The Wingham Times, 1894-09-28, Page 5,"
li i8ik9Vi FALL FAIN. Gtumett had good exhibits of agri- derson & Son. lllinoreas,J. A Bing;
cultural implements of different 2 C. Henderson &Son. Bantams, any
Winghanl was favored with fine kinds, on the ground, which attract- variety, W. Taylor; C. Henderson &
weather for its fall fair, on Tuesday ed considerable attention, Mr,. T. Son. Turkeys, McEwen Bros; 2 C.
and Wednesday, and on the latter . L, Jobb had a couple of fine buggies Henderson & Son. Geese, C. Mon-
day the attendance was large, the on exlhibitin, • derson & Son; 2 Jas, Harrison.
gate receipts reaching tate sum• ofThe building was open the first Pekin ducks, C. Henderson & Son; 2.
dollars. Z ho shod night of the show, and the show was Jas. Harrison, Ducks, any other,
as a whole was far in advance of any visited by hundreds of the towns- C. Henderson & Son, lst and 2nd.
held here for some years, The agri- people., Mr. John Dingwall, of Wa- Canaries, D. Showers; 2 Mrs. Tam -
cultural hall, though it was enlarged wanosh, was present with the bar; lye.
by about thirty-five feet, this year, pipes and gave a number of tunes,. Chickens---Bralhmas, light, D. Me -
was packed fall of exhibits, and all which appeared to be greatly enjoy- Kinlay; 2 Jas. Dow. Brahlnas,dark,
of high merit, ed by most of those present, The . C, Henderson & Son, ist and 2nd.
The show of horses was fully up
to previous years, but they could not
be shown to advantage on the small
ring used. It should be the endeav-
or of the direetors to male arrange-
ments for aproper horse ring for
next show.
The cattle wore shown at the
north side of the grounds, and were
society had engaged several pipers Coebins, C. Henderson & Son. Game,
and dancers for the second day of D. Showers; 2, J. A. King. Wyatt -
the show, and had erected a plat- dottes, C. )Ienderson & Son, 1st and
forst for their use, btl.t they failed to . 2nd. lilac* IIamburgs, W. Hencler-
attend, and a great number were son & Son, lst and 2nd, IIalnburgs,
greatly disappointed. any other, 0. Henderson & Son; 2
PRIZE LIST ; Jas. Harrison. Langshans, W. Hen-
HoRsEs. • derson & Son,1'st and 2nd. Leghorns,
Heavy D;aught—I3oodmal mare, Wm.
white, W. Taylor, lst and 2nd.
numerous and of good quality. Wellwood; 2 1'. Fowler. Foal, I'. Leghorns, brown, W. Taylor, lst and
Sheep and swine were shown in Fowler; 2 Wm, Wellwood. One 2nd. Plymouth Rocks, C. Hender-
considerable numbers, among the year old gelding, P, Fowler. Two son & Son; 2 D. McKinlay. Black
latter was a Tamworth boar exhibit- year old filly, Jos. Foster; 2 Wm. Spanish, W. Henderson & Son, lst.
ed by Mr. A. Roe, which ho has re- Wellwood. Two year old gelding, and -2nd. Minorcas, J. A. King; 2
cantly purchased and brought here - P. Fowler. Tears, J.. G.. McKenzie; W.. Henderson & Son. Bantams,
for the improvement of stock. 2 J. Barbour. ' W. Taylor, 1st and 2nd. Any other
The show of poultry was the GehicralPurpose---Brood mare,Wm.. variety, (Houdans), C. Henderson &
largest ever shown herein Wingham, Maxwell; 2 C, W. Taylor. Foal, C. Son, 1st and 2nc1.
and amongst the birds shown were W. Taylor, 1st and.2nd. One year LEATHER AND OTHER MANUFACTURES.
some good specimens, particularly in old filly, Wm. Maxwell; 2 Geo. Men's sewed boots, F. H. Roderus.
the varieties of fowl that are classed Cruickshank. One year old gelding, Men's coarse boots, T. Abraham, 1st
Wm. Barbour. Two year old filly,
Wn) Fraser; 2 Frank Anderson.
Two year old gelcliiig, Wm. Tliom.
Team, Alex. Watson; 2 Jas. Dole.
Driving Horses — Brood. mare,
Frank Kling; 2 Jerry Brydges.
Foal, Geo. Cruickshank; 2 F. Kling.
One year old filly, Robt. Mclncloo; 2
J. Brydges. Two year old filly,
17Tm. Cruickshank; 2 I'. Fowler,
as good egg producers. Farmers an
pear to be giving more attention to
this branch of farm stock, and if it
is properly cared for it will prove as
p profitable as any on the farm.
Just near the entrance of •the hall,
Messrs. P. A. Miller and J. W. Docld,
of town, had a splendid exhibit of
boney in 10 pound cans—about 700
pounds—neatly displayed. They
also showed bees lathe hive at work,
and it kept one busy explaining
matters in connection with their ex-
hibit. They make a specialty of the
five -banded Italian bees, finding
them easier to handle than the other
varieties. The judges awarded them
the reel ticket for their exhibit.
These gentlemen have taken off a
great quantity of honey this year,
and we believe they have some on
hand yet for disposal. They also
deal in bees and bee supplies.
The display of fruit was splendid,
considering the unfavorable year.
There were fine exhibits of apples,
pears, grapes, plums, &e. •
The roots and vegetable depart-
ment was well filled,,ancl the com-
petition was very keen. With
Messrs. D. McKinlay, W. Taylor, W.
H. McCracken and the Messrs. Hen.
derson ail exhibiting, those taking
'the tickets can feel that they have
gained real honors, as they could get
in no keener competion in the pro-
Plants and flowers tool: up con-
siderable space, and splendid speci-
mens were exhibited, Mr. Wm. Web-
ster carrying off most of the honors
i11 plants, with :sir. D. McKinlay
leading in flower closely followed.
by Mr. W. Taylor and others.
The exhibit of grain and seeds
was largo, and all of' splendid
The Clair y and provisions depart-
ment was well filled, and in fresh
butter the,judgekhad a good deal of
difficulty in placing the tickets.
In the fine arts department, 'Mrs.
D. B. Anderson was a large exhibi-
tor, and carried oif many of the
prizes. Mr. W. 1?. Brockenshire
showed a couple of cases of fine
photographs, as well as seine crayons
and water colors. Miss llenderson
and Mrs. R. H. Willson also had very
fine exhibits in this department, and
Miss Jessie Gray showed a very
creditable crayon drawing.
In ladies' work, the exhibit was
large, the competition leech, and the
prizes pretty well divided. This
department is ,always well sustained
at the Wingbam show, bat the (Its -
play, this year was larger than usual.
Mr. T. E. Cornyn, the furniture
roan, had on exhibition an excellent
parlor suite, which was greatly ad-
mired by all.
Messm. John Pelton and D. Show -
and 2nd. Driving wits, Geo. Moffat;
2 D. McKinlay. Cooper work, W.
Taylor. Pumps, D. Showers; 2 John
Pelton, Organs, J. B. Cummings; 2
T. H. Ross. Sewing machines, A.
G. McDonald; 2 T. H. Ross.
Lumber wagon, T. IL Ross; 2 'Wm.
Brings comfort and improvement and
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. Tho many, who live bet-
ter than others and enjoy life more, with
less expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the world's best products to
the needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleas-
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax-
ative ; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
and permanently, curing constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid-
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak-
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug-
gists in 75c. bottles, but it id menu-
lectured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will nob
11Ceept any substitute if offered.
Gannett. Buggy, T. L. .Jobb, lst „�,,
€ nd 2ncl. Sod plow, T. H. Ross; 2
Two year olcl gelding, Peter Clark W.Gannett. Gang plow, W. Gannett; D. McKinlay; 2, Mrs. Tamlyn. Hand
2 W. Copeland. Saddle horses, L. 2 T. H. Ross. Iron harrows, W. bouquet, D. McKinlay; 2,W. Taylor.
Lott; 2 Geo. McKenzie. Single
horse, under 15 hands, John E.
Swalrts;2 Jos. Foster. Single horse
in harness, over 15 hands, H. Days;
2 J. 13.'Swarts. Team, P. Clark; 2
L. Lott.
Durlhams—Breading cow,R.Corley;
2 M. Harrison. Two year old heifer,
R. Edwards; 2 Wm. Maxwell. One
year old heifer, John Elston. Heifer
calf, R. Corley.. Ball calf, R. Corley;
2 P Fowler. Bull over ono year, H.
Perdue. Herd, any other thorongli.-
bred, S. D. 'Wellwood.
Grade—Breeding cow, Jas. Max-
well; 2 John Gordon. Two year old
heifer, Andrew Fox, • 1st and 2nd.
One year old, heifer, M. Harrison; 2
Wm. Gray. Heifer -or steer calf', R.
Corley; 2 Agnea Derrick.
. Fat Cattle—One year old steer,
M. Hairison. Two year old. steer,
Wln. Maxwell; 2 U. Corley. Three
year old steer. Wm. Maxwell; 2 Thos.
Henderson. Fat beast, It. Corley; 2
M. Harrison. Working oxen, Jas.
Cochrane; 2 M. Harrison.
Gannett; 2 T. IL Ross. Sulky rake, Wild flower bouquet, John Gray; 2,
T. H. Ross. Mower, T. II. Ross. Mrs,Tamlyn. Annuals,W.Taylor; 2,
FRUIT. D. McKinlay. Dahlia:, D.McKinlay;
les—Baldwin Jas. .Cochrane; 2' W. Taylor. Gladiolus, Mrs. Tam -
2 it n . Thom. King, Peter Fowler; lyn; 2, Mrs. R. H. Wilson. Verbena
2, M. Harrison. Maiden's blush, W.
-Maxwell; 2, P. Fowler. Lowell, H.
Edwards; 2, C. Henderson & Son.
Northern Spy, W. Henderson &Son; Phlox Dru1 nuondii, D. Mekinlaay; 2,
2, M. Hodgson. Duchess of Olden_ 1ti . Taylor. Zinnias, W. l aylor; 2,
bburg, C. Henderson & Son; 2, W.• F. Brockeusl?ire. Aster:4, D.
Henderson & Son. Rhode Island llcIiinla.y.
Greening, C. Henderson & Son; 2, M GRAIN AND SEEDS.
Harrison. E,ibston Pippin, M. Har- Red fall wheat, P. Fowler; 2, Thos.
risen; 2, W. Henderson & Son. Henderson. White fall wheat. Thos.
Golclen Russet, M. Harrison; 2, M. H. 'Taylor; 2, C. Henderson & Son.
Hodgson. Roxboro Russet, M. Har- Spring wheat, C. Henderson & Son;
risen; 2, W. Henderson & Son. Seek 2, Geo. Moffat. White peas, Thos.
No Furthey,M. Harrison; 2; W. Hen- Henderson; 2, Geo. Moffat. White
derson & Son. Snow, John Nichol- oats, C. Henderson & Son; 2, H. Ed-
son; 2, John Elston. Blenheim wards. Black oats, Geo. • Moffat; 2,
Orange, P. Fowler; 2, A. Tipling. R. W. Hastings. I7,Ix rowed barley,
Wagner, Jas: Clow & Son; 2, C. , Thos. If. T , •ler; Thos. Henderson.
Henderson & Son. Colverts, C. Hen-
derson & Son; 2; W. Gray. Crab
apples, John Elston; 2, W. Thole.
Six varieties, W. Henderson & Son;
2, C. Henderson & Son. Grapes, W.
heads, D. Mc-Kinlay; 2, W. 'Taylor.
Pansies, D. McKinlay; 2. W. Taylor.
Petunias, D. i\IcKinley; 2, W. Taylor. -
Gr. 1..Vict.1\7175ETEZM
---op TIII.-----
during July and August
clear out all Summer Goods at
prices in order to make room for fall
tU la 10)
Dress Making a Specialty.
Leicesters and their graces --Aged
ram, M. Hodgson; 2 R. W. Ii:astings.
Shearling ram, N. Ctuning,, 1st and
2nd. Ram lamb, J.. Coultas; 2 R.
W. Hastings. Aged ewe, N. Com-
ings; 2 R. W. Hastings. Shearling
ewe, N. Comings; 2 R. W. Hastings.
Ewe lamb, John Coultcs; 2 P. Mc-
Downs and their grades—Aged
ram, J. Kcil"rer; 2 W. Snell. Shearl-
ing ram, W. Snell; 2 W. Copeland.
Ram lamb, W. Snell; 2 R. M. Ander-
son. Aged ewe, McEwen Bros., 1st
and 2nd. Shearling owe, McEwen
Bros., 1st and 2nd. Ewe lamb, tic-
Ewen Bros.; 2 W. Snell.
Fat sheep—Fat ewe or wether; W.
Copeland; 2 Jas. Clow & Son.
Berkshires, Essex or.Suffolk—Boar
pig, IT. Edwards; 2 W. Henderson &
Son. Aged boar, M. Hodgson; 2 C.
Henderson & Son. Sow pig, W.
Henderson & Son; 2 C. Henderson &
Son. Breeding sow, IL Edwards; 2
M. Hodgson.
Yorkshire, Chester White or any
other large breed --Boar pig, A. Roe;
2 H. Edwards. Sow pig, H. Ed-
wards; 2 John Armour. Breeding
sow, Thos. Henderson.
rouvrti .
Timothy seed, J. Keiffer; 2, Jas.
Harrison. Leans, white, 1). Mc-
Kinlay; 2, W. H. McCracken. Beans,
any other, W. Taylor; 2, W. H.
McCracken. .Field corn, W. 1•I. Mc -
Webster; 2, W. Henderson & Son Cracker; 2, 'Thos. Il. Taylor.
Fall Pears, W. Henderson & Son; 2, tio:;D CROPS.
Joliu Nicholson. Winter pears, Jas. Sweetie tarmips, Thos. Henderson;
Dow; 2, Mrs. Tamlyn. Blue Plunks, 2, L. H. Bosnian. Any other turnips,
W. Henderson & Son; 2, Mrs. Tam- I C. Henderson & Son; 2, W. Hender-
lyn. 'Yellow Plums, W. II. Mc- l son && Son. Mangolds, long, D. McKin-
Craeken; 2, W. Henderson & Son. lay; 2, W. H. McCracken. Mangolds,
Quinces, W. F. Brocicenslhire; 2, • W. , short, W. 1i. McCracken; 2, • Thos.
Henderson & Son. Collection fruit,1 Henderson. Carrots, white Belgian,
W. Henderson & Son; 2, C. Hensler- j W. II. McCracken; 2, 0. Henderson
sols & Son.' ' & Soli. Carrots, table, W. Taylor; _
• DAIRY AND PROVISIONS. j 2, 1). McKinlay. Long blood beets,
Dairy cheese,, John Gordon. Fifty 11). McKinlay; 2, W. 1i. McCracken.
lbs. butter,John Anderson; 2, lt. • Turnip blood beets, W. Taylor; 2,
Harrison. Roll batter; D. B. Ander- D• , McKinlay. Parsnips, W. H.
Wm; 2; W. Henderson & Son, Honey • McCracken; 2, D. iilcKinlay
in comb, D. McKinlay 2, C. Henden- i Potatoes—Beauty of Hebron, W.
son & Son. honey extracted, c. Henderson & Son; 2, D. McKinlay.
Henderson & Son; 2, D. McKinlay. Mammoth Pearl, D. McKinlay; 2,
Home -aide bread,Mrs. Wm. Me- I W. H. McCracken. Early Rose, D.
Kenzie; g, P. Foler. Oat cake, G. McKinlay. "White Elephant, D. Me -
Moffat; 2. W. Henderson & Son. ; Isinlay; 2, John Gray. Any other
Mixecl�pickles, W. 'Taylor; 2', D.' kind, W. Henderson & Son; 2, Robt.
McKinlay. Any (*her pickles, John 1 (CONTINUED ON 4T1I PAGE.)
Gray; 2', W. Taylor, Tomato ketch- _
uli, D. McKinlay; 2, (Thos. Hensler -
soli. Maple syrup, •W.. H. McCracken; ,
2, Jas. Dow. Maple sugar, W. II,
MMCracken Canned fruit, W. II.'
McCracken; 2, John Gray. Wasp's I
nest, Jas. Cochrane.
i ixramt.
Oil painting, Mrs, D. 13. Anderson;
ers had good exhibits of pumps of 2, Miss Hal derson. Water color •
different kinds. Mr. Showers had a b o1\•1-13rahams, light, ,Jas. liar- painting, W F. Brockchtshire, lst and
pump in operation, having sank a rison; 2 W. Henderson & Son.` With. 2nd.. CrayonCrayonDrawing, W. F. Bro-
well for the purpose. nuts, dark, W. Ilendersott & Son. I el onsihire; 2,. John Gray. Painting
t Mr, D. Sutherland had a very fine C.ochlns, Geo, Ireland, lst and 2nd on pottery, Miss Henderson; 2,: Mrs..
nxhihft of stoves, both heatingand Game, J. A. King, 1st and . 2nd. R. It Wilson. Painting on silk or
cooking, coal and wood, and lamps, `\'irknndottcs, Jas. Harrison; 2 W. satin, Mrs, D. 13. Anderson, lst and
It was tastily arranged and attracted Taylor. Black ila.hmburgs, 0. Iien-- 2nd. Collection paintings, ;Sirs. D.
a good deal of attention. (Jerson & San; `2 Jas, HHarrison. 13. Anderson; Miss Henderson.
Messrs, J. 13. Cummings and Thos. I Thnnburgs, any' other, Jas. Harrison. Collection photographs, W. F. Brock-
Langshans, C. Henderson & Son. onshire, 1st, and 2nd.
Leghorns, white, W. Taylor; 2 1'T,.1N ra AND FLOWERS,
(e'xc'el, Ireland, foghorns, brown, W. Foliage plants,. W. • Webster. Ger-
Taylor; 2 W. Henderson & W.
twining-, W. Webster. Greenhouse
had a Splendid e� .sew Plymouthlvhnouth Rocks, C.. Henderson & plants, W. Webster. Fuchsias, W.
tnachiues. Son; 2 .Jas. Harrison. Black Span- Webster. Collection flowers and
M( rr. Thos. H. tt WM.illi, C. Henderson & Son; 2 W. Iten- plati<�a, W. Webster.\ ;''pab�lebouquet,
H. Ilo s showed a number of organs
and the latter also, had a piano On
exhibition, as also a number of sew-
ing: niaachines. Me. A. G. McDonald
also 1h o
ibit i sewing
YIN 430/1611
It ii a sici•e sign of weakness.
You need znore t.ha11 a tonic.
You need
the Cream of Cod–liver Oil
and lciypophosphltes,not only
to ouro tho Cough but to give
your systonl real strength
Physicians, the world over,
endorse IL
boa"t be decelr d by SubsiltateSI
Nom A nOWiaie )3.110111.111lingea e.. bob. k sL
. Every day we are opening new
• cases of new goods for fall trade.
. Dress Goods, Mantlings, Shawls,
- Gloves, Hosiery, Boots and Shoes,
• Ladies'Jackets,Ready-Made Cloth.
ing, Tweeds, Worsteds, and every-
thing which goes to make up the
most complete stock in the town.
We extend to you a hearty invi-
tation to call and examine this
• stock and we feel confident we can
show you goods and prices which
cannot fail to suit you.
T. A. MILLS, Wingbam.
yOU will find
that it 'will do
what no other
soap can do, and
will please you every
It is Easy, Clean,
Economical to wash with
this soap.
have decided, for a short time, to reduce the price for
$4.00 SPOT GASH.
If you have any Tweeds at home, now isthe time to save a dollar on
the making of each suit, and get a good fit. First-class Trimmings supplied
at wholesale prices for spot cash only.
If yen want to buy a Suit or Overooat you can save from 0.00 to
$10.00 on eacJh, by l•arehasing from us.
WEBSTER & 00.,
Opposite the new Maedonale1131ockt, 'l1'ingham.
Merehant Tailors.