The Wingham Times, 1894-12-28, Page 1JE ING VOL, XX.III,—NO, 1202., WINGII.AM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY. DECEMI3ER 28, 1894. WE WISH YOU ALL A MERRY Williams, the drhggist, sells pure drugs. Heathfield s Healing Belem tures colds, -Mt D Stewart t ipped a car load of -head the zu ertisenrent of Mr. W. CHRISTMAS AND A IIAPPY fine butchers' cattleo Toronto on Thurs- B. Belden, in **me ser column. .day. 1 ' NEW YEAR. The stock of confecttar ion et• Lnd received canned canned goodnew s for the New pear's tra des. 14Ia] i xvie. -Regular meeting of Court 14laitlau No. 25, Canadian rder of Foresters, th (Friday) evening. leotioe of offaoers, etc -Tine Treasur "'s statement for ti town of Wingbam es been issued for 189 It shows the Finan al standing of the town, giving the assets a d liabilities, • t Baby carriage runners, to fit any car- riage, at T..) D. Genera's. ';' •A light fall of now on aloeday last, was followed by ra during the evening, when the wind oh aged and we have been having very cold w then since. The roads are •frozen hard, is d the wheeling is excel- lent. eedi rew•The Times, Weekly Globo and the. Farmers' Sun, for 1595 for 111,855. Balance of this year free. --The retiring pool trustees in town this year are: rd 1, A. Galbraith; Ward 2, J. A. M 'ton; Ward 3, Tiros. Bell ; Ward 4, W . Button. We have not heard that these entiemen tvi11 receive any opposition if ey offer for re-election. :;1Christtn ys p end off very quietly in towt this year, t1 want of anew for sleigh• ing being much It. Quite a number of our tott'nsineai njoyed themselves at the shooting match o the prairie,while others wont out of town o visit friends. \ .f Buy yo'sr lamps et the Star store. 11. +. Same. -The ratepaye should turn out in d. large numbers at t e nominations on ii'don- ey night next, au hear the town's affairs is discussed. Coughs and Colds atm be cured by using 1e Heath&ell's Healing Balsam, For sale at �. 50c. at Williams' Drug Store, Wingham. ORR cG HiSCOCKS, The Only Direct Importers. 'Tem Barren, Deo, 20th 1894. Marriage Lieensoe Issued by FRANii PATERSON.. No 23, Vic- toria; s;treet:Wingham, Ont. No witnesses ;required. REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Town had Farm Property sold on com- mission, to the best advantage ofe both buyer and seller. No sale, no charge. petite oolleoted and property looked after. FIRE INSURANCE. Those desiring insurance should select 'one of the following old and reliable English *stock ctotnpanies : Sun Fire Iesurance Company, (Ests,b• l lmshe a -171t1.) ,. Norwich Union Insurance Company, t(established 1797.) Alliance Fire Assurance Company; (e$ it ttablished1824,) Lancashire Fire Insurance • Cohpauy, (established 1852,) :. S. Younu4L, -Real Estate and. Fire Insurance Agent, + Dint ,B1ook, Wingltam. LOCAL NEWS. Mitlinory' ood's et cost at Miss Wallace's. '---The atalatenciia}lIidaying this week. i?resiiasSantett received daily at the Star restaurant and served in any style. JAS. Molrrrvxz", -Division Court ae held in town en 'Thursday, Judge Defy presiding. rdTho Txares, Wee lv Globe, Farmers' 'Sun, an Ladies' journal, for 1895 for a160. Balance of this year free. ,'=Mrs. Jas. Moll vie received word on Tuesday, of the dee of her brother -in. Raw, Mr. Lawarson, f Detroit. -Watches, clocks and jewelry promptly repaired and fully warranted by HALSET Panic, Meyer Block,-Wingham. ---The aominatioi this year for munieie pal elections will e held on Monday, the 31st day of Deuemb , and the elections on Monday, the 7th da of January next. The TIMES and Weelel f. Globe from now till the end of •t.89G f9C Subscribe now and get the .belanoeof this year free. -•7'he Sabbath School entertainment and Christmas tr , under the auspices of the Baptist Sunda school, held on Friday ,evening last, was very successful affair. There was a gout • attendance, the pro - tit gramme was a go one, and the tree was \heavily laden wit presents. Salmoni's Dng1 sh White Oils is the best •family Liniment in the world, Good for ;man or beast. Price 25 owns, at Williams' 7txug Store, Wing nt. --Brussels Post 11tr, J. P. Groves, of Wingham, was in own for several days t week instr ata las u n a degree team in con- t. xlection with Wester Star Lodge; e, x. O. 0. Brussels, in the ramatized work. The e onsinterested r gt rs t Quad themselves apt pupils and are succe int; admirably. Mr. droves is well postein the work and his visit was xktuetx enjo ' d by the Odd Fellows here. --At the meeting Enterprise Council, No. 111, Royal Te piers of Temperance, held on Thursday ening of last week, the following officers ire elected for the ensu- ing term : S. D. eflwood, S. C. ; W. Ti. Aron, P. C.; John Cooper, V. 0:; Adam Reid, Cl, p. ; J. Fi, Deemer. E. •S. ; r . G. Sparl g, P. S. ; A.. Homuith, i 'Tress; Jas. C r, 7d, ; Thos. Irwin, G, ; O. Gilchri: , S. The installation will take place on the evening of Jan- uary 1st, when arge attendanee of mem- bers is requested -Mise Charl e McDonald embers to, intimate to the ladies of Wingbam Mid vicinity that the Dress and Mantle snaking businssa, formerly carried bur by Miss M. Johnston, will h:i t"nntinuea by her in true old stand, Gregory Block. Pref, Moody's tailor drstetn Wight. Cnttir. g and fitting alt'i e •'Wanted, immediatedly, a good general servant, No washing or ironing. Appl at 'the residence of :luta. Benj. 5'Villson. 'a; -'-Frank MoLa , a young man wh worked in Messrs Lott & Sturdy's livery for sone time, las summer, was arrested in Guelph, a short lime ago, for stealing a horse and rig from Brussels livery man, 'and sentenced to. tree . ears in the peni. tentiary,' -Private atone Ioan on mortgages at reasonable rate of nterest. Apply to ' tf ,'Conti Nmtacran s, -The British Me al Journal gives .the following sensible a 'ce : "If only people could be induced to ay proper attention to their children durin the weeks that fallocy vaccination we shou d hear even less than we now do of untow d results following the operation ; but wl 1st parents permit the wearing of dyed dre ses and dirty vaccine- . tion shields -or an shields for the matter of that -uta the va Mated arm, and so long as epplioati is, often of a sort to irritate the wound re resorted to without advice, so long veil ve of necessity continue to hear of erysipel s and the Iike attributed to vaccination." -Courts for he revaslon of the Domin- ion Voters' sus, in East Huron, by Judge Doyle, tovising Barrister, will be held as follows ' Blyth, Jan, 16th ; Oran - brook, Jan. 1 th; Brussels, Jan, 17th; Ethel, Jan. 1St1 Wingham, Jan. 22nd ; Wroxeter, Jan. 4th; itlorris, at Belgrave, .Tan. 25th ; T nberry, at Bluevele, Jan. 28th ; Howiok, an. 20th. -J. Golley, eterinary Surgeon -Office That Seafortla stock has arrived. See ad on page 8. Goon bines. --Services were 11e1 in St. Paul's church, on Tuesday--Obrist as day -at 11 a. m. -Cash for good butter and eggs at R. A. Graham's market grocery. -Tbe Kiekapoo pany finished their Monday night. T business here, and meats were well t enjoyed. They ar en t. �ndian Medicine Corn- 'gagement in town on ay did a good deal of near nightly entertain - tended and heartily in Lueknow at pres- Baby carriage rumors, to fit any car- riage, at T. E. ConxsN's. --A most import 04 legal point arose in the York Count Court before Judge Morgan last ?frond y, which may seriously affect holders of chattel mortgages. It was during the ial of a case brought by the Canada Perm anent Loan Co. against William Todd t recover on a chattel and infirmary 32 Victoria street west,mortgage. Mr..T W. McCullough, coun- Residence : 125 Minnie street, Bidd's rel for the defend t, raised the point that former residence. Calls promptly attended , -,y3 .l» solicitor who raws the mortgage can- to, day or night. j . G swear to the ffadavit upon it, and also ulson, a former we 61. tat the term, 'a commissioner, etc.," Wingham, but who f s ; ,ppended to ti name on tl,e chattel een a resident' of tli "mortgage hake it void. He 'quoted a renewing old acquaint number of cases • and vicinityitrte is tion. The sour ticltictor on one of the point, remaritin away, and lois was the taken, there ar ssecl through Hinohley, mortgages in th that disastrous fire last hold good," cription of the scenes at affecting. 2:tifd-liar, Rebt, known resident of some years has Western States, Ie ances in Winghh now a passenger western lines of x first train that pc Wisconsin, after summer. His d thatp 1 ace is real 1 "Where is my watch, Melinda ?" "Jolle- y pie's out cracldng hickory nuts with it." "AIl right, then, that won't hurt it, for o it was got at M. Patterson's jewellery store, Wingham." -G. T. 11. trains for Toronto and east leave Wingham at 6.25 a: m. and 11.20 a. m., via W. G. & B.; 6.85 a. m. and 3.25 p. rn., via Clinton and Guelph. Good con- nections by all trains. --Rev. Joseph t . Moorehouse, Canon Smith's successo in the rectorship of Christ March, W :llington street, London, was formally inmeted and handed the keys of the ehur last Sunday night by Big Lordship shop Baldwin. The service used was 'that prescribed by the Provincial Synod and was very impressive sermon, full of • ood advice to both the rector and the to gregation, from the 7th verse of the 87th Balm; "All my springs are in thee." Re Mt Moorehoase's many friends in Wingam will be pleased to learn that he has s eons so nicely settled it ys x London. W. F. Brocken hire, having disposed of laic business re net allhaving , s s a parties pictures to emit a a get sambefore Janu- ary 1st, 1895. ---An notion f• brought by Soo. Thomas Geary . Sessions held i general xntorest Iona a half and r'< ing a verdict for Totns dismissed The facts in the agent of Mr. S Geary's, drove t wet day and ask called again, 11 quest and the o some time befor= the agent had ne After a number either Mr Scot the organ, Mr himself and left Attempts to set sideration peovi brettght and real the price of an organ t, of Seaforth, against Hibbert, tied at .the Goderioh lately is of The trial Iastect ti day :ulted in the jury return - he defendant, and Judge the notion with costs. ase are briefly that an tt, who was a friend of = organ to his place on a d to store it until he Geary granted the re» au remained there for he began to suspect that intention of tetttoving it. Sruitlestt attempts to get or his agent to remove easy took it to Seaforth t in Seott'a wareroom. le with Geary for a con - futile, the action was ted s.s above. -The Christm s number issued last week by the Pres terian Review,Toronto, claims, in additio to its ether merits, to be the Iargest reli jou paper ever published in Canada. It c ntains 40 pages, gotten past lie jumped on up on extra goo - paper with excellent until the car reeeh cevuor, in presswork and w printed s"rllttstxzetions:-when " -- The cover is a sp fel design of elegance and appropriatene s. The contents are of more than passing interest, preserving the ordinary outline o the journal, but with each department emphasized. We con- gratulate the Pre byterian Church on the great success at ained by this leading the ankle and knee journal. the ankle, and the! He was at epee n support of his conten- reserved cleoisiota on the Great Northern Tree Ova, "If the point ie well uavidson, of Davids not half a dozen chattel dent Bank of Cotnm county of York that will nedy, Esq, of Sam Mayor of Toronto A. 44 piece Tea Set for „t1.75, at the Star Cargill, A F Gault s�tto e, H. E. SNLzz.. treal, President Do D Morrice, of D The future tui The past, t But just about There's notlain A man is tinge • Some tramp Oh, no, he is He wants to $1 A YEAR IN .ADV,A 't a golden tinge, Ibar Jas Mcl,auoblin's , may seem pleasant; E W (trovers, of Tor the Christmas tide like the present. betidaye ,with fries, ing at the gats- i Davis, of +Glodericl r burglar, maybe; i under .the parental, endidate- Prank Bredwin, ass the baby. Christmas with his Ladies' and Children's Hats, at post, at W J Chapmau retut Miss Wallace's, Denver, Colorado, a livered an address at quite favorably i:n on Monday even. end likes the ulimat Reid, Principal of t -For first -plass tailoring and cheap S. °hoot, as apemen gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co. friends in town.- •-lif Remember the place, one door south of extended visit to fr, B. A. Graham's grocery store. A Henderson, of At -It has been genet, ly-understood for visitor in town, t some time past that . some change was: Morton and eon are being made in the con rot of The Empire, • with friends in 13r aid in Saturday's p er announcement of I3urtnFy, Man was made that a synd' ate of wealthy and parents in town, :41 influential men had interest, with the in active part in its pub moat. The syndicat R. Brook & Co., Pre eral Eiectric Co.; 13 President Sanford 141 Sir Frank Smith, Vi ion Bank ; Thos Lo -Dr Macdonald de a tea-mecting at Wall ing last. -On Saturday f reroon last, a son of Chief Bullard, aged bout ten years, had one of his legs badly roken at the 0, T. R. station. The mise train was on the siding, and when a back down on the standing on the ste & Co's elevator, at . as the coach drew the platform and rode d Mr. Win.+ eelegg's tempting to jta p~ou t of it, he missed his between the platform e way he extricated d his position on the he would have been egs is broken between and badly jammed at ther is badly bruised. moved to his home rocurect, and is now y. This should be a keep away from the Montreal ; It A Lu & Bristol, Harnilt. President Cobban hater street to,. is spendis s in town....-1*Ir spent Christ roof in town.-..- # Harriston, specs treats iu town . -Mr ed from bis visit to Friday last. Ile iclt essed who Z?attvet-„ �'y rtt•uah--lir `T. e Owou Sound 1;£oclet his holidays with .7 W Dodd is on ars nee in Ve pule. ---Ileo. and. was a transient. Christmas, --- Mrs tench ur(a few betide. ve mlttan. -Mrs. Young, thine is visiting her and Mrs Alex I'orgie., soured a controIliug --Mr Thos Dodd eclat a couple of eleyy s io Seaf •trth.---11r' W te, is spending a fsvr• 'has Smith, of Resnai- s with his parents int nd spent Christroatt we .-141r Jas .�udrr- , of Cavauville, arae n, - ution of taking an this week with filet cation and manage- Molver, of Kincaid is composed of : W, days in town; -Mr• dent Canadian Gen• ton, spent Christm n Senator Sanford, town. -Mr Wm F ufacturing Co; Hon with friends in List 1 e -President Domin_ son, wife and fami g, Esq., President visiting friends in to. it Co ; Col John 1 &Hay, Vice-Presi- , BEL(x ?AVE. e ; warring Eon- The Trinity �Iturch Sabbath ree, which' -was q . Hall, on Thurs. Ane of the host'' ments ever heldthe managing eonem tulatedl hieh they al hys, their entertain - hall was packed an appreciative: highly delighted •ogramme 111e whish or the ' occasion. Sabbath School: rc on, Kennedy & Co, School Christmas held in the Foreste Cai„i11, 1i P, of 2 este of Gault Bros., Mon- day, the 217tH, W inion Cotton Stills Co sitccesefiil entertai lorries, SCn s & Co, in the village, an as, of Ltioas, Steele committee are to n ; . Frank J Phillips,on the manner in ti IanufaetnrineeCo and make a Success of out to "pull out" and Consolidated Plate -lass Co; ,las l4,lniraq, hent. The large sin line, the boy was Esq, St Catharines . Frauk Turner; C.G, to the doors wit' Toronto ; H J S ott, Q 0, Toronto ; D audience, who were of Messrs. L. Coffeewith the splendid .1 had been prepaa'ed The members of t12 were b'1• M assisted d lz v 1• isses Caine, Car-- ri o n, ,f II> Ingham, and pond toga Hearty nhcl. 7lliss.Ctinc i'; tl:e a plat,e 1n the' list in tiie near the platform in fr footing and slipped and the car. In s. his legs and retai platform, otherwis killed. One of his Primulas (Chinese Primroses), white and and medical aid colored, blooming. Get one from the Iron Bridge Greenhonse, T. C. GRAuAar, • getting along nip Lower Wingham. warning to boys reemeries' Association j cars` Heatlifield's Healing Balsam is the surest and safest cure for colds ie the Stwoore, rld. Price 50. cents, at Williams' Drug Wingbam. -The Ontario will hold its annual meeting in Chesley on January 8th; 9th a d 10th: The speakers on the first day's p gramme will be Mark I Sprague, of Amelia burg, Alex. E. Work, 1 of Paisley, and hn Gould, of Ohio.I Other speakers on the programme are Profs. James, Shutt Dean and Palmer, Andrew Petrillo, ed or 'ef the Sentinel - Review, Woodstock, . Derbyshire, Presi• dent ref Assn., J. S. earce, of London and J. W.Wheaton,B. A. see. of Western Assn. A banquet will be giv n by the citizens on Wednesday evening, Ladies are cordially invited to attend. T e meeting promisee. to be a very successf one, and certainly the programme is " r excellence," Saltnoni's Engli h White Oils cures Chilblains. IRheutnatisni. Sprains, Bruises and Sore Back. For sale at 25c. at Williams' Drug Store, Wingham. --We have receive teresting pamphlet Farmers Testify," dim to direct attention t fieri for settlement. little workr t prove th a copy of a very ' entitled "Algoma Al gonia object ofhi cv ch is that section as a he contents of this t no Canadian need go out of Canada to And a home for hire. sifnfaall e andy, if h has any knowledge of farming or stock • rising, and is wilting to work, even thou r his means may be limited -and that I ss means are neeclea to make a fair star in Algoma than in en je other field of emig tion offering itself,f, the settler. We ave come to regsta. ;w gonia as only a wr te of rook, the haunt of the hunter and xr does lauds to ref Sault Ste Mario, furnish a. copy t may also be oh ined from the Crown Lauds, or the 'rioalturai departments, Toronto. To the Editor of the Tia DEAR Sus,--" Te porance" appears to feel very keenly th position he has got himself into, as e denco his letter in last issue of the T . Es. I have no de- sire to increase h troubles, so will leave him where 1 ft him in my pre- vious letter. The Advance h:: evidently decided that the better pa for it to play is to say nothing, as it c nnot defend its un- truthful and unm: ly attack upon Dr. 1laodonald. "-another Tempe half a column in but ands nothing His anxiety abo cause is only situ i He snate n ' q a xto.0 ve lie he h as great r hence does not fail his readers. He is the comfort he ea statements CQO,,tliine his denunclilr,ns..of be passed Y bytha ti>;poringsOf one wh • Oiis;to•injurehe►w b 'c1 doubt' thti'- tloct Lind the Advance at nee" takes up about at week's Adv arae,, ve to the dlscusbion. the Temperance lated, and not real. to make people be- stoningtv p cera r and o impress that tipon 1 utte welcome to all 1 extract teem any in ruy letters, and ' • Dr. Macdonald can gentleman its the 8 exceedinglyanx- ause of his politic, will attend to him• he proper time and her, but this little work piaee. Y te the idea. V. Poorest Ont„ will be glad' to those desiring 14, -kt The Oh (kenos Enemyy Scrofula often shows itself in early life and is characterized by swelflitgs;abseesses, hip diseases, etc. Consumption is scrofula; of the Ings. In table plass of diseases Scott's Emulsion t tragnsstionably tilt most reliable media**. Creighton, Publisl undoubtedly the firmed in coupe Cana la. It ivtll are warm suppo party and policy closely identified of the country, a while as heartily Conservative Go sense under its c Mynd in nolittcal tion to make The BA wall as a politi er, Toronto. This is rongest syndicate ever ion with a paper in e noticed tttat,w,li•1,G ers of the Goias the majority are men itb the business interests d they announce that, as ever supporting the ernment, although Li no future. She has a wonderfully sweet ntrol, and having a freer v01Ce, while mLlss argill as ail etoeti� Otters, it is their inter- tionist has only o be beard to be mpire a business man'sappreciated, • it ass Ketcilen : sang paper. several Scotch so iys in ?fueli a pieaS- int,: manner that to audience wanted The Trues and eekly Globe from now more of •thein- lr. D. McGill, who, till the end of 1895 for K. Subscribe now is always a green t favorite with a and get the balance of this yeer free. lielgrave audie 00, . gave several these ladies,liad tu.a' encore at each no gives promise to first rank as a v00 Pers Mr and Mr's Geo T with the former's par Master Will S Rob fete days with friends Messrs Kenneth Tervit, jr, of Wal few holidays with fri Miss 141. brew, of holidays with her p Master Jas Hugel spending a few days roof, Mrs Lamb, of Mr John MoDonogh Master John lngii friends in Herristou Miss L. Drew is vi at present. Miss F Murray, o days with friends d8 it Mr and Mrs Free mos with the latte stook. -Mr Robert in town a few day A E Bradwin, of th his Christmas turkey roof in town. ---1i '1'eeswater News, w town, on Christmas Ilarrlstnn, spent Ch town. -Mrs 1t ,7B1 visiting friends in Miss Jennie Elder ors,, e,, .Chatham Business Ttit:xoTAr1i1t., holidays. -Ur d W spent Christmas at als. Bones in his um, gond.: style and can spent Curiatmas hate respond t• ,encores The tree pts in Seafortt,, was beautifully decorated with tson is spending a )'resents for the 1 tie ones, whowere in 'Hamilton. made happy wh • Ii they found,•.that inklater and Geo Santa Claus had et forgotten them, erten, are spending a -Dr. J, C. J 'mon, of Adrian, lids in town. Michigan, is visit ng friends in the lyth, is spending the village. The •.etor has a very pts in towd. extensive praeti e in Adrian. --Dr, s, of Kincardine, is Agnew has, o; ened an office in under the parental ZLondesboro, .wtl • is meeting with •good success 111 his practice.- -Mr. antford, is a guest of ' Jos Porterfield, F Omaha, is visiting town. , friends here. ---T: e Christmas tree in spent Christmas with connection with to Methodist Church Sabbath School, which was. held in hang friends in Ripley , the p o1 ers all, on ms night, Was ears nd sacecssChristin everay Luaknow, spent a few tya•. `.I'heesthL;ro'k town this week. cl00rs, tits treeall was was �'L�tl11IeCIwdedto withetkt . nCatr spent nrst» many beautiful presents, ent s iid th s parents . in Wood- pro„ ranlme was ane of the best give ,' •flier, of Buffalo, a to I before a $elgr ve audience. h vieitiug friend-:. --.qtr : proceeds anloun - d. to over $40. I3lyth Standford, ate 1 under the parentall 0 ROSS. Stewart, 01 the : A very prett wedding was eele- a transient visitor in 11rated at the r:.idenee of Mr. and -Mr Wm W'elob, or Mrs. Tasker, in .Worth,. on Christ - stalks with friends in utas, when the r second youngesti kwell and son are daughter, Miss . V. Tasker,, >yta rantford and Troy..--- !joined hi the b• ds of n111trimon,i is home from the j with liar. '.Phos. i.Iteli, son o#Hiilfrt ollege to spend the', Pete Ai'kell, Of " t fro s. The 1t1i +a Suell, of London, • 1151 knot W11.8 tied by Rei'. MIri` ".tit his hong in town, -.t ! in the presence 0 a largo n .tuibe»r a visit to hie fancily 1 W1t 848, Miss Ito, T- , ler assistant f slbttl(1, ,iv.•rie Tremain, •ea sister, while Mr. ' Arlo%p, t 411.11s.1/4 ricuds in to.vtt a few tc)wel, did It Ilk - Seirti •t1tin. Mkt -Mr" and Ars M I brother. The In ,wilily aavw,yta iblatls yhristmas with the numerous and ateSta sWilla} testifivilitat Mee A Gi;leapie, i the high esteem hi r, - b ' hesrr ldaild t ,relatives in town aid groom are het •. by their lluitenc Bolden ofBrussel/I; outs ftlend tsseld s The. , fir{ � . 1 friends' this weak, I fora trip t0' telttin returned home; other lointtl, talferi#,,.9:13t1g:17tl i++ a; t , on Monday.. -Miss the realities 4fillitie • ie tOttteneeetderfft Moran is a guest at l extend to tlituv,titti ickinftrahnllsOmos The Mode n Mother Mr ha Risdon is o Llan found that her littler one areimproved in Detroit. ----Miss more by the pleasant laxative; Syrup of Pigs, when in need of the laxative effect of a'geistle remedy than by any other, and that it is more acceptable to them, Child. ken enjoy it and it benefits them. The true remedy', Syrup of Pigs, is rnanufactur. ed by the California b'ig Syrup Co. only. The Trasss end Weekly Globe from now t111 the end of 1it05 for 1. finbacribe now d be stet o ra ytar free. ;Detroit, was visiting days during the wee Mei/ Ii letning spent latter's:parents in to of Blyth, was vision this week. -'fir Jas was oailiitgorr Wing -Vivi Maggie Met feeitit Macon,`` (le Bettie Murray, 0 r