The Wingham Times, 1894-12-28, Page 64 TUE WO G DAM TIMES, DEC EM1B1i 694 irieY '� 1: �' d,mbtat .'a ah. superinteIldill,rn, tact :ngt��i • I11E(T .laical production. From th r Winter Pruning 1I1 the Orchard ( :� ; lnatkiles the eat as eine + should. be pruned 1, 1 !third one-half n 1 1 t( n l alt f type -pe tea se and gall( l the repurter's desk le ca w, and eventually t( FRIDAY DECEMBER 28, 1 ;1'e. politics. i?or a time ll(' was flrellliE'i of Nuve Scotia. Slimes 1885 he ha , e Opt • rnttles ]t s been one of the foremost fig i the Dominion. ('abinet, and since November, 1882, .Premier of Canada. '1'1gl' ether day he died in Windsor Castle, and to his remains the Ilii + perial Government is according al most ro\11 honors. C. T1 c printer' nto r boy will be brought back to Halifax. in a first-class man-of-war. f t -l. �n P � + son h. gill In 1..,I th( sett of an English Infgrant entered the office of the a Belleville Intelligencer as an appren- I tice. Iie washed rollers, carried !papers, distributed "pi," and did all {'{the chores of a "printer's -devil" till lie became an expert compositor, and ' when his "tinge" was out, a full- ' fledged journeyman. Ills importance i in the internal economy of the office Increased until he found himself able to purchase the establishment from its founder, the late Mr, Benjamin. Forty years ago Macl.enze Howell was editor and proprietor of the In- telligeneer, and until his election to Parliament in 1867, though identified with many .local enterprises, he de- voted to the paper the largest share of his attention. In 1878 he became Minister of Customs. In December, 1892, he was called upon to organize the new Department of Trade and Commerce, and to become Govern- ment leader in the Senate. Only a few weeks ago he was President of the Ottawa Intercolonial Conference. Long the senior member of the Cabi- net, and frequently Acting Premier, he is now First Minister of the Crown and practically the uncrowned king of Canada. George Brown a press -man. Sir John Thompson a press -man. Mac- kenzie Lowell a press -man. Great is the I+ourth Estate ! EDITORIAL NOTES. CANADA AND THE EMPIRE. If anything could alleviate the sorrow which is felt throughout Can- ada in consequence of the untimely d death of, her gifted Premier, it would be the remarkable and even surprising' display of feelleg what it has evoked in the Mother Country, Queen. Victoria herself, under whose roof lie answered the dread summons, has afforded every possible indication that she regards atda th( stroke. as a cl- sonal.alietion. First she calls Sir Charles Tupper to her presence,, and after expressing her extreme grief, " '4'1 •(' O' •ilaP'. 'bids flim send a mes,< } • f s 1 m purport to Lord Aberdeen. Then 'by cable she endeavors to console the stricken household at Ottawa. Then to Senator Sanford, and his wife and daughter, as personal friends of the deceased statesman, :she grants a special audience, and 'repeats,to them her words of tender (condolence. With her own hands Idle places two floral wreaths upon the coffin ere it leaves the castle, and from the only unblinded window therein she watches the mournful aaroeession. Then she commands -that the calamity be regarded as a Stational event, and in accordance -with her decree the Imperial Govern - anent is bestowing on the colonist's clay the most signal and unprece- dented honors. She desires to know, and to have an opportunity to ap- prove, every detail of the funeral ,arrangements. The Iran -of -war Blenheim is called from Gibraltar 10 Portsmouth, and commissioned to •.'convey the mortal remains of the -great Canadian to Halifax. Last of Big PROF. E. E. b 1V ILLI•:, NOV S(•OPIe s('1]oo1. OP HOP.TIt'L''I.TURE. Tile pruning of orchards, asid from any stated time, presents want perplexing problems, for the 1 ease that no conclusions have been reach ed as yet, ' or at least reeo,o,nized jib.* itie x)1'ai 1)n(l, 1 (•. t • fill' I11)US-e, bearing i e leaving a bud on the iodine,a straight t(1 tl outside b11(1 1(101'e tit grewih, ' The e'h('rl'oltic1 1 a little, pinching and 1- being practiced to pro( '•m h ..1(1 1) pro el' 1 ]1 t( 1{ 1 i It I i, l• t 1 - it ie apt to feral gum shag itll(1 cause (teeny. 0 In the v,t,cyards gra pevin q should all laic. down by this tint 1 have only n few vines - who have not clone t 1 see 1 tie it at once, and pinny, as sufficient for the establishing of perfect science of swell practical in s portanco that its application may b easily el. understood 0) 'i ') . 11� 1 el..t (cl , nd followed. Al though the art of pruning has beei _ conducted fl.o 1 time immemorial, n n t('t rule has RS yet been evolved ant1 adopted, and perhaps •never• will, as to how uiueh or how little, whet and show, our finite :should be pro perry pruned. The eleareet solutio. Look Out for Cold Weather but•ride inside of the Electric Lighted and all, the Queen calls into her presence Steam Heated Vestibule Apartment trains lis weeping daughter, and kisses her ,tf the Chicago, Milwaukee [ss St. Paul in the most .motherly fashion—the Railway and you will be as warm, colnfort- or a;overeign for the moment lost in the bnnclo a t :l o t travelee as s bet veer` Ch iC our own library sympathetic woman. Lord Rosebery, Paul and Minnet.polis,or between Chicago, - lord Ripon, and others in highest• Unlnha and 4ioux Clty in these In ions ,authority, joie in the general lamen- tation. What does this mean ? What in- deed but that Canada, as never be- onsly appointed trains, is a supreine satisfaction; mud, Ps the. somewhat ancient advertise- ment used to read, "for further particulars, see small bills." Small bills (and large ones, too) will be accepted for passage and fore, is now recognized ars something s `rte'"ail,„ear tickets, For rletrti:td infor- auore than a colony, and as virtually pm,„l:ger Agent, Torot.tu, Ont. Horse Breeders Moet. in taloa address A. J Taylor, Canadian :an appendix of the British islands :tbemselves. The solidarity of the Empire is no longer a dream. If ,one of its members suffers, all the :members suffer with it. PRINTERS IN POLITICS. Scarcely second to Washington, Lincoln and Grant on the honor -roll of American history stand the names ,of Benjamin Franklin and Horace Greeley. In their hands the press became an agency of incalulable power' for good. The pen and the composing stick were mightier than ,tete sword. Can Canada parallel these names? Let us see. In. August, 18.13, after a brief resi- ' „dente in New York, a young Scotch - man came to Canada with his father, and began the publication of the Toronto Banner, a half -religious, half -political paper,. which in March, 1844, became The Globe. What George Brown and the Globe have 'peen in the history of Canada, if is 1ee(1less here to recite. Suffice it to sey that for nearly a quarter of a• s.elitury they presented the most unique spectacle to be found in journalise the world over: the leader- ship of a political party and the con- duct of its chief newspaper organ centered in one and the same indi- vidual. It is often said that the era of'personal journalism is past—that hereafter, like the London Til11eS, any newspaper of the first rack, in the United States or Canada, will he greater than any sin,r;lo mind ar will connected with it, Perhaps sot but (even if the conditions were favorable, where is the Greeley or the llro%vn tc thrive under theist? afore than half a century ago, John Sparrow Thompson avas Queen's Printer for Nova Scotia.. After giv- ing his sen a common and high School edttesttion, he set him at work in this printing' office. The young ,1 to quickly bee:nme familiar with all the mysteries of the typographic, art. Disking' to become a reporter, t t Sited it knowledge of short Then for several years lief the debates ill the Miserably,' THE ANNUAL SESSION ' OF THE DOMINION DRAUGHT HORSE BREED- ERS' SOCIETY. The exceedingly stormy weather, l together with the dullness in the horse trade, made the attendance at this meeting much smaller than usual Wednesday week at Clinton. The society however enjoys the somewhat unique position of being perhaps the only one for the registration of live stock which has an ample financial basis, and this it continues to hold despite the failing off ill business which has marked the horse trade for some years. The financial re- ports showed that after paying all expenses for the year, the balance in bank is $1d 71, only some $40 less than at the same date last year. The election of officer's resulted i11 the re - tarn of the old staff, including the Council, with the addition of John' Watt, of' Harlock P. 0., the executive officers being : President, John late- I Milian, M. P. Constance ; vice -pros- I ident, D. McIntosh, V. S., Brucefield ; treasurer, P. McGregor, Brumfield ; secretary, James lafitcllell, Goderich..' A .notion to reduce t11e registration ' fee for members from $1 to 50 cents was defeated, and notice of motion• iven for tl - - nal meeting: that the entries for the third volume! would then elose, and the standard' be raised to four registered crosses.; The revising committee consists of; Messrs. McIntosh, Henderson (Nis -1 souri), Curtin (Centralia), Blackall i and Innes (Clinton). Itheut'nstism Cured in a day.—,'youth American Itllenmatio Cure of Itheunlatism tad Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to :3 days. ' Its action ou the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes Si Once the 05.890 of the disease immediately disa) ears. 'The first (rase greatly benefits. 73 cents I Warranted at Oltishotn'stirug store. You need not, be civil to the devil in order to show you ere no bir''ot. p 13L'- .tll, il(+, too .hat s to the stall but gill et, is the application of judgment arc united by practice or the observane( and enforcing of a few general prin t'iples which are attended with the best results.. If in the pruning of any plant these principles are wrong- ly applied, it resolvers itself into one of the host injurious operations that can take place, bat if, on the other hand, they are well directed, it be- comes one of the most useful opera- rth, atn(1 who den, - the trait has ttol•uc+ growth anandsiI(iul(1 1. - to At least three Intel which new bealrin5.); vi If left on the trellis ov tions for the mutual benefit of the plant and pruner. The winter pruning of fruit trees tends to en- courage the growth of wood. and the building up of the tree generally, while sulllmel' pruning, usually carried on in the month of June, when the leaves are • two-thirds formed, assists greatly in the pro- duction of fruit. So at this season of the year we aro confronted with the often repeated query : "Is the winter pruning of apples and other fruits advisable, and under what conditions should it be done; when and how?" ' In pruning the apple in winter, warm clays should be selected during the latter• part of e , alter the severity of the young seasonwinter •has !passed away, especially in climates where the thermometer is liable to register several degrees below zero. The exposure of cut surfaces may cause it to become, injured, and would fail to heal over as readily or as perfectly. Large limbs in orchards that have been neglected are best removed during the wa,rni winter days, enforcing judgment so 08 not to make too large a removal, as it is liable to bring about too great a shoes: to the vitality of the tree, and should be practiced only when necessity calls for it. This removal of large limbs is delicate work, and may be avoided in the orchard by inspecting the trees every winter during their young days, removing cross limbs or over- grown, abundant shoots. These shoots occur generally where orch- ards are pruned the following season, and should be removed by breaking i off. In pruning, remove the limbs; or branches close to the trunk or stem, making the surface smooth with a knife, cutting away ragged edges of bark to prevent liability to decay. The wound should thele be treated with a composition material, serving the purpose of preserving the wood, ! excluding the air, preventing injury : to cell structure slid cracking of the surface of the wound, and assisting the new bark in foraging over the cut tnatde. Any surface of an inch in diameter should be treated. An efficient composition is alcohol and; gum shellac, mixed to form the con-; siste} cy of paint, applied with a brush. 1. Common white lead paint is equally as good. Coal tar may also be used. Winter pruning of enfeebl- ed trees will give them a stimulating vigor, if done judiciously, causing the cell development to • become larger by increasing the nourishment in a less number of branches. If young tl'ees are pruned In the early part of the winter, especially in a north latitude, the enols of the shoots will die back, and if wounds are ex- posed, will not heal over as rapidly as if treated later on in the season. The best time is the latter part of I. February. and the first half of March. l The pear is treated the same RS IS 1 the apple. 'Winter pruning is of, great value, as the wounds steal over perfectly. Where it is necessary to prune as glum, it skirt Id lxs dole in he mid- dle, - dle, of the winter season,. as it NI d ange,rous and very' injurious t(f rune after the sap has started in the spring. The culling or Treading' back of the shoots which have made; all over'-Iuxuriant growth during the j season, timid take place usually 111.; February, about the time peaches are being eut back. Thei a shoots Purity yourii;nod, tiftti tie the rsyst'enl. and regulate the digestive, organs by •ikirsg Hood's Sarsaparilla. $old by all druggists. tense tierlov 18 STtfnnoa y` BUT K. I) O. OVIMCOMEt T'f'. .r son's tack from oral, the evaporation will weal 1.11es, (IS winter (ere:litttWOn In conclusion, if \Vint judiciously Carried on sults may be looked fo It iz the the things t over- look, not the thing's find, that bothers lis most. Teat. ng is re- KIENDA SPAVIN C THE , MOST SUCCESSFUL ,y FOR MAN OR B Certain in its effects and n �5� Read proofs bolo E"NDL LL S SPAT': E B1,noro NT, L. L, N 160.3. Dr. B. J. KENDALL CO. Gent)eaeca—I bought a splends time agowith a Spavin. Igoth nendall's Spavin Cure. The b'p[ and I have been offered $150 to I only had him nine weeks, so I • Sl worth of Kendall's Spavin Cur Yours truly, KE DALL S SPAY Dr. B. J. KENDALL Co.SBELer, MI, St,•s—I have used your Kends wlth•goodsuccessfor Curbs on It is the best Liniment I have eve Yours tritty, .LUG Price *1 per nett For Sale by all Druggists, o . Dr. B. J. K ENDALL C GNOSalsIwI FALLS. i E. some I used e noir horse. 'using EDEN. , , 1891. Cure es and aI0,. • cAVEATS,TRRDE, Mtn COPYRIGHTS. GAN I OBTAIN A PATENT ? For a prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to AI U NN & ('0., who have had nearly 111(y years' experience ►u the patent business, Communica- tionsstrictlyconfidential. AHandbook olIn, formation concerning Patents and bow to ob- tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of median- teal and scientific books sent free. Intents taken through Minn do Co. receive s setatnottcolntho&ciolltliklAmerican.and thus are brought widely hetero tate public with, out cost to the inventor. gats splendid nd[d np er issued weekly, elogantly +ginstentad, has far e largest circulation of and scientific work inth e world. S3 a year. sample costes sent free. Buildin • Edition. monthly, 82.1U a year. Single copies,.S cents. erY number contains beau.au, or plates. in colors, and photographs ofnew house, with plans, enabling hufldors to show the latest designs and secure centfact& Address MUINN & 00.. NI:W TOUR. 361 BROADWAY. A TORTURED FOR TWO • Now is the time to buy your 1.Vjnd ,. ow pt.`tnam . 1Intel —1d I'UIiI.ISIII:I1 EVERY ERIIMAI MORNING --AT 7IMES OFFICE', JQ$CPt tet STREET WINGIIAM, ONTARIU, d Subsoriptfon price, Si ..per year, t11 actva.11oo, ADV.:I(TIsiso avrks: • titueO 1 1 y r. 1 0 Hie. i ,a iuu. 1 m Onn tta l f Co l t'in in 3 4400 t0) 00 5t4 00 U0rn0 1I 51202 0000 02 00 00 00 00 10 700 = O0( tl u4turhu a :U :a(°Du 1lo Lege' end other [met arlter'amones'so.perin e for first insertion, andsper float() cud' gubsequent 4 •flit r. tt t tt K Local notices 10cape& line for first insertion, and if 5o, per line for each subsequent insortici.. No local” n0tt00 will be charged Itss than 2:;e. Advertislul)ants 01 Last, Fennd, btrayOd, situations, I and Business Chancres Wanted, not exceeding 8 hived nonpareil, $1 per month Houses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 r 01 for a, et month,a0e, per subsequent month Inotiadhered These tfrilnS will be strictly to Special rates for local mite'tisemente, or for , lamer periods. ces w'th ute o Advertiseweuts and local without specific 1 directions, will be Inserted till forbid and charges,' accordingly. Tral.'.)Fory advertisements roust ha paid in aatzutca Changes for contract advertinments must b4 u. 8 the office k by Wednesday noon, In order to ap ar x that week ELI.aoTT PRoraUET01t AND PUIILISHER, When you can get them of. FINE QUALITY,MOJ TE1 ON SPRING ROLLERS —Telt— 25 CENT NEW PATTERNS, .NEW DESIGNS, at all prices. J. A. CLINE & CO, Hardware Merchants, STONE BLOcw, Wiugbam. rte•! �q, ' �•Jw 1�F.1 ..! AL TED CO' Josephine Street - • 'WWbngilain, Ont. J. A.' Il,. si'ED, Mount Forest. Deposits Received and allowed. 1T, iiIoney Advanced to Farmers and Business Men, On long or short time, cm endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. ,Special Attention Given to Col- lecting Accounts and dotes. J. W. SCOTT, Listowel Interest 1 Its Head Rendered a a. o of Fiery, Itching, Burni T > R 14IA0DUNALD, 6l CENTRE STREET:. wtSauAM, • • O$TARIo. SXr. B, ToWLElt, Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario —Coroner for County of Huron— Office Upstairs, next to Mr Morton's office, Wing.., ham. Ont. Omani II cams. —A to 12 a. m., 1 to p. nt., or a Residence, Diagonal Street. S. Agents in Canada- The Merchants• $ani: of Canada So speaks Maxwell Johnst Ann St., Toronto : My six-year.ol titer, Bella, was afflicted with 00 or 24 months, the principal seat ption being behind the ears and face; her head was on fire with pa urn- ing itching, which wap mad •0 by constant reratching and tern with her hands. We spe,.,t mune hoot stint in Constant endeavor tc the little suffer relief, every tiled remedy wos tried ; innurnera rent t (Hants With soaps and wedi and Specliiis tr(3rttnlont 1)y phpsiCia ving high endorsements in curing dis- 011805 were of no relief in he A short tiwo ago 1 I,u1'ehaaetl a • Dr. Chase's 0 ntlnetttt, the first a tion of which showed the onrativ(. ,t of the ointtnent ; only one hrf11' ( box has be=an used, with the mark* Inge of an entire disappearance of rup- titn,6, and i can confidently my child is I'irmanttltly cured. en - cher.' rtaarltered with sed streets}, r I�41 POWDERS Cure S!OK 0•1EAEpf•SCfrIM end t . a in 2'O iv/mutes. aiso Coated Tongue • i- ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constn Torpid Liver Bad Breath. 'r0 stay urrd regulate the bowels. wary WOO aro PRIOE a:; OS'Nrs At DRUG 1rei ac,fsatali,,: =11:wsaamraraaaatltaa Tr Ea COMFY. LIND1fITAKE NrN GEAM, ON 1 Office Iteurs—From 0 a. m, to 11 p. nl. A. E. SMITH, A ee, JP. KENNEDY, M. D., AI. O. P.S 0. (Succeiwor to Dr. J. A. Meldrom.l Grid Med ilist of Western University: Late ilousa• Surgeon in London General Hospital. Specialntten• tion paid to diseases of women and children. Otilce—Formerly occupied by Dr: Aleidium,Cornet• of Centre 000 ratric•I streets. ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a ' Speciaity. WOOD delivered to any art of Wing- ltam. r1-rOrctersby mail promptly attends, 0140110E TIIOMSON, Box 125. Wingham . 0 l'?I@GRAM SMV MILLS (INT D I/ANSWER, BARRISTER, SULICi1(•I(, Iitc., . Private :ant Company funds to loan at lowest rate interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town, and `arm property bou_•ht and said OFMB—Deaver Meek \1'tEIMAM The undersigned in returning thanks for past favors,beg leave to say that they r have a very large stook of LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, BARRELS, WOOD, &c., on hand, Web will be sold at very close prices to meet the requirements of the hard tittles. J. A, MORTON RAR]nSTFI( , TSinghtint Ont E. L. DICKINSON, Barrister Etc. SOLICITOR TO DANT( Or IIAul.moN. '0I01,MY TO) Lo.e:1. Office-111a1'eBleck, Wineham. DENTISTRY.—J. S. JEA0111E,1.. D. S.,Wnsonau.. ' s^n -.aa is manufacturing, tiret•class sets of ;t,.0,, 0- teeth as Ohe«p as they curt be ode 4 in the Dominion. Teeth extracted absolutely without pain, by his new process, gaara0teou retie. 03. safe. OFFICE: 1n the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick House. Wm, • Macdonaid, L. D. S. DENTIST, OFFICE, IUTACDONJLC'S BLOCK.• Will visit Gorrie 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. •11 CIIN R1TCI11E, J GNNERAi, INSURANCE AOEND Winches, OXTA I,If• 1. DEA1 S, Jle.,11'rNOnet,, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COt1NTY or HURON. Sales attended 1n any part of the Cm Charger)" Moderate. JOHN CURRIE, WxNeliffi;,tt, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR TIEE COIINTIES' Ijt1RON AND DEUCE. All orders left at the Tins office prbinptly attend* ed to, Terms reasonable. .. •.t , - JAMES IHENDEIRSON, LIMBED AUOTIONItise. FOR COMM 2LUSOl7 AND BRUCE, „111 sales attended to promptly and on the Shortens Notice. Charges M e s odern to and All necessary arrangements Satisfaction be ivadt t at .thw Timis' office WINOIIAM Oar, 111. AIcASII, M. B. Toronto, Member College Physicians anti! Surgeons, Ontario. Fir t Class Shingles, $1.10 per ighteaava Money to Loan on Note rluare. Wood Mots. per Cord, delivered. everything else equally low. Colne sod see tilt before buying, as we will not be undersold. lfrt,EAN eft SON. Winghatm June lth,1S (8 ' I ' otes Discounted I AT EEAS01'1ABLE Matey advaete,d on Mortgages et tri p01 eeab pnrideWnoftepllleuo(d.hend of "1 3'644 11' solve. t art . lsearot Brock wintrlfant, eat, ONTAkt .v • B.. Coli A eorrespon� Companion 11.11 a �ilf James Russel On the ground company" our that it niay be feminine real occurred in ell .all housekeeper household affai less disturbed. As Mr. Low, house in the TTI Ii 21 11 1 "Now, Jam 4 bring 'tin any one 1'e too n We a housecleaning peat is that t1 tus to eat. Mr. Lowell .request, but a it, he met (ler 'exon of an Eng he had been c while Minister James. In 1 ing words to few months 1 1 "When yor :sure to visit always read Naturally, his wife's at ,upon the you home with h The dinnt fish" and pc evidently p „eaten "pick Lowell, me thoughts of finish the may be ima man, after 1 contents of the most cot "I knots pardon me 5, As a cure ..Burns and }lands, lu Wounds, Br is the 600E 'market. • The wel •Woven in The art '.enjoy a iii clY: The ra( •did they It is go full of im It is to enjoy Vat life. Never rectitude Doubt violence ,standing Love perenriia toueh. The I this std( tion are The trouble .enable Milbl with Vq its the s colds, h 1.rics ti • Fir: t( ;wind that v See the ti VII Bard spars cans z sol( felt 1 ) yV0e1 in CA till ,a .able