The Wingham Times, 1894-05-18, Page 61
filtAViintibein nmes
I'4IDAY SLAY 48, less.
It is a curi &u i and interesting feet
tint tthe word -character wldeli comes
Over into our I•:ag lish speech directly
;a:lt1 Watteau (Slimes* of senile., from
the • so'ek, sigttifi('s first the sharp
t('ul w:t11 h sell or at (rte is
ing:avt•d, sled then the inscription or
the object w.licl: is cut in Lite seal or
111 the ti.t', true eitiil'tleter, then, is
the image the SLl •el'S.'.1.1 tiOf
;-, k p
lt'►allh Wt' cut upon our life; 1. say
millets we ells t"r however 111ucil
happens. to taut bears upon usfrom
outside ea lives 1i our control,
it 1 tree, in the last analysis, that lve
d'?terihiile our own character. We
11u1d. the took .Ville.[ cut the legends
en ou.r lift•, we grave the die, we
incise the seal. What are the tolls
with which we cut character upon
ourselves ? '1'i:e tools are thoughts.
As a lush thinketh in his heart, se is
Tne style end the subject of the
engrave(. character depends on the
choice of tools and. the .manner of
- their use. The legend on tile seal
shows what was hi the mind of the
engraver as he cuts with his tools.
Here is a seal with a cross cut in it.
This cross 11.11s the leading' idea in the
engraver's mind for that seal ; and
his busy tool translated the invisible
thought of his mind into this fixed
and visible s=ign. Character is in-
visllih• thuugut translated into visibil-
it , and. sb •d before the eye, cut on
rue lir'(;.—•itev. C. C. Ball.
1vlq Daughter's Cure.
:1Irs• George L. I'iicks, 7S. llc:xfll
• St.; Toronto, Ont., lvi'ites: "It is
with pleasure that 1 test i';y' to tate
wonderful merits of r:. D. C. My
•daughter has suffeit.•.l severely" at
intervals for the Itast two 1't11-1"4..rlil(l.
was steadily getrtiosse'1ee'fi ci;~: She tried
. three of t:lc:.urest duet: es in the city,
butsuist :'tied no relief, also every
„ss::tifit'tly that friends would 1 ecuul-
inentl with the sante I'L';111t5 sill[. C011 -
Milled to tg.'ow 1Yurae all the time.
She was recommended by a friend
• to try 1>. D. C'. and sent for a sample
package. Lefore tatting all of the
. sample the Symptoms of dyspepsia
Mere gone and though she had since
taken only one :SI package the sylnp-
tOIi1s have not retlll'lteCt, Si'fhad
also gained considerably in weigilt,
and her friends are surprised at the
change in her appearance. If any
person in. Toronto suffering from the
sante disea>,se would`like to tall on me,
I goltkl tell them more fully what ,
R. D.. .las Clone for luy (i<lughter."
To 'B nefit Fruit Ora lards.
The traveling dairy conducted by
the Ontario Government has done an
•immense amount of good foe the
fanners and' is, perhaps, the most
effectual that could be adopted'
Issas .it.xt.)rs £ 4eurelun Tickets
Will lie sole. by tile U imago, Milwaukee tt
.St. }Saul Rahway t41 slay Lith mud :IEty
Setts, 1•"D4, toss E ltivaRu to St. Peel,
N1n13eapo•ie, Omelet, k'i'nlx City, Elamite
City, and teams o load tit prautivally one
fare fur the round tri,*. 1:xeuriSo)t tickets
will L•e geed tee rge,, It,I [sui[[[te till Cy dl•ys
front [late of i-a.t•, .•Int are good tor` gc.iiig
;pasea„e only •etl date of bale.
Por f'lrt,.er p:actlettlers apply to any
('t9t11L*tl i'll's✓ : .e;;:htt }h CI,- t.ni1E,ca States
or Ceti[ .d,t, ,, ..t:••1 .t ..1. '1' Can-
t. C
hut? a (treat power of elljt)ymlellt
after all. Ore tray he ,;law a hull attack a
than, and be had to held on to hie ,:ides
with both hands, the scene was so funny.
Atter a tine the annual turned Itis atten-
tion in I:,.ocher direction, and pour
after uxpioriug tie heights, mule down
with a thpinp on the other ...hie of the feucc.
He ru.,ued 1.,e wounds, and, as he trudged
along, the worse foe wear, he said to hi111-
seit : " 14ai411, I'm glad .I had my 'laugh
when ; tial, oe I wou.Itu•t Late had it at
Ili l,L0\i'r:Y's PIT•1:5 are €U1IUIl'able
ads l:ted for curing. )'series incidental
to. ii'ltialcss. At. Witerent periods of
life women are sillj(ct to complaints
which require a peculiar nle(licine;
and it is now an indisputable fact
that there is null' so suitable for
cum plaints atlas nature as Holloway's
Pills.. For all the debilitating dis-
orders incidental to the sex, and in
every contingency perilous to the life
and Health of w(men—youthful or
ager., married or single—this great
regulator and renovator of the
seel'etive organs and the nervous
S\'ste til is 11h1 immediate cure. Their
pacifying qualities render them
invaluable to females at all ages.
They are searching and olsensing,
yet invigorating ; a feels. closes' 11'i11
speedily remove. every species of
irregularity ill the system, and there -'i
by establish health on a sound and
firm, basis.
Fier 1Iajeoty, the (?uvea. ' A Boon to Rorsemen.'-••One bottle
• For flfty-seveil years Victoria tuts i of Bushel., spavin IJinimeet ppmpletely
D01V rei,,.,,ne(i a; (U('('11. It may be I pl euIure 3%
recb)o urlrendiflg the remedy, 1
truly said of this long reign that It . as it sets with m, sterious proulptneas in
iia, been marked frointhe beginningE 11* )(tltloviil from horses of hart., soft n)• I
with strong womanly qualities that' rehoused lumps, blood spsvirl, splints,
IlalP(' .maids' Victoria the iu&.t beloved t [written km(eny, cedes end eFp)'ame• (i
j,alciR, 1''trrlri'r, Murkhilin. Ont, Solt.
lt)tleeu or Ten„ hnid. IIer very first, (,'111.lose's rprugatort, W1111dltitlll,
act as Queen was womanly, lin- I - - . ,-..,a .
111ediately upon her accession +Ile' ,,, , .,., iW'.,� _
i11(tlte(1 a. letter of condolence to the i ri Al ^° �;i ('lw'� � �, yj' (i,�' �1,
i i . tt
1, dr,. . a.•a v a � � � q
bereaved avi(li)11• of King William. : �'
This letter' e11(* addressed to ".let' i Oar s7
cl. Whiling Rates.
Majesty, jest\ , the Queen." Soule privileged I
Ile.': 011, H'al'ing that the young mon- The TInea end Toronto rtlabe, weei:ly... ....e 1
ThaT1''t.s' ' T•+''I. II tin+pl;e. week.[• 1
1l1'C11, unused to h('1' 11('1V dlhlllt\', had '''c�99ura nod 1 nndmt Adveltlaor; peeltly1
Uverlooketi the peeuliar etiquette of •1'••'t'ettx- eu,s hnndnn i'•eo I':eaa, wr.ek1)•,, 1
tlnn,fesl lirrald, a•Celay 1
11('1' position, ventured to .'::pias.. that .1.4.1,1:711,'=:,41•41:111 Afnnn,.nl W`ihtcaa, tvau!tl ' 1
the YUl'111 of al(1111'es i 1Vi15 in('OITCCt. i i ht.If His -ails..[ nit ry n1 N'ntlit viv"kii or dd 411(1 St.0
T T ,t til, I
that slie, Victoria 11'€1.5 file 011ly (ill(!' wrclllr, 11,1•) prcn)I+,u) .. 1 i6
The Ti ie 1 11.1 The lades' Joan( (1, monthly,
entitled to be known as "He Majesty,' •r: rout,, 1 s6
the Queen," Adelaide being Only t11C T4InTi4 :�jlt'deu,nlnnG'r1F' 2 .e6
(ues.. Dowager. Victoria replied :• Tbc;'Islr,• tit d The Live Stock Journal and
1{onYohot,1 G0lupanlon, nlmlrhly , ... . 1
'' t e , hilt I shall Il')t be the fit's[ to T41e. Yenta and Ihtrniers' A"vnraie, bl•wtekly 1 00
remind her of that fart."---Lal(lfes' . The Tints; :nal the Cuiteeitor mid Country
1101110 ,rourllal.I ovies•mnn•x
, uaki,, , 2 e
, lindured rotes with all ether papers not mentioned ed
II. rho assn list
Skin Discuses 4IWO store or . lees I Address
directly re(asioued by ball bit od, 13. B.
Ii• tithes tho fellow lug Skin 1)iseates • 1
Shingles, Erysipelas, Itching Rushes, i
Salt Rheum, Scald lit+ad, k'ruptions,!
Pimples and Blotehes, by removing all i
impurities from the .)loud from fl cum- i
moo Pimple to the worst Scrofulous
1'c)' CAN I OBTAiN A PATENT a For a
sit prompt answer and an honest opinton, write to
Ili UNN tY: CO.. who have had nearly fiftyyears,
experience In the patent business. Communica-
tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In,
formntlon coneeruing Natents and how to ob-
it tain them sent free. Also a catalogue Of mechan-
ical and scientific books sent free.
I alta nts taken tbrougb Jlnmt - Co. receive
slteolai noticolntbe $rientille Amer'1cau. and
thus are brought widely before rho public with-
out cost to tho inventor. This splendid paper,
issued weekly, elegantly illustrated. has byfar the
'largest circulation of any immutie° work in the
world. S3 a year. Sample somas sent free.
6,8 Budding Ldtttion. monthly, 82,50 a year. Single
7r, 0oppios, •3.5 colts. I.very
urger contains beau -
phates, fa Colors, and plocograplis of ler►
76 bouses, with plans, onabling sunders td cure contracts. show the
Fe IaMUNN a (x)1test designs , Nd LW Y0iti , 361 nue ewAY.
His Future.
The boy was all right, notwith-
iris girly curls and a fond 1
another who was deathly afraid he
was going to become coarse and
vulgar and in other respects last.. -
line. One day a gentleman calling
at the house engaged Minx in convcr-
sation. Well, my boy; Ile said atter
a time, what fire: 7o'k •going• t0 CIU
wheny,ou Q'rr:)-w up ?
P110 boy studied the question a
Truss OFr1c:i.
Wingh am, Ont.
Certain In Its effects and never blisters.
Rend proofs below:
BLII1;eoINT, L. I., N.Y., Jan. 15, 1854.
111onlent. Really, lie replied at last, Dar. .I nnI boOo. a s lend.) bayhorso some
I cion t know. I suppose I ought to time040withaii„avi11. IgothimfotS3O.II. et
Kendall s epavht ora. Tile tipltviu is gone "0w
be a..mill, but from the way lma1n11411 and I liavo been otrerld $160 fortis same horse.
I only had him nine weeks, ao I got 5120 for using
S handling. 1110, I'l'l almost tlfraid 1111 52 worth of Kendatl's Spavin Cure.
going to be a lady. Yours truly, w. S. h1IAasngx.
Two Crow) Medicines. •
0,1e of the cheapest inediei,es that 'nor
teIs,•an Ilse is sleep itis sovereigu remedy
for weaxnoss ; it eurent restlessness, un
easiness, and irritability; it will remedy
heedauie; it also aures nervousness. Whet
w :try we should rest; when exhausted we
sh *old sleep. To resort to stimulants is
suiei.:a1; what weary moil need is sleep.
'19,0laek of bleep cause, neuralgia, pal•sylsis
a. d i new itv-' Aiuny Et person dies for want
of ills.,, told thepei..t where inanya suffer-
. r tithe 1 is feet from the very gates of
dhath to the open path of life is where he
ainita (1) „leap. Of almost every risk [man
it limy he said, as of Lazarus, "'the sleeps,
he nail do well." Another excellent medi-
cine sunshine. The world requires more
Y. )orally and physically. It is more
regulates time morphine, more potent than
pol)p,es. It is good for liver complaint, for
nenralg a, for 11,e:.xnatiaw, for melancholy
—for everything; xuake your rooms sunny
and rue:'rful; build your house so as to
moorland the sunlight all day Ioug.
Economy and Strength
Wrt,}untrh4 t'elretanle remedies are used
n the Drains-attttn of Hood's Sarsaparilla
n siwh ), peelil7,i1, manner as to retain
the full ual value of every inure-
dient. Thu4 Ho•'d's Sarsaparilla com-
mies Pt•11t1 PI ?V a,"l strength and is the
only r(-n,slh get wt:ich -100 Doses Ono
Dollar"is [toe. Be sure to get Hood's.}form':, F'l:.rA do not purge, p).in or
trri ((P, hut hot. promptly, easily 104(1 efTi-
. Ben Pr.tnklin Recalled.
In the Washington Post, the other
lay, there was an interesting account
of some money whit* that many-
hied1111111, Jfenjallliit Franklin, left
o the people (If Boston 100 years
Burdock Blood. Bitters cure D)'s- SOOLBY, Alton., Deo.16, 1853.
Burdock Blood Bitters cure coustipa•
Burdock Blood Bitters cue Bilious-
- ness.
Burdock Blood Bitters cure Headache. Burdock Blood Bitters uulock all the
clogged secretions of the bowels, thug
during Headaches and similar con)
An Unexpected Invitation.
11'llel'ely called, madam., Said the
tramp at the back floor to ao lit. e -
to convey to fa.rltler's and their wives
practical information to enable them
to supply a product that will compete 1
?tl`f'"the British market with- Danish but-
ter. On the sante pl•ifciple,tuc project
for establishing experimental fruit
stations should be of benefit to the
fruit growers. This is good so tarc
as it goes, but should be extended,
and more money provided to go into
the diSeases of trees. The proposal
to group counties acrd estiblish these (
experiments in many sections is wise
to have one central farm would
scarcely spread the information so t
*well, fur snarly farmers would travel a
a short distance who would not go .
across the province. The Government
is to be strongly commended for its q
decisions -Toronto Evening Star (ln-
deJ):'Iidcut, j .,J.1y 2. 11
He directed that the $5,000 he be-
ueatlu'd to the town should be put
out at interest and left to accumulate
Then t
a u)ntur -
t . .Pic iia '
n llf
of the
mount accumulated in that way to
)e tsken and given to some good
suppose for the benefit of the people
"C.2tS."--- rhe hero; thing we know
of to heal a ent or w and is to bind
tilt the itljarod Deist with al cloth
Saturated in I'e,•�y Davis' Pain -Killer.
Only _.)e. fir the New Big Bottle, ; a
ialIl 8Tlyi)0ly give at good reason c
why clocks should not .strike when
they are required t:) work over time ? , Maty ip(),()(x). `Pic half of thins is
tribe, ..
t'tletl to build and equip
t. Iuli)
.uteri .t., lthJ:tnlatilr (Nee of Rheumatism al
Rued f to IL;i.a I'a„isttilvunreil 1111 to .3 days. 1
xis artr.,•1 on the livetent ie remarkable and
1Ra�'Afetifug. It I'ermrvt's • t Tice the eittfHe eke
__ the ((..ietetei1u10edi,ttl'Iy ui1Jppe.11'4. •l'lle 0
)(ose greatly benefits. 7e cents. , p
if Boston. The other half was to be
sept at interest for another century,
tt the end of which time tho,State
nd the City were to be (Ittal sharers
fit. Benj•lmin Frank1in evidently
IR not belive that the world was
online to MMI enol in 1894.
From his original '5,()()0 there are
It:u+ r lit Stn ('.•,re i 1st Ea catty. ---i outlr 1
n Ind11'1trial trainning, school.
I hits. n severe colt], for which I took
vtrway Pine Syrup I fiu,l it an ex-
ellent remedy giving prompt relief and
leasant to take.
J. Penmen, Huntsville', Ont.
Teaches- --What is the passive. lmoo(1
of the verb to work ? .lt)littny 17o
rrn.late(l at Chisholm's ,ki'ug store.
In the caw' of al telegraphers' strike
Olt,* ,just a tittle. doubtful who woltld
I the key to the sittlati011.
D. C. Pills tone and rogulatu
the liver.
[i se H. D. 0 for lndlseretlon$ of
. Dr. B. J. KENDALL Co.
Sirs -I have used your Kendall's Spavin Cure
with good success for Curbs on two horses and
1t 15 the best Liniment I have ever used.
Price *1 per Bottle.
For Sale by all Druggists, or address
ems. T70SL?&E.�.?OR/'�'i�74Td399..m:;,v:. • - -ui..
press my thanks for that delicious
piece of mince pie that you f€t1•orecl 4' .UNDERTAKER,
me with ,just seven weeks ago to -day. 1
I remember it still as the best flavored '.)
and most appetizing piece of )' WIN GU �.M ONT.
Pp � 1 tile that ,
I ever ate in all my life. That is s_ 4
all that I wished to say, madam. Par. 5r•xiliz
don me for troublin_;• you. Good
And Ile acted as Ube was surprised ; {L
when she called him back and asked
him if 11e wouldn't wait and try a
piece of one of another batt.. of mince
pies that she had just baked that
Dyspepsia causes Dizziness, Heal- -
aohe, Con sti patter), Variable Appetite,
Rising and Souring of Food, Palpitation
of the Heart, Distress after Eating. } Cure SICK :'1E,S )4CI'fE and Neuralgia
cure Dyspepsia, if faithfully used accord- Torpid Liver, Bad Breath. To y d 1
accord -
Mg' to directions. ' ragman) the bowels. VERY NIOJ= TO TAKE.
' Here is an instance of a fire that •
•in 20 MIPoarbs, at o Coated Tongue, D,zrl
Bu i cock Blood Bitters •ire guaranteed to less, l3ulousiies, Pair, in the Side, Constipation
stn cure an •
.•tl .y.
is the
We are
w,\ t .,•
' ilieS
-•-IS PUnLiSIIF•tt-
TIMES OFFICE, Jo:milt-dins cs''REET'
\4IN(1H t1f, ONTARIO.
Subaoripti0nprioe, $a pox' y ext., in a ttv [utas
.11,11 1(l(T181' 5 8,tTi','1: __ ^
npaou 1 1 yr. I o t1.,,. i :: TO, I�1 an
One 001118111 see 001 540 0') i $;1. iia . - ;6 po
Hall ' 4r ID) w) 1.2 00 6 e0,
t I
t .titer " su on t no 4 i -
Y 01
11d A
1111[1 II
II)1 111
__.i .( 10_0^
Leel and other cunni) alh ertlaements, tie, per line
for first ineertiou, Intl Sr, pei line fore:mil subsequent
insertion, •
Lu,••, untl,•us Ldc. pt, ih a ter first ll serfon, and
h:. pct int+ rSI e•.eh rlthaeyn•+tlt itrurt1(1 . No local:
name will be charge(. len; than 250,
A. ten i,c,nollta of Lust, Vo•ii d, Strayed, 81tuattonsr•
all) Muslims.. l:llaneta )t 04411), not ((seeutllig 8 ltno6
I'w roti, +sl per mond.
Huesca told ',Tonle for Sale, tint exctedh,g 8
I 1.11ur [)tat tnnatlt, Ane. put suhs4qut•nt month
IThren1411111.wli best,.,- l adhed 10
tiprttu1 rates for Iuca1 ail tens u.ents; or 2 o
lenges petlodh,
Advertisements and local n.)t(r.•a n•Ithout speclflo.
directions, wilt h4 inserted DB tut bid and charged
accordingly. Teat •1'm•y am•et•tis, mcnts must be -
paid in noises,
('hien;,.+ tor I enttact nth oils manta nihst be n.
'1:. 1,..•et I y V. mllesda) 110011, 111 older to appJar
that woes
t t j�� ',i ��9} f" 1 11. E L 1 10 I T
l,I' 0 L E Pf tnl'nnl'rlm 51101 1'OMLls lin
WINGt1An, - • ONTAnrO1
rl'r-R. TOWLE& M,D,C.M.,
gg Sole: Agents
{ . : Rumba( College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario
the ,u`5it in I --CoronerforCountyofAuron—
Ofnce Up -stairs, next to ,lir Morton's office, Wing -
ham. Ont.
minimIf rvas,-0 to 12 a. m., 1 to p. m., or at
Reeidunce, D)attoralStrcet,
i P, KENNEDY, M. D., ilL rl, P 5 0.
p1 (successor to Dr, -1. n. Meldrtu0.)
G 1d Medtllet of Weitonl Uuivtrslev: Late House
on paid 10
Luidon General to disea5435 41 W0lulln aan (1 chiltal dren. uttan•
Olfiee—Former.; =meted b) Cr. Meldrum,Corner
i of Centre and Patri(i streets.
Cali anti see fhtlii.
• SFfngh44an• i ) \ANSTONE,
�_-_.—.�.__.___ ..____.. ___._-_ _• BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc.,
rma , Private •,1.d Cculpany Lunde to loan st lowest rate
j Ips �t� 1 t {��^'Lx tamest.a and
oacommission charged. Mortgages, tows
LS 1.,�, i� . k , ,, R tJ 1! ` m proper•[) bnueht and sold
OFFICE -Beaver Block tl'tl.ou.(u
! ).A.1•Y iCIL;i ir.�� —
Josei;hine Street • ' W".ghai;;, Ont.
11011/11 Anon. I Listowel.
Deposits Received and Interest
1'd'oney Advanced to Farmers and
Business Merl,
On long or short time, on endorsed notes
or collateral security. Sale notes bought
at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all
parts of Canada et reasonable charges,
Special Attention Given to Col-
lecting Accounts and N otos.
agents in Canada-- The 11_orohants' Doak
• of Canada
Office Hours—From 0 a, 441. to 6 p, m,
. Agent.
GEORGE i'Hlol` soli', Proprietor.
has been burning for centuries. Ac-
cording to the testimony of the "''y' a� "sseesssssi°'Q 'd"`'""
Duchess of Cleveland, the great WEBSTRR'S.
hearth -fire in the hall of Raby Castle g,, IWTRRNATIOyA4
has never been suffered to expire. e�
This castle is, perhaps, List
'noblest ,,,,.2.1:,,,,,,,::::,,i;,NTi;,r, DlU"£"r01irE�l?� �' .r
i,rcd r
and most perfect specimen of feudal I � �.. 27feal(accasGrn/•!h1. •.
architecture in England. r- R rrLnabztdsecl,'r„ Mr
rc Ten years R'era w
Sirs. -I had such a severe cough that spent revising, 1 )
my throat felt as if scraped with a rasp• t editors ompnl>.• ,
On takingNorwayPtne Syrup ° and over ,.Jntr,.A .
r p I found en c expended.
tile first
e dose gave
bottler compleely curedf meed the second t it I jGim1Nler i4 should 00514 •l;
Miss A. A..Uowr sY, blanotic, Out. �p,ualw,.c j ,i Dictionary. i nu -
ti y1 savers all gnrsciol,.0 It
Your business is pickily,' up, I sce, . concerning the Ili:- l;
tory, spelling, Fro. •e
salt. the cobbler to the rag -picker. ' �n;a!, nunciation, . an.l
Vcs ; and I see yours is mending, meaning of um de. r.
was the (nick reply.g „ A I,ibraryin,Itself. Ramie -me
1 old facts oftenwanted tenwanted con
cernin eminent w
c3 persona, ancient bund modern; noted ROI- a
About two rnonths ago I as nearly tions persons and places; the countrree, e
cities, towns, and natural features of the Ic
wild with headaches. I starte(1 taking t globe; translation of foreign quotatiowl
l3urdook Blood Bitters, took two bottles r words,phrases,andproverbs; etc.,etc.,etc.
and my headeehee have now altogether tl:is• orrrisinvaluable inthe
disappeared, I think it, is a grand medi- household, and to tho teacher, scholar, pro-
fessional man, and self -educator.
IivA Ars, Massey Station,
A girl sometimes coaxes her lover
not to spend so much motley on her,
but she does not .have to coax af'cr
they are married.
It is not what its proprietors say, but
what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells
G. s,. �.1VJer,Piaiff Co. w,
the story of its merit. hoods Sarsapa• ��,'
�' Piss Sera t6s4 , r
ri1171 Cures, ,y ,s, vino,'fetd,llrnas.;t>:S.A, I - \
The only way to get a Ileal Out of '' ��ihii°i�iiitttvto iiilcl:'(iit IN V.I°.:!::
gardengoM t ,•
.tLli• I: «(..:e•.
a is to slow Mit 5110) el . 1 ' ! "^1.d rnri'rrnn:,l:lx•rtne
nl•dntnu, . Immixilfc.,
2'110 Globe, Torouiti
MT the Hest book of its land
r Y
in the English language. For every fancily. the
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members or which have mastered the art of n•a,l• ,,.
ittg,its purchase w111 prove aptofltable Investment. 44
VieTiixte.9, lTamilton, says:— e'
it may welt be pronounced the best wotking de -
linnary and the cheapest book in the world, cid t
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irraV0 0ittiiook$dYlers)xolvit to,)pofr.
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rri•nr/efCts:A••w •L .rt✓,,vtn,Rvtnrtretiro kr: c
Lumber of all kinds,
First -Class Shingles,
and Cedar Posts.
tar Load Orders a Specialty.
• WOOD delivered to any part of Wing -
frer0r,;ersbe mail promptly attend co
0134)11011 TIHOMSON,
Box 128. tVIngham P, n
The highest Cesll pri••o paid for any
quantity of gdal
NARD kip SOFT W0001.006'
aeliv('red iu our yard.
Call and get prices before dispesiiig of
your Timber,
Wiughom 0111
13aIz'ister Etc.
01Hce—A1e)•er Block, tt'inghant.
-s,:� Is mannfactur-ng flrst•alass sets of
teeth as cheap as tu. y can be made
in ti.o absolutely iwith nut pain,rby his new
OFr LCE c1.ranteed le the iBeaverfe l) !;jock,
Brunswick, Reuse. oppoeito tho
Wm: H. Macdonald, L. D. S.,_
Will visit Gorses lst and fircl ll'Iondays.
of each month.
JO DEANS, Jo., Wolin/An,
OF hilae ,
AlodSaeetattended in any part of the Co, Chargee -
JOHN Cl:)•RIh1L, n INGrintl, ONT.,
I GIt re. commas or
All orders lett at the Tams a office prernptly attend.
ad to. Terms reasonable.
] DRUG,.
Ali s
ales attended to promptly and on the Shortest
necessary arrafgerlients can be m
Timms' Wilco ads at the
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mbar College Physicians and.
Surgeons, Ontario,
anti 8R 1+pLE OUTYIND
i'IirORAVR . , •
done cheep as the cheapest mid satisfaction 1 '
gnu ratite( d
All kinds of
feu h and Dressed :lumber, Le.tll,
Shingles, Szc.,
kept C011stIU try OI, .rand
?,icLl AN
& SON, •
iyiughatn, Ilee, 7111, 184111
• (NTARta
Money to Loan on Note1..
Notes Discounted
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il0ney advanord ml Mortgagee at si 004 e0nt with, '
privlioes et p,yh,e at the end of au,, year,. Notbtl.. '
and accounts collerteed,
Seaver .dock %Ingham, Ont. A1foYrt1300`
\l t,
! 'asperatl
Of (;
• I hat
'The Mist of Intellect la Always Gentle. comes
manly, 121st the (ad is Always the liana Inept ai
for iso
interview isawei lit Compliment. +horn
t; YG. S
"When en. Want anythinggo straight pre tie
'to the fountain head, Don't ever Intalce pression
His u,
a request on a 111atter'of importance to take th
an underling," siders[.
These words were addressed to me heard
•s 1 za years
bycity editor
a �howev.
'who know Isis business, I have inter. in wha
Viewed a goodly number of men since guards
and have come to the conclusion that hint to
los advice was sound. mpres:
have found that in most instances to this
where an interview is requested front tion.
a man who has 'but recently sprang
into prominent*, or where he holds a
subordinate position, ' or where he • is
,,ignorant, it is extremely difficult to
accomplish your object. In the first
instance the individual is so full of his
own importance that he usually con-
siders that it would be beneath his dig-
nity to grant an interview. In the
[second case he may be quite in sym-
pathy with you, but afr4tid of saying
• anything which might not accord with
of the Bengt -tees Lltie—r>L. Request for an matter
Sir J
put hit.
other 1
on for:
with 1
You a,
the views of his chief, and m the last Like (
Instance you are likely to find the sub- to hay
eject so suspicious that you are attempt- quests
ing to take advantage of him that your some
real object, namely, to secure his opin. ; pressi
ion, will be frustrated.
The thorougly well educated gentle- t reins
man in any walk of life is the ideal sub- dura
,ject for an interview. He is easy of etc -
•cess, in case you have good grounds for no 71.
meeting him ; he believes you honest un- Purl
til such time as you have given him 144 m
cause to think otherwise; he listens to note'l
you, and immediately grants you the in- torr(,
terview, or refuses, stating hireasons, ' He `'
and lie always treats you with the ut-
most courtesy. There are men who,
-when asked by a reporter to grant an in-
terview, appear to think that the grant-
ing of the request places both the re-
porter and the journal he represents un-
-der a great obligation to him, forgetting
all the `while that he has been paid a
,great compliment, inasmuch as the
newspaper offers to publish his views to
the world at the sacrifice of other im-
portant items of news.
Courteous Wilfrid Laurier.
' Perhaps the most pleasing duty to
which I was ever assigned, in the in-
terviewing line, was that which se-
cured me au introduction to Hon.
Wilfrid Laurier. I was detailed to ask
him a series of qu6stions bearing
upon the policy of the Reform party.
I found him at the house of a friend
in Toronto and made known my mis-
sion. I was at once admitted to the
.presence of the great leader of the,
Reform party. He was sitting alone
in the library writing. Immediately I
entered the room he arose and extended
his hand in friendly greeting.
"Are you visiting me - as Koko, my
• young friend, or as • au Empire repor-
ter?" he said, as he graciously motioned
me t0 a chair.
I replied that I approached him in
a dual capacity. He laughed 'and
thoroughly appreciated the situation,
then he replied:
"I am most pleased to see you as Ko-
ko, but since I have nothing at the'
present time to say to the public through
the public prints, I must refuse to meet
the reporter.'1
'.Chen he began to talk about the very
subjects I had been detailed to interview
him upon in such a manner as to rivet
my attention. I had heard him many
times in the House and.had admired the
brilliancy of his oratory, but never be-
fore had I found myself under the ma-
gic spell of his overpowering personali-
ty. He was frank,plausible,and a -
,parentlyconfidentil.Whee touched
,upon a particular subject, .at that time
exercising the public mind, his eyes be-.
•came brilliant, his face flushed and his
;voice .became particularly clear and
•.musical, When I rose to depart he
,again shook hands and requested me to
.call upon him at Ottawa, but did not
•[caution me not to publish the bonversa-
• iticn•just passed. I failed in my object.
else. not secure an interview for my
paper, but I gained a sincere respect for
.the man,
Sir John Macdonald,
Sir John A. Macdonald was an in-
terviewer's delight. He would meet
;you at all times even though he was'
1—and he always was—pressed with
,business of importance. He never seem -
,ed in a hurry. The reporters were al-
ways welcome, whether • on • a Con-
'Iservative or Reform paper. He would
1speakingabout some
•'usual becin by
important incienof thday. After
.'you had stated the object of your
i•Visit he would reply at once and say
- ''whether or not he would grant the in-
terview for publication. I know of cases
,where he would grant the interview,
abut request that it should not be pub-
lished before a certain date in the
future. Ile always seemed interested
:in young men, I never met him but
;what he enquired as to my health, how
IZ was getting along, how the different
,members of my family were, and always
',coin Bided with a word of encourage.
I tient Sir Oliver.
Sir Oliver 14lowat• has''the reputation
of being a dyed•in:the-Wool Tory. Heil
considered by many who know' him in
ltimately to be one of the most conserve
,'tine of men, and yet its the .natter o
1 -granting an lnterviow he is perhaps. on
'of the most accessible- in Canada.
.;;have never yet left him after an inter
,View without a feeling that the pr(
,dominant feature of his nature is kino
' loess. If 110 grants ran interview fc
1publication—\viriclh is rare in the cat
sof Conservat i'•re journals --he does in
tbegi.n by giti.x.: a lal:orate 3nstiuetion
are says what he wants to and trU
'tmpjcftty_ to the reporter to d' t it
he 11
to 1
lnol l
etc i