The Huron Expositor, 1976-04-22, Page 16' ONE Dodge tractor with dump trailer, good condition, ideal for cash crop farmer, 345,2172. 10-4141 1971 Dodge Demon 340, dark emerald green, 4 speed, good condition, certified, 527-0351. 10-41-1 1974 Chev. Impala custom, power steering and brakes, radio and tape deck. PhOne 527-0435, 10-41-1 1966 Fdrd Fairlane 500-car, Phone •.. 887-9243. 10.4141 11 Article's For Sale BOY'S nary coif "et, size 6x - 7, navy houndstooth, site 8 10, $9.00 each. 527-1716. 11'-41-1 LEADING Pool manufacturer has 1975 above ground redwoOd type pools available, willing to sacrifice at half price. Call collect anytime 1-416-667-1302. 11-38-tf GESTETNER INK AVAILABLE at The Htiron Expositor, 52 7-0240. Seaforth. 11-3a-tf 14 PropertyFor Sale from eitOol. * * * * * 2 acres just south of Clinton on #4 Highway, steel workshop, heated, concrete floor. * * * *** 1 1/2 storey frame home in Grand Bend, 5 • rooms, 3 bedrooms, carpeted living and dining room. Year round home. * * * ** * We have several good _houses listed in Blyth, ranging in pry from $17,000. up. ** * ** * • Colonial-style, 2 storey _brick home in Clinton, 8 rooms, 5 bedrooms, 2 full baths, gas - heating, carpeted. FOOD FOR THOUGHT With hospital costs What they are, its impossible•for anyone to be ill at ease. , 14-41-1 USE EXPOSITOR WANT-ADS • Phone 527-0240 tr BLACK Labrador ,RetrieVer, 3/4 grown, '"wearing' a red . answers,lo Zeus. Lost from the vicinity east of Clinton, 482-7537. ' 2-41-1 4 Help Wanted MORE4THAW 20 SWIMMING pool wholesaler must dispose of 1975 aluminum pools in: stock. Sacrifice price for ' desperately needed factory Warehouse space. Brand' new swimming pools include walk around deck, fence, filter and warranty, . Size 15' x 27', $1,088.00 cash or terms. -Call Gord collect days or evenings 1-519-433-2611. 11-38-if 'APPLES: Special $2.50 per bushel, while they last, excellent quality for eating, cooking and freezing: Northern Spies, Ida Reds, bring containers. Ross Middleton's Refrigerated Storage, 1 mi. east of Bayfield north of river, 482-9136. .11-40-3 HEAVY roaster cockerels, started 3 weeks, McKinley Farms and Hatchery Ltd. R.R.1, Zurich; •' 262-2837. . 11-40-2 LEADING SWIMMING POOL. Man04.40$! ttiust dispose of brand new ;1975 abotre,y groynd aluminum pools, macie4oyell for $1890.00 willing 't•ckelldse-ont for 51188.00. Full warranteg in effect. Call collect anytime. 1-416-667-1302. 11-394 I 'TROPICAL FISH BUDGIES CANARIES A complete li nelof pet supplies PAT'S PET SHOP • "Interested in the Environ=“ ,ment? The Huron Perth Lung Association Annual Dinner Meeting will be held in the Legion Hall, Seaforth, 6:30 p.m.,, Wednesday, May 5/76, The speaker will be Dr. M ichael T. Newhouse, Head of Respirology, St. Joseph's Hospital. Hathilton. and Associate Clinical Professor, McMaster University, Hamilton. Di. Newhouse's topic will be "Environmental Lung Hazards. and Biological Defenses: One" of the Most Serious Public Health Issues of Marc ur Time." .. Tickets $4.00 and may be. obtained from the Association office. 121 Wellington ••• St., Stratford or phone 271-7500..Your area represenative will also be an available source. 2 Lost, Strayed 1 Coming Events 4 Help Wanted Classified Rates WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial .numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as orie word per set. Words Joined by hyphens count as separate wards. FIRST INSERTION - 20 Words $1.50,'6c per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes,' 4c per word, minimum $1.00. SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION $1.68 per, column inch. ' SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS -- $1.54 per column inoh. (Minimum size in this category . 2 inches. ' Accepted it multipleS Of.half inch). BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OggICE" •50c per insertion. • BIRTHS - 20 words, $1.50, 6c per word thereafier. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, 20 words $1.50, each additional word 6c. IN MEMQRIAMS $1,.po plus .10c per line of verse. • COMING EVENTS 74, 2i), worth $1.50, each` additional word 6c. threeinsertions for the price of 2. CARD OF THANKS 30 Words $1.50 , each additional word 3c. 25e DISCOUNT FOR •CASH PAYMENT: AT TIME OF INSERTION. No cancellation of multiple insertion adVertiserriente after Noon, Tuesday. Deadline for classified ads Is 12 Noon Tuesdays. Phone '527-0240 0 Career Opportunity Ideal jolt opportunity; in sales 'with art all-Canadian company producing farM buildings The position offers , free training in sales and construction by qualified staff instructors, A fatin background and .a knowledge of , construction 'and sales are preferred but not essential. Career-minded person keen enough to accept a challenge,• able to use initiative and willing to work on their own - under the timbre Lila of a reputable company should write: Bob. Manto, • R. Martin' Structures Lilmited 39 Armstrong Avenue Geor'getown, Ontario L7G 4S/ 4-40-3 5 Bus. Opportunity WOULD y ou like to earn extra money working at home addressing envelopes? . For, details, Rush 50c and stamped self-addressed envelope to: Anne Turner, Box 1193, Hagersville. .Ontario, NOA 1HO. 5-40.2 '7 Situations Wanted WILL' babysit any"' shift in my home. Call 345-2472. • 7-41-3 WANTED homeS for seven Border 'Collie pups. Apply 80 George St. E. after 4 p.m. 11-41.1 AVAILABLE for custom cultivating. Contact Jim Alexander 527-1065 evenings.; 7-40x2 8 Farm Stock. For Sale WANTED rabbit's, South Huron Rabbit Breeders Association now operating ,pL depot„ at Gord Robinson'S' R.R.1, Woodham,. Phone „ 229-6285. Present prices, friers, 62, old 30c per pound.. 8-41-2 ONE Registered Holstein heifer, dRe in one week. Phone 345-2616. 8-41-1 SIX year old Pinta Mare, with Western saddle and harness. 482-9156. Henry Klaver. 8.41-1 FIVE grass Hereford Areers. Will keep 'till grass titne.Phone 345;2624: 8-41X1 PUREBRED Hampshire and Cross Bred Boars, Serviceable age R.O.P. 'fasted and commercial. Bob Robinson, 345.7117 - 8.40-2 Poultry For Safe BANTAMS, several trios, black cochin, white rock, etc. Phone 345-2650. 9-41-i BLUE broadloom 12 x 12, new condition. New shoes, size 8 AA, 527-1673 11-41x2 SHREDDED baled straw, also 50 used steel posts 345-2616. 11-41-1 JAYCO TRAILERS New Jaycos on display now 1-161/2 ft. travel -trailer with toilet •• $2,950.00 1-20 ft. travel trailer with fridg, furnace, 4ps.bath ect $5,300.00 1-Jay Flipper hard top fold down $1,950.00 1-Jay Flight hard top fold, down $2,400.00 1-Jay Dove hard top with furnace $2,900.00 1-1975 Jay Dove used one season also pickup truck • caps and campers. BUMSTEAD METAL FABRICATING Wingham, Ont, 357-2272 11-41.3 SWEDEN ice cream machine, double head, new condition. 345-2236. 11.41-2 The Calves ' Are Coming Those valuable dairy heifers need the best growing program Purina Calf Startena to 8 weeks Purina Calf Growena to 6 months Th. Oublin Feed Mill Dublin $4571330 "Bulk. ServiceaSpecialty" 11.41-1 Exeter t, 350 Main Street meals. The Huron Expositor, Phone 235-1951, 527-0240, Seaforth. 11.38-tf 11-384 ADDING machine ' rolls, t ew ter ribbons for testYP V. WNW ..... . ..... ......... ... .. . REALTY LTD • Stratford 273-2821 Seaforth 527-0052 An AA.L.S. Realtor This Week we' Offer you: An attractive brick bungalow in EgmondVille. * * A 11/2 storey white fram house on Hensall's main street. * * * * A Hobby FArm on Highway 8 just east of Goderich. * * * * A building -lot,. for your cottag0 at Port .Franks. * * * * * A raised bride' bungalow in Exeter - a beauty. * * * * * * A one-storey frame house in Brucefield * * * * * Mobile Home on 20 acres near Bayfield. * * * * * * One of Seaforth's finest old homes on North Main. * * * * * * A 1 1/2 'storey frame house, completely redecorated on Goderith St. West . LARRY PLUMSTEEL PHONE 527.0052 14LI 1 -1 Addilional Classified Page 17, 14 Property For Sale, 82 Albert Street . Phone: 482-9371 masofi BAILEY- ' BROKER/MANAGER Clinton, Ontario r Seat' rt1 ootifs, 3 , edr oil * * * Fully equipped restaurant in Clinton, seating capacity approx. 30 persons, ideally located. * * 2 1/2 storey brick home'in Clinton, 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths carpeted Ii ving and dining room. Shop at back. Good location. * * * * * * Cottage on Maitland River, 1 floor frame, 5 rooms, 3 bedrooms, furniture included. Lots of trees. * ** * * 4 acres in Londesboro, 1 floor brick home, 3 bedrooms, living room and finished recreation room both have fireplaces. all carpeted. * * * * rick 1 acre home, heatin - 10 Used Cars For Sale 11 Articles For Sale NEW Bingo Clinton Hall 8:30 ,April 22. Admission $1.00. $230.00 in 57 calls or less, 1-41-1 `. MIXED . euchre, Legion ° Hall, Thursday, April 22, 8:15. 1-41-1 SEAFORTH LIONS BAR-B-Q 'Dinner and • Dance, Saturday, June 26, 1976, Seaforth • Community Centre, Campbell and Cardiff caterers. Music by Walter Ostanek Band. Tickets available at Vincents, Larones, Bob & Betty s, Huron Expositor, Rowcliffe, Whitneys, Stewart Bros., Seaforth Banks and from Club members. 1-41-tf SEAFORTH Baha'i Community invites you to a discussion on Bahai's solution to today's problems. For information. Phone 527-0216. 1-41-1 BINGO at the Vanastra Centre, Motida.y, April 26th, 15 regular $10.00 games, 3 share the wealth, jackpot $300.00 regardless number of calls. Door prizes and other specials. Admission restricted to 16 years. 1141-1 WHAT: A euchre party When Tuesday, April 27th, 8:15. Where: St. Thomas Anglican Church Parish Hall, Adniission .50c. • 1-40-2 will be paid to our regular part time school bus drivers this school year. Why' don't you supplement your income? Regular & part-time male or female drivers are required. We will assist in obtaining licence. UNITED TRAILS INC. Phone 527-1222 4-38-tf, THE Township of Grey Clerk-Typist Part-time at Municipal Office Applications will be received in writing by the undersigned until 5:00 P.M. Friday. April 30th, 1-976 Mrs. E. M. Cardiff. Clerk-Treasurer. Ethel, Ontario NOG ITO 4-40-2 SOUTH HURON AND DISTRICT ASSOCIATION FOR THE ' MENTALLY RETARDED has the following openings • for- staff at ARC [ADULT REHABILITATION CENTRE] located in Dashwood,.Ontario. Woodworking Instructor Experience working handicapped persons' an asset. Instructor for Kitchen Program Experience desirable. Send written application and resume of qualifications and experience to , MRS. LAWRENCE WEIN BOX 804, EXETER, ONTARIO 4-41-1 • Everj, week more and more people discover what mighty jobs are accomplished by lqw cost • Huron positor Want Ads. Dial 527-024 4 Help Wanted Seaforth . Lions Park Applications are invited for the _., positions of pool ,supervisor, life guards. swimming instructors and booth assistants for the coming seasbiaSeafOrth Lions Park. Applicants must be 16 years of age of o ver and in the case of life guards and swimming. instructors have necessary Red Cross swimming program qualifications. Apply in writing indicating age, experience, qualifications. awards and the particular poSition. for which the application is being made before April 30. 1976 to Secretary, LIONS CLUB PARK COMMITTEE Box 520. Seaforth 4441-7 5 Bus. Opportunity AVON ---r Earn money selling world famous products in Seaforth, Egmondville or nearby -areas. • • Contact •Carolyn ThoiriPsbn, R.R.#2,- Seaforth, 527-0238. 5'!.41-2 SWIMMING POOL: Deluxe, Redwood, above ground pool. 16' x 24, 1I yr. old. Repossessed by bank, sacrifice 1/2 price. Call Mr. Harvey, collect, days or evenings. 416-625-8819. 11 -44 4 FIRE WOOD, stock tip now, Morello Mfg Co. Ltd., Mitchell,11.39118 Ontario, SWIMMING POOL SACRIFICE: Leading Manufacturer and distributor has above ground aluminum pools left, over from 1975 season, , 1//2 price, guaranteed.. installation and terms. Call Credit Manager collect..Mississauga 416-625-8819 days or evenings. 11-384 STRIP tickets for admission or refreshments, • single arid duplicate. The Huron Expositor, Seaforth. 11-38.-tf APPLES - Spy, King; Delicious, Mac's,, etc. ' Phone 482-3214 or 482-9141. McClymont Orchards, 1 mile south of Varna. 11-38-tf ONE set air shocks $30.00 , each'ometer $25.00, one set helper springs $15.00, also quantity of.. "barn boards, 527-1764 after 5. • 11-40-2 COPIES Copies of ,y,o‘kr , irnp,optlxnt papers or documentsnvfille ybu .,wait Letter size, 25e each. " THE HURON EXPOSIT101-838' .tf SWIMMING • Pool sacrifice,, leading manufacturer and distributor has aluminum poOls left over from 1975 season. 1/2 price, guaranteed installation and terms. Call collect• days or; evenings. 1-519-433-1083 .11-38-if BARN approximately 21 x 33, good barnboards and timber. Best Offer. 262-2235. 11-41-1 TRADE your cord organ in now on a Wurlitzer organ or' piano:, PulsiferMusic:-Seaforth' 1141-1- JOUR old piano is worth more, than you think as a trade itl on a Wurlitzer organ or piano. Pulsifer Music. Seaforth 11-41-1 FOUR GR70 -15 steel belted radials mounted on Chev chrome reverse wheels. Phone 527-0072. 11-4141 TO give away preferably to a farm 3 year old friendly black Labrador. Good with children, excellent' watch dog. Phone 527-0493 after six. 11-4142 POTATOES for sale. Phone 345-2189. 11-41-1 • 1973 Honda 750 Metallic orange, excellent condition, 527-0351, best offer. 11-41-1 11 Articles For Slile THREE QUARTERS of choice beef. Jack Patrick, 527-0047. 11-41-1 500 Bales of good clean mixed straw. Phone 482-7467. 11-41-1 23" Black and White Electrohothe . T.V. Good condition, best offer. Phone 527.:0083 after 6 p.m. 11-4141 TWO 14 h.p: Cas'e tractors with hydrostatic drive, hydraulic lift, 48 inch mower decks. Large turf tires on rear. Also large selection of riding mowers and garden tillers. All priced right and ready to go. - Steve Argyle Outdoor Equipment, Bayfield, 565-2800. 11-41-1 MERV'S PATIOS manufacturers of concrete products, patio stones, sidewalk bloOts, steps any size to 6', curb stotits, pig slats. Delivery and installation. Phone 348-8392 for free estimates. Located 2 1/2 miles east of Dublin on Highway #8 and 2'/r miles north on sideroad 25, Logan Township. r 11-41-1 ONE. used B W console television, 89.00,. One used Electrohome stereo 129.00, One ,used, colour portable T.14..„ Box Furniture. '• 11-41.2 • 12 Wanted To Buy WA.,NTXD -Large quantity of used steel 'fence posts,' any ebnditiOn;,, phone 527-1856. 12-41x1 14 Property For Sale HOUSE in Walton. Jan Van Vliet 887-6915 after six. ' 14-41-2 VANASTRA PARK 2 or. 3 bedroom, frame and stucco home. 4-piece bath recently remodelled. Hardwood floors. Economical living. Call NELSON McCLINCHEY 1-271-5973 (collect) ----------representing PIGOTT REAL ESTATE WATERLOO 14-39-i NEW HOME Three' bedroetti bungalow, well finished#41-rtxtra, cup bOard s and quality carperitielarge lot in Egmondville. Priced at $39,000. HANDYMAN SPECIAL Two floor 3 bedroom home on Coleman Street, Good: gas .furnace, good roof, some remodelling has been done. Listed at $15,000. MOBILE HOME 1973 Marlette 12' x 60', 3 bedrooms, good electric stove and fridge. Forced air oil furnace, 200 gal tank. Lot 66' x 165 ' located on Isabella St. Priced at $15,000. IN THE COUNTRY Excellent locatiOn just off the Highway west of Seaforth; a 2 bedroom brick bungalow. Detached garage, 1/2 acre lot, good garden soil. , Priced at $22,500. 5 ACRES Mostly wooded, some cedar, located in Ashfield, five _miles , from Lake Huron and one mile from 86' Highway . Priced at $11,200. GODEIDCH STREET Large 2 storey . brick home features entrance hall with open staircase, huge living room wilff fireplace, formal dining room and sun room. 1/2 acre lot with mature trees. Listed at .$40,0013. LOTS Seaforth - 66' x 132', $7,000 each Alma - 9/10 acre, $7,500 each -Alma - 1/2 acre, $6,500 each Kinburn - 1/2 acre, $4,000 each Carlingford - 1 lot 45' x 132', • $5,000. PRICE REDUCED Now only $32,500 for this solid, 3 bedroom brick homes Located On 1% tare country lot in the Staf fa area. Contact JOHNVE(01VIPSON ' Seaforth 527-0238 JOHN DUDDY 482.3682 DON HOLST REAL ESTATE LIMITED Realtors To, 14.41-1 1I Articles For Sale r 1876 - 1976 WHITE SEWING MACHINE HUNDRED YEAR SPECIALS Zig Zags Reg.$149.95 Now $100.00 Deluxe Zig Zags re.$189.95 Now $149.95 Super Stretch Zig' Zags 3 reg.$279.95 Now $179.95 Large variety of used sewing machines from $19.95. SEW & SAVE CENTRE 149 Downie Street (2 doors south of Hudsons) Sira tford, 271-9660 :(Closed Mon.) 11-35-8 SPECIAL Do,it-yourself 16',x •32' inground pool kit. Includes sand filter, steel walls, 30 mil liner, 'vinyl' coping, main drain, wall skimmer 2 returns instruction manual. Delivered to your yard' $2,445. Free with purchase model 2500 'lectronic bug, killer $149., value. Rintoul Luxury Products 1/2 mile north on No. 4 Highway Wingham 357.2628 "Keep Cool In A Rintonl Pool" - 11-39-6 Service Station Dealer Gulf Oil Canada has a business opportunity for an individual with. initiative. Gulf has a requirement for a person to lease and operate a Gulf Service Station in Seaforth, Ontario. Willingness to make a capital investment in your own business, plus previous experience in the service station or related buSiness are essential. The successful candidate will receive training in the • sales, service and business management aspects of the service station business. In addition, a continuous program of advertising,. marketing and business counsel- ling will be available to Gulf station operators. Please forward resumes to: GULF OIL CANADA LTD. 383 Richmond St., Ste.900, - London N6A 3C4 5-41-2 PART TIME maintenance person required. Apply Box 3226 The Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Ontario. 4-41.1 - Reas horn bedroo VIC FOX 523-9525 CLARK ZINN ' 524-8620 TOM SCHOONDERWOERD 345-2459 HAROLD'WORKMAN 482-7658 Clinton Office Phone 482-3821 . COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Main Street building for sale containing a restaurant and • income from 1 store and 3 apartments. • HOMES 3 bedroom 1 year old home on Large lot with sundec. workshop in Seaforth. 4 bedroom, 2 storey brick home on 1 acre of land. in Seafotth. COUNTRY PROPERTY AND NEARBY VILLAGES. 3 bedroom home in good condition 'on 1/2 acre, in Kippen. - •An ideal building site, water readily available, near Varna. . 6 large b_uilding_lats„ water_ available_ at Kinburn. • 3 bedroom brick home on 1 acre near Bayfield. Modern home, carpets, rec. room, carport and sun deck on large lot near Brucefield. . 2 storey brick store with Or without large lot in Kinburn, 3 bedroom home on paved road near Hayfield. • 2 bedroom, modular home, carpets,, electric fireplace, in Hensall, 3rd bedroom being added. Something else, 3 bedroom ranch style home, fabulous rec. room, near Seaforth. FARMS , 240 acre dairy farm,: large brick hoine near HWy. 21', with or without stock and equipment. 200 acre cash crop farm with good buildings near Auburn. 97 acres without' buildings in Hullett Twp., near Clinton. 250 acre, beef 'and. hog farm near, Londesborough. 86 acres cash crop land, 4 bedroom home, 2 barns, and a brick house requiring renovating near Walton. 50 acres without buildings North of, Holinesville, 14-41-1 1'/sSt~ , 7 r , 3 TOSS