The Wingham Times, 1894-09-14, Page 6THE WINMAk TOLES., SEPTEMBER 14, MC went ont with a ernalt,, mid the train or foe, I took up the petition Of the' in the midat of the battle f return to Skunk , arelibishop and them, who sigma it i gonoral 'soy t'k. man ranning.leti,11.01t 11 C . Ingiant :ii 1111t5 1)( IU Aowla* VI 4 * 6 4 Lake. reqle kieren, MC (11 and Men , With lant, alai MO CODIVIA int Widen 'Very close situation. What are you jumped ti n'otegit the ear whalowa, , was made wilt; that the Govergineltt I , running for ? dManded. the disgust - The pante was horrible. There is of UtillitOliti--4 speak here in the : ed, general, ia a stern voice, Sure, . FltIDAT SP.P1I01111,111: 14, 1894. no humanity in it EyerY fear-braaen ! presotee Of Ale Aenthers of the general, said the fleeing man, Thu sas i :• : " ' - ' • • - -;:s'. PerSou was for himself, anti theMA ' Government-- -had adoptt'sl, le0810.- running. beeause I Can't fly. Cremated by Forest Fires, not care how they got out et the • that., saltich, instead of imposing flames. My dress caught fire but I Public Schools upon the minority, Mrs. Simpson:, So your servant , 'sus: TOWN OF IIINI'KI,EY, miNN., extinguished it. 1. Sall' tWO Chinamen , innweduponthent Protestant schoola !ins rIni off. How feolish of .her to wriest) our SY A SEA Or FL:UM Who wero papalyziA by fright,. and and that they wc.ro bound to s.eml 1 wave a good home like that, Don't , ,Int. think she'll regret it ? Mrs. math, no eflisrt to tact away, but their eltildreu to Protestant schools, simply hid their heads under the On the Other Italia, til0 Government 1 Stultpson : 1 ill sure she will ; my -- , Imaband went with her. * ' aeats and. were burned to death. 1 of Manitoba denied the statement in 40,1 maseas: Brims) To MATH, St. stood it as hag as I could and then toto, They did not admit that the ; Itelii4 in six hours.---Distressmo Kid- .1.);.tUI, 1.;..pt..2.----Only the horrors I ruslual out of the carajmnping over legislation had that (aleet. They did which aceeMpanied the historic iney and 11Iadder diseases relieved in six Vielt:p.reitt 1-3outh ,i1ancrican lila- Chicago lire, can be cittql. in cota- ono or two persons that were lying' not :ninth that the legislation WilS to • 11.110,Nu.T.Itby on the wound Injured. Some of the have the eff(rt of sending Roman i si‘ii Lair (lad aellii8sstretto" ilittyns(i'Llilani: 011 ie. pariaon with the ti 11 scenes and people jamped into Skunk Lake, but Catholic children. to Protestant : souut of its exceeding promptness in reliev. ' experiences a yesterday in the finales Which swept Pint region of Pine. I istn along the tr:lels. After running' schools. I mid to tlw Covernment : s ing pain in tho bladder, kiaueys, back and eznectliAitt et rriyinary pasgages in 110110 until my :strength gave out I fell be- Ilet.0 is it ;Ample question of fact. , iSald. Psill is Pussbus!'iNt*els4otcs'Itrigiriin°11i‘ilt:tetlevr Kennebec and Czirlton counties of tween the rtMs, I expected (nary You have to (11,termine 33 lit the Minnesota, aud Burnet county, Wis- minute that my dre,ss would be burn- Statt1111(111118 ole true or not ; but, in- .tt you want quick relief ard ourc this Is cOnsin. At least 400 settlers' fanti- ed Isom my body, I put out flames . stead of doing that, they wont on , your rornedy• Sold. at Chisholm's drug liCS and others were burned to death store. or suffocated before the flames reach- on n1Y dress half a dozen times and appealing to the courts and evadina' 'ed them, and the death rette may rise I had. to hold my leinds over baby's the question. I did more, 1 siti5 ! .Madain—Well, Mary, what do you another hundred ot. more, The peo„ face in osder to keep it from nibthsas—I k4ay it iu,renow---if the coin- think of the pictures at theacademy? pie of Hinekley, which was •L pros. (siting.' plaint of the Catholics were true, • Mary—Oh, mum, there was a picture 1131'0'33 tilWii in Pino county, (17 Chippewa I'alls, Wia., Atyr 31.— that Catholic chain% had been there called "Two Dogs," after Land mileSouthwe-st. of Duluth, are now - Forest fires in this seetion have been forced to itttoul ProtratItnt schools ; seer, but I looked at it for nearlvihalf s dead or homeless and destitute. .a.t intermittent for two months and the if that were true, it would be :inch an hour, and I couldn't see no Lanci- a conservative estimate 930 men,aggregate loss has been not less than an outra es, upon the righn- ts of eoseer. at' 800,000,000 among the pine owners science that no community would 1 women and children of this doomed .' was attacked severely last winter alld 011,W IllillS. Fill'S are raging on permit it. 1 mid upon the floor f town were unable to escape from . 0- With Diarrhcea, ()ramps, and °oho and I the merciless swiftly advauehig. ; the outskirts of Prentice, which was tin House of Commons: 'Prove to thought 1 was going to die, but fortun-, flames. They fell on the. railroad !almost destroyed a few weeks ago. me that the complaint of the R01111111 at1y I tried Dr. Fowler's Extract of. i The village of Vesper, in 1Vood Catholic minority is true, that their ; .11!la trawberry, and now I can thank tracks °Don the old Territorial road, , _ ts e)4:ellent remedy for saving My life. - county was completely demolished rights are outras•ed to this sextent, I Mrs. S. Kellett, Plulden, Ont. either to be ctematec or o die • !yesterday, and twenty families are that, instead of sending sheer children • more merciful death of suffocation by the clouds of dense smoke and heat -1 reported homeless. At Mason City, to schools where there is no rel,isious . laden atmosphere. The number of i 100 miles distant, the citizens are 'teaching, they are force to sensttheir corpses already recovered from theexhausted by continually fighting children to schools where there is : and little is left in the vil- religious teaching and I will be twe- blackened waste at and around I the fires, - Hinekley is 130, the majority being loge. At Lafayette forest fires have pared to go before the people. of Women and children who had not devastated the homes of six farmers. Idanitoba and tcql them that such ; Fire is raging at Philips, which was legislation should not stand. I have the strength to fight the destroyer, place of ahuost destroyed. in the last fire. - nothing' else to say in Winnipeg that or escape by fleeing to a nave said on the floor of Parlia- safety. So far as can be learned at . - --- • Peculiar to Itself. inent, in Quebec and elsewhere. this time from the devastated district the following towns have been destroy. ! Hood's Sarsaparilla is peculiar to itself You have heard that question ldi- ed and the following are dead hi: a mndagain b n strictly medicinal sense. in three cussed again ay the Prime numbers : Hinckley, Mims, 1,000 to icnorbriTanttoinarcleurtitca' alerttfU)seltr, Minister m papers of State, and 1 1,200 inhabitants, 260 to 800 dead, • second, in the proportion in which the; defy any man, friend at foe, Liberal 500 to 600 homeless. Pokegama, are mixed; third, in the process by or Conservative, to find a .single, ex - Minns next station southwest of which the active curative properties or pression of opinion on the part of the Hinekley,on the St. Paul and Duluth three ePrierlirptoltrit°ann t a mai 1117 Prime Minister. It is not by such stescu rel. road, 50 clead. Mission Creek, south Sarsaparilla pee ul iPar n to ig 7, e d icl al cowardice as this that we can expect of Hinckley, 10 dead. Sandstone merit, as it accomplishes (lures hitherto Junction, next station north ot Hinckley on Minn.,St. Paul and Duluth road, 26 dead. story. a ooc s arsapan a as on Sandstone, second station north of :for others is reason for confidence that it .to the passions of my own race or Hinckley, on the Eastern Road, 50 1 is ths medicine for you. creed. On the present occasion, let cAcV E0ApiSy,TRRA100ElitlITARsii.s CAN I OBTAIll A PATENT ? For A gromgt answer and n honest opinion. write to 11 11 CO,. who have had nearly fifty years" experience in the patent busineas. Communica, tionsstrictly confidential. A 'handbook of formation concerning Patents and bow to ob- tein them sent free. .also a catalogue of meehan. teal and selentifio books 8001free. Patents taken through munu & Co. receive mond notice in the Sotentltio American, and thus are brought widely before the public with- out east tothe inventor. 'Me aniendid Paper. issued weekly, elegantly 111 ustrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent f ree. Building Edition. monthly, $2,60 a year. single copies...2a cents. Every number contains beau- tiful plates, in colors, and photographs ef new houses. with plans, enabling uilders to show the latest designs and Beata° Contracts, Address hiLINN & CO.. NEW XOnE, 361BROADWAY. "My real number is six," she said to the glove 111811 at the counter, "but my hand will bear squeezing ; won't it, Edwin ?" she added., turn- ing• to her lover, who was with her, and they both blushed. Skin Diseases are more or loss occa- sioned by bad blood. B. 13. 11 cures the 'following Skin Diseases : Shingles, iihysipelas, Itching Rashes, Salt Rheu m, Scald .EIeltd. Eruptions, Pimples, and 13 lta ches,by rem° ving,a 11 m purities from the blond from a coal mon Pimple to the worst Soul olous Sore. Anuoyed by the brevity of her nap Grace's mother naked, somewhat impatiently, why she. awoke so soon. Looking up in childish wonderment she said, Why, I slept all there was. to build up a great nation this con-, A Doon to Rorseraen.—One bottle unknown.• tinent. On this question, as upon of English Spavin Liniment completely But it is not what we say but what every other question, I wOuld spurn removed a curb from my horse. I take Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the pleasure in recommending the remedy, . . , . to appeal to the feelings of any race, lis it sets with mysterious promptness in the removal from horses of. hard, soft or cal louset 1 lu nips, blood spavin, splints, carros, Sweeny. stifles and spnins. GEO. Rolm, Far Mee, hi itricitii M. Out. Sold at Chisholm's Drugstore, Winghatn. me say that the one aim that I have dead. Cromwell, Minn., Carleton I . County, dead unknown. Shell Lake, i Hon. Mr. Laurier at vVinnipeg. is to unite all races 011 thiS continent into a Canadian nation to develop Baronette, Granite Lake, Cumber -1 The Hon. 'Wilfrid Laurier slde thia Confederation upon the lines that land, Pineville, Comstock and Forest : at Winnipeg last we:qt. He was - City, lumber towns in Wisconsin, welcomed at the railway station by once impelled Sir' John Macdonald and George Brown to cease a life.. - between Chippewa Falls and Super- over 5,000 people and in the evening ior and Spooner, Wis., partly des- :spoke to fully 8,000. I have been long struggle, and unite-ifor the com- mon good."' troyed. The number dead in these 1 asked to give my opinion upon pro - Wisconsin towns and other parts of hibition for Manitoba. This is It the country, between Chippewa, and question 111)011 which. I have no hesis HOLLOWAY'S PILT.S.---Thi$ 0001111g 1 tat 011 to speak, because last year at'l Medicine, has the' happiest .effect Superior is estimated at 100 persons. i LOOKHERE! We have about - 40 ic= C.A=-"0 of slightly damaged Ilain'a Horn : Truth never dodges, no. master Who shoots. Be calm hi arguing; for fierceness ' make:3 error a fault, and. truth dis- , courtesy.—Herbert. The town of Hinckley, Minn., 75 miles from St. Paul on the St. Paul and Didtith Road, with a population of 1000 to 1200,. was wiped out of existence last night by a raging forest tire, which swept down upon the doomed village. The smaller • town of Mission Creek, was also -des- troyed. The loss of life is variously estimated at from one to four hun- . dred; and 1± 15 almost certain the loss will equal 200. It will be several days before the full extent of the Ott .‘ , , - AI s M 1 1- ,a ' 1, , - > 1 ,i ' when the blood is overheated. and a with that question. Then it Was tendency to inflammatory action is given much consideration. . The set up in the system ; one Pill taken ; Liberal convention dealt with it, and shortly before dinner does away with , they pronounced upon it, and their the indigestion, fulne,ss, and flatulency pronouncement 111/011 it was this —indications of a weak stomach or which I am here to spealZ about. disordered liver. A few Pills taken "It was due to Sir Oliver Mowat in at bedtime act as alteratives and th ,' 1r wince f 0 t i 1 t M . aperients ; they not only relieve the ( i. ( 0 r. al o, alt( 0 i. Greenway in the province of 'Mani- bowels but regulate every organ con- toba, that a plebiscite was taken to fleeted with them, overcome all acrid discover the opinions of the people humours, and. encourage a, free supply regard to the of all the secretions essential to . our Of this country with re disaster can be knowu. .,k11 is con- , question of prohibition, and I have well -beings Holloway's Pills thorough fusion tuid excitement amens' the !only this to say here that ., .. iy cleanse and perfectly rem:date stand by the wishes of those by the circulation, and beget a feeling 1)linneapolis, Minus Sept. 2.—The whom we are placed in power and of comfort in hot climates and high temperatures, whieh is most desirable pine region of East:1m and Central we will act according to the Will of 'Minnesota is all ablaze and thousands the people . whose desire will be for preservation of health. of dollars worth of property is being carried. out, even if it were to throw A girl sued a Mall for breach ••of destroyed every hour. The t0Wn of out of power for ever the Liberal prdmise and 1)1((1him such a Milieu, Wa8 almost gutted by the party. I do not desire to inake.any scoundrel that the jury decided that flames incl three persons are known political capital out of this question. she ought to pay him something for to have perished. I am simply stating what is the not marrying her. The first train over the St. Paul pledge of the Liberal party, and by and Duluth Road, direct from the that pledge Eve will stand or fall, Deas Sirs.—I have been using Bur- dock Bitters for Boils and skin diseases. scene of the great fire, reached Min- Now, there is another question on and I find it very good Os 8 cure. As a neapolis at 12.45 this afternoon. which my opinion has been asked, dyspepsia cure i have also found it, us. ......„....._ There were about a dozen persons on namely, the Manitoba School clues- equalled. Mrs. Sarah Hamilton, ',don - board, including Mrs. Lawrence, dm tion. Sir, I. dont need to be remind- frenl, Que' only one of the passengers on the ed of that subject. I would. not be The way to keep a husband home limited train which started Saturday .worthy of the mune of num if I were evenings is to give him the baby to I afternoon from Duluth, who bas yet not able to speak my OW11 1111.11(1. to hold just for a infinite, then skip oat reached Minneapolis. Mrs. Law- my coantrymen. Whether 1 speak and go over to mother's and spend roma says the first evidence of the in the province of Ontario, the pro. the evening. fire was noticeable 10 miles north of ' I 1 , ms • Is stitylvors. .1.1•••••••••• MOST SUCCEYSFUL REMEDY FOR WIAP.I OR BEAST. . Certain inrItstd.ff2gogigetver blisters. ENoALL9iqpAyitteuRE. Dr.B50.xj.919=t6101$.3n erson. „Feb" >01, Dear Saw—Please send me ono et pur:Iterse ' 1,,v1.?1,1tghiqgl;41,',Inj figeigtliis'n101 oiyour :1114.3atr1.-'1 - -CO a -OLIO On band allt o e. Yours truly, Cita. POWELt: KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. CAIMON, Mo., Apr. 3, NI. )-jr‘na.rIbir;C:silfi.'t.7,0iised several bottles of your t"ifilaikelliPer Eintrel;; "I'lgengd."3117,eeonimendodre1. moved one 1,7,1urbluno Al1 tg Pg0A.CifemyrEVIAL who are Have reach pleased with and keep it. R"Pcg.fRilaY, P. O. nexus. For Sate by all Druggists, or address Dr. B. TEENDAIL COMPANY, EIVOSSURGH FALLS, VT. %MCC ofQtte )ec, ot the province of Heart Disease AelitiVed M 30 Hinekley, when t air .tecame std. focating. Ono mile north of Irina - Icy about 50 persons rushed towards the train screaming. frantieally. The engineer, seeing the danger they pro - were In if they remained, stopped House of 001111110115 I have stood. up The dentist can hardly lay claim Manitoba, I 11131a Canadian. Mnrutes.--All casts of organic or Byrn. believe in the principles of the Liberal pathetic heart disease relieved in 10 party and by these principles- I Will minutes.13. ond (lute* °I1t8d, bY 1)". le abide. (1111(1111it firm new, vin t4 I aver 111 s nre. Sold at Chisholm's Drug do W , 160111111. the train and let them aboard. The for the itithoroviginality. He is all the tineity of the province. heat b10831311 intense, and the whole Wiieii I took up the petition of my taking things out of otluT 110VIC'S volcano. of fire seemed to burst out fellow -religionists of Manitoba, cont. mouths. In 't mighty effort to wipe the train planning of the legislation of the 1 It is the dog in the 31188, and the and to oecupants log the face of the Uovernment of Manitoba, I asked I eat quality in woman, that makes (swat. Mrs. La-wrenee, describing myself t What is thc complaint? I them snarl when food is not to their the Scene, said: took the petition of the late Are1l-1 tastes. "At the first rush of the flames bishop T:telle, a man who, 1 beligver 1 g. II b. Pins the laxative for elui. wards the cara the window panes wasrevered in this provinee by friend then. CUT NAILS consisting of the following sizes : 11 INCH LATH, • 131 INCH SHINGLE, 21, 31, 3. .and 3-i INCH, at the following prices: LATH AND SHINGLE, 2 cents per ALLOTHER SIZES, 11 cents per Also ook'sCottollRoot i) atindaraCimts —18 PUDIASIIED— EVERY VISIDAY NOIININC+ —AT THE,— TIMES QFFICE, JosEPHINV STREET' WINGRAN, ONTARIO, Sub scr/ptlell prI00, $1 per year,In advance _ _.. ADVERTISING RATES:. Space I 1 yr, I 0 nio• I 1( 11)0. I 1 )11 Onu Column 8110 -00 540 01i j 52)) 00 ?0 00 I 1 One inch 0 00 3 00 2 00 1 00. 7 00 42),. Self " - 40 00 90 00 12 00 00. quarter " 20 00 12 00 1.eg0i and other casual afiverilSements, 50 per line for first insert on, and Se. per line foreaelt aubsequent insertion, notum will be charged less tinni 250. Loo -.i notices 10e, pot line for 111'it inse.rtion, an& 5c. per lino for each subsequent insertict, No loeali Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situatione,. and Business Chances 11 anted, not exceeding 8 line . nonpareil, 81 per month Houses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 51 for that month, 50e. per subsequent month These terns will be strictly adhered to Special rates for local advertisements, or 101 longer periods. Advertisements and local notices without specific ; directions, will he loserted 1)0 forbid and imargedo I accordingly, Traiad,m -ory advertiseenm ts ust be, I paid Indv advance- , Changes for contract advert!: 'Intents must be rt 1 the office by Wednesday noon, in order to appear , that week R. ELLIOTT BROTRIATOR AND PUBLIIIIIHR -- • - FARIVIE.RS' GRAIN BAGS, $1.8o PER DOZEN. J. A. CLINE & CO 9 Hardware Merchants, ssoss Br,ocs, Winghain. COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. S*00°1014:11 Used monthly by thousands of. .tddIcs. Is the WO perfectly safe and reliable medIetite 414. Covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer Inferior medicines In plod° of this. Ask for Cooke Cotton Beet Compound, take no subset. tate. or inclose $1* d 0 cents In postage In letter and we wIllsond, Soled, by return raalL rullsealed partieulars In plain envelopet6 ladles Only, 2 stanipa Address The took 0orsprOlV, , tVindsor, Ont., Caned& ISold in Winghani by C. E. SVilIlaflSs, Druggist, WORMS OR, the retrieval of worms Of all kinds froth children er adults, asb Dn. SW11111408 GERMANWORM LOZENOU. Always prompt, reliable, seta and pleasant, requiring no attar Median°. Weer falling. Leave no bad aftei toff.°t3* PriaL 115 01010,01 020 Si* HALSTED & SC IT B.13...1\TIC-113 "R Josephine Street - Ont. J. A. HMSOiiD, • J. Seorr, Mount Forest. I W. Listowel. Deposits Received and Interest allowed. Money Advanced to Farmers and Business Men, - On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all parte of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to Col- e lecting ,Accounts and N otos. Agents its Canada—Tho Merchants' Bark of Canada Office Hours—Prom 0 a. m. to 5 p. A. E. SMITH, Aent. ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE noun, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to any rut of Wing- hain. reorars by mail promptly attend to 0E0110E THOMSON, Box 125, W Ingham P. 0 DR MACDONALD, CENTRE STREET. WINGHAM SAW MILLS • ONTARIO. W B. TOW 1./B;T; Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario —Coroner for County of Buren— Ofilee Umstairs, next to Mr hlorton's aloe, Wing. ham, Ont. ()twice II outts.-9 10 12 a. in., 1 to p. nt., or at Residence, Diagonal Street. The undersigned in returning thanks for past favors,beglnave to say that they have a very large stock of LOBED, SHINGLES, LATH, BARRELS, WOOD, 8to., ,E.P. KENNEDY, M. D., N. C. P.8. o. (successor to Dr. J..1. Meld rum.) Gold Medalist of Western Univereityl Late House Surgeon in London General Hospital. Special drew tion paid to diseases of women and children. Oilice—Fortnerly occupied by Dr:leeldium,Cornex. of Centre and Pett -l1 streets. W INGHAM - • (.NT on hand, which will be sold at very close prices to meet, the requirements of the hard times. First Class Shingles, $1.70 per Square. Wood Hots. per Cord, delivered. 11!:orythingSO.:equally low. Corse and see us before buying, as we will not be undersold. lictsISAN & SON. Win ghttin, Sant 1111, 1808. VANSTONE', BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc.. Private fold ,Company funds to loan at lowest rate interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town and farm propel -t) bought and sold OFFICE—Beaver Block Wimonatt E .1. A. MOBTON BARRISTER , Whighani • L. DICKTNSO.N, Barrister Ete. SOLICITOR TO 1301110 Or HAMILTON. MONEY TV LOXN. Office—Meyer Block, Wingham. DENTISTRY. -3. S. JEtt011E, L. D. S.,WINOIIAM. Is manufacturing first•class sets of teeth as cheap as they can be made i» the Dominion. Teeth extracted absolutely without pain, by his neW frocess. guaranteed Noe, tly safe. OFFICE: In the Heaver Block, opposite the Brunswick House. Wrn, H. Macdonald, L. D. S. DENTIST. OFFICE, MAC DONALD' BLOCK. Will visit Gorrie lst and 3rd Mondays of each month. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL in tiMANCE AGENT WINSHAM, ONTARIO p DEANS, J0., • LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF HURON. Sales attended In any part of the Co. Charges Moderato. 41r JOHN CURRIE, WisonAni, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEElt FOE TEE Catnulta• nunoN ANI> IntIME. All orders 106 at the TIMER °thee promptly attend ed to. Terms reasonable. JAMES HENDERSON, I LIONSHRD RUCTIONSDR NOR COUNT:he HURON AND EnuOie. All saes attended to promPtly and on the Shortest Notice. Ydar;lT'erat:(';12:;112)1-ie.ti:sliyar.,4,1b atbe Tines' Otiics WINOIM)t CINt ------_—__ — 1)11. J. MeASII, • M. B. termite, Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, 1 Mee AVM Money to Ln on Notes. 1 Notes Discounted 1 w* 1 it.s0gABLE TtAT4 Mo. trivallecil 011 Mortgages At 5/ per con 1 privilege 01 paying 81 tho end of any year. 1 And accounts eollettorl. ROUT. Sfeltiliaa. Beata Meek WietharAi Out 0 NVAnio AC! $r. ',74.• t1J , flame fro; outC.arry Peed ( 4rel(elilr'bttiot] Flat-Ir they are 1 n;to 0 dielp.druolitivlotnelitar.h, A1tra lulfespveciefti ti. hair.1 sx.tImn phaanl eve101, sm0th Baked In the die e gst acbtgiuse,pn s pobo:, ince: ovc Boilcd lasses, no opaowceer,a; pound -ea nbe hours. 7 Soft G. of sour n one tease half a eu tolft egaethbsei ni;ttt.leic)11 then add. Bake inn Celery of celery To every .)(f liDaulsft athPei pepper, n it on a cc tips of ti diately. dressing the salad Some toe0 le1a0 t an appet of a visit "eating t agement pwuereasrte 31 as for ea tite, it is, prove tc take a se after luti bTyllethaeppP; the str juicee. petite, ai low food absurdit A sea "oil rub, for deli( ing. Sea or five pi and a ha water an warm 'W pbtaatnha. spongin pourligc chest am bs aya t i s frtt; best ark andit si t It is mos and the bed, should katirti at least ' the trea ° Polish every Iv( ly polish : 1 dtaleitc•,°itin'isc , . s cWaatiera hrts ifs, fir intoe; c All 11:011iTl: 1 .111 y.' 1 Ilt ,1 ' e, ? 0t, 1 1 rtetaroel ; 1 .,ferIvrt r tae ne-11 ; 1