The Wingham Times, 1894-12-28, Page 51!.
T Li RNI1 ERTIlr.i
. .
I their wares, instead of polishing and ' preset'
The nondoations will be held in the repolishIng* them -An examination i encort
• • Foresters' hall, ifinevale, on Monday : of the pupils of S, S. No. 6, llowlek, 'every
31st hist., counneneing at 12 I took place on Monday, the 1 7th insit. of the.
•o'cloek noon. I Although the clay was dull and the full on
The work of S. S. No. 11, for the i roads rough, there was a goodly
year 1894, wits' brought to a close on j number -present, The different ChM -
Deo. 21st, ' On the afternoou the i isi were examined by the following
usual routine of duties was laid 1 teachers ; Miss Amines and Messrs,
aside and a large number of visitors, Keine, Shearer, 1V:titers and Hicks.
frithe scholars, assembled to _close about three o'cloek, when the
including trustees, parents and The examination was brought to
ends of a
enjoy a concert, consisting of songs, aforestad teachers and some of the
Tecitations, calisthenic and dumb j ratepayers expressed themselves in a
bell exercises by the pupils, which I manner which was favorable both to
. reflected credit on the taste, skill and I the pupils and. teacher. After tea,
ability of their late,teiteher, Hattiej Wiliell WAS served in the school, pre -
A. Reid. Mr, L. loyfo had been call-jparations were made for a grand en -
cd to the chair to preside during the I tertainment, whielt began at 7 o'clock
literary treat just mentioned and at
Ithe conclusion of the programme be took the liberty to call on various
members of the company to express
' their appreciation of the work done
in the school during the past two
p. m. A long and interesting pro-
gramme was carried out, under the
guidance of Mr. Strong. All were
satisfied but a few who need the good
effects of the missionary before the
can enter upon the civilization of this
years Miss Reid was in charge, I century,.Munielpal Matters seemed
• all of whom spoke in highly eulogis- I to be dormant until the last week,
tic terms of the progress made., and (from all indications a lively time is
the manner in which she had en- I predicted from this until our muniei-
' deared herself to both parents and pal election. Some aspirants have
children,. evidence of which was vis- declared their intention to either be
ible on the tear -stained faces of al-
most the entire school; but while
Mr. Fyfe was conducting the meet-
, ing, three of the pupils took the
liberty to intrude .themselves on the
companv in order to give a yet more
practical demonstration of their re-
gard and affection for their teacher,
,,.by presenting! her with the following
tokens of esteem, namely: A beauti-
ful silver butter cooler and an ele-
gantly furnished toilet set, accom-
panied by the following address :
To Miss Farr= A. REID,
Teacher of S. S. No. 6, Turnberry.
DEAR TRACHEA -WO, the pupils
of your school. cannot allow the pres-
ent opportunity to pass without
manifesting in some way our appre-
ciation of your services to us as a
, teacher and. your kindness to us as a
'friend and the esteem and love in
which yen in return are held by us.
We regret very sincerely that we are
eompelled to part with a teacher
who has been so true, earnest and
successful in her efforts in the intel-
lectual advancement of her pupils •
r the applause and
given for almost
jprograuune, ill Spite
0 building being so
he audience were
Wide; . The chair was
ably Mir. Spotton, white
anionesi take part in the
progr4 Messrs, Spence, of
NewbNackenzie of (lorries :'
who. hi' •hted the audience
with il roue comic, songs.
Messrs of Fordwich, and.
Meillillronto Conservatory ,
of Mussed several choice
violin s' while the Fordwich
Glee Cl not a little to the
met throughout,
These gy interspersed by
readingons, and dialogues
of the lypc ; all going to
make gad place memorable
to manyf the most delight -
cal time! life, for few we
believe r had the pleasure
of withmqual in any of our
surrounie towns. However,
the roosting feature of the
evenin,grformed about the
middle ' programme, when
Tz• .
Dings comfort and improveincat rr.:1
tends to personal enjoymeLt whop
rightly used., Tho many, who live 1.,,.
; ter than others and enjoy lifo more, wi:11
less expenditure, 'by more promptly
i adapting the world's best products to
the needs of physical being, will attest.
the value to health of the pure liquid
. i 14-1tive 'xarinciples embraced. in the
1 :..xnedy, Syrup of Figtt,
1 ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
1 .
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form most acceptable.and pleas -
1 beneficial properties of a perfect Jan,
ative ; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
and, permanently curing constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
mot with the approval of the medical
profession, because it,acts on the Kid-
neys, Liver and Bowels without weal: -
ening them and it is perfectly free i'rom
. , ,, t an (., a un-
elected or cause our present colon- lop cam( in behalf of their
tical economy. ---Mr. John Hoffman with a beefiuloid photograph
eillors to show better and more prae- fellow present their teacher
still performs bis pleasing' duties on album, Uff-box and collar.
The Hill and by his attentive and box of tleutterial,Alma mak-
courteous inflamer has compelled his ing the pion while Bella read
re-engageepit,-Great anxiety pre- the follodress ; To Mr. T. A.
veils among. the farmers as to their Hicks, ---r Teacher ;-We, on
.not being able to get all their wind- behalf ohils of the schopl, in
fail timber that will make saw logs which ydaboured. so success -
to mill before anoter season. fully dins past three years,
The following is the result of a and in w your untiring Indus-,
mon thl:r examination which was held try, earnand kindly conduct
in the Orange Hill school recently :
Senior Fourth' Class.-Maximuni
marks 550-Wen•clell Ferguson 318,
Edna Akins 364, Jane„Padfield 356,
Della Nay 350, Flossie Laird 349,
Blyth Wilson 340, Maggie Mont-
g•oruery 305, Martha Millen 295,
Aggie Howard 288, Willie Wilson
Junior Fourth Class. -Maximum
marks 300 -Clara Millen 293, Lizzie
Young 268, Albert Huth 250, Ernest
Jaques 231, Mabel Irwin 218, Willie
Ferguson 200, Jennie Walter 182,
Freddie Irwin Emma Irwin 150
and we.regret still more to lose one I 158, - - -
Gracie Howard 100.
who by her exemplary character and j
loving disposition and her untiring I Senior Third Class. -Maximum
ssinterest in us has taught us lessons marks 300 -Etta. Spotton 175, Helen
which shall not only be a benefit to Ferguson 108, Eva Nay 166, Essie
us in a temporary way, but shall al- Milne 159, Edith Montgomery 156
so help to prepare us for something
' higher and of a nobler and more
lasting character. Allow us to pre-
sent you with this gift as a small
token of the , love and esteem in
which you are held by the mils in
this section, whose teacher -you have,
been for the last two years; . and,
_looking forward through. the long
vista of years which now appears be-
fore us, we believe we may truth-
4 . fully say' that our *memories will .01-
ten return Jo _the many profitable
ll and happy days we spent with you
as our teach, and- we believe we
shall always look back to those days.
as among the best and happiest days
of.otir lives; and independent of
your qualifications as a teacher. we
trust you may Jongbespared forthat
othernsefulness for which you are else
.,, so well qualified to comfort, brighten
• and cheer the lives of those around
Signed on behalf of the pupils of
No. 6, Turnberry, this 21st
December, 1894. •
MAGGIE MoKtxxox.
Then amid matual expressions ot'
ress,ret 'that fate should so decree
that such agreeable connections
should be severed.the company dis-
persed wishing each other a .happy
Xmas. Missleid intends to return
to Petroliklith school to resume her
stines during the incoming term.
OneWednesday, the 19th inst., a
ocial, under the auspices of the
fdliodist Sunday School, was held
the residence of Mr. Andrew
fontgoinery. A. real social time was
ojoyed by all and nothingoecurred
to mar the religious tone of the addresses each testirvit (r -..,.--.1 whererent for the winter, he
Olive Akins 149, Maggie Padfield
145, Jennie Ferguson 133 Geo.
Padfield (14.
On Friday afternoon, Dec. 21st.,
there was held in 5. 5. No. 11 an
Examinatiou, and in the evening an.
Entertainment, both of which proved
a ,great success. The walls of the
school room were beautifully orna-
melded with evergreens and ribbons,
which being entirely the work of the
pupils, testified clearly to their fine
taste and was not only eredie to
the pupils, but to the section in which
they live, and showed that while Mr.
Hicks had se thoroughly succeeded
in giving thein an intellectual educa-
tion, he had in no way left uncul-
tivated their aesthetic powers. There
were present. at the examination
about 18 teachers, besides a. large
gathering! of visitors, who came from
the different homes of the section, a
bearing evidence of the deep interest t
they took in the edueatIon of their
children. They were all seated on
an elevated platform at the front of
the room, so as to prevent the slight-
est emnimmication with the pupils,
and the utmost rules of order were
Carried out throughout the afternoon,
Every class from the lst to sr. 4th
was closely examined on the different
branches of their work, and the s
towards rdei' that you might
efficiengto cope with the din.
cadges way encounter us
through d. by so doing you
have wonection of your pupils
who, prion' departure, wish to
express tern toward you and
our apps of your services
among into indeed feel sorry
that you rut to sever your con-
nection 't, but while you are
residing 1 plaees, and pursuing
the sevelies of life, you. may
always inured you are well
remembejre for the valuable
services Fe rendered us. You
will kindipt of this small token
of the retive entertain toward
you. It pr its intrilMIC value,
nor is it, j way to compensate
you for In -tieing interest you
have tak us, but as a slight
tnementcS many pleasant hours
you havt with your pupils
thheerep. iels;ifwemieneatiyngsbortly have
with you
again, tias't that wherever year
lot may in'the future, Divine
provideay open to you work
in whicil efforts, if it be pos-
sible, ins crowned with still
greater 0. So we wish you all
kinds ofority throughout life,
and hop).eet you when we pass
away, to remain through the
bliss.eiidless Ili the bright home of
Mr. Hthough taken altogether
by surpdid not fail to express
in a fall chosen 'words, his grati-•
tude to Upils for the expression
they hnade of the esteem in
vhich mid. him as a teacher,
ncl hisMIfiness to the parents
or the est they had taken in
ielpingh along with his good
work, .: at all times they used
iim veindly. The utmost inter -
sI svari in the programme to
he verit, and an expression of
'egret ed to isms. over the whole
ssemlswhen at eleven o'clock
be cluan called upon them to
lose MI1100114); by' singing "God
ave thmen."
promptness with which the answers
Were given, showed what a thorough MORRIS.
Wmtddes, 3rd line, has dispos.
od of lartn to Jos. 'Miller fon a
considilort of $4,900,-M.r. Youill,
4th eti,sion intends erecting a
large lie barn in the spring., the
diinenis of which will be 56x00,
and a te shed 30x40 feet. -Mr.
Williastanna, of the Oth, lint, re.
turne(I'onl the northern woods,
knowledge the pupils had of the
subjects so treated. At the close of
the examination lir. Hicks generous-
ly treated his scholars to candies and
nuts, after which Mr. Ed, Cooper was
called upon to occupy the chair.
Several of the teachers, besides Mr.
Anson Spotton, Mr. Melts' predeces-
sor, and a number of the gentlemen
of the section then delivered short
every objeetiona le substance. .
Syrup of Figs is for sale by.all drug.
gists /5c, bottles, but it Is manu-
factured by the California Fig Syrup PURCHASED
package, also the name Syrup of Figs.
We will not Im undersold in these goods; 'we nave tit ent luny eases
below manufactures' prices.
Wo are not undersold in these particular hues; a lot to elm Out at one-
half manufactures' prices; now is your chance.
LT • piss -
We cannot be undersold in this department. We have them at right
prices, so our customers say; don't miss them,
We want you to inspect these and buy, thereby saving from twenty to
thirty per cents they are going out fast,
111 S
Early in the season, we placed orders in Eastern Tea Centres, thereby
securing the early pick leaf, Well has a strength and flavour that is not
obtained later, and this puts us in a position to give tsiu Teas right,
CYTI-IM±t aoopt-z-.,F-%
Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Mady-made Clothing, Hats, Cps and a great -
many other lines to clear out at a price to suit the times,
Dress and Mantle making on premises, MI mantle - 'peas bought here
cut free of charge. Clotting and fitting 0 syecialty,
G. McINTYRE, • • - -
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
and being well informed, you win not
. uccept any substitute if offered, TWO
011101M11.1.1•••••milaNallo•••••,,I.0* .11MINNOW.M.1.1••,
I three of them troth one of his feet.
I Seven stitches repaired damages and
I he is now going around as well as
'could be expected. -The township
council have instructed their solicitor
to collect the amount due them by
the County on bridges as awarded
by the Courts. --During the past
year Morris expended on roads and
bridges 82,468; on charity $291 ;
on salaries $708; on incidentals $286;
printing $52 ; on schools i2,932; in-
terest and drainage 4:4326, The total
receipts were $15,302.-A very en-
joyable Sabbath school entertainment
was held in the Sunshine Methodist
church, on Tuesday evening of last
week. The heavily -laden Christmas
tree was relieved of its load, to the
evident delight of the young people.
The proceeds anionnted to over $15.
-Mr. Jabez Jermyn, of East Wawa.
nosh, has purchased the 100 acre
farm of Mr. Thos. Jewitt, on the 2nd
concession, being lot 1.8, for the sum
of $4,500. There are good buildings
on the farm.
Bow to Get a "Susiiight" Picture.
Send 25"Sunlight" Soap wrappers (wrap.
per bearing the words "Why Does a Wo-
man Look Old Sooner Than a man") to
Lever Bros., Ltd.,. 48 Scott St,, Toronto,
and you will receive by post a, pretty pic-
ture, free from advertising, and well worth
framing. This is an easy way to decorate
your home. The soap is the best in the
market and it wile only cost one cent post-
age to send in the wrappers, if you leave
the ends open. Write your address care-
The Presbyterians will have a
tea -meeting on New Year's night,
Tea served in the town hall; after
which a lecture will be delivered in
the church by Rev. R. 5, G. Ander-
son, of Wroxeter, entitled "O'er the
hills and far Awa." Rev. Mr.
Stewart, of Delmore, emigre resident
ministers, are also expected to he
,present. -At a meeting of the dime -
tors of the Mechanics' Institute, held
lately, it was decided toIcommence
evening, classes it connection with
the institute. This is a move in the
right direction.
wir T.,
' •
amounting to about $4,000,00, which
h ugh ered.
FOR THE NEXT 41:;) 1:31431,741e.
at less than Wholesale Prices for CASH ONLY.
All Wool Overcoats $4.50, worth $6.00,
All Wool Tweed Pants $1M5, worth $2.50,
Fine Heavy Tweeds from 25c. a yard up,.
3 -Call and see this stock; you will make money. •
t) 'LT will find
that it 'will do
what no other
soap can do, and
will please you every
11 18 Easy, Clean,
tconornical to wash with
this soap.
A full stook of goods suitable
4413211"23Srs Christmas Presents,
the cream of Cod liver Oil, with
Ilypophosphites, is for
Sore Throat,
Weak Lungs,
Loss of Flesh,
Weak 13abies,
Crowing Children,
Poor Mothers°
n fact, for all conditioncfti
for a quick arid effective
row-Wm:al. Smdfor Pospitd,
Scott 4 Utonot $44toillia44144kwolisti. 4CW A41,
of the soeial, Net proeeeds Cll. $ 0 havittg, eived 4 SCVOI e WO II .
presenkvere given to the pupils ..
noon tlast week. At the close.
an excitation on
M. Di& teacher inTSh,uSr.sdloy, 3a,eltitard.
u d -
/Uttering. After tett was served, a.
unable programme was exhausted,
lien all repairej to their several
es, feeling satisfied with the re -
Plias weddinge will take place on trOM s tree. --Jas, Ross, teach.,
•Nvisith inst., in onr vicinity. fln. yeLtirns:„.z.stlatftour.datlyie tporastnittl4rce, i
otrct last few years, Hymen has y le good ladies, all going to show the helot his parents. Ile intends
td in visited Ottr corners, but since that the teacher in his efforts to make to atte the &mini Wiwi in To-
th4la emulescendcd to visit us his examination a success had the ronto ter the holidays, -A, few
nbee * r he has has been courteously. hearty co-operatiou of all classes days il'ittS TIMM, Warwick, jr., of I
hied. Our dealers in silver- The entertainment continued from! 1 3, vas cutting Wood in the 1
owls have alai) welcomed him shoats? after 7 until 11 o'clock, dm'. [hush texe
heir leisure is spent in selling ing which tinui the best of order WAS e011tAe ith
the good standing et the soiled, and
'congratulating both 'teacher and
pupils on the wonderful advancement
the wheal had made during the past
three years. After this tea was
served in a very orderly manner,
atuple provision having been made
slipped and coming in
his toes alinost severed
consisting of
just reeelve'd 'at the
Call wodInspect goods and get prices,