The Huron Expositor, 1976-05-13, Page 4Over 80 in Walkathon THE ilvF1014 EXPOSITOR, 11/1 4Y 13, 1916 Hibl?ert council a kes After considering the Town- ship's Tile Drainage grant of $52,100., Hibbert council decided to allow the approvals granted before April 1, 1976 to stand. All applications after that date will be treated on a first come, first served basis, except those applicants having existing tile drainage loans would revert to the bottom of the list. The amount granted per hund- red acres was reduced from $15,000. to $9,Q00. Council had directed the clerk to appeal directly to the Minister of Agri- culture, The Hon. W. Newman, explaining the need for tile drainage to increase productivity, which is desperately needed in the World Food Shortage Crisis. To • date no reply had been received.' - Benny Mueller, Senior Health Inspector with the Perth District Health Unit explained to council its septic tank operation. Concern was expressed by the council of "raised tile beds", their appear- ance and the problems they could create. Mr. Mueller explained that sometimes this was the only method" possible, particularly where there were high water tables and nearby wells. Reeve McPhail expressed council's appreciation to Mr. Mueller The Court of Revision on the "Flat Creek" Drainam, works was opened, and there being no appeals, was closed. Council and ratepayers will meet to read the Roney Drainage Works report on Thursday, May 20 at the Town- ship Hall at 8 p.m. Operating under the New Drainage Act of 1975 which became law on April 1, council appointed Henry Uderstadt, 0.L. S., Engineer of Orangeville, to bring in a report on two petitions on and near the site of the Hoggarth Drain. Unde the new act, it is the respons. tlity of the Engineer to arrang an "on site" meeting wi the petitioners. The tender of Machan Construction was accepted for building up of roads on two sites at Con. 10 and 11, Lots 1 and 5 for pit run $1.12 art.(' dirt 95 cents and at Con. 2 and 3; Lots 16 and 20 at $1.15 pit run and 60 cents dirt. Both are subject to M.T.C. approval., The tender of Pollard Bros. for chloride at $80.60 per ton was approved. Council had ' in February decided to re-tender on the Burns Drainage works, the tenders at that time being considered high. The new tender was much more in line with the engineer's report, $3,200. compared with $6,000. in February. The tender of John Niter for this amount was accepted. Two temporary permits were issued for the installation of trailers in the township; one while the residence was being recon- structed, and two while alterna- tive' accommodation was being sought. Both applicants are required to sign agreements on condition of residency. The clerk was directed to write a letter of appreciation to the Mitchell Agricultural Society for their efforts in obtaining a grant to assist in the building of the new arena. The Township's share was $975.93. The budget of the Mitchell and District Planning Board, and the Committee of Adjustment, were approved. An Expositor Classifiql will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240. 'etete&ekgimMeeeitetlgeeal:aiMelaWeateeentntti.eeieeleeeeieat,fa"MeMeieetieftteefg*M=*MWKWRMMMMMsZWWZMNMgienMAM°MiegFh TOWNSHIP of HIBBERT -- Auditor's Report April 5th, 1976 To: The Members of CoUncil, Inhabitants, 'and Ratepayers. We have examined the 1975 financial statements of the Corporation of the Township of Hibbert, the Township of Hibbert Public Library Board, the Police Village of Dublin Municipal Electrical Utility and the Township of Hibbert Recreation and Community • Centre Boards. Our examination included a general review of the accounting procedures and such test of accounting records and other supporting evidence as we considered necessary in the circumstances. these financial statements of the at 1975, and the results of in accordance with generally- Ontario municipalities applied, the changes referred to in Notes financial statements, basis preceding year. Respectfully submitted, Monteith, Monteith & Co. Stratford, Ontario. Chartered Accountants. Date of Filing April 12th, 1976 Licence No. 284 present Township December fairly the of Hibbert, 31st, In our opinion financial, position of the its local boards and its Corporation municipal enterprise as their operations for accepted after giving 1(a) and (f) on a consistent the year accounting principles retroactive effect and .Note 5 to the with that of the then ended, for to Good things happen with a Gold Medal Banker. Let's talk. The First Canadian Bank Bankof Montreal EXPENDITURE General municipal purposes General government 25,001 28,208 Protection to persons and property 13,726 9,358 Transportation services 188,681 183,310 Environmental services • 4,038 3,662 Health services 600 750 Social and family services Recreation and cultural services 25,990 45,184 Planning and development 30,416 30,405 23,818 15,000 143,201 2,283 748 960 15,734 24,61.7 288,452 31,811 120,983 441,246 300,877 32,850 122,046 226,361 30,535 104,904 Region or county purposes School board purposes Total expenditure 455,773 '361,800 STATEMENT OF CAPITAL FUND OPERATIONS For the year ended December 31, 1975 1975 . 1974 - Capital financing Actual Actual capital $ $ 11,148 21,368 Contributions from the revenue fund Long term liabilities incurred Ontario grant s Other Total capital financing • Unfinanced capital outlay [Unexpended capital financing] at the end of the year 52,247 145,048 197,295 667 71,009 71,676 BALANCE SHEET As at December 31, 1975 1975 1974 $ 17,751 23,282 33,452 38,046 10,471 12,437 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Temporary loans Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 1975 - 1974 $ $ • 4,000 5,937 1,630 61,674 73,765 9,937 1,630 g 221,747 163,041 73,122 83,283 304,806 247,954 Net long term liabilities Accumulated net revenue (deficit) and unapplied capital receipts 243,1.32 174,189 304,806 247,954 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 23,272 '667 • 't 79,100 45,600 28,975 55,711 35,629 187,058 81,896 21,385 11,148 Analysed as follows: General revenue Special charges Police villages Region or county School Boards Local Boards 69,089 57,804 78,929 14,134 14,134 1,750 1,742 2,369 1,552 ( 6) ( 131) (2,000) ( 1,979 85,336 7I3 2,369 ( 6 ri 1,991 r 83,283 290,565 Region or county purposes Taxation Ontario grants 28,545 3,266 31,811 School board purposes Taxation 120,983 120.983 Total revenue Accumulated net revenue the 'end of the year 443,299 [deficit] at 85,336 91,395 92,922'- 732 148,533 103,273 4,654 47,076 41,345 291,65B 238;272 ° 28,768 21,690 3..266 , 5,241 121,921 121,921 „445,612 104,843 104,843 370,046 32,033 26,931 73,122 83,283 I' 3. Net Long Term Liabilities Total long term liabilities incurred by the municipality and outstanding at the end of the year amount to (as shown on Schedule 3 -"9) $221,747 Of, the long ,term liabilities shown above, the responsibility for payment of principal and interest charges has been assumed by others for a principal amount of 221,747 Net long term liabilities at the end of the year Nil. 4. Capital Outlay to. be Recovered In Future Years Some capital outlay 'does not represent a burden on general municipal revenues, as it is to be recovered in future years from other sources (as shown on Schedule 3-1) Special charges on benefitting landowners $243,132 5. During 1975, the Township of Hibbert agreed to assume responsibility for payment for a portion of the debenture debt issued to finance construction of the Mitchell and District Community Centre. Of the total debentum debt outstanding, the Township of Hibbert is responsible for a principal amount of $48,450.00 and interest of $52,383.99. These amounts are to be paid through installments over a 20 year period commencing in 1976. 6. The accumulated net revenue at the beginning of the year on the Statement of Revenue and Expenditure (Statement 1) has been restated to give effect to the• inclusion of the overlevies for eounty and school board purposes and the accumulated net revenue of the Library Board and the Recreation and Community Centre _Boards which are now consolidated. The effect on the accumulated net revenue at the beginning of the year has been an aggregate increase of $4,354 over that reported in the 1974 Financial Report. Analysed as follows: 'Closing Balance, Decettffer 31s1"; 1974 Adjustments for County School Boards Library Board Recreation and Community Centre Boards Opening Balance, January 1st, 1975 4gaotguwmnwramaxsmswsmsammr tt l,"41 $ -78,09 IMMONEMONMEMANZIMP.0 saaa:,0.44a:' • a $ 2,369 ( 6.) 68. 1,923 4,354 $ 83,283 WROMMINAMMAIMOW; !to f 1. Accounting Policies [a] Balance Sheet The Balance Sheet reflects the combined assets and liabilities of the revenue fund, capital fund, the ,Township of Hibbert Public Library Board and the Township of Hibbert Recreation and Community Centre Boards but does not reflect the assets and liabilities of the Police Village of Dublin Municipal Electrical Utility. Certain assets and li abilities are not reflected as described in (b) and (e) of this note. [b] Fixed Assits No value is attached to fixed assets for municipal reporting purposes. Expenditures on fixed assets are charged against current revenues unless the expenditures are financed out of long term debt. Debt retirement costs are charged against current revenues in the periods in which they are paid. fr it [c] Inventories of Supplies No inventories of supplies are included in other current assets. [d] Provincial Road Subsidy Revenue and Expenditure on Roads Provincial subsidy programmes are on a "receipt and disbursement" basis which does not recognize accruals. The municipality has expended amounts for Which the road subsidy will not be eligible for claim until the succeeding year. Such future subsidy revenues have been accrued in the current year. [e] Charges for Net Long Term Liabilities Charges for net long term liabilities include principal and interest. Interest charges are not accrued for the periods from the dates of the latest interest payments to the end of the fiscal year. j (Retroactive Adjustments to 1974 Financial Statement 4 Where it was necessary to present financial information for 1974, on a comparable basis to that of 1975x _the 1974 infortnalipn has t?: been restated to conform with the 1975 statement presentation '01 requirements. / Charges for Net' Long Term'-Liabilities .• Tolal.Char ges 'die year for net long term liabilkfes "'were as follows (as shown on Schedule 1 - 8) - Principal Payments $ 20,394 Interest 6,522 $ 26,916 ••••••••••••111..... Weil help. make Horne repairs and improvements . are so much easier when you have proper instructions. So.,. we're offering a book (at a very special price)' which We think can help you tackle almost any job around the house. The "Popular Mechanics New Com- plete Manual of Home Repair and Improvement Its easy-to-follow instruc- tions and detailed illustrations can assist the expert, or guide the novice "doit-yotirseffer". You can discover numerous new projects or successfully complete old ones. You save money doing it yourself, and save time when you know how to do it. This book shows you such things as how to build cm extra room, how to fix a leaky faucet, how to repair an appliance, and much much more. It may just be your most useful book. Come in, Look through it... and see what you think. Book Offer expires June 1,1976 Special Homecare Price$595 ffomecare ip-intpiNGcEN7tE, YOUR LOCAL HOMECARE BUILDING CENTRE Bali Macaulay Limited SEAFORTH There are over, 80 participating Homecare Dealers throughout Ontario. Eckert, Stephen Jr., Darrell, Tanya R.R.#1 Dublin, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Emm and An gie, Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Storey. and Sandra, Blyth. Operation 50,000 is still in full swing in Dubliii Post Office, .get your Winning Post Card now for the trip for two to any place in Canada served by Canada post Office .and by commercial carrier plus $1500 spending money. Deadline is Friday, Max' 14. Mother's Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Stapleton were Mr. .and Mrs. JOhn Derger: Joanne of Kin.hener, and Mr. and Mrs. Bobbie Stapleton also of Kitchener. Visitors kith Don MacRae were Mr, and mrs. Pat Cleary of London. The visit was a pleasant one except the radiator on Pat's new car had developed a leak and had to be repaired and replentished. mother, Mrs. Jean Dill for Mother's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Tate, Port Franks . visited with Mr. George John Street, Dublin. Don MacRae spent Sunday with his siter Mrs. Rita Gooding.* London and their mother, Mrs. James D„ McRae at the latter's home in Barnish(Park Hill). Mrs. James D. McRaie has returned to her home after spending the winter with Mrs. Anne Hatton, Sarnia and Mrs. Rita Gooding, London. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bader of Stirling Heights Michigan and Mr.sand Mrs. Jack Gillian of Troy Michigan spent Mother's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Feeney, Mill Street, Dublin. They also visited With other friends and relativeS in Dublin and district. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eckert and family, Sheffield Ontario visited with Mrslilbert Kramers. also called on Mr. Mike Eckert. For Sunday Mother's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Eckert were Mr. and Jvhs.Gunther Borysiu,k of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Rieny Van Loon, Danny, Tony and Mike of Kippen, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Brodhagen Mothers join Jr. choir at St. Peter's Church Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Don Wolfe, Mrs. Lavern Wolfe c' On Mother's Day at St. Peter's LutheranChurch the mothers of the Jr. Choir joi. ned them. Rev. Mrs.Arthur Horst, Lois and Steven spent Mother's Day with the former's mother, Mrs. Lavina Horst in Hanover and with the later's mother,MrS. Lenora" Hessel ir, Neustead. Mr. Fred Ki t ~r ., who was convalescing with is son-in-law and daughter, Mr. •:d Mrs. Don Jackson and famil?. Goderich is in University Hospital. London where he has undergone surgery again. Our 'sympathy is extended to Mr. John Knipe in the death of his sister, Mrs. Ann Skipper. who passed away in Avon Crest hospital on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gray and family , Kitchener, spent .a day with Mr. and Mrs.. Doug, Van Vlack and Rich, Paula' and Obie. We are sorry to report Mr. Nornian*Bode and Mrs. Charles Kleber are in Seaforth Community Hospital. The latter • had the misfortune to break her hip. We wish them a speedy recovery. Mrs. Henry Rose and Edwin Mogk were among those Senior Citizens who travelled by bus to Rockton to see the Lion Safari and Niagara Falls last Friday. On Mother's Day Mr. and Mrs. Don . Stauck, Kitchener visited with the lattees mother , Mrs. Katie Querengesser and brother Alf. We are glad to. hear Mrs. Milton Bode has returned home from Seaforth Community Hospital where she 'had undergone surgery. Mrs. Bill Ahrens' and Jason, Kanata (near Ottawa) are flying to Toronto May 10 to spend some time with' the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bode and brothers while her mother is convalescing. Mr: and Mrs. Oscar .Eickmeier have returned from a trip to Concord, California where they, visited with Mr. s it Mrs. M ilton Hillebrecht and other realtives. Ray Beuerman, Toronto, spent several days with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuerman, London, Jeffery Dennis and Jill at the same home on Sunday. Wayne Ahrens, Waterloo University, visited with his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Harvey Ahrens, Marilyn and Steven on M other' Day. Mrs.Ed. Stephen is a patient in Stratford General Hospital where she has undergone surgery. , Mr. and Mrs. Les 'Wietersen visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ken McClasterl Of Sloornitigvalest*, Wednesday. Mr. andMrs.Wm. Brown visited with the latter's mother, Mrs. Etta' Armstrong, Melbourne on Mother's Day, _Mr. and Mrs, Earl Rock, %Mott visited with the latter's mother, Mrs. 'Normang ennewies Ott Mother's Day. decision re-drainage loans Don MacRae Correspondent DIA:in Athletic Assocation held their Walkathon Saturday with excellont weather. It was a terrific succes s with over 80 walkers headed for Staff and back. Final dollar 'value is yet to be tabulated. Dublici and District Lions Club assisted at rest stops along the route:Thanks to the children that made this Walkathon such a success. The sidewalk on Mill Street is progressing although weather has been slowing work up: Contractor is Looby Constuction of Dublin. Construction has started at the Du, in Post Office for paving the ..an drainage of the parking lot, Cintractor is Capital paving of Guelph, subcontractor is Ken Gerber, Stratford. Personals Misses Mandy Ryan and Linda Van Bergen have completed their year at Sir Wilfred Laurier University and have gone to Jasper Alberta to work for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Warren and family visited with Karen's, Steven and Jamie, London, visited with the lafter's mother, Mrs. Leo Cole and brother. Roy. With Mr. and Mrs, lavern Wolfe and Dale at the same home were Mr. and Mrs.rLorne Wolfe, Clinton on Mother's Day. We are glad to report Mr.Ed. Ahrens who was in Seaforth Community Hospital • returned home on Monday. On Mother's Day Mr. and Mrs. Les Wietersen visited wtih their son-in-law and daughter, Mr., and Mrs. Bill Gibb, Catherine and Jamie , Stratford. Others at 'the same home were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wietersen; David and Julie. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cakebread, Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mogk, John and Mrs. Roy Leake visited with Mr. and Mrs. Emery Leake and yalerie at Hanover last Sunday. Italkedtomy Gold Medal Banker and started earning er interest on my savings. See these Branch Managers Earl HindleY - Clinton Erie Luther-Hensall Douglas Knowles - Exeter ASSETS Current Assets Cash Accounts receivable Taxes receivable Capital outlay to be recovered in future years 1975 Budget $ Accumulated net revenue (deficit) at the beginningi4,the year 83,283 STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE For the year ended December 31, 1975 . REVENUE 1975 1974 General. municipal purposes Actual Actual Taxation Payments in lieu of taxes Ontario grants 83,283 75,037 'Other grants Other' 95,000 315 147,570 47,620 Unfinanced capital outlay [Unexpended financing] at the beginning of the year Capital expenditure General government Recreation and cultural services Planning and development Total expenditure