The Wingham Times, 1894-12-07, Page 5r" •
...,.. ,. TUE WINGHAM TIMES, DECEMBER 7., i894,
I cheques issued for the different I seconded by Thos. Code, the follow -I
I amounts—Carried. Itiackay--Reld
The council rata at the Town I11
P , • ' iat the Reeve issue cheques to
er, Nov. 2., 1)1" an per the different parties employed in re -
/I -motion of adjournment. 'Members ,pairing the bridge on,24th skieroad,
all present, Reeve in the chair. The II, on. 114. MeCandlish fug
' lutilltos of last meeting were read. !statement of the time they WOW em -
Wm. Reid—J„I. Jolmston--That i ployed - - Carried, J, Welwood—
the admit" °flan meeting ef mined IJoheston—That tide council do now
as just read bd--
e adopteCarried, adjourn to meet on Saturday, Dee.
The report of If. Mackay ro the 15th --Carried,
bridge ou the 20th skier , cl, con. G
and 7, was then read.
As requested by the council, Mr..
ing necOlUltg, were ordered to be paid;
Duff Stewart, lumber, $1O.40;
Wm. Henderson, putting in drain on
&80;$Isaac Wilson, gravel-
ling on 4th line, ; V, Vannoramn,
inspecting work, 75etsa Garet Max-
well, filling washout and repairing.
bridge, i2.50; N. H., Young, plank,
81.10; Elam Livingston, error M
n ; L. McDonald, lumber,
CILIALES BUTTON', Clerk, g.M. 10 ; Wm. Taylor, repairing cul-
Ament, lumber, •
verts, 82.50 ; Jas. MeArter, gravel,
• repairing wita needed on said bridge,
4P '..AI went with me toss's: what Q. al. es, Oliver, ig this Wee, aas !,2.5. * sum, ,eicaning. drain, sm
. rented his store to Mr, John Hill & I ''''
, I8,15.57 ; II. Sellars, digging drain,
He thoughtit could be repairedfor ten son, of laringhane 'Air. Hill intends I:14 ; Jas, massiniii, Engineer's sees,
:Robb 'sys Thornton, cleaning drain,
doilars,and Iletthejob for thatamount ' =Tying on a general bard wait and ($22.50
an the understanding that he would re- shoe repairing business, He takes -20; if he ibund any timber deeayed. ; 13. L. Doyle, Court fees, re
; possesston of the store on January1R„esag-,
) Turvey & Hodder drain, $8.50; Wm.
On Proceeding to repair, lie found ) 1st, 1895.—Mr. John Climpbeil has I
the cap pieces completely decayed e diggiefs drains, 08,50 ;
and be notified the Reeve and my- , 1111 ,
j moved into ins new brick house.—
1 Thos. Harwich, lumber and culvert
sel accordingly. So we barricaded.
the road and employed. men to have harness shop in the house formerly
. los. Iaew intendaopening• up a
the bridge repaired, putting in three occupied by Mr. Campbell, He ex -
new bents and makino. the brid e poets to be ready to receive emit=
„ , Arthur Brooks, ditch and
gravelling on centre sideline, 891.85 ;
Jas, Kearney, inspecting and spread-
Ing gravel. .s8 ; Jno. Watson,
about Dec. fth,—A grand cannel i: eq utilizing Union School Sections,
narrower so as to make it stronger. will be held in . the No. 9-Se-lieo-'il :,,.‘42-50 ; Misses Exford, charity, 80 ;
,to -day.
They espeet to cbmplete the bridge house, Kinloss, on the 14th Dee: '11he , „,,„„,,,, „,„,,„,,,, a, ;
D. Farquharson, gravel, 81.89; Geo.
HENRY MiloicAt ; talent nas been chosen ham a seope I d'gl, 8„s,"cg."4: 'g,,,
Reid—Johnston—That the report of sixty- miles. Among the number 1 grzez21,30e- ; g cal•rte;101:11,akteeerps014
a Robt. Young,
Of Henry Maekay re Pringls:to take part are the followieg.: The
bridge be adopted—Carried. The misses • Jones, of Kincardine, ths Fisher, al0 ; R,-Nichol,gravelling on
report of Mackay and Johnston re
Manley's claim for horse damaged clarkey musicians; Mr. A. Young; -o—f Oth line, 827.56 ; John Hays, keep
by. fire, was of county ward, 810.50 ; T, 111111er,
fit"' Messrs.Ma•CaY1 I wood and glass for Town Hall4
, $.25;
then read; your special of Tiverton and y
R. .11. Curr, of ).„.
committee beg leave to report that Gresham, violinists; Messrs. S. ea Russell, cleaning. cliteh, $2.50.
We made diligent and "refill ingllir,Y; Groton D. Tracy, J. H. Stephenson
; The Council then adjourned to meet
as to the origin of the fire on the 'and R. II, McKay, of Wingbam.
2.5th sideroad, eon. 15, mthich again on the 15th of December next.
damaged: the road to a eonsid "able
-. '*. • • extent, and are unable to repo who
for the damage, and,•acting ot - your speeches, mech less the dulcet music. The High School students intend
i now and surrounding vicinity. It
will not pay to miss the excellent
put the fire out or who is respd sible HARRISTON..
dialogues, recitations and •stunip
• instructions, have taken legal diem . .
regardless,• the ilesponsibility 1../af the Mr. dames Gaunt will act as chair- I giving a concert le the town hall, on
• municipality for the da I man. Lots of' rooin in the buildin 0, I D
tele will also be talent from Luck -I W. CLARK, Clerk.
i tage 1/to the for , °comber the 18tb. Grenville P.
horse, which advice we now lay two hundred or over. Good 1 Kleiser, the famed elocutionist, will
fore you. And as his opinion is that
be- stabling has been secured within a ) be the centre of attraction and will
. themunicipality is not liable, few rods of the school. Friends, !give readings from "David Copper -
we . don't II -08S this treat,—fr. Chas, ; told," 'His -personations of - Uriah
therefore cannotrecommendpayment Gillespie,
for damages. All of of this place, has coni-Ieep, Fisherman Peggotry and Mr.
speetfally submitted.. Henry
which is re- :menced buying grain for the season, I Macawber are highly spoken of by
ag: kay, J. J. Johnston. Kuntz—Reid
Mae- and Will pay the biggest market; the. press —The "H
ngSo it will not pay people to I Crane in the New `H'seocusz's gwaos c'etillee.. ton Iast week.—The Patrons of the
—That the report of Mackay and , pass on to Wingham and run the; brated on Thursday last at Mr. Jas. Behnore Cheese and- Butter Com- I • ,
nnd acted on -- Ca•rried.
Johnston, re damage to horse, be
, chalice of getting more work to do) Stewart's, ToWnOlerk, with consider- pany will be paid for their Atiglist, ' FOR THE
Kuntz •— • Mackay — That John , and a lower price.—Another of Kin -I able eclat and etiquette LI 8 lea N th
• September and October milk on Sat-
adopted.urday, Dec. 15th, in the forenoon,
and in the afternoon the annual
meeting' will be held. We under -
•dollars„ leaving a balance due him .
, Miller was born of Irish parents, ini , was spent in social diet. and stand a large crowd. will be present
on cen 1 the township of Va .1
Brlisses comfort and linprovoince-t: and
tends to personal enjoymc:3 vhcza
rightly used. Tho many, who livo bet,
ter than others and enjoy life Immo, wii
loos expenditure, by more promptly
atlapting the world's boat products to
the needs of physical being, will r.,,ttczt
the -value to health of the pure liquid
1.1rative principles embraced. th6,
r,;.netly, Syrup of Figs.
Its ozeellence is due to its presenting
1n the form most acceptable and pleas-
ant to the taste, the refreshingand truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax-
ativo ; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and favors
and permanently curing constipation.
Il has given satisfaction to millions zed
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because it,acts on the Kid-
neys, Liver and Bowels without wer.1:-
ening them and it is perfectly free from.
krvory objectionable substance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug-
gists in 75c. bottle; but it is manu-
factured by the California. Fig Syrup
• Co. only, whose 1141110 is printed on every
package, also the name Syrup of Figs.
and being well informed, you will not
accent any substitute if offered.
Messrs. R.11101111clmei and D. Brem-
ner have returned from Manitoba to I E., r. -J
spend. the winter bere.—Miss Clegg,
of Listowel, was the. guest of Miss •
Hooey last week.—!Miss Sanderson,
of Hamburg, was visiting Miss 13ar-
71A. 14 z
AVP not be undersold in these goods; we have them 111 TURU)' et:
below manufactures' prices.
we are not undersold in these particular lines; a lot to clear out at one-
half manufactures' prices; now is your alma°,
,IR4 1LT
We cannot be undersold in this department, We have them at right
prices, So our customers Bay; don't miss them.
- We want you to inspect these and lits
y„ thereby saving from twenty to
Early the season, we placed orders in Eastern Tea Centres, thereby'
securing the early leek leaf, wbleh has a strength and flavour' that is not,
obtained later, and this puts ns• in a position to give you Teas right. - - • •
0 TI -M33.3 .1i, GO (22) Ss
Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Readyenade Clothing, ERIS, CripS and a' great'
many other linos to clear out at. a price to stilt the times.
Drew and Mantle maleing c,)1 premises, All mantle goods boil& bora"
•cnt;free of charge. Cutting and fitting a st ecialty.
thirty per cent.; they are going out fast.
Thacker ba paid thirty dollars as
• oss pioneers, Mr. T. Miller, has passed
from this life, and his remains interr-
part payment on his contract, the : ed in the cold and silent tomb. Mr
original contract helms fo - fi " •
ing was spared by mine host and
hostess to add to the enjoyment of
-the guests. The fore part of the even-
ip etion of centract of fifteen , ups Ian, County of i games -of various kinds. The • to hear the new method of managing
York, on Oct. 7th, 1829. He utile I was Saell as would satisfy the greatest , last meeting
meno the new factory explained.—At the
• •
ton—Tbae Robert Breen receive the
dollare—Carried• • Maeltatr — John- to Kinloss in 1854 to seek a- home in ;epicurean. The inner of L. 0. Y. B. Lodge,
sum of ten dollars M Connection with : .the Western solitudes. In 1855 he ' sa,tisfled, time "light fantastic toe"1
mall being I No. 11„ the following officers were
• t- the funeral expenses of the late; the 3rd concession of Kinloss, on the 'ours," when the singing, of that
"wee ma' D. itiarshall, D. M.; Bro. W, Lane,
married and settled. permanently on was indulged in until the elected : Bro. J. Mulvey, W. M; Bro.
• - , Maggie Gaskell—Carried. -Kuntz--
R. sa Bro. J. Hartley, F. S.; Bro. J.
farm now owned by Wm. Barbour„ grand old chorus; "Should old ac-
Mackay—That Dr. Harrison be paid where he eonducted farming in a I quaintance," &e„ brought a pleasant
the sum of twenty-five dollars for ' pr - . . 'Fleming, Treas. Bro. J. Hall
tat taystematic manner, 1 evening's amusement to a close.—
, me( loin° for Maggie Gaskell, that until the autuinii‘of 1885, . when he I Miss Kate Wilson, of Atwood, is
being the eXyense of the medicine ; sold out and retired into private life I visiting at Mr. McCready's this week.
410119, 110 IiR„Ving paid her fifty visitS I in the village of Whitehrch. Hels—Rv.• Mr. Hamilton, of Dakota,$ eefter the meetinos lunch was
besides—Carried. Reid--johnston 11 n a member and a staunch ' 'visiting Under the parental roof tills !served by Bro.J. timing in his
—That the communication from the !supporter of the Methodist eburch for I week,—The Mission' Band of Guthrie
t. A
village eonneinsre the interest cou-.! about, forty years, as well as an ea- I Presbyterian chair& held a very •
pons, be lid over and considered t
at i Vve worker inhe temperance causeisuccessful entertainment last Friday usual good style.
.$)1' - Treasurer ptedilde all papers in con- I fivd
next meeting of council, and that the • m this place. He leaves a family of night, in the baseinent of the chu "eh
Bro. W. Hartley, D. of C.; Bro, A,
Duston, T.; tiro. W. Adams, 0. T.;
.13ro. J. Abram, Guardian; Bro. H.
Douglas and Bro. T. Breen, commit -
sons and two datighters, all of -incr
neaten therewith parried .
. p ogiamme consisted of read -
whom, with his widow, still survive ings, recitations, music, &c. Those
per R. McDonald,
Finance report—Zahn McCulloch, hhn. About five years ago, through taking part acquitted themselves
gravel, an Injury of the spine, creeping I very creditably: The • collection
$2.05; Francis °lemma:. , work of, paralysis set in, but he was never amounted to the neat sum of about
roanandteam at Pringle's bridge,
n. ;confined to the house VII about a $15.—Mr. Frank Seli, tonsorial
$3.50; Thos. Richardso
grare,imonth. ago, when the disease made artist,' has opened up a shop opposite
82.76; Gimes & Mertin, bolts, etc., [rapid progress and- passed away the Queen's hotel. Mr. Sell comes
i,Pringle's bridge, 817.05; John on the evening of Nov. MO, 1894. from Wingham, and is a relative of
Little, 50 yards gravel, $8,50; Thos The family in • their bereavement our enterprising 'merchant, of T. Sell.
Thompson, gravelling culvert, lot have
22, eon. 12, $1,50; Thos. Brown, the sympathy of the entire ; & CO, We think "fish town" is sadly
55 community, as was shown by the •
yards gravel, con. 4 find 5, 83.86;
Thnothy Keleher, opening and put-
ting tile in ditch, lot 4., con. 9, $4.50:
Tites.'-Dowse, building' stone and
cedar supports to bridge on gravel
road, con. 13, $25; Duncan Camp-
bell, repairing road burnt out, lots
25 and 25, con. 14 and 15, and cut-
ting hill, 25 sidoroad, con. 13, $26.-
130; Igna,t5 Keefer, repairing. drain
19t 5, con. A, $3.50;
Mal. Bannerman. filling approach,
tot- 21, con, 15. $3; Irwin ;:rackson,
'cedar for bridge, lot, 20 and 21, con.
'41, Me. Andmw McKagne, clearing
jam, lot 11., ton. 8, $5; Tames Mar-
slutlt 1. L. surveyi ng drain tak-
ing14y61, lot 81, eon. 13, if;"4; Geo.
Button, for coffin for deceased orphan
girl 'Reggie Gaskell, $19; John
Tbacker,•part of contract of remov-
ing jam at Pringle's bridge, $80; 'A,
41.* Stewart, printing", $0; Robert
Breen, funeral expenses mid care of
•late M. Gaskell, $12; D. A Ireland
in need of an artist similar to the
above, judging from the long looks
And beards to be seen in that quarter.
—Rev. Mr, Munro, pastor Guthrie
Presbyterian church, preached to a
largo congregation on Sunday last,
on Temperance. The subject was
ably 'handled and presented in a
eonvincing, forcible manner, Mr.
Munro's sermons of late have been
very forcible and exceediegi); practi-
cal.-11unitipal affairs are keeping
very quiet as yet. It may be the
cahn before a storm, but a storm in
municipal affairs is something which
Harriston seldom subject to. A
little tore interest in the affairs of
the town would not be amiss. We
hear that pressure of business pre,
vents Reeve Smith being the field
large number which attended the
funeral services on Sunday after-
noon, and the very large number of
rigs that accompanied his remains to
his hist resting place in the Whig -
ham cemetery oa Monday, Deems,
ber 3rd.
The Connell met according to ad-
journment, at the Connell Room,
Morris, Nov. Nth, 1894. Members
1111 present. The Reeve in the chair.
Minutes of last meeting read and
passed, Mr.. John Hanna claimed
payment for deepening a drain
opposite lot 15, on fith eon. line. On
motion of Jas. Bowman, seconded by
Geo. Kirkby, the Reeve and Tbos.
Row to ook "sunzigrit" Picture.
Send 25"Sunlight" Soap wrappers (wrap.
per bearing the words "Why Does a Wo-
man Look Old Sooner Than a man") to
Lever Bros„ Ltd., 48 Scott St., Toronto,
and you will receive by post a pretty pic-
ture, free from advertising, and well worth
framing. This is an easy way to decorate
your home. The soap is the best in the
market and it will only cost one cent post-
age to send in the wrappers,,if yon leave
the ends open, Write your address care-
Mrs. L. King, of this place, has
rented the store of Mr. Henry Otways
at Port Albert and will remove there
shortly.—The Electric Light works
have been run by steam for a few
days, while sank needed repairs were
being made. Another dynamo has
been put into the Electric. Light
works the past few days.
- - . • ,
1 '4,
amounting to about $4,000.00, which
NEXT (4::P
at less than Wholesale Prices for CASA ONLY.
All Wool Overcoats $4.50, worth $6.00,
All 'Wool Tweed Pants $1.65, worth $2.50,
Fine Heavy Tweeds from 25c. a yard up.
'Call and see this stock; you will make money.
Has proved
by its
enormous , . .
sale that it is
The best value for
the Cortsumor
of any soap in the market.
' Millions of women throughout the
world can vouch for this, -as it
is they who have proved its
value. It brings them less
labor, greater comfort.
A. full stock of goods suitable foe '
• rola all the ailments of Throat Oh • t
ris mas Presents
and Lungs there is no cure so
quick and permanent as Scott's consisting of
gtaulSion of Cod-liver 01.1. It ie
palatable, easy oft tile most delis BOOKS •
this tins._wo re... to announce cate stomach atid effeetive
Code were instructed to exaleinesaid that Mr. Xiimer, bSelenee Master in •
drain and report at next meeting the High School, bas foluld it neces- •
- Scott's TOYS
respecting Mr. Hanna's claim. Also sary to resign, owing to 111 health. stelesunioutter
respeoting the propriety of dispons. The great amount of reading news.
ing" with two culverts 0 °site sald sary tonneetion with WS subjects Emulsion OTIONS "1"-E
onc.half day on gravel road,137 lot. The following Deputy Return.. was 111 too much of strain on his mind.
1Tenry Afaeicay, reporting on and in. ing Officers 1470r0 appointed in ease a Mr. Kilmer came at midsammer and stinuilates the •appetite, tads the -',..1 .•
spection of gravel road, $5; jast received at the
Joseph pen he required at the emniins Sillek that tine 110 bas worked bard.
a digestion of other foods, cure.s
Welsvood, Falperintentlinggravelttad 'Municipal tlection, namely t Sub -
and selecting. jurors, $8; 1)r. Tfarri- division No. 1, Wm. C. Laidlaw ; Vr AY 1 CI I. ./. y IR V... , . V V V v 4 POPULAR BO KSTO E.,
.. .
wy..aavv.v.i. vv. Coughs ttnd Colds, Sore Throat,
son. for _medicine Matolif Onskell, No. 2, Alex. McCall ; No. 8, Chrts. A,,ow 1,01' „ua"- nmv 1141 0 e!)1,1.8,,a besIdes, It has no equal as tocr-
orphan, !!:1:5; I. .1'.' Stephens., adviee AfeCrea; No, 4, M. at cardiff.; xo, 15f tuitional littiellt1111011t Willed
. . t . I WINGI1AM. ...„,,
, Bronchitis,and gives. vitat strength
re Malt, &lint $8; Dr. Chisholm Obits. Campbell; No,. 6, heel% pose..!; the aceePting of Passes 1137Plibile of' who do not shrive, and 0-t+ercorges Call and ilispeet Roods and gd Priem.
one visit to AIrtg0e Onskeli, $2,1iff, prohibits ishment for Babies and Children
man. By-law No, 11,eonlirmingsaid tlelal$. Trhts is expected to save the
MilekaY—Krtntz—Iilutt the finance appointments, vg d ijv -e d find ;roads of that state $360,000 alms >god foe ysonithieloit SeetAt .Ropristen.Ayr.
Any Condition of Wasting. '..t.
at,Oreport as Inst read. he adopted and ALEX R C)S S.
passed. On motion of Wm. Ishister, allY, - • .., ;tom& ilinuUtlithAts.r Att-Utee4a4s.,400,14 $1.
i •
' • ." Aria