The Huron Expositor, 1976-05-06, Page 10GARDEN TIME AND HOME IMPROVEMENTS • Lawn Edger; Hand 1.98 Electric Lawn Edger 53.88 Seed or Fertilizer Broadcaster ........ . . . 14.29 Seed or Fertilizer Spreader 10.99 Lawn Seed 2.29 up Flower and Vegetable Food 1.89 Weed and Feed 4.97 to 6.29 Sheep Manure 74c to 2.57 Bone Meal - 5 lbs. 1.89 Fertilizer - 40 lbs., - 7-7-7 3.27 Rose and Garden Spray 2.79 Rose Food 1.79 Tea and Hedge Roses 1.39 Ask Us For an Estimate on Youl lie-wiring or -New Installations
Plumbing and Heating
Seaforth Ph. 5274 620
Get an early start
Every Citizen has a responsibility
to Clean-Up .... Fix-Up .,
and Paint - Up •,••
Everybody's Job!
By virtue of instructions issued by the Council of the Town of Seaforth,
I proclaim the week of
May 18 to May 21
in the Town of Seaforth and urge citizens to observe the occasion by Cleaning-Up, Fixing-Up
and Painting-Up their premises.
_,Seaforth May 4th, 1976
Elizabeth Cardno, Mayor •
The Town of Seaforth will co-operate in Clean-Up Week and accumulated trash will be
picked up* from Seaforth residences FREY OF CHARGE
Tues., Wed,. Thurs., Fri., May 18, 19,20, 21
TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY — South of Goderich Street
THURSDAY and FRIDAY — North of Goderich Street
Residents are requested to please sweep off sidewalks in
front of their property.
Any questions arising from this phone
John Flannery, Chairman of Public Works
Mateilals to be picked up must be available at the street line of a property before 8:00 a.m.
on the day of collection. The pickup is not to include garbage, nor will it service business
(4, The old wood
I used to fill the wood-box
That sat by the kitchen door
I'd fill it up to the top
Then add one stick more.
It was sometimes empty,
Being human, I'd forget,
For I was playing harmon Y —
A Fugue — a minuet.
Now, if I could go back
After life'i little knocks
I'd really like once more
:To:: fill that old wood-box!
O a.
Green Standing
Hanging Plants
Many Different
& Unusual Plants
to Choose From
Boxed Plants are Now Avcalable
We have a large selection of
Location of work centers' assures efficiency in kitchen Six basic elements to look at •when planning to remodel your bathroom Use shelter belt for warmer house Mostho_mdmakers agree that the kitchen is where they invariably spend a great deal of their time. And they want it to be as modern,, pleasant and convenient as possible. Every kitchen should be divided. into three major "work centers," located in relation to- the sequence of work to be performed there, accordlit to Hot-point's- Kitchen Planning Service. The Major "work centers" are the refriger- ator center, the "Clean-Up" center and the cook-ing center. Ideally, the sequence of work In the kitchen moves from storage and mixing, on to preparing, then to
cooking and serving and
finally back to the sink
for clean up.
Planning continents
Hotpoint kitchen plan-
ners have these comments
on each of the centers:
Iteirtgeration: Obviously
built around the refriger-
-ger-, -this center should
be located near the door
where the supplies enter
and should have sufficient
drawer, shelf, and counter
space to handle the nu-
merous kitchen utensils,
foodstuffs and small ap-
pliances common in to-
day's kitchen.
There should be a min-
imum of 15 inches of work
counter at the opening
side of the refrigerator —
more, if possible.
More efficiency .
Today's modern side-by-
side refrigerator-freezer
combinations can be used
more efficiently with work
space on both sides of the
appliance, which also al-
lows both its doors to open
to their stops.
"Clean-Up": This center
handles chores performed
in the kitchen during
preparation of daily meals
'and the subsequent clean-
up. It is best when it is
located between the range
and refrigerator, and
should have at least 24
inches of counter space
on each side of the sink
— whether the sink is
double- or single-bowl.
Additional space
In. addition to the dish-
washer, space should also
be planned to dispose of
trash,-and to store deter-
gent cleaning equipment
and utensils.
A tow-cost, highly effi-
cient food waste disposer
THIS MODERN "Clean-Up Center" features a dishwash-er, paste disposer, trash com-pactor, and double-howl sink. The design is by Hotpoint.
is recommended to take
care of most "wet" gar-
bage, while a trash com-
pactor is an effective
means of handling solid
non-grindable wastes such
as milk containers, egg
cartons, cereal boxes, bot-
tles, and the like. Used
together, a waste disposer
and compactor can help
provide a neater, cleaner
Cooking: The b9st loca-
tion for the cooking center
is near the dining room
and breakfast areas. A
counter at each side of
the range is important for
efficiency as well as safety.
There should be a min-
imum of 12 inches of
counter at the side away
from another major cen-
ter, and 24 inches min-
imum between the range
and another major appli-
ance or the sink.
Storing essentials
A large amount of stor-
age also is required in this
area for pots, pans, trays, -
utensils, dry foods, and
Most kitchens will con-
tain one or more minor
work centers, according to
Hotpoint, so plans should"
be well laid to make diem
work best.
Work centers
A desk, or 'planning and
message center, is an es-
sential in today's modem
kitchen. It can be as large
as needed, or as small as
an 8x10-inch shelf with
telephone and recipe
racks. If space permits, a
bulletin board and inter-
com can be included.
These guidelines should
help you plan the, best
arrangement of work cen-
ters in your new kitchen
to fit your needs with the
space available.
If your bathroom is rather ,Arab, with old- fashioned fixtures and definitely in need of re-modelng, it is probably like Most, — about 5 feet by 8 feet in size. If so, you won't find too many, idea bathrooms advertisements or edito-rial this size to help you — most such baths are larger and your problem' will be to convert the ideas found in such large rooms down to fit your space. Therefore, • before you remove the first wall tile or start tearing up the floor covering,- take a few minutes to plan your bathroom remodeling. There are six basic ele-ments of better bathroom design for you to consider, according to Eljer Plumb-ingware, a leading manu-f a cturer - of plumbing products. 'Each is impor-:
tant to total bathroom
• The basic plan of the
bathroom must 'be a good
one — one that will work
even in the most restrict-
ed space. In many cases
you will be working• with
all plumbing pipes placed
on one wet wall. It will be
most economical to take
this arrangement and de-
velop variety and design
without a change in
However, to create the
best plan for your bath-
rooto you may find it nee-
" essary to' change some
fixture locations. If this
is desired, by all means
contact your plumbing
contractor because proper
installation and adhear-
ence to plumbing codes
are mandatory.
• Choosing the right
fixtures is very important
because remodeling your
bathroom is pointless if_
built around a poor choice
of fixtures. Don't skim)
on 'quality, not.. if you-
want to be assured of
satisfaction, performance
and beauty in the years •
ahead. Be sure you con-
sider colored fixtures . .
added spark for your bath
at small added cost.
• Adequate storage is so
fundamental yet so often
overlooked in the bath-
room. Be sure you provide
space to store towels, tis-
sues, cleansing materials,
cosmetics, etc. . . . and
storage' space is probably
more important in a-small
bathroom than in a large
one. ▪ Lighting must be ade-
quate for proper applica-
tion of cosmetics, shaving,
and believe it or not, read-
ing. Let's face it, everyone
needs a morale booSt
when they first get up in
the morning — and warm
lighting in the bathroom
can at least make you
look much bettor than
you feel.
,• Adequate ventilation
is-an item easily overlook-
ed inbathroom remodeling.
Ventilation -can do more
. than just make the bath-
room smell fresh — it can
help keep it clean, warm,
remove excess moisture
and help control .mildew.
• Every homeowner
should have a bathroom
that's easy to maintain.
Begin by: choosing quality
fixtures, with finishes of
glass-hard vitreous china
The absence of farmstean shelteikpits on a majority of the farms makes an impression. The great, 'old farm homes look so stark with very few trees planted around them. How miserable it must be in 'the winter with the wind -howling and snow drifting through the yard. How attractive and cozy many of these fine old homes could be with a good shelterbelt planted around them.. Well-tended shelterbelts have many advantages - such as increasing the property v4ue, reducing soil erosion, providing protection for livestock. However, when one stops to consider what it must cost to heat' a large stone house in the winter, the advantage of a shelterbelt really becomes obvious. This is especially true today and in the future as the cost of heating fuels continues to rise,
and predictions indicate that it
will continue to do so.
Why 'were shelterbelts -not
planted in Ontario? One thing
that is obvi is that while
tenperatur= are milder in
southetn Ontario the winds can be just as cold and penetrating as in the west. The author, having lived in a home completely surrounded by a thick grove of cedar and pine, which was heated for one-third less the cost of the other homes on the farrri, is convinced that every farm in Ontario could benefit from a farmstead shelterbelt. The Ontario , Government through the Ministry of Natural Resources provides trees :for this purpose from their tree nurseries loCated throughout the province at - a cost that is extremely. reasonable. They also publish a bulletin "The Farm Shelterbflt" which outli nes the mechanics of locating and planting shelterbelts. If the cost of heating your farm
home is rising you would be well
advised to consider a shelterbelt.
It will take a few years to notice
the savings, but who knows? You
might save enough money, for a
trip south!
or durable enameled cast iron. Consider the new, easy-to-maintain finishing materials such as vinyl wall coverings, laminated plastic surfaces, and ce-ramic tile for easy clean-uintigutwy.ithout sacrificing decorative appearance or
ANCIENT GREECE AND ROME live again! This classical '
-bath fits a five-by-eight foot area and combines all six ele-
ments of good bathroom design. Three arches are built of
3/43 untempered hardboard. Simple globe lighting adds to
the over-all effect with a free-hanging mirror over the lava-
tory., There is open acces0 to -toiletries, while ample storage
for towels and linens is available.