The Wingham Times, 1894-09-28, Page 141
''. •. -' • -'''"" -' -.-• ''''m tral Business Col- q
... lege, Toronto, Ont, and Stratford, Ont. :p
Unquesponebtly Canada's GireatestCom-
rnercialSchoots. Catalozues free. Men- 1
ton this paper. Shaw & Iihlutt, Principals,
eer' aPelrae Du
stens asd but?. 41,
cation, Shorthand,
eh:, is at the Cen-
A ,
VOL, XXIII.---NO. 1188.
The Only Direct Importers.
Tura Beth, Sept. 12th, 1804.
Marriage Liconees
Issued by FBANIC PATBILSON, No 23, Vic-
toria. street,Wingham, Ont. No witnesses
i.e04#1, NEW S.
—Calvet; feet Ma at II. E. SNELL'S,
Maladapted Block.
—The brielslayers 'hashing along Per.
'Wm. Dore's carriage shop/
—Gravel is bath! laid on Josephine
street, as well as n a number of other
streets ill town.
—M. Patterson's 92.50 Stem Wind
'Watches will be sold for the next 30 days
fo 'see.
Per. Chase, Seeetti, has been appointed
olice Magistr, of loderielepro tempers,
without eatery
egat is expected t at work will be corn-
: =need ii the Union factory, on Monday
next, if the neeeed lairs are completed
by Beat time..//
•Aegeet Stroeferd,.las week, Mrs, Catlin
and Miss Anderson„ of that city, were
poisoned . from eosetrg canned salmon
Medical aid was pr soured, eenSeethey are
both on e fair evay to recovery..
• —The Comedian PteativeAssodation's
exoursion to Sarnia, which we announced
Iast week, has been declared off, the ase
n sedation not being *ale to complete satis-
factory errangemeny with the G. T. R.
--Servant Girl nted,—For general
housework. Apply t s Mrs. John A. Me -
Lean, Alfred street, ringbaert.
—Brigadier Moete is and bis talented
vele, the first worettaa Divisional'Ofticer in
the. Salvation •4;eletee, will hold a special
meetiegi. thSeeneter.KCIS this (Friday)
evenieOesDietelette aims and soldiers
from teekeeladotleor are expected ,to
take parte _ • e-2
—Mr. Sernuel on1J, real estate agent,
has Ede the twmator,dwelling, situated
on lot orDiagenal str-et south, otvned by
Mts, E. Agnew, of E Anatole Illinois, to
Mrs. J. letiteasughton, ef the township of
Culross, mete intends to make this very
desirable property her ature home.
teset. general enacting lot the study of the
Word of GO, prayer, eeid the ministry of
the gospel, will be held, in .Meyer's Rall'
commencing on Mauna*, evening, October
4th, and continuing ova- i'riday, Saturday
and Sundey. A hear* invitation is ex-
tended to all. Bring your ibles. No
—W. Berrand, the ile
received a letter from .
33. 0., customers as
• they want a suit east
nearly 3,000 miles f suit from him, his t Mr. Clarke, Who
Work must give Satisfaction. ' I to control it. It *1
—A Stratford eletemanio cleputeeldtel.Batak of Hamilton
after visiting Serie Port leurcan, %Vied- I. efeesrs, Clarke an
tor. Welkereille owl London, reportott to them beiett pretty
the 'city council in t ver of lighting the Ileac halting an
Is being put to the dry
—The eider m 1 and apple evaporator
are both being r n to their full capacity.
—About two ty of our townspeople at-
tended the Befot n Convention at 33rassels
on Friday last.
Fon Seen—A good fresh Miloh Cow.
Apply to JAS. ELLIOT,
Bluevale P. 0.
—Golden rod, the harbinger of majestic
autumn, now node s head to the passer.
—Ripley Enquerer : M. j. G. Lamont
went to Winghar on Monday, to wait on
his brother, who it ill with typhoid fever,
—Gross & Binektvell's Pickles, at
—Mr. Thos. W deock, of Lower Wing -
ham, has Brown gborn pullets, hatched
on the 24th of Ma last, which began lay-
ing on the 20th ii tent. These fowl are
called egg maohi es, and they begin early
tolnenufacture tl m.
ar—Mr. D, Seth Mond, having sold his
residence ou Diag nal street to Mr. A. E.
Smith, banker, as purchased a frame
dwelling on the w 1 side of Frances street,
from Messrs. D. oore & Co., •and is hav-
ing it remodelled and repaired, and will
move into it shor
—For first-dass tailoring and cheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co.
Remember the place, one .door south of
R. A, Graham's groeeey'etore.
---.0n Saturderee,
thrown among the
Christien Workers,
hag on John sereet,
but no one was str
in this disgracefuleo
may be sure of gettii
a few eggs wore
embers of the United
hen they were stand -
tear the Stone Block,
If those engaged
(3, A are caught they
g the full extent of
11.1.1 ...I..
. . . .
—Regular mee ing of Court Wetland,
Canadian Order c roresters, to-niget,
—The recent r ne will bo of great benefit
in making the exrnip Props and pastures
—Cash for good butter and eggs at A'
Graham's market grocery.
- W. .A.. John o in night, on
Saturday, was a gr d access. Hundreds
dropped in to the restaurant, and all
seemed to be hi 1—pleased with the large,
airy, cheery roo is. .A. full stook of fruits
and confectienery in stock. Gyrators in
every style. Call end 3*, us, and we will
trenand. please yoe- '
day night, and on
high wind, which,
damage, except •
apples. Cohsidere
storm arrived on Smear-
ucla,y there was ok very
mwever, did but little
ipping the trees of
e rain fell or; Monday
and Monday nigh vend the weather was
very cold and. raw;seThe weat cleared
up on Tuesday au it bas be fine since.
—Lathes, have your gar ents made by
Miss Louisa Varney SU essor to Miss M.
Johnston, Gregory . .ck, opposite the
Queen's Hotel. L t styles, good work,
always first-class
—A grand Harvest Thanksgiving service
will be held in St. P ,u1's church, on Son -
day next, 30th inst when Rev. Canon
Davis, of London, wk I be the preathera On
Monday evening fo lowing, a specie' song
• service will be held i - the churl:. lilies
MeHardy will presi at the organ. The
church has been beat ifally and tastefully
decorated for the ace ion.
•--At the meeting if Anchor of Rope
Lodgee 1. 0. G. T., ea Monday evening
last, there was one in "thtion, and it was
agreed to hold the tings ofebtrLedge.
in future on Trtesdey enings. Now that
the evenings are gettin . cool, it is expected
that the attendanee increase, and all
workers in the cause ire cordially invited
to connect themselves vith the dge.
am still here in Wi gham in the
business, and.
Fernitare and Undertalth
eovdially inedte any ne tinting goods in
myline to call a d e for yourselves
where you can go b st value for your
money. Don't b ceived by what some
interested peel say about prices, bat
come and see • or y,, =selves. I am not
here to be undersold either in Furniture,
Picture Framing or itndertalring. Please
bear this in( mind. •
S. Getecee,
Practical -Undertaker.
—Some parties oalparties unknown, were
throwing eggs- at the Salvation Army,
the other eveni-g, as they marched
aloug the street, foci some of the stale hen
fruit came in cm lad with some of the
members. The s 'me nightea number of
the windows of th barracks Were broken.
Such conduce is detsgrasceful, and it is to be
hoped the guilty patties may be found
out. •
—The United Christian Workers are
holding a series 4 meetings this week,
which are being ,ddeessed by Elder P. W.
Philpott, late If rigadier ie the Salvation
Army, and.EldeFisher, who else held the
position at
Army. ' Both of .hese gentlemen are con-
n oted with the halted Christian Workers
&urchin or to. Tho meetings com-
menced on Weemesday evening (led will
' conclude this +ening. They are being
held in roams apposite the Macdonald
' Saturda forenoon last, as Messrs.
—A. very enjoyabl•
the Parsonage, on Mo
the auspices of the
Society in cormectioa
church/ There was v.
considering the dish
all seemed to eujo„
amusements provide
served in abundant
sibyl° justice.
WA'S.= to bort
08,000 on good farm
interest. For poetic
Mee, Wingham, Ont.
—We take the follseving from Iast week's
Galt Reformer : Messrs. Hutton dts9o., of
Winghten, have leas el the premises on the
corner of .A.inslie an Dickson Ste., and
ow putting in a stock
ware, stoves, furnaces,
s been one of Wing- ,
bam's most promin -nt business men, he
comes here highly r commended and as he
thoroughly underst ,nds his business will
uo doubt do well iu ealt.
—The St. Louis dress says :—Somebody
who wanes to 'what the editorial
"we" signifies saes it has a variety of
meanings, varied tc suit the circerestances.
For an example: -hen you read that "we
expect our wife he ne to -day," "we" refers
to the editor -in -ch -3t; when it is "we are a
little late with our work," it includes the
whole office force, 1von to the devil and the
towel ; in "we re baying a boom," the
town is menet .; 'we received over 700,000
immigrants last ear," and it embraces the
social was held at
day evening, under
omen's Missionary
with the lelethodest
ery good attendance,
reeable evening: and
•themselves in the
Refreshments were
to which all atil
as term of years—
eurity, at 5 per cent.
lars apple at 'leases
—Regular mectin - of Town Council on
•'Monday evening ne 1.
—About a dozer of members of the
Wingharn W. C. T XL drove over to Luck -
now yesterday aft moon to attend a social 1
given by the Ludo ow W. C. T.
—Private moneys to loan on mortgages
att reasonable rate of interest, Apply to
lot ;roux NNELANDS.
score or morelef Oddfellows went to
Brussels yesterday '.vening to take part in
an Oculfellows' mee -.)ag in that townielr.
Wm. Robertson, ti' Distriet Deputy for
this district, was a to in attendance in his
official capacity at the district meeting,
which was hold du: ng the afternoon.
—Services at thc Congregational church
next Sunday at th usual hours, 11 a. m.
and 7 p, m., un Schoola 2:30. The
pastor will preacl morning and eveuing.
Morning subject: "Lovost thou me ?"
Evening subject: "How to meet trouble,"
All cordially welt. me.
—G. T. B. trains for Toronto and east
leave Wingham at 6.25 in. and 11.20 a.
an., via. W. G. & B.; 6.35 a. m. and 3.25
p. m„ via Clinton and Guelph. Good con-
ne tions by all trains.
aro very busy just
of shelf hardware, if
etc. Mr. Hutton h
--On 'Wednesday gbt, one of the plate
glass windows in M . Peter Dean's store
was broken by a sto ,e, thrown by some
one unknown. Th c night-watchman was
standing on the sic walk in front of the
store, and it is suppesed that the stone was
intended for that g! trdben of the peace
He has laid an info mation, we understand,
against certain poeties, and the 'n matter
! will be investigate( by a magistrates court. 1
! !
i Genets Alon'g Witb.Fartatare,
I Anyone wanting to buy fur TO or
carpets this fall end menial get the
best valet, ter their money would ask
them to otal and see whi 1 have to oiler
in Bed Suites, P or Suites, Side-
boards, Matresses, ring Beds, Chairs,
&o. • I have all sue geode on halal and. I
waist to sell them, and no matter what
I prices are quoted yog elsewhere don't buy
' until you (sell nit sep what styles and
prices I have., NoMen•le the best valuein
furniture, but -to anyone who purchases
e40 worth and over of furniture I will
Amply carpets ut cost direct from the
manufaeturer. Itnecessary you can get the
carpets made to order to fit your rooms,
cut, matched and sewed all ready for
putting down. This is a special offer and
a chance to get your rooms carpeted cheap.
Remember this offer is from
-S. Gnome .
Furniture Deaster, Wingham.
—We take the foll ging notice in refer-
ence to the aeo.t)t of r. Samuel Sande, of
Brussels, father of a r. Saileuel 13. Smale,
of this town, from t Brussels Post of last
weak: An old and ell known resident of
Brussels passed awe, test Tueeicley morn-
ing, at his residene , Elizabeth street, in
the person of San a Smale. He had
been ill for about fo r years, bis trouble,
bronceitis, developi • into consumption.
Deceased was a nati of Cornwell, Eng-
land, being born on y 81st, 1829. Coin-
ing to Canada with 1 s mother and sister
he?located at Toront where ho was united
in marriage to Miss ne Scott, by Rev. J.
Piper, on March 20 , 1850. Mrs. Smale
died November lst, 97, aged 63 years.
From Toronto Mr. an Mrs. Smale moved
to Newcastle, where tl health of deceased
. was so poor ho quit h trade and went
into the livery busin ss. In 1860 they
mane to Brussels end et a to' his death the
subject of this notice has resided here,
; about the house. A. country boy preferreeci following bis trade as ailor. The stone
4.errangements nuty • bp made to attee
store, bank, dwelling, a d hall in the rear,
- *hoot as necessary.
—Do not forget t Methodist Sunday
School review oerviem, at 2.30 p. m4 next
Sunday. These ser ices are always pro-
fltable and interesti g, and thie one will
be one of the best.
—Watches, clocks arta jewelry promptly
repaired and fully warranted by Bis
Pape, Meyer Block, Wingham.
—While out driviele on. Tuesday, Miss
Norma Diusley met v (th quite an accident,
While driving along the draw bolt of the
A smart,
. between 32
Dr. Mac
Ad t in the Salvation attend t
a .ellig and energitic boy
d 1 ears of age, wanted by
. /Ie.. will be required to
orse and do general chores
erected by Mr. Swale o
. —The Stayner Sul expresses our see- were destroyed in the b
„If plates ou Aug. 200, 1876
timents very nicely h the following:
anything happens in „four locality let us ef Brussels was burn
them by the stores k
know it. We don't w eat they petsonalitiee,
• . block. The deceased di
remember, but matte
teller, has jest E. O. Clarke and • Smith were driving We don't care whetli
g for samples; as d • theohhestreet, near Jose -
own n pic.nic or not. W
of his Victoria,
V people will send rhino etreet,,the
Turuberry street,
fire which took
when about half
t. Ho replaced
Lown as Smale's
not take much
Tom took Susan to part in puble 4111111.8 bn was well known
don't Want to know for his generosity in hell .ng allwho needed
orfte began kicking, and whether J'ohn Henr looks (fad, happy or Desistance. Six chi dr , three of whom
ned the corner at the! aeee-eido eletiitifile'lethig' for • her 14i14;':g)
retty short and threw she can sit there ,for . alt WO pare. We•itiv
driving, was not able silly, If jane , site on the fend' 4.:e (newly -rford, Samuel B.,
am, ati,1/41:10m ttie, of Brueselte)
to Me,'
pt. 291 Smele. Dieksetr
Smith out, both of willing to let' Inv` NA"),•,i P1i4tie of eonsumptiote
baely shaken up, Mr;* ',hong all she likes it 6,04Mfort'tiS h of 1 ale was married
kb e severely sprainecle. "]That's not t ie 14, V1Stial We %eat% s leneY. 0 ,Betui Is, and through
144 Obit illiirss she ,hes wed every care
eity by Werke OWne by the corporation. and Mr. Stnith One his hips hurt eon- tor thie PaPer. SetitstiOtteleWtS,
ee,„•,,.4 . , etieeta hoe. 'Deeeneed we a theinber ot the
tender offered 'by rivate company was Mr. Clarke still g -is on crutches as a re. The Item &aka's' Eketirsions 64malah Order et Witt for many
Alexandra took
The !laving en a. 79 ght scheme over the siderably. The at :mai did not get away.
To all parts of tho West and Northwest /eats Ittld Cetttt lerinees'
*Annette tet *1,56 and on a 100 -light salt of the tip.out
phaeton broke, lettite
the rig. Miss Dinsie,
the reins and held th
was nearly. pulled ou
so Mug.
—It is your own fa
heaclaehe or neuralgia
is P. sure cure.
vitt the chiettgo mitivAtikee, et st. raw• charge of the large! Mrs.I Thursday
*Chace at 82,150. Itincardine electric
John's church, conducted mservice.
, t ' t' k ma lot return passage 'within
e in. Seaforth, private hri,v4t0 art gee
runway at vtlotioarty heal vatesc itotind afternoon. Rev. W. G Reilly, of St
light plant has ps ;Sea Into the hande a Th. )3eauty
the torporation, wh
partite have vitae
tOrporation, tbe la
operate it succeositil
•->-"Witighaiti dru
Ceffein Al giviog pt
test *weft AntSOMa
a tbe pant front the plenty of exercise in the open air. Iler twenty days froth ante of sale, will be sold Xxperlsitelt Ass ,Proivad
ter not hsing able to font* gloats tvith health ariaher face blooms Septatnber 11 out TS October 0, A. triumph in wiedieine witsattained When
the horse free front
pluckily held on to
horse, though ,
of the phaetotea
t if you suffer with
vhen Phenyo-Caffein
—The next Gospel Zemperamee meeting
under the auspices of the Wingham W. 0.
T. U. will be held in *e Temperance Hell,
on M
7:30 o'clock. Rev. D • -. Gifford will deliver
an address, taking forehie subject: "The
Scorpion whese stiee is in his tall."
Several recitations' aid readings will be
given, and music wil be furnished by the
Methodist Church. 'oir. Rev. D. Perrie
will occupy the ohne_ All are cordially
East Hex Liberals,
financially. with its beauty. if het system needs the 1894. rot further ineetelation tepply to the claperienbe proved that Seett'e Emulsion
Gleaming action of laxative remedy, oha nearet deepen ticket agent oritaareog A. :Would not only stop the • progress Of T'ul-
71,Zakrt;t4/4,1-0•1170 Uses the gentle and pleasant liquid laxetive, I. Taylor, Canadian Messenger Agent, To. menarr Coneumption, WO by itscontinued
ate hilidth iind vigor could befell* reeterod.
eadatthe er neurelgia. ltyritp al Pio. rott6,. Otkt*
large Town Iasi), Brussels, was
Alledeth the doors. Fray afternoon of last
weeCn'ett. the Libeniti nominating Conven
ventton for East Ifni na in connection with
the Dominion Hetet .. erestclent Hislop
made an appropria e opening address,
after financi. i reprt was present-
ed by -Treasurer One hundred and
thirty-eight delegatseresponded to their
names, representing the eight municipali-
ties io the riding, as chews :—
oupport in the cornin, contest.
Dr. Macdonald was • eoeived with great
applause ond. many earty explosions of
The following reseeutions were unani-
mously carried bete e the close of the
convention: Moved. by N. E. Young, of
Blyth, seconded by T os, Gibson, of rord-
wiela—"That this c vention desires to
express their unfeign regret and sorrow
at the death of Ron. . F. Fraser, who for
so many years occu ed such a prominent
position in the Achni istration of Ontario,
and who by his hoe ty, integrity, energy
'yid singleness of pu pose set an example
which future statesm n might follow with
credit to themselves tad honor and advant-
age to their country.'
Moved by G. F. B ir, of Brussels, w-
ended by 3..A.. eclo on, of Winglaara
"net the Libellee .ot East Huron, in
convention essembl el, desire to express
our continued well teem in Hon. Wilfrid
Laurier, our hono ed leader, and our
unbounded admire( _on of the magnificent
stand that he and tee other Liberal mem-
bers have, durin the last session of
Perliatuent, made in favor of a better and -
purer form of gov-nment, and we hereby
pledge ourselves to lo alt that men may
when. the time cons to return a steunelt
Liberal to aid him n carrying on the good.
work of placing ou beloved Canada under
a pure, progressiveetad eoonornical G•overn-
Moved by Thos Straelmn, Grey, sec-
onded by Robert . Miller, of Wroxoter :•—
"That this conve tion desires to express
their satisfaction and approval of the
progressive, honesennd economical govern-
ment of the Adm nistration of Sir Oliver
tiowetteine to co (gratulate the Province
of Ortetriceon the tact that the Liberal.
GoVer,nanent kayo /nee more been sustained
at the peete,, Ikea ve have full confidence
thal they 'will in t to future, as in the past,
work with a Meg' eye to the heat welfare
of the people of les graud Province.
A. Hislop, Preside ft ; G30 Thomsen.
Rousing sheen ;Imre given for the .Queen
istlYiee.2teside4`4 11')4e• Str""t1' 2fl'i and the candid' te, after which this en -
Vice -President; 1V. I. Kerr, 'eeeretary-
thusiastie gather ing was brought to it close.
The executive thee met and appointed
s, john ItIcKineon,
three gentlemen to attend to the revision
Kelly, N. II. Young,
Trees veer.
Beren.—P. Pun
John McMillen, Joh
A. .Dickson, John el tette Wm. Campbell,
W. Ferguson, R. So era.
Breese:es —31. Gr ham, Jas. McAlpine,
33'. S. Scott, J. 11. S aith, G. Ie. Blair, J. D.
Warwick, J. N. Ke :chill, A. Strechan, D.
Ross, .1, OLeary.
(ittt.---Thes. 11 Farlane, ben. Mc-
Donald, Eeeee rthur, David • Grant,
ltobt. elenteee, Raseinate • Meleohn
Lemont, RuitteMo
Wm. Perrie, -Alex.
bull, L. McNeil, Jol a Grantelohn Stewart,
James McNair, Jul t Histop, John Mot
Taggart, Alex. Mc ay, George McKay,
Robt. Lang, Wm. lliott, Win. Spence,
Cowed Bereetle. as. Bak:War, Wm.
Brown, Samuel Me eorge, Wm. Smith,
Jos. McDonald, Ar h. McIntosh, Thee
Calder, John Crerar„kiex. Stewart, Jas.
Ferguson, Jas. Mitch 1.
Jimmie—John Sc tt, Myles S'oott, T.
Gibson, Jas. McLachl in, S. A. Seeman, R.
'McGrath, A. MeInto le N. MoLauchlau,
Geo. Wilson, Jas. Me eod, Jas. Hunter,
Iitigh Hutchinson, Doig, Amos Snyder,
Jas. W. Edgar, John cDertnit.
Momus.—W. Swan Jas. Craig, Thos.
Sloan, Jas. Laidlaw Andrew Laidlaw,
David leloore, Richard Bewley, Jonathau
Moore, Mold lenigh Stewart Smillie,
Robt. Snott, John S ere, D. Pipe, Win.
'Mester, Wm, Elston,
Garness, Chas.
Warwiek, ;las. Smith
Forrest, Jas. Moffatt.
of the voters' 1
Macdonald, it is
by it larger majo
he earned East
ts for the riding. Dr.
epected, will be returned.
ity than in 1800, when,
non by over 800.
P routes.
Misses Jessie an ie Belle Nicol, of Boisse-
vain, eteullobe; Ibk- visiting Miss Emily
Mr. Geo. eiusg
noon, Angus Lamont,
visiting nst his • be.
Qtewart; ' Xdarn Turn -
grove's, this week,
Miss Jessie Gra:
in London for a co
ou Monday night..
Mn. John 13awc
town on Weduesasy
Mr. 0, E. Will.
trip to Manitoulin
Messrs: "Millet
Hamilton, drove 1 -
Mrs, R. H. -insect returned from
Sitneoe en 1.1oncia-,.
Mr. and Mrs. 1 tdrz, of Detroit, were
the guests of elr. ernes Tipling, for a few
days,lest week.
Mr. and Mrs Cts. Berber, of Listowel,
spent a few days et their honeytnomn in
Wieghant and vi nity. The, were the
gnests of Mr. A. ' ipliug for a clay or two.
aro Neoessare.
• Robt. A.rmstreng,
, Wxn. Moses, Win.
hoinpson, Jas. Alt.
cheson, John Dime 4. ltobt. th
Mcliardy, Robe Lei thorn, John Burge*,
Jets. Elliot, Lawrene Lovell, Peter Camp:
bell, Jas. Hooper, P er McDougall, Jolui
Ruthertord, Jas. r aser, Thos. Aitken,
Ilebt. Muir, 0.11. 8 11,
Wisonau.—John elands, 8. dracey, J.
G. Murchison, P. lerearen, J, A. Cline,
P. ItteDotteld, Wm. tobertson, 31. A. Gra.
ham, Robt. D. M. Gordon, 13
Kinsman, 3. A. Mor n, j. Homuth.
Wnoxsran.—,Wm. Robinson, J. Paulin,
Thos. Miller, W. 0.• aselwood, A. Paulin,
A. Munro.
Dr. Maedonald, e worthy M. P. who
redeemed East Hur n in 1887, was the
unanimous choice f the notivention, on
motion of Thomas Straclum and James
Rattling speech s wet° "Made by Dr.
Meteoneld; M. P., Thos. Gibson, M. I'.
P., and. M. It. 1.1teL an, M. P.1'.
Tha teeeptithee f the nowituttion by
eve, of Parkhill, was
Ales, Mr. A.. 11. Mut-
who has bnli visiting
:ple of weeks, returned
of Hense.11, was in
tins returned from his
()11 Saturday.
stild Laing, of Banlytf
• Listowel ou \\Twines.
To the Editor ei the. Ma,.
Theta Sen,—In our last issue, "Temper-
ance" takes the 1 ositittn that it is not
nenessary to giv th a 'Articulate a.s to
"where," ewhen" ud "how" lttr. Connolly
pledged himself t support ti Prohibitive
measure. He to o the statement, end I
don't think there Retelling unreasonable
iti asking hitra to cove it, Thus fat I have
not found'anyone vho knows anything of
such a pledge •eaving been given, p.nd.
"Tempetance" eo. easily satisfy an anxious
publics by gitlig_ the information. The
other issues raise i by eTemperance" are
not relative to th question under diem.
sion, and I do no care to spend time die.
cussing them, as to good eau come front
so doing. If "T toperane.e" does not fur.
nit& the proof aLma for, and which I con -
eider iu ell fitirne a he should, Im will not
have anyone to me but himself if -the
pithlit thouhl colt lode that his .stetemeat
lemma be substai i tea by proof.
. TitErouraii.
Wingliam, 'Sept. 2 , 1804.