The Huron Expositor, 1976-03-25, Page 13'4695
1971 MUSTANG — two door, V-8 engine,
automatic transmission and power steering.
Needs paint. License DFV41 1
1974 VOLKSWAGEN station wagon with
economical four cylinder engine. License..
1973 FORD CUSTOM 500 four door with
eight cylinder• engine, automatic transmission,
power steering and power brakes. License
1972 MAZDA RX-2 with 'rotary engine.
License FJX665
1972 FORD F-100 half ton with eight cylinder
engine and standard transmission. License
Remember . . It's Sense to See
EXETER 235-1640 LONDON 227-4191'
Open Week days Until 9:00 Saturdays Until 6;00
You're ahead on a Honda.
• I
WI take armchair tour
Asso, plan
Hensall Minar Athletic
Association had an executive
meeting on Thursday, March 18,
when plans were -made for-•'a
skate-a-thou to take place at the
Hensall Arena on March 27.
Proceeds to Bunny Bundle.
Plans were also made for a dance
at the Pineridger Chalet en March
27 in aid of Minor Sports, and for
a social evening planned for the
Senior Citizens in April. It was
also decided to have a draw in
May for half a beef and a hockey
During the past winter money
has been raised for hockey
equipment with a 50-50 draw.
Whmers were as follows:'
October, Mrs.ll . Bea Uyl, Hensa
$200; John Taylor, Hensall $50;
November, Mrs. Earl Wagner,
Exeter, $213; Mr. Ray
/v1CGonigle, Seaforth $56;
December, Mrs. Dolly Osgood;
Exeter, $214; Mr. George Beer,
Hensall $54; January, Mr. Moyris
Stilwell, London, $158, Miss
Kathie Sangster, Hensall $53;
February, Mrs. Jim Randall, '
Baden, $127, Mr. Robert Tiylor.
Hensall $50. Prize money was
given away $„1,175, Hensall"
Athletic ,Societylraised $1154.79.
Amber lodge
to Toronto
Bertha MacGrepor
Noble ' Grand Mrs. Bertha
MacGregor presided for the regu-,
tat meeting on Wednesday even-
ing of Amber Rebekah Lodge
assisted by the Vice Grand Mrs.
Dorothy Parker. Arrangements,
were made for a Representative
and scholar to attend the Rebekah
Assembly meeting to be held in
Taranto in June, The District
`Deputy President of Huron Dis-
trict #23 Mrs. Ireti9 Hat/lack will
visit the lodge en Wednesday
April ,7th. The District meeting
will e held in MacKay Hall
Goderich on April 14th at 2:30p.m
Amber Lodge will contribute a
number ,on the program. Mrs.
Dorothy Parker reported for the
visiting committee. Arrange•
ments were made to confer the
degree later this month,
Mrs. Hilda Payne
- Mrs. Robert Simpsonv-was the,
guest speaker at the Hensall
Women's Instittite Education and
Cultural Activities meeting held
on Tuesday, March 16 in the
Legion Hall. She took us on a tour
of Lake Huron and Lake Superior
and the northern shore of Lake
Erie, dwelling on the historical
sites and towns visited on a
„pircular drive.
The regular ,meeting of St.
A.C.W. was held at the
'home of Mrs. F. Forrest,
Thursday afternoon. The
PreSident, opened the
meeting with "The Members
Prayer" followed by the Lord's
.Prayer. The Invocation was read
from "The Living Message"..
The scripture wad taken from
Ephesions 6, vs 10 -- 18. Helen
Lodge -dcn
Bertha MacGregor
The IQOF and Rebekah Lodges
held a most successful dance in
the Zurich= Arena on Saturday
evening with , music supplied by
the Silvertones.
Mrs. Blanche Chapman of '
London visited during the past
week with her brother-in-law and
Service is about
• The roll call was answered by
telling "How I spend my leisure
time", a .spelling bee, was
conducted and Miss Mary
Btoadfoot delighted with a
selection of Irish tunes on the
In the business session, which
was chaired by the President,
Mrs. Hilda Payne, it was decided
to give donations of .$30 to the
Hensall Legion, $25. to the
Retarded fund and $2 to the
Roberts gave the meditation. This
was followed by prayer. Roll
was answered with a verse
pertaining to Trinity.
The study book centered on St.
Patrick and using the shamrock as
an illustration or the Doctrine of
the Trinity, was given by Mrs.
Anderson. The meeting was
closed with a prayer.
ce success
Huron County Nisteriar.
Society.. A letter from
Maluski, F.W.I.O. President was
read and the executive reported
that they had decided to send
in-coming president, Joyce
Pepper to Officer's Conference in
May, and to change the date of
the present meeting. '
Committees formed were Grace
Peck, Hazel Corbett and Gladys
COleman, Fall Fair, Joyce
Pepper, Pearl Koehler and Vera
Brintnell to Nominating and
Janice Bisback and Leona Parke
,,to organising a bus trip. One
Minute's silence was osbserved in
memory of Margaret Ingrarm. A
penny sale was held and lunch
was served by hostesses Nellie
Riley and Vera Britnell and their
• Personals
The Youth Group of Hensall
United Church met on Sunday
evening, March 21 and discussed
further plans for the Sunrise
Service on Easter ,morning.
• Posters were made. The next
meeting will be on sunday,-April
Mrs. Felix Boogemans, and
children are spending a few days
with the former's mother, Mrs.
Pearl Passmore.
Mis Linda Mock, of London and
Hensall has returned from
pleasant visit with Mrs. Gary
.Merritt and Greg in 'Buckeye,
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hyde
have'returned from a circular tour
visiting New Orleans and Texas.
They made several side trips from
Corpus Christi including a short
visit to a Mexican market, making
the whole holiday very enjoyable.
Work is proceeding again on
the sewer project in Hensall. ,
• , (Intended for last week)
Mr. and Mrs. William Fuss
enjoyed pleasant holiday in'
Mrs. Dorothy Munroe• of
Seaforth was a recent 'Visitor with
Mrs. Bertha MacGregor. '
Mr: and Mrs. Eric Campbell
are holidaying in the Barbados.
- Mr. end Mrs. Harold Knight
have been vacationing in Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chaffe
and sons, Mitchell and Mr. and
Mrs.Leslie Adams, Exeter, were
recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Corbett.
Mrs. E. Salta! had a Birtlida
Party on Tuekday celebrating h
birthday., included were •her
family and friends, Mrs. Doris
Bonthron; .Taniee Orel ShelJey,s,
'London, Bevah and Shari EPA-
ibton Ronald and Norma Caldwell
and Kimberley Ann, Jack and.
Greta Reed, Mississanga, Roy
and Clara MacDonald, RosS, and
Grace Sums, Jodi, Steve, and
Don, Edna Caldwell, Exeter, Jean
and Wilmer Ferguson, Pearl
Passmore. Mrs. Sararas was the
recepient of many flowers, gifts
and best wishes. -
' Martha Smith of Exeter visited
with Lynn Latirriore and Hugo
Schenk. Ilia and Chester Dunn,
Mervyn and Irene Dunn, Greta
and Amy Lammie visited with
VEra Lammie. Marion Schenk
and Jeanette Lippert visited with
Hugo ,Schenk.
Ernest Perry was visited by Bill
and Donna Perry -and sons of
Exeter. Mr. and •Mrs. Gerald
Wright visited with Vera Lammie.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hayter,
Jennifer, Jason, 'and Jodi visited
with Mrs. M. Ford.
' Leslie Mitchell and daughter
Brenda visited with the former's
mother,-Louise Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNaughton
and Clarence Smillie visited their
mother Mrs. Ada Smillie.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hoggarth
Exeter visited Ars. Sararas and
Mrs. Mary Upshall.
Bob Lammie visited his mothe
Vera Lammie. Bernice Lavert,y
was visited by her husband
Milton Lavery and sister Pearl
Birthday. Greetings . to Cora
Alcock who celebrated her birth-
day March 17.
The Christian Reformed Young
people conducted a sing-song
Sunday evening which was enjoy-
ed by all. •
Tuesday Rev. Jarvis conducted
the church service a companied
by Louise Mitchell at the piano.
Car, truck and tractor tires
Clinton 482-3211
• Hwy. 8 W. of Clinton
R.R.2, Clinton
ie.t~htselfi urst'Ladics entertain
0911-.Monday af4PIP911 at P1089 epoqielsTA nowe PlaXP4 the.'
1,0911# accompanied by Mr§:,'WtY. Johns at the plAnos
POLer, P)Sback: 0.9114 'Skea AO"
David Skea pf H,eii$all Aid John
Skea• of Huron Park attended the
SporLatnaWa Show ltiTetro on
4 4'.40Aine
tllr , nient.SOInga Plasis find Annlilil IneOmv OeiragIng **Mei
Arc (*.our low.V4414,44-
,: Pm**Raii,LP,
ono! da Goo
for 17 years- -
Larry Snider has
1973 GRAN TORINO four door, eight
cylinder, automatic transmission, power steer-
ing and power brakes, Highlighted with attrac-
tive vinyl roof. License DFX174
1973 FORD F-100 half ton with eight cylinder
engine and' standard transmission; License
1973 FORD F-100 "Ifettf ton with automatic
transmission and V-8 engine. License 069088
that does a lot more than look good: it's
there for better performance and a
quieter run.
And when you really want to
graduate to the king of the road, there
is the legendary GL-1000 Gold Wing.
With its shaft drive and water-
;cooled flat four, it delivers the
massive power and silence that puts
the. Grand in Grand Touring.
Go see your Honda dealer. He's
- got more bikes to choose from than
anybody.And he's ready to show them
to you right now.
Thrifty threaders
make samplers
The fourth meeting of Het-nail 2
4-h Thrifty Threaders was held on
tuesday evening at the Hensall
United Church. The roll call,
"The free _choice article I have
chosen to make and why" was
answered by 8 girls, The leaders
checked over the books and
answered questitins on the
"learning stitches article". The
couching crossed and 'couching
outline stitches were
The girls were reminded to
work on samplers and learning
stitches article at home. The free
choice article was discussed. The
next' meeting will be a work
meeting only.
An ' Expositor Classified will
pay you dividends. Have you tried
one? Dial 527-0240.
UCW plans
bake sale
The service for the third
Sunday in Lent was conducted at
the United Church by Rev. Don
Beck who continued his series of
sermons on "What is a virtue? (3)
Mrs. Vera Twitchell who has zAemperance. Assisting at the
been a patient in South Huron organ, Mrs. John Turkheim led a
hospital for the past .few weeks double quartette in ‘-‘The Lord is
returned to her home this week: My. Shepherd". Taking part were
Mr. Paul Neilands who recently Brenda Pepper,. Mary Goodwin,
underwent surgery 'in „St,' Belva Fuss, Joan- Alexander,
Joseph's Hospital, London was Joyce Pepper and Pearl
able to return to his home last Passrnore. Confirmation Class is
week. being held on Satur,day mornings
'at 1+:15.
Pelicans are found in Northern
ACW studies St. Patrick
sister Mr. and Mrs'. Jack Corbett.
Mrs.. Al Corbett and infant
daughter Catharine Donna
returned home on Sunday from
St. Joseph's Hospital, London.
Rev... W.D.Jarvis conducted.
services in C armel Church
Sunday delivering an excel] t
sermon on, "Give Us Our. ally
' Rev. 'Harold McKillon a
represesntative of Alcohol " and
Drug Concerns will be the guest
speaker on Sunday March 28th.
The Session of the Church met on
Tuesday evening at 7 p.m.
Cpl. Doug Wein R.C.M.P.,
Mrs. •W'ein and David of Whitby
visited with Mrs. Wein's parents
Mr. and Mrs. Harold. Parker.
fair at
Hensall sales Korn
Supply . 'consisted mainly of
steers and 'heifers, demand was
fair and prices were steady to
lower. Fat cattle: heifers, $37.25 -
$39.50, top $41.50, steers $37.00
$40.70, feeder cattle $35.00 -
$42.40. Pigs: weinlings $36.00 -
$ 51.00, chunks $72.00,
sows $242.00 $280.00.
When you're ready for a bigger
bike, Honda's got a big four ready for
Honda created the modern four-
cylinder super-bike, the fours
engineered for utter reliability and
gutsy performance you can stay with
for years. •
There's Honda's Super Sport
machines — 400F, 550F, and 750F.
All feature the rugged Honda
four-cylinder; four-stroke overhead
cam engine.
And the four-into- vine exhaust
1973 THUNDERBIRD — this is a luxury car
fully -equipped for your driving pleasure.
License No. KAE353.
o' •
, Rena• Caldwell
The postponed meeting of
Kippen East W.I. will be held
March 31 in, the Legion Hall
Hensall at 8:30p,m.
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Timmer-
mans are holidaying hi Jamacia..
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dietz are
vacationing in Las Angeles.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gibson,
Lucan, Mrs. Mary McGillwary, •
London visited with Mr. and Mts.
W.LMellis recently.
U.C.W. Meets
The U.C.W. of St. Andrews I
Church Kip* held the March
meeting in the church with a good
Mrs. June Cooper, opened the
Meeting with the Worship width
was_ ollowed by the topic taken by
Mrs. David Turner.
Mrs. David Cooper President
presided over the lengthy busi-
ness meeting.. It was decided to
hold a- bake sale April 1'0 Watch
the papers for time and place
141Ps• Stirling Gralim Crom-
arty, visited with friend in the'
area on Sunday,.
Miss Cathie _Sim spent the
weekend ip Stratford, visiting her
Soriy for the inconvenience! But we will be
closed Saturday, March 27 for Year-End
inventory. WatCh next week's paver for our
lostr& found ad.
. r . - i
1 n I ,
. PHONE 482.3441
, Friday 8 Vp.m.; Saturday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
OPEN: Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.;
and MASTErl 'CHARGE at
most Wrsoway Sfin"reS
SAnp wah COMICIrk
• —