The Wingham Times, 1894-12-28, Page 7Course Dinner. The Face. A. correspondent Sends to The 1 f tl .THE T.:) ES, DECEMBER 28', 1894. Companion an aniusinglittle anecdote wIInT IT ISP (0. cu LY STW1'Oyi D T TEL o>r oH,i,IZA+r'1'�R. f James Russell Lowell. and his wife,•- - 1 It f a great batt that it e a 1 r se it ttLat pne• bole of burn candy . p feminine reader's, le onge an o0 , evacuates its peel - Not what it rood to be. AFTER THE NEXT T GREAT BAT f GE' Two small brays were standing in wee conqueror Will Rave No Time to j adoorway with their hands in theirLucie After the wounded, OCl{etS as the reporter waited for a Let me briefly adumbrate the possibil- ' p lties—indeed, I may flay the probabilities ear and over -heard them talking as of the rasa e ole in the follows OR the ground that "misery likes Brown eyes are the host kindly.Say, Jim m3 , I g next great war, which is sure to be "short, of trnn down that it may our: correspondent results ratty hard- nothink but a little red f peculiar interest to Black eyes are the most rash and : atiarpibi edsecisi0l"lee+figk►tng haedbee�iopra p and a later book The incident nllpetuous 1 d d bl ay with the rasa be g when, as l • ll indicates an, aide is definitely beaten, _ as ain't fit fur me little sister to cut .9,11h retl in early spring, course l A pouting upper . P tions and retreats more or less precipitate., ' dolls out er. Dat's all I got fur six .all housekeepers know, the Course o£'insigni#ieant luau. ly, leaving on the ground its wounded, ]veelcs' a hustlin ire lac brelcfus household affairs is apt to be more or An open mouth is 'the sign of an crone ot whom could be cared for while the less disturbed. empty beset. conflict lasted. The succeesful command- • every Sunday mornin and welkin As Mr. Lowell was leaving the ex's ground fs littered with his own wound- . six blocks to dat Sunday skate at house in the morning his wife said to him : • "Now, James, Ir beg of you not to ,i, 'bring any one home to dinner today. W e are too much distracted with house-cleaning to cook, and the pros- pect is that there will be little for Bus to eat. " Mr, Lowell promised to heed her .request, but as evil luck woulcl have it, he met during the day the oldest :son of an English family with Ivliom he bad been on terms l• ip 0 -me to d coy els the court of St. ' fellness beneath the eves. y to t s of friendst while Minister to le Oblique eyes are .James. In fact Mr, L' owell's part - Coarse hair always indicates coarse ' ed' he has them on his hands in thousands, Forty-seventh street and en hurryin organization• and he has also on his hands the thouflandc ' tru me dinner to get to t'ather one force Large ears are found on the heads of Coarse people, thefuture, if he accepts the olci tape OcrL wnz. I used tel ge,t 1 burden. of his adversary's Is dal all you 2 of the wounded of the vanquished which has gene away. The conqueror of up by Sixtieth. T'ings ain't wet dey u era, +s wound- +got broke in the Ventiona ur en. 11,g A projecting upper lip shows ma- i ed, will become its victim. He will not other, with a chuckle. I went to nity and avarice. . (, accept the incubus, Is it to imagined t'ree and iV1 y one uv'eln gimme a Pointed noses generally indicate that the victor in such circumstance EWS HEN SHA CHINESE ' CUTS DOWN TUE PRICE. Of W ' A�A9N4 • LAUNDB.Y.' . K. �. , STEAK, PER and other meats i►, low proportiv PORK SAUSAGE also on band, . think twice even about bis own big box o' good gumdrops and sick meddlesome people. I wounded, let alone the wounded of the and a book, ' Dat's t'ree Very full cheeks indicate great other side? No. He is in the field, not to :,`,'"11,.e aoos and t'1 ee boxes, and only been be a hospital nurse, but to follow up his dl l dvaittage by hammering un the enemy ° t0 ane 0' them skates four weeks, 1 b t Baume td who may come back egaiin ? a book all 'about iightln, wid re strike hien while clogged in , The undersigned has opened a Laundry in the I, BRICK I -WILDING- RUST NORTH OP OHIS110141'S DRUG, STARE, y� Winghatn, and is prepared to do digestive powers. who has°departed, leaving his own wound• 1 and dat skute dun the es — • d Power of language is indicated by ed behind, at Jis' the live and des sy s • ' ' my luck. Where cli'd you. get �r the show eut]rlll] I overtake or hang on the skirts of the van- I em ? If you want your ing words to the young man, only a Y g and deceit. 1 versaquishd army, leaving the wounded of i Aver to dal place nex' Brady's on i few months before, had been: If the forehead be shorter than the both sides to be dealt with as may be pos- , "When you come to America, be I sible by such surgeons as he can afford, iu Leventh avenoo in de morning and sure to visit its.. Your welcome is nose the sign is stupidity. view of future contingencies, to leave bi,. Iclear down ter Thirty-ff' street in de ad for ou." Large eyes in a stnall.fftice airways I hind and to the ministrations of coemo- y Y 1 p For d debris of yester unfavorable; battle. The visitor will hasten. awa ALL KINDS. of LAUNDRY WORK in the best style and at the cheapest rates,. Parcels called for and delivered, Please .call and try our wo. Wingham, Nov. I, 1.894, SING LEE,. EiTIZEL= .always re Naturally, therefore, he now forgot betoken maliciousness. om- Red Cross and kutdted organizations. For • bearer c his wife's admonition, and insisted Narrow, thin nostrils indicate there will be no more military small lungs and low vitality. I panics. In the hunker for fighting men :upon the young Englishman's man's going the 1,000 bearers per army corps of the home with him. toon dinner. strong with arms to their hands The dinner consisted of "pickled Blue eyes belong to people of an ; present will have been incorporated into fish and potatoes. The guest,was enthusiastic turn of mind. and a place brigadein the with arms line. •evidently puzzled. He bad never Short, thick, Curly Bair iS an indi Treasure Swelters in Mexico. ,,,<eaten "pickled fish" before. Mrs, cation of great natural strength. The discovery of a few scattering gold Lowell, meantime, was haunted by The by a party of treasure seekers near thoughts of the. apple pie that was to Freckles, like red hair, are an in- c ohiea, Mexico, has at1ded new zest to the to be search for the millions in gold said • buried on the Hacienda of Jalpn, and for finish rho repast. Her sensations dzcation of an ardent temperament. + a of are now axes• titan amateur philanthrophists ot the c may be imagined when the English- A long forehead indicates intent- • b eh several large parties daintily with the• short forehead, activity. vating u b flee 000 0 ntents o his plate, , Irregular teeth generally indicate That amount, according , e most Courteous manner „ being the product of iuuumPrt(bleonsisteof Dttn 's Catarri a1liPowdelr,ediffttsestlthis -noiv that 11Irs. Lowell will a lack of culture and refinement, - was conaealod by bat belie �ddits tty ,years ago, One short p+a(F oC the �refl ' t al I 1,. , nd as • .sure is the nes 1 w i man, after playing C a Bence; a , t ndie military nroteetion. 'i'he £1 to remarked in arnouint buried is said to e ti , 00. , ll idicat0 t to local traditions, Catarrh relieved in 10 to 60 mink tout- e of th y , res. The ties t The Powderoverthe surface of pardon me if I omit the fish course. Grey eyes are generally fou . Eq SOCIfLtI d with prudence and fore-' gold and sister as well as corals. No Equal to Et. I former possessor. says x1 rorresptnicleut passages. Painless and delightful to use, sight. •, of the St. Louis Globe -Democrat, it relieves instantly. and permanently As a cure fge, wide -spreading iIOStriIS was Cristobal Nava, the leader ot I aures Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds. Efead- lth 1 a band of 800 desperadoes, who was i ness. 60he. e cents. At ChisholThroat, Tonsilitia um's Drug out or Frost Bites, Chilblains, afternoon, and I had ter hunt, I kin FALL tang WINTER tell ver, fur one as was open evenin's; but feller in skate tole o' one where they does thinks s s is r - rjr ties, incl I tride it fur four weeks, an and deyse de ones gimme de boor:' about fightin'. Let's you and rue work pards nex' year, eh? We kin work t'ree or four each and divvy. I ;cess if de thing's worked right dere's a good deal in it. I • — But here the car came along. I am prepared to pay the highest for all kinds of fowl, 'rimy must be dr and well dressed. Gk10. SH, Wingham, Oct. 3,0th, 1803. BANK of U' A iLTO INGHAM. Capital, $1,260,000, Best, '$650,0 President—Jona Eaws'. Vtoe-President—A. (*. 11AMeAT. • DIF.EOTORE loax eaooroa. Gan. Rocca, WM Giesow, M P. i1. x"; WOUD,. A. 11. Lam (Toronto). Oashler—J. TURNBUL.L., Savings Frank--Houre.leto $; Saturdays. TO 1. Deposits of yl and upwards recall ed sad fntere. n a l Ali 1 ' k 1' k in de Seven sue NttC9 I IS Alda Chafing Chapped Lar Suras an c ' Breasts Sprains, show ample runes and god 1 ea Wounds, rut Inflamed b 0 1 nut to death in a horrible manner V . Honda, d Bruises, Hagyard's Yellow Oil his followers. is the most reliable remedy on theVery tightly closed lips are usually ; neck and left himlte They in one ahim t the the 1 aracterS i t n one of th market. • It aro snec.a. dad u found in secretive Cis 1 caves where they were won t rendezvous the The PlilloSoph er. An irregular', knotty forehead is a ; Pedro -mlot • of the bandits. Thiylead- sure sign of a bold, original and in- I en, at the outbreak the the war for national The web of human fortunes is vestigating mind. independence, induced his followers to an • rate for the time, their • .•� "WOCen 1n eternity. abandon, at } Eyes, Which, when Viewed from evil courses and fight for thrix country. art a life B� r..,lrnnw how to i,,, _r nnrsi.11nl with idea hailed with patriotic enthtiseem - :enjoyv a little and how to endure Anecte The race of mankind would perish •d'd they cease to aid each other. It is good to have the brain packed -ftv side --- - -- 1 mental and d carried intoe act. b their treasure Prominent, arched eyebrows show recover it noon the coming of peace• Most great power of perception in regard ' .ofthe were r killed whereabouts int tattles which to form a lire was not all put atasm an Before corn - physical organization. mending their new enterprise they buried tb ' in the ground, intending to Store. "Subscribe for the TIMES and Weekly Globe. V. a year. - Mr. Wm. J. Chesney, of Seaforth, was in the act of cleaning his shotgun when it was accidentally discharged, blowing the side of his head off. G owes en rr atcurrent. Special Lepostts, also received of interest Drafts et, Great 'Britain end the United 1`tstlis: bought and sold B. WILLSON, Aonwr• nacre in the latest style, go to E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. JDD PRINTING, H. I[I e a y I'INCLUDING hooks, Pamphlets, Posters IIoads, Ctreuiars, fie., c., executed 1 style of the art, at Moderate prince. a, 4 I notice. Apply or address $ ALLIOTT, opposite Bank of Hamilton, Times °Mee, Win W IN GHAM THE Ti F a ES WAD WEEKLY GLOB A Y'osttive Cure, Burdock Blood Bitters cures all dis- t 1 I eases of the blood from a common Pimple ncl Color. All great paint followed. The communicated to members of etoa the worst Scrofulous Sores or Ulcers, r, Skin Diseases, Boils, 131otehes and all past.ars have such brows. families, but was lost. It was full 0£ images from the healthy in one place, and search will be made for Blood Humors cannot resist its healing Large, clear blue eyes generally t powers• it at other paints from this time on until of great capacity, but j the booty of finally secured. No more It is to live twice when you can enjoy the recollection of your former denote persons ilfsensitive, suspicious, and often un- conflicts have occurred between the the con hAlen McFee, telephone repairer e ' testing searchers for the treasure,a osir te reasonably Jealous. spy Never do anything concerning the rectitude of which you have a doubt. 1 Horizontal eyebrows, full of regu-I uarters Beane or tats Bictivity.s are regularlq Iunderstanding, de- „,,, • Doubts are not overcome with .lar, show great ea unity for planning • enders an b, , 7 be Tin Wedding. andp The tin wedding comas with the tenth �L violence, but with reason and under:j and execution. I anniversary. If a dinner be given. it is 'standing:. 1 �, suggested in 7.'1+e Ladies' Hame Journal Love is the only thing that has a 1 The typical religious enthusiast - that the table ire La ibeautiful'Hotwith pink perennial root and that death cannot pointed nose dish in the centre. Four tonell. The two mos pre i b , this side of the grave are our repute- j A perpendicular, a very high, ora (used for baking cakes in circ the tins. These rings filled with roses and tion and oar life. g ,very short forehead is always bad ; the tins. es.of the. will make prettyates sting on wreaths stun ud The time spent in brooding over either invariably indicates lack of each prattill xnt dish. If a more elaborate troubles, if properly employed would svmi?athY'vlilch does not cltan e decoration be dPa red any tinsmith can U t them• k flower holder u, the =enable y�• f lndt h groom:9 name a has a thin, pale face, retreating fore roses and syringe placed iu adbright ah hthoew Bead, small, keen eyes, poli tin ld- g and retreating chin ing time pink and white t,ouuout cakes, t C Oi]S thin S On etc., may be set in the midst of tin rings , alar sharp )t I �rO,� 1`i VI for the Bell Telephone Co., fell off a pole on the corner of the Woodstock Market square, a distance of 33 feet. He struck a telegraph call -bell, which turned him over on bis shoulder and hip. It is impossible to say now what the injuries are. ecoru ton . you to Kumquat g eX form of the ace ti make a i and that of the 1 ession in. conversation either- initial of the gr A. Splendid idi Combine is cate5 caution or Stupidity. � enihe's maiden c f the table. arena to be planed at il2ilburn's Cod Liver Gil Emulson with Wild Cherry and Hypophosphites A fiat forehead or an abrupt de -o The endtofe round stands ot twisted tin scent at the back of the head are wire made for the teapot, tattled upside is the surest and boat cure for coughs,. ►d lined with pink turned papers, ,colds, hoarseness, bronchitis and asthma. both unfavorable either indicating down k dainty receptacles for 'rice 60e. and d1 per bottle. • o 1 > • ; limited understandin at r salted almonds mac g'• ' or small bubons• If, as is now fashion - Bill, to think that anyone wotticl ; gane, sound juugment and often an Cards of heavy b hardworking man d with mucilage, may beentirely flew' dl�''t poor, 1 � ungenerous disposition. 1 ed in tin foil, and so Black, sparkling eyes, with a able, srnall "individual!' dishes are • +`'',t Street 1+'a kit'-�It'8 a shame lave month, show taste, ole- plied for the almonds, new heart-u1Tu4Use• 1 11Steady,, "patty para will answer the purpose. A Cruel Fraud. ristul. board, very lightly oovere y en ire m v c , „ psmoothly that that Way. The ,Tints and she, owill nobe suspected. The Fakir—Why, Wl hat's Y N t`ee t' Ines may be sciutt<,lted the half a day paintmc up the. artifice wi Anon the Second Street alcir iy, w Take .► >< — goes a nu e trouble ? Weekly Globe will be .sent to any address, A small tin'fiiuuel at each lady's ITJ`ted States First Street Fakir --Here I worked, outface, from now place will make a pret y bouquet holder. in Canada or the ni • till January 1st, 1806, for one dollar, pay. - sparrow for .1a c 1 " Belgian inconsolable• From now till the end of •1895, ilFq TER. :5,1-111_040041:30 DIAMOND D TEA CO. -w S Tet- GI M 1001 TEA IN PERFECTION ct:yf PEOPLE'S PAPER. A New Journal for the Youth. of Canada. CHOICE INDIA alit CEYLON TEA. from the Tea Plant to the Tea Cup, in its Native . Purity, us -- tampered with, sup plied to the public aka strictly W h of e s a11et Prices ; all ll'odiel and profits saved. sparrow into a red-headed e clan able in advance. canary, and I'm bloomed if the feller — - 'rake It. for yourhe trouble. But your sorry, indeed,5 She W ouldn t 'ra Y I sold it to didn't give me a counter love a good man, and we have every reason to fait half-crown for it, Here is some money, my , 'believe that he a happy. I - Brit he always said he could. Famous Selections of the pure Tea of __INDIA, CEYLON, CHINA AND JAPAN - are guaranteed to be of the highest quality. All who appreciate a cup or really fine Tea, possessing pungency, briskness and flavor, are invited to can or write for samples and contrast with other Tea. The prices range fro*, , 20e, upwards. Young people will read; the only ques- tion is, what are they to read? Their. wants are not fully met by any peculiar 01•. In the United ,States several x ellen roared several excellent periodicals are prepared for their benetit,, but they are all expen- sive. 82 a year; The Young outPeoh's le Co np ew nice (cats n a year; (Philadel- phia) $1.^r5; Golden Days( $3. They are and worth ortht. ithelas mcney, but they are luxuries. The YOUNUP50rtn's PAPER is a weekly ((eight -Pagel journal just commenced to Kingston,. Canada, designed for the peru- sal of young persons of bath sexes be- tween the ages of ten and twenty, With a department for childrhen. and idle wat a price within the re or all. ill contain the dream of all the leading American periodicals ne aettt het fcl ke 11 as the many p the Widow I as we replied the, wife. never be happy without mei nature t0 be found in England, m all 1 be sent to any a ; • p rte this A usoloea yYesorfntloir. tion e a due poo lEtjil#e on d, stories, l HI January aryl will m now darling, to 1 1 rte t due p p } dtt or the United Stator, fro Iand in Gana riginal till Janna ab d dearest, but I really d in a ineattatry d d scenery expian Take Notice•—' -The Truss and said the an !f k address I don Come now, > dollar bill and go crit shop- ssbe luredDoctor, how can s eeP es§' these Hill be given in &bit°da me• Amopit twenty ry let, 1836, for one dollar, pay - le in advance. Thank you, ear ,slowly au 1 adventure an i N Time to Lose dont careto; I old rather stay a:t h nd«ed fled theft— t dotter inventions, inatau ria of ta- s whenk lI 1 hill That s all , n , I k bre ntnlhget+n . animals. No u care 'WO u , leo Doo or, won time. "Shall I have to get married i home and sea to the housework. nt er —anent, roar e iAssn d grow tip?" asked little Flossie apes be cured? . ping, Doctor --'Welt, the patient should Count the be°roentirined � ceeountetot �travel. p� e manner, five may atrons of one r has aoand inerit,eto, parents may reef mals.red that, time. 1 Then the husband awoke and but baby can't • f her mother, "Just as You found, as the reader y 1 at a.eproved+ the moral tone of the paper \will be the') ,1 waken I b'ghest clay o e ottn , iva • very t please, dear,'r answered her mother, that he lead been drea'ning. I person- con Smith, ltln ly "liiOSt women do, how- reefed, Brother 11 Mt ins, 'While it is true that price, 50o a year; trial trip ftool two u y ed lido not thinl2 the snore of m• is lay o 1050 dente. The'bazarlp o remit 11!ltll a smile; the, sleep o the dust has often been 'ebbe to by postal order at a Cost of two conte, over."1 "Yes, I suppose so," contintl- li. lnusin 1 "and I Bessie—Theidea( ssie o'Y0u for- inethay err reovtved the gaup a •nP' ; though is i order ing parried rsa y think rho little gt ' g y+ think IT len';. Br start for a husband. h yet are told, us that It is always proval. 1 t edross nough T.J. Shanks, Bideau pe i ' beenThey s:ttr that Aunt Jane has # el- , pals, Out, bnow.een at it f a' twenty years and 'aottcl' to underrate than to exag'g • fl't CLIng11w vats yet." ate. SNos t•° �y s�o%p;� oP '1�Lt ttsm'�a lto ,gig tXi ti iter t AVO 1 c tYe ' t .d �vAKfUtS `;Atae�Y`gcu\ yiec,Cat GU�S'i`i Trtt kektelkni t o4ll'131 ,, ��otoblr �,y,:li to M d 1,\t9 , uG 5oY C U• .00tNt Bit eet`,¢o>L�"nt tli,tdtA r\c•�to\b•�,i^11 qai 1tvo�'ii •care- t�rt t P nr `tj �toicts' y,.. 4%0\ tot e� . l 3 re 0 f” 0%0�� 1 oyV f' Il'g,�.OV'N , t t ` ..d C 1T7i,i ;�enLrg\sO fru;\htlio\"y,o1 c a's i� t off t. • ;`.�koc tt,it°tto�, ��� r• \4�iti,tt ,t �.ttt• \ir i`o'i: ��Cy:,a u�•mv � . i r y oto Yt nog