The Wingham Times, 1894-07-20, Page 2TIE WINGHAM TIMES, JULY 20, 1894.. i 79 !teat to bed. you !! TiiE Ij R SC H Q O L - Squire Hawkins, having adjusted altd wllo can not get freo frown bad inen of leis stamp is to have to make to see what leas going on ®� his teeth, his wig, and his ;lass eyo, habits and associations that. are I up his mind. Snell men generally "Tile witness will please proceed," —'-" thanked Dr. Small for a suggestion dragging you down to hell! You fall back on some one More positive, said Xironsen• BY EDWARD 1 G GLESTO ', •so valuable, and thought best to put are standing on the very a unabling and take all their resolutions ready. ' .‘'If the court please"—it We$ Ralpll John Pearson under arrest before brink of hell to -night, The smell of. made. But here Walter must decide who spoke -el believe 1 have as own," ' Here Pete's fists clenched, proceeding .further. Mr. Pearson the bri.titstone is on your garments ;• for himself, For the constable was much at stake in this trial its ally hilt .Ralph in 1118 present !!limo!' did !S`as therefore arrested, and 1S'tls the hot 1?seat!! Of 11C11 is iny01�r ,flee! all'etl(1jT Citlllllg his !!alae i 1110 court, one. That 1VltttesS is eS'1(1ClltlY hid - Hannah a11nah was now brought on the Iher not ease for mobs. The spirit of the hind to mutter something about a .The devils are weittng for yon l De -1 the slieetatol•s, and, Most Of all, 1)r, midated, But. not 1)y Ml".. Mends, stand. She was greatly agitated, ulldog had complete possession of "asset of thieves," when tithe court lay. elle, you aro datltllecl! oil may Small, were waiting for hila, He I ask that 1)11, Small be removed out and answered with iuuclh reluctance. 1th11• r''Ir is Of use for ale to tell you • warned rned Ilfni to, he quiet. die before d lyligaitl You !slay never moved forward mechanically trough of sight of the i\ it11('ss." Lived at Mr. Means's. Was eighteen ; that Henry Banta has sworn to a lie, - Walter Johnson was then called, get out that door! The awful angel the dense crowd, Bud fouowieg part "A most extraordinary ' request, .• years of age ill October. Had been 'partly to revenge himself on ale for But before giving • his testimony, I of death is just 'ready to strike you of the way to whisper, "Tell the truly." This was what Swa11's' bland bound to Mrs. Beans three rear ago. 'punishments I have given Ilial, and latest Crave the l'eader's patience down i" Here ' some shrieked with truth or go' t0 penitentiary." Waiter countenance said ; he diel not open Had walked home with M1•, ° Hart- ,1)1i1'tly, perhaps, for money. The while 1 go back to hOih1C things which l terror, others sobbed, and Brother shoot. and shivered at this. • The his lips. sook that evening, and, happening to ,teal thieves 81 in this const -room. Happened nearly a week before, and Sodom looked with approval on the witness with difficulty held up his "It's ne more than fair, said look out of the window toward horn- I could put 111)+. finger on then,." which will serve to- make it intent- storm he had. awakened, The very handl long enough, to be sworn. Squire Ilarwkins, iuljusting leis wig, ing, she s,�lv some one cross the • "To be sure„” responded the old gible, harshness of his one, his lofty egot- "Please tell the court," said Bron- "that the witness . be • relieved pasture. D d not know who it was. basket -maker. Ralph looked at Pete .ism of manner that which hacl •son, ".whether , you know anything of everything' that anybO(ly Thought it as 1111•, Hartsook. Heir. ,tones, thee, at Small. The fiercely CIIAPTI":1 XXX. roused all Bucl'sicombativeness,shook of the wllelellbot s of Dr, Small on !night think at%cis .his voracity in Mr. Bronson' (evidently prompted! by ; calm look attracted the attention of „ poor Walter as a wind would shake. the night of the 'obbery at Peter this matter. . a su,ggesti011ihthat came from .what ' the people.He knew that this look tiltaTllI;[• SODOM. a feed. Iii the Midst of the general Schroeder's," Dr. Shall, giving Walter On, excitement ho eized his hat and Small had. detected Walter's agita- friendly, appealing look, moved back hastened out thdldoor. Bud.followecl tion, and, taking!! alarm, had edged by the door, and stood alongside while Soden silo his lightnings after his way aronllcl s as to stance full fri Bull, as meek, quiet,and. disinterested then], declaring that `"young men Walter's sight, an :there, with keen, wily man in tite house, «r now •witness will noes i e h ranaway •o u the truth would eye on he weak orbs of "The 1 who t,t i 1y s dwell in torments forever," the young wan, lee was able to with his testimony." This time it !magnetic Hawkins had not counted amiss when assume his old position, and sway was Squire Hawkins who spoke.- he thought that Mr, Soden's Breach- the fellow absolutely. ' - Bronson hitt. been attacked with a ing would be likely to arouseso mean- "On the night of the robbery"— suspicion that this witness was not spirited a fellow as Walter. So vivid Walter's voice wp.s weak, but 11e any attention hafterwarcl ? No. Ralph people of (,lifts 'will one day find out round in a frightened way. was the impression that Johnson seemed to lie readjne• his answer out a rho have chosen evil pursuits [of', Indecision, The perdition. of tt spectators, who stood On the bc"ii hes Small had o ierheard W11e11 be.listen- 1 would probably cost 111111 his life In order to explarin Walter John - cd in the b*n) asked her - if Mr. I before the ilex , morning. I311t' he st0n's to itilnony andkis state of !hind, .Hartsook laid ever said 1lUytiling to ' did not care for ife. "The testimony I must carry the reader' back nearly her about stile !natter afterward. of Hiss Hannah- Thomson is every a week. The scene was Dr. Small's After some hesitation, Hannah said word. true. I believe that of !lir. office, Bud. and Walter Johnston that he had said! that he crossed the Pearson to be tree. Theyy�st is false had been having shine • confidential ' pasture. °fills 0111 accord ? No, But I can not p ore it. know the conversation that evening, and Bud first. Had Mr. Hart- men I have to deal with, I shall !ewes got more out of his companion V i O• ly explanation?. Via, not escape with ; 5tlttc prison. They tlhan that exquisite but weak roue,., ace he ever paid !ler will not spare fl my life. But the man had intended. He looked she spoke of i sank offered c he hadn't. I just what he wanted, ' and had re- lapsed into silence. declined to ta,ross question Hannah. !rlho are the it,eves" Ralph thee! "Ion'sec," said! Walter, `"if Small begged Bud to saeturli to the .office of Small's eyes- .""'n tlle'llight of the Walter's struggle washy no means To him she Over seemed. so fair as proceed to tell sow he had left Pete knew I had told you that, I'd get a with !sins. He felt sick, and was 'robbery Dr. Small,lcamc home before ended by the disappearance of bine'', • when telling filo truth so sublimely. Jones's, Mr. Jones's bed being un- bullet some night from somebody. afraid that he s loulcF• die before —" here the vl ituess stopped and and Bud, There cattle the reeollec- Bronson mix informed the court comfortable ; ltiow he had walked! Bat when you're initiated it'll be all morning. He i sista! that Bud shook and shivered again. For Bed, tion of leis mother's stern Rice --a face • , that this little,, trick of having the old through the pasture ;. how he lead right. Sometimes I ` wish I was out should stay with inn all night. TO detecting tate effect. of Small's gaze, which had never been a motive soldier happen in, in 'the nice: of tilue, seen three leen on horseback ; how of it. But, you kl1 w, Small's that this Means readily consented, and by had pushed! his g 7 at hulk le front of toward the right, but only' a goad to wouldn't sllve= the prisoner at the he had noticed the .sorrel with the kind of a .man. He sees through itiorniug he had! heard all that the Small, and had astened his eyes on acception. `That would she say if Mbar from the just punishment which white left forefoot and white nose; you. He can look through a door" frightened Walter had to tell. Walter with a 1 ok that said, "Tell he should. confess ? Just as he had an outraged law visited upon such bow he had seen', Dr. • Small ; !tow, —and there he shivered,. and his And now let us ,return to the trial, trio truth .or go t penitentiary.'; • recovered himself, and was about to crimes as this: He. regretted that after his return,", he had heard some voice broke clown • into a whisper. where Ralph sits gaiting the testi- `"I can't, I cat , t. 0 God ! What repeat the olcl lie which bac. twice 'Itis ditty as a plublie prosecutor calls- one enter the hourie, and bow he had But Bud was perfectly* cool, and mony of Walter ,INhnson, which is to shall I do?" the rvitiless exclaimed, d1ecl upon his lips at the sight of ed it t( fall to his lot to marshal the recognized the Ih(rse the next morn- do>.tbtess it was the" strong coolness prove his stateme t false. • answering the look of Bud. 'For it Bud's look, he caught night another evidence • that • was to blight the ing. "There," said. Ralph desperate- of Bud that made ' Walter, :who !—: —. seemed to hint lilt Bud had spoken, face, Foieli tirade hint tremble again. prospects and blast the character, ly, leveling his filjger at Pete, "there shuddered at a shadow, come to hien CIIAP`' XXXI. To the people ncl the court this It was the lofty and terrible counte wade annihilate for ever, so able and is a man who will' yet see the inside for sympathy and unbosom himself agitation was Inexplicable. Squire netted of 1Ir. Soden. One might , promising a young man, but that the of a penitentiary.? I shall not live to of one of his guilty secrets. THE. TRIA CONCLUDED. Iiarvlzins's lvl i got awry, his glass have thought, from the expression it eye turned in owahcl his nose, and I wore, that the seven last vials Were he had great ct'ifffculty in keeping his teeth from :falling out. The ex- citement been ne painfully intense. 'Ralph was on is feet, lobbing at the witness,and eelin that Bud and Dr. Small—his good angel laid his demon—were playing an awful game, of which he was the stake. ' The crowd swayed to anis fro, but remained utterly silent, waiting to hear- the least whisper from'the witness, who stood trembl- ing a moment With his bands over his face, and then fainted. The fainting of a person in a crowd ., •is a signal for everybody body else to make fools of themselves. There . was a rush for the fainting man, there was a cry for water. Everybody • asked everybody else to open the window, and everybody wished everybody . else to stand bac and sive hien air. on the side of truth. But nobody opene the window, and "Please; ptoceecl,' said Squire nobody stood back: The only per- Hawkins to Walter.! The Squire's;• feetly cool elan i .the room was wig lay on one si'cle, lie bad forgotten Small. With a qu t air of profes- to adjust his eye, ant lie leaned. tor- sional authority . h pushed forward wards, tremulous wit : !interest. and felt the patientis pulse, remark- ing to the court- that 11e thought it (T0 BE CONTINUED.) ;n') was a sudden attack of fever with 1 delelitun. When Matter revived, Dr. Small would have removed him, . .�. but Ralph insisted that his testimony Broken Health should be heard. 'ruder pretence of watching his pat' nt, Small kept That Tired Feel'. g, Constipation close to hint.' And 1'Valter bG_au the 1• and Pain ' the Back same old story about Dr. Small's /Appetite and H alto Restored 'f having arrived a1 the office beforeY vv Hood's Sarsaparilla. eleven. o'clock 1, len Bud came u i - behind the o'clock, and fastened his eyes on the witndss with the same significant look and `Walter, with visions of the nitentiary before hien halted, sta - moored, and seemed £tbotit to faint ag in. , "If the cotirt ease," s'aic.l3ronson, ""this witness is e idently intimidated .by that stout. y ng man," pointing to Bud, "I h" ve seed hint: twice interrupt ryitn s's -testimony • by casting threatin • looks at hint: I trust the eourt vill have him rcmov- law knew no difference hetes ten the see it, but the •rest . o f you will.' "Let's go and hear I3rother Sodom. I do not know educated and the uneducated, and Pete quailed. Rtph's speech could preach to -night," said Bud. the "gentle reach that for his part he thought Hart- not of course bre; k the force of the • No, I don't like to:" But I venture to sook a most den etons foeto the testimony a allshim. But it had „ He don't scarey ai.?" There was some Buddhists i The of society.. elxluuce al - its effect, and ityhadl effect enough just a touch of ridicule in Bud's !rho will wish t ready given fastened suspicion upon to alarm Bronson,'who rose and said: voice. He knew Welter•, and he had of liis actions ' him. The prisoner had not yet been "I should like tit ask the prisoner not counted amiss: when he used this dash of disappoi able to break its force at all. The at the bar one question." little goad to prick it skin so sensi- upset him. An prisoner had not even dared to try -"Ask me a dozen," said Hartsook, tive. "Brother Sodom" was the eludes to thioi to explain to a ypung lady thereason looking more Enke a king than a nickname given by scoffers to. the resolutions, he for his being out at night. He criminal. e • • preacher --Mr. Soden—whose manner the witness 'would now condiudo by giving the "Well, then, Mr. Ilartsook. You of preaching had so aroused Bud's Hence Bud, a last touch to the dark evidence that • need not answergi unless you choose ; combativeness, and whose ' saddle- Tuesday even'` would sink the +¢nee fair name of but what prompted you to take the stirrups Bud had helped to amputate, Ralph Hartsoolw in a hundred' direction you did in your walk on For reasons of Itis Own, Bud thdught fathoms of infamy=. He would ask • that evening ?" best to subject young Johnson to the that Henry Banta be called. This shot bl• ugh! Ralph clown. heat of Mr. Soden's furnace.• Hank cameforward sheepishly, To answer this, question truly would Peter Cart}vrig1it boasts that on a and Was sworn. Lived about one attack to friend ess Iiannah Thomson certain occasion, lie "shook his brim - hundred yards from the house that some of the cli 'race that now be- stone wallet; over the people. Mr. • was robbed. Ile seen ole man Pear- longed to him. • Soden could! never preach without his son and the master: and one other ""I decline t ' answer," said Ralph. feller that he didn't know collie away "Of course ;II do not want the from there together about one o'clock. prisoner to critiinate himself," said He heard. the 'horses kiekin', and Bronson signifl'jantly. went out to the stable to see about During this 1 last passage Bud had . them. He seed two men come out come in, but, to Ralph's disappoint - of Schroeder's back door and meet ment he remained near the door, - one man standing at the gate. When talking to Waiter Johnson, who had. - they got closer he knowed Pearson come with him, The magistrates put by Itis wooden leg anti the master by their; heads 5together to fix the his hat. On cross-examination he amount of bail ;I and, as they differed, was a little eonfusecl when asked talked for sortie: minutes, Small now why he hadn't told of' it before, but ' for the first time thought best to said that the was afraid to say much, make a move sin his 011,11 proper bekase the folks wast a-talkin' about person. He coibid hardly have been • Banging the master, /and he didn't afraid of Ralph' acquittal. He may want no lynchin'. have been a litjle anxious at the . The prosecution he%e rested, Bron- manner in whieth he had been men - son maintaining that there was toned, and at tlhu significant look. of enough evidence to justify Ralph's Ralph, and he prlobably meant to ex - committal: to await Trial. But the cite indignation 'senough against the court thought that as the defendant school -master to 'break the force of had no counsel and 'ffered no re- his speech, and 4ecure .the lynching butting testimony, would be only of; the prisoner, phiefly by people fair to hear what the prisoner had to outside hisgang. + He rose and asked say in his own defensle. the court in gentlest tones to hear All this time poor :Ralph was look- him. He had noersonal interest in ing about the room 1hr Bud. Bud's this trial, except his interest in the actions had of late 15een strangely welfare of his ole schoolmate, Mr. contradictory. Ibit lad he turned 'Hartsook. He was grieved and dis- cowarcl and deserte'jl his friend ? appointed to find the evidence against Why else did he avoid the session of him so dama ing,'and he would not the court? After asking himself such for the world'add h, feather to it, if it questions as these, ;;Ralph would were not that hiss own name had wonder at his own, folly. What been twice alluded to by the defend- as his unrcfin d imagination could devil was Walt couldBud do if he wet'1e there? There ant, and by his Mend, and perhaps make it. As life rose toward his cli- ' I should. say, I was no human power that could pre= his confederate JO,hu Pearson He max. of hideous cleseription Walter devil ---once in vent the victim of so vile a conspiracy its this, lodging in /that worst of State prisons at Jtfi'ersonville, a • place too bac! for criminals. But 'When there is 11fr lhul an power. to help, how naturally oes the human look for some divine; it t rvc - mind f � 1 e n tion on the side oft Right 1 And. Ralph's faith 111 Providence looked in the direction of End., But since n() Bud Came, the shut down the valves +- sad roe to his feet, proudly, defiant - _a' ay f vreelt, e:l:,:.. "It's of no use foam to say any - Peter Jones' has sworn to It berate faisehueldsi a11(1 the know,! He has mace 1ih wife perjure poor hold that she dare not call 1 flow ]!much interest •" may feel in Bud: hope that there are among my readers o tradi horiness IIC C 11 G xplainea. • The first ltment had. well-nigh when a man , con - overboard his ,good !ways seeks to avoid f those resolutions. ter that distressful' lg on which Miss Martha had gi' en him "tile sack," wished to see alph less than any one else. And ?yet when he came to suspect Small's villainy, his whole nature T vo t at it. :Buthaving a le vh11 b broken With alph, he,thougbt it best to maintail an attitude of ap- parent hostility that . he might act brimstone wallet. There are those as a detective,. nd . perhaps; save his of refinement so' attenuated that they friend from the mischief that threat - will not admit that fear can have any ened �hirn. As soon as he heard of place in religion. But a religion Ralph'S arrest°h determined to make without fear could •never have Walter Johnso tell his own secret evangelized or civilized the. West, in court, beam c he knew that it which at one tune bade fair to be- would be best f'r Ralph that Walter come a perdition as bad as any that should- tell it. Brother Soden' ever depicted. And second! -hand wo against these on the one side, and And he sincere the Brother Sodoms on the other, 1 Walter . from shall interrupt my story to put this Johnson was th chapter under' shelter of that wise or of Dr. Sma remark of the k reat Dr. Adam Clark, who says, "The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, the terror of God confounds ;tile soul; " and that ,other saying of his : "With the fear Y ofGod the liveof God is ever - (� con- sistent ; but !here the terror of the Lord reigns, there can neither be fear, faith, nor hove; nay, nor hope either." And yet I am not sure that even the Brotlhdr Sodoms were made in vain. On this ,evening Mr. Soden was as terrible as ustl;al. I3ucl heard !idle without flinching. Small, who sat farther forwarid, listened with pious 'approval. Mr.lSoden, out of distort- ed figures pieced togethor from dif- ferent passages of Scripture, built a hell, not quite Miltanic, nor yet Dantean,but as;Miltonic al.�d Dantean •Bud's telling at Id not be conclusive: desired • to save y s a risen. -For Walter victim of Dr. Small, 1 and such novels es "The Pirate's `i3ride,." "Claude Du- val," vel, "The Wild hover of the West Indies," and tie cheap biographies of such men ;;gas Murrell. Small found him Willa his imagination in- flamedl, by the istor y of such heroes, and opened to iii the pat(, to glory for which 1 Ted. eel. (1� The whole morning after Ralph's arrest Bud was working on Walter's conscience an his fears. The poor fellow, unable ito act for himself, was torn asunder ljctween the old ascen- dency' of Small and the new ascen- dency of Bud gMcans. Bud finally frightened hint, by the fear of the penitentiary-, iljto going to the place of trial. But ',Once' inside the door, and once in sight of Small,, who was more to him. tel n God, or, rather,. ed from the eon 't-1'00111." • more to him the 1 the devil -for the After a few 'nates' consultation, 's God, or, perhaps, during which quire Hawkins held alter's God was a his wig 1n plac• ' with one hand and " ight of Small,. he alternately adj steel Iris eye mild leis '1 ) • v ,!refused(,. lust!! to of • � h m» was prepared to seal illJohnston1 t mov� a inch farther. spectacles hLl t e lila 1 i at he was Jol liston trcniillecl from acon cl far e . s s l p head to foot1 „ over ' ,, , • r,• f • utterly not in Ilal,,�ljrCreel:, the night and set dose t� Bud. Then, as burly AnclBud, after a tits pelseirc,lanee, !rates, who arch utterly bcllvilcleied i, . •r g a d•" were , , i. g of the robbery late than ten o'clock, Mr. Soden, with scatgusto,depicted was about to e upin sheer des- bythe tarn 111 > rc c,l e tttkill y �b I gR >, b, while 1 yit and the stat ln(,nts of tele, th .materialists tortures r that ..-air. � decided that ttld do no !farm Ln o c o il es tit startled p� ,1 d persons alluded to,ti'het(lc:'r malicious. the nerves of diverybody except Bud, ,Fortunately, ,-ust at that moment that it was best to try the experiment ly intended or nt, could ftp- Wafter waltcclto leave, but Bud. Small'salls desire to ieitcre himself from of removing' Bt ,PerhapsJohnson Cate him at all, 111 thought perhaps would not let flim. For come reason the taint of suspreion and to crush would then be able to got through y rss' this lack of 'remelt, in their state- he wished to kiiep his companion in Ralpll as conhple :ly as possible,nhade with his testim ny, ' The constable llood lnhelrts !night be o WGi,gilt i11 deter- the crucible as•'long as possible. him overshoot t`e mark by asking therefore Aske Bud if he would p �� tource until, upon recom leneation of a friend, "Young 11 mining some oil '1 points. He Young man Cried Mr. Soden, . that Walter be ,dolled! to the sta'tld, please leave the room. tad east one % pureha9ccl ,a bottlo IIootl'9 8arsa ar11Ta therefore suggeste --- Ile could only and the' explosive voice seemed to as we have 1iefa'e recounted. He last look at the witness and walked ilnuodmaao ma lelik:tatef atY111ce. I l ve eon suggest, as he was of a a;rt to the come from the hell that he hod creat- knew that he lilt no tool so supple out like a ca ti bear. isnee, hintat< n three bottles, and �g 1 partypp p � 1 �'ee► ; ew !,,lair. ease in any way--- hat his student, ed ---"young mister ! you lvho have its the cowardly Walter, In the Ralph stood .% lteliing the receding i ileus a rood appctlte, tex as atrang Its ,yaws i Mr. Walter Johnst ni, be called to followed the c :mese of evil rampart- very language of -the request, he lead form of Bad. he emelgency had 1 did, and (enjoy perfect res' at nlzhtr lc have testify as to his 1)i 3 Small's -.-e tact lolls" -here he loused and looked given Walter al— illti111ritlalt of what .needle hurl as c Iiia Slultll ever vvaq, arid: jtl of hnr. ®� L se Husks sena-. whereabouts on the tight about,, ss' if trying to Lind tis man lib, he wanted hilts t to, Waiter Bud stopped at tho 'd0ol, r'irerc etc with rl0 1 re- , , swear , dr`Vrn'g' l�ri1•, fit, t'iat110Y'1ne'1 Carlo. They Were, together 11 his Office until wanted, while ' ITa1ter crept up close listened to Small words RS to his was completer out of sight of the Hood's t�llls aro tlrolnn and a .elent, a• t „ + fn aatton, y two, when be went ti the tavern and to Bu(1 and shaded his face ---"I mean dcwrrl, He felt t 1e t�l�oul:ld ate r�I�1'�s, coulo�ae1; by tlrc(s (c�i;�al ; y sore! by an . �dt�, rat. . in his hands, the seven apocalyptic trumpets waiting for his lips, and the seven thunders 1sitting upon his eyebrows. rs. l heom nYthat Walter 1 saw hint he smelled the; brimstone on his own garments, he felt himself, upon the crumbling brink of the precipice; with perdition below him. Now I am sure that "`Brother Socloms" were not made wholly stn vain. • There are plenty of mean- spirit&! men like 1 'alter Johnson; - whose feeble eonseiml eos need all the support they can get from the fear of .perdition, and wjio =Incapable faily other come -don o it1ha11a. coarse and materiali tic one. T.,et 115 set it down to the redit of Brother Sodom, with his stiff' stook, his thunderous face, ane: his awful walk, that lois influence ver Walter was Mr. Chas. St. Cathorin� "C. I. Mood do Co., Lowell "Per a number of years with a general tired feeling Steele 's, Ont. Mass.: • i have been troubled ,shortness of breath, pain in the back, and eonsipatten. I could get Only little rest at night on 'account of the pain and had no appetite wl ate . er . 1 was that+ d in My limbs that 1 gave on ;before half the day wasone. 1 tried telar but did not an g eat �umbormedicines many gety perm -neat relief from any 1 V O. U freIN111er.klll AT'11I31 h'.,i furl niid !hutsf feel! rail the aVention.• n In the face, that thn WO. twee Union moots OW A Sharp, !Orono hour, at Airs rick rtrooi. All !edeas are As the Editor has kindli epae0, tar our work, we ask. bend items et interest nn al dal• Wane 01 04411Inlutbele w..a.... �.'ho'li Tie election is OS to realize ,just wllcl 'tornado has left its. turned to !lower. glad. A change would have given Premier and cabin( again to, take its legislative prograln litany, instead of a • Sir Oliver's map entirely satisfactol managers, but if te consult first !tic int form, the present 01 nicht of tIhe polis may help instead 6: In soille ° seetioi placed. in the field s satisfactory, when light of a past recd was earefully tabo form, and Choles councils, Such Slti limited to localiti:c mice sentiment was this aniltnlalous posi tele temperance ma grew out of the lac and practical sense men. At that trios the choice of et the Christian p� duty it should hay( the moral and relig community? If tl are correct, had t the nominating con ;.. so complete, the tr sinister element !night in several ca 1 beenP. revented: 1 sort struck the march, and then in ed that the temper step. When will our n will not to preach, and thea desert Crucial moment wk trembling in the grand thing to tal 11t ` the prayer m platform; but- w nominating night 1 don slippers and then down in their contenting themsei vently expressed ii manipulators will and their issue ? keep out of print, -•!idly defend their 1 but they hie the: and conventions, .11 tendon till they ec illustration of- th world, etc. Fortunately l til9 less. •!,The -clear 11 paused\this ninetet geddon cannot eon s0 seriois,a, mistal tactical avance : may morn than on es incurred f ,..our growth of i b las much more tllall a bees. -M. R. T.\l • partment of tho I1 The idea that li or some other fol not necessary to b more general in in Canada, but it even there. Arcs his recent able p� porary Review, with this matter -c are 32,000 prison Kingdom, and th of thele have be least non-abstanlc theut.during their years together, at one of the health' lived bodies in till • stantly leave prise in health and t sake is equally t prisoners its our tiary at Kingstc them is at ons( healthy appcaral MAIL Mashy o t and 'disease !r but they b ,Line 1'arl.iameu ' and thy. itiow