The Wingham Times, 1894-12-07, Page 2SUPP,12E PARTY. 11T ,aosiAit tLI,11\'4 MFR.. They have*. been . lith` in' suprize prtl ty s round he=re all whiter, and the children have urged me to go to. 'eon but 1 held back, '1 don't believe in ens', sez I, 'and I won't go.' But finely they got their father on their side.--Sez he it won't hart u, Samantha, to go for once.' . Scz 1, 'Josiah Allen the place for old folk; is to hurts, and I don't be- lieve in sitprize parties -anyway--I think they are perfect nusences. It st ,I a to reason if u want to see ure ds you can invite em—.and if one le too poor to bake a cake or ce or a pan of cookies, they are too fir` toga into toms illy at all.' Sez , 'I haint proud 1)er never wuz ailed so, but I dl.'t want Tom, `ick and. harry Wet 1 never spoke to in my life, feel if they are free or break t < . nntc n r a my muse . 1 �t any sl• tis ' ti rte. they ploatsc:'--Sez ;lot l•voulcl� make ':xne perfectly wild to`tstink there wuz h whole drov ov peelo liable to rush in on us at any minute, and I won't break into other wiinniens houses.' And, sez I, 'her u forgot how some or em carred liquorto Ohl Peedicks, and two or three tiad to be carred, up and laid on to :Vias Peedick'ses spare bed?' Sez, I, 'lieu u forgot how they broke Miss Babbets porter lamp all to smash runnii round ketchen each other—hey u,forgot these insi- deuces?' sez I in cold tones. 'It is fun,' sez. Thomas Jefferson, 'I should lore to see you and old Deacon Bobbet, playin wins 'em slyly.' 'Let em wink at hiif they dare,'- sez I sternly, 'let me1: tch ern a:t it I don't believe on - sup>•Sze parties,' sez I in firm ackcents. e, , • 'No more= do I,' sez Josiah; {but tha • children ale so set on our goin' sposen we go for once.—No linin wo- man could do better by children • than, u. have by nine, but I don't she, elaniberin into the sleigh,. goon.' They went and how they along I haint never Inquired, a they don't seem free to talk abou But they kept on Navin em. Be Bobbet, as I liav sed, wuz the lend and she it'd ern once into a ho where they wuz makitt preparati for a funeral, and once into a h where they lead the. small pox. Ti bad all been vaxeynated, so they off better tlianthcy ort to. Someh Tirza alld Thoinas Jefferson got si of em, and left off• . goin, and az Josiah, though loo didn't say innell knew � his mind. of d. u One site about 2 weeks after t! 1 � one i Fonda • nite, I 1 �id hada o days -work- r l•v<•1 washin, t 1d �'t e had. ad be up all the site beide with Josia «'t iL who had d the newraIegay in his bac 11 e hadn't One - V us slept a wi the nite before', kind Tirzalr a Thomas J. had gine to bed earl It had been a 1 wry day, and couldn't hang out my clove, and many of em wuz hung up round .the kitchen on lines, and nails, that Josiah and me looked as if we w satin in a calico teeit, .And wll gave the room a mo •e gloomy an melanl oly cast, I fon id when 1 we to litenight tl the l�np at nl�,ht that t kerosene wuz ai11 mane—and be out of candles, I in:~tc t,. for the fir time in my life whatetiiey call a'slu —which is a button tieiAnp in a ra and put in a saucer of lard, u set li to the rag, and it makes a lite wide is better than no lite a $ all—as a sl. is better than no won an at all --i that way I suppose 1 derived i name, I beet out with work an watchin, thought I wjauld soar;, Iii feet before I went 2 bed, and so put some water in, the mop pail a set by the side of the stove with In • THE W .. 011AM TIMES, DECEMBER 7, 1894. 'lets it out, Samantha, it has been there ever since they came, only I paint got sensed it till now.' rid! +Wall,' sez I, hi a kinder soothing t it,, tone, as I drew it out ov his shoulder tsy ! —it must have hurt him awfully had car, he not been 2 crazed with fear to- use ` feel it—sez I, 'let's be thankful we one, , are as well off as we be, Betsy might a use, have. insisted 'on stayin. ]:'ll rob ley. your shoulders with iinyment agin, got and I guess ure back will feel better, ow Do u suppose they'll be mad, jesiali? ck 'I don't Know, nor I don't 'care,' for sez he, but I hope so.'And truly. , I his wish canoe to /ass, for Betsy Bobbet hasn't• spok to me sense. lis The rest didn't ;eel • to care but she weel was awful mad, which shows that it en makes a difference •ith her, who 13, does the same thing, 'or meetin with k, a disappointulent h •c, they went nil that night rh$i,t fret). here to su rid prize the Editor'of the Gimlet, and it 3-, came straight to rhe, `• Celestine Pee - dick told Miss Gowei'Iecl•- and Miss so Goweley told me, he"turned em out of doors and soles the door in thei faces. The way it •ass, his soirees az girl had left him. that err day,a u 3 1 at one of his twins was -taken sick hits d the colic, Ile lead ,justgot the Biel rot baby to . sleep, and ll•Lid it in th roe cradle by the fire, an he had giv in( the other one some ay things an st set her down on the trpet, and It t' was washin the supp dishes, with g his sleeves rolled up, and a pink bib re apron on that belonged to his late h wife ; he was just finis • ing his dishes int when he heard an aw ul 'screamin in from the well babe, au wildly ring is ing out his dish -cloth, I rushed out with d it still in his slant ,and found ✓ that she had . swell° vets a side thimble, he ketehed her up and an • spatted her on the back, and the y thimble flew out half way across the room—siie •screalnec1 Sind held her • Sunday after Marriage in the old Puritan Times. A marriage in the church was rare ill the old Puritan days, Occasional- ly one took place in ,tore new home of the young couple, This was held to. be somewhat unlucky, Thanks- giving Day 'was a`. favorite time to choose to be harried, as friends were then gathered frons, afar. The bride was universally advised to wear Something old, something new, Something bort'owed,something blue. Though she could dress before a mirror; she must look in the glass when once Nor toilets was completed, else ill.luck, in vaguely defined, but positive form, was tte result. Sun- day was reals theexhibitionfor thY. 1 daY ebri e•d 1 dnee_, she found at sleeting the sole pia e in which she 0 c lc ala appear a befo • p 1 < 1. `t1 assembled p U d i e public, and for this exhibition the happypair donned '• dans 1 finest or 1 h les bridal t tidal atti r e The bride and gro m and bridal party opened the solo v by proudly 1' • walking in a little procession throug the narrow streets to the meeting c1 house on the Sabbath following the i 1 . marriage. z. Further public nog was drawn e to the bride by•tllowingher to choose e the text for the skmote preached on d the first Sunday :t the coming-out e of the newly married 'blouple.. Diuc11 ingenuity. was exercisers in finding lassoes Bible ng sermons: mown to the marriage of Parson mith's two daughters, one of whom selected the text : "Mary hath chosen • that good part ;" while the daughter Abby,who married John Adams, decided upon the text : "John came n 'thee eating nor drinking, and they s 3r he hath a devil."—Ladies' Home ournali feet into it—the thought had conte t one after I bad put m; nite cap on Josiah set behind the stove rabbi ome tenement into his;back—he wu barefooted, with his Oat an vest o Josiah was jest spec en 2 me, ants sez he: 'I believe this linylu nt makes m back feel easier, Same ha, I do hop shall get a little rest o nite,' Sez I, 'I hope so too, osis#11.' Jes without a o • breath, and the sick on n by the tumult, sot up z and begun to seream, off suppose n feel exactly as I do about pleasing em—it haint natteral u should.'• There he know he bad got one. If ever a wtjnlan tried to do her duty . by another woman's t hildren it is I Samantha Allen, whose maiden name was Smith—Josiah knows it—he a knows jest how to start me. Wall, • there haint no use talk i—..I went to the very next patty which was to be t held 2 miles beyond Jonesville ; 31 they had, had ens so fti'st they had b "used up all the nearer places. They e had heard of this family that had a lv big house --and the woman had been fo to the sarne meetin house with Ie u b u st door burst open and ii suprize party •1ie<,tcled} h3• Betsy r Bobbet. They say,' • half crazed as y he wuz that he told cm if they didn't or settled pains in the e leave that minute he would prosicute muscles, Diseases of t em. Some of ern was lead about it, originate in bad blood ans t but Betsy Bobbet leas 't, for in the rectal therers, and until tnon next.'weel s Gimlet these verses came rectal The can be no euro. ordinary rem awakened HoLLowe v's PtLr s.--Tlrere is a the cradle nothing in the whole 'Materia Med- est then the ica"like these Medieani t f h appropriate and son• texts 'for these wedd The instances etre well • came the waale et T.houglit, Kindness of heart results largely from tkinking refined thoughts. A cheerful face is nearly as good for an invalid as healthy weather, One groat secret of happiness is never to allow your energies to stag- nate. " Good health depends more upon peace of mind than upon powder and pills. Don't wait until yaw friends die before you discover their good finali- ties, A man's own goods breeding is the best, security• a al sf n ler l people's ill g manners. s. Su well -directed ceess is 'ca 1 ehecl � blows of the ]lamnier, industr3-, upon the anvil, perseveraneie. Even en poverty i� better than avarice ; for while !poverty wants many thing, avarie�, wants every thing. Pleasure shortens 11 ; happiness prolongs it. Take ea 'e of your liv- ing, and your dying will take care of itself. He that thinks hittlself the happi- est man reallyis so; but he that thinks himself th wise t is generally the greatest fool. ,That man or wom< whole daily ministering to the his est needs of his and her fellow I meals. is an angel in human form. False • friendship lik the ivy de- cays and ruins the wall i embraces ; but true friendship gives new life and animation to the object it sup- ports, According to Addisol , the woman who does not make hes family cam- fortable will herself ne er be happy at home, and she who s not happy at home will' never bd happy any- where. ens or e • certainty of their action irk lumbago, It may not be oursoto utter con- victing tie cloIereux an victing arguments, bap it may be ours to live holy lives. It may not be ours to be subtle andIearned and logical, but it may lie ours to be noble and sweet and pulp. A Narrow Ewa a. ry re le an in the end People who are exposed always disappoint the sufferer. Hol- changes of our northern loway's Ointment penetrates the little cbanee op escaping 1luniall system aS salt' penetrates sore throat and lung troub safe guard is to keep Hagy Balsam at hand. It is and reliable cure for such s I sed these word minutes warnin, theretame a knot —and the door open at the.same isle—and ill poured a tat seemed to 10 at the time to be t. hundred and 0, .men, women and c ildren, head - d by Betsy Bobbet. J _ sial, so will itll horror• and amaz ent that he rgot his lameness for the time bein, aped from his chair, tend backed p against the wall between the ack door and the wood'box. I rose p incl stood in the pop pail 2, ricken with amaze a d horror to get out of it—for the tame reason heedin' not my "lite cap; which was cut slleepsllead fashion. 1 'We have come to suprize u,' sez Betsy Bobbet sweetly. My tongue clove to the roof or my mouth --no word I could speak for I was speech- less, but I glanced at eon `with looks which I suppose filled ems with awe and dread, for Betsy spell again in plaintive aekcents— 'Won't you let us supriz you ?' 'No! No!' sez I wildly --afar then my voice calve back—'I "won't be suprized !—u shant suprize i s to nite! We won't be suprized! Spear' Josiah', sez 1, turning to him in my e trernity, 'Speak ! tell her! Will we b supriz- ed to nits ?' 'No, no!' sez lie, in a firm, °w tone as he stood backed upia the wall, e No we won't be sit,� 'U see friends,' sez Bets�rr: t_ crowd --'she won't let us suprize et, "'Ve will go.' So she heade I em off but she turned at the dor, and see ` 1n a reproachful oaellf ul ' < 1: p i� cont • cabby it is right to v an old end in this way ---I ha Flown u 'se ong time Josiah Allen s�w>�'e,' 'I have known u pler'- 1; out Betsy Bobbet 2 or 3 tin es, and she had met her in a store a year before, and bad been introduced to her, so * she said she felt perfectly free to go knd as she wuz the leader it wuz decided on. They went in two Loads, but Josiah and I went in a cutter alone—we got . started ahead of the loads, and when we got t0 the house we see it wuz lighted up real plea- ' sant, and a little cutter stood by the door, We went up to the door and knocked, and a motherly Iookin' woman with a bunch of catnip ,in . her hand opened the door. 'Good evenin,' sez I, but she seem- t «1 to be a little deaf and didn't F answer. I see as we steped in thro a door partly open a room full ov `wirnmen• 'Good many go there,' sez I, speak - in' a little louder. 'Yes, a real good doctor,' sez she, *What in the world 1' I began to nay ill gild amaze, • No.' sez she, 'its a boy.' I turned right around and laid t, hold on Josiah, sez I, 'start this ' minute, Josiah Allen, for the door.' 1 laid hold oy hila and got him to — t •the door, and we never spoke another sez word till 1 we wuz on the sleigh and :;1 a had turned around—then sez I•-- fri 'Mebby you will hear to 111e another a 1 time Josiah Allen.' • aa; '1 wish u wouldn't have so much' aggravation,' sez he. Jest then we i niet the first load where Tirsah and theThomas Jeffersotl wuz, and we told to to turn round and go back, for they had other company and couldn't have us. We went back most to Jonesville when we met the other 1004 who had tipped over in the dal mow• ---as we drove out most to the tame to go by em, Josiah' told em the serine as he had the other load. Id out care for company,' ' p n Y, Bays S 1bbbet, irisin up out of the with a buffalo skin on .her back, oh made her look wild. 'z don't eatent Por 'company. Did they say we t$bfeel wine s" ' Bete Jotelah, 'they didn't say 'Ulm, g1.'1e and boil,' set e loner snuff,' sez I steppin out of the op ail and shetten the door which they I ft open —pretty bard. .Josiah came fr bchipd the stove, pushin a ells aliead,of hint, and,walkin by the 'lp ov ' , and sez he, Darn the s prize parties ; and 'Don't siva, Josiah,' se I I should think wuz bad e uir' off without sweari .' if will say darn 13 y13Q et,Sa- manthaz, * h, my bac !" he groan secs, settii +run slowly on his chair. `I can't : own, Icor stand up.' `C • +,f + up lively snuff when they me 'in,' SOI L 'T ow; that in my face, will u, what d i do---a.ncl there is a pin king into rely shoulder, do get 'TIS SWEET TO FO`GIVE. BY BETSY ROBE 'Tis sweet to be, 'Tie sweet to live; But sweeter the sweet Word, forgive.' If harsh, Ioud words, Should spoken be, Say " Soul be califs," They come from he— • "When be was w With toil and gri . When colic could J�'ot rind relief." When twins are 't 11, Aud the world looRns bright, To be "surprised" is sweet and right. But when twins are sick, And the world look sad, To be "surprised" Is hard, and bad. And when side thi bles Swallowed be, How can the wort Look sweet to be Who owns the bsi Pair twin, Heaven fess it, Who bath no mot r, To caress it. Its mother, a yeilt, to, Bath gone above; Ah ! how it needs. ' A mother's love. 9: My heart runs o'er With tenderness; But its dear fatEei Tries to do his bes 13ut housework ni Can't perfectly u erstand; . Oh 1 how he need A helping hand. A g Per when twins lire sick, And girls have flown, ''Lia sad for a dear man To be alone. ;id He, noble one, 'Red cares onuff, For life is wild, . r,10 The world is rough. yea all flying rues and is nature depraved are cor- terinanent lids afford but temperer relief d' meat, and the Pills greats assist and accelerate its operation clearing away all obstructions au teiving tone to the system generally. The pro- phylactic virtues of Holloway's reme- dies stand unrivalled. Best Novels. The following is' an excellent though limited list of the best books for one to read: r The best historical n vel—"Ivan- hoe," The best dramatic novel—"The Count of Monte Cristo." The best domestic zi vel—"Tile mg order. For such pe0 Vicar of Wakefield." Tabules fill the bill. The best marine novel "Mr. mid- gives relief. shipmate Easy." The best country life novel= ARheumatism Cured la a merican Rheumatic Cureoi "Adair Bede."' and Neuralgia radically cures The best military novel—"Charles Its action on the system is re O'Malley." mysterious. It removes at o Maud: I understand proposed to you last nij refused ]rim ? Marie: Ye poor fellow, I am afrai had not left me so hurrie' have re]ented• and aec' Maud : Seem told.me. o the sudden timate have olds, coughs, as. The best, rd's Pectoral quick relief �mplaints. that Jack ht and you , although, that if he sly 1 might pted him. The Average. 'Man who suffers from headaches and biliousness needs a medicine to keep his stomach and liver in %good 'work- le Ripens ne tabule a. �, of the disease immediately dis The best religious nilvol-. Ben ' first nose greatly- benefit, IIur." Warranted at Chishoan'adruc "Lothair," Well, sir, said the viv< cions lady for a Pur- to the artist who was p< inting her 1• portrait, you haven't finish d already, el ----"The have you ? 9r has the Ilou • expired? Neither, madam, replied he artist, I atn waiting for an opp Unity of seeing how your chin look when in repose. The best political novel The best novel written pose—"Uncle Tom's Cabi The beet pathetic sic Old Curiosity Shop." The best humorous nt Pickwick Papers." The best Irish neve Andy." The beat Scotch nova Heart of Midlothian." The best English novel a "Vanity Pair." The best American novel ---"The Scarlet Letter," day.—South Rheumatism i 1 to 8 days. narkable and e the cause ppears, The 75 cents. store. el—"The "Handy x "The Per Over b'IYty 'reeve x mete AND wP,tb•i"aso RSMrayY.—iilrg, Win w' Scothin:r Syrup has been nseddyor over fifty re by Dlilitotls of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It adothos th0 child ens the gins, allays Sit palrr eu s. wind collo, d is th„best rculedy for biarrhat'ia. Is pleasant to taste. Sold by Druggists In etr y part of the rlu. wentvavc cents a noose . Its value Is aalettlable. Ile sore and ask for h rs. Winslow n thin; 'syrup, and take no other kord. 1 Such brave, hard toils, serf Should have sufficed; tee Hero 1 he should not inn Soo If'aive been "surprised," 1= in six lions. I7�stressrng Kid. ney and Bladder thsea relieved in six hours by the "Great So tit &inericau hey Cure.,, This great tmedy is a great Surprise and delight to 1 count of its exceeding it1 ing pain in the bladder, every part of the minor' and female. It relieves; Heart Disease sae R s blr0ved In 30 Mlnates.-•All cases of organic- or sym- pathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly cured, !,y Dr, Ag- new's Cure, Sold at Chiaholtin's Drug store, Wingham. What's Dick doing no ? Well, Dick he's a doctorin'. A d Johtt ? He's horse tradin'. And William? He's a, Savin' of seals, rid Tom ? Well, Tom—he's sorter IJoliticianin' aroun . And you ? Well,' I'm sorter farmin' ail' eefeedin' of 'Dick, an' John, an' William, an' Torii. Catarrh relieved in i0 to (30`rninutes.--- One short puff of the breath through Colldnetar f. Ilfadain, 1 ow old is, the soCata supplied der each ffuses t of i that boy. Elderly Ma 'on Powder , a this freezing.dignity): (witha s °ver tole sur4ace of the nasal 6 y) . This yeuil //Idylp s ages• Pathless and delightful to use, g 'r, soros 110 wish to ride h e. Isere it relieves instaatly, and permanently ter ticket, Ilan sieves is in the ache, Catarrh, Hay Never, 'Colds, Head- , ache, Sore Throat, Tonsillitis and Deaf• a a tear. gg S' mess. (30 cents. At Chiaholfn's 73rug Take 111'otiee, a Toms Aird Store. eekly Globe will be re t to any address 1 Take Notice. --The Trines and Canada or the united awes, from now 'W1ekly lobs rt11I be sent to any address in danuery lit, 1 06, for one dollar, pay >d en ary 1e:t,1 adovor the 96, for one ded ollaY, frem now k, ad"1'rrili. 1rbIre in rrd'ya4tters. ' #%+►� iysicians on ac- mptness in reliev tai :i:dneys, back and 18 1 passages in male b. tem tier: of Water and pain in passing it el est immediately.' If you want quick relief and dire this is W your remedy. Sold at Chiehr lm's drag in store, tilt Z. D.‘1. is •a boa produe * Ho couldn't Wank, A Confederate soldier, after the battle of Antietam, and when his regiment was on the retreat, threw his musket on the ground, seated himself by the roadside. and exclaim- ed with mach 'vehemence: I'll be dashed if I walk another step! I'm broke down ! I can't do it And he sat there the picture of des- pair. Get up, man! exclaimed the cap- tain; don't you know the Yankees are following us? They will get yell, sure. Can't do it ! he replied, I'm done for. Pll not walk another step! The Confederates passed along- over longover the crest of a hill and lost sight of their poor deaeetad comrade. In a 11101110111 tonere was a fresh rattle of musketry and a renewed crash of shells. Suddenly 1e appear- ed ear- ed on the crest of the hill moving along like a hurricane and followed by a cloud of dust. As he dashed past his captain, that officer yelled : Hello ! thought you wasn't going to walk any more. Thunder; replied the soldier. You don't call this s lasking, do you. ? — War Relic. Pleasant as Syrup Mr. Douglas Ford. Toronto, Ont., states that Milburn's Cod Liver Oil Emulsion with Wild Cherry Bark is free from objectionable taste, being almost as pleasant as syrup, while for coughs and colds it gives complete satisfaction, acting promptly even in obstinate oases. Legal Wit. A man, meeting on the street Henry W. Paine, the distinguished, honest, and universally respected member of the Boston bar, addressed him as Mr. D—, a man of very dif- ferent reputation. I am not Mr.l)—, was the answer, but Mr. Henry W. Paine. I beg your pardon, said the lean, for making the mistake. I will, excuse you, replied illi•. Paine, but I sincerely slope the devil will not make the same mistake. Everywhere Well Spoken Of. Are Stark's Powders for Sick and Nervous Headache, Biliousness and Liver. Mr. Wood, manager Imperial Bank, Port Colborne, says :—"They do their work admirably," Mr. Alex. Rumsey, Imperial Bank, Welland, says :— "They are excellent." Mr. George 11. Williams, the extensive fruit basket manufacturer, Thorold, says :—"Por over 12 years I suffered severely from Sick and Nervous Head- aches and Liver. J tried all the adver- tised remedies without effect. Stark's Powders cared me." Price 25c a box; sold by all medicine dealers. The lady of the house : Why don't you go to work ? Don't you know that a rolling stone gathers no moss? Drowning, the tramp : Madam, not to evade your question at all,' but merely to obtain information, may I ask of what practical utility moss is to a lean in my condition? 23°. •r. Mestere Ohoi tcso . montre tl, P. Q. i A Marvelous Medici Whenever Given a: Fair Trial l-loodrs Proves ltd Merit. ho following letter is fro : 11tr, T, h1^iclt! .l::ussi•, lar date et a:::d survey r, 10, 1:3 Sl:aw rcet, %tontre alr Canada: 'C. 1. hood & Co., Lowell, Masa.: "Gentreinen: •. 1 have been t ' .nt; sarsaparilla for about six months ,uul ani : hi 1 to arty that it liar done me a i1:Rent Coal Last play my weight was 163 licolitis. but si:u.w Saraapapll Y began to take ocd'a Sarttalierllta It h arsenaltoto. rthink lined's,inriin'ulll:t is, lkaus medicine a,uttun very ii'u.h 11e:tse�t lttir .r,A1.c•rnr riiAt'kax, _ Flood's Piga ewe liver 111.�t, f'tne+ttl+r,tl +Ittliwrigig, . Atapolen, Au lioitoxeisa, fY '('or Well • to the 1 twee 111 atthtee rrsidarr coma its ti, spite, f tc,nitl ire day to u Tla. Un+ goner. eel:nth but al nears; comm. ria ofi am institu dogrel Moral which •awake • of1' t11• not be 'with t in0118t ehara We le 1• their i ranee, which would with the pe the he veins power rum, spring ner•st physic its enc hand. kind, prom( nisei*• direct long 1 prone with long l• to see iby su street look thei r endea even woul treast such a i151.h.w .I . degra stalks disco[ sante in01111 mess a of ma deplo great upon have Porta Tlie' l Teton A fol• swell a to 0\V as it: pow Itis 1 aclvet 111ueb e ;: eetivell 93aintl Tait 01 denia auspi C01181. net c Agit lower of ou tions, hour the pods anei Lead wet o at11 al It tit actio) Take CeaI B, oaths the+ lostil (diet We G1Y