The Wingham Times, 1894-09-14, Page 1-'11116111r "",1 111E ING114. VOL.. ,XXIII.- NO. 1186. WINGIIAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 7.894. VALUES AWAY UP HIGHii / his "shop nGeo.athe 1' testi 2``44.essrs. Alfred C a town, we understand the tanning business tit Blyth. -Cross & Blackwell's Pickles, at H. IL S`n'.LL's. --Advertising is to well -stocked store, like rain to a thirsty 1ant, enlivens and leaves "silver drops" a 1 around, -Tire Guelph Fai . will be Relit on the Fon SALT; -A good fresh llfilch Cow. - , an 1 ne preset , I Bluevale P. Cls' Gazette to Mr. Alin. al, Boole, formerly o£ -_Mr' F Dawson, I the Elora Express, 4Mr. Green has made a success of the tette, and we trust the has been engaged in new proprietor will receive liberal support for some years, was m and gave the TIMES a PRICES AWAY DOWii LOW, AT THE BEAR. ORR & H1SCOCKS, The Only Direct Imparters, Tan Ben, Sept. 12th, 1604. • Marriage Licenses Issued by PRANK PArtnsoN. No 23, Vlo- t oria o-toria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses ed. reguir..... 0®44:41.4 3 t`,444:400m00440409®0 -1-71‘ Place in Canada to ee ® ycation, Business,Shorthand, oEMI- 6 and, l n h r ha ca io 5 u t nd atm, is 'at the Gen - Business Col- 6 ® lege, Toronto, Ont., and Stratford, Ont. O Un' ueralonably Canada's Greatest Com. o a, merciaischeoio. Cata'ogues free, Men- ® tion this paper. Shatz & litiott, Principals- ,, d9®0P40.04axei sS•4 z34eCr• Q+ 00®O LOCAL NEWS. -The older and )ally mill is doing quite •a trade, -Calves feet Jelly, at H. B. Stmer.'s, Macdonald Block. -Tho balmy da' of summer are being replaced by the cool -r clays of fall. -IIarriston nod ".onclesboro correspon- dence and other ma ter is crowded outethis week. Will appear. -n our next issue. -Cash for good butter and eggs at R. A. Grahatnis market grocery. r e -Mr, Richard Gre n bas traded his Louse and lot in town o Mr. Jas. Parrish, • farm near for lde 50 ace of Turnberry, t Glenfarrow. -Messrs. Mahler Bros. opened their apple ' evaporator or Monday last. They a, ' ea g all kinds of apples, and there alit lerable qualities coming in. went Girl Wanted, -For' general ewoi'k. Apply to Mrs. John A. Mo- n, Alfred street, Wingham: IP tailor, is fitting up --Ott Saturday lap, Messrs. J. I3. & W. ity style. l!'. Dulmage's treat ng stallion Saranac Frank Bainton, of took second money in the 2,30 trot, at are about to start in Windsor, -Mr. C. Hatch, t was in teem deli alumna, for which some time ago. He oil paintings to his o vicinity in about ten -The wttirto Clew down sortie top of the school bu' ed the eavetrougbi extent. -Mr. Wm. liiobert nr ht on Sunday g, , le cresting from the Cling, and also datnag- g to a coital.:lel able Mist, of Woodstock, ei'ing a number of he receive 1 orders xpects to deliver his stomers in town and ys. Notwitl:stanig a number of house.Goodly numbe have been ereotecl in town this ycar, there' are at Toronto this w is still a great scat :ity of suitable dwel- great Industrial Fai !tugs. went on Tuesday. -Mr. P, B. .1ttanagan, of Hanover, ---The heavy rai represented Wingl em branch of the C. M. Bentley nights last B. A., at the Gram, Lodge meeting in St. bush fires.that have John, N. Be, last week. vicinity for some time -Private moneys to loan on mortgages -G. T. R. trains for Toronto and east at reasonable rate of interest.. Apply to leave Wingham at (1.25 a. m. and 11.20 a. tf i0a*I Ltil•t• f ANDS m via W (3 & B O 35 a m and 8 25 1 $1 AYEAR IN ADVANCE of our townspeople Ic "bating in" the Upwards of 60 s on Friday and 1 rt out most of the I sen raging in this ack. 18th lOtl d 2Ot1 C t it month (Apply to JAS.ELrroT, 11ir, J. W. Greer,Jhas sold the Mildmay necmii, ns in., Clinton trains. Guelph. Good con - Hon. John Dryclen,Mi =aster of Agriculture, f t • will visit the fair on tl-e'10th. I -After many weeks come rain came on Fri(' •--Physicians and -lentiets recommend 1oonsideratile rails fell. Phenyo•Caffein for he adache,faoial neural-' gia or any severe paha j we were visited by a -Arthur Henry Newton Jenkins, for- I rain storm, but no da merly editor and proprietor of the Brussels sequence was clone in Budget, is now publishing a paper called in torrents for a ti the Times in Grand Maven, Michigan, ;Parched ground is no • eta. It will do a gren -Will those of oul subscribers who are turnip crop, stimulate in arrears for the Trials for $lois and pre- • assist the fall wheat. vious years, please cal a and settle or remit the amount ? Money s needed, to carry on a printing business, JAI well as any other line of trade, f drought, the wel- t' night last, when On Sunday night thunder, wind and Dago of any con - own. The rain fell e, and the lately pretty well satur- deal of good to the the pastures and Lf Kincardine, who od Tetnplary work town on Wednesday, :leasant call. front the people of tlildmay and vicinity. -A Toronto p>`•per states that Mrs, Margaret L. She 'herd, who delivered several leotures in this town. last winter, has deserted the le. tura platform, and will. take to the stage. She has organized a company, and wil -put on a play entitled "Tried as by fire,"which will mainly be a history of her life. -The Walkerton 41auncil has decided to settle the famous -atilt of Erdman v. Walkerton, being one for damages against the town. It is saicj municipality not les' -Phenyo-Caffein c harmless, will relieve form of headache or n -Kincardine Repot :or : Mr. ^c%'t r Saml. Youltilj Connor, a popular and efficient agent of -Watches, clocks and jewelry promptly,, hits sold lots 118 and 1 the express company, is now running be- repaired and fully warranted by HALsai nest, with the two s1 Thos. tween Kincardine and Palmerston. He PAtut+ ham e er Bl : W in , M < V Y k g -A partial eclipse of the moon, Will occur this (Friday) vening. It will bit visible throughout North and South America. The begieming will be visible in the western part of Europe and Africa,,. At lOh S2rn the e ipso will be at iia maximum. After tat there will be only the faint penumbral bading on the west side of the disk, The Modern Beauty Thrives on good food and sunsbiue, with plenty of exercise in the open air. Her, form glows with health and her face blooms with its beauty. If her system needs the cleansing action of a laxative remedy, she, uses the gentle and pleasant liquidlaxative, Syrup of Figs. Endeavor) that it will cost the The Huron Conntl an 33,200. Union will hold its th ntains no opiates, is once and cure any might, , real estate agent, 0, Catherine street ry cottage thereon, e property, to Mr. own ofin tram w , g WANTED to borrow for a term of years- has banking hours as he goes out on the Th G. v nl est t e.. cit ts h v and known as the Oro\ e ra a iu n r an tie Wallace Hough of the inter0 on good farm security, at 5 per cent. ' - " interest. For particulars apply at TIMES ten o'clock train and a rives back at half- formed a local organization for their pro- , at a fair price. Office, Wingham, Ont. ; past four. Mr. A. Nasi , one of the beat 1 teetion against dead .beats. Each member. Mt V7F. Bro nshire and Mr. E. men in the express nom zany's service, who of the combine p Ages himself under,, Dawson, of Kincard• Lodge, I. O.,G. T., Tuesday evening last, joyable time. Bev initiated after speecht the visiting. brethren a -Ir. Rabt. Pattern, of I.lensall, who , paid Culross Star has been a resident of 1 hoardine for some ' penalty of $'l0 khat 1 e will refuse to give „milt our torso hall, est his placing mill s official visit, on time, note runs bets eon London and 1 credit to anyone w -o is owing 'ex:ether by fire, on Friday nig- t last. The loss is and spent a most en- Wingham. This will • ,necessitate the re- merchant :Ina :..•fuse;. to Lay his fnciel,t (- stated at 67,000, with no insilranea. Mr. P Patteeson's many freands in Wingham mesal of leis family to 4 inghtem. a candidates were .-e,%" • all be eoery to hear clashis loss. Lad been made by ---^-- ..-Thr: Wingham T :IA Club leave cauvass- Exnerionce nos Proved it. ;' ,ed the town pretty -LI tl er•ought for subncri t 112i'' A. l ;isbois, of this town, repairer d others. 1 1 '- Y 4 Y' l - ' A triumph in medicine was attainedw2es:Xii tions to assist them _n malting a,tt•ack on for t '• (?rent Sort;,. astern Telegreplt -A young man fr^n town, so we aro experience proved that Scott's Emulsion the new grounds. T informed, drove to hie Lucknow games, would not only stop the progress of l'nl- suceestful, we under last week, taking h s best girl with Lim• mon but by its cont: • ued .13 00. They intend In Some time during tb • night he returned, use health and vigor could botulle rest ••ed. and will invite farmer but not being as unman interested in . the -----•• _- teams to assist in ma ay have been unite Dann.-ty, for ttti;; s lieu, has recently hand, getting ttbout rereiv- t a, n_•w "jigger" o: i,nviewed make, vine; a "bee" shortly, with ,"hith he eau 1 rate hie abort trips and others having; very . wily on the rains- y lines. horse as in the fair one who went with ; _. It would be w him, he brought a harm belonging to some look out for the partie one else home. Wo ave not learned bow the Guelph Mercury for our readers ' have already been pr described below by . eesistauce in that way. • s they may take a ing the track, and. = to very pretty and uiet wedding took rnised considerat the residence f Mr. Lachlan 21c - Lean, of town, ou Thu •sclay of last week, youngest daughter, look with Mr. Jos. nuptial knot was 1 u is satisfied wit h' .. t:. es a nee! n ., some- 1 I when Miss Emily, hi unintentional, - , e is g- i t hot w- tv s 'Dined notion to try what th 4s:]i'er can do in Wing- n J Y "trade." - •thing. It it it, fol to benefit of an Mai - ham. The Mercury thepast oof town, Th CirFall Mantles, impted drecfrom weektereleas beenae nple of women in victual, it should be panel for Tf the celebrated makers, Max Meyer & Co., the city practising the rt of silverplating was asked to donate Berlin, Germany, and Waltzer, Wren & abundantly able to pity Th did thriving business and they are worthy of careful invention during their stay. Tey boarded at a Cooper, London, England, are just to hand, cutlezy. They cis a rivino us' refuse. The proprieto must pay for the adv by all the ladies visiting our town ` boarding house on P islet' street and D. Br. CORDON. ficiary does not, and hardest things to be leaf a newspaper has space i rent, and must rent to 1i g . or rent for anything lo: would be as certainly 1: i h rent fre lord to Earns silverplated the cut ery ere. e m s ress -The Brussels Hetalcl non, itt speaking of the house was not s tisfied with the of the recent football. match in that town, way in which the work s clone, declaring Den the Brugsels and Wingham clubs, that they had spoiled het wares. Hearing ake their cls at' - P to the station in Ll demanded her forked out,'and told her tongue. ititns in the city, nitre to say any - bete theywere about to •'n the that t has a good deal to say concerning conduct of the Win tam players. He also ture, she followed them says that Wingham eerie ere in the habit no very pleasant mood, a i of "roasting" visitag teams, which is a money. It was promptl; gratuitious insult to Lite people of this the landlady enjoined to on, 61 town, has just town, who always relit visiting teams in a There are many other v received his commissar as .District Deputy civil and gentlema ly rnaniier. but being bit they do not Grand Master for W egham District No. thine about it. 23, I, 0.'O.. F. which •omprises the Lodges -Week before ast's issue of the Mone- • d iu a handeomel in Wiogharel Brussels Teeswatet, Wroxe- Mary Trmes apps to y, The Home Coker • illuminated cover, and the paper in a new T ter and. Corrie. ; To all parts of the \Vest and Northwest dress of clear out ype,.which elves it a -For first-class :adoring and ';izheap splen• did appeara•n :e. The Tinos is the via tbe .Chicago; Milwaukee et St. Paul gents' furnishings, try Webster tJ' Co. l Railway at practically half rates. Round Remember; the place, one door south of recognized finance :nd insurance authority • trip tickets, rod for return passage within R. A. Graham's groovy store. - in Ontario, looks sv: 11 after the interests of twenty ,gays from date of sale, will be sold -Serviee next %nday et the Congre- its patrons, and is leserving-of the liberal on September 11 tinct 23 and October 0, gational church, aa 11 a, in. and 7 p.m support it is reeeivi sg It has ever been l Excursions 1604. For further information apply to the Sunday School at 2,----a0. Preaching by the rite opponent of wil 'cat insurance schemes nearest coupon ticket agent or address A. pastor morning itt 1 everting. Morning and doubtful frater, cal societies of home or• J Taylor, Canadian Passenger Agent, To- ' ronto, Ont. has settled with the and is now arranging -Probably the oh st newspaper ever erect a brick shop 50 seen in this part of th country was left at e high, at the rear cf the Thins office this w 'k. It was published' rich was partially in London, England, 11 February, 1705, lith, woodworking, ; and is called "The St. J mes's Chronicle, or op, and fix up the' the British Evening show and storage ion stiff; bard paper a subject: "In whoo-n or what clo I trust!" foreign origin. Evening'subjpot : Z he Gospel of Christ." :,,f.Y' gr, Wm. Dor A cordial weloome t all. • o- 4nsurance companie We •see it stated bat the Huron Coenty to rebuild. He will Council committee - s decided to advertise _ Iv' 24 feet, two stories for tenders for the 'erection of the county : 'Abe frame building hoose of refuge. e ground is also to be bpined, for a blacks levelled and put 'I order, and a roadway paint end trimming s made from the rai ' 'ay to the Nous© The frant,,r,. tUlding for the room, r::We are plead to know that i1fr, , bears marks of ancient , commi.tteo will an, nit the tenclerso Council, at its De . amber session, and it is 'Doro;tvill continue b rsinoss in town, as he i its columns aro found thought that the w •k oat* be carried on turns out upwards' ..f 100' vehicles in the' ing items and articles, among them is a through the winter. • . year. In the new premises he will be communication signed '"Dunce Scotus," •--Ladies, have your garments made by enabled to even exoee °,.the output of former advocating the annexation of the Isle of •-•-A union meets of the Huron and a longthly account cf the (tempted murder paper is inclosed in tl a letter, the intention st." It is printed d the type used manufacture. In me very interest - Miss M. Johnston, Gregory block, oppos e the Queen's Hotel: Latest styles, good. wont, always first-class fit. -A geodly numb a of our townspeople have received copies of the literature being sent out by the Cot ervative party at the present time. The pamphlet is a strong plea for protection d specific duties. It is being banked fi to the House of Ooni- mons by W. }I, ontagae, M. F., better known as Dr. Mo ague, contrary to law Ind precedent. A ember Of parliament's privilege to fiend ma 1 matter free tliroughthe Mails only extend to the tune the House ie in session, acid i this case the Consorts.. fve organizer "inti verstepped the, bounds. It it hotel, that at leant 9.,000,000 copies It the ubov.• met tioned pamphlet art tang tient but retii ()tt iwstt ley the Given. g curb Supportt.re. 4 Man to the British Croon. There is also n was.) ! tied by the Bev. D. Peine, in the presence groceries to one of the immediate fries s of the interested parties q'a The young ouplo were the re- cipien of numerous useful and costly presents. The happy yoimg couple are ton in Brampton, n points. r thein he would of a n:.tvspepor :tieing if the bene - et it ie one of the tea by many that spending their• honeyni its columna to Toronto and other easte , n • tin cos - interesting a. To give away -An „ g than living rates cipal Act came up befo' tai as for a land- at Owen Sound recent Council iI ' Ji U '1 serol L the i0L1n01 L ,, C -Our importation of 'all teas will reach the Mayor in entert \Viugharn in a few days. The House invited. guests to Owen writes us as follows : "Teas have advanced ing; of the Grand Tran about two cents per pound. .This ah•eady west on the 30th Aug, enhatloes the value of your tea, which, together with the advantage of having D. M. Bntchert and early picked leaf, makes your tea an ex- notice through the' cep tionally good one." Wo will sell them injunction would b D. M. Go n -os, Mayor McLauchlan at wholesale prices. -The counterfeit it1 again making a big effc into their schemes. T are being sent out, are flattering and friendly in the Battenbury eh' Clinton, on Thursday 4th and 5th. Prepare to receive a large deli and judging from subject l c speakers and s t cessful convention aspects of Christ's w Rev. A. S. G. Ander ""Equipment for Se Dickson, D. D., of Beneficence," by Godericb ; "Every mer," by W. H. Butt, under•the Mani - e Judge Creesor y. ta rne time ago to be expended by Ming a itutnber of Sooncl at the open- , railway from the Messrs. J. C. Ryan, thor ratepayers gave solicitors that an asked to restrain from expending the eget' scoundrels aro money, and applicailCon was made before rt to repo Canadians Judge Creason on If •iday morning. His teir circulars, which Honor granted the i ,junction. It seems ouehed in the most that in the Muniolilal Act. no provision is made for towns extending money on the Wae in a dangerou'i position, and also that erins. The receiver entertainment of ' -alters, though snch ' some of the crestii g had blown off the H. is assured that the of a "good thing." H will give his "friend can be very soon "indei that there is no reason "toiling slave." it Next tion that the '"goods". ".nal counterfeits," " . plates," and so forth. for 68,000, 53400 for Meeting. Christian Endeavor •d annual convention t Methodist church, and Friday, October ions are being made ation of Iiuronites, the partial list of given below a e- ` sue - ensured: assured: ":Some rk," will be taken by in of St. Helens; vice," by J. A. R. Galt; `•Systematic tea. Jas. Anderson, Member a Soul Win - Centralia; "Possibil- ities and Methods .1 junior Work;" by - - Miss Washington, Minton ; Report of - Cleveland Convent a. by Miss G. M. Elder, Seaforth ; "0 uses and Remedies of - Dull Meetings," by tIiss S. A. Acheson* Goderioh ; "Report of Committees," by Miss Matheson, Wi 'ham, Miss M. Moore, Brussels, Miss Wil n, Hensail, Miss Mo - Ewen, Clinton, a cl Miss Nellie Mills, of Lucknow. Selecte addresses will also be given by Rev: J. . Holmes, Clinton ; Rev. Joe. Edge, Go'erioh, and Ray. Mr. Henderson, of Hen all. - Schee! -'ard Meeting. The regular i. eating of the School Board was held on Tuesday evening. There were pre eat Messrs. Morton - (Chairman,) Bell, atton, Griffin, Moore,, Abraham and His cks. Minutes of Pre- vious meeting re d and. adopted. The finance coniLult.ee 'recommended the pay - 1 meat of the follow ng accounts: A. Eoss , snpplics, '+'1.5:, ; IL McKay, work, 611;' I Thos ielnore, work, 511. Moved by Win. ! Moore, se+i:tdecl1 y Thos. Abrabam, that the rel•ort be silo -'ted and the accounts paid -Carred. .i 1 account was.presented from Jos. Coad :for 517, extra cleaning -. during the holid ys. Moved by T..Be11, . seconded by J. Em Hiscooks, that it bo paid -Carried. John Pelton's account was referred to he Management Com- mittee. The cite rman reported having iustructeii Mr. D. nthorland to repair the damage clone to t o eavetroughing, as it ,. ender is possessed if he i told that s co-operation" be endently rich," and why he should be n cornea the informa- offered for sale are rinted from genuine The prices are 51300 1 ,000, .1050 for 610,- 000, 511,000 for 6'20,0 0, and 62,000 for .150,000. The circula is sent from New York, but the receiver is asked not to write in reply to it, but to elegraph to "Frank H. Howard," South iethlelenr, Pennsyl- vania, that he will go personally to that place there to do usiness, and so forth. An alleged printed extract from a news• Pertb Veterinary d'oal Associations of an English gentlema and his son by of which is to show hat the counterfeits on to ra r , ted n will , bonanza o an one agrees •eabo g • at l3citain. therefor Y 28th of September. • a!lie associations will at that time a colony o Great p g The paper also contains ` u advertisement ' to enter the aim nal conspiracy. Of make a united effort t procure legislation' ' course no paper ewer printed such trans - province. the veterin :ry profession in this;; of tt work published by lI gh Blair, D.: D,, 1 p 1 Amongst tl e changes proposed a professor of 1idinb gh university, parent nonsense, bit some ono who does to be made in the tats -are: "The assumpaab»titled,'"a Critical lyiss•rtatiotl on the 'gat rend the Toots may got one of these Ontario Veterin- oems of Ossean," the son of 'Fingal. Or. letters and be led 1 to the trap, as a Wall - tion of the control of th • rn ,, in ton count Dian was soiue time ago. art' College by the ovornment ; the the Corner of the paper . to ba. seen the g y II MMI pointment of:thq B rd of Examiners government stamp, which ,gas at that time Nis letter, agreein( to engage in the corm• for :the raid College by Medical Connell' required to be placed on all :newspapers' terfeit money float ng,fell into the hands el nomposed of qualified terinarians, test, and which heart the dat of 1745, AO* the Government detectives, and he was dent and practicing in C oda; the raising eompanying the paper i of the College Standar sc its to exclude issued by the colony of Ne illiterate persons from the ranks of the and signed by.7ohtt Brow profession." tfr. John Wilton, V. S., of er, Anyone wishing to vi thl's town, it president of the Aaron As. ancient printing can do rooiition. - this aloe any time duri or t l beheld i St tf. dthe27t1 nd highwaymen in Massaoh setts which was ere in reality as goat: as genuine notes,tud E Mt old 02 bill I sent to the petilt ntiary. No honest or York, itt 1775, sensible man will espond.to these letters, and 11. Millers They are sent -out by blaekinailsrs, and theta toilet of one way o gthrottle the man or woman who so by:calling at :enters into negoti-tiout with them get 11 tl t week bitten 15 net e . , provision is made t P t ego His Honour, L r in the matter. '!'he aid not prevent the the Grand Trunk ra over to the town for which the company as accrued interest coupons. ith regard to cities. had uo discretion e, cot of the injunction i•oposed festivities, as twao officials Landed he purpose 1705, to 'aimed to be entitled on certain debenture roof 'Moved by T Bell seconded by J Hiscocks,that the t king down or replacing of the cresting and repairing eavetrough be referred to the School Management Committee--Calrical. Moved by 3. 13. Hiscocks, seconded iy Wrn Button, that the chairman and ecretary issue orders for the teachers' anal officers' salaries for the month of Augus Carried. The .meet. ing thou, adjourned. Pc sonale. Miss Potts, of I incarcline, is visiting at Mr. H. F, Gordon'.. lily, Oliver Gil Owlet is at Toronto and Galt this week on tisiness. Mrs. Feesant is ' ti a visit to friends in Fergus, Guelph, cl Toronto. Mrs. Swan, of Listowel, is visiting her I son, Mr. R. J. Stv n, of town, at present. Waterloo Chro icle t Miss Wade, Wing - ham, is the guest .f Miss Wright, Berlin. Mr. Frank Idatghlin returned to 'Detroit on ',piles e y morning, to resume work there, Palmerston 1~ porter : Miss Jennie FVade, of '1Vinglt tn, is the guest of Mrs. Wter, Boyd, Miss Carrie ?tfr iclanald, who is attending the Model School in Clinton, was home over Sunday. Miss Mary Co tyn, who is attending High School at - rriitten, spent Saturday and Sunday at he home here. Miss Nellie Dell who has bean spending her summer sae. ion at her lime here, s returned to Mina . 'ollege, St. Thomas. on Monday last, to cot plete her coarse there. Tall Fairs. - Wingham, Sept. 25-26. Londotd''Westeru Fair, Bept.18 22. Guelph, 'Sept. 18.20. Mildmay, Sept. 20. Palmerston, Sept.'i4.2v"". Harriston. Sept.25.26. ,- . e 25-26. oderich Sept. G , p Woodstock, Sept, 25.26. . Paisley, Sept. 25,.10. Zurich, Sept. 20-27. - Brantford. Sept.2ti•2t. Stratford, Sept4 Seaforth, Sept. 27 28. l3elgrave, Sept. '27 28.',y Atwood, Oct, 2. l.. Mitchell, Oct. 2.8.. r, Clinton, Oat. 2.8. Wrozetei, Oct. 2.8,' A rtllur."Otit. 2.8. Paris, Oct. 2.0. Walkerton, Oct, 2.4. Ltteknow.'Ott, 3.4. Elora, Ott. 4.5. 13rinisele, i3iet. 4-+3. . i4tlwick,, ttt l).o11 iclt, ,Oct, ti. ]31,ytit, Oct.11.10✓ , Clifford, Oct.117 11. Dungannon, Out, Il42.