The Wingham Times, 1894-09-28, Page 61) e With tt 111 TJIE Vt' ANGUAM J.MES' 1 SEPTEMBER 28, 1894. -+Y+.w........oar..,.,.....,,.A.2*rCTN. -a-a-.n-.1,.,.Anm.a,.e.wcwaM a..+.,., :Mr. Clsomion, for the defence, offered. Better Farming 7.Teeded. attend. As tilt animal 0o11\ Option is 1111,1,1.:i na evidence. The jury returned a It is the tendoney of many farmers, I duo t0 1)l? hold illtil(' t)1'f11C?1'n vt'rdiet t.` ;;•uiltNo and I rix Lordship during the tela(' of (depression, t0 era (tle't2'i(t,'ti'iltfOl'(1 was Cll (sen as the w.... .-._...,. ____. t , s. , -) sSuch I1110.:t bhli.table ofd t1((? 111051 ('1111Y('11 - S4 1:,(111.'(•1. the inti •se;.' to too, years down e'tl (1sses to a minimum. . uch .., r, ,, rtz. •••t ) • less one tiny in the i't`11I1•:ti P(I»4.41 1L ]?1 lt.'tica 1^ a wise elle, 1wlICi1 eon- 1(111 11011tt for ;ill( Ela gatli(?1'11hg. 1! a,1]):1. s' 5..1 , 1'.11.,... _, , urn, T ' , , judgment, but Seec 11 efforts will be put forth t() i The Olive). vs. ,lt>stTll Soinzel, two ducted with mood simply from the idea of hullei'Yl enter for rat,• tial hit., own when (lolly e , mokt' floss y011ye11t1O11 1nOrC t tall 71-!!!!..'''''''''''----""--7-,--= SO -; :' St t T•1' •" ^' rte. ` ' d lughtt•r. The grand 'illy rt tilrlie(1 paying out its little Iiloaley ab pos.. usuelly attractive rUl(1 profitable. ,.1.:_.., .,.-..i ... a,.,p....i.lLr. . r+ a, J pitying • f The , , ,,, • .:• r " will la:,I 1, .l •;': ' i'1 1 ' Tho uo hill ill each, slide, tltt•re is liability of a great. 111e n(cz(ta.l 'i l ` . u ..1c.e,1 t ). ho I.illr('+11 i'<tll nss1 4." 4.14.10 held. Tit' t lil('en 1':A. 1111:;'11 .+a(.`I.t.'.f i11, fill llll. t(ll{('. It 1:9 I101,1111COII1111OII 10 heap i 1)+('p(11'4. (1. programme a(13 (1 ti;iiug the in t :U'leel.elt, dart 14.1% by ' 1r. ' • t e':t for cr'nry lili(3 ono for it; sai(1 that "high Dinning (3011 t Hooting. . `I'h(!a a will he a eotlplu of sober] 1 -. f j l ig to+ Ju i•'..t' i''1114. tilel)1`i(lge, til, 1':. I', l3. y' )• O ' the tow," " 111(1 *lam judged from some; pr(•nlfn4.311 speakers on claire topics false 1.1(1( ,lee::, ar isite out f tl 1 ti , J1)'.:lat'+i11 111'1'('11:'11(4" for crown eases. ' 'horning of t barn 011114. l 1)v deft. to 111ee's style of doing it,it ser- i plt'SP111 frank across the lisle, foremost Tho .•t •> ,, .• ?fbltl•1,11.,,1 1a 1 + ) 12 ca•.1• o lc . + of whom win he Mr. John (Amid, of Cluj e,\ 1, tic(kd>t had 1 • Nor. •?G ! tai it - does not pay. But just leo\\ ;_1sl>ilel(i 1111 the 1h1,.,11L Of _ u . 1 1p 5 ,l , hC?iIL 11(1defe.1'11'1, ,111(1 tea' (1 it111na, ti'12 (Jaya aloe. t"' d(! t, Inacle if we look about us, we '' u soon i Ohio, W110 rendered such 1'alu11)10 1 ,_ Two ,tt i. li 1 'Ilse. The f+111iosin,", 1\'l'r(' „ > . • ! services tit 1114' Ingersoll (.011\'C?Y1ti011 I::<^ had, i a declaration that there lwaa sante ! observe e that common and inferior ,y 1' •! + 'l, r•' : • •, - I. every • • i I.l'.t '('111', The leading authorities s\St,,';1 ill as the r,L iL(1 J 1 , ;,l).) htlshl?15 of wheat eUll)ttilllC•(1, . produce of almost sly bolt 1S not in S wheada will be pre- Coto 110(I('1.1Ci1 ; J01111 1)104.ti','11y, . ,, it 5lra11(0 (fill I iO o'I'eat ill ',ucll 1111(::. «T11('14. 1N ;sent, all SC•Ylllg to 111i11i( the coming . Willa 110 claimed 1 t l^('rdlwi111 ; t 4.11 Elliott, Robert ; „1 > evidence , , c " The COIlyE.11b1011 Of unusual 1)]telobt to the SI lel bre e idence \i•ao Olken, fon• I always room at the top. the de- ' (xii,l,inga, lIttllett ; ('has. Bovey, ; Witnesses for the prosecution, and I cleh(ul(1 for first -Tato stock alone dairymen of Western Ontario. Clinton ; .T(:h11 Robb, '1 uckel:,1111th; i (1 , , tr - +)\ ''lc John Wilson, 1 one besides (tef't. f:11 the defenced elle importance of kcepiu„ The stomach of Iran is subject John ;pence, 11.\1(' I His Lordship charred very strongly only the best a1111nftls, and when to it dozen Stiell 0011n11011 but painful atfeCtiOnli as cramps, cholera morbus, cholera, diarrheas, and dysentery, and by neglect any of them may he f• eatortll ; bolo. C. 1'1•otlts., tephen ; ' second indictme rat lir holt for " haps nothing pays so excellent a nlacle chronic and dangerous. All Jams Coat; Melillo l ; henry i , i , ( against (left., but the ,jus y returned. I once this is allowed, high farming Dodds, Whll. 1' itzpatrick, Wr' L. 1 a verdict of slotguilty of perjury, follows almost as a .natter of course. Erskine, 1'llwanosh ; Thos. Gilmour, 1 and byconsenof the crown,la 1 Of all the many outlays which a Ttl.lnberi•y ; Janus C. Laidlaw, 15huilorvereifct was returned on rite homer is called upon to make, per - , Albert Smith, John `Tiff'ii, Colborne;'1 (left j • !return as titp expense of feu -111w Fere more or less painful ; and the p a 'i eldest remedies is PeartY DAVIS' PArN- Thomas Fitton, foreman, Exeter. The following cases were settled by consent : Winnie Graves, loth being servants , development of the animals' body. IITLl.111 a I1le anter \voles u1 McLean vs. Peterson. 'An action tried in all quarters of the world for in the house of Mathew Armstronrn l B r this not only the•best and earliest for sale and purcaase of apples. The in Mullett. In the examination lie:',',matured animals can be produced, more than a quarter of century questions of' filet were referred to His fore the magistrate, the girl gave ' but the manure of suc11 stock: \will and never failed to give relief. It is Honor Jltdgo Tools for enquiry and very circumstantial details 11s to the increase the fertility of the lance so sold. by all reputable- druggists. report. H. Morrison for ,tiff. Gar -Large bottles new size 5e. each. It 'alleged offence, incl Iter story •leas ' as to •produce a certain and lleavl ;, _ row & Proudfoot for deft. d011lCWhat corroborated by sirs. !crop every year. Of course, to put Fanson vs. Fannon. An ac ,fon Armstrong, to whom she had told her la lot of expensive feed into inferior for an account. The jury notice story a few days after the date 1 animals would be a gross mistake, The Queen vs. Thomas Smith, I growieg stock a liberal supply of b£st, hftndic'st, surest, <'tnd q charoetl with rapt. on .t girl named ; such food as to induce the most rapid. , Burglars broke into the restaurant at the G. T. lis depot it .Kingston having been struck. out His Lordship Friday horning. I charl1•ed. In appearing before the' althouglh. even that might pay ; but refused ing. to tr try the ease, ,fclr eft. obit' fl- ,`;rand jury she repeated the story, lit is not necessary to follow such a f int m Cholera nMorbus, Cholera h In ; but t0 the surprise of everyone when !course in a country like ours, with Dy1eutery, and Summer Complaint. Dr. soli &Dere for cleft. put alto 'The witness box she told the•' so many fine herds of all the valuable Fowler's Extract ut Wild Strawberry is • Ward vs. Sharp. Actio:. tar Crown Counsel that the whole breeds, from which one has the a prompt, safe fwd sure cure that has . slander. Verdict for plff. for $1 and' charge was utterly untrue, and was privilege of buying at a reasonable been it popular favoritefor,over 40 years. l FARMERS & BAN, costs, withan apology by deft. first told by Ion' as 0 joke to Mrs. figure. l Y e have the constant ocular a Cameron, Holt Holmes for plff.; Robert Armstrong. Mr. Johnston proof of the immense benefit to laud scTll. cF., will beprop nlciai convention, Y. P. held this year at $i.uo PER DOZEN. E. N Levis for cleft. trial t0 (ret from tl e girl solve from grain feeding and when F • Kingston, on Oct 10, 11 and 1:). CAVEATS,TRADE MARKS COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT' 3 For a prompt answer and an bones( opinion. write to 1)f 11 N N & CO., who have had nearly -fifty years' aspartame in the patent business. Communion. - thins etrietly confidential. A Handbook of In. formation concerning Patents and bow to ob- tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan. seal and scientific books cent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive a e'1alnoticeInthoPeiaiitiiloktH,eriran.and thug are brought wiaoly berorethe publlowith. out cost to the inventor. saes splendid paper, issued weekly, elegantly illustrated. has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. F3 a year. Sample eolliee eent'free. Building Edition. monthly, 5t 60 a year. Single copies, •,.1u cents. Every number contains beau tiful plates, in colors, and photograpbe of new houses. with plans, enabling builders to tallow the latest designs171 OO.. secure oiv, 361 nimilWAY., LOOK. ERE We have about 4.-40 EJB.S of slightly damaged CUT HALL consisting of the following sizes : 1/ INCA LATH, 1 INCH SHINGLE,. 21, 3/, 3.1, and 31 INCH, at the following prices : • a' COriiting ant ConNpp "!‘ —Ili PI'BLIsuati•-• Ia EllRY FRIDAY MORNING—AT Trull--• TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE .STREET' i WINGIIA t, ONTARIO. Subscription price, 81 per year, /74edvanee ADYEI(TISING ISATIS: Spade 1 1yr. i 0n,o' 1 :( pie. 1 1.3,n, one Column see 00 $40 011 1 t 0 tic $6 o0 lialf " 40 00 re 00 I 1« 00 00' Quarter " 20 00 12 00 7 00 4 0 One inch 5 00 3 00 3 00 100 _ Legal and other casual advertisements,Fe. per line for (ret insertion, and Se. per lime fer each subsequent insertion. Local notices 10e. pc line for first irsertion, and 4.o, per line for eachsubi•uquent hieert:el. No local notice will bo charged lose than 2uc. Advertisements of Loot, Found, Strayed, Situations, and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 lines nonpareil, $1 per month Bones and Farnis for Salo, not exceeding 8 $1 for first mouth, 60c. pur subsequent month These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for local advet'then`ente, or lot longer periods. Advertisements and local notices without swinedirections, will be inserted till forbid and charged 1 accordingly. Tr/m.1101'y advertisements must be 1 paid in advance 1 Changes for contract advertI4.' (lents must bo n 1 the office by Wednesday noon, u, order to appear I that week. i 1t. ELLIOTT Peornllrl'0n AND PUBLISHER LATH AND SHINGLE, 2 cents per lb. ALL OTHER SIZES, 14 cents per lb. Also Brewster vs. Milne. Settied out of reasonable explanation of her strange judiciously used, the bill is paid for ",, , . ' ' the animals which consume th • Court. G. I. Blair for p111'.; 13 arrow conduct, but without success. She by t c ) e ' & Proudfoot for deft. is of a very hysterical nature; and grain. What, then, becomes of the Snell vs: 0. T. Railway. Settled had quarreled with her father and argument to give up "hill farming" out of court, Garrow & Proudfoot for stepmother, and when she saw the and betake ourselves to the wretched Off.; John Bell for cleft. former approaching in the corridor results of slip -shod -methods slid - McKinnon vs. Crowe. An action of the court house on Tuesday morn- miserable crops, with their inevitable for breach of promise of marriage. log she "took on" to such an extent accompaniment of foul weeds ? If ever there was a time when only liberal farming, good stock and heavy crops could stand the pressure of the times, it is now. If good n • a ole end n on The plft is the daughter of a farmer as to require vigorous action on tlto in Turnberry township, ,tad defts part of caretaker McCreath and resides in Culross. After keeping• °there to bring her to. Of course : company for two years (left. married the charge against Smith collapsed, another girl and y lu'uce this suit. and in his remarks to the jury His fatrnnlg mill notpay, p p 5 • The jury returned 1( sealed verdict Lordship spoke of the extraordinary it, "Kul will not now or at any for plff, for $530 its (bl111i1gec, x11(1 charncter of the ease. It might lie, other time. ----Farmers' Advocate. full costs were addled by ills Lord -. he said, that the girl was mentally ship. R. Vanstone for 1 ,lit1. ; Els. is. irresponsible, and to determine this Hamilton People say of Stark's Dickinson for defr. she would have to be examined, with Powders: Barr vs. Wilson was an fiction for ' a view t0 placing her where she M). Farmer, Alderman and Barrister, sland('r, )iii', being secretary and would be cared for ; but if she was says : "I experienced almost imruediate manager of the Ethel Cheese Co., 1101 irresponsible it would be the relief from the use of Stark's Powders duty of the Croton Attorney to )rose and /1. Solt Of deft. alio employedprose- gia and Liver). (for Sick Headache, Biliousness, Neural - there. .Deft. pleaded justification to cute her for perjury. :f. Temple, 49 Catharine St. N. says :— certain charges 11e had imide against GRAND JURY PRESENTMENT. "I find R. Stal'k's Headache, Neuralgia rPhe.y found a males and 3 felllales and Liver Powders a sure euro. plff., and this led. to an examination Mr. Lancefield, librarian, puska of the bookatnd accounts of the eom- in the jail, 2 of the latter insane and library, says :—":['hey are most valuable party. The Jtu'y re.:send d it verdict waiting removal to the asylum, while for sufferers from Headache, Neuralgia for deft. and His Lordship gave full the outer is aged. and weak-minded. and Liver Complaints." Of the males two are insane and „Mr. Geo. 14., Flook, Station Master G. C0St8. (-Jarrow & Pt rlutlft>ot,fUt deft,; i. Railway, says : I ryas troubled with E. L.Dickinson for plff. three yegrants, all aged. There most severe headaches for three years - meaeatat ota leero, an action for were also two boys confined for and was unable to get more than tem. seduction of a daughter of plff. by truancy. The jury found the jail porary relief. Sines using Stark's deft, whilehe was egg aged 111 the Clean and well kept, but the closets Powders Ihave been entirely free from > , in a very had sanitary condition and Headache." Nilo cheese factory. PIM and his Price , cents „• ; sold by all daughter gave evidence for the pros- demanding immediate improvement. medicine dealers. edition, and Fero, while' admitting The jury also urged the erection of a - - dealings with the girl, was supported house of refuge and expressed their Annual Meeting of the Western by William Douglass and Richard approval of the condition of, the ' Dairymen's Association. Vanstone, both of whorl claimed to Court House.—Star.__ ' The board of directors of the • lla`0 had illicit intercourse with her HOLLO-way's PILLS.—The chief Dairymen's Association of Wcstein andreunblomediciaodis also. The juke gave it verdeit for wonder of modern times. This in-' Ontario islet Tuesday afternoon in covered. Beware of safe afean reliable druggists who deft. and the lletii01 11.111 (lislniSSO(1 comparable? Medicine increases the the bo4.1d ro0114. of the Western Fair offerisferior medicCottoRoinesin place this Ask for WWI costs. lir. bit 811(1 R. C. Hays s»E MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEEY FOR M A N OR BOAST. Certain in Real effects ecofand b lower blisters. KEND eL'SSMIN DUNE. Box o2, Carman Henderson Co., 111., Feb.24,'01. Dr. B. J. I(ENDALL bo. Dear Sirs–Please send ;no ono of your 'gorse Books and oblige, I have used arrest deal of your Itondall's Spavin Ours with good success - it io a wonderful medicine. I ono had a mare that had an occult Bpaviu and ave bottles cured her. I keep a bottle on hand all thetimo. Yoiustruly, CHAS. roma,. KENDALL'S SPAVEN OUr. REa Dr. B. 3. KENDALL'Co. OANToN, 110., 02. Dear Sirs–I have used several bottles of your "Iiandall's Spavin Care" with much Sueee9, I think it the Seeing= I over used. Hass •,•e• ttwo .;one orb, one Bays . lips mended 11 to several of my friends who aro muoh pleased with and keep it. Respectfully, S. R. RAY, P. 0. Bos Sib. For Sale by all Druggists, or address Dr. B. J'. K.E1VrDALx CO4ZPA1fP, ENOSBUIIGH FALLS, VT. ook'sCotionRoot COMPOUND. A.recent discovery by an old physician. Successfully used monthly by thousands of Ladies. Is the only perfectly for plif. ; Mr. Garrow fow' deft. Moran vs, London Fire Ins. Co., an action on a policy of insurance. Judgment by consent for plif. for MO and costs. 11r. Bolt for plff. ; 1i, R. Cameron for clefts. Praetor vs. Coats, an action for m ,b and assault. Judgment rat 111 .5 trespass ; , C „ consent for, Oft, fi)r $50 and costs, not to exceed »1i5. Robertson vs. Bone, and action for seduction. The families of the parties are well known fanners its Last W awanosh, and the girl was employed as a servant in the family of deft., who failed to appear in court. The case turned simply on the amount of damages to be awarded, and the jury gave a verdict for plift for $750, to which Itis Lordship added full costa. • A se00)1d suit was one for breach of promise of marriage brought by Miss Robertson against Bone. In this ease a; jury returned a verdict for her for $1200, and costal were aiiioawal'ded. (1III11Iri' AI. ('.1143*1. `elle Queen vs. John Jardine. This was the charge of attempt at naval engineer, believes that China be secured MA where there would'{ rape On a little girl of seven years, will be whipped in the present war'. also be sufficient hotel tieeonnnodatioll. I cousin of the prisoner, on April 1st, •1, D. (. restores the lltorrt&dh: to for the entertainment of the numerottc appetite, steel cleanses the Rom, collects biliousness r1'1105. Ballatlt lie and A. F. ;1IaC- particulars In Plain envelope, to ladies only, 2 itrld prevents flatulent}", purifies , y stomps. Address. The Cook Company, the system, invigorates the rues Laren Stratford • Wm. inder Ont., Canada. enormous demand for these Pills Thomas Gibson, Farclwich ; Harold throughout the globe astonishes Eagle, Attercliffe . Station ; J. F. • everybody and a single trial con-, Williams, Ingersoll; John Geary, J. office London There were present i postagei letter • DR MACDONALD, J. A. CLINE & CO, . Hardware Merchants, STONE BLOCI(, Winghalll. MIS ED & ' Josephine Street - - VPIgilaill, Ont. J. A• 'Imam, J. W. ScoTr, Mount Forest. I' Listowel. Deposits Received and Intorest allotived. Money Advanced to Farmers and Business IVIen, On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral seourity. Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. Money relnittdd to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention Given .to Col- lecting Accounts and Notes. 3gonte in Canada—The l4lorohants' &aver of Cancra Office CENTRE STREET:. W inona/4, • ONTARIO. TxT VY . B. TOWLEtt, MVeYmber College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario' —Coroner for County of Buren— Office Up.etafrs, next to Mr Morton's oiliee, Wing. ham, Ont. 0114oE Ii ousts. -0 to 12 a. m., 1 to p, in., or at Residence, Diagonal Street. ' T P. KENNEDY, 30. D., M, C;• P.S. 0. n Successor to Dr. J. A. Meldrum.) Gold Medalist of \Vostern University.: Late House Surgeon in London Oe neral Ilospital. Special Wan. tion paid to diseases of women and children. Office—Iorntorty occupied by Dr: Meld rum,Corner of Centro and Patriot streets. %4INOII:IM ONT y) VANSTONE, l..l.. 13A MUSTER, SOLICITOR, lite., Private and Company funds to lonn at lowest rate interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town and ?atm property bought and sold OFFICE—Beaver Block WIteOUAsr J. A. MORTON BARRISTER , Wingham out E. L. DICKINSON, Barrister Etc. C SOLICITOR TO BANE o1' H.4JIILTON.. MONEY TO LOAN. Office—Meyor Block, Wingham. DENTISTItY.—J. S. J ERROME, L. D. S., Wansitatl. of teethtasfcheapmanufacturing they cape beemado - in the Dominion. Teeth extracted absolutely without pain, by his now process, guaranteed porfe, try safe. OFFICE: Li the Seaver Block, opposite the Brunswick house. hours—From 0 a. m. to b p. m. A. E. SMITH, est. Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST. ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, Fir it -class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Dar load Orders a Specialty. OFFICE, MACDON•'t•.LD'S CLOCK. Will visit Gorrie let and 3rd Mondays of each month. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL fNSU11ANCE AGENT WINOIIAM, • ONTARIO strengthens the stomach, 1 , ti:tc,or inclose$ and n e er Q MEAN, eel' I President Pattullo, Woodstock ; and we will,cnd, sealed, by returnmatl. Fullsealed A . a , r, c nerves, > ) Dickson,' ' and reinstates sound health, The Atwood ; John Train, I'Iarriston; Sotd iu lvlaghan) by C. E. Wiaiahm, 1,rugd,st. WOOD delivered to any part of Wing - ham.. itzrOrdersby mail promptly attend eo GEORGE THOMSON, Box P35. %%Ingham P. 0 DEANS, JR, W LIOENSED AUCTIONEER Volt THE OOi7NTY m• HURON. Sales attended In any part of the Co. °bargee Moderato. OB 3 Y c J a , JOHN CU1RRIE, Wl1elidni, ONT., vincea the most sceptical til(tt no IL, Pearce and J. W. Wheaton (scare- INCtattoo ; Rooks, Pamphlets, fosters, Bil )' to I,i L011(1011, goss Circulars, R.e., kc , exeented h1 the best medicine equals Holloway's Pills in Y, tat 'le of the art, nt moderate rice:',' and on short The inOSt important business suttee. •lpldv or addre,+s its ability to remove all complaints It r:tl.roxx, SAW MILLS incidental to the human race. transaetcd by the board was the Tines (three, Wh,gh+mr, The undersigned in returning thanks for past favors,beg (nave to say that they have a very large stock of They are a blessing to the afilfcted, selecting of the place for holding the -. w and a boon to all who labor under next annual convention. It was de- 7o4Eeft oow,l:r, internal or external disease. The cicled to hold the next annual gather- 0l purification of the blood, removal of ing in Stratford, on Jan. 15, 10 and emote STA 41V. Cnrlrr, Co. Ht:,tot, all restraints from the secretive 17, 1895. organs, and gently aperient action It leas been the custom of the as- are the prolific sources of the ex- sedation to (Bove around from one teltsfve curative range of Holloway's place to another with its annual Pills. ' eonventiolh. I3y following,t1h18 regu- • Iler order there are One Or two Lord and Lada Ill asset' ate on I1, smaller places that would take pre - their wry to their .1(),()(.X) -acre, colony femme before Stratford. During In the Canadian Northwest. ATTC'1'IO.NE1?l1, ISSTi1311 O1' iM.111 MAGI: LICLNSI3S Ctrsotts1nx}:1l IN II. C..1•., En'. Wito9cic•11c11, ONT. the last year or two, however, the ' 11 ru:i down" from weakening effects ttult atil gatherings of the western of warm weather, you need a good tonic:1 association have been so largely M- end WoodWoodpurifier like flood's Samoa. ; tended that it was considered advie-, 'able to 'select those daces were Lord l3rassey, the eminent British suitable hall acaccommodationcould, ".1 rills. Try it. T. E, CORNYN UNDERTAKER , WINGHAVX, ONT. give Benmiller road, near Saltford. bli>ltltby action. visitors a11(1 dairymen who annually LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, BARRELS, WOOD, &c , on hand, which will be sold at very close prices to meet the requ:ren,ents of the hard times. First Class Shingles, $1.70 per Square. Wood Hots, per Cord, delivered, Everything else:equnlly low. 'Oorne and sae us before buying, as we will not be _ undersold. McLEAN it. SON. Wingham, Juno It11,18 P8. LICENSED SED AUCTIONEER FOR TIM COUNTIES. HURON AND BitUc1. All orders left at the TIMES office promptly attend ad to. Terms renewable. JAMES HENDERSON, LiCENBRD AdcTIONEEs BRucr0a s.COUNTIES rfYRON AND Ali sales attended to promptly and on the Shorter& Notice. Alt nnecessaryearrangements ca 01 be made t the T,ana8' oti(c0 Wisotia4 Os,t = DR. J. McASI1, M. 1h. Toronto, Member College Physicians and Surgoons, Ontario. SWAIM'S' ONTAli10 money to T.,oan on :otos. Notes Discounted AT REASO N.A.i3LL SCATE S Money advanced on Mortgages at Ci& per centvriih. privacy) el paying at the' end of any year. loess attdimeouuts Collected. 11,0%tr. lillcilsiitD00. Beaver Stook 'Methane, oat. at the The ,laeanbea of the Patrons Toronto with members -elect, action to he to on behalf 'of tl ,coming session for the pUrpos( The lneetin the most. harm -the greatest u prevailed in tl resolutions, GI presided by re until the orga Joseph L, F. Frontenac, wt) as leader tind ti . for JIjtldinialit form the dud( unanimously influence of used during secure legislat following res( Resolved, '.I ment to rend( independence a pass from a or other tram Resolved, any sum for clerk hire or Ontario Gave • nislling of a f of any kind t after prohibit Resolved, attached to a no allowance employe of th expenses or f Resolved, of the prineil fees, the anlo Should be fix tion for the that the bala tltetreasury treated as ge Resolved, passed in ace 7 of the Pati existing systc offices be co held during i havior. Resolved, Medical Act the -power of annul the ec regularly au of any practice avec that alt clur doing mad, Iran shall b courts on tl under the s1 to - erimina others. Also, Tb1 ring special fraternity 11 The folio by a stancli. bers Reso-;ved selves to vo all question members t, and we het ruination t. coalition or the existins. of Hood's purities the through th( health, it al to every fu i the express Sarsaparilla It ovex corn mon now. Hoon's I perfectly 1 beneficial. Alfred .: peared be course of 'week, on The first I against 111 defrauded tion in co] certain ki circulars Country. using IIeI purpose 1i W11111114 post of$C( the comp guilty an Dyspel ache, (,on Rising ant of the .I Burdock dire DyaT byte din It .i..