The Wingham Times, 1894-12-21, Page 7THE WIN 0'11A' rl' 11 C� , D1 C1tMI3ER 21,.1E04, Y ADVENTURE. BY CARI, BRICKETT. I had always been fond of new sights and hovel scenes ; but while my father lived 1 coulcl not have the heart to leave him. When he cued, however, and I found myself at the age of twenty-one, my own master, and heir to a comfortable property I made up my Blind to see a little of the world. So, only waiting long enough to arrange my business affairs, I started for Europe, and it was .in Italy that the adventure which I am about to relate happened to inc. • One bright, beautiful morning I bad left Rome, and had rambled on foot to a little village a few miles distant, where, with the aid of my sketch book, I spent the thne plea- santly until the approaching twilight saw ine on my return. As I walked along I became aware that clouds were gathering in the sky. It grew dark very fast, and to my dismay, while I was yet a long distance from my destination heavy .drops commenced to fall ; but through the trees I perceived a twinkling light and drawing near, I saw that it proceeded from the win- dow of a small cottage. At my rap the door was opened by a tall, dark, but rather a fine-looking man ; and to my query if I could find accommodations there for the night;'or until the storm abated, he answered. very courteously in the affirmative. Inside, upon the hearth, glowed a bright fire. Another man was in- troduced to me by my host as his brother. They were about to par- take of their evening meal, and,upon being invited, I was very willing to ,join them. As we talked I learned .that the brothers were vine -dressers, .and owned the cottage in which they ,lived. We were nearly through, when the door opened and a very young girl entered. She was ex- ceedingly handsome, I thought, with :affair beauty, in strange contrast to illy swarthy, dark-browed enter- tainers. As she saw me she started, ,and a sudden red Bashed over her Ture skin. "Come here, Juanita," said my host, peremptorily, as she turned as -r .j to leave the room. At his words the girl came to his side; and as just then the girl lifted her large,thought- ful eyes into my face, I smiled ;kindly at her. Soon after little .Juanita was allowed to take her .departure, with instructions to retire .at once. The rain was still descending in 'torrents and as there seemed no prospect.of its ceasing, I had deter- mined to remain where I was till the next day. So, though it was early —barely eight o'clock—as I was feeling weary with my long tramp, .T signified my desire to be shown to • the room which I was to occupy for the night. My )lost had left me only about an hour when I distinctly heard upon Tay window pane a soft wrap, several times repeated, as if someone wa.' trying to attract my attention. Rising, and hastily drawing on my clothes, I went to the window and drew aside the curtain.. There, .outside in the darkness and rain, upon alow porch which stood. just ev beneath my window, stood the girl I had seen that night at supper. The 'wind blew her long, golden ringlets wildly about her face, which was of .a deathly whiteness. Wondering much what the strange visit. could mean, I opened the win- dow and drew the girl inside. She an aperture was left large enough to favored me above the rest. At any enable me --myself unseen—to look rate before the evening way over. I, into the room. who had always deemed myself The two men were conversing to- proof against the "tender passion," gether, and I could distinctly hear was obliged to confess myself des - what was said. perately and earnestly in love. The "It's a good while, Beppo, since aunt, Madame Dupress, was a kindly we got such a good haul. IIow inuelt gentle -mannered lady, and after a month had glided by I ventured to confide to her my hopes in regard to her niece. Then, to my poignant sorrow, I money did you say the wateli was worth ?" With a glance towards me, the girl said : "Let's go ! We have no time to learned that she who I bad flattered ,lose!" myself was not indifferent to me, By her words I saw that she leer- cherished an affection for another. self intended to accompany me. In The old lady laid her hand pity - two hour's time we had put a good ingly on my arm as she saw my dis- distance between ourselves and the appointment. villains: During our walk the little girl told me her story. When she was a tiny child her parents had been murdered by the men who called themselves her father and uncle.. Their sister, an old woman who had kept house for them died recently, and just be- fore her last moments she hacl told Juanita the truth, making her pro- mise to keep her knowledge to her- self lest she should peril her own life. "Oh, sir," exclaimed Juanita, piteously, "for many a long month I have lived. in this house with these men, knowing that they had killed my parents. I dared not run away, for than they would have suspected that I knew, and would have follow- ed and perhaps killed me. But I made up my mind to escape when the opportunity came. I liked you, sir, when I first saw your kind face ; and when it came to me that your life might be in dangerI listened i when they thought I was n bed, and heard then plan to kill you and bury your body where no one would ever find it, and divide between them your jewelery and stoney.". It was a long and hard tramp through the darkness and rain ; but at last I reached my lodging place. Then, committing the little Juanita to my good landlady's charge, I retired for the remainder of the night. It can hardly bo wondered at, considering the exciting events through which I had passed, that slumber should be a long time in visiting my eyelids; but at length, after 1 had humbly, upon my knees thanked the kind God who had saved me from a terrible fate, sleep carne to me. The next clay I took little Juanita to a friend of mine—the principal of a large educational establishment for girls. My agent had been writing me for some time, urging Inc to return home to see to some business affairs which needed my personal supervision, and a few weeks later I bade my little deliverer farewell leaving instruc- tions with Madame Armand to see that the child had every attention which money could command, until she become of an age when she could choose her own path in life. Five years passed. At the end of each term I sent large money drafts to the friend in whose charge I had placed the child to whom I owed so much ; but at length I received a few lines from Madame Armand saying that I need no longer do so, as Juanita was not with her. She said that the note was penned in great haste, and that -when she found leisure she would, write me the full particulars, But the second letter. never ar- rived. Instead, I received news of Madame Armand's sudden demise. Another year went by, and once more I determined to travel. I had was trembling violently and for some only been a week iu Paris when an ,moments Could not speak. intimate friend invited me to aceom- Then coming to my side, she piny him to a reception. whispered : We arrived late and found the "Oh, sir 1 I have come to save you splendid rooms filled with the elite of .from certain death 1 You must not the city. My attention was at once stay here to -night ----not even for an attracted by a radiantly beautiful .hour longer ! There is a ' plan to young lady. On enquiry I learned ,murder and rob you !" that she was the neice of the ltos- I had read of Italian bandits who toss. murdered lonely travellers ; could it "So you too, have succumbed to be that these men who had entertain- Miss Lavelle's charms!" exclaimed .ed me, and who ,had seemed to be so my friend, laughingly. :manly and intelligent, " were assess- "Beware Mountains ! she is as cold. Ana'? as ice, and you are only the thous- •" s ome, sir, pray do not wait. Width atttony her adinirers. She is Corns with me." equally indifferent to all. But if The girl in her earnestness, laid her hand upon my arm, and without further words I clambered out upon .the porch, and from thence, by the .aid of a trellis, to the ground. She then led me around to a window at the side of the house. "Listen," s':e whispered, "and you "I tell you out of kindness," she said, "Nita bas already rejected the finest offers. She has only been with me a short time, and I know not whom it is that she loves, but site has confessed to me, when I have spoken to her upon the subject, that her heart is• irrecoverably given to another. I am glad that you have come to me first, for I have saved you the additional pain of a refusal." It was too late for me to endeavor to root out of my heart the sweet image which had nestled there and destroyed its peace ; but I determin- fiQ�.ft. It 1 S b whom she bad never been able to find any trace since that time. When she had left Madame Arm- mand, Juanita had twice written to inform tate of the change which had taken place in her cireumstanees,but, probably through some mistake in the direction, I had never received the letters. Thus to the only adventure which in all my life had ever befallen me 1 owed the greatest blessing Provi- dence could bestow—my beautiful, loving wife. Beyond Comparison Are the good qualities possessed by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Above all it purifies the blood, thus strengthening the nerves; it regulates the digestive organs, invigor- ates the kidneys and liver, tones and builds up the entire system, cures Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Catarrh and Rheu- matism. Get Flood's and only Hood's. kioon's PILLS cure all liver ills, bilious nese, jaundice, indigestion, sick head - eel) e. Short Suggestions. Eat plain food. Be regular in your habits. Begin your morning meal with ec o put t to ocea i etween my self and the place which held only disap- pointment for me. But I could not go without once more seeing Miss Lavelle. When I called, I found that Madame Dupres was absent from home, and Miss Nita was in the parlor alone. Then, as calmly as I could, when I reflected that it was probably the last time that I should ever see her lovely face, I told her of shy intended departure, and that I bad come to say farewell to her- self and aunt. As I spoke, all the color receded from her sweet face. She held out her hand as if to answer me, and, to my surprise, I saw that, though she evidently struggled hard to repress them, her eyes were full of tears. Suddenly she turned hastily as if to leave the room ; but in an instant I had her in my arms. you wish it, certainly I will present you." I found Miss Lavclle's conversation as fascinating as her appearance, "Nita !" I cried, in exultant tones, "can it be that those tears are for me ?" She remained passive in- my em- brace. I turned her face to mine, and there I read the blessed truth— my love was returned. ""But, Nita, your aunt told me that you had confessed to her that your heart was given to another. How was that ?" I said, as a little later we sat hand in hand, I scarcely - realizing the unexpectedly, Happy turn affairs had taken. Nita blushed, and lifting up her eyes with a laughing glance in their blue depths to my face. Then, rais- ing, she said : "Look at me !" With a quick motion Nita had withdrawn the pin which fastened; up her luxuriant hair, and in long . ringlets of gold it now fell loosely ! about her. "Do you remember me ?" she said. For a moment I gazed incredul- ously at her. Only once before had I seen such a wealth of dancing, sun- kissed waves upon a human head. I Incredible as it seemed, it was Juanita—my little deliver ! Don't go to work immediately af- ter eating. Rise in the morning soon after you are awake. Be moderate in the use of liquids at all seasons. For Over Fifty Years AN BCLD AND WELL -TRIED REMIIDY.-9h's, win slow' Si.othinr Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their chile ren while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child sotfens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colin, and is thebest remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists in eery part of the 1Vorla. Twenty -dye cents a nettle. Its vane is incalculable. Be sure and asic for Mrs. Winslow s Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. The Guelph Mercury learns that Mr. Wm. Hood, jun., and his sister, Mrs. Hastings, have each received -a Christmas present of $2,000 from an uncle on the mother's side residing in Liverpool. It is said that there is " more to follow." Everywhere Well Spoken Of. Are Stark's Powders for Sick and Nervous Headache, Biliousness and Liver. :kir. Wood, manager Imperial Bank, Port Colborne, says :—"They do their work admirably." Mr. Alex. Rurnsey, Imperial Bank, Welland, says:—"They are excellent." Mr. George H. Williams, the extensive fruit • basket manufacturer, Thorold, says :—"For over 12 years I suffered severely from Sick and Nervous Head- aches and Liver. I tried all the adver- tised remedies without effect. Stark's Powders cured me." Price 25c a box ; sold by all medicine dealers. --- The The Herald of Gospel Liberty the organ of the Christian (Newlight) Church, is the oldest religious paper in the United. States. Heart Disease Relieved in , 30 Minutes.—All cases of organic or sym- pathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Ag- new's Cure. Sold at Chisholm's Drug store, Wingham. • YOUNG PEOPLE'S PAPER. We were too much engrossed. with A RI Journal for the Youth ourselves to enter into explanation at SONO LEE'S CHINESE H . SHAW CUTS DOW TSE PH!CE„ OF MEM �� R'��. AGAR. STEAK I .1 PER t. The undersigned has opened a Laundry in the • BRICK BUILDING JUST NORTH OP CHISHOLM'S DRUG STORE, Wingham, and is prepared to do All. KINDS of LAUNDRY WORK in the best style and at the cheapest rates. Parcels culled for and delivered, Please call and try our work. SING LEE. Wingham, Nov, 1, 1894. If you want your FALL AND WINTER � 1 T X Fr made in the latest style, go to G. r H. I R H I i ions PRooton. Gen, ao4efr, Wm GIBSON,. ]t P, A. T , V. coo, A. B. LEE (Toronto). I Cashier—J. TURNBULL. Savings 1ianir,—iTnure,10to 3: Saturdays, 10 1. Deposits of 1 and upwards reeeh ed and intere... ullowecl. �, Special Deposits aieo received at currant rates of Internet. Drafts on Great Britain and the Mated States bought and sold and other meats in low proportion, PORK SAUSAGE also on band. I am prepared to pay the highest px for all kinds of fowl. They must be dt and well dressed. GEO. $TI'A. W gingham, Oct. loth, 1833. BAND Of HAMILTON WINGHAIVI. Capital, $$1,t50,0u0. Best, 15050,000e President—.Jona STUART. vies-President—r1, G. RAAMAY. DSl3.i OTO1tf B. WILLSON, Aexx7: E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. JCB PRINTING, LTNCLUDING Books, Parnphiets, Posters, Bit J!. Heads, Circulars, fen., tic., executed in the best style of the art, at moderate prices, and ou short notice. Apply or address opposite Bank of Hamilton, it. ELLIOTT. d Timm Office, Wingham. INGHAM THE MEI AM WEEKLY From now till the end of 189 GLOB. DI . x TEACO. WT T151- 0 1 A , M. TEA IN PLRr LCTItI<1_, from the Tea Plant~' to the Tea Cup, in its). Native Purity, un - tampered with sup- plied to the public at strictly Wholesales Prices ; all inocllea: • „Av. and profits saved. \r (5377 CHOICE INDIA sari rEY11 Famous Selectious of the pure Tea of CEYLON, CHINA AND JAPAN are guaranteed to be of the highest finality. All who appreciate a. cup of°a'• really fine Tea, possessing. pungency briskness and flavor, are invited to cal)), once; but when Madame Dupres of Canada. or write for samples and contrast with other Tea. The prices range from 11 thathad seemed t returned, a is strange -a - 20e. upwards. was made plan Young people will read; the only cues= The old woman who had told tion is, what are they to read? Their uliar wants are not full met b an pec Y Y y Juanita of her parents' death had' general newspaper. In the United States also given her an article which had several excellent periodicals are prepared been overlooked as valueless by the for their benefit, but they are all expen- sive. Harper's Young People (New York) costs $2 a year; The Youth's Companion managed to secure. ' (Boston) 81.75; '(holden Days (Philadel- It was a seemingly empty toilet phia) 83; and St. Nicholas (New York) case of leather. Juanita had carried 83. They are worth the money, but they • are luxuries. it with her in her flight. One clay, The YouNGPEopLE'sPAPP gisaweekly while taking it from a drawer, she (eight -page) journal just commenced in had accidentally dropped it, and Kingston, Canada, designed for the peru- with a sharp click of false bottom i sal of young persons of both sexes be - had fallen out. Inside were several be- tween the ages of ten and twenty, with a department for children, and issued at rings and a locket of diamonds, In ' a price within the reach of all. It will the latter were the pictures of a lady contain the cream of all the leading and gentleman, beneath which were 1 American periodicals of the same class the names, `"l;ttgettie and Ernest . se well as the many publications of like nature to.be found in England, in atldi- Tavelle, Paris." 1 tion to a due proportion of original Upon her showing her discovery matter. Young people like stories, and to Madame Armand the lady had at these will be given in abundance. Among 1 the miscellaneous contents of the paper Once gone to Paris and taken Incas - may be mentioned accounts of travel 1 ores to ascertain if some of Juanita's adventure and discovery, explanations of relatives might not still be livin g wonderful inventions, inetascert of re - there. 1markable intelligence in animals, angio Iyer search had been rewarded the moral tong of the pater will be the) ( w,ith success and Juanita had been dotes,eto. Parents may rest assured that and, as I talked with her and saw the color decpon in her fair cheek, claimed by 11ladam .1)upres,a wealthy Price, 50c a year; trial trip for two %. and the look of intelligent interest, a d childless widow, as the daughter' months, 10 cents. The best way to remit which her lovely eyes bent on mine, other brother, who together with I ht1 by postal order uta oust of two eefrta, will see til it f <fltt o111 ou I inward) wandered if this hvcre Yts gonna wife had years before though i wra pfd in fs carried saAd- Y telling y y r r enou;#l, 1f wrapped in ectft paper. Ad - Will rlin vitas almost down, but 1 or if it could be possible that , she friend termed indifference, .. r ffer _...-. e bidden .. r.. favo ._,...11 tL�...n ceas.oaa. ra-.. T Y LY1-at -a dib Rideau at., firing. f ther departure for Italy, and, of Mon, Ont. tie trutlh. on r :Tie cur i very highest. 11