 1'aerlin.---;air. Dan. Hamilton, her in in Alexaandria High School, n•tends eating his Christmas turkey under the parental roof.—Mr. Mills, foi°rneriyr Science Master in our High Seho*ci, and now in his final year at (ttont° University, is renewing old acquaintances in town.—Miss Annie Miekie, wile is attending the school of gogy, is visiting her parents, ho have removed town. -.Miss Rose •ilson is visiting relatives in Detroit. a, ~wilt also perforin the duty of aid . while in the neighboring n city.—Mr. J. D. Campbell, been attending the sehool of y, remained over a night m- ing old acquaintances, on his f home to f leiifarroty. - Alias t Clapp is visiting- friends fzi et, Prince Edward comity.-�. k Fieher has riSigne'd his school r :hoshill, and is coming back to AL Our constable wakes it a paint to be llarsltall ; R. S., 'Wm. Lane ; Treas., S., ;John Hartley; D. of C., ¶Vin, II1rt- EAST WAl'4'ANOu.Ii. ! ley; 0. T., A. Dustow ; I. T., W. Mr. Thos. Welsh is engaged in (.eidarns. After election of officers a eaitting wood for Mt Wm. Rath,— very enjoyable time was spent in Miss Coventry, of-fsi-. In, is spend- readings, recitations, etc. --At their ing the Clir istee a ' ffolidays with last meetingthe L. 0. L., No.. 852, friends on the 4th concession.-- elected the following officers : W. M., Messrs. McLarty, Fraser, and Boyle John Abram ; D. M., John Mulvey ; have finished their contract cutting R. S., W. Lane; Chap., J Ballagh; saw logs and wood at llrs, E. Barri- Treas., .7. La,uonby; F. S., P. Terrill; son's.— A, number of sheep have been D. of C., 7. Fleming.; 0. T., J. worried by dogs on the 6th conees- Baker ; T. T. C. Adams. sion lately. There are a lot of use- _ sense_____T �.__ MoGowaw.-In East \'arawanosh, on the 16th inst., the wife of Mr, G. R. M Gowat, less dogs roaming the country. -- Mrs, Wm. Wight/Ilan, of Manitou, Man., is visiting friends on the Oth ea?neeaSion. , a daughter. A cheese factory will be erected ���`� G.RAY-McKt zz.AnMARIti At the Manse, on the farm of Mr. Geo. Quinn, con. Blyth, on December 26th, by the Rev. A.. 3. 4. canvas of the farmers in that Miss Effie Mato liar, owe Mor`laicng,ha°; to vicinity has been made, and the tRrtP:t..-•TAsKCR-At the residence of above action deeided upon, This is the bride's parents, Seaforth,on the 25th a move in the right direction, as haste by tae Rev, Mr. Fair, A2r. Thos. there is more money in cheese han a zooid of Culross, to :Miss E. of Tasker, almost anything the farmers can en- Tasker, youngest daughter Mr. J. gage in—The nominations for Reeve, lint,--GsAWDY.-!n Clinton, on the Deputy and Councillors will be held inet., by the Rev. A. Stewart, Mr. on nest, It I : A. Bell, of Bruce°eld, to Alias K, Grawey, of Walkerton. B.: ATTyr THo11SPaoN.--At the resi- dence of the bride's father, 16th con., offer for re election, and in that case ! bGoderizh township, on the 19th Inst„ Air. Shied, the present Deputy -Reeve I Vernvto Miss Elizabe h, ldestadaugh- will be a candidate for the Reeveship, ter of Mr. Robt. Thompson. Whether he will have oppositioix or trAni-Ebttorr�s.--At the reagi- rot,. zve are Mt prepared to say, ()etc: by Rev. A. D. McDonald, D, D. N'ondination day will disclose Whfrthe Mr. Archie Dunham, to Miss Mary, aspirants far office Will be. ',fir.. eldest daughter of Mr, John Edmonds, Jabez J'ennyna has disposed of his " 1''c''th' °t Seafort. farm consisting' or 100 acres, to den f the � de ou W dnresday, Dee. :Mlessts:. Patton Bros., for the sum/ of 10th, 7 . B. Keeler, Jeweler, and Jennie $4,000. He wwflf not give possession: McMillan, both of Teeswater, or a short, time SetrarOie•ellowr. wer. -At the residence Addis and Presentation. - ens nthof the bride's father, Morrie, on Dee. Tleursslayr afternoon or Fast week that Skelton by to Lavine dThee George angt ter of Min, me r.. pupils of School S °tion No. 9, East Ohae. Rowlett, both of Morris township. aVawant h, presel�.ted their teacher, I . iss M. Halliday,, with a 'beautiful Monday is -a settled fact, we understand, that Mr. T. II. Taylor, the present Reeve, will not ebtatn that 1st C. he Inissed p • He will do it too:---.1'ael 1 owes left for Tara to eat their Christ- 1 Ica << ;_ ` their friend hose I)tw - - ould t tt tion tile. Tata to keep an eye on titer tort "sports," for they are tl tilting, ',r heyr,are " math- h d may be instrumental be hearts.. --A rn p has been opened op 0prxxftr' the queen's w islI triactcrs nre be f.t A mmtmbei• i,t' can- ly , expressed to' their fbar- IIs +are mamas ' 1» lush album, as a tokens of their re- MOTTO Bard, The following address wile The tonna' rneeti - of the Bluevale react by Miss Mabel Mlason, and the Cheese and ButterF Ctory Oo.'•v, limited, arCstYntfttiayn made by Miss T uphelnily will be held in the oresters' Hall, Blue- a.ten : vale, on Satur ty t anuary 12th, 1895, at 1.30 o'Cloolt p P.., for the nfeotton cf Tey 3Tx`t 1f.etr xfsAv, Directors an, to the transaction of any mkt rr,at ti:;xz A" p taivirjr _,A8 other busine=. at maybe brought berate is time is drawing, near when' alae the meeting. A. dividend of 10 nor cent. "" on the paid r capital of the Company the Treasurer's office ter the close of the meet. By order, JOHN 13TJI't(ES'•l, Sae. VOICE CUL'TR, ._. appy utrion that has Itithertoexis tween us as teacher and scholars trout be severed, we cannot allow the porta ty to nom without in some ay anaudit tlmg our esteem and re- card for you. We regret exec rg. that; ft be eou:ton necessary for you leave ups, because we relieve re bad OW welfare at hurt,. beams quits ertdent Raga will be payable at tl T ' immediately of $ MRS. ETHEL ORR a prepared to reoeive ppupil% fa tiles Gave, For ternary" her reeiviltineft ItiFratesbr PIVM t,, terhattie, , REALITY AGAINST SHAW' ! PRACTICE ' AGS INS` THEORY t. AO* Read the Plain Truths in this Advertisement about our Low Prices. SCYN"" Have $8,0OQ worth of G oodr wh.ie1 mut be dis- posed of ?.ars the next three months. ----coNsrs rxNc CLOTHS FOR SUITING FUR- NISHINGS AND UNDERWEAR, VALISES AND GENT'SU RTRUNKS„ and the Largest and Best selected Stock of BOOTS and SHOES in to'' n, i1.nd in order to move thelnwquiek, we have marked them right down to hard time prices. Profits will be en- tirely ignored, the goods being bought for cash, and being under no expense for rents or hired ltel p, we have taken this method of sharing the hard tinges with our numerous customers. Next Saturday there will be a dropin prices s,v a of all classes of Goods in this establishment, hitherto unknown in Wingbam or el - a icre, and we uaantee e that our prices will be such as will satisfy the closest cash purchasers. Note a few of the same: Men's Knee Boats whole t k A. Good Long Boot °' $2 75 " 2 35 s oc ,gram leather,regular $3.50 now -$2;00. Boys Long Boots, whole etook,grain leather " $2.25 " $184 Men's kine 13a1s and Congress " $1.25 " $1.15. at 44" $1.05 " $1.85, $2,00 " $1.05. 4' ,t Men's Long Boots,side sear,whole stoek,regular $3.00 now $2.45} Meat's Lung Boots " $1,75 " $1.29 Boys' Good Long Boots, grain leather " $1,60 " $1.85' Men's fine Bale and Congress " $1.50 " $1.25 Ladies' Dongolabaisorbntton,tipedorplain .4 $1.75 " $x.26 A Large Stock of Youths', Boys' and Children's Low Boots at Cost, At these prices it must be distinctly understood it is for Cash and Cash only. t "Boots and Shoes repaired in the neatest ?incl most substantial manner at the most reasonable prices. 4, Winghanl, Oct. 30th, 1894. J. J, HOMUTH 84 SOS, WINOHAll4, 1?IL'b.• 4 \:rDAvinsos.--In Wingbam, on Dec. 23rd ,1Margeret Pearl, daughter of Mr, Win. What's the good of waiting for it to turn up and then not be able to "Fill dDavidson, aged 4 years, 4 months acid 8 bill"? In the interval, got yourself in shape by taking a course in the ays. \ ....,..�. > .. t °levering, Grey on December 26th, latberine McIntosh, beloved wife of the late James Simmie, and aunt of P. Fisher, Esq., of Wing - ham. Funeral from G. T. R. station at 3.30 p.m. to -clay (Friday) to the Wingharu Cemetery. Iuvrn--In East Wawanosh, on the 20th instant, Mary Ann, relict of the Tato Thos, Irvin, aged GC years, 9 months and 20 days. Ross.--Iu Clinton, on Deo, 21st., Isa- bella, wife of Rev. Alexander Ross, aged 69 years. WAITING FOR SOMETHING TO TURN UP... DB. NicLELLAN, LONDON, ONT., 231 lnttnJaa, Strvut, tri Forest City Business and Shorthand College of London, Ont. We lay great emphasis an our practical °puree. See our proof, our successful. students. A. M. Stewart has received the position as travelling auditor with the McCormack Harvesting Co., Winnipeg. Write us for catalogue and particulars, addressing carefully, College re -opens Jan. `Ind, 18M. .EYE aiu7 TEAR SURGEON, j Graduate of the New York Bye and ,Ear hospital; 1889. Post Graduate Course on the Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat at the New York Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital,1892. Eves tested. Glasses Applied. Fine stock of Spectaoles,Lenses and artificial Eyes. Will be at the Rattenbury House, CLINTON, The first FRIDAY of every nionth,at date named below: Next Visit, January • 4th, x895. Hours, 10.10 a. m, to 4 p, u1. Charges Moderate. EMIL AJW1 with snap shot bargains to suit the times. WATO H ES,. Elgin, Waltham, Roeltford, Columbus, warranted for four years, 0R $6_175 WALNUT CLOCKS, From $2.50 up. We have the largest and most complete stock of . SI ,V'ERWARE, . suitable for wedding and birthday presents, in the county. EVESIGX T TESTED I''REE, Io"Aratches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired at lowest rates, and fully guaranteed, by MUNSHA W, The Optician. Winghar, Nov. 15th, 1804. POWDERS Cter. smite HitADAOH1 rad tetratsls In hO MrNuret.t she context Tongue )ixxi• Ms*,1}I etwonroraa, Koen to ti,. Pit. Conal ono Torpid raver, Sacci ]:aratath. Ta stay' a tv d aalnd rrga1atr Our bovn ks. WOW Macs tt•Q TAW . Pivot it straw Ar Q*U# Suitt Here W. WESTERVELT, Pnineip?d.. re in! -AND- A LITTLE THE C ... EAPE T IN TOWN. Just look at a few of our prices: 30'lbs. of Bright Ilaw Sugar for $1 • 24 tbs. of Granulated Sugar for $1; 50e. Teas for 35c. per 1b,; 12 Bars of Electric Soap for 25e.; 5 medium size Lamp Glasses for 25c.; ,t3 Lamps or $1,50. DINNER SETS, TEA. SETS, TOILET SETS and all lines of CHINA, CROCKERY and EARTHENWARE at COST. Now is'your time to buy. "A. dollar saved is a dollar made." Priees away down, -a:,s. we are leaving town, at the i✓tar Store,1LtcnoNALn DwCic, WingbaH. ,' a E EXTRAORDINARY., • BOOTS AND SHOES TWO BIG STOCKS IN ONE. 6,000 PAIRS of SHOES to be SLAUGHTERED, Goan nRC Tranixt Have decided to close their Seaford/ Store, and remove whole stock to Wingharmi. We must have room and in order to make it we will commence on Saturday, December x5th, an extraordinary Clearing Sale of every- thingnow.in stock. 'We realize that hi order to dispose of both stocks thi season, the prices must be very low. The Goods will be laid out in special lots at special prices, from which you can take your pick. We intend to I/lake this Clearing Sale the talk of the County. Don't spend a dollar in Shoes until you see our priers at this Great Sale, Commencing Saturday, Dee. 15th, to be continued until the Wingham store can hold both stocks. `TRUNKS ' AND VVALXSES are bulky and take up much room. and room counts just now. M. stock of these goods recently purchased will share in this Great Clearing Sale, - If you are needing a Trunk er Valise or Leather Bag, we invite inspection of our etoete, which is or the very best quality and you will not lincl fault with the prices. GOOD BROTHERS1 The New Shoe icteric, '' highalam. BOOTS AND SHOES NEATLY E}:PAIRED.