The Wingham Times, 1894-12-28, Page 2sinCISSItat. 1 might have Rriti o, wotd of cheer Before X LI him go. Eta weary visage haunts ruetgyet; But bow evuut 1 foreknow Mee slightest chance would be the last To me in nier9y given 71( 4,1%nalmt, Yearings cannot send That Wcarl front earth to heaven. -,t; 1 IN IIA TTMES, DECEMBER 2R 1894. vented him being stolen by covetous- refleeted b each face in our own ' empty haymow, wiwnee instantly thieves. 'At last Donald got strong enough family!' came a great rustling and a series of -es"liad ane of your brothers or inarticulate ales—from the now Ws- to sail for San Francisco, where be SfiStersdied, then, Fred ?" asked One covered. Agnes—which St/Untied to us arrived. after a five weekslaiyage of the meinlike those of fear and pain. and in robust health„ Here he wrote "No—that is, we hoped not. 'Ale " 'A bear! A. bar! screamed a long haute letter, and, accompanied trouble was that 18 months before, the elder Miss AN'arwick. aa bear is la' Prinee, went off at once to San tnifibt hove looked the love 1 felt; in. July, 1849, my eldest brother, killing the ehild !' These brutes are Juan diggings He had good luck ?iv brother had sore need Donald; longing for adventure and quite plentiful in our neighborhood. from the very' first and. in eight tLat for which—too eby and paoua— excited by wonclorful reports from "Pshaw a exclaimed mt." brother months cleared above all expenses Be larked the speech to plead,, t self is *mar. arid self is strong newly discovered goldtelds, bad left Hugh, 'bears don't come out in win - nearly $11,000. Then, being no Alai I WAS blind that day; home, bound for Califoreiteand not a ter.' longer able to bear up under that * . , Ought withm in y careless eyes word from or °aim had yet reached " 'No, nor they don' t bave long awful homesickness which all of us 4 Wkatt, athirst, away. are beginning to know so well, he pulled up stakes and. started for home. "Ile tel us that ).ften, while on the diggings and. in the city, too, he had been offered 50 ounces of gold for Prince, but that .50 times 50 could not have bought hiin, very fortunately for Donald himself, for on his joarney from the mines to San Francisco be was waylaid one night by two Mexican tramps and saved from robbery and death only through the dog's watchfulness and courage. which was the only ..peek of white on "It seems the vaoabouds had con s But now another whole year had the glossy coat of our long lost cealed themselves in a clump of Ale ;hoed; whose eyeto.day may look . gone by, and even tar bravely hope- friend. . . chaparral by the road sitie and were • asea: ieto loving eye. . fell father had begun to feelalarmed, "It really seemed as if the wise in the act of stealing oat upon their V tete tone and tot*, perchance =my thrill . ; for it was not like true hearted old fellow had stealthily watched our intended victim. when petrp eyed Sad hearts with sweet tiurprise, :Donald to negleo his own people, play until he found what the trouble Prince, sprang forward And bore one • Be iUr-rarit, like your L,rd, in love, Auri lavish as His mice, I and yet, if still alive, how was his was, and then, with deliberate put of them to the ground before he acid: htand aew sm.!, vs • , I • i long silence to be: mounted for ? We pose to suprise us, had dashed past could use his murdero knife, then Per night comes lin ttliace. . feared that, like s many hundreds without greeting, and guided by his held him by the throat lit]. Donald —TUE qGnECiATIONALIST. lof other gold sae rs, he might have -unerring nose had speedily torn the had bound him, while ]is villainous I perished in fever tricken Panama, hay off the form of his well remem- comrade, seeing the game was up, itt THE COiDF1 MS i as he would, we tl ught, have eer- bered playfellow, for pretty Agnes disappeared in the bush. ; tainly written if he had safely reach- Warwick used to spend fully as much "Without further serious adven- We were all sad tbat New Year's ed San Francisco.); time at our home as at her ONVD. . tore my brother returned home by eve in the eaustralioaagoldfields in the ' "The grizzled old soldier, Colonel 'Now, having so well succeeded in way of Callao, thence to Panama, year 1853. The qv before we num- : Warwick, tried Mild to cheer us by creating a sensation, Prince threw then across the istimuts again, and bered 20 Amertetenand. Englishnien, : his own reminiseetes of mysterious off all disguise, t.n.4 after hilarious- so by an Atlantic steamship to New who had come in Search of wealth, lost and happily refound eonneado in ly jumping upon each of us in turn Yolk, where he sold his gold, all ex am]. now three of Our number had India and elsewheae and by truth- gamboled,barked and frisked around cept a few specimen! nuggets, for just been laid -moat forever on the hilly reminding is of the many in an ecstasy of delight, while we all $17.10 per ounce, thia being then hilleide, buried in one deep grave, vicissitudes to which letters from started in a wild nee to the house. the highest price for pilifornia gold. their lives -erased out by a fall of California. were thea exposed. 'Why,' . "Evidently some one — Perhaps "While he was tai* his story the tarth. . , ; he said, 'the boy haaprobably written with news of' Donald—had arrived, noble old dog listened intently, and, That night, while the 17 of us who a half' dozen times i but either in . for a strange sleigh stood. before the s I do believe, understood every word, „were left sat around the campfire, crossing the istbint$ passing round open door, and as we neared the as at the most striking passages he young Ross mid: , Cape Horn or coming by way of that I house we could hear my fatber's thumped the floor with his great tail • ".. Bs" wetwere all friends and. wonderful overlandtpony express the : voice ringing out in tones which did in token of approval." never yet bad used among :ourselves letters may every ote have been lost. ! not sound like those grief. "You had a jolly time, then, after • the ordinate; digger appellation of I've known far stra4er things than I There's word from Donald ! Come all, eh, Fred ?" said one of our ittate), "this Is a sad ending of our that, in the way of missing mail : on ! yelled my brother Archie as he fellows. first Australian tNew Year's day. matter, to occur ,among our fellows, I sprang to the leading place. "Jolly ! Well, I should say so. ,Maybe it will cher us up some if I even in easily reachcal and densely ! The other 16 of tie followed I'ell- Our New Year's day, which began tell yoa of one witch in Canada two populated India.' t 3 mell, almost tumbling oe-er each with anxious doubts and went -done- .. years. ago turned out more happily." "For a year beforei leaving home I other in our eagerness, and burst - , , : with forced gayety, i ended in a There was a general ery of " Do, Donald had owned la magnificent ; like a clyclone into the big parlor. reeniar jubilee:, Fred, do," and the boy began: Nowfoundamd -dog, Prince by name. I Then the old roof shook with our ' , Feeling too greatl shocked b • Some:of You know that my - home The Black Prince 'tee youngsters , half frantic cheers, air there, in the the tragic' death ofo r comrades t is in a backwoods township, -about tailed bun not only ota account - of ; center 'of the mat, stood Donald ; remain longer on the ' Lodden, fotn 80 miles northwest of Toronto and his -color, but also because his chival- " himself! He was Ine In- of us—Jack Urquhart, Fred Ross . not far from Gebrgian bay. My nous and daring diameter greatly ; dian-and bearded ike—woll, like ;Joe 'Wells and I—stastted next da father, who was fotanerlY a captain resembled, m our estimation, that of : ane gold digger, hutwas the same I for Eagle Hawkgetly, Bendigo in a regiment of British cavalry, sold the famous personage in English 1 old Donald still, whi, , elas ed to 1 ' 1 whence, after three t eeks of profit Its -commission in 1842 and emiggat- history for whom we had named him. I breast, with her s rms about bis I ael .', „ -wt across th ed to Canada, where he bought a, Indeed Prince had °Ile saved bis ' nck, lay my dear 1' as mother, soft- i country to Sim Crow treek. 600 aere, partially cleared, ' farm, 'inaster's life when thelatter was (MC : ly crying in speechl ss joy. 1 I may add that Rosie Wells and 1 wishing to give his; five boys and day, in an outlying Veld, suddenly ' Here poor Fred. 1 b . ' four tarts a'3better ebancein life than attacked by a furious, half wild bush ' down, and not a hot sick inan of us back to America a.11 right, and tha -after many stirring .adventures, go a fanally in moderate circumstances bull. Hence Donald was so great- : all could trust hi self to speak. ! Jack Urquhart married a pretty, tan have in the old ,'country. I was ly attached to the creature that he ' Presently, however, le young f >Row only 8 'sister of age. then, and my had, notwithstanding the added 'ex- ` —he was only 19—Went on: i English girl and remoined in /lustre, lia. baby sister not Ulf as. many pease, taken him song on his tedious I Boys—I—tell you—this—was— i months. , re journey, much to oiar regret, as we almost—too—much for me. 1'11.1 HOLLOWAY'S OIXTAIENT AND Prea, "ely mother" (1 wash I could eon_ sorely missed the rand fellow in never forget that time if I .should live . —More precious the Gold.—Diar 1: vey an idea of hotak tenderly Fred all -our outdoor slat ts, cholera are a thousand years. : It seemed like teem, dysentery, and spoke that word whenever occurrhig "So, on this Net et Year's day, all getting my brothel back from the in his :story), "though a tiny little of us, even down tt 9 -year-old Mar- grave itself. Somelof us cried like 'off the young, as 'alp winter's cold : through the summedas heat, carrying thiiag, who wears a No. 2 boot and a gory, thought constently of the far- babies and even t e stern old colo- ; destroys the aged. In the mos retend a the acute cases, where internal medieines fire smoke into cannot be retained, the greates relief will immediately result from ed down a little, :rubbing liollowayl' .soothing Oint ungry travellers ' ment over the abd Men. The frit his rnaster—had ; tion should be freq , ent and brisk, to Donald told us insure the penetrate n of a large poi. lel take me all I tion of the Unguent. This Ointment full. Besides I calms the excited peristaltic action , so I'll just l g-ve ' and soothing the pain. Both vomit - t. ing and griping yield to it ; where 54. us beyond the mere information that tails either, 1 guess,' wisely observed he was to leave New York for Colon little Margery. on the 1.6th day of the month as "Recovering from our momentary passenger on a sailing ehip, the name astonishment, we . young men and of whieh he did uott give. From boys were in the act of rushing to Colon—now Aspinwall,—he intended the rescue when oat of the manhole to cross the amt.: isthmus to of the mow crept little Agnes, taugh- t Panama, and thence „ ke : ship on Mg half hysterically and encircling the Pacific for San Fr misco. with one arm the neck of a big black "On the New Year's day of 1850 dog ! his. absence bad theown but a slight " 'Why, it's Prince ! Donald's cloud on our jollity, as in those days Black Prince!' all -of us simultaneous- ly shouted, for nowtwe plainly saw the peculiar, heart shaped breast spot iglit have held in closer clasp he hand he held an mine; Pulsing warmth of my =Mite sti lava as generons as wine, Ilfne streara that, even then, Was ehhing faint slow, ire have bee (God knows I) the art To the fatal flw. The v., u1, and look, aind clasp withheld 0,1 vii.er.hcart, no,tv stilled! a.)ear tiff , fc.rever out i`if reach, n 1:.I.t save warmed and tilled; Tale/ in,suseri and *sons lost, there was no Panama railway, and. aet h 1 xnetirnqn vain— six or even nine months might well A wet Iv as barren to int* tears „As cit ten, muds to 41110 pass away without ktters from blue r.. A. „Teneknow aensettou. ALEX. 5'BMIER :MIZE:STK* Till' ViLiliGE OF ItIL,LiNti 1115 SISTEU. A PISRE,I)LITABLI.1 keynoNER'S VERDIt7. Lucknow, Ont., Dee. 21, --The death of Mrs. Elder on Tuesday, although not unexpected, erected quite a sensation among the residents of this place. For the past few months ber house has been the resort of a very die - orderly lot of characters, and almost every night it has en the scene of orgies of the worst eseription. The neighbors, fearing that they might be burned out, were afraid to take any action against the offenders. Sonic time ago Mrs.Elder's brother, Sandy Fraser, sold his property in town, and. 'has since made his home with his sister. Run* had it that he had been in the labit of beating ht bit in a most shamen • inan ner, and had even threatened ' take her life. On Monday last C nstable Thos. Shoebottom summoned her to appear before a magistrate for keeping a disorderly holm, mid ber brother and ethers as being frequenters, but before her trial cametoffshe had been called to a higher tri : unal. The news of her eath quickly spread through town, and in a short time many of the neighbors were at the house. They found the windows barricaded, as if to resit a seige._ However, entrance was -obtetned to the house, where 'the ,eorpse was found covered over 1th a blanket. She presented a ghost v appearance, the right arm and sid , being bruised from the shoulder dove , but on her face was no evidence .0 ill-treatment. In the kitchen sat her brother, who was in such a eonditi n from the effects of liquor that lietdid not seem to realize the serious position in which he was placed. 4 Coroner D. M. Gordon, M. D., visited the place, and after viewing the body decided that an inquest should be held. He accordingly I summoned a jury ,colipsisting of: D. R. McIntosh (foremata Chas. - Ste- wart, R. D. Cameron,itobert Hughes, G. H. Lawrenen, W. Pie Willis, B. McClure, R. Knox, ' lex. Lawson, Wm. Bowers, itehell and Jas. Hood. The Jane, r viewing the "esterday after - „„„,,,.....„..........—iv In tho Cheerma-up Bustraesta: When the hard times began Iota year it was reported that a eleirep Wrillinti &eland that if she liad to earn her living she would become a legerteral sympathize," going to any- one who wished to pour out hey troubles and worries, listening and comforting for a liXed SUM Ina* hear; the interview to be strictly confident tial, ana the prof(S51)nal sylapatlitzer never to allow herself to have pains or trials oreater than those of her • elient. r'This seemed an add little fancy, as impracticable -as original, until a short time ago, when reading over the lists whieh 4 Wontt an's Exchange prepares to meet the wants ofits patrons, the eye fell upon this item : "In the cheeringeup bust- uess, A lady who luxe bad success- ful experience, will read to or amuso invalids or convalescents." Then there is such an occupation after all, and one which this cheering lady has made successful as well. How does she manage her delicate, work? by what cunningly devised means has she bottled up the sunshine which carries its brightness into the lives of those who are strangers to her ? and frora what founts does she draw spark- ling, exhilarating draughts? and who, after she bas spent her day in "reading to and amusing invalids and. convalescents, cheers her when twilight gives her back to herself? Yet while as a means of gaining a livelihood the business is undoubt- edly new, it is really an old, very old vocatioutto which from time im- memorial women have spontaneously devoted themselves. In the home nest, as daughtee and sister, a woman learns to express the sympathy of a loving heart, and in the new relations of wife and mother her opportunities increase immeasur- ably and unceasingly. Upon the so called weaker partner has ever fallen the duty of lightening by her ready, responsive cheerfulness the burdens borne by heo lord. and master. The men wheat one must depend on in the dark hours of life, When illness and sorrows and losses depress the most buoyant nature,often possess in the highest degree the power of cheering—physicians, Whose mere presence seems to bring healing t• lawyers and clergymen, whose help glows with the unaffected goodness of their sunny natures ; and others, weighted with the -exacting cares of' business life, who yet have a plea- sant word and a bright smile in the darkest hour of their troubles. Blessed be all, . of whatever age, sex, or condition, -who are "in the eheeringe up business !"—Selaeted. y body, adjourned ti o noon. About 30 witnesses 'were ex- amined on Thursday by Crown , Attorney Thos. Dixofe of Walkerton, ✓ and the jury, after an hair's retire- ment, returned with. the following , -verdictt e "That Jessie Elde met her death v one Alexan- by injuries inflicted , der Fraser." 1 t Constable Shoebo tom at once t arrested Fraser and dged him in t the cell, froin when he will be - taken to Walkerton to stand his trial. • s Everywhere Weil Spoken Of. . Are Stark's Powders for Sick and , . Nervous Headache, 13iliousness and , Liver. Air, Wood, manager Imperial Bank, Port Colborne, says : —"They do their t work ad ' lily " Mr. Alex. Rurnsey, naperial Bank, t Welland, says :— "They ere excellent." Mr. George II. William , the extensive fruit 'basket man utacr rer, Thorold, says :—"For over 12 y rs I suffered .. - severely from Sick and ervous Head- aches and Liver, 1 trie all the adver- tised remedies without ffect. Stark's Powders en red me." ll Price 25c a box; sold 'VI all medicine dealers. 51 glove, is as brave as an Indian away pair. But tha rites of hospi- nel himself had to princess, and she and my father are tality could not be tseglected, and by open door blew the just like lovers yet So we were a and by, stimulatetbaty the purposed his eyes. very happy family apd got on splen- gayety °four visitoes, all of us young " At last we quie didly. , folks joined, just in the gloaming, in and after the two 1 "'Every year a big' patch of bush ; a romping game ofihide and. seek.' —Black Prince an was cleared up, and when I left home "At ordinary timOs our big ten eaten a good dinne there were more than 400 acres of; room loghouse was lighted by home- his story. It woi the, farm under some'sort of cultiva-; made tallow candlei, but on festive night to repeat 11 10 tion. Father and ray three elder oeeasions my mother*used sperm ones, can't tell it as he di brothers sometimes worked as bardiNumbers of these were now burning you the marrow of As the hired. men, and they all liked 1111 addition to the great open. fires, • On landing at Co it, but Hugh and I, the two youngestimaking all within doors altogether . other passengers ha boys, were, we thought, awfully etre) light for the proper enjoyment of for mule hire, abused by being sent to school, and our game ; so, by unnimous consent, Mexican spurs thro1 Afterward to :Upper Canada college' we agreed that the t 'hiders' should rider, in order t isthmus. More tha crowd already had fever when they Panama, and 26 there while wai Pacific ocean ship, "Donald was most at once an months between at Toronto. We made up for it .all, though, in the sunnier and Cbrist- mas holidays, as thero was any quan- tity of fishing and hunting every- where around aur home. "About six miles from our place generally routing lives Colonel Warwick, a half pay ningly concealed '1 officer,' whose family is of exactly But then little Ag the same size of ours, and ever :Once artfully hid herseI coming to Canada we had dined and of the moment, spent the evening .with them on discover ber, was f Christmas day, and theywith us en call upon the whol New Year's day, aid we always had 4ance. great fun. "High and low "Two years ago toolay, Jan. 1, through stable lof 1851, the 'Warwicks--father, mother piles, behind stra and nine children, big and little-- big fanning mill, **roe to us sot usual, but when we under the barn, is no dawn to dinner our total number enecees. Then, ge WAS only 21, lite toe: 22. The on the thrashing 111 my mother's right hand. was to give tip and let ehe hertielaathough doing find herself, when,, gratefally,wore tretibiod door, into 'which th hieh sae maid not wholly summed, a dark sal:doh wae more oe ins past us sad 5pr.tig have the privilege +he fast darken- ing wood shed, ,sta and nearest barn. "The play went crrily on for half an hour or so, each aceessive 'seeker' the most eun- ders' in no time. es Warwick so that the 'seeker' terly failing to ally obliged to crowd for assist - up and down, , between wood .stacks,. inside the er grain bins and hunted 'without ltered .aelaster r, we were about Ile little mischief brough the open pale moonlight y =sated, shot into a nearly dr on he and. all:the 'fruits er vegetables have originated 1. to pay 840 each !the malady, it is p`ioper to remove all tha pair of big Tindigested matter tram the bowels by n in for every a trtoclerate dose oalTolloway's Pills get across the before using the Otntment. one-half of the ymptoms of the The world haz ade no advance got to the city of in morals for tb4 last five or ten poor fellows died thousand years, bu in the meantime ng a week for a they hay done sunttaing Smart in the way ov eleetrica wonders and tricker down al- patent rat traps. 1 lay for three fe and death in - For Over Plft, Years the how of Fatlir Laporte. a kind FCLO AND wria,-Trass• lititrAnr.-4,1rs. Win Frelleh-Clanatlian riest, who took years by Inillotiv :nothets ft) tbeir chile me while slow' SLothfou Syrup has bee: used 'Ur over fifty good care of' him a d bis effects, and eseethe With pertect suer ;;;;i. It sorthi%liegiild when lie was ab]- to dictate wrote and is tht.best .rc;;e13;for iwea. is pleasantt; 1. be taste. Sold by Orurtists every part of the for him to my fath ee though neitlier Work,. Trventytive eents jottle. that letter nor three Ohm written Ifttlaultbla S"r6 f" Mr8' Winal"" ityrup, and take no e et' kind. from different plates by Donald him- self were ever received— a quite The things which! do most 10 common oecurrem during, the first make us happy do nolcost money. two years of `the California, excite- I. meet I Young man, don't ask enny favors "During the whole of his master's "Pm*. bcddY4 it is better to hay the world owe yu 10 dollars than to illness Prince stuck dose to him, though, as Father Laporte afterward 'w'e one. related, nothing but the dog's own X. D. C. PXLLS CURE onttoene, tox- fierce courage and fidelity had pre- STIPATION. 4 Pith and Point. i s While you are watti g and hoping you may die from old 4ge. ' Some men work xnochty too hard and are generally disliked. 1 A. man often 'pretends to -change . his nature, but he meet does. I A man doesn't likie to have a woman use his love for her as a dub. Heart Disease Relieved In 30 C.11368 4J organic or sym- pathetic heart disc e relieved in 30 minutes and quickly ured, by Dr. Ag- new's Cure. Sold at ishohn's Drug store, Wingham. Fortune Mos to be,assaulted; even a moderate deakon i a safer man. than a red hot one. • uagmmeassnroormitsommomemmertrovorassormr.4)... //RA 0.14TR ET t Toronto, Ontario. After TakingI-Jo tts Sarsaparilla d of a Serious DISease. ' was I suffering from '-what Is known as Wight's disease for Ave years, and for days at IAs Well s Ever Cure / time X have been unable t3 straighten myself up, I was In bed for three weeks; during that Before some people ear a thing they seem to put it awa 'and wrinkle it. A woman. is cnthusias4ieover being married, not over the man see 15 going to marry. When a man manic seeond time he always makes an Meuse of some kind to his friends. A man will do morefroin motives lof stubbornness than from motives of' patriotism or religion. I 'Norway PineSyrup cures coughs, Norway Pine Syrup cures colds, Norway Pine Syrup heals the lunge. 1C. D. 0. THE RING OP DINPICR4114. CUMIN, TILT IT. If , time I had tee eta “A'' I leeches applied 1lis,1. derived no belie - at. Seeing Hood's Sarsapa advertised In ' thepopers I decided to try a bottle. 1 found. OODFS Sarsapa illa U ES relief before I hail finished ng half of a bot 11". Iget an moth help from taking the Ant bottle that T decided to try mother, and since Want the second bottle I feel as well as ever X did in my life." Otto.Mitaarrr,Teretsto, oat. Heed*. POW are prompt a, stikdoati Tit way of *allot. !had b7 all dragglate. Ma.