The Wingham Times, 1894-11-30, Page 1P. VOL. 1197, The Bun has been making preparations loa a Big Fall Trade by gathering together large and well.selected stock of Goads in *ivory line, all bought at the lowest and beet markets and Marked at the smallest margin of profit. Goods were never as cheap as this season, which you will admit •after ,calling and getting prices for anything you need, let it be what it may. Dress Goods, Flannels, Underwear or Staples, Furs, Ready -Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes and Groceries, And in order to hither help you and make a $ go as far as possible, we will give to all Cash Buyers a STRAIGIIT Doe -couna or 10 PER OENT., instead of our present system, on all purchases, let it only be 10 -cents, (with one exception only, sugar.) Remember our goods are marked as low as any in the trade, and we will not be undersold. We stillhold the reputation for the best. Tea in Wingham at35 centa, 8 Ihs. for one dollar, 6 lbs. for one dollar and fifty cents. tesarsaas.w.a...`" ORA & H1SCOCKS, The Only Direct Importers. 'TBE BEAR, Oat llth 1804. Marriage Licenses Issued by Paavx PATERSON. No 28, Vic- toria street,Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. 4 41•0404,14.04a....4444100.041atala.600 I BEST. 0 gPelf ae 1!3nualensasdtati: * .. •tn. • cation, Shorthand, ett.., is at the Cen- t ..................tral Business Coll. lege, Toronto, Ont., and Stratford, Ont. Unquestionably Canada's Greatest con. niereiatachools. Cataleves free. Men- tion this paper. Shaw & 15.11latt, Principals. 4444.04'.)44.444404.48441:41,444. few. pEAL ESTATE AGENCY. am and Fal113 Property sold on com- mission, to the best advantage of both layer and seller. No sale, no charge. tents collected and property looked after, FIRE INSURANCE. Those desiring insurance should select one of the following old and reliable English stock companies Sun Fire Insurance Company, (Estab- lished1.710.) Norwich Union Insurance Company, .(established 17974 Alliance Fire Assurance Company, (es- tablished 1824.) Lo,noctshire Fire Insurance Company, (established 18524 e, s.YOURILL, Beal Estate and Fire Insurance Agent, Kent Block, Win am. LOCA NE'WS. Oysters ser e 111 every style, at D. Rush's restau —Mr. B. C. CIar e has disposed of his residence on Patric street at a fair figure, Mrs. H. Morrow be g t purchaser. TaMperanee drinluf i all kinds, at the iiintsairtinia Ma atm d's Bleck. h, bits been quite for fe past few ng j, j.tomb aerie ely itt(1iSp0S0Ij days, but is now do All kinda of Whitrfltfiicware in stook, .and the prices awa44own. The China Rouse. W. T. YATES. Petta the atinc.encernente of Messrs. iil.Biell M. Parson and M ro, Herds- man, la, eu r adder !sing coittrans, and prOflt, by se deing. Tas.TMES and Weekly Globe from, now till tag fed ot ,,1896 for Ia. Subscribe new and tbe„telancts of this year free. 4ohn. 11111, while working at a 1 a ea Messrs. IV :Tevish Os factorYli at MOP ay, got the trst fin r of his right „ kagAiielly cut. It alto ether likely that Ixowi,V lisle his fing.a. Be re and atte the Bargain Dy> Selo I, siter. • Stat Grocery, on gaturtYi Dec. 1st.' -limiest two meetings of Anchor of gore todga, I 0. 1. T., wore fairly well attenied, and afar the routine- : Wr» blaien complet d, good pregrattitnes, tonsisting of reitdin e,recitations, apeoohes, ita., vote given. a e membership is his- ing ,,did to at nes y every meeting, 114 Dre makieg. Mine! Ilodgins wish to intimate to the to et Witignem that they have cora. 4001. Drees:nal. lug Winghean. All k do in the latest style, and at reason. mai by, er.pc$ieneed hnds. Rei- ThIOde tweet, aeceard hams 'reit INGIIANI. WINGRAM, ONTAT-0, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 30, 1894. Three cans Lobsters for 26 eents, at J. McKelvie's Star restaurant. rt—On Sunday stolen from the o while it was stan sheds. ight last, robe was ter of Mr . J. Currie, ng itt e Queen's hotel Oyesters served every style at the City restaurant. W. A. Jonas. V—Mr. Colin Ken edy, who inyed him- . self at Teeswater, ast week!,(at home now, and is recove 'ng niceJ. being able to be oat. Genuine Old Bro indsor "Toilet" the Anchor House.. D. M. Gonnox. —We publish, ill other columns, a full report of the Maitl nd. Presbyterial Young People's Societies Conven 'on, held in Brussels recently, for w rah we are in- debted to the Bru;-els ost. Prices away • at H. n. Snell's Star Grocery, on B in Day, Saturday Deo. 1st. —Mr. E. B. etan, of Morris, who is quite extensively engaged in the fur busi- ness, sent a large shipment to New York, on Monday last. Mr. Itutto,n s been dealing in fure for a great any years, and finds the Nee York m et the most profitable one to hip to. My Xmas, stook of a cy China, Dinner, Teo, and Toilet Sets s • ow complete. Call and inspect befo on make your pur- chases. The Chir House. W. T. YATES. Soap, 3 cakes for 6o., —The Paris ]view passes on a man named Bert Dia.:ion, as a professional dead beat and sw :idler. He was in that town with the Fraser Dramatic Co. and duped press and ir ,erchants on ing same. Auction Sale Household Furn' residence, Petri afternoon, tom ---Sinall-pox I Ontario Health different points i reported from Mitchell. Our h that the law in strictly enforoelLj Jno. Kerr Bargain Day f V . E. Snell's Star Gro- Baby carriage runners, to fit any car- eer.Y. Saturday, 1 . tr1st, Big Bar ains. riage, at T. E. Colonial's. —The next 1 uron Con Sabbath School Oooventic i will be eld in Goderich on the 22nd and -t3rd of anuary next. Everything sellii4ldat hard times prices at D. Rush's rests restauktrnt, Call and see. —The Mb. Fortt Conseil have decided to appeal from 40 judgment of Judge Chaclaviok in Cralso vs. Mt. Forest, which we gave in our 1 t issue, lierr's Fair wil open in E. C. Clarke'a old stand, Deo. 4th. Groceries cheaper than ever. —The shooting tntoh at Zetland Range was well patroniz on Thanksgiving day, and, those taking part had a good, day's sport, —Long boots, hand made and factory - Ina& The best and cheapest in the county. Goon MIDTERM, Tbe New Shoe Store, —Quite a numb of the Wingham sports spent Than ing day hunting. Mr. J. H. Stephen an secured a fox after an exciting ohas —Messrs. Paul 9owell and Wm. Walker, "Where is • watch, Melinda ?" "John- nie's out cr ing hickory nuts with it." of Turnberry, me their old rivals, Messrs. "All right ien, that won't hurt it, for Jas, illoLattchlin and R. A. Gra m, it was at M. Patterson's jewellery town, at checker on Thanks' ing day, store, Wingham." and the day was ent in ay. We did not hear who were he via 's. Cranberries, Raisins rapes, and Peels of all kinds in stook a he City restaurant. , W. A. JOHNS. —Huron Count Council will meet in Goderich on T1 rsday, December ath. This is the first :inter eession held for years and would rot probably have been held but for deali g with Eqpee of Refuge —Berlin town council has passed a by- law that all hanging oanwingingsigns must be laid. flat again the building or not usei at all. All awniigs must be seven feet three inches from the sidewalk. A. fine of from $1 to $50 wi be impo d for violation of the law. We have an imanen stock of Ready - Made Clothing . o4 Aiand. These goods were bought dire orn. the manufacturers contracts, Morr bridg it will also be and will be clea out at prices cheaper before the Counc , than the cheapest. D. M, GORDON. An immense stn stooJof Candies, Nuts, Fruits, &e., at the Jity restaurant, Mac- donald's Block. C 1 and see us. W. A..Joinas. V --On Thursday last, when the C. P. R. afternoon train w s nearing Glenannan, a young man who, evidently, was out hunt- ing. fired a shot at the passenger coach. n advertis- The shot went hrough a window and • The buried itself 'in lie opposite side of the everf :hoailvtesint s °V6V' of M . 0. Clarke'e ooaoh, between tw lady passengers. It is restaurant, consi ure Effects, at his to be hoped that a o' Company will ferret of all kinds, Ca, It' S eat, this (Friday) out the perpetrato of this offence and have ' —Fur dealers mthember at by a at the last session rats may not be January 1 of me not be shot duri mink and fisher aot. nd trappers should re- amendment to the act, of the legislature, musk- aken between May 1 and year, and that they may Lt April. Sable, marten, re not pros4ed by the g a 1 k . as been reported to the I him punished sevc2ely. —For first.Zra"' department from four gents' furnishing Ontario. One case is Remember the pla tailoring and cheap try Webster & Co. one door south of Logan township, near R. A. Graham's griery-store. th officers should see Chas. Sm. lason °LIU. J. S. Smith, egard to vaccination is of town, who has been in the Bank of Hamilton here. ir some time, leaves ove his stock of Grocer: next week to tak a position in the head ies &e., on Mond y Deo. 3rd, into the store office in Hamiltn. harlie is a gentle- st present occupaid by Mr. E. C. Clarke, manly,' obliging ,oung man, and we are sure he will make tis mark in his chosen - The time to ;et your printing for the calling. Mr. Sexrus Kest, jr., takes Mr. holiday trade is mw, the place is the Trues Smith's place in he bank here. He is an printing office. Vill our friends remember active young man and we rust he will position. that we print pos'tively everything, from a book down to the smallest card ? Either call or write for will be gratified how speedily you rices and samples. Yon find how reasonably and orders will be filled. • --Trunks, valises, leather bagsatc. New stock just received at GOOD Bnoantas, The New Shoe Store. 4 --Mrs. Tbos. regory, of toate, receiv- ed a telegram o Wednesday, from Win- nipeg, informin her of the death of her mother—Mrs. U Copeland—in that city -that day. The d lady was visiting her daughter, and s stricken with paralysis on Tuesday r nd never rallied. The remains wtll b brought to Listowel, where the into inte4tnout will take place on Sunday next. ;‘,J9 —G. T. R. tr ins for Toronto and east leave Wit:glum at- 6.26 a. m. and 11.20 a. m., via W. G.1-8.; 6.85 a. in. Ebnd 3.26 p. nt., via Clinton and Guelph. Good con- neotionstby all trains. \--Mr. Thos. -Tilling, brother of Mr. Amos Tipling, of tl e Bluevale road, who has been engaged it railroading for some years, and for thc. past couple of years was baggage mastei at Clinton, has nioved to town with hi', He takes a partnership in the Star grocery and oracle' ery store with I*, Sne11.11Ahe Clinton New Ern, thus Breaks of Mr. and Mrs. Tipling on their emoval from that town - Mr. Tipling left f r Wingliata on Tuesday, where he goes i to partnership in the grocbry baldness ith his brother-in-law ; both Mr', and Mrs. ipling bad made many friends during thei residence hors, and it is with a certain a mint of regret that they take their dip rture. We hope their experience in Win MD will bo just as pletterint as here. ' A Child Snjoys That pleasant flavor, gentle action end toothing effeets of Syrup of riga, when itt need of a laxative, and if the father or mother te oo8tiveth gratifying result& follow its use; so that i ' is the hest faintly, remedy known, and every family •ehould have bottle on hand. The Tress sfail Weekly Globe from TAM" bill the end of 1311.5 fur 11. Subaoribe now said get that betimes of this yea fresh soon feel at home fa his n You max c000sn ton ing Tweeds from thirty days we wil Overcoatings at p TAILOR when buy- s During the next ve you Suitings and es heretofore unheard W of in ingham. D. M. Gonnow. —The Methodisteturh Thanksgiving Dinner, given in th own Hall, on Thurs- day evening of last week, was a splendid success in every pallieular. The Dinner and Entertainment as under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid lanciety of the church, and to say that the :ailinszy department was up to the highe-1, point of perfection, is no exaggeration. '"•en large tables were set in the Council Ch reber, and they were filled from about 6,80 ill nearly 0 o'clock, by a jolly, good-natur& lot of people,whose every want was But lied by attentive waiters, both female d male. This part of the programme bei g over, all repaired to the auditorium, whe the entertainment was to take place. Gifford, pastor of the church, took the air, and in a few well-ohosen remarks, asked those pre- sent for their attendara 3, and pointed out the benefits to be derive. from such gather- ings. The Methodisie Chitral:. Sunday Soho& Orchestra gave veral selections, and were accorded a vooi erous recall after one of their pieces. Rev Messrs. Hamil- ton and Secord gave sho and instruotive addressoe, and Alias ita is Red rendered a solo in good vbioe. Miss Sperling's violin solo was greatly predated by the audience, and the ream ed an encore, to which she responded. A quartette, com- posed of Misses Bela n 1 Sparling and Messrs. Park and Rob eon, tendered a beautiful erleatileft. T e entertainment was brought to a bost by singing the National a.nthoit, wbi h was led by the orchestra. The halm s e justly proud of the suoeess attending di it. first Thanks- giving dinner, arid Win ham people need nob be surprised f Who style art annual affair. —Mist; Charlotte IttoDonald wtshes to intimate to the ladle* of Wingham arid vicinity that the Drees and Mantle making initiate, formerly carried on by Miss M., Johnston, will be continued by her in tee old stand, Gregory Bloc& Pref. Moody's tailor erratum taught. Cutting and *tang ropeoliAti. Christmas goods am, at D. Rush's ig of Confectionery, ed Goods, Fruits, Nuts, Lac., and will be sold as cheap as the cheapest. —The R ev.. Dr.fita'sliay, the celebrated, .missionary of the Island of Formosa, China, will give a jaissiontiry address in the Presbyterian c =rah on Sabbath even- ing, Dec. and. Dr. McKay is Moderator of the General Am nibly and one of the most faithful and energetic of all modern missionaries. He N.•4.11 be accompanied by his Chinese student. The evening offering will be on behalf o the Foreign Mission Fund. The property ptho late David Ross, Consisting of g94d dwelling and about six acres of land, 11 be sold on favorable terms. Appto Mrs. David Boss, Wing - ham. —The Inspector for Ontario is visitii and villages. He r province there has b registration of births and the governinet tided to institute p sons who have not had better take w once with the clerk which they reside, posed on.all offceide f registration offices the different towns ports that all over the en great neglect of the deaths and marriages t has accordingly de- osecutions. All per- egistered these events rning and register at of the municipality in heavy nes are im- A LW sum, a g to-chu I suit, or an every day suit may be mimed at the Anchor House. W. ave a splendidly assorted stock of eeds, Suitings, and we make the • p in the most fashion- able style and at the lowest possible price. D. M. Goneox. —The Memoirs de the Right Honor- able Sir John. A. slacdonald, G. 0, B., by Joseph Pope, ear many years his private secretary, a id the person whom the late Hon, Sir J430 Macdonaldseleet- ed as his literary been issued in tw bound, with por press have oontain the work, during t agree that the au his subject. xecutor.) have juet, olutnes, handsomely aits, etc. The daily d extended notices of e past week, and all or has done justice to --J. Galley, Ve erinary Sargeon—Office and infirmary 32 Victoria street west. Residence : 125 'Iktinnie street, Bidd's former residence. Calls promptly attended to, day or night. j —The javenile 0 orate, "E.loosa White and the Seven D afs," given in the Model Sohool at Clio Town Hall, on Mo day evening last, by Thanksgiving. tulles Houghton nd her pupils and vtir, Geo. it„,„„o, No others, was th beet entettaininent of }tarlatan High Soho° $1A YEAR IN —Cash for good butter and eggs at R. A. Graham's market groeery. —Rev. J. Cooper obinson, of Negoy a, Japan, gave an jdress in St. Paul's cherch, on the eve ing of Thanksgiving day, which was fai ly well attended. —The next Goss& Temperance meet- ing will be held in he Tamperance Hall, on Monday evenin& next, and will be ad- drsses by Rev. D. Perri°. Suitable inusio will be furshed by the Prsby- ter* °noir and ot .ors. All are cordial- ly invited, DVANCE Baby carriage minuet , to At any es riage, at T. B. Coienes. --The union servic he y• gationat church, on zik well attended and w S a go OIL every way. Mr. Sow zd, tit church, presided at *no eery Gifford. led in readinithe sori prayer. Rey. Mr. lamilton dress on the "Origin, -Nature of Thanksgiving Day_: and Rev. ollowed wittt an adds on "Sol we have to be thankf J. for." Ba 0 ea Full stel: of Canned Goods, Cofetion- rs plenclid addressee an wall enjoYe An offering was rec imed at the , ary, ac., as usual, and sold at closest prices. 3. maKavia. the poor, when ths si m. of 823.69 —Services at the shengregational church 'zed, The Baptist Ind Congregaaa oa next Sunday at the egialar hours, 11 a. m: hoirunited for the ervice, Ai3 au,a was sung by them, and a qtrartettea,, (Pc1-1 to• Sundaa School at 2,30, Tlae Communion of the :.ord's Supper will be bow lovely is Zion," as rendered by Pringle, Miss Minnie reland, and Mew vice. and a short observed at the closcaof the morning ser- Wm. Robertson oaci A. Record. Al togeq re,yer meeting at the the service was very a ytible and bell) close of the evening :ervice. Preaching by form the pastor. Mornin : subject: "The salt i and, it is said, much1 advance of , services of the kind. The offering w of the earth" Eve-fing subject: "A warn - taken in hand by a ommittee of fo' ing from Christ." I cordial welcome to lathes, one appointed rom ettoli church distribute Mrs, Button, Mrs. Bi Miss Stewa —Boots and shoes neatly and promptlywill 'Ha repaired. GOOD Baernens, The New Shoe and Miss Felton, wi Store money to the best of +eir ability and wla —Dr Madonld, M P, gave an address will report at the sera e next year. before the Brussels Young Liberal Club,' _watches, clocks and jewelry promptl' recently, taking "C -nada" as his subject. The Pot, in referri4 to the leoture, says The versatile Dr. 5.-itt with his subject under the following sadous heads: Timber and mineral extents Agriculture, Ea uca- Hon, ,Tadiciary, Gcaaarnment, Religion, and boncluded by shcreang the duty of every Canadian from tin .standpoint of patriot - Ism. It was a marserly review of a great country and, itstaaa taa; - The nanaes away disapeointe . A. hearty vote of shire and R. Vans thanks was given tr. Macdonald on motion ofist.p.H. Camer. n, ,seconded by Arch. H WANTED to locirrSt for a term of years - 3,000 on good farm security, at 5 per cent, interest. For particulars apply at Trams Office, Wingham, Ont. • repaired and fully warranted by Hts=, PARIV, Meyer Block, Wingharn. —The Clinton 4w Era, in its last issue, under the ead or "Wingham,'" gives the followin : "There is a little move here, but nit much as yet, irs municipal matter4 It is a foregone, conclusion that iTrL Hanna will not oc cupy the Mayor's 4bair after his term is f ex -Reeve Brocken- ne are mentioned ast possible successort M r. Brockensksire'a municipal experie es and general level- headedness would maete him to fill the. position.atiirably thera is notlike.lar to be any Mange n the reeveshia deputy, Messrs. 5 arling and Holmes.: having performed their duties to the. satisfaction of eve yaody." We doliot know where the Ne Era gets its informa- tion, but we feel qu te safe in saying that Mr. R. Vanstone oes not aspire to the Mayoralty of Wing am. We have heard the name of Mr. J. 4. Morton mentioned quite frequently icrssonnection with that office for 1895, bit do not know as a certainty that he will be a candidate: l'here is no doubt nit there will be con- siderable change it the Council, as quite a numbers of thtj present Councillors havesignilied tbeij intention of retiring. Who their success ra will be time alone. can tell. The Tuns and Weekly Globe from now till the end of 1895 for n. Subscribe now and get the balance o this year free. —The Delineator lar January, which is called The Holiday 1 umber, offers a table of contents that is extremely attractive aud promises well foi the New Year. The fashions are illustra cid and described in the usual Satisfsotor manner, and there is a special article appropriate for the season on misses' an girls' party drsse. in tho college series a new departure is made, and the des riptions of life at the co-educsational instit tient; is begun, the first article being on .Cornell, from the pen of Florence al. lodr, '91. A very read- able paper by Alice McKeena, treats of women in Telephon- exchanges, and the Hygiene of the eyes .nd ears is the subject O'irrie is visiting frit -ids in Winghsnl• 1 of ait able contributi n by A. B. liongstreet. Seaforth Expositor Miss Nettie Clark, A second inste,lmen- on dressing dolls ap of Seaforth, paid a (sit to Wingliain this pears in the uses of -tope and tissue 'mem, week. land in venetian iroi-work are shown some Vi Mr. W. M. Dank, o the Kiecarcline US.' very pretty and oriinal designs for photo - porter, was eating oi Meads in town, on easele to be -mule at home. Tho Monday. et; spirit af the time is 'effected in the display Mr. Woods, of Bra Pten. spent Thanks- of the shops, and among the holiday boks; giving in town withli daughter, Mrs, J. —We announced last week that the Salvationists are h ring their Self -Denial Week during the i ek, December 1st to 8th, arid efforts are ow being put forth in a practical way, we conclude from the contents of the "W rpry," and the special pamphlets and ap -cols which are being distributed by the soldiarS and officers. The proceeds ea' previods Self -Denial Weeks in Canada, have been bontinually increasing, and VII TO are many reasons to believe that this 'ear's effort will exceed the former. Mat y offieers• and soldiers have determined, o live actually on bread and water—othei t next to it—in order to raise a good shat of the total aimed at. Soldiers have been told Off to visit from house to house, : nd solicit contributions. In other places, he bands have arranged to serenade, and te this means raise some- thing towards tlaa "Target." —Private moneys to loan on mortgages at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to tf JOHN Natmaxas. - Perianals. Mrs. j. Clegg is y siting friends in To: routo. ) Mr. Ed. Inglis spe t Thanksgiving with friends in Xt. Forest Mrs. Adams, of Canisley, is on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. 3 .bn Sullivan. i Mr. J. EDavis, of Goderich, spent . Thanksgiving ender ie parental roof. Mt. Forest Repre4ntative : Mrs. W. and there is an easaiedingly pretty "good A. Morton. 1night" drill for aildren. .-. Seasonable. Miss Johnston, w o is atteilding the !eooking is made oats Valuable to the on, was home for housekeeper by thL addition of Hats show- ' iing what fish, des-, fowl and vegetables ,,,,,;,, is attcucling the ' are to be procured in the markets. rheris 4.7 ,spent Tlittaksgivitig ' as athrioo on how t stave bananas, and te ormorly vilstor ot : attoinleii.,:uLteiort of th articles on the hom u. V.,,,, t also almnd the tea -table and iere, was calling on . floral Work, and t.,,va designe in knitting, nksgiyin1 g day. tatting, tatting, :mohotitig, limo -making, St. Marys, ssnt,s, eto. Snivoriptio priots et the Delineated-, k oallisig on friends gi a year, or 1g °tots per goo° oopy. the season. Th prinolpal characters, 'with 1ii lArents itt t isspeoially, did th 'it parts well, and the E. Mr. McDowell dwarfs' parts v..re well taken., The the Methodist churli. Staging of the e Harm was delightful, friends in town on #ri, and reflected 'eat credit on Miss 1 Mr. D. Pringle, t flaUghton, who ad taken Stich paink in oempie of ditys IDA w 'washing them. flotteelass style, qiteste that th It is altogetiaer in% that it Christms* verythitig went tit itt in town. He says t'..11 is doing well in the Mase orders t. tehl, thaloskor pttlsitigi. there werb nattily re-1 Stone Telan.V ing Co., of Tor play be repeated soon. Mr. and tire, Bd. I owlea,of Orangeville, tit, W. Toren kety, nothiet interfer- !meat a for days in t ern daring the Week,. 1, W 114 Trio be givect wait& teboat ag the guieet of 1 trt. thee owfather, te. oar, 1 * 18)&444.1E0M and to, LW., 63 Riehond 16tY6 131tbftbe