The Wingham Times, 1894-12-21, Page 6!IA TIIE wiNotiAM Tx1ViESs,1)EG aMBEi --.�- J. i 'lion. one member of the iir111 is to be ,11& ��.1T. l �•1Tl �.rTlt�� 3 ...1.(t li d ' (,'1".ltYlltltlly Olt the gtelluil L'S: t'txAIRIITII:I•, liI POTIT. "Z."7"7-7-77-77-7----7---77-- 1 1, itt reference to the report of 1±'lt1DAy DECEMBER 14 ;;I, 11;114. `t'011n1iittee re House of Refuge, re- : eonunt'nd that said report be carried ' vitt in full. COUNTY CO1I NCIT,, 2. In reference to resolution of Messrs. t 'Ln( 1.e1 I e I]Ceellibl'1' IIIeC$illr; Of Huron; - tartitll •x77 I;xvay St., ITnllae, Texas, -never tought c•2 t fore are disco r ci. We November JCh, Mt halearnt more at therm ice talc;, than at any others I have ever attended and I To the Editor of the Parish Welcome. thin% they are the l,t•ht ihia•; ilia eau be The chureli we attend is the only North- • itttrod,Fcot1 Into Saldiatti s •Incl work. in ern church here and the prejudice against 1 our Union '!'ea .hers' :llcetini,•; :,f the min - it is very strong, but it is wonderful the cilial ehnrehes iu the city, besidtn discuss• work it accomplishes, The women support in,; t.le le:;sou, WI' Wroto papin's u;l an<l dil- a missionary student in India, the young cussed such subjects as : now to stintu- I Kennedy re ell people contribute fifty dollars a yti€Lr to late the pupil to study," '° 11'sw to (11 T , travelling \1L . en give :ll l' attendance t.ud 1)o tct111L1- ' Council Heil �Ya*; ccnrezted at God-' t.;'lneer s trill t lain„ expenses, eu5e , help educate, another, mid the children mirage I c1;a :•Oltllt� C t t T week. The wind- no action at present. 1 fifteen dollars a year to educate a child in mfr etc. 1 stn happy to an til:lt ct the pal hon .l ss rdns 1 g; alai L?Ll.+illeSS transacted is t'nlbt)died � :i. We 1'PC;Clsllllencl that clause 10 Japan. Besides supporting the main AToriheru;:r,; push their way down and t ' tee reports; tS: °Ll'1 the )•:xeelttlye ('011litllttel''s report •cllllrce, they support three mission churches a firmer foothold ill the country, things in the: following eolllllnt p restored and . ,• til°S:f'I.1I. t'O:tIytITTP:I.:. Cf last January 1}4 , in the most degraded part of the city, and improve and it is to be hoped that with REPORT of ' , i• Committee incites beg leave that clic saltie be amended by filing it is in these mission churches the most of Coed's hell) the people will le raised to lL Your 'Special Cc III.amount t 'dyable to (30(1('ricit ' 1tllows: tail. .tin(Llll 1 .,,,, car work lies. We work in the, mist;iun, hither and btttcr standard. The longer I tO reCt)1211111thL tint �-'2 t, t:1.1 r' • • t the 1110tion Of McS3rS. Co Collegiate Institute at 2, ., + , church in the neighborhood cif the cotton 1'E'1t7:4111 here the more -fervently I exclaim, id nett li ,ton ') u(10.tt'$, P eaforth, 2,c10:19 ; mins. his impossible toe us livingin d Gibson rel a 11Gilltlltellt of vain -Clinton , " Gc,d bks otic belcveil L'ana(1: ,, it21p eulfrlltent d Canada to realize file depth to ti'ery sinetsel,v, a oiit s iu the wor t, LLtors be deferred to the January and that clause 11 Of the Executive • , report of last .huge be rescinded. which these pE.ople have sunk. In a oer- A. Poxlri:u. gig,� O Meeting. --------' 1111. CIL 2, That •the 11'Crc1 one ilnndied in This to b(' accepted 1)y the said : taro sense they are a religioes, church- c • `tl k out boards in flail 0f all cl€Lima tillegecl 'going people, but it is 11 Mild Of supereti• Look Out for Cold Weather 1J andatit' •1 of 1tf t 1 be struck the fifty be substituted arrearages, , ti:it:s religion, and the standard of 1t1o: at:, ty bat ride -LNttitd t 1'testiblllncApal't ,tout tit -ill s and the word t , Stca x +tilt. .e� therefor anti that a by-law be pre- 4. We have examined the tenders is so low and their principle in 1#c. b S_ the Cliicitgn, llTilv;•nulceo tl: St. red and passed to carry this put in for supplying coal for COt1I't troverted, they are so lit:l.le and uutrust- Railway end you will be as warm, comfort - 3. p ' worthy that we, educated itt our couuLry, able and cheerful as in your own library or 11lllenclmezlt into effect. House and Registry offices and find' 3. That one copy of Mr. Totten's that sane has been awarded to 1\111. look at their religion as a hollow iuoukery • boudoir. To travel betweer. Chicago, St. tariff manual be purchased. for Lee at „5.d5 per ton. �'lheir Mee of justice, iuurder, duelling' Paul and lhune,�polis,ot• between Chicago, mewOmaha and Sioux City, in these lnxurionsly 'the use of the board of audit. 5. We also examined the tenders •and resenting an insult, is simply revolting appeiuted trains, is a anpreme satisfaction; 4. That His Honor Judge Toms for cord wood for the jail and find ` to us. This immorality and indolence has and, fie i1, t1 soillewllfl t ancient advertfse- e ,empowered to employ a steno- that the tender of J (ioldthrope at ; been causal to a great extent by slaveryt meut used to read, "for further particulars, b 1? i civil and criminal ,,2.7'2 was accepted, This tender i51 During slave tit es thty became indolently see small -bills." Small bills (and large graphel in suchones, too) will be auceptigl for po6sage and eases, not already provided for by not the lowest, Samuel Bissett having proud tied unfit for work. Now they arts K.sleeepfng car tickets. I or cletailed infor- this council, as he may deem neves- offered to supply salve at $2.53, but e ton lazy to work aid as long as they can hxlatioll mtLiress A. J. Taylor, Canadian sary, tiYAS withdrawn after tenders were , get enough for to -day never think of to • Passenger Agent, :Toronto, Ont. .'Moved by V. Ratz, seconded by Geo. Mermen,. that clause two be amended by stating $25 instead of 450—Carried. Report adopted as ,mended. [Note: No. 2 referred to 'the re- ward to persons apprehending horse thieves.] solicitor as to claim of Collegiate In- I of this mill was enough for us, and here 1 DEPORT OF. ROAD AND BRIDGE COM- stitute boards. peopie'1end their whole lives. Work be- 31ITTEE. 7. We recommend that the e0m- I gins at 0.30 in the morning and lasts until 1. Regarding Gully bridge, it munications from county solicitor re d in the evening, with an intermission of being in the township of Stephen, it Morris and Huron and the Collegiate : 15 minutes for dinner. Children go in at be not assumed by the county. . 2. Re Holmesville bridge, recom- snencl that it be built of cedar. 3. Re bridge on eon it lTnwiek, that it be built of d:.. Re boundary bridge at Blue- A by-law was passed for raising' earned. The people are altogether I.11lter- . vale, that it be built of cedar. That `"12,000, to build House of Refuge. ! ate. They never attel.d school (that is, tete d proofs below dorty dollars be given to Reeve \I babyhood t ' Pherson for the purpose of xemunei - ()Lure . o are en said bridge. ate one quarter of the distressing ;schools is so strong 5. Re Myth bridge, it beim a symptoms arising from enfeebled ' the real old Southerners who can not af- short sped, and .:tone abutments digestion, all of which might be readi- ford private instruction will allow their ' beilirfl, aI ready thele a steel or iron lv dispelled by these admirable Pills. ' children to grow up in ignorance rather Q' JEATS,TEAQEMARKs# COPYRIGHTS. (IAN I OBTAIN A PATENT 1 For a pprom >t answer and an holiest opinion. write to ItLI3�lOT td. CO., whp have bad Hca ly Y. r tint years' experience in the patent business. Communica- tions strictly contldentiaL t, Handbook of In- formation concerning Vaccine and bow to ob- tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan- ical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice intbe bei ettti Ile American, and thus are brought widely before the public with- out cost to the inventor. This splendid 1laper, issued weekly, elegantly illustrated. has by far the largest circulation of anv scientific work in the world. S3 a year. Sample enema sent free. Building Edition. monthly, 5:.60 a year. Single copies, tiful plates to colors, ami pheCn raphe of w houses b latest 33 cents. livery number eontatns beau- ne with plans, enabling uilder l to show the designs and secure contlaets. Address NN & CO.. NEW Yong. 361 BnoADwAY. Now is the time to buy your • ni, y;` Jnam (ine5' .--Iii rt'bl 1$111'.11 BYEI11 L'itlll.LV MOANING ,1 '1111:--• TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE". $I REED' WING11A.1AI, ONTARIO. Satbseriptioullrice„$i Der yoar,131 c1.1r }OW AUS'EiLTIal"ti it.tTE`:: tiptoe 1 1 yr. 1 (1010. 1 3 Olio Colutiui X00 00 1ia14 ::U U v �Lr r (i , to t i A 00 oe ' titttl I one [ 640 00 I S1i2 DO 4 00 • ;o1 nu A 12 00 7 00 200 10 1 0. . MI I Legal and other vacua advertisements, 50, per line for tirat insertion, anti :1,.!.• -.'r lin.: i„ c 1111 ,tbsequont Insertion. Local notices lee. l,c. limo tor first insertion, and - 50, per line for wuh enbse,plent insetticr., No local' notice will be t ha:ged le.s than 23c. Advertisements of Lost, Fa and, Straycd,Sttuattone,. I and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 lines • nonpareil, :i per 11011th Houses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 S1T esetterms mill betstrictly ader hered month Special rates for local advertisements, or fmt Longer periods. Advertisements and local notices without specifier 1 directions, will he inserted till Turbid and charged iaccordingly. T,:,r"ttofy advertisements must be, paid iu adranen mon s must be n, Changes for contract adre•tir. , t ti '�1 the °flit° try Wednesday coon, in order to appear I that week R. ELLIOTT PttoeatN'roll AND PUllLIsusa.. When you can get them of FINE JA .UTY,MOUNTED ® 3 SPRINGROLLERS opened. We recommend in future ; morrow and sleep and idle their lives away A "stiff upper lip" seldom belongs --> n11— that when tenders are called for and : in filthy houses, chewing tobacco and dip to 1 who has a limber tongue. accepted, that the tenderer be held I ping snuff. strictly to his offer. We have visited a great deal among the .6. We recommend that no action mill hands. The mill near our mission ,!J be taken on motion of Messrs. Gray employs between 600 and 1000 men, women and Ratz to obtain opinion of county and children. One breath from the inside .............•_........................____. 2 5 14 Institutes be filed. ;the age of seven and sometimes scarcely $. 1i'e recommend that the salary ; ever see the inside of another building un - of the secretary of the county board til they are grey haired leen. They work of examiners be the suns of $20. � for several weeks and then do nothing until t ted 1t•. Report adopted. i they have spent the little money they have , . _ . - - •...-.• THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain inns effects and Hover blisters. Rea rocs: C_ {mill lauds) and grow from n '��®���9� SPAVIN ��y,�� I1 - lY' I1II Lti. Weak • old age without ever knowing their letters. i A y tlJ i, 13tt911• fitting the parties who enthiguished Stomachs. --The wisest cannoteuumer- 1 may add, the feeling here against public i s, ' o• , that many of NEW PATTENS, NEW DESIGNS• ; at all prices. �. &.• CLINE & CO, Hardware Merchants, SToan 131,0(•0, Nit:gbam. BLVEPOINT, L.I., N• ., aro. 1, +. Dr. B. J. IKENDALL Co. I ' - t r -. Gentlemen -I bought a splendid bay horse sumo t,,e ..t,t,„ � Sti'O..i • - f "ic{�llul,i, Lill, time agowith a Spavin. I gothim for M. I used tab r 3 , Kendall's Spavin Cure. The Spaviu is gone now • and I have been offered Si60,for the same horse. -- I only had him nine weeks, sb I got 5120 for usingJ A.i[ALsv4n, J. W. F'oT'r, $2 worth of Kendal's Spavin Cure.Mount Fora t. I Idetov'el Yours truly, W. S. MAnanily. stl•uetur . r1)e. bail) • with ai le1v I` They remove all unpleasant tastes ' than send to a public school. attached. t t'rotn the mouth, flatulency, and con- • We have been quite successful in our 0. Re McLean bridge on 7vw,ncl€LrS, `tipiltitau. Hollc.ivay's Pills rouse work in this field. We just started the between Culross and 'Tau'nberry, the stomach, liver, and every other : church here early last spring and have ! that Mr. AinsIey be required to in- organ, helping digestion to that now enrol:ed over oue hundred and twenty- j speet same, and if found to come healthy tone which fully enables it five pupil), and an average attendance of - !Within the by-law that it be klssumed to convert all we eat and drink to ' seventy-five. One family in particular that by county. the nourishment of oulobodies.. Hence II wish to sneak about that we are much ! 7. Re County Court report, would these Pills are the surest strength-. interested in and only wish we had some of recommend it be printed in minutes.. eners and the safest restoratives in ! the cast off clothos of our home friends to - Moved by V. Ratz, seconded by nervousness, wasting, and chronic : clothe them with. The first time we 11. Ellber, that clause 1 be laid, on; debility. Holloway's Pills are in-; visited them the thermometer stood 104 and table until the January session-=- fallible remedies for impaired ap-1 we wondered how 15 of thein could live and Carried. ! petite, eructations, and a multitude I breathe in such a small space. Father, Report was then adopted lis, of other disagreeable symptoms, ) mother and 13 children live in two small . amended. ! which render miserallle the lives of rooms. Five of the 13 are young women, IMPORT OF EDUCATION Ct3ILMI.TTEE. 1 thousands. These Pills are approved 1 each with a black snuff-stickin her mouth, ' Your committee beg leave to re- port as follows: That the resignations of Messrs. Ueo. Good and R. W. B. Smith, M. D.. as members of the Sea- fo*dill Collegiate Institute board, be by all classes. and the other eight were children, black or —vclad or naked, it was bard to tell.' Titat man is not capable of caring We talked quite e: while to the mother and for his own soul who is too thought- found they had not been inside a chureli less to etre for his horses. for twenty-fiye years. NODE' of the eliil- fl ii r r tl` �$t4,; SC ` r„ic i` S • T rs>ak �a+lw 'tits;'f`s- O r✓ K . ALL'S SPAM CUBE Deposits Received and Interest allowed. • DR MMACDONALD, CENTRE STREET. XV • B. TOILER, 111,121.0.M., Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, • -Coroner for County of Huron - Office Up -stairs, next to Mr Morton's office, Wing. - hnm, Ont. Orytos H opus. -0 to 12 a. in., 1 to• p. m., or a Residence, Diagonal Street. jP. KENNEDY, M. D., 1t1. C. P.S 0. , (Suee.s•or to Dr, J. A. Meldrum.) Gnld Medalist of western university: Late Rause • Surgeon in London General IJospital. Special atten. tion pard to diseases of women and children. Onice-Formerly occupied by Dr.' Meld rum,Corner•' of Centre and Patrici streets. Vt1R0IlAst ONT > VANSTOl.E, Ill. BA1tRISTER, SO1.IC:ITOIi, Private •.nd Company funds to loan at lowest rate interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town. and farm provers; bought and sold OFFICE -Beaver Block N'zNotteat J. A. MORTON BARRISTER , 11 inght.m Out SHELBY, MICA., Dec.16,1893. l'""-"-' - • Dr. B. ,7. KENDALL Co. ,Sirs -I have used your Kendall's Spavin Curo with good success for Curbs on two horses and itis the best Liniment I have ever used. Yours truly, Au0UsT FREDERICK. I a n Dr. .B. J KEND.A]•L cvazP.�1NS On long or short time, on endorse 1 antes at a fair vnlnat+on. Money remitted to all z_.,;,,..,.... .,1........,, -- parts of Canada et reasonable charges, 1 Special Attention Given to Col - 'rice `Iper Bottle. For Sale by all Druggists, or address SNOSBURGH FALLS. VT. ° or collateral security. Sale notes bought Li on( y .Advanced to Farmers and Bu.:iness 1'dor, POWDERS Cure SICK HEI1 DI.ICHC- and Neuralgia in zo mmurrs, alio Coated Tongue, Dizzy Hess, niionsness, Pala in the Side, Constipation Torpid Liter. Bid Breath. To stay cured and regulate tate bowels. EERY At/OE TO TAKE. PRICE .c^5 aw •s .'.Y' MOO STORES. J1c+CLpted. 1 Rey. Geo. H. Long, Boisse- dren had ever been to church or Sabbath Ret d t d vain, i •t For years I School and could neither read or write. In - lxlr aopc , • Man., writes : (.4)..L COMMITTEE REPURT.p,p 'nothing. We asked them to have been +:L victim of dyspepsia. Sla., fact, knew .n 1, We have examined the goal Became se bad I was put upon a and found everything clean and in ' milk diet. Have taken four pack - good order and number of inmates ages of K. D. C. and enjoy better to agree with the goaler's report. health since I began its use than for 2. C;trintnllnication from Jas. Ditsk- years before. I can heartily reeom- aon, se accommodation for registry.. mend K. D. C. Werecommend that the matter be left over till the January session. 3. Communicatiolns from Sheriff Gibbons, and the Inspectfr of 1'ris(,r.S, re drainage, &c., at gcaL We would recommend that the' katal. County engineer examine the pre - Early rising in the mormakes'lees and report at January S0821.011,�. b probable ieost of building suitable early retiring 1n the evening plea - closets in the wings of gaol and ne- 8414. cessary drainage therefrom, also Cost Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs, of building tiew closets under present Norway Pine Syrup cures colds, plan and the Necessary drainage. Norway Pine Syrup heals the lungs. pr come to Sabbath School and she said they had no clothes. So we promised to clothe them if they would come. We did so aucl the mother and seven children started and Have been regular attendants all summer. It is probable we may be able to regenerate the younger ones, although home influence almost destroys all we can do; but with the . older once nothing can be done. They are too bigoted, too—well, Southern is the hest word to describe it, to do anything with them. All the ambition, life, and religions movements in this country emanates from the Northerners. One great nuisance to workers here is the " Show Ground. Sunday Amusements.” Every Sabbath day there is some attrac- tion there, a fair, dram, baloon ascension or bail playing, attract the people there. Last Sunday's gate reeeipts showed an at- tendance of seventyftve thousand people to witness the closing horse racing of the county fair, 25,000 excursion railroad tiek- The fruits of a successful life grow ,on the tree of economy. Catrrh is ti constitutional disease. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a eonstitutiolial remedy. It cures catarrh. Give it a 4. Application from caretaker for lilesv carpet in the hall leading from court room. Recommend that it be granted. 5. That the *oaler's report be Adopted. Report adopted. A motion of sympathy with Reeve Griffin, on the death of his wife, was *loved by P. licit, seconded by W. Kay, and passed, and o11 motion of the same gentlemen the council ad- journed to the following horning out of respect to &shfleld's reeve. 'lige committeeon House oft efuge reported qt some length. S. S. Cooper, -of (Clinton, was awarded the t f 1 uilding' the b'111110 at Those who learn the lesson. of practical economy (luring these de- pressing tines will find in it ample compensation for all present loss. Rheumatism Oared iu a day.—South American Ithenmatie Cure of 1Lheultlatistn and?Neuraigi:t radically cures in 1. to 3 days. Its action on the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause of theiliseaseinlmediately disappears. The first nose greatly benefits. 76 dents. War ranted et Cllishoin'sdrug store. The farmer may have to let his cattle starve for want of grain but the whiskey' hill tvill keep going. Take Notice —Me ''lues and .Veekly vitae wilt tie nelht tO any address in Canada or the t: nii.::d iitates, Linn now ti11,fa+ltfary 1st, 113'061, for one dollar, pay- controc' or 1 able fu advance. ti1• ,8 -, 81n(1 Messrs. i ,,Ruta', the at•• &litlrcts, were retained t.1 .supervise /C. D. 0. Pills tone and rogttlate the at 27 per rent, for which 1.4mti111'r•- liver. ( • ets were sold on Sunday. There is one thing in partieular I have enjoyed since corning hero and that is I' have charge of the "' Teachers' Meetings.' We hold these Saturday nights, as this is the only night I have free. The ministers, superintendents, teachers and the older pupils whom we are truing to train as teachers, meet together and discuss the lesson for the next day. There are Presby- terians, Methodists, I'3aptists, Lpfscopal- fans, etc., present. It is needless to .say uur discussions grow very warm, but hav- ing the benefit of the chair and therefore the last word, we manage, although weak- est in number, to hold our own, New - thoughts are awakened, and things we have • THE ONLY ��4 A9 0eluto Curet for Piles, and a!1 itching Sid Disoasos, The 'fret application rotioVos, and short t.oattnont cures, The on,y remedy for Tooter, Itch, Pimplce andall scaly eruptions oftho skin 13 1''tatntrs, Aril 6, '9i. I have suffered from piles for n long time and tried several articles recommended for this complaint. but none of them benefited nig' till I tried Chase'4 Ointment. which has con. ',,.•rely cured me. MRS. JOHN GERRIE 17. P 17117... inn.. 1)roetrSs,, witness. comm'•rci l traveller. 131 Esther St., Toronto. suffered from itching piles for ,A rears. our box Chases cured him. (1.0. W. If„rris of Morris :Machine Co.. Seam for,:. On ecu a tears with blind and € eld :•r t r+, ns d x,,1,hrrc•n, tentedirs it ith. •n• r , t Cha'ms cured, 8111111 aY 0".1.103 111 _F OW! SY Anna: sr, 22 •n,q;e a, ft,TCS Wt en. 45 LO!,10A80 57., ^. '1ENTS fi`1t IMX. r:1fi• S7.7i`8.S1L":)Iaetu meal mft'l1A.a'".`�w1t 11r :tG 'l T. E. CORNY UNDERTAKER WIN GRAM,. ONT. • looting Accounts andJ"'.l °tea. Agents in Canada- The fiberchents' Bark of Canada • Office nrurs--Front 0 a. 111. (0 5 p, n.. A E c)'TlrI`I.''TH ' .. LJ o L. DICK r\ ,oF, Iltair;rirotte3' Mite. SOLICITOR TO 0.11I1 o8 n.1JIILTOI(. 510N= Tat, Otfiec-h:el•er Bloeh, 11 Ingham. J,1, IP4TISTRY.--J. S. J L:ttOME, L. D. S., 1t INOUAu. did Is tuauufaeturing flt•st-class sets of of z; 1 teeth as cheap as they can be•made �i. � in the Dominion. Teeth extracted. absolutely without pain, by las net' process, guaranteed pent:. tly safe. OFFICE : In the Beal tr Block, opposite this, Brunswick Douse. A en . ZETLAN D SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to any part of Wing- ham. dirOr(el'Sby snail prontpti3 attOmtl, GEORGE 1110SISON, Box 125, N'im hair . 0 1NINGHM SAVV MILLS The undersigned in returning thanks for past favors,beg leave to say that they havo €t very large stock of LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, BARRELS, W000, &c., on hand, which will be sold at very 01oee prices to meet the regti:renients of the hard tithes. First Class Shingles, $ I.10 per square. Wood -Mets. per Cord, delivered. Everything else equally low. Colne and see 05 before baying, as we will not be u nderbold. Wiugheln, ,lune 7th, ialtcI'i1:t'l.N tS SON. Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. DENTIST. OFFICE-, h'ACDO1.ALC'(i IOLOCK. Will visit Garde let and 3rd Mondays of each month, . J CHIC RITCHIE, GRNiiRAL INSI;TtANCF AGliIFF.' W UNau.tit, • ONTARIO, DEA\S. JR., tylxanAni, . LICENSED AUCTIONEER FUR' THE COUNTY OF HURON: Solos attended In any part ot.thc Co. Chargee*, Moderate. JOHN Ci71RRIE, WIlenAM, Oitlr,,' : • LICENSED An02'Ioseen roe, THE COtliv&T18.8. .. 111)1101 aim lumen. ( ' All orders left at the Times office promptly attend" ed to. Terms reasonable. AMIS 11ENDSON, .T 1,1014 0 3 5 0 AUCTIossERER BRvtF Couiena•s t119Roi A118" All sales attended to promptly and on the Shortestt Nods. Charges Moderato and Satisfaction Guarantees/. All necessary arrangements eau be made at tb- TImine oiica 1y1NanAll pR. ItcASil, ONt ' M. B. Toronto, Member College Physicians anal Surgeons, Ontario. BELORAVR • 1VxonAy to toan on Notes. Discounted Ar'I1 RLASOIr1'A> Lt ItAT "!S. Roffey advanced on Mortxiutee at til pet csntwit . priviteve of plying liths end of any year. Note orad accounts collected. nom motszeo. gg, tJ6ilva block Winehruu, Ont. ON3Aa(0 Notes I heel sights al my fath art o howevhee a eo t f .and heti I made the wor enough affairs, was ,in which I to me, One itad left foot to distant, sketch 1 cantly u saw Ine As that coo' sky. It my disn distant drops ( through twinkli th saw a dow of c ` a taAtn, md man ; 1 find ac night, of answere affi Inrmat°sidt: bright ttroducec brother. :take of t being in ,join the]. that the .and orvn dived. when th young g 'ceeding'1, .a tfair bC my sac tamers. :and as sIl pure ski ",rami host, pt -C 'W to lea' the girl Hazen ifui eye:the ki Juanindlyta departu: at once. The x 'torrents prospect .mined t nest da —barel' feeling T signifi :the root :the nigi Mrit hour v my win times r( try1 Ringicin •clothes, drew .outside upon a, beneatl. I had si wind b: wildly a dead Won 'v' 1.owisitaIe(: was tr( ,wom Theaen whispe "Oh, from c' stay h( ,hour h ,murder I murderbis be the' ,ed me, :manly !ris •? t ��"ol ;Cone Tho her 11a furthe the poi .aid of then It the sid t:cif w1.l1 se the tr 1 t