The Huron Expositor, 1976-02-19, Page 14, 100 years . M. A, Reid 1932 - :1959 - M. Y. McLean 1876' - 77 W. E. Southgate 1959 - 1966 .• Thos. E. Hays 1901 - 1923 st Margaret Sharp 1966 - 19,76 .A guide still used by /S.AcKillop,a9eraS selling insurance ift-:-1920,, 06c. $388. 540 ' 594 -64 8 to to to to 777 to 56 4 to 889 ,t9 936 to to to to to to to to to 08c. $518 720 7 2 864 1,036 1,152 , 1,185 1,248 to to to do to to to ob. 5'18 ,720 792 864 1,036 1,152 1,185 1,248 s -rolev, 5 FT. 2 STORIES 20 I' 1%111011. 515E. • STORNI, 15 FT. 111(111. I 2 STORIES 20 FT. 011 COST. COST. r8 z 24 , 2.2 _2 X 30 2 4 5 3" 24 X 36 24 X 40 26 X 36 26 .5 40 o7c. $433 630 693 756 ' 907 i,o08 1,137. 1419? 07C. 6o.p 8 40 9 2 4 1,008 1,209 •,1,344 ' 1,383 1,456 5648 900 ggo 1,080 '1,296 `1,440 1,482 1,560 oSc. $691 96o 1,056 1,152 1,382 1,536 ' 1,58o 1•,664 IOC. $864 to 1,200 tO 1,326 tO 1,440 to 1,728 to 1,920 10 1,976 tO 2,000 .see sewers underway in Egmondville first. ' A survey indicating it need fin ,• 14 unit building in Seaforth has , already been done and OH(' is looking for a site to have, a building' eonstrueted by 1977. McKillop reeve. 'Allan Campbell said his township would* like to• participate with Seaforth but that a 14 unit building would already be filled. M ayor Canino 6I. The Town of Seaforth MAYOR Betty Cardno REEVE John Flannery DEPUTY; REEVE Wm. J. Dale COUNCILLORS: James Crocker, Geo. Hildebrand, Wayne Ellis, John Sionamon, Wm. Bennett, Chas. Campbell CLERK-TREASURER Robert Franklin . POLICE CHIEF John Cairns ' 'AREA FIRE CHIEF Don Hulley RECAEisetiON (DIRECTOR ' MIN ISIS Mil ZINN MINI INN IMMO !lam IMMO 111.1111111.11111111111 Sin Township of McKillop Allan Campbell - Reeve- - . Ralph McNichol - beputy Reeve ..Witliam„L,eerrEinga •Harvey Craig, Councillors • Marlon McClure', Clerk W.d.Campbell, Road Superintefiddrit 'Si' 14-THE HURON EXPOSITOR, FEBRUARY' 19, 19 C6rlers over, McKill4p has had seven secretary treasurers D. F. McGregor' 1924 1932 pme snow to, attend Huron B of • ,Continued frOm Page 1 light , of recent proyineial go\ vr0mcnt spending culbacks,- the board chairman said. - Preliminary figures indicate that -\\ ithOut the- costs-outing program: the 10.y to municipali- ties to, finance the board \could. ilicreasi.• 45 to 50 -per eent. Board chairman 'Herb urkheim said. McKillop Mutual began in a wont m the Commercial Hotel 'here WO years ago on March J when a group of I I men mostly McKillop residents called a meeting to form a mutual fire insurance company. Mutual, were forining all over this part of the province that year, Essentially they were farmers and local people insuring each other. Fire insurance was hard to get, City based companies regarded the booming farms of Huron County as impossible risks. 1 he idea behind Mutual insur- ance w as to band together and collect enough from each member to pay expenses, losses and keep a reserye, not neces":,arily. to make a -profit. "For farmers by faemers' w as the slogan of those who organiied mutuals and mutual insurance xs as often the only kind farmers could get, Unti' about. 1(100, McKillop Mutual was the only insurance company in the FRAME, of orehnars co nstruction, may be calculated at U.': to 7 c. per cubic foot, allowing to feet to each. story, and 5 feet fbr each half story Vent' main. 710:iSP -S we war ,14 jet.' POOR FRAMES'SHOULD BE LESS THAN THESE F!GURES. or STONE; cost from ,Sc. to Inc.. per cubic foot. I L I l'STRA Mrs; ; ON's, Till. 5 the raiw or a Fra/fie DWettinfr, ordinarily finished, I4 'stbreys kigh,242(30 feet, would be calcul d thus: 2 4 \3) .= 72o, zvhicit•;n ,!itipliej bv 15 the hei:,hth in feet of it I j story drvellbig io,S00 frolic. $648.00; or, otherwise the //):;;//. by the breadth, and the p0(quet multiplied by go-. will give the same result. AG?!NTS' V ALL' ATioN GIFIDE IN INSITIrANCF' OF FARM BUILDINGS. FRAME. OR ROUGH CAST. (Continued from Page 1) 'people'. • . Mr. Sillery asked 'Seaforth's. mayor. Betty Cardno it she knyyy. if Ontario Housing ciwkration had done a study of the need for. se nior's apartments in• Tucker- . smith. Mayor Cardno replied tht . that perhaps OFIC had yvanted to Seaforth area, McKillop's first meeting must hay e been a good one because a couple of weeks lateL ion March 18, another meeting (if-potential members chose directors, five representatives front each or three townships, McKillop, Hullett and luckersmith, As the mutual insurance idea caught on^, McKillop Mutual had' 275 members in July, 1876. 1 he first directors were: from McKillop, Robt, Govenloek, Thos E. Hays, John hompson, James' Scott and W„ 1, Shannon, From 1 uckersmith, G. E. Cresswell, James Landsborough. Robert lilgie, F. FOVIer Sr., James McDonald and from Hullett, John McMillan, Geo. Watt. Thomas Moore Robert McMichael and Thomas Nellans. Mr. Neilans resigned at the first meeting to beeome 'an agent and was replaced by John Britton. Twps interested in 01-1C apt EXAMPLES. . . BRICK O'R STONE. Mr. MY. McLean the then editor of The Huron Expositor was the first secretary treasurer. In September, with no losses after six Months in business, the company had $320,425 in 'insur- ance in force. Total losses after two years in-business were only $515, but this amount might 'be • the value of a couple of houses.or barns in those days. Each member 'paid a fee of 51,50 and signed a premium note, promising to pay an amount to the company in ease they had to cover serious losses: The amount of the premium note was based on the amount of insurance that the member had, McKillop Mutual was formed without capital stock. Members w'e're assessled a pereentagy of their premium note to pay-their share of the .company's total losses, It wasn't until the turn of. the. Pros metal legislation was required to allow the mutuals to collect premiums, just as it was required last year •_when the ' proyincecoved an end to the premium note, The premium note, security 'for 100 years; had been only a formality for at least the last 40. The last time one was called in Ontario was in 1931, ,p per cent over premium income as • Even though a couple of mutual a result .of a large number of insurance companies collapsed, barn fires. 1972's annual state- their members' premium notesrfnent still looked fairly grim as the weren't called in. Customers/ companY •' was still recovering from the had year. McKillop Mutual has all its policies re-insured with the Farm Mutual Reinsurance Plan Inc. and when 'losses are especially high' the -plan, which all the province's 523 mutuals belong to helps pay the •. McKillop will pay a penalty the plan for several- ;ears to make up the loss from 1971. Before the reinsurance plan' was founded in 1953, the mutuals reinsured with other traituak in their area, to spread the risk around a• little. The 'plan. was organized by MekillOp Mutual and the other mutuals in the province and: it is the only totally Canadian owritek,..reinsurance company. Ontario's farm mutuals have worked together since\the 1880's century, present secretary- treasurer Marg Sharp says, that the mutuals started to collect insurance premiums, based on risk against the premium note that each policy holder had to sign and to build up a surplus against big losses. didn't like the idea of signing 'a note and mutual insurance people think the end of the premium note will make them more competitive. After mahy years of planning by the mutual, the province agreed to change their governing legisla- tiop. 'I he note has been replaced by \the Fire Mutuals Guarantee Fund of a million iloaars, to.owhich all mutuals -contribute and get interest on their shares. Most of the pre-1932 records of McKillop Mutual were destioyed in a fire at the home of D.F. McGregor, who was the com- pany's secretary treasurer from , 1924-32, but pxobably the com- pany's worst year was in 1971, when losses were More than 200 when the provincial -ass OMIA• was formed.. T mutfal insurance co •i• iation ere are panies in the United States too and Mrs. Sharp says the provincial group. learns a lot from the American companies, which seem. to be a few years ahead in taking on new kinds of insurance risks. A few ' Ontario mufti* 'offer crop insurance and others are looking into livestock mortality and business interuption insurance for the future. McKillop's insurance coverage has grown since 1.376 when fire lightning were the only risks insured. They now offer livestock and machinery coverages, wind storm and theft insurance as well. In the old days, ,the company didn't even have coverage „for smoke or water damage. Although the company has more than one hundred times the insurance in force that they had in 1877, MeKillop Mutual- is still a locally controlled, small town company. Those 15 first directors have shrunk, to nine and they 'don't have to be residents of .Hullett, McKillop or Tuckersmith only. The company is still controlled by policyholders, through the election Of a third of the directors every year at the annual meeting. Several. generations of some local families have served as directors, and agents of the. company over the years. At McKillop's 99th annual meeting on Friday probably more than half the people in attendance have had a family connection with Mekillop. Mutual. Names - Of present policy holders and' families who are still active in the Seaforth area crop up in the list 01 the,31 presidents .McKillop Mutat has hail. ..airmsrerimrsomparlirlsal "4 "(i 'llrk•ry from .the' Seafort h• Curling Club arc finallc getting out from tinder all the snoss and attending local and aria bonspiels.Se eral rinks parthipated this past ‘444.ek. A rink of ladies, made up oT Flo . Smith. 'Wench Tremeer: Cloria Riley and Audrey Beuerman attended a ladies spiel on Wednesday.. Februar\ II in Mitchell. They played three six- end games. Although they weren't in the pH/es, they had a \ cry enjoyable time. On Saturday Fehrtiar, 14 a rink of Bob Ste Marie.JohnTatterSon Jr.. Herb Tras iss and Ross Los ett tria elled to Wingham to partrei- pate in a Farmer's Spiel. Th0.' -came home with. individual trophies and a ten pound roast of heel each. having soon top spot in 'the Jas. B. Coulter Bonspiel. A rink of Bob and Sharon Wilson and Bill and . Marg FleMing travelled to. Brampton for a Iwo-da.t-si-fiel,,ga,Sattirday and Sunday, FeKruary 1.4 & 15. They played. two ,ten•end games on Saturday and two eight end games on Sunday, They won one game. tied one and lost two. They' were out of . the • prices but reported the weekend as very successful and the hospitality of the Brampton Club was excellent. The ,S.D.H.S. Boys Curling team of David Ste Marie, Dave tidcd,Glen Stewart and Joe McLean travelled to Goderich on Wednesday. • Fobruary 18 to compete in the .. Huron-Perth finals. Results were n of at press time, The Special Events Committee of the club hosted most successful Mixed Fun Day on, Wednesday, I' epruary 11. There was a two o'clock draw and a four o'clock draw; the' latter being 'rather interesting, as the ladies not only skipped but had the privilege • of picking their own team. A delicious meal was served. The draw for the Pork was conducted. Winners were Russ GoldStein from Het a and Din id Tremeer from Seaforth. A good time' seas hail by all.. • The Seaforth Furling Club hosted the Business GirIS Trophy for District B on this past • weekend. The Seaforth Business Girls entered a rink skipped hs Marjory Papple. -vice Kos Sharp. second Marlene' Roherton and . lead Marg Sallow s. The girls lost their first two, ga'rnes and Kitchener-Granite came out on' top spot. • , he third and' final drays s begin this iseek. Plav off games to declare winners of the- last-dra sis McKillop in 1876 Mutual was farmers insurance • . , , .. , , ,....,. , . If filepreelated by ,,,,,,,, a troPer deduction should be mule from these ealcualions. - MENto,,,,LO.SI: DWELLINGS are not to he entertained by Agents, UNLESS they are THOROUGHLY FINISHED INSIDE, in good , repair outide, and .possess substantial Stone or h-rick chimneys : <Vol then Values should never exceed i wo"i'thirds -of Frame Dwellings of same 'size. LOG BARNS, hewed, sire not worth more,than 1-10,L1, the 'value”.01•FRAyE.11,yas;s.,of the same Size inoLD SETTLED DIST RICTS, and..abou; . 0 N E-ni i RD in 'NEw SETTLEMENTS; Harm: of round .logs to be valued somewhat less. • ' • . . . • suggested that a survey could be . done in McKillop or perhaps , Seaforth and the township could do a joint surey.. "There's - no reason we .couldn't look at another` survey," she said. After Deputy Reeve Sillery 'expresSed some 'interest, the Mayor said "if Tuckerstnith is interesfed, We'd be' glad to talk about it." CORRESPONDENT WANTED 'To report the news 'of ,Cromarty. Although the pay is modest,. the correspondent's job can be Interesting and provide a feeling of accomplishment for the right person. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT Susan White, Editor Of Tann fxpositor 527-0240 have not -yet sheen completed. 1 he. itimor ••Curlers to ill plav, their games on' Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Th cy have' taken user the WadnesUlay citmpetint c sot as only' two games remain to be played in that lea gue. • The dull hosts the Colts Uis ision Plavdowns betyceen' 13A and 131i on Sunday. February 22. On Saturday.. February 21. the club is has Mg a men's Open BonspieI spOnsored by Rotveliffe Motors. A fey teams are still pro\ en to he si popular spiel in the 'past. so men: if you can ge,t a team together. call Flemings: 482-7.336. or Wilson's 527-18'N and enter. ' Winner of the sixth 50 50 club draw was Helen Crocker. the • prt sident of the Ladii-s Club. Graff e 'CaMpbell has return( d . a kV CC k long bonspii4 in Ottawa where, .she curled teith her sister-in•latt (athv Kcv es, She reported that they didn't do as \tell as last year in the prises hut they' had a needed to 0.11„lhe dravl s. 1 his,has mart dons time. • We are proud of the close associations that have grdwn uK oetween 'the McKillop Mutual Fire Lnsurance Company•and the people of Seaforth throughout the century that you have served the area. Your address has been Seaforth during these years and for much of that time your head office has been' located in our town. tieing slightly older than you - we were a village in 1867 and a town in 1875 - we have been able to watch your continuing growth and the increased services you have begun offering not only the rural' people but our townspeople, and the people of other toCkns as well. As you entdr your second century and on,behalf of the people of Seaforth wesa.ktend congratulations and best wishes for your continued success. Congratulcitions McKillop Mutual/ Best Wishes to McKillop Mutual Fire insurance Company It was 100 years ago ithen discussions began that, led to the formation of the McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. And since many of -those interested and active in establishing the new company came from McKillop they called it ;McKillop. Throughout the years since then the Organizatibn MOztual a century ago, the people of McKillop have continued their interest in and support of the company. They have watched with pride its growth and development and extend to the officers and policy holders congratulations on their success and best wishes for continued success in the years ahead.