The Wingham Times, 1894-12-28, Page 41 Inigl Bair Iiia Br: The a1 Tu 111yu Tie t p. Brunswick House. ham, Ont a 1ST -•- Ja bV d] — DRUGGIST. T. a N. . TELEGRAPH CO 440:01.001'P Imes a it k'itlDAv 1)Ia()LMBEI1b 28, 1804, BLUFVALE, T Mr. Jas. Timmins, of Toronto, is , visiting in Bluevatile. -- Mr. John Dimeut, is on the site: list at present, r ---Mitis: Ida Duff was visiting friend, and relatives here last week. --Mr. Gilbert Gillespie lies returned from OR City, where he has been teaching ehoiol for the past year. ---Mess Ma-- Wi.g•ie Hartley and Mr. Archie Elliott Iive` returned from Clinton model hool, where they have asseci a P $eu iuccessfut examination. ---Mr. Fred witt;iattley has returned from Clinton Brown. --Tile following? officers for TUE \VJN(ilIA , TIMES, DECEMBER ` 8, 1 i )4. was the phase chosen, if Mr. O'Brien' Mr.. J Si .TeromA. Dentist, Wing- , be'cu e' other Pref ues.--Tllc'• l! na, sarys. Ii? It Erns I.attle d)audelrou txooll 1 t.11ip1ni7a nit t t)n \io 1•L this' 1 it are tkte hest in the ns,•Lrket." rJ. Cr nicest: lrlrnlaelrV week, owing to Christmas falling: o11 says; 'There is no Pill etimit to Williams' Y I}, ' i i►t 4 y, ii: r Ge ' tic sdav . (a. A. Newton, of Wing- Little Dandelion Fills.' halls, was here at short time, on Mon- , 'says: ,f/e4 h eve f .! • G \v t Mr.lt'inla,:y Anderson 1h -De u day morning,—The Christmas tree : are the most satiet wan ysh, 1 aavover in the Methodist church, on Christ, used.» mas night, was a good sweet; t, and r. Thomas Taylor, warden for the to judge by the pleasant faces of the ,443, other Prll." • County of I-inron, says; "I would not use children, there were luts of presents. atlas Proctor, 4th line or Morris, —The following oflieere wore elected ; says: "IA would not be without Williams' in the Sons of England lodge, at the j Little Dandelion Pills." I! ,as. cf Gaunt, Ex -Warden for County I ..1 Pres., George [} ll- deed a wonderful Rum, regular meeting. ting in December: res., _ „ George Snell; > ' ..- .,. of Bruce, save. I havePound there in - f ears, of which 23 ears were ('atnnclas; jl" market et opr'nrcl relive and c lo: ed . E S.1 --" ":, strong at air advanceof 10e to 2( k Your wife with at and although the offe rin;;'s were eoneiderably above outicipatious ' thele was a good clearance ; Canada lambs active at ,1.2() to -i•1.3u for >1' ear note #zllrnts the best ; choice toed alt -1.1(1 to 1.:aS ; Canada sheep, prints, ;,•1. a -'T1>e Toms, Wee* Globe, Farmers,* Sun, Mill Ladic;a' Jnuriitd, for Li:)., for $1.60 Ilala0ce of this year free. :\IABISET REPORTS. h.an1s; b . fres., Herbert 1 inton; 1 . Huudreds of ImoTestimoeia]s furnish ,o . , Itrtnt;hatn, December X.17 1894. We alta' you a beautiful critl! S., B. Lnnrarson; T., Alfred}'liken ed on application. G til cted by ] . !)chat, Produce Dealer. • Flour 1 rt ,. > 1 f pe i. _ 1.0 (.a1 n 4 t ) Edmend ( a1 a.:. ,1 n I c.r• vfo • .a1 ., ; ' ; r Crawford; 1 t toile - - _ mai LVheat a CM FOR ez, `a1...)t C ,a A .L B.- rnetteema22, i' \t • Thompson; 2nd, t'i'I .O1L'1'I .I1 Spring A'rteat 0 5r, to 0 57 r 010 to 057 and a regular IMPUTED T DIRECT JAPAN TEA. This Tea is packed specially for us in the gar-. duns Where it is grown. • !•t1in. IN.Atnaras lWatson;a, 0101 n'. L e; I Mr. Garvin Davklson, tvho has bceu Be iely r t t 1Vot'hi21 ' it Seaforth • •• . (it11, Trane, Gibbs. I. G., k'red Miele- • home -•-A ver•y sucee sful e'ntertarin- . Butter, tgtb.... ..... 'MOS, Cole, J. C. Thompson; pson; :-,udf-1 School of the k pescolialiatl church, jugs per cloven ,, t S1 nod per cord.... .. tors, A. Woodman, n, Ge'ol'ge Williams, , was held . oil Friday evening, the Hr1y per tor Geo. Snell; delegate to Supreme i 21st. This school has gained a: t?,01atoes, per hualrei Grand Lodge, Georgi Snell. ---The reputation ill the line of good enter -1 .tallow' i>o:• 11> following are the officers in the tai11u1ents.__The next meeting' of tete' C11 uj a y'pics, per ib Orange Lodge cf this village for Young lien's Liberal Club will uckq ' -' 1895: W. M., George Snell; D. M., held on Thursday evening, Jan.: 'I.'urke s 0 27 to 0 28 , r, , g r Seafoz til the past t o a I, Pets aids; 0. G. Geo, Harvey; Trustees, iinent in connection with the Sunday. . 1)uttor, r nn .. er lett l' intoe; R. ,;., George Wil- liams; Chap., E. Crawford; T., S. 81e1. --Mies Jennie Miller, who is at - 20050 Aressed Ho =s tending a business college in Toron- Beef t 0135 to040`a n - -ol 0 50 to 0 51 'fie...✓ s ..` . u rb.a, !' r 3l' ' D.4 . .:. value for ihf• money, for 1e. a lb. 0 15 to 0 151 0 15 to 0 15 0 15 to 0 15 l 1 25 taxis; Join our happy throng of Tea Drinkers mid be convinced that we Have- G o to 8 00' the best stock in town and soli it at Wholesale Price. 0 so to 0 d35 , GOB toOOGi o to o Ou. \}' e ere making groat preparativus for the Christmas Trade. o 35 to08;t 0 ;30 to 0 50 J' 007 to 0081 004to005` 400to500: 450 to 550) enzxzox, Woodman; D. of C., S. W. Cade; le. to, is home for the llolidalys:—Dr.1 S., Joseph Morris; Lecturer, C. Rud- Brawn spent a, fete clays in rToroeto, Fall \Vbetlt dell; 1st committeeman, r rin' 1v leo Amos Spouhl, this week.—Miss Laura 73rown is jja,rie" °Lt 2nd Thos Hill; t3rcl J Riley; 4t1 y re,ollegiate Institute, where he is atudyin_g for a second class certificate. 7—Miss. Jessie Gerrand, of Wingllam, apf-'mt Christmas at Mr. R. N. Duff's. --Mr, and Mrs.. J. J. Messer, of Ham- lton, spent Xmas at Mr. W3Messer's. evL Mr. and lie's. Robertson, of Owen ."' °rind, are holidaying at Mr. Samuel De nderson's.—The 64O given by the •. 'wbcounty council to Reeve McPherson alldistribute among those that saved Pelle bridge at the late fire has been 41 /riistrihuted as follows John Diment 1 •"Sc;, George ' McDonald $5, Robert P4. King • 5, John McDonald -$5, J. 0, Jliorrtson 63, 'Alex; Craig 53 Hue h 1895 were elected in the Home Circle, at the regular meeting in December : P. L., W. L. Ottimette; L., R. B. Jeffrey; V. L., Mrs. Riley; R. S., Mrs. H, T. Riddell; T. Mrs. Ouitnette; F. S., W. L. Ouinette; Chap., Mrs. Mogridge; M., A. Way mouth; W., Wm. Hesk; G., Jas, Brown; S., Jno. Phillips; Trustees, H. Alogridge, H. Riddell, J.- Brown; Organist, Mrs. W. T. Brunsdon. WHITECHURCH. The annual meeting of the White- church Creamery Company was Held ion the Foresters' hall, in this -place, doss 51, Thomas Johnston ' i,' James n Saturday afternoon last, 22nd Y ThHardv 1, Henry-Dintellt 53 instant. There was a very large ar visiting friends in Paisley, this week. ' oats D. M. GORDON, 0 56 to 0 581 0. 55 to 0 57ai .. 0 '27 to 0 28 —Mrs. R. H. k ortune has gone; to- ! Pone • • ....... 5G ttoo 5 • Chesley for the holidays. --hiss JenPotataes, per bushel........ 0 0 s0 0 815 - a Butter nee Rutherford and Miss Gaiuble, of Eggs, per dozen • 085to040 'V' Philadelphia, are visiting friends hi HaY Wroxeter and vicinity. --- Mr. D. Cordwood Welker, of itieatgara, formerly prince Wool .... 0 1'7 to 0 20 ,, . 015 to 017 015 to 016 • (300to700 800 to 400 pal of the school hero spent Ct I. tnlab in the village.—Mr. James Neilson, Just Received t oo principal of the school, went to his lod home in ltorniiigton, on Saturday. ---Mr. Jas. Orr, for many year's a resident of Wroxeter, is home from Manitoba on a visit.—lir. Isaac Elliott, formerly C. P. R. agent here, (and family,) itre :?pending a few days with friends in the village.--_ Mr. T. W. Gibson, of the Crown Lances Department, Toronto, is at leis old home here.—Howard Snell HERR .MMUS COCOA, CHOCOLATE, COCOANUT, JELATINE, CHRISTII, BROWN t1, CO'S PLAIN AND FANCY BISCUITS, .7<tlnes Aetcireson 1, Alex McGee 3, tendance of patrons and sharehold- and llobt. Rae, of \i'in«hanr spentFRUIT 11/The idea Of rewarding persons sons for ors, when Mr, Robert Currie was Christmas clay with their frir s ,CONFECTIONERY, ETC r ,saving property from fire is a wrong; calied.to tbc:chair, on motion. After here.—Mr. Daviel Forsythe, of Luck- ler, especially in a ease like this, rhe reading and the adoption of the u minutes, the auditors' report was now, was in the village for the boli -' Buy from .us and save 20e. on t it 'where so many took part, each day season. ---A number of would-be every Dollar. doing then part. Who knows what read by Mr. H. D. Henderson. It 1" cow boys e fi'on1 Cxorrfe paid the each done or who thought of such a. )leas as follows; village a visa on Christmas al and }a CONER think 111 the lltlrly and excitement, to:mews. , ' j ` 13aJ.rr •e.rarelast account ,,.,1 449 171g ave aLn impronlpte exhibition of B. C, Clarke's Old Stand, '+o'f a fere? - 'The hedistribution hats t7iteyue:r isauad not cu,hed.... Sol) so horsemanship to our benighted cite raused tuneh comment throughout rens Sallee of butter 1563:1 iia kens. Conte again, boys. . - _ the vt l sal r3 and 'community Butter milk sales . , .... .... , . 83 8rJ WHY • NOTrrnntl rl nit etilh>;' of the $luevalc; 1 Overpaid cheque last year.... 6A r Chc'.ese• and Batter F;tetor Cdn1 any I - ( BRUSSELS. — ,..- I J' 'l, on . C3PTNA7 p t 'natal ....: _ ,16,37 7 89I The following officers were elects d e11 be held In the Foresters' hau'rr'RP. in connection with the Brussels Loyal Saturday, January 190, for the Paid Patrons, and for mak- Oranne Lodge at their meeting last 'election ofofhlcei's, etc. The factory ins roto...,. ry:]6 3 01 f g' has had a very successful ,year,- and Balance on hand no doubt there v' n: 243 ss tvet : \V. rel., S. T. Pluia ; D. lei , 4. I Joseph Bowman; R. S., 3L 11. Car- COLLEGE will be a large tura-, Total.... ,16,377 so, cliff; F. S., Jno. Wynn ; T., Geo. THE DANA n BUSINESS flni i w i ,1i at the.moeting:---lir. Geo. Bute! The report also showed that there ! Cardiff • Loci% LociB Ger Cl W P a graduate of the,, , and the average price ie- 1st Committeeman Geo. Backer )I 'c heese factory ,fte' e, is employed as. Is still far in advance of its ing itsetars t'F= 4 t ce4evecl was ?0 cents per pound, ; end Cont '11 Wilson 3 1 C H. in thorough work d getting stn- t977 +- 16,1 had been four sales of batter daring 1 R. Mooney ; fir. deer., D. Smith ; mss, son of Mr. John Burgess, of tiles; CHAT3,A.M, ONT., Place, who is. m • ,trht' season a , . ' while the at ' r I 1 . a 2 3rd Ottr, or an a;e ting an expert at the new d hely seilvol at patrons received 171 cot \I ' dents 1y ! cents Illoo l-- Conl Tilos \Ia tve- n s p aced in choice gton. -Another son of Mr. Bur- per pound for the first and thirds 5th Com., M. Il. Moore, V. S.—Ar- , Joseph, atso a 'graduate of the 1 sales; 1.01. cents for the second and l rangements have been completed ar tory here, is the maker in a large 1 18 cents -for the fourth sale. It was i for putting in a number of telephones filesory not far from. Beller(lle. His: stated by the president, lir. F. i In town.—The Royal Tempters of factory has beet' turned into a vest- I Henry, and the "salesman, Mr. H. D. Temperance lodge here is disbanding, ter creamery, and is being operated !Henderson, that the batter offered at The members of the ties winter. Both these young men; the seeond sale was hardly up to the will probably with5eet De„ ren standard, and a ., cheese \tl11 year 31a vie risen to their pre; ent positions! ' general discussion lodge.—The I.Irc cheese factory this ,year by theirr ability, push and persever-, ensued. The president gave a very turned out 75,700 IN. of cheese from. anee=, and are to be commended. :clear statement of the affairs of the 854,155 Ibs. of milk at an average of . At the annual meeting of tee i company and the management of its 11.28 lbs. milk to ib. cheese, and at 31neVo le Lodge, L. O. L,, No. 76e, i affairs for the past year, and pointed an average price of 9.55 centser lb, the following officers were clecrr•c , out wherein 1.e thought improve- This dhows an increase e over 15 for the eohniug year :--Sitlnuei caw neems might be made, which experi- tons over last year, so -that while the 'trick, W. 9[. ; Wm, Robb, D. .1S1 encs 13 3d suggested. The. following make was not very big, .yett it is a \'1t1. J. Johnston, Chap. ; in, 1i, gentlemen took part ill the discussion: good showing in snit a poorsea;:on.• Stewart, Pre,hs. ; (xeo. Cald]'•)ick, see.; lt Mr. Olivver, "the butter maker, Messrs. , The firm have given, so far a we can Wilson 'Thornton, Fin. see; Jno.; Wm. Hotuuth, J. T. Ilolrnes, Thos. learn,goodsatiafactiou this year, and d:at'eliner, D. of C.; Honey Robb, I Daividsorl, D. O'Callaghan, Wm. all bspeak a better season for 1895. ' tree; Geo, .henry, 1st committee Martin, Gavin Wilson, M. Hodgson _ nem ; Geo. Peacock, 2ndCorn.; Jno.: and others. The general opinion Litre Stock,trtartteta. 1 aliment, and Com.; Alex. Anderson,' was that several things contributed East Buffalo, .Dec. 24. ---Cattle, 125' 4th Coin.; Edward Johnston, :salt! to the butter not being up to the cars through and 8G on sale; market cute.. After the officers were dh;1 :'standard—the want of lee and prop- very dull and 10e to 15e lower •' installed a1. luhleh was served to the . er eare of the milk, the length of choice to extra steers, $5. to $5.40 , 'brethren, iii the buil. 1 tittle between gatherings of the good to choice, 6475 to $4.90 ere-, mem am and the length of time it, was cliunl to good, $4.35 to 641 b5 ; light `1.4011T'JI' MORO.. t t inthe cream gathering tank before to.fair shipping, :1;3.8 5 to ' i:.2 ); light ` D. MeT. srdycn - was here last Fre f- delivery at the creamery. Efforts butchers', $8.35 to $3.75 ; - good to day attending our school e't trtlen will be made to <.s far as possible le choice heifers, $3,`3 y to :„3.c -i, mixed Mfnn.—Dr, }Agnew went to win' `remedy these causes ill the ttitnte, corns and heifers, fair to choice, 62.50 Ittam on Monday, took his Christmas The old directors, namely, Messrs. to $3.35 ; old to fair fat cotes, 61,50 t '.1' Henry,htIL 9 fat ,r s near nv•. ie. C.I i t E\ 1 1 1. , I r V r Wilson, ••a a ti nt 11> , , 1a1 •• to •„i..GJ ; r3toCltel.•, a;s....J t0 2.t3:) ming home again on Christmas tin, 1s Pettypieee and john Gilles- feeders, $3,25 to :;3,5t, : fresh cows ~'- oon. •-.••• Monday next will he pie, were unanimously re-elected for and sprithget'r4, dull and' lower; fair • fruition day fin* c1tt1dedattes for athlothel' year. Messrs. Joe. Gaunt to extra., 6'3.05 to 41:.1,5 • veils' Metedhonors.—Conrl ” Pride o and Malcolm Lamont, the old Rude• straw. at a~e;. i0 to 47.'35 11ia'ht to' posittona. A: H. laTes, from Washington, Mich. graduate of Shorthand Dept. has been Placed by us as stenographer with Col J Ba or. Hadley, Wow York City. Dnvin'Vnr,x.rx, graduate of 13nsiness Dept. (a former teacher) has secured an ext:ellent position with afirm in Defiance Ohio. 1''`u li particulars not yet to handl . $ One of these receives 850.00 and the. other l'65 00 per rnonth, 1° . IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST. School will reopen after Christmas vacation on Wednesday, Jan, 2nd. For further particulars and catalogue ad- rt - dress, D. 11.1ct1:I.CHL2r.N, Chatham. f o e BE you are at the right place before you buy your Xmas Goods You will be if you go to The Anchor, Ilouse. Winghalll.. alagffig la 3E] 3L.4 1.11)1s7.11NT 9 oto 0 061 0 tudio, WINGHAM, ONTARIO. We are now prepared to do a class of work which people of the western towns have never -before had done for them. I have secured an English Artist, who was for a number of years Tutor i11 a leading studio in London, and since coming to Can- ada has been engaged as Demonstrator and Operator in the Leading city g;alleric;:. LADIES IN FULL DRESS AND BRIDAL COSTUME will now have an opportunity of securing a Photo of them- selves done by a first-class city man, A specialty will be made of Photos of Ladies and Gentlemen in fall dress, ARGE CROUPS ANDFAWHLUS W111 do well to come now while MR. McBAIN is ere. You will secure Pictures mounted on the 'ery newest style of Cards, with a finish superior to anyti;h ever before done outside of leading city studios. ALL OUR STOOK has been chosen from .the very new=:t i'oronto styles, and everything. will be done to give custeI e s perfeet satisfaction., WE HAVE AD several changes in the Gallery and have fitted up te. lairge' Toilet Room, where customers will find every convenience. a• PEOPLE HAVING FRIENDS Spending the holidaye with them will do well to come New Year's, as I take possession on that morning. Come early in the day; come quiekly, before thea rush from outside towns. W. R. BELDEN . ; . Brockenshire's old stand, Beaver Block.. 161 TL '1.'h(' noniron `• Foresters' hal • next, 31st ins o'clock Hoon. The work ( year 1811, war Dec. 21st, usual metier aside and a la including tr friends of the enjoy as ceneet i'CCitittiOus, e bell exercises reflected creek ability of tltei A. Reid. lir. ed 10 the Chair literary treat ;, ' the conclusion J took the Jibe 1 members of t ' their appreciat in the school years while M • Ell of whom ei tic terms of 113 the manner cleared herself children, evict ibis on the to most the ent Mr. Fyfe was ing, three liberty to intr company in 0 practical den gard and- affe by presenting r, tokens of este • fill silver but: gaudy furnis parked by the To MIss HAT Teacher of DEAR Teat of your sciloo. en 1 opportut manifesting 1 elation of - teacher and 3 friend and th i which you in We regret v compelled t who has be • successful in lectual adva and we rears who by her c loving dispos ,,._„jltterest in u which shall i els in a temp so help to pr 3ligher and lasting clear sent you token of tl which you a this section, been for t looking for vista of yea], fore us, .ts fully say 1111 tett return 1 1 and happy c as our teach sha11 always as among til of par lives your qualifi trust you 1n other eeefrii so well qual and cheer t you. 1 Signed o S fp S. No. December, Having, decided positively to _ IV UP BUSINESS, and in order to reduce her stock for prospective purchaser, r • a. WILL SELL HER STOCK AT COST AND UNDER Consisting of Sl,ALTT2't, MANTLE PIxhwrr, SILT VL;,vET, a full line of MANTLi CLo'rrDIS, 1i113rlov$, LACES, Wooi,r,X GOODS, I+ UIt r i Tit S1NC1yTCS, I)U, Cilti>. Also, all her stock of MILLINERY. - All accounts must be settled on or before January 15th, 18J5 J. e W'est," C, U. 1.„ meets to -night, tern. Were 1'041}ipolnted, Anti a most fair, x-1..25 to 5(,. Hogs ,lg earsVingitarm, Nov, 28th, 1694. a • 2t efoetiion crf oreeeras.-_,J. wall, of stleee esfut meeting wars brought to a through and 90 on .sale; market r 4 PATTERSON'S / hamri, spent Christll;as in the ela),c., Mr. J. T. llnlntes, who was active and higher Sailes• r-•.Yorlcers .--Neleon MI, 1, of Detroit, is present at the meeting', said that he good to- choice, $4.30 to 64,3 •, pip, ort n visit.--tieurgc Williams 1{are using a, No..d Cream Separator,- 0.25 to $-1.35; mixed packers, 0$1.35 t'Sunday in IrVitigham.---Messrs. which cost .000; lie was greatly 'to `4.10; good mediums,4.4f) to Irnarrlanfl anel llorg, of Wingharn, pleased with it, and would eat be t4) c1. Ili; Choice thea y, 84.15 to re Faso 08 MOtrdstq Iooking for at wilthalt 11. He 11118 theft,c1,J10! fur $1..r.) , rvnglsa, $3.50 to ; :).85; stags, ()f os to Ban d1e 4, a,l hardAnd. tin. tires A1(1'24 the a tslltchinese and will f;:l to ,;13,51). Sheep and lambs -- rr n of m:,tori I., *mews premien, s>rt clserrrt'ally glue .ail infotmrigtlsrti to Offerings to -clary inciuded those held' WINGI-Lt33. ,r >by J. I". (?413tf ig,, those fn'te •hated. Viz, . ovr't• from ;stttnrdlllw, which w+rrar 109 f y b Plot he loads in the nohblrlst and newest lines of Xmas, Presents. a lISS 0. L McKENZ1E, A. T. C. Ni.' MISS UQRMA DINSLEY, 'Teacher of Pupil of IOLItti, :ELOCUTION AIM 1?tTTSICAL CHL'r1:711E. For full purticulars, apply at therrs i- donne of Me. Geo, MoKEttzw, Wing - halt. STGNO11 LIi LLI of the Toronto Conservatory of Music i* prepared to receive pupils in INS"TRUMEN"T`A,L, VitiStC. For term apply at )inebey 'nous;. 1 Then ate regret tela that such should be s pct'sed will Xmas. Mi to Peyrolia, stittiles coir On Aired octal, und iliodist 1 t the re IoJltgotiiel trjeyed by to mar t atiterin . uftable pr hen all Los,- fee i of the' Pl'1ur we ,liviitith 1 eve, hilt OA its vis thir4i3 r 110 1ne goo Veit