The Wingham Times, 1894-05-18, Page 1VOL, Our stock this season surpasses any of out -previous efforts, and e are daily reaping n g the benefit of it. The Dress Goods depart- merit is fu11 of all the l'oadingnovelties and colors. See the colored Gloria's, (silk and wool), double width and grand value. Ex- on>13xvn TO ems smoniu, We have never clone as good a Dress Goode;, trade as this season. Comment is unnecessary. Our Prints are in the lead as usual; the biggest. range, the newest designs and finest print- ings. Our .all -wool De Laines are the prettiest and cheapest in town. We have an exclusive range of Zephyr Ginghams and 14Iuelins, guartt,nteed to keep their colter. A special line of ladies' Summer Tests, 5 cants eaoh, six for 25 cents. Our Shoe stock is full of the old reliable makes; the best assorted stock of Oe1'.grde and Sliplaers'in the trade. Groceries as usual. The 35 cent Tea, a lbs, for one dollar,.5 lbs. for 'one dollar and fifty, as satisfactory as ever. Goode ,delivered promptly. ORR & HIS.00CIt:S, The Only Direct Importers. Trus Been, May 2nd, 1894. — Marriage ,Licenses Iseued by PRAM( R a' i sox, No 23; Vic- toria iatoric street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses . required. }r;, EST [ i get a in Ines a to Place .+ get a Business a o .,� li cation, Shorthand, et,.., is at the Ccn- -trai Business Col, , lege,, Taranto, Ont., and Stratford. Ont, • lingue $ionabtyCanada'sOreatestCom. i nrerelei.el eels. Cataot:ues free. Men, tienials met. Suave & Hien, . Principals. 044 t; see 6�0o OkOsa LOCAL NEWS. —Cash for good butter and eggs at R. A. eGrabam'amarket grocery. —The wheel of be Mess turns without friction when well of d with sensible ad- -ver ing. ik-Mr. S. Youhill, r al estate agent, the er lot 137 Leet & survey, 'other day sold Davisa Y, ward 2, to Mrs. Elsie ughes. —Why buy cheapgoods} when you can h�et the best foe the same ' ney at Mun- e ecw's ? • • - lktrF N. • 7. 'Bitch♦ P. L. S,, Kinca; dint; will be at the en's Hotel, Wei laarra, on May 24th, oth and 26th. Pert requiring his services should call enrly. -At Luoknow, oz� Beavers, of Seaford♦ of Huron, and the r . i 'the champions of which are the chain ties. —Parties wishin o can be sow Stewart, Wingham. Perham bull for service. re -Mr. J. J. Galley, V. S., of this town, - has purchased a Key One dehorning clip- per. This instrurne t was awarded first the of M: 24th the 4May, the junior ci:ampions opshots, of n r?' L unknow, d • ce are 4 decide , ons of the two coun- ilch cow or ed . by Mr. l). e also keepsa merit at the Wnr1d'e 'air, Chicago, 1893. It has four cuttings faces that prevent splitting ar sliverin of the horns. No ;chute required to hal the animals. ---Alfred je Dean, of whom we made .anention last week, :as committed to the Berlin j ' byJ. A. Viackie, Baq., under four cl . f } "ee iso pretences and one .of fraud' ..,.. IiIy sing Her Istajesty'a mail. . net red before His Honor ,Judge Le !a• r tt pleaded not guilty to each Charge, " s t al was fixed for June 19, bit bailg -gran ed to the amount of ri• 48,000. —Watches, clock iiui jewelry promptly repaired and fully warranted by Hatay :Rai*, Meyer Block, Wingham, —We wish it tole clearly understood that all notices of oh veil socials, tea meet, Iva, lawn socials, -etc., etc,, where the object is to raise int ney, must be paid for .fit the rate of 10 cenr a per line for the first insertion, and 5 oer..s per lite for each subsequent znsertio . When bills of said entertainments etre rioted at, the Tniias ice, a notice of s e will be inserted in the paper gratis. t only on this con. dit ion Will noticed* the above ohmmeter be published free. ..--House cleaning is now+ the rage, and nsuslly snit , 1.. rji • 11 the Furniture line, Gttstain Pole,,Piatt res orPictureVraming, is wanted to h.,,,, f'i"l'orate the home. For any of the nlr'.., a )ods, at lowest prices, be elare and call at i. Graoey's Furniture Boom, Wingba1rt. •.) INGHA_lI '�I1 WINGIIAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY I8, 1894.. —Go to Munshaw, the leader, for all kinds f bar pins, ewerd lud a Corsage a pins, —It is expected ,that quite a number of the members of the Geed Tetnplars "1vii, attend the District xna ing which will be held at Clinton to -day. ---Mrs. Helm entert.ined the members, of the W. C. T. U. and some other inviter guests on. Monday evet ing last, Refresh- ments were served an tan enjoyable time. spent. —Private moneys to loan . on mortgages at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to tf JOSrc Neaseenns. —One candidate was initiated at the meeting of Wingham Council of the Can- adian Order of Chose z Friends, No. 220, on 'Monday evening la st. Several peoposi- tions were submitte , and it is expected that quite a number w li be admitted at next meeting. —Olivette Lodge, bokah Degree, I. 0. 0. F., is prospering eonderfully, At the meeting on Tuesday evening last there were five members Wed to the 'roll of membership. At th . conclusion of the business, the memb were served with ice Dream in *'bund ose. There was a Iterge attendance, a pod number of the sterner sex being amergst the number, -=Baby Carriages. A full line of these articles on hand, and will be sold cheap for cash, at S. Graoey's l.+uniture Store,Wing- ham. ' —All lovers of laacrc.tseshould go to Luck - now on the 24th of flay.. For the sonic ehampionshipthepri2riven is 13 solid sterl- ing silver medale. A gentleman from Luck now was in our office a day or two ago and showed us one of the rdals to be given away, and we must sa that the design is elegant. The team th t is lucky enough to win the 13 medals wil secure something to be proud of. —The following ar the close .sensons for the fish named, they e not to be caught, sold, or had in plass ion on the dates named :—Bass, from Oth of May to the 30th of June ; . mak nonge, from the 15th of April to the 15t of May ; speckled trout from 12th of-pteruber to the 1st of May ; salmon tree , from let to 30th of November ; white fis , from 1st to the 30th of November. Both days are inclusive in each case. —Why do you ruin, your ryes by looking at the su' to a€•!` Hit is r . nom, when • v i, :An buy a reliateg:wtttoli tun ilS.:,n, ,.r Vlunsbaw, the le •ta,ty4P• I -The Wingham noon, or . more prop. erly speaking, Mayo Hanna's! einnon, has been placed in'positi n on the park. .On Monday evening it as drawn from the town hall up Jose fine street as far as Mr. Thos. Bell's fact ry, whoa the tritics with which it was b ing tel(ejs, gave out, the axle breaking, an the -gen was left there '1111 Tuesday, vlie#1 it was taken to its permanent qua'ters. It is'said to weigh 0,500 pounds es if it is an insi;;. i nificant looking effai Now that it is placed ' in position, the resi Tents of the town may rest in secrirlty, noi fearing the attack of daring intruders! l —G. T. R. trains for Toronto and east leave Wingham at 6.25 a. in. and 11.20 a. in. and 3.45 p. m., via Clinton and Guelph. Good connections by all trains -At the meeting f Court 1V!-pui:4tnd, No. , 25, Canadian Order f roresttil if ;Bell on Friday evening last, he following officer's were installed by . r, John A. Barnard, D. D. H. GB, of.Wroxeter: W. Neil, P. 0, B.; R. 0. Kitt op, C. B.; D. Small, • V.,C. R.; T. J. M eati�. It. S.; D. M. Gordon, F. S. ; S. acey, T.; J. Neelands, Chap; I•i. B. Elli tt; S. W.; A. R. Mc. Donald, J. • . J . Kerr, S. B.; V. H. toderus, J. B�Th* Court has been mak- ingconsiderap sees during the past Six months, several tnetr}Iiers having been —Ladies, have your garments made by M'„ Mies M. J ht o son. rt Geo o Ic Gregory lc opposite the Queen's Hotel, latest styles, good wo • - always first-class tit. --Mr. Jas, Dn 1 'has ma dmoved ea• into rn o his residence which be eoently purohased from Mr: D. Mcfnnis.. Messrs. ,john, ieelands and B. Elliott paid the Teestvate- Court of Canadis. Order of Foresters a visit on 'Tuesday evening, and report having bed a splendid time, '--Eggs for Hate-ling—From thorough- bred Brown Leghor • Fowl --the best layers . in existence, Price reasonable. R DaaroMr, Wingtzam. --Clinton Newe-B lord ; The Salvation Army held a grand jubilee on elaturda ,' Sunday and Monday The affair was con- ducted by the Wingl tin brass band,-assist- ed and,assist- ed by the Bayfield and Goderich corps^, There was an iuipreeeive parade on Mon- day evening. —Mr. Geo, Utast. returned from his visit to his father, .-t Loudon, on Friday last. IIe•left his fat' er somewhat better, though the physician hold out uo hopes of his recovery, The •.isease has developed into softening of the rain, and it is only a question of time. -Frait atilt -tire is more profitable to the farmer now than his other crops. Brown Bros. Co., the mostextensivenursery house in Canada, have a vacancy it.t this section. Write therm at Toronto, Ont., for their terms, , -11r S, Touhill is his week soliciting stock to form a joint -tock company to ptrobase the prairie vned by Mrs. Wm. Johnston, at the south side of the town. The prospects are very oouraging that he I will be successful. The roperty will make a very fine park, and sb uld be secured for that purpose. ' ' —The efforts to h e a 24th of May celebration in town apJear to have falien and rot' -ie ile will be able through,our ton o1 ' to spend the day as the:; ebooso., Celebra- tions will be held in S ,aforth, Lueknow. Dungannon, Barriston and Mildmay, and those who desire to v itner:s , sports can attend any of these pla s: Wingbam will •:bo the great centre o attraction on the 12th of July, "and don't you forget it 1” •—iltnnshaw, the leading jeweller, has I taken a full course at the Toronto Optical Institute, and has all the latest appliances . fir testing the most deficient eyesight. All testing free. ---Un Friday evening last Mr. Thad. W. added to the roll of triemborehip. The ,receipts during tha time were 61:,129, and there were paid out 'n sick benefits 6249.25 and in special relief 30. There are in the treasury of the Con t, for the payment of sick and funeral and other benefits,. $2202.45, and the 0 urt owns property to the value of 6200, wi h no liabilities. --If you want good, healthy plants, of the beat sorts, go to the Iron Bridge ('Ire' e -p hooses. Increaser! facilities and xpeei in plant raising enable me to Turn superior article in plants. , Be Lienbe best are the cheapest in the end. following are a few of the kinds grown; Tomatoes, +ieverel Varieties; cabbage, sit varieties; cauliflower, celery, pepper,pansy, chrysanthemum, geranium, fuellslia, ohms, yerbena, jessamine, aster, etc. Come early and get it good olmioe. T. C. Gamut, Lower Wingham. H. Leavitt delivered hi lecture on "The Papacy, the Politicians and the P.R. A.," ..., a fair ' audience, in t to town hall. Mr. Le•tvltt is an educated gentleman and an eloq:-ant speaker, and h, "dressed clown" the members of bfi tl e' political parties.s Prof..1artyne, the "rinsber faced man,': gave one of his unique entertainments in conjunction with the 1, attire. , He pleased the younger portion of le audience very much. -_A couple of young nen of the, town had quite an eeperien.e the other day. Being at the place of bt siness of a resident of the town, they found a bottle containing some spring reedieine,,;which they helped themselves to quite fre y. On the return of the business man, t sy told hint what they had done. As j ke on the young men, he told them tha the liquid was poisonoesrsvhicli startle them,and they at o000 knight relief et a d ng store and other places. Oise •tl'sed his nger instead of an emetic and tried to cast p accounts. The other young roan 'sougl his home, where he was soon under the areful nursing'of his mother, and the fa lily physioian was consulted, before it lea -ed out that the liquid titken eolaaained to pcisonous ingre- dient. The friends of t e young men snake merry at their expense ' st now. The animal meeting of the Wingham ♦strict of the li1cthocli t church was held in Blyth, on the 15th i vitt. Ten ministers and ten laymen Were pe •sent. The district has halt a, prosperous year. There has been an inoiease in the an tibership of the Church anti"in mos - connectional funds, the xliissionery trtimounting to about 1.1,540. One yours itislt';1lfi'. Ashton, of Wtoxster, war roto 'inettded to the Conference as a oandidat for the ministry.. 'lie following were alae ed to annual sone rice committees: Stat rrrng,Committee, r. deo. Aitggin ; Sund y School, Rev. I. Melfianteleal and N. Ii.' Dung; Epworth ;etrgue, ter.. f1.11. Cobbie ick; Missionary, Dr; ToWler. .cin enimat d discussion took place in the afternoon o er a proposition 'to change thr; boundrxios of the Blyth and 1Waitgn'cirettite. Ne ch nge wad room. mended. —For zr t, la ss tailoring and cheap P gents' furnishings, try Webster &Co, Remember the place, one dor south of R. A. Graham's grocery store. _Be sure and atte d the benefit concert in the Temperance ;'9,11 to -night. Good programme. Mr. G. B. King b .s had a large wool ouse erected in the rt it of his store. He will give close attenti,o. to the wool busi- ness this year, —It is expeotedthe the members of Court Maitland, Cana( ian Order of Forest- ers, will attend divine service in it body on Sunday, Juna 3rd. Mr. D. Rush ente ed upon his duties as street.waterer on ; atnrday last, and merchants and business men now have no cause to complain of th. dust. eese —A yearling steer b .longing to Mr. Jos, Carr, of Lower Wingh an, was killed on the C. P. le. trick, ni Tuesday, near Messrs. Hutton ,2 Garret flouring mill. —The Board of 71rinity Methodist Church, Berlin, has ex. ended a hearty and unanimous invitation 0 the Rev. John Scott, M. A., of St. llNry's, formerly of this town, to become pester for the coming year. Mr. Richardson the present pastor, has been invited to -,he lfotint Forest Church. D. D. G. M. Coll ns, of Kincardine, paid an official visit t Wingham Lodge, A. F. and A.. M., on Tu sday evening last. He expressed himsel as highly pleased with the work done by -the officer$ and was gratified that she lode i was so prosperous. After the meeting, a li ;ht refreshment was served in the lodge roo ns. —The prospect for a gocd fruit harvest is very encouraging a' present and if cold weather does not int rvone with serious effect, there will b an abendance of peaches, plums, *herr es and apples in the Niagara peninsula this year, The fruit districts of Huron, ]3i oe, Perth,Middlesex, Oxford, Halton, Wen.,worth and. Lincoln look especially prom. sing. An old fruit dealer said he had een examining the blooms and 'he foun them remarkably fresh and healthy -loo • ng. —Rev. Jas. Livingst ne, of Kincarcline, delivered his lecture on "What I Don't Forget of the Wort a Fair," to'a fair audience, in the Me. odist church, on efonday evening • last. The lecture was replete with droll hum r, and -was highly appreciated by those we •e fortunate enough to hear it. His imitat on of the style, dialect, &o., of Rev. Joh McNeil, the cele- brated Scottish divine o was preaching in Chicago daring Mr. iviugstone's visit, was splendid and show d that he is an adept at mimicry. win • , n ll fora —Iwilg,iv ao e altar pound of tomatoes. Never bef 're have my plants been in better conditio for securing an early crop of fruit. Ju to =e how early tomatoes may be pro .✓# ed in this part, I make the folio ' • 13y agreement with Mr. Re t of s, . ' pay one dollar for the fir -t ' of , . of ri .e tomatoes grown on plan .' based o'sme; 50 cents for the sec'. t, and 25 cenifor the third, de- liver his grocery : tore. This offer is goo those whose pi vellums cf all kinds of plants amount to no . less than one dol- lar and excludes those buying et -hundred rates. Those wishing to compete will please secure a receipt ,of purchases to present with tomatoes T. 0, GItaualt, Iron Bridge Greenhouse, Lower Wingham. —A meeting was held, in the Arlington hotel, Listowel, on Tues ay, May 8th, for the purpose of organizing s• District Lacrosse League. Representatives were present from Wingham, Lietowt 1, Harriston and Brussels. The officers appointed were President, duo. Mel3ein, : Brussels; Seo'y- Ts., J Bastedo, tistrv 1. Thefollow- ing schedule was arranges ; Wingham at Listowe; ,lune 6; eI#atriston at 13rtssels Julie 7; Brussels at Wingham June 21 ; Listowel at Harristot ,Tune 23 ; Wingham at Brussel July 2; 33russels at Listowel, ttly 11 ; I•Tarriston at Wfnghe , •duly 12 ; Listowel at Brussels, July 28; Wingham at 1- arrist n, Angus, 2; H'arriston at Listen' Brussels at Harriette Listowel at Winghan August 10; August 10; August 18. Wcrld'e Columbian' Eare:11Uon Will be of value to the world by illnsttating the improvements in tine mechanical art and eminent physicians will tell you That the progress in medicinal agents has been of equal itnportance,ancl an a strengthening laxative that Syrup of I""igs is far ih ad. trance of all others. $1 A 'YEAR IN ADVANCE, —Mr. Robert Aikns, who tel l with ith a scaffold last week,is ,mproving nicely, •• -The railway cot _parties ate giving the nidal reduced rates t a the 24th of May. —,Bey, Messrs. Pe lie end Sellery will 'exchange pulpits on Sunday evening next. .lir, Wnt. Vanst jne has returned from Is tri to Blighted and is considerebl p Y improved in health. —A meeting of ;he Directors of the Turnbbrry Agt-Lcu).ural Society will .be held at Swarte' lints , on Monday next, at 3 p. in. • --The benefit con=rt to be given in the Temperance Hall thf evening, tor Mr. Mc- Gaw, of Guelph, pi rnises to be a grand success. Presbytery of Maitland. The Presbytery 1 et at Wingham, May 15th, 1804. Mr. oreat, Moderator pro tempore. Revs. M ssrs. Stevenson, Mc- Qnarrio anti Mendee on were invited to sit as corresponding mei hers. ' The resignation f Mr. Davidson, of Wroxeter, was accei ed. The Presbytery, while expressing res et that a connection which has been so ruitful of good results in the past, should be broken, accept the resignation of Mr. Davidson of the pastor- ate of Wroxeter coteregation. In parting with Mr, Davidson they world express their appreciation o. the cordial relations which have ever exi- ed between him and the Presbytery, and , ray that the blessi of God may go with iim wherever Provi- dence may cast his lo, Rev. A. Stevenson was appointed to,decl. a the charge vacant Ross was appointed session of Wroxeter Mrs, W. T. Yat Visit to friends in Dr. Campbell, o a day ar t o, this w Davis. victuals. .se e left . this week for is Condon and St. Thomas e Seaford,, was in town k, the guest of Mr. II,, Miss Ellen Sand 4 eon has returned frren her visit to the Soo. Miss Eva Carry left this week ora a,. visit to friends in Berlin. Messrs. John Bi, hie, Jas. Belden and Miss Mary Ritchie, vent last Sunday with, friende near Molesw Mr. S. Gracey las called to Esse Centre, on Monday, by the death of a brother, who resided there. . Mr. Jae, Ireland, Wroxeter,was i;a town an business, on Tuesday., ev. IL McQuarri , of Bruce, was in: town a Double of daej thie week calliugon old friends. Mr. Pobt. Black, et Wroxeter, was izs town on Friday last on business. BBev. Jas Living:tone, of Kincardine, was renewing acqu= lntances in town, this week. ' Mr. J. H. Friend, ::if Brantford, was' in town a few days his week calling on friend*. Mr, Jas. McAlpine - of Brussels, was in town on business, ozi.Wednesday last. on the 27th inst. Mr Interim Moderator of congregation. Session records aver tested. Resolution from t Dungannon and Por that the charge has be was read. The Presb 5cation at the advan Messrs. Murray, t't were appointed to ' Huron Church, Riple cable settlement reg+ property, and report Rev. Mr. Law tende the ebarge_of Belgra adjourned meeting of held at vr Bol ri r gae,o at 9 a. in., to consider for the transaction of business. The Clerk was Inst the direction of the S. lodreai Commission - mat at Wingbam on tl • 14th instant. The deliverance of the L• mission is tis fol- lows: " In the opinion of t e Commission there were other ways open o the Presbytery of dealing -with the case fan by re -opening it on May 9th, 1893, wh n it had beeu vir- tually settled at Rinc ,dine on March 15th. At the same time the Commission sympa- thize with Mr. MeQ aerie in seeking to have his veracity vin icated when certain reports were being rculated to the con- trary. After mutu 1 explanations, Mr. MoQuarrio• and Mr Gordon having ex- pressed confidence in each other's veracity and both having ex Messed iegret if they had said anything o hunt each other's feelings, and furth• , having agree 1 'to resume their former hristian and friendly relations, the Coinrn ssion see no necessity for proceeding to • ar parties or examine witnesses. And wi`•u gratitude to God for the feelings merit tsted, now declare .the case formally clog •d, and recommend all concerned to folio% after the things which make for peace. a consequence of this, Mr. G ordon is het, by restored to the fel- lowship of the Ch volt. The Cotnthiseion direct that the deleverance 1•e spread upon the minutes of the Maitland Presbytery as also upon, the mint tee of the Zink Session of Winghain PrestAtterian. Church." Bev. Mr. M_oL.tnan was appointed member of Assemb Y's Cotnrnitteo on Bills 1 and Overtures. A potitiont by III r Robert .bangles to the Assembly teas orde-ed to be 'transmitted shiuplioitett. Sabbath school The Presbytery t 13elgrave, ltronday, 2 examined and at - Obit dry. - (Parish Netenme•) -Death has egair visited our Pariah and; left desolation in its track. The family of Mr. H. Grain, of Zeeland, now mourn the loss of a hnsband an I father, whose spirit took its flight from Al that was human on Ascension mornir. Mr. Grain was a man above reproach, his death has cast a He hail been a suffer respected by all and. Boom over our Parish. fromhemorrhage, for over two years Now, all hopes of his e congregations of recovery were dashe, away, when dropsy Albert, intimating set in a short time tgo and he died in ome seif•supporting, Jesus. A large nr mber, of friends and tery expressed greet. acquaintances were made. ou Saturday. T lcalm and Harrison vers his sisters he andr rifer with Knox and Anderson and Miss , in view of an ami- Elora. rding certain churchee 21 the death of next meeting. t' Turnberry, this se ed his resignation of An con loses one of [he, if n congregation. �' �' thisutse in f th of o 0 Presbytery will be here when this plat resent at the funeral latives from a distance''` illies Foster, Mrs. Dr.. wan, cousins, all of James H''gg. of ion of the• country t thef`ntst }gOktll },;dews. country. they came was a dense Bush and onray, .8th rns ta t , Have laboured to he p to make it what it is the resignation and at present.. Mrs. > , who has been ill ny other competent 1 for some g some weeks, paed quietly away in her acted to carry out sleep, without a wind or struggle. ,c The very large funeral -n Friday, to thBlue- vale Cemetery, shcws the esteem she woe held in by her nei Mors, a noticeable fear ture being the larg number of old settlera s a husband and grown 1 the loss of wife and • present. She leav np family to mour mother. Experience has Proved it, A triumph in medicine wasattainedwhett experience proved that Scott's Emulsion would not only stop the progress of Pul- monary Consumption, but by its continued use health and vigor could befall) restored: Williams Little Dandelion Pills .win cure Headache, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, etc. Try them once and yon will not use any other. Price 25e. box, at all drug stores. Snlliioni'ki English White. Oils is the best Fiunily Liniment in the world. Instant cure for Sprains aunt Bruises, Beware of imitations. Ask on Salmon's English. White Oils. Dr. King's Worm Powders are safe and sure. "250. a lox. 11esctbfield'enhealin,%'�' 1st1111 will cure the worst cold. Hundreds of testimonials testify to its merits. IVloney will positively be refunded if Ieathlield" Mulling Baits= does not do all that is claimed for it. Dr. Rin 's ;flediral Disr.ov+ miry is the great blood purifier, It will make the blood pure and keep it pare. Cures dyspepsia and all farms of stomach and liver troubles. It is the beat; buy the best. Price one dollar a bottle, six bottles' foe" five dollars. t Williams' .itfite Dandelion } rills. torts were distributed. ijourneti to meet at Salinonli :lit lisiz. 1i ♦ti e this.. tit inst., at J it. in. •-i-- Q Y i � .. Ok 18rr 3- 8t,+t. 1 W ,I at Lac\ann Clerk. �` Lttoknow, )tay , 1804, Lot Warning, All who are owing 'Wm. Itidd by note or account, will pay clto sante to Join, Neu• 'hunks anat once or they still be put, in tuna for collection. Wtt. Dame V. S. D.eatlitioltl's 'lording /lot. SOMA Orr iCl>!t 's Dt dirai 2)'t.*. , Sr.:,.all reliable medicines xr:d the ltiro- prieters gaananteo ease or money refunded, ' e1